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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1904)
LA GRANDE aril "4 J- til .'..'A-. ii, '.- '. ! : .,, : , :l - . ' -X: CV:'1 rfl , VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10. 1904 V MORN No OBSERV ft REPUBLICANS IN UMATILL A COUNTY While the state and oonirnl.ioiial del ' ' nuationi are unlnatruL'ted. thev are uid r Ka atrntal.t: Wll 1 la mann riaiWiitfanB. I Convention Held Saturday Nominates State and . Congressional Delegates and Also '1 . ,. County Ticket At tha -Umatilla county republican oonTentlnn told In Pendleton Saturday platform was adopted endorsing the present oitlcoiil administration, ch acterlilng President Roosevelt as the . wisest, moH-fearless and patriotic state) man of the age " A good strong county ticket wa nom inated and delegates wcr elei ted to the Btale and congressional coi-vention, which delegates were uniiistrui-ted. v Following are deleeates'elected : Two t e State Oonyonti6n W S Bvers, Chirk Nelai.u. 1-e Moorehons, J I .loyi M Montith, A B Thomson, W J Sew nil, Sid Baylor,' T - B 8wea-ingon, Sim B noes, J 8 (iiirdiinn, -R Alexander JiUtt Mofgrmo, M Jaiks, Alex Hudson, Cland Bteen. " . Congressional .James A . Fe, J W Grow Ueorge Ginn, 8L Morse, FW Vincent, William Baiter, B F Renn, O E Macomber, A B Montgomery, James Motgrove, John II Uagen, George Crowl, Zoelh Houser, T B Wells, Charles Johnson, Chailes, Chaney, A S Karnes, Following is the comity ticket nomi nated :.- -" .1 ' , John J Hnllerey and Henry O Adams for Legislature Frank Baling ol We ton, lor Clerk C A Barrett of Athena for Sheriff Delegation . to State Con vention .Uninatrueied - rtititurin En dorses Roosevelt, Panama Canal, Irriga tion. Direct Frmiiiiics and Portage Road. . . Freezing Kansas ' topeka, Kin, April 8.A fierce bliizird is raging over Ibis snoliou of the state today. Tbe air is . full of now with northwest wind of a Telo city of 36 miles a:i hour. The therm ometer registered 27 sbove at 9o,oldok and ii falling rspid.y. lea haa foimed where water stood and fruit and the early veg'.ablea are undoubtedly all killed. . . .-'.-, .: .-. The Court Decides The county court Thursday deolded to grant the petition of certain oitlsens of the oouuty to sub 1 It lbs question of the removal of tbe county seat st the June election. A protest was filed on behalf of the citizens of Union but was denied. J. D. Slater appuar ed for tbe petitlonore.T.H, Crawford for tberemonstrato'rs. Union Repob ublic. ' . r Come West Linooln, Nab, April 9 Njbiaska is swept by the worst blititrd of the year and old residents say it s the most sevoro April storm known; iu many years. -j ...... ,.- .- WE HAVE PLANNED FOR AN IMMENSELY INCREASED BUSINESS THIS SEASON IN Men s Superbly Tailored Suits and Topcoats ; " To a compllsh this we rrnlize that we must place this store llrnily In the minds of "till greater numbers of men as the salcsl place in the - state to purchase clothes. The 1 nvo been carefully. selected altera thorongb, personal lusieetiou of the mostrellabH proluctions of trustworthy minnf ictur-rs. Cahii.Wampold 4 Go's, snperb l:ue is our leader.,' -The values havo ben made absolutely greater end mora Hppnrent than ever belore for the eree. 'i '-' : .: Kobhy Pincbeok worsted suits "; Import-d Wai-k Thibet suits Swell Sro'ch tweed suits Sm'ioth linlslieil Cassimere suits , Uood W'asLiugion t im-vb I Mii's ; Black clay worsted s.ii's An snnrmnll4 eatliClill of In dresslet eave for eo'icit pring. " and summer wear. V l - " ' v Coats cut hi ll.e i e :l hu t-'ii and 4-butiou an ke. Al l5l'.o and double bten-lcd. Evtry garment ie uf lii.eet cus tom tailoring sort, metropolitan styles, highf l-isr flnisltings. Infit every nariiieiu "tif-'inis to the figure, n nnitter la ( position y u assume SUUhlig. tea'f an.l bntlon bo'es mrule to ttitlmland seeie ' strains, long and ei-i-tent w( ar. A'-'il Hud TMiZr tilliifl fancy atrlpe worsted suits - Mlxd Euil?li worsted Knits 2 piece qiiiirtei' lined home spun BllitS. "on; cr.fhli e ats anil trousers Fancy mixed cheviot topmats Fine 1 overt cloth topcoats , ; The nmo in the picture s wear 1 gn s i identical with the onus rt.Hitig.,1,i,f.i..,,, ; The artist clrew !hia;p;cture of mai wearif gone ol our garments "0 as to show you the exa t ap pearance of this suit in a trying, position. 