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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
Little Soldiers In your blood ar tho millions of eorpuacloa that defend you agalnat disease. To muki) mill knptlnMililllnoli1ltra licttllhy mix) atrohK, li aimply to tnnkn nml keep I tin blood of the right quality nmt quantity. Till In iu lint IIikhI'ii Knmnparllltt does it help lli" lllllti soldlcra In your blood to light tliwiiM! (or you, It cure scrubilit, ecftwitia. eruptlona, catarrh, rliiMiinHtlmn, niimnin, nervous ne, dyspepsia, m'liiTitl Uubillty, aud build up 1 1 10 wliulo yeU)ia. A On Word Kill ., The undertaker (mustid In til men ui'i'im'iilii. "Thei I a on word epitaph In th town of Worcester," lin ettld, htmitlng hi tape aero hi shoulder. "I lie It In (pill It drawing card. Hull rtny maker coiii to r It from mile rm ml. The epitaph iialt of the word 'Untie.' A Wortvntrr nmtlniKH'r lay d)lng. Mm whispered In lit wife with I unlet mnlln: "Tt liwn "fining, going." nil my life. Sow I'll ""li be "Uone." I'ut Hint on my toiiiUlone, dear. That on wunt "Hone" only.' "The wife compiled." Concluded tb tnidrrlnker. Mnttteni will find Vra. WInfl.nft ,Hthlue: frMtp th. tw r-ndv I" uetuatbirKa fctf a e-oli ilw llulu period, r.aey sanaey, riml Lawyer I aletl I had bona Ii I III King Kol.itiioli'a lime. Necond Ijtwyer Why I rltat Lawyer-lin bail 7"0 wlvri. Think of Hi" divorce huMm-ai be could bin thrown In my nay. THIIWIH1iiHi I read, erne tu on Ml hour Home lltm aUmi a nmlileii'a half Tint rluaierail rilily, fdtt on told, Al'-m 1 brow avrenrly fair; Ami alien pun! rglii liiij.ra.l than II turned lin dun to sold. Would r I lik trnanitin( power Mijht work Jt ebatni for nw mm day VI.-u bill crowd In and frl.nae are cold; Might f.d my rwnti with mniow ry, Anil, drifting all the cloud away, Turn eery ditn la fold, Tk l'lr:if MUonuruin, riTC HI Vltu,- lft i-rtM inmnmm pw lllJiMMillr j, l i.w l,t U- I tttf rCi ! I-." I. l,,l., bt H. H klM L4 W ink k , IV lM lla tnlatl T bIi -Tik lnl utmitt I'lmllt. J,-,.. ,Vlmt' the trmitjle? T..i.-Il0 fill 111 love with fir) tie tnrt on nn o.rii timpr, but bc llirrw bliu ovrr. l'rillr(t. " 1 1 v you mtKjimtu (mll.ti nnt lion fur your lionnry naked utuu uf frli nd tttui wan ri'dtdiiig In a lonely tut. 'iUt!i"r.M w 0m rv!y. "'tiy. w.-'p sot tli? iirrttltut tfrvtttit glri Ui t!i count." ! lrl la Nw A!wyt in AHtt'n '.ti a jwtr. tl llt"l WrAllMf, ar tllim. ktl.'lt lt. til- I 'imm. li $tivi iun tiKtt mud U'.tilnti. At i g? U S. !r rn V Hotlt r ui!llniw. mttn-lpninlil HU.feh, Allrva A. ii. ii . intut'l, I li.'jf.-N. Y. Ilat lrlleil .rta. "Il 'iv da Jun H rumiliiK a tirwl fur" "It ain't o brtd." riT-Ui'd tb boy r .i d ua t. " Mow v r " -vr "I don't tlilnk tumh of our clftw pfopbot" Iulvllia Courier Journal Tle fhlwa "I'll bt your trimlitp Un't anylbitig ltliw mine. I'm got a lt'k fauiliy " Hu't It T l'e got fuo iliulla." n. Alinrhnu. MAKE OLD SILVER NEW llv. rm mm M. umi.hrrl Knl, Turk mul HMJU llinl Ii- lIT W.mM yw llk "' l .. ihmi i:il nh tur lr m lb i Wk d ir !" "'H'l ml'"! SKNDL'S VOUR NAME ANO ADDRESS an.) u Hat ( want rn h " rrdi, ..!,. r.,l .rml .iu li rluni n. all full liirniiili ai"! i.illrulara uw to hov Ii liui at Imle cwt. It Doesn't Cost You a Cent to Ltarn It Mmly imiuI u ywur