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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
J; . - "t 'J lananwaM i . .naan i QUAKES IN MONTANA. OREGON MIST ST. KHLKNS-- L .. I .. I II I .ORBSON - - . hi vaun m a meeting oi ttic ng- ., . . . , , t , are rapidly changing t a result of ths ricultural faculty of the Oregon Agri- official ol Mt octiatnr great amount of bard, earnest work cu!'"r!'l college, the reiitiest of IVsi l'lin, w ho ptrcided at the srs.ioii oi that is being done at the v,c"1. Kooscvrll Country Lite com congress which elected Si ....... ... r, mission ii .t ...:.... i .., - i ... i .t... Ulllllll 01 IBS COUIury, A little ill . ' ----'""- ,,i mini, 'l"i'nm, nio...iiv., ...... ... csverv it sometimes worth million of commission in making its report inan.tcd the pre .i.Ipiu trspr.i the dinars, and the pro.perous farmer i w '''.asscd '"l the following state constitution ami other laws oi ilic tr the first to put in practice new sin J bet ' j-.e,.ed : public. ter methods. " lvlrl appropriation are to be t.rncial Ilipp.ditc. miui-.t-r ot the Alfalfa h added million of dollar. "Ul,e ,ur H,rovi ' ! . interior. who responded in hclult ot fa Hie jriulr..rl -...! 1 1. ti.- .... 'tonne conditions lit rural eomimmi tiencral Simon. nromisrd cvrtv try in the iat few veam. nnd Urn. has!'!1' ." ,H fe'vommended. first, that I etlort should be nude to ft".irl the been brought about largely bv agrieul l'nr " ""de to existing high schools agricultural an. I romuirr, I 1 inlctestt turn! rollege men who itiveatiimted iml "" normal ssiloois tor tile purpose of the count ty and to t ,U me mn turn! rollege men who invent igated ami prtx-ia-imrii us .HAii'Miiies, j uwuvery 01 an agricultural em ol maiut.-.ining course . instruction J to insure cc.noni) in i.nmii oil thr lit autlCU turn . lll llNtrml out , I ..... Ug man uiade ii poajuble to Uiaeover ,u ar,,t- ""'I tmlmluiK buiiue mcth l ater, at the rrccpti .tt hhh m. the robber eow iin.l to put airviBj no oi, ,. wm sanitation, so that all hcM, M fjiter-n. thr I tenJi noun profitable baa.a. " public school teacher may have the irr. !,lresct thr pi. m ,.r, t.. !..fs mprovoment tn ei.1a by nottvt.ion or in aemfa hv nol.vt.ion or , R " '') "'r leacnmu nunc ..( tiiC aiM'b'xtalic c..rp 'iml oin. t. 'iv MM immeowlT a the ut,Ki't. lit the public schools, preenlel the respr.-t. ot the b.ieiuii eld eropa of the fnited . J"fl',.,,V. ! xnlcr t secure thr imtiistets M i liii.t, mmiorr of lor r at the wiuter eourae , 11 "fficieitcy of the aKrtcultrat col- ritt atfairs une a..n.mcrs of thr i. j leiies tin.i rxot'riini'iit hf.iri.wi tu .. . .'. ............ EFflffi OF THE DAY JC:rsy Items Gathered ram AH n .1 u.. uu.M roris ui iub nunu. taa Important but Not t Inttf itlng nappaningi rrom r-omra Out$id tha State. Secretary Root ha sinej an srhi tratioit treaty with San Salvador. A shortage, of over $;,noo,000 in the city' money has been unearthed at Lisbon, Portugal. The Japanee diet is in session. A member of the Constitutional party was elected speaker. The supreme court ha decided that Los AtiRcies has the right to regulate liquor establishments. The cruiser Buffalo will leave San Francisco eariy in January with a bat talion of marines, officers and men for Honolulu. Two hundred thousand Chinook sal mon eggs have been shipped from the government hatchery at Redding, Ca! to the Argentine Republic. King Manuel, of Portugal, has charged Dr. W. Desperca de Lima, ex minister of foreign affairs, to form a cabinet, the success of which, how ever, is doubtful. The supreme court of California has ,v- u4 fhl rat ti r frniK- Rttl.; serving a life sentence for sending yuinmcu uuuy inrougn mc mail A " year-old boy was killed in a uriMuias snopping crusn at t-aicago. Chiefs of the native tribes of Ger man Samoa are planning an uprising . v. 1. r c T.. . . .. lot the new ortMm?.ition I wort or imnroTeineot must iro on. fur ... k. i ..... jocn oi i uisourg s counciimen I " ' l.t . .t . . i "c ne trie me.un ot have been arrested for grafting m "It our intention ,o cheapen the KTrl-' -"ih i '.V0' ".l' '"'. - Connection With the CltVS alfairt ICOSt of m.HUllnrllinno an. I ftf r.i.irii. I. ' The Gary steel plant at Hammond, Virginia City i Shaktn and Sahool houi Topplea, Virginia Citv. Mont., Dec S3 Two earthquakes in ten minutes, the first at S.iJ this afternoon, caused the wildest excitement in this city, the panic-stricken people rushing into the streets in the belief th:it the buildinii were about to topple over. Struc tures tremhled violently, t'laster came down, dishes were thrown to the floor, the main school bunding, a two story brick, was badly