7 i ' ; ' ; . . Yon do rot hnve to be of regu lar p opottions lor us to fit you, . ; Our sizes run io longs, slims and st-iuts, so that we can meet the requirements ol your figure as well as any tailor, j - Ml bur garments hear the Union i.lie! the symbol of sanitary and worthy goods. Men sui's and topcoats $16 lo $18 - r-v sr-s1 irvfl faraTk 'DV u'o on! on the ranges ii A 1JL.I f I I 1 1 will b a few days over fire months, t LsLlLfVF V LU .having fed nbonl 678 tons of hay. I be feeding season is full j one month longer than uanal this winter. PASTOR Presbyterians of This - City Reluctantly Part with Rev. Walter L. Van Nuys. . -x , Rev Walter L Van Nuys, vbo preaobed his farewsll sermon in tbe Presbyterian cburob last Sunday anil has gone to Pendleton to assume tbe pastorate of the ohurch there, will be greatly missed in this oily. In Mr Van Nuys one cannot but recognise tbose exalted Christian qualities that are so essential in a suooessful minis ter. He bas accomplished much for tbechuiobio this oity. During the past year there bas been improvoient work on tba ohurch to the amount of 1696.23, 41 members have been added to the ohurob making a total member ship at the present timr ol 140 . At tbe congregational meeting . of tbe ohurch held on March 30, tbe follow-, ing resolutions were adopted. Whereas, about four years ago our present pastor, R-v Van Nuys, came to La Qraude and took charge ol this field, first as a stated supply and af terward as tbe pastor of the oburob, and bas done four years of most faith ful work lor tbis oburob ; Aud whereas, tne improvement in the ohniob, both In a spiritual way and from a business standpoint, is most marked, as la evidenced by the fact that when he oame to La Grande tbis ohurch was being sup ported very largely horn lh Beard Home Missions and the funds raised by, tte oburob membersalp itself were small and nnoertalo and tbe Democratic Primaries Saturday was democratic primary day. Thar was apparently no con test with the possible'exoeption of tbe interest taken by the friends of Jaa D Slatir and Turner Oliver who 1 are candidates for distrlot ' attorney. M Slaters friends claim bs bas earriod the oity by largo majority . The following are the delegate (looted in tbe four preoinots in this city. LA GRANDE NO 1 ' ' O Ralston, Chas Owsley, 'Henry Henaon, Boott Ooodall, J O dulling, O B Fowler, B Logsdon, J H Terry. ' - v LA GRANDE NO 1 1 A Newlin, Tbos walsh, O S Uunn. J H MoLschlen, J P Halley, R L Lin coln, Fred Bock L Rayburu. ; .' LAGR.tNDENO 8 J w Kennedy J M MoOall Jaa Uo Coy John Slater A Quids A F Liley K Taylor ' ' LA GRANDE NO 4 ' '-: Fred Cask II D A Mu Aliiter ' H Ooaway 0 E Golden Wm Howard. McCully Paralyzed A telegram ' passed through 5 this oitySaturday momlng to K D Me Cully of Jnsepb stating tbit . bis son wilmer was suffering from stroke o paralysis. Young MoCnlly had only recently received the appointment ol assistant paymaster in the navy; He is now in New Haven, j Oonn As the result of the paraletio stroke he has lost the use of one side Only meager particulars were contained , in tbe telegram." Tbe young nan's oousin, Guy MoOully, of tbis oity has aired for father Information and will probably get a f'lll account today. ' . Bathing Resorts " .' New York, April 9. fbe mingling of sexis at publlo bath ng places !iai been declared by leading members ol ohuroli was Indebted io a large sum; present the ohu.oh is ,II-Upn w M b, poiting the mmisWa salsrv. eot ir.,y . " ,' ' , .. ... . ". ,,h ion weie adopted expressing horror ... - at the situation and It is proposed by over one hundred and finy dollars due ... . ... r r - . THE CHICAGO STORE llul..b..a l k. . ...I..Lila.. lt whinh tn mum .k.. .h.i h. l..t VMr.ugurate a oaussde against .u. - - - . ce at Hatjda resorts, tne cnuron nas ooueowu auu uisuura" ed throngh its