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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
THE OREGON MIST ol. XXVIU St Helens, Oregon, Dec 25, 1908. No. 4. he LOCAL a It SltSVICK Al'" morrow St- L) nliihi. all Northern I'aclfic lulu I wIlliOlHwtt from mi iiouie rori I run and the tiaiTie. I"!"" I'orlUinl Kr.tlle HI handled in the newly plcted North Hank rtJ. Ilia also ,1 (h( (he A. U. os nui leei lied ill futttni( on any additional 1,1 r tunutr Iraln. to thai tli Lnurr service will b restricted to two L daily each way. ami there will be Hiiaritcr A k a kitki -Two ri et have been made by HI trifl White in the I.I v Inga'niic niiirilrr re at C'.oMe, On ol thrill, Hoy Malmie, a boy IN year old, m firt arretted iu uplcloii unci having aome knowledge about the mur der which would eiulile the oltlreri to run ilowin the iimrilrrer. lie it Mill be iii lii-lil hut the infiirtimlion tf allied lnmi hint ha i-jr m t y been very lln-nrr Mr Zrigler, nil nld nullum whit lm Ix-rn runnliiK a rooming liuuw at (ioble, lute alio Wi n arretted and it tl UK held an accomplice in the uuir- drr il l.ivlngtont. hhn it (17 vemtold Mr. A. H. lluttcr ficltl, tlie well known jeweler, it one ol the Portland butiiiCH men who hat faith in Columbia County at an apple-growing section. About two years ago Mr. liuttcrficld purchated the Hunter donaliou claim, near Deer Itland, including an old and neglected orchard, tie built a beautiful bungalow (or a tumnier home, and put in charge Mr V. C. King, had the orchard trimmed up and Mr, King sprayed and triiuiiiid the tree. This year they are producing fine, wboleoine, fruit and Mr. Uutterfield hat let the contract for clear ing ten more acret, which he will put In two freight tralna weekly. Freight Lrr.t Friday will ha received Hit neat vy, or lour daya (run Porlland to kHnn. Tbat prmy now, m we r i -.1... .......a .1.... t.u M the oi win i."mvi wf s ... . -. i i tat 1 1-!.... t- will ntvt m '"i K on (b river, can get ('eight the day It I ordered and the Anirr- ml Iralda net Into I'm (land orr an ir ahrad l (he train. Now thai we a good walk belween (he two town ltll ! eaay hr (he Houlton w...le to rh the IrahU which Irate line at len llitm to eight every morning and vrt Portland on llw rr(urn (rip a( 2 . )Wd Wilder, a bachelor. hu lived bimcl( in (he Aplarv co.iiiKy back of utrr, lor a( aia yer, wa min ted (ii the Intane asylum by Judge I l.t Monday and taken li Nilem on hrt train. He Imagine hi bona n ler con.unt ImmWduieiK by phy- ilaut wh are hoollng mc.liilne a( im and in order lo lnd (hem oil he t t.ited (he buildnig lull "I purlliolr IMt-r, prrvlou (o Wt.miug inwne, ,i a very InduKriou man. and had a of alut ninrly a r. on wiikii ue 1 nude coni'teriie iniprovenieni. kr rrt wa wade by Jnine lee anl f .1.1. I l Sutton, martnai oi naiuiri y ly lirrill, Mr, J. W. Imj- vi'lted l'ortiand on loiioav in''. V. II nd U'allrr Kyv-r, acvuiupanied L r L'oiivct of C'l.iS.kainc, wrrp kuitv wit vli'ilor- li.t M Uv I r lc ,i.M- -.1 wttlng up (he fat I (Heir ithcr, C.core K' T ,e m. anrr Velio ( e, ol ilw M.