cracked, and the ground rent with seams from one to three inches wide. Two more shocks were experienced this evening, one at ;3J. the other at 6:51), and again sent the people hurry ing into the streets. The first of the tremors was felt yesterday afternoon at 4;M o"clock, and another at T 3d this momitiic. f rank Pace, who arrived from the Crater lakes, the scene of an exrini-i !eano. six nnSos south of Virtmii City, where i:t old craters have been mica with water, forming a chain ot lakes, slates that the ground heaved there the bosom of a lake, cans itltf imnlt-llvt fixnrt-s to form in il, mountain and rending the cliffs. Some ot these fissures, according to Mr t ace. are trom a t.xit ami a to tan an.l a hilf ft..t tii.t. Crater lakes has found its way through sumrrrsiMTiri'.-c t. thi. r.m. v . iravgos ox iuri iiwu. iu larnrer u nants ot tti. fir.-t oi thi. .,1,1 v. it.. I . .w ... . - . ... . , ... --.v.... ...... i mKffi(.r OI (H(, miumiou, ana we eon a. though the cllow stone park is on! ,;. t ..t ? ..,;!.. u..- i . 1 Hut fnr our hAItfr knnnla..l,.i. of n OREGON. STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST EXPERIMENT STATIONS BENEFIT I COUNTRY LIFE COMMISSION, By Thair Aid Farmr Ar Abla to O g on Agricultural Collega Facul y . v..vw ..r m.inoaa. Makes Some Suggaatlont, Agricultural methods and practices Corvallis -At a meeting of the tig ! SIMON TAKES OATH, I T":"""""" Assumat Oflica of Presidsnl of tha : Haytian Kapubhc, Pott Au Prince, Dec. Si Autoine Simon, the newly elected I president of llayti, look the o.nh of office at 10 o'clock this morning at the palace in the presence of foreign diplomat, the olliicis ol the A met i . can mid Italian warships mill the USURPER IN CHARGE Gomez Turns Out Castro Cabinet and Appoints New. REBELS ARE COVEO M FORCE Country In Turmoil and C"orhlp liatabliihail - Qoittet Ada l 8ll Detail. a profi Iuini enhie of the field States. A d at ttie wiuter eours will show h.rnr it i done. Totlar we would to withont fruit in this eountry but for the discoveries PREDICTS CHEAP LUMBER. that have been made a. a result of long ,f"M"n ',,rk' Wl"k ' "der and expensive work at the agricultural ",e supervision ,,f the agticul- .. . . . I lur-il ...o ,...a .... ..t couegis) ana ewriineiit mationa. tn M u,, j,, stead of being h-lpletw against Ih PrM'Wtn a comprehensive system ravage of ituwrt peat, the farmer i "' ".1rl"'tJ agricultural schools, far- mter of the miuation. and we eon "!" institutes and free circulating libraries could be maiut.iineil. and miti licitious issued for tree distribution mal disac and their prevention we a" important ilisc.-v rnrs oi the mild be unable to produr animal pro expci tiueiii .siauons could be giicn i .. t u I in rvrrv urittrr ttt ,(ti.-t t at itrnAt. i a b h'v ritii ui m,- mat w urri Edward Mines Say Lower Cost oflmado in raothtvta of woil tnatinvuK an4 manufacture is Responsible laumiai irtnnK' him teiiit wtin s r. , r. , , ... i view o jncreawa emu una animal newly elected president of the Virginia About a hundre.t million dollar hs ! .t R-itTii I iL t ,,K . ih. hft.n .IJis,l to thtt WKAlth uf th nati.iul . -n ... . . I. . ... -v s .uci ----- . I r.tnu-iiiKu woo claim to know I txtoth and rasteiiiiati.-ii iftivt.1 largest combine in the world of i "'' "l-" ay that, whereas .omethmg like , ,., i... , "" oou.ouo Bounds of .. .v. ... .1.. " ' - irges ami experiment stations, the I government itiirnu u t.. m inii tiu national government should co oprr , for.ial rel.ttiom with all gov ate with the states in agricultural cv rrumeni tension work, this wotk to be under I're.klrnt Sim.m thru attended a sessioti a! the c at beds tl, wtfte thr ' I'e Deiim" was sunH., jftetv od pto ceedutij on I-Powrd bv , bnlti.iiit esrott tlirough th prmc-pt! itrrets ol the cuv wlu-t hr ic. claimed by all NAME DECEIVIS MO t HERS. Straus Declare Cjmmeroal ('tltnur id M.Ik is fig fraud. New Yotk, Dec 3? Nathan Straus she New York phtiatuiuopist, bri known, prrhips, .r his iite n-.i'k to every tarmcr ol every state," ECHO TO BE WOOL POINT. J. T. Hoskins Estimate Annual Ship ment of 6,000,000 Pounds. i.. 1 1.1 1 , , luient tuou new r . .1 !.s - . ..