nama and a.liiriaMl. aa ami will .Ui aa un tKUOS flMM hOHKS, Jilvtr Draartmrnt Itlh and Alder Street, fartUad. Oftton j HAVE YOU EVER USED !"IMPERIAL" RICE? I ImimrtMl Hk. mitrk.r quality. (Vmi In . hulk itr 8 lb. I' yr Ut I ' WfHtl. ),nll Hi! lValojf l.M1,tiC i At lowtMit tri'M. Iti) only Hltrn Win rai nwiw " thu iHWt. PORTLAND RICE MILLING COMPANY PORTLAND. OREGON VISITING CARDS WEDDING INVITATIONS MONOGRAM STATIONERY Ttirm'n nothln o ttil namveil werk lima la arlmttially Unne. We do lha tli'"' w..r mi lha I'a. Ilk- C.l, at m""l reajotiaWe prlraa, W will mall vmi awlmn t laHMt Uleilna ma wunllna nf tiiviuttmw. "i ui.un rwiueau Hanvl ua four nama on a poalal eanl. KILHAM STATIONERY AND PRINTING CO. PORTLAND C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor Thla wrniilaful man ha nwdaallfaaluilyii'tlia iirmiwllea of Kiwi", ilerlie and Urk,ai't la iilvlna lha wnrlo tha banalltet tala aarvlcea, No Mercury. Polaona ar Druit Uacd. Na Oparatlona of t utting aaBjBBWBaabBal y 4 aaaaja' Ouarantaoa to eura Catarrh. A"'.'""!,''"';: Htonm. h and Klilnuy truutiloa, and aU 1 rival liUHHUua of Mu and Woman. A SURE CANCER CURE Jualmwlvadfrom I'ekln, Chlna-aafa, and rallubla. UnfalllnB In Ita wurka. 1 f you cannol call, write for ayim'tom Wank nj circular. Incioae oanU In alainpa, CONSULTATION THU The C. Cce Wo Medicine Co. tH rirat St., car. Morrtaen, Portlaad, Or. aiiaa or Mr. Tlglilliig Hub" Mwiiin, during Ma litat Klliy III WiinIiIiikIoii, wiih iiiki pvimi. lug M glKwl ill II llouno ttlicii' In' mi't n number of Hm ynungor Hot of tli rupl j litl. I A tbo itiliulftl iviih ciivlii! he I'luiiifcil to idi'k up frniii t in Hour n 'very ilnluty liiindlioniilif, i!kiiI wltii ' lite. Ho iviik gniMdy liiiri'tliig thla "ll'lttf), llitiit iih iilr," whin ii miliar ; frfiMiiliiiilii looking yoting imm liimii'iii'il 1 foronril to vnm It. 1 "Your nlHlt'r'a, no iti.ut.t." miIi Uib ml ml in I, it hi' biiiuliil it ovir. "Oh, no," mild tint young niiiti, "It' uiluc." F.vnna arriitliil.iij iln young i doanly, "Would you mind (idling tue hnt nUii linSrpinH you u.h'" Ii nuked, nftcr a pmiw. Horn Peitro'a I. title J. ike. Dotn IVdro I., of wna one of royiilly'a atrong men. On tho chtunIwi of n cuiiilnil lin iirrangi il itiiilti-ra an that h aliiudlng on llio lm,y of tin- My mri; Iwtttoi n two of bla ttitolli't rourtli'ta Kinlili lily, In tin lulilM of tin- fintlvl tU' tin King roinlii'd out, gni'd it coiirtlrr lth null hit ml, nml, nflor holding tliriu for n fow umuuMit iulriuliig In Hie tt I r nml Ix'.'Klng to lv rWi-nio'il, ln rilnnd IiIh grip and nl lomtl iliiiii to drop i)uu,p lulu Hit' tir, mi, lil tht friintli iippliiun' of ill Ih:j'i' i roud Hint hud nxHi'iiiltli'il to vliw tlnlr uioiiiiriit Tho King Jolnnl linirl lly In tho gitioml hSIiirily; hut wlmtl tint dri-inlifd ciiurtli ia Dionulit about thla einulli( Jukn la not rwurdnl. Oixlltcil. Tlia (wo old itelgblmra lind nn't on th atri'i t. '.Vlorulii', Hum," anlil tin flrat. "I hrnr your ou HID ha got tliiouuii Col Irgo tiiifaafully," "V'p." aald Hit" otlHT. "Ijurn anythlii'T" "V.1i." "Vluit'a lit got out of it chlofly? II kin tn'k at'vtii laiigunxta." "HtH:" "(Hi. I duuno. Troub! la Ihey forgo! t. trtii li him tiny ld" to uproot wlttl "ciii," New York ll-rn!d. Armor Warahlpa. Til ttilikiii'tw of iirmor on modern eraralilf I tm'.y nt"iilhlng. Tin1 ld nnimr of n t!rt c:n tuiill.