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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
I - , The Oregon Mist the American caesar Entered t th" I'-witithee at 81. Helena, l iniinn to ttvatiil-vhvM limit mutter ISSUKD KVKKV FKIDAV Bv B II. FLAO.O. EWWIl Kl VkOI-sUKTOR. SCftSCRlPTION RaTKS One year..., (Mir nioniii Attarllxing rote made known on a ation. Legal notice 25 cent per 50 line. County Off icial Papei ClRCl lT COl'HT OFrlCKKS! Thtmiat A. McBritle Metric! Jtitlg . B, Tongue District Attoruev CotNTt Orrictas Jnie IHVt, Judge..... St. Helen W. A. Uarria, Clerk Kt. Helens Martin White, Sheriff. . Helens 8. l lldientr, Ooii'iuV ClatRanu II. West, Coii'itilaeioaer.... St-apjKio e E. K. tJtilcK, l'tra-u er St Helen A. T. Laws, Aa-esanr. ...... St. I Men j J. H. Collin. School Sunt tt tskmie C. T. Presrott, Survey r -St. Helm Fran Sherwood. Coram........ Rainier CHRISTMAS The Mist hope it reader are all en loving a Merry Chrirttna. It I the season of the year vrden everyone at tempi to be a cheerful a circunistant-ct will permit. To the young it generally brings unalloyed pleasure. It i a time lor family reunion, les'ivities, and the exchange of token of love. It i oi Chri-tian origin, i.d supposed to be the anniversary f the birth of the Christian Savior, vet, tn America, at least, it is observed a a day of fe.siitig by people of all ere- ds and those vrh bve no faith in anything that savors of goodness or religion. The manner in which it is celebrated deuend-i npon tlie lipo-ition of the ch-brant. The believe in the divinity of Jesus Chrtt np-nd Christ mnsnt home ami at rhurrli oflenitg (le vin t hunks tithe uiver of all oii and perfect g.ftsfor the mall)' l;leasir)S of llie closing year. In the lamily circle th children are (fatlieteil around their par ent while the !orv of the Cliri-t child is told u them inall itnrand siiii'lii'itv and ihey are taught to rumble, so lar as hum in b. I cs mar, tbe eiatiiph- id the one perfevi man. If it be a tnvth it Is the mo-t l.iutiful ever conceived an it lufluem-e for go i has heen irreuter than any other (actor. There i not! ing in philosophy that ha- siauueliurated the Of of mankind r done a lunch to it. duo men to Uk uo.iu each other as broihvrs, and at this time, especially it hrttias to thesurhu-e all the gwl that is hidden in the deptl auf human nature Ttl'ise wh aie bieMied with plenty hive an opportunity to realize that it i "mure bleed to give ttian to receive," nu t even thtie with elen der lilea ts, with whom lif isa co'is'ant Ktrnggle, man-a- to put a-ide worry if Only f,,r a brief time an I gsin etrenk'th to renew th" combat hy particpsiiii;; in the genera! ri'j. icing. The little one, especiuUy, are entitled to have a day of p-rfft pleasure f. the year to mine, when they Lav as-tuned the iMird na tha-. r.'w ret npt older holders, their memories ln uld he able to recti! iiianv a happy Christ m:i at ritiiu, and wheerer the may b-- let US hope that one of tueir brightest recol lections will be of the flay e are now Celebrating. 1ENEWS Mr liv aevelt la making It plain to the country that lie tl'il elt not to ac cept reiioiulliatlo t for the presidency. The idulatort are l tl Ith him, Hud ap plaud to the echo all hit utterance j but the more conservative peopt are begin ning to recognise tlit l1 w-woctlon wonhl have made of him an Intolerable dictator. In fact he ha been a dictator In all hut the title, though It I true the great mass ot (he people have approved hi action and wuhed to ee hiiu eoa tinue In ofllce. Ui egotinn ha been at colossal Shnkrsnlier pslnt Caesar when he put into hit mouth the words: The ikliVare painted with unnumbr ed tparks. They are all lire, and every one doth shine; lint there' but una