-..i. ..r;,, i.... - v....:. .. JP-,st wcn shipped from tcho. the . . ' - """I " ' Ju' O.K,0UlnK. HI ,,,,,. ...,11 ...,.,. ,,. . t ' , I arge v upon tne atatiity oi our farmers i ,,, .u:. i . . , ost of manutacturtng, and. of course. , fciB:rH.L lh. urodUetlveBe of th. '. " ,h" pUc f'.r ,"l"''," 1 O cheanen thr cost to ,-oninr. , ' ' on ol the largest wool Ind. has started Th. "Tl" Urt ion,?,.Iv " m, Av. K-rorr. enhdent that is a (. J23.000.0tK, and employ, 2J.0OO men. wit, , d;'t!s. however, a, the t. Surveying for H.rrim.n Road. lhat the TstbT.hin Zf ZlZ'. t the country by reckless orl lortlanj Although the Deschutes scouring mill at Echo will call fr route tor the cemrai itregon line ol many other imtr..vcrnrrit , a shearing plant ami V pirnvr 11, : ! pi Two of the men who held up the O. R. & N. train near Portland are in jaii, ana one has made a confession The hiohefif rant, tmnnff i: cants before the California board of meaicai examiners was taken bv Dr. a. . Bowling, a bimd man. Evidence secured shows that Kicr- nan got i.wu.W) trom the Fidelity funding scheme. This is the institu tion which Catholics throughout the vu-uM.ij wcic imercsiea in. A red-hot senatorial fight is ex pctica in inaiana. The house committee is almost unanimous tor tree lumber. Petlse ve wi.l work in harmony with thelthe Nmthern I'acitic has not yet been which will he torest dcoanments of the 'ntte.t I ot't'icially accepted bv K II Ilarritnan. frcdina vards we in mc engineers in v.niei i naineer lit smess ol a kim ... i-.-h.s . .... make monev out ot the thint. i hst I Boschke s ottice have received orders the onward trend I !i scey utif ask us to do. l or instance. I to go ahead with the surveys south ot we will utilize all the timber on the! Madras, and have t-K-ateJ the line grullmf we cur over We uttl ,-. I f hroilLh ( uiver ancl I a .. .....t .t. . .1. .. . I .... .. ,vs- . . 1. ... I. . -il iiKK out uic trees, leaving I nioiua v .sen. ssiuvn io prcsuin- , t i i .. i I i. . .. r . . , .. . I . I... k . i.- t ..o..tu '"-4 (iim orusn to tecti toresiiai" tat juihii"ii t..'iio on n.c . . .... i..(a..v i . We will clear the land that I chutes line and the oronosed hue run- '' narge m the I nited Mates K,t,,d instead oi being a worthless wilder-1 ning east and west across the state Bryan is lecturing in Pennsylvania. U" 't-l. . " t " "I, " - " ........... V-IJIIfllt.U t'V.f I'ISCS. I-WM ,'.lll,LiiM V. . . I - "W'r are also hofimcr tht a further I v-allis & Kastern with Vale in fa!Keitr reduction may be made in the cost of I county The Deschutes line will mmber to American consumers by the! probably be extended to Bend in akir.g on c i the tarttt The greater I Crook county, on the present survey sift .; i-....t i- ... Philomath Gets Sawmill. .iture of sttutrtit U-tr:s!.itiOo tft this state probibitmg liic i-t-. -ft i'i -n of cattle ailr, trd with tuber, ti'oo , 'o lie hopes o jnew-ut the me i the word ' I' j si.-itf ihon" uii!rn il spe-ils for the scicntitt.- jfd n it com ntcr.-ial method "t.'o tuiipri ui 1' n'etit i if si.. !r Strait. it a !t.f...ttg and It and I lie gertnt ate if ( ktMe.f, bit" the iio'k la. l-r.-n 1 1 e . i e 1 I., a pto.e.a lu,;; f..t ..f Si. am. Dec 34 - NVt rie.idcut j Vlinrttt l...itn, to whom 1.. no i I i j i - i a no t allo Ii aildrl titer he j ii ...I. u. v on 111. .!. (. mine l -t 1'iifope. !-a. ct-ib:uhrd a IH'iv govern nieut in , ii, '.a lie has irpiatrd (lie o'd tutuoKy i.iih 4 licit body of mril, w ( leple.riit V allot) tlottt 10 Ihr tlair and who lint fujIMrl ..itl . in.-n! Is tn t a i !'!. .. hi in (tie conn. ti t 's politu !lli!o v Not t.nlv has Df )o.e de Jeslt laul .1 eale ! Ii nil t .' e totltulta ot I tie ii itioM. but I f ll.i'ii.. who It now t. ai e 'o-. ill I i -. ' ' . . oil'e a to -ud alt. has !-. it i nr.. . e.t (lout bit r-l i. lal ii.iif(! Drgo In ten, the ! ..( nil, 111 be ell .! -o-dr, I bv tf'ter! i.e-!.i' . tills ate., who f a p' om ueut part tit i ' ii! thr t.-. --it'i-.n nf. M. V . t .i:-. to-Vl k .iirrltor of hi. hern a;nv..o.f .-il Sri ret i f i . ' i ..t l ilinl, w e 5 r the e t . ii i -.'a;. i ob oi'il. that the t htile vt vn, :e'. i .' , i 1. -i fi lit a I. t -u, nl CU'I in. e I'icsi !.-!: I nil . tai't.l. am! thai 'e i l i '-i . SO t.- i- l-.e '. a few lias ago. when it be, .one ite.e.safy (of ling ''r-:.!.-ii; t . .-in t to lake !.. itit ttej, j J lie ii-i'-;tf i.v ! i- !-. -us .. -d a! f -it..tip-. "Ol in t . e .;! -.f- -n a'.. it , - , . t e a ! ..! liter the f .!, ! ! ' f e . f e . - r . I f 1 1 tt a t ho ii. I'l I .1 , 1.1,1 I'i, It irnl in d a.... Ill MLltke es many purine improvements River Bank Inspected. Albany Map.r Nfctndoe. chief en i"l, '-' our una is m canaua. ami tins The new Democratic governor of vuli enable us to bring the Can.v Philomath Nebraska opposes radical measures. 'ban lumber into the Tinted States, a ibany big The president has vetoed the meas- L;k"1 'hf .. he Ur,i( Poetically pro- cor4nty ,$as'sutl v v - v j i lit uici3 nre changing the Colorado boundary Hill has fteeiire an .,!. . .L. - .. - -- ... uuusi lu me gulf by the purchase of the Colorado at tuuinern. GASPIPE THUG IS CAUGHT. service in the northwest, jnd (.'ohm.