-alilp iiaunlly varlce fiom !xlc.-ti nml one half liirhei tlil.'k t Hie tnji of Hid lielt to lillil and one half Indira nt the bottom. The gnu liirri'ta on of ten proiiited hy ar im.r from lllltvti tln tu a to ovt ecr Im liia tlil. U . t'npnrallrlrt. TU,. I.I t rrn lira ill ( tie rl m!lt building. Willi heavy low of properly and uianv narrow ranijra. i "Wrr tli"t any acta of rnuipicuoiu baro 'nu'!" unrrii-d the n-jiortera. "i.-a." annt i(t of the victime. "With a artf aluffatnui m-vi-r l.r( wltm'Mtcd i.. - ..I il,!M tin. I. Air up all ttirtinl ill m -. fn and ild to rarry oot the piauu tiial w o Ilia awHiud lloor." till lln.l Itapea, "Say," iimrli'd tin' ! g'iv. "ilnti'i you t-viT get i!liiiiiiii:-d In trj'i'g ' gi t .mi i-tlilng for tiothlligV" ".Vitiv," replliil the niin,i'r. who hnt Jti.t lincatid In III" tw.-uty third fo'-i l.rlik. "I've notlntl th' other fellet nllt-ra pit 111 Hint war, "' trndihy It th' ti'iirw Itr time I'll U til' otuol feller," IVtmlt Trllmne. Irani lute. A Iitidoti city man rweutly wrote. t lawyer In nimtlier town nnklng fot Itiforuiittlon l.itielilng tlii? Hiimllng of peraoti thetv wln bml owed Hie Urn doner wiialderiihle until "f money foi a long time. "Wlutt iirotierty lin hi Hint I could alliuli?" wii w of Hit (uetloi n-keil. 'Hie hiwyei'a reply nn to the mint "The Hraon to wlmli you refer." he wrote, "tiled a yenr ngo lie lin left liotllliiK Ktthjeit to nttueh mcnt Caeept n w Idow." --I'iiiu b. Iliirkp, Mr. Wlggln. In Id tudy, ' eti ibiivorlng to concentrate M tbotight upon a bit of writing. A ierpetuttl liolw In the nut nbove annoyed him be yond luimnii endurance. Itualilug Into the anting roori, lie cried : W hat I that confounded racket?" "My daar, It I only the ltidy abort rocking her baby to leei" "IVr heiiven fake, run up and tell tier to u mn.iller rock !" -Judg. Oaly a Qaeatlnn et Tlei. it ..!.i t. rm-iiuaoD. "have UP"lt", B", ...... - -. , you written Miut letter te Aunt HW yet to ak lier 18 couia nnJ apend tha, winter with in?" "No. but I'll not forget It, I.ur. n- j awerrd Mr, Kergiiaon. "I'v cut a notch. In mr thumb nnd, nd when I come to It j In trimming the nail It will remind uit j Of 'I- . .. . . LM i "May I nk where you cm mai nouui "Kr l tl" root of Hi nail, Laura." Out o Hi lm Taa. riiitarch writing hi Junlly cele brated "Uvea." "Of couiao." h Mill. I mcreij , tlie book. 1 lv t wdid nd degea- trad posterity tin evolution of th. book. agent." . . , Making meroornndiim t t atrecl that Mr. Hryan tu showing symptom ol . a determination to run a umno um. .... th preaidency, mid wondering If h. would live long enough to complete th biography of that gantleiunn. h wearily Hummed tin grlud. Oliicngo Tribune. Tb Pearl. Th prnrl Ii nothing but carbonata o lime, aud vlucgur or any other ncld will at away tha polished nm-ftica lu a fov? uioinent. fur tha opal, hot water U fntul to It, dcatroyltig It Hro, ami oitio tlmea caii.ilng It t crack. Simp is tt deiidly miemy of tho turqualao. If tiirnnolBa ring l kept on tho hand whlU wnidiltig. In a abort tlina the blua atom.' will turu to a dingy green. Stop Couching! Nothlna breakt Juwn lha haallh aa quickly and poelively aaa panutenl eouih, II you have a eouih alve It niniion now. Yoa can nlieea llqulcklrwiihPISO'SCUKli. KmoM lot hall a century ai lha rrhalUe ramoly b cousin, ""d', hoaiwmnu, bronchlua. aillima and kindred ailmenU, Fine for rhililiaa, AI all druaI.U'. 