In all doth hold his place: So, In 111 world 'lit furnished well with men, And men are flush and blood, and . aunrehemive: Yet in the number do I know but one T at unssxaMile hold in hi tank, UnshakM of motion; and that I am he President Rooaevelt ha been the whole liow since the murder of Wtu McKtnley and each and eveiy act and U'terance'of hi ha been vociferously uolauded by his army of clsuuer. He ha saddled upon the country a multl pliciiy d coinmiseio s. ami ha meddled in everything possible, and wbo-ver has had the temerity t hold an opposing opinion hss been covered with vitupnr tion and abuse. This I the fault ol the idolatore. They have humored him to the top ot his bent, and nothing he could iKi-"ilily shv would be too ridicu lous to be hailed by them a pearl of i nl "in. In anotherfour year of K m velt the Anania Club would have held tlie b Unce of poer In a presidential election. We bell -ye he was the man fir the j . l'oesllily no other could have done as good work in awakening the conscience of the American people Sometimes n dictator is an ahsotuie necessity, and tbe beauty ol our system I government isthul ahen the necessity en. In tie dictator may be removed and a more uiiler.ite ruler substituted Tos--ibly, in lime to come, till Uovrrnment may again cuiisiat ol co ordinate branch e, but certainly during the past term, there has been nothing to it but Hoose- e!t. THE COUNTY COURT The Portland iire, while railing t the tailiee nntliorttiea for n f hringuiK criniimils lo jnctice, miM coitini u'e soil! tiling In Ibat e d he restniiniiw i;. eiiS'tioii.:l ruporleis, 1'r inatU'e p b licity hai otten defeated tl.e of jnstic.-. The rep.r'er are . 01 jiriin.'iriiv to t'lame. A "ji-Ji'l -torv" i uit tbei are looking for, and l lie n.o-e enaii.n al It is tbe b"tier their employer are pleard. It ln-lpa tos-ll ih-iaj,er. The editor of this p ii-r has ai led n- co-re spotnierit f,,r II,- () (Jul ian for -ver.l yesrs and ba eut tha: iiimv gnod "stories," but h l-a always re filled t- send tbe i vi 1 ijiineiit in a crimirial ct" hn it wi ihoogbt their publieat on w nil 1 d-f-it tbe e-id f justice or retard ihe officer in their work Tlie recent visit of a Tel grunt lenorter j wioie resun. ti wi llie pl)'li'tOi m that pir of a lieauilfiil ':l!" i-hout any foiiiiifn ion of fact. n liann a a. do e, lMeaiis there was r-allv noihin. to tell. When thcr- i anv real nenn It 1J1 b- Hull -bed pell.jl lv. but no g'wtl can he dm,e burin i,u, remit from att- tupt- to foo-e or '-ayA- the off icera into fiiriii'hing infonnaiioii that iniiilit put the i i iiiiinals or their attor ney ijpo i guard, -'it i littu-r nut to know ef Jim, d ih n to know iittieh that int " Tne res!natioo of Commissioner Tii benor ha given rise lo considerable ilisca-sioii a to wiiere the power rest for tbe appointment of hi sucesaor. The la say in such cases "the County court Mull app lot," but there i a diff erence of opinion as to wbftber tilts means the county judge or the judge and remaining c immirtioner. Tbe Mist is of th-i opinion that the County Judge s vested with the appointing power. T i bold otherwine seems to us to be an .tbnirdily, for certainly tbe legislature in enai'ting the law, did not contemplate bit the otllce sh 'Uld remain vacant uitii the next elf ti.ri, and Out is wat in ist o-cur if Judge and Cotiillli-ioner disagree and the apiointnient dep. lids upon their agreement. In such an event ttie Judge, who is certainly the higher ;f'.c-r. mu-t (uiil-si the counoinsioner itrees ill) bim) give way or leave the uttke Vacant, an 1 public biKtuess, e(- rep'. wtiete Ihe two agree, cou d not be 'r.inwted It is unremonahle lo tup irx the Leginlatute intended to enuct a U that would necessarily produce such a