- miinx ami .sir iia rv. ,,i i.,. ,.,.rl. arrived here by way of C'orval; trom I'ort anil an. I uer ,,t ..i ,i.. train hy Manager D.isciit, of the Com mrrcial club, ludt;c Stewart and thcrs and taken a.-m., the where they Inspected the nirt bank 1 he insfieition was i.r, err, I to.- in, , . , ,, .i n .i.irsii.iii, ot u:r teau oitue at dustrv for tlcnton u ,.i. i. .. . county n assured by the completion of nrourialion for a r,ir ,,. i... W.. , in ,.lu l.., ,1,. V. ..... -. . ' - ? : "i "" neeijei protection of the river I nmhee entii.oiu- ,.t l',.rMi..l r.i.r.l iforu h t in th in g ....(, for :! ilr.tlets to keep t- it when it it and 't!e It Tan!o, nh-i ,;.i,v i'iji '1 :ettlie. tnilk is g n. j t ,r t'teir babie and d" nit underst m.( t'.it i-nte cialfv I'-li'tllflr-l u i k t. .ititv t,r. nk " I ' r. i .t tun i re' v-.-ailed I',, ten, ...,-,! it V 11 1 . Iieert Oil! V i I .tn, thr use ..f atoin' in contie.o s in Die e lit i V It .11 I f I .If v wi .r i-t a nst ituet ii f t ' Ir (, " ! . j t'. t '. v g u'f fi s fir,rfrt ' ' '" ' t X ' T ! .1 1 ' r ' 't h ct t ' D Drgo Agrl, , Co (,.e. ... .. "lOJiL. ...... , ,h . On jun T, I9)ri. tylljr lw rttnoviiig Hi. llt, . 'I,,,l til it 01 per g(, "'"' i tetideitd uni.i ir li.,,k,r,Tr, by tha addiiion cert.Ji . n as Slc.ihi, ( b,,,;""" rnliiie. It w, In-ped ih, tw .? faitie.f cheaply h" 4 with pnroleum fur bgiu .J t, ft r...l for such .k W,W lly een when we m, V f ' matcly 3.n... m galUms eti that the lm.ea;edi':V,i idolHlll nlot,,r 1. .. a....ntft (n th. last .e",, Vra , T, " Ohio il, cmu.n (dy cent of ga.olme ,, ,lf "'7' iippfy .oline tl,,. be li.iMted, bill Ihe dfi,tll Alcohol bs. bee,. UmZ2 fan meet tint ,!em., f-.jr' the a.imtaf rmttiimpt...,, , v in the f.nted Stair, app,inj'7 mM.ttn,..btK, gall.,.,., t!,,r, Cl?g which am pudiah: t,, b ik, iJ tttet. Sill, line .,.!!. .,'" fr lighting puip.e,. j:vwom ;j Ion al, t,h.. ion!,! be (i4 farm id II,.. ..u-t, ea.h C would te-iu,r for .tl)aM4 iH.ivi bnthrl. of M TL'"- thai now grown II ma., brna astts te thi .Viimtfitm g,'l. of tZ WOllbf rr.,U!. ilQ,H)t!Q (Uhlwk U.iisMi.iMKi an,, buteate w sent uver tht now ,ilt ; ' '"""I. o- n fa i iiyay amount la but to.. ..i.i.vo g.: I thrl or f lam al.oho) i ( tlftHj ; product, formed by the lrfiBeait;f .of salt. nit kind ,i ,(,k.ti ihftwf, u, 'agency l yej.i i-.ln,m f)ttf ll(th It fr.di y i i, 6,4 git by rithrr nc, a! ,)f (. metti tniienaft b t, (iinttia sasr. b'e nuaiililic, ,f r 0 tl i or tit mxy be llti r 1 f ) fnknta; bo! 1 he ittoie ittin ofiini i.sitr '" '" I the noi'i f.!a't laite. an. Jf , ! ifatuiMeM i irt'tt his le lio'n 'in itf (k t.cftttatif from th to.tit, ( j en a. (fotti ( , i , el rr i 1 ir !", sir i , -J f'1' t It vt iter rent aInSrr-. a butkl eA sm t es f fee ,if-! , , i j 1 1 , M , l. ' e , i i,;,., ,r " J n in ft e j f g e a1 i't IT rrm, in I' f ft. o h I i . -1 I is e ; e t he turbid J! , -Xt tn'k nnii'.r te V. . the f (I . I I' He lo ll t'-e If rat I V an 'it n by !.i TOYEO WITH A FORTUNE. Taft denies that pointment beside that of Knox has oeen oeciaea. Iiased a biif tract of timber near Phi- iomath. the company will establish a big sawmill on the Corvalhs Sc hast em railroad, b ur miles wet ot Philo math, on Woods creek In this deal he Noon I. umber romnauv h.i cured between nut) and Ono acres ot istall.itiiin of the saw- Field Too Large. Cracks Jeweler's Skull, but Prompt Alarm is Effective. San Pmii.-i.i-,. Ti.. .1-. c; The rtuiboat Hi tvttiet. ...-a.a lf-,r.,,, - ; . .- .. in the Delawa e r ve'r has bee , f oat er . timber land I i,h & Hodges, f ,M- ed undamaged j! ' ' "' bospitaJ with a bany. who have been selling out the iov,u,co ituii uimgni as a result oir-" ' 'i"n wikou nun grant. .v.. : rr,"'."' "... me attempted robber v of . n'are ,t lr "'":'-. ""n "ansier ncrc .II r' , " mcm r,gnt 01 PP business i hee....l .t ,.'.'...!,. i. . " V:" " ork r begun on arrange I . imeiits r.r tne Robher. r,iA.A C... o-. V"-V ," K'1P'PC Out- m II Ceres, 18 miles from Lincoln Neb :h ,'rr"ri'ed this city t and secured m nrm ' 'lr '? ' All immier. t.. t-.:. c .i rl,!1""?" Ms! ''"""'ill -Because of the wide from laoan are in h ieT.n.,.-j I.T. . ' . an area he must cover in C rook county. bv- ntlieUV T,f .k . ' J prerentitfl tnat he arm also necause he has no c erica By otticiais of the two countries. -;ir(r.-i to .urebase a r.n ,lm,n, assistance to aid him in the perform- The British house of lords has i .l' u. ,',"1','r di-pl:.yet the gem, ince of his duties at the county scat. Dased a measure reel, .1,-. .... i" .'ittt-mpt!