28 eta. "' - . t n LJFTT" ... V lTHjaimilimUim.mMAM 1. ..a t jaj -f --aei..wei -. , - 4 The MiikI i-tiiuc, at liritiimti(le, lino tin' uik-lil, with Kifla renplrndent t'ourM'ra, ijiiiii-Im, ruln-a of pride, WVtillb of Mlli-llili-a deiH-tiilrlll ! 'ill .-y -a in with pump; tln-y rami.' friit fur, And folhiwrd the ".Murning" Star! r. In a ermlle noide of bay, A inuhjiri h from th,. Ii.-;ivi'!n lily! H it it n k n, in lilnry ihtftiff Na - 'iwaa a cliiTiit-. In tank find white! It, too, loo! trav.'li-d nlnue frmii far. And mine u the arum of the "Kvi-ning" Hitir ! W'hl.-h of the twuln lmll we wnrahlp IV?... .... ... : K v -M i iaa iinn ' 1 Mr. atid Mr. lietiiliilweiit aut com fiirlnbly bark In wft leather clmlr. wntclilttg the rrarkle and flame of n real b'g In the grate. What uii ill ciiHtiitu It I. Isn't It. John Hint of hmus'.ug up one' stock ing on ( lirlatitia cveV sal.l Ml. H. "Yea, It la jtiifr. I wonder who flret thoutiht of It?" "I haven't the faintest Idea. In fact, I never even wondered about It be fore" "That part of it dooin't matter, af ter nil," olwrved Mr. Itctnlnlseent. 'It inn't nisessnry tu know the origin of everything lu tbl World. Hut that tiN-klng Idea wn a giKid one. lo you know, of nil the- meuiorlea of my 'life. 1 believe that of banging up my atoekliig on Christina eve nnd look ing Into It In the morning wa really the hnplet !" "I hadn't thought of It in years." but now that yon mention It, I believe 1 iignv with you," nnd a she topied aiieaklng. Mr. lteiiilnlmvnt looked a little more thoughtfully Into the lire. "Inn't It oild, loo. Hie way r' nietnlici- Ih-iHO thine?" an Id John. "Why, I know jtmt the way that Htoek Ing felt, when I was a Utile toibUer. and uiil to hang mine up. The Urst anea I remeinbcr were red." "Mine were black, always, 1 think." "Ye, dear. I wn older than you. niack one became the fashion anon after I iml mi long trousers. Hut the flrttt atuckliiB 1 hung up were red." Mr. ItcuiliiNrcnt mulled. "And did j-uii wear copper-tocil alioe. John?" "Yea," he admitted, slowly. "I think I did!" , , , Mow perfectly delicious! I wish I coiiid have wcti yuti !" " don't blame ,vmi for laughing. 1 think H mtwt have hti funny. t,l Ki.i.,l time In thone old days!" Mr. Itemlnlwi'iit leaneil a little more comfortably bnck, nnd wa allent nh aorbed In the tender thoughts of those red atucklng day away bnck forty year ngo. "John, denr," nnl.1 his wire, who had vept ipilet n long as possible. "Ye?" "Wore there ever nny holea In those red atucklng?" "lo yon know," he laughed. "I was Juat thinking of flint. 