condition of affair. The law provides Hut thu county judge ilia. I boll the county c urt, ricei-t when county bus-in-., j, beiuis transacted, and the n- io iiiuicnt of a com in i i ner to 111! a acancy i. n i in ir c unt business, in (he meaning of the statutes, iban I tlie app iitmenl of a county jud under line circums'ances. the Governor ae poini the iMiinty ju ig. in Cie 01 vacancy, and e nelh-Ve the Ij-g ulaiure wlien it decree I (bat tbe county "court" tbould li.l vacancies in the olllce of county C'lintniRdorier meant tiie county lude, an ) did not mean to place the appuiniment in tbe hand- of a bob-lnilcd boa -I, die obstiuacv of either member of wlncb would defeat the Iran-action of public business. when the millions uf acre now covered with forest tree will become the homes ol prosperous families. We want to e4 death, A gmui'yaid cough was Itvirlng anpltt tree take the place of II r ami cvdar, and w have no faith whatever In a tariff policy that pfotectsthe Canadian at our expense. lUinovIng III duly on lumber spells ruin for many a mill man In Oregon, and may not greatly re duce the price to Ihe consumer, a the owners of immense tract of timber land would withdraw them from the niaiket to await the exhaustion of the Canadian apply or the imposition of a htavy export duty by the Cat Hat Cavern- nient. Heware of Kreqaeat Celds A succession of eolil or a protracted cold la alinoat certain to end I t chronic catarrh, frm which few peru ever full y recover, (live every cold the at tention It de rves and rU tiny avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Cliatulier- laln's Comih lleniedv: It I hlghlv comm ndrd. Mr. M. White, of Holler. Tenn sy: "Severl year o I wa h the red with my tliroal and Inns'. Snmehody told me of Chamberlain' Cotlvh Remeilv. I beitan uslrg It and It relieved me at orce. Now my lungs and throat are sound and well." For sal y A J Pemlng dntgjtst. Oktahonirt arem to lie havlnu much trnn'd a Cutis In erttlnj her fovern meut tvted A rt'wto-i taiiv-e refers lo Mlseair'aes SS "-n'lier-er" Where dtv-s It thick the Central Wwl ' loc.ttiil T tieod CeMga Jledlclue for ( htldrea . Tbe -citon for o-uigtis and cold is now at land nl toe much cue csuuiit ! used to prelect the children. A child I nitic'i more likely to contract a dl h- llierii of scarlet fever w:ilt ll I has culd. The quicker ou cure his cold the lest the ris't. Chamberlain's (Vnixh lieiii-dy is the sole reliance of manv mo'bt'r. an I fc id those who have trit d It are witling to u-e any other Mrs. V, V. 8:rche., of Itlpley. W. Vs. sis, " 1 have never us d anything other th in Chamberlain' C-mgtl lirmcdy for my cliddicn and It hssalwavsgiveng-Hkl tatiitai ll hi ' Tb'S reiun-ly contains no opium or other n trcoiic and may he given as confidently to a chill as to an adult, tor sale by A J Ii.-tning druggiar. Jj.l,. Taft Will Inherit the tariff que tion from 1,1.4 predecct-or, the tame a!', the other president: havn doue in turn Marked for Heath "Three yen i s nga I ws marked for my limns to pieces. IkH-lor failed to help me, and Icpe had Hod, whan my hlisbNiid got l'r, King's New IMi'oveiy," says Mr, A. C, Williams, ol lino, Ky, Th Qrt dose IiiiInhI me and Improve ment fcopl on until I had gained 6H pxindtJn weight and mv health was fully Hitorel." This medicine hold the worlds healing record for rough and cold and lung and thrust disease. It prevent pneiimmila. Hold uiidiit guar antee by lloulton, Warren, Scpoie and Ihier Island dealers, 6dc and fl.OO. Trial boitie free The Lincoln cotitemiUI annlvcrssry come February 13. Many piearailon sr going on throughout the countiy, hilt It I necessary tin lo ptl-h them through vigorously. Neaily rverybialy ditowe lWllt' l,ll tie t'arly Riser aie th tlrst