-d to iir.'tb if :nt,t R. A. Ford eountv tnneri,o, . f e.T " t"c worn -iru.L- II .. '. . ... ... , ' ' '-".is.,, nay irotn iu hours to nine hours for . . ' , . " A '-cti .it ut gts-iscnoois, n;is announced that hence- miners, i ne time is counted from the 11 ... . " a . I "t paper iiortn ne win puniisn his appointments time tnev leave the i,rf,r. :n .1 . - mi- action ui 1 .,r i.... nn advance, the same as , to th. return which makes practically an I m"" !,u'". ""t entirely avoid the pal bishops in church matters Mr eigbt-hour day. I '', which -nirk him on the side Pird is now compiling mt first of five Taft tars be will .k. t " ".V.. :-". " " "'e '" , " eanal ann'uaJlv .e jewei nowevt-r. and retained a. '."' '"" twenty schools to be 1 , t'tnv. mouKij 10 give the 1 .'siieu uuring t.innary . umiu riiiiirt at, ii,. .a. . 1 ' -A .J .1 11 r.-.iiii-ri i.t Trie rn.iitpu r..t - -a uuaucjiiiiiii 1 . - , , - ..'.(o.iv 71 irom a prizengtit. I . ;,.t,T a short chase Holland i. anirrt -;,, i. a-... . . ' ' w:!." r'-i- ased trom the peni- th 7...I..1 n." ' l1") UCCCItlhcr 3 .. - wvw,.,oa v-nat ru. New Electric L'na Proitctad, Oregon Civ A new ele. tri.- I,.,, 1 1,, to connect i 'reg.m t.ity with the rich Molalia valley in Cla. kantat l outitv with a southern terminus at Sr. .it'. Mills on flutte creek h.i hern nie,,r unrated by F. M Swift. David I. or mg. a civil engineer, formerly run neeted with the Southern Pacific, ami A !'. Clark The road t. .e U.. as the Clackamas .Southern haitita. company, and it is said that the rigli! of way and final surveys have been prarticany secured lor the line. Laborer's Ch.ld Amuses Herself 40.0O0 Diamond. Omaha, Neb , Dr.- '.'! ,Yi"nm Aheatn. a labotef, walked int., the lewelry st-.rr ot 1 .out A I! ,tche.ft i. . . i . i . . halt as targe as a hen e!K. whi h he I. ,,l Lr.l ... . 'i . .. . 1 is' . !: a. til- U ftlrlil I , I. e IVi trel, .f e.h. e-l II. - red I 't .- I b Mr M ' e a I i I i 'ii-i'-'e in ! n I ... i ' r t It was ill t r. e if I't It ' r ' t ' It fss't II .?!.(,. e.i'.to si il r l eti'l n. irtiiwii S i -f ( 1 is, ' ' i tr- III' 't fef (1IK ;em ' rt C--Sfi'sr! '! rMk4 ' ' ' II till "st rr l4 m a I IKS ft it . I 'I reaurt d i ir w bo : rt m (.- ' I Library Is Assured. Pendleton ---Not tn st-.p until thry have raised at least 3,oon for the li nrarv is the determination of tin Denv For three months Ahearn arned the diamond aroint !t l.ts p ., ke Althoiit sn.perttug the . jf ,,( the stone .,-, il,, ,i, . ilioiid is worth at lea.t f loxi't, 4n.i probably ttiofe Ahearn w.rke, in a gravet pit an d one lUy saw a t!..tie .o di-'lefri.t '(, ,. the others that he pl,,l j. ,, arrird it .,r in,! a, 4 ,, (, 'j,i' . I arr he gave the .s.,r to hi, ,oV daughter to play w,;,, ,,) f i,,.,," in an rtiort to makr it round s , n ,..., 1UI1IB l...t S I. ....... women oi uie city ami at this tune I " "roar on a !iini"ef Aheatn, u i tney are already close to the coveted I ne cirirnes. o t he ,-i,i.i ... t K"ai rrom stinsrriiitions irum mem Tha Ameriean consul atopped a mu i rucru, c.oriez, nonduraa. B:ggy's Death Explained S-,., I. : .... . a -i:.i, . ' 'n' '-to. uec. 23. i ne cor !- in... " I " -. ll "IS jury todav V S ted the ai r irinrr Dili nnr rtisiih due.. . I . . , ' - - done. to vi,.-w the police launch Patrol rom which ("!.;. f , t n..i: t:ir . ... .....i , .jtii.1: iiuam I rinsh papers censure Hoosevelt's '.; bt overboard on '.TrVr -r -n If c . I I s ...-.... ,.K a-i.nnii papers censure Koosevelt 's I ' . as overboartl on the outburst of vitupt-ration and alienists I "V"' K"vember 30. It i believed mtv hft id maI Ithe lllrv ..-ill i..;.... :.. ...f. . f Winter Cours. s in Agriculture Winter ee,nrsi-ii in airrieiiltnew k.n. ifeomrt an important factor in the ag rieiiltural dftvehmnient nf th ...;,. The attendance at thixe e,.r,.. ... . i... varioua iitr,'ieii!tiirnl e,.l!e... ,.t n.. eountry probably exeeH in ni, thnso students taking regular course o innTrneiion. nni thev r, "dly doing more for the immedintn d" say be is mad. Attorney (jetieral Bonaparte th'inkn s.r.nuieiu enuuin nave the right j.jroo, in auu-iruBi cases. a Montana man has been found guiuy oi hlackmaniig. The evidence i-ruiTO tnrougn bis bad spelling Tl. f I- ... dusqian government seized a tuning vessel from Tacoma tor iolat tag the laws. A fine of 1,000 was im posed. A sehooihouse at Altoona, Pa burned, causiaig a damage of $100 000 At the time there were 600 ehildrea in the building, but all ecat.ed. Count Iloni'a family is reduced to r- Castro refuse, to believe that bis pen pie have rebelled. Officers of the battleship fleet were banqueted by the governor of Ceylon. I-oa Angeles business men have or gamied to eradicate racetrack gambling ia California. Turkey; has passed into the family of trea nations, the sultsn opening parlia went amid popular enthusiasm. tiaT1?."' nia lon tb tln -aHevr ""Hi rs reported " th tmperatnre has dropped. Zi,..Prineipal of Waaoingttm girla- lhn ' F" neniea the Benresentatire nt , teroats of this eountry and Europe will Beet in New York ts orgaaiae world A North Carolina legre about to be oangea rernsoa tn attentioa of a min Istor, sayiag he wanted to go ts hel for a special purpose. Raron I? risen l i . . ... ...,.. iiu.i9nauor to the United States, has started for ms post, atter an absence of several months. . " i" ut inrvt ' the jury will bring in a verdict of nr. cidental drow made by boatmen that the launch rolls easilv J .1.