- .rmick CnJty p If "" ; ....... t.. ft.m.t witli tome tinitxrr v'' h1" .... i I I M t k. in II Me Hl ie a mu i r .. n. I.rwit Ulvt-r ti- l r V. .iiiormi mi fc;.nity I NH'.IH'd l.rl. ( ii. roil Si i;-.Vn)oii l hi"K t" t.iifli' r lirti o or ii.w. i;ivii.K in mI. .ill do ! ' 'I'""' "' J' " iiNaiin. "ii :l Wut.'i-m ti . I..I- Ir.iln SI. Il-'t"-- ' b. l imra !. Mr, Maa Cr.inli'l an I hi ii.itn! ii.i.lied (he work t,l ri'li t.ieii. and formrrlr jived at link r City, where ! applet, and expect to deinonttruie (hit h kept a notonou ieor. She adiuitt hit faith it well fonuded. that during her itav at (Mile the bail Mr. W. J. I'ullerton, ol Warren, wat bien running a ' blind pig" where the ! n our a.rcen thi week. ditordeily element wat in the habit of j M , ( Sea.ide. but l tie iwy came to procuring liquor. I Mr. M : (mmi-rlv .( llciiilion. wj in town on 8,nNaml-o ata tailor on the badle.hip s,lurUvU,, .tending (o the final tetde- iI...iu,i.... ...:i .u "'-!gl(.olD,b(nlltel)Mn. K. B Utile. lion, me nuiuorme. uite emu-: , M,,,..h .,lc w., ... IIlini,trH(rix. .let l.rl. the K'Hiy i"y- ' ... , rii . ,he r-Mr Nelmm l'ii.rkneyl., . h ,f , ,re , i l"t( a purn rouialinlig a coo, i'i ! i.. ....i.i t-. u.t....iu 1...1.. ihii ill x ii 'ii lam riini'iif iwiw., .i , : ...... I I. . I .. I . I IHl.1,14 11V uo itit IB lino .1 iw.l l.l t,u Hi. mnnll rolirl t taipavcr of Columbia County you Can ' ""; not afford to be without it. Every bill liiwiul . , .... - .,, ,, nl.i.irl1 it-w, ii I will lie p.ii I thia ..fllce or to C. II. itt return to liglitli At IK-tn If ynuarc not uaing our Kov al i 'luba'id other high grade good ou houM Ix-k'hi at oiiie. There are none U-ttrr; ard reuienilier, voiir money back f giMxU are tu t at rep reie'ited. Hiivo jut got in n f rli and large variety. Mnple run. dually pure Aim ui.iplB ml rx'k candy blend, w Inch it the Mine a I un ill j -old lor pure maple. I'ec.ick Flour. Ak tlioc who bnve uk-i! it. It't the lir.t flour ever rolil in St. Ilcli-m ll ou chII for a poll ml e give you nixtren mime Help u lo give you (he !( jHmib'e tcrvice iV rrMirling any error or f.lllltV goOl. M. '. U , Si. Helena, Ore, I b( tliH co Mill rcK county o tlccrt U! NUui'lay nn lli cuiinty c iiut at me St, lleh-ii i-eiig. r (or I'ordan I on he 1 nt M i"d iv were: Mia Nel ie t.ii. 1 h 'll e Law, Hoy Ul, Mr. C Matr.u. Hcruice Maiten, Ada l.uiu George, l ranK George, I.M-kwo-d, Margnrcl li. r. i'i..,iU itk n. vYatliinglon aiucaie, flu. M i. k Mr Jo. Clark, Mr. twin, Mr. Ii H. I'UgK and Frank C'o'.um'ii Counly'aahar.'ol ihe Slnle uc. (hi yc.r will be fUil.'.l. all in- Jt.VJft 0er ial year, i, now in debt aboul I I5.WW. ottiiw I" 'e bt romeo! (lie lrge proierly o vio- a hive holed or rcfue.l Itic r aenuienii '". nation ha It"! coniderably ercisc Colli IV io py port lo ui'.i.iry Icrm. Mi.All.cUiis :! "n"!ie.. Kurueil !.' .i-'. C.-e iUi .liiv rfm ul tUy nigln, nnd wi.l remain oiiri..K holiday v.iCilioil iKTi( "f UiiiJt Mw.;;iK-o. M.ivgcr, win al ' ti.ue epre-enl-d Cliiuibu foiiotv in IheSUte lute and (or m my en, In col.iicclion with hihrolher, car led on an catenae inerotinudi.! liui'K' n. ii ioi'ttv va reduced, il ieiected there will I aouie levy ft-r llie coming in the 1 1 which will c urn Ic at Hit January emit. l'.,r pri.'eto'i lt: owned by Mn. T) Wic Aic.