pills made They are atlisll, phawinl, ante l.ltlls l.lver pills. Hold by A.J IVmlug and Scappnose Iiug Co. "I lot all Americans eaccpt III who talk about their dollar," says a tltUd KnglUh woman. Thete are Kn glish tilled men who take the opposlt view. Koilol for Dysiwiisi t, luillgesllon, weak stomach, sour atom '.th, gas on the stom ach, etc , Isguaisiilee l to give prompt relelf from any form of stoiiimih trouble, It Will cure your d)pcpls. Hold A J Iteming and Hcappon lmg Co, Hnhss'tUle for lliallisl and the aerekl.'i Oregoniatt. f Ht) per year. HiioHTiioaa lltttl.s roa Ham-fa" bloothoftho Ik'sI strain. Iti(ulte of IvIiiierConnell. Ieer Island. IIS A I. HOTK'K In th County Court of th Htat ol Or egon, (or Columbia County. In th matter nl the elate ol J. IVDraun, deceased. Nolle Is hereby given that ktori Itraun. Ihe admlnlstralrla ol th estsi of J. H, ltrsnn, decessed. ha rendered sad pieaelitrd for sellleilient, and hied In said court, her llnai account ol her ad jiiiuistratton ol said rsiste; aim nisi Monday th stll oy olnury, imw, ai on o clwB m., mi ins said court . Ill the court nous 111 tne cuy ol St. Helens. Columbia county, tlrsgon has len duly appointed by the JUUk m Mid court, for the settlement ol Mid ac count, at which lime and place any r- son Interested In Mid eu my spir and file eaceplloua to th raid account mi contest lb Mine VICTORIA URAt'N. Adnilnistratrl ot Ih cstsl ol J. H flraun, deceased I'leaaant, sure, t aay, safe little liver pills, are IVWilt's Mttle Karlv Risers Sold by A J Hjiiilng and Scppse It ug Co. Medicine that Is Mrdlrlue "1 have suffered a good deal with nis laria slid stoma. h cotuplalnts, but I have now fouil I a remedy that keeps me ell, nd that remedy Is r lectrlc Bitters a me I cue that is a ine-licine rr stum acti nl liver trouble, and (or run down roil liiion." S1JS W C Kle-tle, i f ll.ihid iy. A tk. Klectric liittirs pmify and enrich the blood, tone up the nenes and Itnpirt iigr and e nervy to the aeak. Voiir III iiiey will be refunded II it fall to help y u. 6-k: '. It uillon Warren, Scppe and Icer Island Jeaiets. - -- - Some ol th Campaign s'olics, whlcli iKilhcted iioi ily during i lie campaign, re n ii redlining lo p'aune their In- ict-m. A Dangereas Operal on i the removal of the app- ndis tiy a Mir. (lira. No ohm ho uko lir King's Now Life I'dls is ever suhjecttd to litis frightful i.r lenl. They work so quietly o i don't feel them They cure const! pition, l eadache, hillijutie and ma in it I'm: at lloulton, Wairen, piKi n and I'ter Isl ind dealer. cae- Mr Citrc"ile tsjs tho Inproveliient of wain j s sliould he national, md The .ikes-tli-g ,f prilHlltloi i,t ntify i ntioital, but lontinenlal. FREE LUMBER THE AMERICAN WAY I CiieVfiim..., Senator lie given ihe p ,w:r 'if appooitin j the Ii8tma-ter in t e ciiv r,r t w,i in whicii h reside,,, and ,h pe pie have no say lathe matte,? Mr, MoiLhasmadeat. eseellenl w-tin., a,Uut,hlr,. tion me-t-with. be 1Wpw,l!o,,,1(! ,. in-s, men a,,d mb.r pa., or ,,c olllce. It i , .Ml .Hip .rtrnit (aaiitl..,., null yet tbe tried nd .kllle.I ofTmial who has tniidtt good Is to ba removed and a UIsb witlinnt uoy experience I t.. tau his place, merely ljec-mv Senator H.,u nft Wi-bes to r?wiirl h!a politteal ady, I hero is ai s dundy no other reason tm tho change, ami it wm absurd, and weKtippoHn mcii fool nli iicea i potdhl only in tut) Ijititel ftiiU'. Bonnie don't pay the poatinaiileis' ,a!ai v. That in paid from the r -ven ties of the office, and thece ate furnished by ilia husineHs liioti of the eitv ,f Portland, yet, wh- ther they r tniiHli-d ir not, Sen itor yjorn ...ill 0. .. ,. ,, , !....,,.. m,t t Tbe Kastern 8etiBtor, influence!! no doiji-t hy American owner of Canadian limtie.r la ds, are said to