-.. ; .ii -"' .1 crs,a,e Ior ;, man to fa over the uie. It IS )(-.'lever! t v.. ..r.. ...ill ...l... - . .. . fu,7 one into consideration the ,u,.,;i.;i;, .u... it- , , - i '..ii,, y i ii a i b'Kfry struck his head on a ringbolt "-'"-"-'J iilttrrjcck as he fell. Canada's Poor Better Off. Ottawa, Out., Dec 2a-At.h. h the indufrir.l ,h.,,r..., i.... , "s -ssioii last summer Kent many laborers out of work and usc.i rouen wam. there will not be o uiusn sunering among the poorer laiCfie in J . I ' " s-niaoa mis winter as there was last. Such is the interesting re port Of Condition in tt, 1 - received here today. The reason for this unexpected atute of affairs i, the fact that the new immigration restric tions lave Irer.f e.i.i .t -- I. . .... , djuij;, many foreitftier an.l I. i ' ,,, .,' ' largely among the penniless and friendless new ar rivals that most distress was found. Lumber Combine in Minnesota. Duluth Xflnr. Ii... -e. talked r, i , .:vr e n,"tn u, 'v" voiiii.uie mat has 1" fr"-''"ls; came to fui develop- enent here t.l.. Tl . . .1 1 "e comuine is the os powenu factor in the lumber e, A, t"'"- comro1 3,000,0,10,000 eet of lumber III the nortliwe.t I. iil also control the Duluth & Rainy Lake ra, road and a fleet of 70 grc jaketambe, vessel.. Its assets? alt he name Vf t-""n5"ed al W'1,000. The Claimant to Millions. COmpanv at Kenr. . .u:a . "lc fr , u v . l"iru claimant ru h?re of the estate of the late Christopher Springer, said ,o be J ijar long ennr-. The farmer mlrino tlir-w. courf-i have reached mature yam; they own their own farm, most of them, and thee iia nhle, n ..... praetiee at one any new idea that they mar gn ai ine college. $30,000 Headgates. Klamath Falls. The California Northeastern Railway comnanv is spending I'lO 00o at !he channel into lower Klamath lake in the construc tion of a gigantic headgate of con crete and rork :i well .i. tracks, warehouse, depot, etc. The headgates are built in conformity with an agreement with the reclama tion service, and are to be used in bership fees and from the sale ol tair combined, about fl.SOO has been rsised fe.r the lihrnrv filnrl If i r. timated by Mrs S. A. Lowell that the receipts (rom tag sales will reach $200. From membership fees the sum 'if $Vi will be realized La Grande Land Takes Rise. I.a fJrande --The price of laud in the arid sections of this valley is now ItO'l per arre, where formerly it was Disposer) oi netween sj.. and f ill account of promised irrigation. Ther!''1!'' ''' K'kP 'at thry market is dull, for there are none nf 1 r"" ,.hr f the Inpio, the landowners that rare to nan uith their holdings. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Win- stem, tll'ilff tl7e - elnl. Die: fife. 01c: red Hi,- in fold, O.'lc; valley, (lie. flat Vo I while 115. ner le... uav iimoinv vvn amette v.-, i..... ... ' ----- -"""i imr oi n per ton; i.asiern Oregon timothy, p.. - till .;!,. 17. rl,.....e 1 . ..UOf.. "'I rri'H ,,, ..ii.iii.i, ai:;iri. line nieces to It.e ir.... ...!... .1 stone was pronounced a re., diamond Orders Whiskey Dtroyd. lialiimorc, M,, Dec ?; I he f case of seiure of itl, .1 . pure food a. I whi. h ,, ,, ,, here last fall, was ,,y ,,,,;!. ,, pose,) of 111 the r nited Slate, dts'ti. i court, w hen it u. .. .1.. ... 1 .1. . .. whisky seied, ',0 birrels, be destroyed 'd that the make,,, ,b, Ilistiliety,,. ,,f v:... , . i. - ,1 .rant he reronrr.1 ... - I ... . . ,., , '.' o. ior in MIOI uililer bourbon ' ithiu 1 1. 1. .. - 7 ... .11. n I 'I I f nig the e, the government that the was the product l molasses, an, m,t bourbon whisky They 8mugs;lfld Chinese. I.os Angeles. Dec 2.-.. After to minutes' deliberation a j1tv ... I ram ncf. ( havrs, Vgiiario and Salvador r,. I .'I; grain hay, tVi'u II ' charged with smuggling Chinese la prints Annies. T.'icOi : ?. or l.r... I horer. ... r,... .1. . pears. xr uyv boX; gr n,U c. y fr o n o" p d ''I ) 11.10. ter crate: riuiner stool 9-. , . V c " "l .'"'uV. reliirned box; 'cranberries: f l,"t r.oOf I t So tire I the 111. 