treasurer tbe Bum ol S1980.82 besides the fnnds that have to In the prao II the eggs r duosd iu a single year by the Ameroiao ben ware load been oolleoted and disbursed through op u1 Of.o rs, tbeoaboose A COUGH SUGGESTION This is the teason when chronic throat and lung troubles got tlirtir start. Any cough is eerijus enough to hnve prompt attention ami it is also important that ths beH potsible letn dy is secured. We hop you will try our WHITE PINE COUGH BALSAM ... We feel that this is in inauy respects a superior remedy an I Hint once familiar with it, you will rely on it as your general household cough cure. It is pleasant to lake and cures quickly as any safe remedy con. Prico 25 und 50 cents. NEWLIN DRUG CO. .1 ....l..3 uutinlia. MliwtllAfU in Lhn ' ohurob, , . . : ' v And. whereas, all tbe auxiliary so cieties connected with the ohurch are In a health r and prosperous condition - And whereas, our beloved pastor is about to sever his relations with this church and to take up his labor tor the matter in a large Bold of useful ness . . And whereas, tbe aclve member ship in the ohuiob bss nearly doubled and the congregation more . than doubled during his past rate. 1 Therefore, be it resolved that ws re- oogniio in our be oved pastor, tbe Rev Walter L Van . Nuys, tboea exslted Obrlstlao qualities and that zeal in tbe Master's cause that has brought our own church up to ita present high standard and will be potent for good in tbe new field to wbiob lie goes resolved that we feel tle deepest re gret that oor relations with him as pastor, whiob have always been so pleasant, are now about to be severed; but that we feel that what is our loss will ba gain for tbe people with whom be will take up his new ' Wjrk, .. aud that our only consolation ie in the thought that his sphere of usefullness will be enlarged: resohed that we nommeud him and his faithful wife Io the good people of Pendleton, and trust that his labors til' re muy lie pleasant to bim and pioduaiive ol great good in the cause of Christ and of humanity. Unanimously adopted at tbe Cou- gregatlonal Meeting ol tbe First Pres byterian Church ol La Grande Oregon on Weduesday evening, Marcb 30, 1904. ' would bs 900 milts lo tba rear of engine. the BAKER COUNTY IS WILLIAMSON Solid Delegation' Inslructed 76f thet?resepf in- ; gressman, Also for Frank Moore for :S District Attorney. Tha Williamson followers had everything Ibelr own way at tha Bak er eoonty convention yesterday. ;- Tba relative strength of the two ' factions In the test vote was 49 to 90. , OoL Aitkin, of Hunington,, was obosen chairman. . - , , , . . ; The fourteen delegates 7 were ' In structed for coogrsssman ' Williamson and tbe delegation was a'so instruoted to support Frank Moore for prosecut ing attorney ol tbis judicial district,.') Had Congressman Moody won ' out in Baker oountv with the counties al ready his supporters be would .have made a strong showing but with; "the oss ol Baker oouuty unless he deve opes strength from . sources known only to bimielf many of his closest 8; friends do not boliave his name will to presented lor oonsideratloo befor tba " convention. - "Tbe Baker county convention by ita St i instruoted delegk t loo favoring , Mr( : Mopra gives hint a strong pull (or the tv district atioruaysbip nomination, twa niurv vuiers uuiy is aliens rsqoiraa, nowever 11 air bomax can secure solid delegations' of Ibis and Wallowa coun ties heesn vm without Bakar eosrsty : It is nddaralood that Mr More claims : two supporters among 'thfr --?Dn1on county delegation. . ti- p The Baker county delegates are : . '' J L Baud L A Btjwgi,.( iOiu Fra- 5 sler, A B Davis. Miller,' 'o'w Hill, ; Waltr Moore, R-T " surijl, W8,f Jaokson , R w Frama. - &'' f Colored Ball "2; On Saturday evening April 18 will wont one of the events of the seasoi liven by the Himpwn Aoade-. uy, A striot'y Negro Bill in which all the particapnts will be in Colored Oostume-A Colored Orchestra will be In attendance. A Con teat . Cake walk will take plaoelor whiob three prizes will bj given- three elaborate Oitkee are being made and will-, bs 01 X.billm:l .Rojnlg jafijnpjei'WV' dow on "rlday April l i. Alj "people in Costume or masked will mi onmplled t glvs their'ntms to Mis . 