Im insistent upon plai.ui In in tier uwiti the free trade lint. They do not however, admit the ounte uf the r inspiration, but base their arifu.i.ent, to a larne extent, upon the nccemity of preventing the rapid exhaustion ol our timber resources. It Is a little late in tho day for such an argument, as the timber of ihw We-l to a large extent pas-ed into the ha, all of j mli vi J'li, I own r, and Curtain ly the Co grcsi has no right 10 r-move the tariff for the I u pose of prcu-nting them fro in iiiuiiif itttiriiig or selling their product. The O ivernment has a right to create finest reset ves and 1 1 other ways to preserve a ufncifit supply of timlr to prevent the climatic Change that ureclaiin-d to res lit from denud ation of ihe hills, hut it litis no right to mi riere with tlie lumber tariff ami In- ev.tably retard the settlement and de velopment ul this country esceot It I. demonstrated that lumber is undnU (avoredin the tariff schedule lievisiou of the tariff should be equitable, ami, a the.reviaiorii.ts admit orctairn protect ive tariff to lH beneficial to the indus tries producing the articles upon ,c, it is levied, they have no riitht to coin p i the lumber Induatry to bear more than I ji,-t share of the burJen, even though Kasiern owner of Canadian timber land may be benefited. Col umbia County Is typical of all Wettorn Oregon and Washington. Our Immedi ate prosperity depend upon the cuttlmt k. .,i i. mnnfntn,i intn JlDicnlnr 1'iiliis ( oretl liming Ins niiiim-r ol luo.1 I s lioild--.l aitli pnlns In lint In step of n.y fiKit," rays Mr. 8. Collar, of ior mo, inn, tunes It aas sn pil ful I nould hirdly walk, Clinntlicr I tin's l',ii:i Halm was recommended lo in -, vi I tried it and was completely core I by on enmtl bolt!. I have since rejoin ii.i ndtnl It lo several of my Ir.i-nds nil of whom sptik highly of It," t,t bv A J Demlnu ilrnglt. Koilol Is mad ol natural digestive jmce found In a hralihy st luis. h, and and It digests sll fo d cninplrlely. Ko d j Is pleasant lo take, and la guaran teed to give relic! In any caw id stoma, b trouble. Sold hy A J laming slid tosp. puoc Ibtig Co. School Motlce My regular olnce days, in St Hclcm. will be tbe br.t wrrk Hi each inonili, I lull he in on other days, hut not frgo Urlv. J. II. COU.ISS. County Hchiad Hupt. th" Opp xttiou. A Jirtv ol negation , only aitbout dcfltitte principles ol Its! lh e iiraTelTTIaimrTirattT TO". Hid. will he rrcrive.) lor .Vm IV rl value i I Itoiids of the Town ol lialnler, In 1 known s Italtdrr Wlr h,ds; ll e iletioinlnaiion md to he Us than 4.HtU nor more ihsti f UH tk) rh. and to conform a till the chatter i,f bo t'ltr i l Hainh r and the smeu luirtit thereto : Mai I lin-U 1 1 tw dated the lt day of lMrinlr l'a sud lo he due and vavsbl the 1st day ol Issi-mlml lt.", with the light reserved l rlrin ad of any part there"! at an. lime afier ten year fiooi data ul Issue: I'tmni-al and Interest payshle at a dslgiiatel lia agency 111 l'etlaild, tlieir.n. Ill hlers are reiiets lo nan lb pn.e, and la's ol Interest not rs -ee.llt g )( per rent per annum, at loch tlcy will purchase Sl lb, lids. "Ihe III u l-ids to lf paid semi annually lltds will l-e rrreivrd f Ihe staive iiirtittuiiett bonds iittltl VI o'rl.a k llikiu ( M Hid a), Ihe ;t!b .hy ol k-fcu,lwr Use tl erigut i. elve.t 111 rr leel autf Slid tt bids Tbe ' said taiuds alii not mI I for his than i 4 It is prop Mr,) , i lniorrsllc IKlper oaf. A il lid sba I le feaie-l ami sd ! 0 that the party should simply call llsell j drrs-e-l lo the uudtlil scctelsry t.f ( jl I sllf1 lidillicr ivr i(iiiueiun m . O U. U IMKrsM(t, ; H-, rrlif i 7 rs nr a. l i.l 1 .' .t I . I i m itiil lilxsttr tliia Hi 1. man ' -a. -,..-. .,v S, sr. .-,..,-,.