11 L '"" M barrel; persimmons, tUaW,. tale,,, ,, to S,, I -r. , ,,,",,,1 V'"! Potatoes-mio, on,- ner eu, . . . I - .. .. '"'"'lino, and had p..a,oes. ,Scper lb - ' ' onions, io 1 a:, per hum red bs them -it I.,,,,,; 11 ""-" "n Vegetables Turnips. $.25 er si, k- ,0 ' ,' " T l.ei. carrois. ft- i,-ir.,ii,,. ti ,'. !...,. I y". '"" n roirol.oraiion . - - ' , I'", ... ui -11,1 II in. 1. . .. ' , ... ... .1 11011 service, aim are to DC used iri ''' norseraiiin, n'n 10c per pound p,i . a. draining the vast area of waste land artichokes, uOC"r,l dozen; beans. 1.10; ., rro" onanrig Started and 'lulc and Lower Klamath bikes. "' l"'f pound; cabbage, Horllc ner I. K;ns:i I Hy, Mn , 1) I he derio! :nld warehr.HK.e nre built to take care of the business wnue tnat point is the terminus. 400 Birds at Show. Dallas The second annua! show of the Polk Coiintv TVallltrvrniera' soeiation was held here last week The attendance was rather light, ow ing to bad weather, but otherwise the opening day was successful, Nearly 400 birds were entered by fanciers, not only from Polk county, but from many of the neiahl.nrln.. ... ', - , ----r, ....... ..iH I'Jtllltlf:!). The judging showed many valuable r.nncr uixon 01 Oregon City acted as judjje. Valuable prizes, do nated by business men, were given. pound; peppers, I.Wv.ZOc per pound; "1 W l'''"sioiis among innim ,., i' - j 1 s o, comnanv Tl.. .1... . . . ,i- lI.OI pumpkins. Ko lie tier 'nmitid' rn.litl...' I P''ye of Mc per dozen: soiii.-icli. 2c worked out by Mr V! ms, itj'f lot: per pound; s.ii,isli, ' " "nniai fiisinirseincnt the fj,i 1 fc per pomid; tomatoes, soCo 1 7s P"'''"' "' "" Irs than looooo" it i, utter City creamery, extras, 3c,) eMecled, and this will be rapidly 1' f.tnev r.iiltl.l. rr,. ......r., 'i.iir.. ... I 'Teased. ' ' Castro Cioe lr Hoap.lal I t. I I , . , , ,,,, ' ,.r i 1 , , ,, , ! ' ' " a e "I trat:ient AMtHlCAN POMPHI fOUNO Ar.ona t r.tiOr. , tt;f.,,i Cly ol Crl 8,e, V. '.' 1 n. Dee n n ,m,((,-, ''"'!' It ts Kf.d.nUv bei.u -!. i l-ghl. a.rordtng to t!u- annual . ol I'b.riet i U .,!,; ,. .J(, d the Sm,t.rt,.,n Jn 1 .,.. I Mder 1 ..naf r t .,,,.! nf'-p'i 0,1 .tl. the w-n. til r.-asatin ;"' fl'""" buried , ,'v It (a.,, tan I I. m if Mot.,., e V, , )...,, ., , !'- fed by Df I Wa'ler I oakrs Al ready a inimher ( ..h.i hue nee disioterrd, (ml the largest one is-aval,-, 1 lUifitig the year a btldd "e: .nn !!-! .,u with r ,, ni.ii.sive ..h, ri.f ..rf a . , ,11 1 ue . enttai 1 1 the,, 1, j ,r ,( ao' d by the I'll,, , l,,,l, .. ' I l. v-. ., f Mollletlll.a ' I be ,hi. .. I",.. I. f in, I., were -.i,, ,,, . ,, note fsieusiie than amnipalrd Oaring Orl.lgs Planned. rw I),,- J',' -Afirr the ' ,.( (, ,, ..Ivan, e.l (under with ii, irrmm.,1 st..,.,,, a(ll other lliiprotrniriil ,., tl;1, t.Ai Hll!l "HI lie sl.,f!e, )(or jr,,ln .(.f,,rr, .i,)..,. I. .i. ... , ' i li'lk. Ill oiecu. .m.uiy, , !,., ,,,, tindge 1 s Planned 111 .,1 . . be ..lie ,,f Ihr ,,,,,,, .1. , . , . ...... ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,r lllalk.lblr rllgilirrling SIM,,!,,,,- rv,..f l-roposed , ,,e :,,pr(-, .l be thtre M1,e, K , , ' ' I naiinel, with tt)1 rm,r. ' icri in me (, Test for CruUnrs' Coal. '",'"', H I , D,-c :, -Ibe ,ee triii rrncr t't.. . . ... , ' in, v tinier anil iiir miiiKh:im. w ut h are I...I i:,r .1 ... " ' . ' "'oiigll . . , , '"" "".he the illative ... y 01 1 lie iniiiine and Id ii,rn i.ltilltf vn,'. ,,l ... ! 1 " ' iMiu.s, win or given - ..... ,oK ,,,, ;,, .,.iri.t , 1 1 If I MO f .III in ,.m . . t . -I ti,-e I i 1 ," MI"K '""I rtidiii -"h will be sent 0111 u..l. hiinker, full, .,0 ,,, ,(M, w ,((, 1.....0 ... mane a run ,, "000 ,j,. r-fiiriiiiig bete Hie coal remaining ,ii be sveluhe.l 1.. ,l,.i. ...:.. . .1 " I'oiisiimed. Paper Mill la Promised, foany A.,PaP,fr mill is in prospect ar. reHTl amJ " "res,;U are realized county will have two ?iw 5C. ..""P'Ttant industries. The 7. i"'iigrr, saia to be r.n.:. . 1 ' ")' On Ik aerman baron, who died leavimr nrrm A big paper mill has been f worth s.0,00,000 Dnsr enternrii.. a ieaa- m . sprouts I'i He lilltt ............ , n -., ..,',; )7c; fancy outside creamery, 32407 a.ic per pound; store, IHiy'SOc, r.ggs Oregon ranch, 00 12 Jc; r..isiern, jntri .i,-,c per dozen. rouitryiiens, KKriic per pound; spring, large, inifnUc; small, iMij l.'Hc: mixed. 10r; flllflfU 1 .ai 1ta,. Veal Kxtra, 0(5 10c per pound; or dinary, 707 He; heavy, Sc. Pork Fancy, 74c per pound; large 64oi7c. n Mutton sroflc pPr priunil. Hops 1908, choice, 7ff74c per pound; good prime. (IrJtlJc; f.