1 gues n long na bova have toe, there will bo hole In stocking. I wti Jut Jhluklng of one Christina when I had hung up a pair of Blin king with a hole in the toe. I can see that Jumping Jaek'a leg that w-n sticking out of that hole. In the morning, .ut n plainly ns if I were bulking at It now! Isn't It queer that we don't forget those little things, when so many bigger thing since then hnve gone completely from our memories?" "I'll wager ymi en n't tell wbnt I gnvo you for Christum Inst year!" laughed his wife, npropos of testing the Idea. Mr. Reminiscent thought a moment nnd then shook hi head. "I haven't the faintest Idea!" "A solid sliver toilet set." "And I use tho thing every dny ! Well. II' funny, Isn't II? And yet I can remember everything Hint wa In the slocking with that Jumping Jack. There was a brass stem-winder watch, for otio thing." Mr. Homlnlsecnt waa silent ngaln. lie wa looking so serious- Hint, after watching him curiously for a while; his wife laughingly naked what wn the nut I tor. i wnsi thliiklnii of that watch," he ntinwercd. "Well, wlint became of it?" "It was a rare toy, lu those tiny, nnd until Hint moment of tny life I had never possessed anything mi peiToetly wonderful. It ihiiiIk more noise, than n clock; to wlml it up, ami then It would en like lliilitnliiK. for n few secomls. hnve never known time to fly as fast ns it did on t hnt watcn," nun ne taugu ed na lie thought of the way the little lii-iiss hands tlew around the dial. "What nnallv became of It, ilenr? Old you wear it with your red stock ings nnd copper toes?" lie shook lils hem! negatively. "I think the ?iu1lnn of that wntch wn the greatest blow of tny life. You know Stiinlsliuw lllnuk?" lliOMl, The Krnr with the train anil the apleudld host Tlie Hiar of triumiih? lin- Star of power? Or the hiar that twiukle at twilight huiir? The "Jvove Ktnr" tenbr? Now, watch am! nw, It la thu .Magi betid the knee! All, glory "f i!"tiiii. pride or wealth! Splendor of wiwlniit, knowle-Jise, health! I'uwers of huny brain and feet, All of the treiiMirei of earth complete! Spirit m' beauty t.nd love, at lt, At Thv tinv feet, till cruwna are cat ! John W iml Miiiiann, "Yes, of course. Your cousin that yon don t like. ' 'Tic was et mir limn- that Christ ma. He was n few years older than i, nnd It make a gid deal of differ eint. hi'twi-. n the nges of ll and Hi. I bundled that little brns wati-h na If 11 luid bii'ii sacred. But about an hour after I had taken It out of my Blocking, 'Stan' got It uwiiy from me.'' "John !" "Y.-s, lie did ! And when I cried, he en I led me a baby. So I choked down my tears, nnd didn't eieti tell anybody, because he threitetied to cull me a tiittlc-tntc If 1 did." "And didn't he ever give It hack?" 'Yes laler in the day. Hut by Hint time lie had broken the stem winder, and the rent of the works. I kuow you have womlered why I never liked Stanislaus Hhink. but I httve never told any one before.'" "lidt yon didn't cheat him In busi ness the way he said you did, last yenr?" "No. dear. 1 never cheated any one. I Just g"t bliu lu n coiner, that wn till. Ajid all the time be was worrying for fear he wn golnj; to lose his money, t wa thlnkluL' of timt little brass "TILE WORLD wtitcb and the way ho made me suffer when ho took It away from me. Maybe It wasn't a very manly spirit, but I can't help It. It s liumnii nature, amy a fellow Is awfully Iitnnun wtieu ties 0lv e!" Detroit Press. ('hrlatmna Confectionery. Chocolate Fudtto.One tpiart of Bttiuulittiil siiuar, oneualf pint of milk, one-half cupful of butter, half a cake of Baker's chocolate; lot it boll nine minutes, then remove from the lire; add two tcaspnoiifula of vanilla and stir steadily for live minutes, un til it