- . . we.. , -s " '-'. UlLICAflOK N.uliv i. iisrsatf sivvii Ihsl lit aisle lati.l tZ . t iV-iaia ' "'"' "',- ' M.I...I Ll.ttter, si lli.l a.ln.l tlulhl laliwlnii , Uie..,oii Ksmasil t. I"", , el 1.7 . . el., k , in l saMilay all Jh lul.tcl ill !! tlda swl imiiI"W land heesln- -, ,Imi lllaal, MlsrtSsst. IlilWavor. Ill lll HWMal nets i.l sit) li.Usl..iliiirll n , H IISIS 1.1 ll ll IhlS Sllil iivsiiii'W ie... ...e rlahl In inmiliss said inlaaiet laml si llts hiltel fit' ",!, tumbled stteh ulTrr Is wil in '" (sua I and also r"M thai il.s Unit ei'l "l las suld ! any iiltei llieielor ei- .nl ler ie tlisti aiu r wis 11.. II, -at. I rsaeivlu lh I" rejeel any sm.I all I, Sal, I late'. slulsM la I iilumUU CmiiiI . Iilirm, Slel iImviIM si 1 1,1. lamia ll.'llllm en l."l I, , T, T, w 4 H.i.lW M , lllililll sl Mat, lb lersmlar e-llier ll III ( III i',.tnlila Nllil nil tine IwOmmi Sell..S1 slid m I. I H N W.. Wine Ills M. rth el , utlaner nilM.f lielwesn Mid tlum sk ami M lliriii k ,l.V ilasten uu minutes f. XTD lnl shu klsu "'If Mitai il Miluulrs k, III (est Slur. hlali ll-l. mi. I 1 ,h ta J Sllliulaa K WI lsl sWttf Blah 11.1. Ilea, a U iliitm M atlaiila K. H lesl to ! 114 tin. S ID ,tr,l., 3( HilKttlM It Mhr Si-IU hi all 11,1s lias. S r iltgi... sa iHbiUlaa) W, D l allies aib hli- N i ,irir.- kiwlnul W VI I act al,ai htlt tula tlaa. Set i s leal aeiiwi ltd Muni, cunlaliilu IMam it, la Apl'lti aO'-oa siel l-l'la sboailil l-s s.ldivaaa-t lu O. it, lltertM. ( tn Slat latel M-Mt1. SaUaa, Oi.ii, si.,1 M-aiha. Altll'SllwM au4 Iil4 to mvlisa ll.l taa.ta " ll 0 tlltOWK, I lit auie aa a.f4 ila. tl.U Hal4t IX l NOTICl OF PUBLICATION HI..I!. la kalahr atsaa Ihsl III Slato lanj el Allonieysat-Lj, )it,ti. a, i urr, . WIYSICIAN ik SURCEW T IIKI.Kft , OklDOI. JJAUW'IM A Himiljp L'ai..r..M , KuuiMat ' M lunaial. ai a, V: MIUKIt "" ATTORN MY-AT-LAW HI Helena. u. PHYSICIAN & sURCPTs! r. iiki s , . ft, i h"4Utlth tlla Ml (IsMits. WVI Is 4 btrt.4l W (..r, a IL lit Ih I l-Us.l lMt!U.t ftl HattM. Itvtfrn. t tUvtf tW IIM I M l.t U. !( Ih tulf4 j in th ii.i ') otitiM lt- tiiMfr iW ( M-ffUaMl, glit. Mtft lu (1 " ut oMFf s'f iU I.mMIAC ttnming uu ' liilf tM uift'iBi UttU. Ib HfetiY i fi t hi Im yH Mi-I UA lit tilM 'ffiarj 4iiTat, 'fist svb vrtwf l toJ 4t f x Ulth, ato t! Ihttt th tMl til u( In vH 4. t4cf lttivfti (. - U)ik ft 00 pari (, fh tatr. restw f i( j ti e (((.( ! I t I u All 1 l la I tu U ltttcl la i w!iiM I iit)l. Orc. Alt 4 ' riasl r4ik i T .In Uu li H..i.(in ou I I . t I 1 N H tarfl(ifMg fMutttil hssrili lilt ti ll4il ti,m filrt r.tjf lart wc D ar.lni : l. mn4 . 1 t V H. t c . tt H . tQ blb IH i !(', J -Htt Klko V II D tvaM IMf U4 . U W (Ma . 11 tm4 M ut.lM W AO fl W ,w Ml tf IH Ufa in, cf j ltil(tltsf l-tei.U'HtHff m Kxl lM J.J..4sjm .! ,i.t altseol! I t Msl tu il U l(fi .fc 4M A-akaf.) im I'rri m tn l m.,,,! A .,..k ia ivi M4 U i .lf. hfl Ut If a u ' I tihntwM, t . it ( UitJ HKaM Itf4 thlt kf ml t IM ' I UW HlUTI.AM) IIAll V 0 1 1 amount to much. I Ctiaitinsu in It' u (I ft1 DART & MUCKLE Carry Complete Stock of the Deft In General Merchandise at Lowest Price Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Hoots or Shoes We Solicit Your ratronage and As sure You Courteous Treatment f" $ rr. MiiLENs. oHtiaoN e 9 STCAMCIl AMHBICA 9s t t ii 9 W ia-aVesM Helen A Oil ArrKr st l'rian, ojl 1'itei I'ortlsnd ai 3 I" Atriie. HI. Helen at JO . M. M. M. M twsa Steamer Iralda C I, Nesi,ri. Jfaifar, V If' lattaaaa II f 1.1,1 at s 4 HAII T1MK. aalalat ilsltf (.etifr-l Sutt lat ll.-r h! mill lion, at. Ilalai.a al H ..t. i,i, a.tuifm(. , Sills lf SI -I ll lais 1-alllau.l Si - IIM II I m 0. I. PHE8C01 K. E. QCICK. F. B. rilKBCOTv nt m,a 1 1., Ad -liibi I'.ittl hss been Infill,' avalii In r.i'ii and to an enthusiastic a-idl- nti(!. Jit'! ! tilif!i!'l lo csplaln why IV r do f,e0ri failed to find the f.iiuilalii of y.iii'h. This I Worth ReailliiK Leo I-', .