-.j, pril,,er Teased. Transport Shorlaira . ne... Washington, Dec. 8,... ,(,rk f',,rf ary vessel, for the p, rpo e , , nr,.l,i. : V.. .7 ",0 "''""is , 7 ' f"'"ry. accord- W to the report of General Ayh'. "hire, ntlfirtcrmnsiee ,,e.,...i ..1 '., rmy. mail, public today. The rep 1 j-OMrage the buildi,, of ship, , Herrlck for the Treasury, Atiuiista. C.a n.. i ti. . , m.. .. "" nai tor- e.!'vTr.M'f?" T. Flerrick, of Wool-Kastern Oregon, aver,ire ' Ohio 1 V?1" Myron T. Flerrick, of rI 1 ' e.."Vy- "w inic, tinn 1. Vn. i"' ",D ncw aominiairs. Mohair-Choice, Hfiitvc per pound, csmp today. ' repore from ,h Taft Mob Tears Up Tracks,, Neb, D,.t.. 3a .. rrage.l br.fl.ise Ibe ,lncl Traction co... n;ny refused to reduce the fare from r ... a rents nelween l iiiclti and Mavrlock. a suburb, where the I ,, r l.i.glon .bop, arc located, a nmli of loo ini'ii began iraiing p., .. batiy's track at ,,e latter .1,,", T (r town mayor was appealed to, ,t W8, un ilile to hion .1,,. .t ..1..- , , , ' ' nrpirilillMmS, A b'phoiie tnessage , a A M , n an Rtlrtr.pi i, being made to bun. ..... , 1. uj, n mini. The San Francisco police cotiimi. Slim 111 ore, i.i ...,. .... -. '. V".' " " 1 , -- ",. 1 oil u ipt.'IIH Dltke or no properly searching ilaas when .,,ei.ii, overlooking Ibe rc volver concealed In hi, shoe S. C Lillis a wealthy catilenmn of l.emoore, Cat , hits been sentenced to pend sU month, in , , ' ine of (1.000 for illegally teP, ft targe areas of government land, I and r . u.f-l bfn'.gl th. (J 11 lair'jr j 1 t em , f 1 e . e . .1 y ji,,l.t I f 0 .1 it ef al sh , ' i . .1 ' I al t.l ; e It ker-.trne a! : 1 ' ' f t t 1,1 St, , e j ' I 1 iifoir.' :i,g value ..! . in .e,,, t kff iff e 11 an-J (,,,, e 1 1. 1 ti x.e Mr ot aiio-bol j I ' I 1.1 I 1 t ft rlji 11 1 'I fkci f tl r t'f air t raw I r 'if jr-if r n. ((' p ai ( ai f.f ena.f ae ! .1 I .'.a .1 ! a. e a 1 1 1 l e ' t It K , " n t 1 I it , il,Bllll t h a j-' ben-.' In f -r ef .tf .f-f-' I ul IH) I s , a 1 !i fi'sn tit '.eta'e su. 1 e if 1,' t Wallf Sf-a I . It at me rii.r, 1 11 1 1 I'l K t.e r b'af e.( l . V s t el pil! f the ejf 1 (of r.a ; r l(lr.' I I err ft 111 Ir 1 10 , it viiJ f dn ! It i Ii in wi'S I'e liltSr let i' I 4.t,J r I 11 1 11 'r t.tue Fl ' tn'e in the S t ' r 1! t n UM U !i p late or uif lee't ini tut Sited gr nn when 11 rait tie if.ntird f sthiib ftifefia't loi-ther itiffi ii-aJKil e itte pf .. bi, ft a p --it t "! t bt IS1 j rtated ' throughout he yrir, l:n iut of ti e pf t.n'e! I l(e,.lr! felatue ft I he inctiu and il;it j the lirat known hxaii "AUti. Ibe Idaho rsprfifticii! ttib' ' k'"fi (I.r wheat milling fill 1 tot. e. ted th tloitr .-) If . brum ,j t aamtiijiimi a ;-l ha'"! te! h rttiili id their test. gelhef with sin b nlhef lli!..ftttltl"S Cll rfnilig fi wl eal C'lHhl g.i! ete I irotn rch itde 1 uff.-. Iti-.t ore ti piililitticl 111 tiuucnn n. I be wheal it apparent!)! 'l th S atiely that I kit. us II III !!!'!'' ' rope a I'oulaid. or I i ;.'" n turd there (or making msraroal 1 fiber islr, and the thwir mult U il Is said ! be ill demand by CMM I f re, h Lett I held tombtii'iis '' V" ha in .( ntade any pheii'.tiifml 1" ass-tag. ng ibt year prthxK 110 b'f"r than or.liti ,f winter wl Th net are birge and plump and tofiw'j fsvotaiilv in amir jraine with . the wheat lhat is r.iio'.l in it.wtM'' Id . ho, beraii-e of their tit t M thry ;,c entity brokr.i. how"", r ire must be exercised " th"'"" prrvem 1 1-is T he result r.f ihe miilif .1 1 .t,i!,ruli ti.ow .11. fit painiio-'i '' "- YS met with in grinding the w-hrst t Hour secured 1 di-scnh"! ' ,p lb.ur secured 1 described s '"'r jii.I granular, and i capable of mg (in exrellrist ii.ility " ", ,., mitflin. rakrs. etc. When w '"'J lighi bread, color, flavor. tet'' ,e f l,f were noted III C1'!' ' . bread was darker than tint WJ itiraey ren. . .. lighter than that baked fr" j"11' club Hour, Mavor and '"'",., promiunced good In si ' m were ti.irr.or in ,iio. ... i' -1 . . t ...l ef U"' 1 nrary ren, mil rrunp."". . ,,j ably in this respect with tho frntii little club (lour, inr " vp mv be seepred bv ddreli'g " prriment Station, Moscow. A Crulral lie la a yery Inlnllwlual m f What aort of au Intellwiital u.i.. L ml in. inquired Mlaa ("aywntie. 1 nt " " knows thing or the kind ""t long hair and mlallt cbdljeer-"' 'tigton Hlnr, The ll.lorl rm' mM He-1 mi. where tl flrsl isnptd a Iwip yeni' prupnsiil ' " lagti lm coinmltbil it"'l"H' ,, rt, Ml.. ll'-.O ..., ..r.ll.O niltlll'1 sent thnt tv women bve aitrh "" ' wy.ltultlnore Ainwlctta When 11 woman 1,1,0 , '.. gooda alore, mid Ii pleii"d . w thing ahnwu her, It l W ,B'lt ..... ... l... nine, n"1 una 11 u lute.iiitii. she finds fuult with tverytlih intt'iidi to buy thnt ' C"b . "Btie baa a very useful hiteb" "Host d you make thnt out." "He oan alwaye w"t ,,B'.B!5! Itiat be wanls for dinner.' IVret Praaa.