is soft nnd creamy. liutlornnt Taffy. Two ctipfuls of Dalit brown susjiif. one half cupful of butter, which must be washed to tako out the salt, three uuurters of a cupful of thin cream, boiled together until the mixture Is elastic but not brittle; it will tako about one hour for this purpose. l)o not stir it. When it is doue, add one teaspoonful of vanilla and a cupful of butternut meats. Delicious Peppermint. Two cupfuls of imiiiulnted sugar antl half a cupful of water boiled hard all over for about three minutes, then add two teaapoon fuls of essence of peppermint ; take from the tire and stir hard until it is wlille and creamy; drop It ou paraffins paper; twirl the spoon ns you drop the crettiu, or tho peppermints will not be round. Tho dropping "t e done very rapidly. Mluco Ho Canily.r-Take the white of oua tgg and mix with It powdered sugar until It forms a creamy sub stance stiff, enough to mould; Into thU press nuts, riilslns, chopped figs, dates, nronerven ginger, citron nnd soma of the different spices used for. mince pics ; pack Into a tin box lined with parnmne pnper and leave It for a won to ripen, then cut with a aharp Vnlft into cube the Ue of caramel ; do tlicm up In purullln paper and pack Into a fnney Ikix, lalnfled "Mine V" on the uutalde. NEW YEAH THOUGHTS. We tleep, but the loom of life never slop, and the pattern which was weav ing when the aun went down la weav ing when It cornea up In the morning. II. W. Beecher. We are nut In thla world to do what we wish, but to he willing to do thav which It I our duty to do. Gounod. It I the every day a that count. They must be made to teli, or the year bave failed. W, C. (iannett. Soberly and with clear eyea believe In your own time and place. There la not, there never hua ooeu, a bttter time or a better place to live In. Only with till belief can you believe In nope. I'hllllp Brooks. We may make the bet of life, or we may make the wort of It, and It de pend very much upon ourselves whetn er we extract Joy or nlery from It. Smile. The darkest shadowa of life are those which a man himself makes when be stands lu hla own light. Lord Ave- bury. Our life I abort, but to expand that spun to vast eternity la virtue's work. Shakspeare. The hour that la gone I cannot recall, hut to-morrow 1 will do better than yesterday ; and all to-morrowa ahall be better than the resterdaya. Let us "leave behind our low-vaulted past." Dyer. Life Is fruitful In tne ratio In which It I laid out In noble action or pa tient rseverauce. Llddon. Sew Year'a Call. The custom of visiting and sending presents and cards on New Year's day 1 recorded almost as far back as his tory goes. The practice of using vlstf- lne cards can be traced back for thou amulK of vears bT the Chinese. Their New Year'a visiting cards are curiosi ties. Kacn one sets forth not only the name, but all the titles, of its owner. nnd. aa all Chinamen who bave any social position nt all have about a dozen, it make, the list quite appalhn llTL0t.TZ " "'Ii' H :"ZZ " L 7n lurge luni turj u.; ,v . lie carried conveniently. They are. In deed, o valuable that they are return ed to their owners. A Mlaanderetaadlns;. "I notice Jenks doesn't tpeak to you. What's the matter?" "I can't help it. I started to talk to him about