-linskl, of (IS Oih o i Kt., Ihif falo, V V ssy; "I cured th mot an noyinir cold sore I ever hail, With Ituek len's Arnica Saleo, I spplM ill Salve once a dav for two davs, when every trace or the lore was gone." Heals all sores, fluid under tfuarnnlsa at Deer rslsnd, floulton, Kcappooae and War ren dealers. 28c. The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined & Abstracts Mauk Vi? Non-Riisidknt Taxks Paid yt? Rkal Estate vi? Loans, etc ins p Btmrnter Knral Hales Unit oostal employees pay safety companies jw,uuo a year and thst the aversire col lections hy the government from surt-tv companies snd Individual bondsmen Is 1 '.hsn f M.OOO. A reduction of rates to the employe would be the fair tiling. Kenned'y Uxatlve Congh 8vrup stops the comth and drives the cold from the ayaiem. Children like It. Bold l.j A. Doming and Bcsppooso Drug Co. la to he resorte.1 to only on exlraordl nary occasion, when some ttm outrsg, s to be resented." It Is predicted that the flamlwyant Cbanap ,m discover some colossal outrage in less then thirty HOULTON LIVERY AND FEED STABLE L. M. COMBS, Prop Good Livery Reasonable Rigs at Rates. -- Drummers Trade Specialty, Hoiilton-St. Helens Mack. Leave lloulton nt7;.1() lo inert Inilda.reliiritliigmeetB north bound A. AO, train, returning lo Ht, Helen lifter train haves, leaving their In time lo meet 1 1 :H train, Meet ii.lH train ami steamer Irulda In altenioon, f nmim and rail Freiilt. FOB PORTUNO OAllT ltliTl.,M I.ANMMi, TAYI.OU Ht NOIICI TO CRIOIIOIS In the l' niiiv Cnuit il tbe Slate of dr ricon Inr tiiUiinbi, t .mute 111 the mailer of Ihe rstate ol Jamrt ful IrMi.ti, ilei-raaed, Ni.ltie Is hrrrbv given hy. th undrr inei tn ol the lte ol lauirl I liltrrti.ll ilei rsard. In (lie riedil,,i ol, ainl all ariMHit havuie rlaiius aitainai si. etate, to reacnt them, Willi Ihe prs-r vooi her, within t nunilhs Irmn tbe. lair tbla rtntl.-e. to Ihe said ', rctitnr, at til. residence st Mraniam lre,r.iii. the sunie Ivmg llie lai-e lor Ihe nans. Hun i Hit btumeta ol said Ctate I'atctl November 11, Itaia, l.lliAK MKVIiNH Inr, lit,,, rll,e jauir, Jiu Irrl ilrreaHtl. JUtlreof final Hrllleniral In Itie l iiiinir I'.itttl ul the Misle ul Or. a.m .. I ,1,11111, U I I, Hill) III Hi ruallar nl ihe ratal ul Kunli la,u I.IMir. nrrral'l Nol,e I. liaii, ,,eli that Ihe liii tn.Uii, ma in,. i t. f n,,al aiixniiil ( iai, raiaie In Ilia "" einntan ..Mill a li, I Saliinlar. Ih" Wh llav i.l ieiiii, I in at It),. ri, a a. ..I ..,i. ,)., ana in in, III i,,in l aal.1 e-liil la Ihe lln.a in i.iae. a eieiiiiia.i .,r II a I. ailn i,l ohlre bill, iii aslil llnal avlHi.ii.l ami llnal selllrmeul KWIHl'l, It tMIIIA I MKMall WV . . r.sariilila i.l saiil swlsl I ji iwitiiA Mae-ler, 1'iirtlaitil. iirayoii.siloriieis, COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK INCORPORATED DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRE8PONDENT8 I First National Bank, . . Portland, Ore. U. b. National Bank, . . . Portland Ore IIANOVKR National Bank, . . New York 0fRCr,?rm,i M'. ,RoSS a Resident and Cashier; Edwin Ross, Vtce President; A. h. Stone, Assistant Casing Utrectors-Win. M, Robs, M. White, Jatucs Dart, Sollre for rnhllt-atlou lleiMrlinrnl Iha tnietlnr I , a, Und uirire al l-mila it Oreswn. iii la i, Nnilee I Iterelif nlven H,ai t'r.t a. I hapmaii. i nl I nillainl, nriiu who nn t. ..lif, Imi, nsil l,,,l ,,,, ., ,.)p,, fi,, i fer Ki iiMKit ami Htt i, ut hki, s, Tw. . l,l, I N,,ith I, anna t ,,t vlllUinalle Sl.ul.llall ; naa Ulan untitle nl Internum make Anal ; '! lina.l In il.lin In lha ant -,-r,,,.w mh.,i. ma iirauiar sinl He !!'i'- J't. '.' ''V' ""ii! l-nt ibiiuliirrsutt uu I iiainea a. srllneaaaa; Allrjil II l'rai.,,ii n furilainl, Urrsun. Iiavhl Kitar i,( " J, frank kins nl W, J, iMkwnial vf Artels. Oresnn. AMiKllKliN a, liUKNHKli lleitlater SUMMONS " III IlinClrimll l-niirt id tio (( ol Oisunu Inr li'iliiintils t.lniiutv, Carl Hun, Itli k.uii I'laltilltT vs (Irtabnin Hiiiii1ili k.ini lletemlaiil, (J)'il,ib'",'ti lleinlrlefcaou Hi sbav named III Ihe name til the HlalenMlresnu: Von are ii-reli) reniilrad In aiear ami anawer Ih enm. Iilabilllleil asalti.t Mm In (lie alaivv eulllled V.'