8impeon at tbe door and all 0 misso in tbe Cake Walk mutt be fhosa,. who. have been members of tha dancing blase. ';.'jrv-v.'- -1! .'-i;"y;;gji?i$; Utah; In Line 7" 8 -lit like, April 9 Tba Republican Stat Uonventioii,ollod to ; .unulnatq six delegates at large to thi , National cunvtntion at Cbiog '.met in the Silt lake Theater here tuday. It was conceded that the delegstts seleoted would be instruoted tor Roosevelt. ,: Drowned Near EUin; Elgin April 9 Frank . Milne was J drowned In. Clarke Creek southeast 'Of this city,' Tlmssday. The Israt ntioaV . -tlon his family had that something was wrong was when thev horse he hail beeri tiding name home' alone.- - After searching a djiy and a half the body was found floating in tha creek. . iej - Mr Milns was a Scotchmaa and : waa vice president of thr Borns'Boclety of this city, 1 He leaves a wife- and four ; children. ' The funeral will be held to f .Another Bl Stick feiterday t' ore passed throngh this city enroute to the 81 Louis fair aoothrr : ' large timber ..which will give oar east . ero neignooi-s au mea 01 wnai oor lor rests can produce: Surprbe Party . Yesterday waa the 71st birthday of Grandma Catpenrer and she was sur prised by a number ol her (rlentts A dainty iuuoh of eaks. ooffee and lain onade was served. " 1 1 . l Prospect Ranch O W Harris is dewo from the pros- peat ranch whera be haa had the management of Jabe Oooleys stock farm for the past two winters. Tbry are feedlog BOO bead ol stock lnolud Ing 80 bones the batanee cattle. The snow is m w rapidly disappearing but iu the prospected osoyon it is yet lou - -nn five feet deep. They own -need feeding Navsmbsr IS and by tbe TEN AUTOMOBILES FREE . . This 1 ffer Is of interest to tie man about town and every other man who ia at all par ticular about tbe kind of clothes he Hears. If you will call at "TUB FAIR" we will explain this offer, made by Tbe Royal Tailors, of Chicago,' who- are Juatly reoognhsed as the leading custom tailors in tha United States. In addition to thla offer which means an abso lately free gift of from $10,000 to 115,000 they offer additional cash prises of $800, and the clothing-wearing man or woman of La urande and vicinity has a good chance to capture aome of these magnlBcient prises. Tbe Royal' Tailors have a standing offer of tlO.000 in gold for prcof that that they ever sell a suit, over coat, ladies' skirt or any garment that haa not been made to measure lor individual customer . Two hundred anil Slty thousand lallsllud, and ' regular patrons are ready to testify to their high-class ami Individdal service. The prices . -100, are remarkably low anils down to (12.50 -Ijulies' tailored skiita dnwu to $9.00. In spect the samples' uf which there are more than six hundred and get the details about the automobiles, at "THE FAIR" Housed Gleaning 1 V. J'. Mau tailored to measure Indies skirts as made ly the Royal Tailors have caught the podulur iancy. Tbe spring inodela are atrtklngly original while the detail cure bestowed on each garment gives it a style, ronj pletuuess aud beauty of finish seldom produced except by 1 he highest-priced exclusive ladies' tailors. Royal prices are remarkably low and each skirt is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction See The Fair about them. :. House cleaning time is at band and many new household furnishings will be needed. ' Chief among them are new lnco curtains We have planned lor mid mmle preparation tor this spring's house time and show the most complete 1 vuriuniB ,i si i oxteiisive y ie cleaning y . ilineoflacr curtains we have ever placed on sale. l39a" (J tiful Nottiiiaharas'. Bobbenets and l"t,en8'VJ - r-jrrse eleani jmjiui. muo. .. rve oougin iiuun at..' and an can vmi. "p. (I 00. i-'P'019 "eJ 3.60. 3.25. 3.00. 'Lit.. 2.C0. J"cml on 6aI? 1.60,1.25,1.00 and : ol'bineV :,. " Prices 00, 2.76, 1.00 and. sswrimeriV in nesi I JLU- i 1- V -T' I Annan laasaL.ju1..M-uaut fn-:-, fttf-Mf-j -W",W V-