Christmas decorations the other day and he thought I referred to the black eyes be got lu a broil with a mutual friend recently." Judge. A New C'hrlatmaa. Every Christmas should be a new center "of Cbrlst life In this world. That is what Jesus meant when be said, "The kingdom of God Is within you." He wants us to be so filled with IS MHIE." his life that his influence shall pour out through our lives for the brighten ing and sweetening of the world. He wants ns to start a new Christinas every day, wherever we are. J. R. Miller. Tan Kver Them. Ted I've been trying to catch Dolly under the mistletoe, but Miss Autumn I W n-n t Hi, StVlllB tU W '"W "'J v- it tuere. Ned It seems to be an Instance of the wrong girl in the right place. Judge. A liar-ward Look. Chrls'mus kin be made bo much pleasantor ef the stern pa runt will on'y let his mlu' wander back tew the time when he made a dash fur the ol' chimney-piece himself. X. Y. Truth. The Korealartated Shopper. With Christmas near I'm not distressed With thoughts of what to buy ; No gifts to seek, my soul's at rest I bought them last July. Cbrlatmaa at tha Boardl-aj lleaa. Mrs. Eaton HouBe Well, you've got the largest piece of the wishbone, Mr. Sklnule 1 Now, what do you wish for? Orvllle Sklnnle A larger piece of the meat run'uiu. fnr itriot ctijfi, 10 in rV'J mnro mwtrr for yrwi to h!p Rnw Fnn nnd Tf liUfj u tbeW M atoll H hmrit, V rk. t r 2rk-f IA, MnrkHt lU'rrt, hhiM'in 'I nan. Ami ftiv.ut our HUrJTERG'&TnAPPCnS'GUIDEaiSa 4'4 pav?., Uavtbeir If.nh4. Hmi triln th ioljjoei arer wrttUtt. Illuatratlm all tut Aoimalt. aVtl Jfwfiiltrrf"r. ll' fV,nlf E(.rfp.mMi, Tttf. 12. Tn wir ewal'tnum. fi'm. HiIm tanrva! 1i.t We Sell Yea Pluri b'ng Sapplies at Less Than Wholesale Prices Do you need a Balh Tub, Stationary Wanh Tub, Kitchen 8lnk, Stationary Waah Stand, Slop Sink, Toilet, or any thlna in Plumbing Supplies? If ao, we can save you a lot of money. Sand ua your name, address, and a lint f what you need, and we will quote you a price leaa than wholesale. I-ct ua aupply yon with Soil Pipe. Fittinea and Bnua Gooda. Alwaya a bis suck on hand. When in Portland. 11 t our office arid examine atock. M RARDF 'Ft SONS piumbing supplies 110 North Third Street, Ponlai A Oregon. Aa fnnaitnl lave Firm. Miss Kuiina M. Fall of Maid, Mass., has Just been taken Into the law firm Qf her mother and father. The firm name Is Fall, Fall & Fall, and now comprises Mr. Fall, Mr. Fall and Miss Emma Fall. . After being graduated from the Hosbin liilvetsity College of Liberal Art Mirs Fall entered the law school of tlie university, where she made a rlgtial succe. After passing her examination for the bar her father insisted on her taking a rest in Europe before Joining him and her mother in active practice. George Howard Fall. Miss Fail's father, anil the only maseu line member of the Arm. was tit one time professor of Unman law in the Boston University Law School. He has served on several school eomtnittee and was for several terms a member of the State Legislature. Girls Tansrhl LSfr-vtnaj. A course in life-saving has been In alltuted among Hie women studeuts of Columbia University for the purpose of making them as adept ns men in res cuing drowning persons. They receive the regular life-saving