.'L','1'. I"! '")""" l" 'rrl day i.l Jaiiuarv IMItlwh lull la l l wenka a'ler lln If I, .a, !....' nn ten, I Inr Ihe Itt.l iniblltisilini nl this nulli e, and ,t yuii tail in an tniwar ami anawnr iha laliitlll will apitly Inr llierellnl irayet Inr In its I'llinnUllll. Ill-Wit: Inr a tbier.m .ll..,.lul.... Ihti hiinil.iii nmtrliiiiiiiy iimr eslatltia beiwiieu alaivs iisiiiiiiI iilaluilll ami ilrliilnlalit, suit Inr aiit'h tn her suit Itirtliur rellel as lu th eoitrl seems itmel ami Jti.t. This siiiiininii. u iibllalitt by nrdarol Hon. James Hart, JuiIkb' f Ul8 Vt.uuly l" "rl intele slid enttwf His JH, u ucwllluflnr tlllKV A KICIUntlHO.H et, ., ,,. I'lali'tlff. aZla'J"' n Psa. It. liaiJ. U.t iiblio. Now is the Tin tO visit California Wl en summer l a immkI is tsJ .li..Ml stair lha sua t sail sij ' uiiurj tne iii.ffti bins .kltsal tin l lil.,tlia ti La as if a,l imr l.. .r i'lni...a-arMj Jl mrl li.r i.i i;o csuaot n4a rj in laarvr.t tl ii-al. I aid , Una has IvsnrsMtW'ajaa!' ol h Winer T-miin frt ssslt ml sln.tu ).:.. sa Wsi lhii . ;i aril te(iitals! R i Vb,t..i. (s aUais St4 sum ' aiv.iittniitstMin, trubfvsjisl sssa '( tun, all. I Varied, li:c f twrssLaW - SOUTHERN PACIFIC d Will Im g'a I lo surf! .o tm j Ula. t te litrrstut. W:li j in ilet.1 it msas desa i ;'' d siihtel io 1 llf.mi If. rr ! jtUn4 lit r In ,. at r . I Cstiiam ( . Tbe rate ft ,oi I' Itii4 Mti Ango.ea and itiu-a I b $55.00 fr'ur lull tnfonuaiuai, iiyl rra-ttb!!i re livkrts, vl i 1 III S C, W, CT-a. Th i l t . V h. iitn Hrr' Wm. ncflurray sum. i-.4Ki:M.;i t'' orttand N NOTICE Of IHTERIIOI j FOR tlQBOIUCUM :. t la 1 Ti. Stl t,ntt'li s''; tt. l,ll... ! W.U rsawrt. lJ- ,..ull. atata el I""1 . , ..... wiuiaa ll. llunl' Hi ea ele! al lai.a- !' ai l-r sa Z.,M t u,t .,( tha " " i r ..imi i l-.ti ii " ,"T2 a a ' Mail l-i ... a.. I -' ..i.ul.l,.a tl.aa on all ,.,. l,.,l , W,I, ai-aa-l t'ei"" " ,.! .ti B...I.11... r.l. h .i4W, ""t , jo iha K.UullS j rtntw . In Iha t onl " ' ..f Ida i:- ! t-laa.ui . 4l In tl,. iallr el Ika II m.i.. I, a . - a,. ! nil STiTs' a. Uii I i ,' a l ""ljr ,,ai.,Ht. . than e..c " TT ,.. II. 1 If mill l "' " W a, the !rt.l-l. ' "C5" tmtH ..lit,, bail.,..-, '-''"'fri' eulei'l l-i.J ","..7,lMIPiri ai,. ei..a.l...ll. 'Z,r' .., ...... .u..'r't ll. lha-lala "I l,-t .JTJwi hi. ,lin..i.. h'e"" 'T T a X Si' Il,.i,.,rahla r...i.l "'"' 7,. l " -11,0- I., sail .v-litwav "?" -a l.....i I iai.., f.S, ....... ne . in l . 'J,.I el .It liHUill.. ... fCfW ; ,.... Vhl.l I iyer ,wulll ar use r ter ri I " "k.j k ', Jehil l.lllrm, B t ' ' : HSfhrf, htt Kiiistih-n II tjjy ,lali, II f rellatr. ln JJITSTt ' "fii l .,rtl.. lie- SHI ''. ij f K Hulta. I. Ii,i. hi. V rV- I, lliilllef. .Ulte-I It.lH", . Mill ' llnine., . srhiieWfi,!; 'J 1 1 t ( ll.i.rtl II ""JTi li nsali. i H"'tl '""Vsi. frJl a aaiini, ' Illlati.l. litis V K . ill. t n ast'i'tsi". hi r" k lata, ll.-.h f "tVu,t. v...ititf, u ii ""' Jm ruifiv Unlrl. Ilairt 11 heime. Mi lii i Nu.aluiiiar, J 4 Miaaltuiiiai, ,1 , SCHOOL OFFICES Th IVMlalitl, leathers thaiififi' . ,lKl, seh.a.1 grsJr, ' "",cl 'lautr mi.e or air .-- H ytmaill rnrlVvlF4" 202 IWITLAM Bl1"" Hearse S ......I ... all PO""" TT J'UriHSUCil I.I.ASt V it tih or ur rani ." at reasonaule rsl- Jame Lowi Rainier