drill, including the grips and breaks, timing to shore and artificial respiration. A fully dressed girl is thrown Into the water at one end of the swimming tank, aud "- ".,... m ie p oT,ds.' This new departure lu ceduea- has become immen.ejy popular. hfafifiaailJllflWTltr fanTHili1ii The Kintl You Have Always ture of Chas. ii. letciier, ana lias occn matte uuitcr 111a personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. C'omiterteits, Imitations and ' Just-as-grootl" aro but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is GASTORIA Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare . Rorie, Drops nnd Soothinar Syrtips. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic substance. Its ajre is its g-iiarautee. It destroys AVorms and allays reverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teethinpr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatnlenev. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates the Stoiiiach and Jiovrels, givinsr healthy antl natural sleep, l'he Children's Panacea The Mother's Pricnd, The Kind You Hare Always Bought' Bears the Use For In TMtt CKNTAUn eOMFANV. TT MURRAV atWaaf. MKW VOHK CITV. wn ..iiipnw. e. we.ejpar"aaeipwriaiafapaiaiaa. RESCENT tit i- ' M VVUJ. DO all fi :o Tittt am 1 Is. v 00 AW 1 $akcjt!T DOtt BETTat A FULL i i 'l I M. i 1 1 V M' liitjlll-itfirfiil'llffrTi Stands for Quality Stands for Quality Economy Purity tiWeJ1 In providing be satdshed with anything but the best. KC gguarantecd perfec KM tion at a moderate price. It makes everything: better. iwa ..( IS A Flavoring. It make m ayrup letter than Mapls. SolJ ly grooera. WINCHESTER AT FACTORY PRICES 25 Singte Shot. fModet 1(102) 30 iBSina-leglMt, MdeJ IHU4I. S OO '1 Keveuttr. IMtei irnH) 50 'a H. p-n'ec (Model l'M 1U.80 M-20, S2-2H. 38-tO. M-P). (Model IW... 13.1 25-8S. 30-30. itai!on barrel. (Modal '94) 1S.53 NO CHAKCE FOR CASINO OR CARTAQE Send for our price list. Save ex press charges on eastern catalogue house prices. HUI SDN ARMS CO. 119 THIRD ST. POaTLAND.OI The cleanest. liahtest. and most comfortable SUCKER 1 et the same time cheapest m tne end Decause It wears longest 3Q9 Everywhere Every" gorment quor on teed waterproof Catalog Ire A 1 fflwf. CO BOITOW Bl P-fQ tA P N U No. 52-oa TTHat writing to advertlaars pi V wentinik tbia paper. mm liought lias btirne the sifrna- Signature of Over 30 Years. SR3r- r. iai e?r"J 11 III J .r al a BAKING POWDER Get it from POUND 25c your Grocer OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE Should remember that our force la aoortroniied that WE CAN IX) 1 HEIR ENTIRE CROWN. BlUDOE AND PLATES WORK IN A DAY, if necessary. POSITIVELY PAINLESS r I P. FITTING FREE when platoa or bridtree are ordered. WE REMOVE THE MOST SENSITIVE TEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. NO STUDENTS; no uncertainty but SPECIALISTS, who do the nmt eaten. Ilttc and careful work. , WISE DENTAL COMPANY, INC. Dr W. A. Wise. Mirr .. 21 years In Portland. Second f!oo Failitur buildine. Third and Waahinuton atreeu. Offia houra: g A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundaye a to 1 P. M. Painkaa aa trautiiig 60c; piatua 6 up. Jaques Mfg. Cfla Chicago. the family's meaIs,don't Trvandsee. Perfect or Money back. Tl r. n all r-T a l tu r