-. au.l ui) 11 cull on or write J, : II wrd of, roiunno. I U l in every (wo week St. II G i liri-v. I will h-' i I on Si'ind.iy. II,. llie.'U will the lipU-opil Church net Sunday, com- in ui'.i'K l nl. conduct ervice in A'.l are lorilmity in In the Mitl lleing the onicial pajwr we I prinl tiling auch a the tenil annual ! financial tatemeiit which no other piier print. Ho Vou read the Weekly Oregonlan or the Semi-Weekly Jo irnnl? The Mitt with either of Ihcte unlil Jan Ul, 1IKJ, for 1 1 M I18' yar- T1,i' is the be( clubbing offer ever mad . The Mit and Weekly Oregonian for l 50 per year until Jan. 1. HM The Miit aud Semi-Weekly Journal $,.M year until Jan. J, llWb Mi Lulu George doted her schuol at Quincy lt Friday and will enjoy a (wo weck' holiday a( home in St. Helen. Mokk Hootu.iMiSM-Duriiig last week aouie partu unauown entered the Wet! Mclhoditl church in thi city, overturned (he ( ive, toc down Hi"! pipe and gcat(er; I the aoot aliout the room, emptie I the uil oil out of the lamp and filled theiu water. Tlie d imaue wat discovered when (he We-leyin ojieued (he church (o hold service las( Friday niglK. It wa probably (he work of youngster who considered i( a smar( Irick and do not iindcistnnd the gruvity of (he offense and (he puni.hiucut Ihey might receive, l or llieir own good (hey will do well (o nuil (heir lioodlumiMU. Mr. It. II. dill and daughter re turned lait Thursday Iroui a five months' visit at Si I lev, N - S'uth Wales. The met them n( Van couver. Mr. Clill rcr( liavmg had a :-ty enjit ihle visit to her olil Home. SraaVKi) AwAV-l r uu my premise at Scappoose, a lull bl wd Durham bull, aged one and one ha I year, solid red a r,.r,l will bu Haul lor hi re turn or information hading lo his re covery. Ot.K Boiimas, Sciippoosc. Where would such club meet? We aie informed thut Mr. S. P. I ong, ol Houl lon would reutlhi hull lor such a pur pose at a reasonable rate. The hall is l.n.M Hl.,1 till riilitllM beine hik'h. would make an excellent gymnasium. Takhn Up A', red uud white rpolled tr ulKiiit 1! venrs old. Owner cuu have the auinc by paying charges. Oi.c Hon man. Scappoo.-e Cleanliness, fairness, and lll weigh! at Ocoigc's niciit niurket. .I....I ... . id o:i Moil l-iy tal ! c"" i ii-o i' .i iv c. r of the (.niiiicli. I . - - - " , -ai . i 1 Ajax ateel I mnge Power s t A $36 Value Special J2775 Dy Fer the BestRange on the" Market for the Price ti Ai.iv Plctl Kiii ce Is a model of .i...i.liiiiv Tim wnlis ii"' n d rb.ii ,1m. mid In in - iikIm slow Is liM'd aa an Ititi-r-liiiinini! to prevent bet radint'oii. Tin se wiills nr rovin il with bine pln(ilfhel aie't mai win not iiis-t. ihip, pol or linn white lion hrnti d. Tlie Ajax Steel Hniire 1h inailp to (tiit the lionwwih?, I'd every new iniprovcnient li been ili. tigbt nut, nd each i ew fcalive KprHCtieal. The Ajn Steel lUnge has every new feiitnie, every im provuneiit el the 1IH style. It has a six-hide top, a sixteen-imh oven, I ii Hi o warndiift cIofoi, nnd Is benutliiilly nickel liinimed. 10 Year Guarantee POWER'S Furniture Co. FIRST & TAYLOR Portland, Oregon. Mr. Dana Sleetb, eon ol our local M. R. pi. lor and editor of the Portland Dally Newt, has been indicted tor crimi nal li'iul. That is probably Just what he wante I, at it will focus public attention upon '.'it good work he it doing. Dk ;."8IT Dr. katnbo will be in St. Helen', at the St. Helen! Hotel Friday and Siturday of each week, prepared lo do all Undi of dental work. Mr. ind Mr J. A. Beegle and daugh ter I, mra ol Warren were St. Helen visitor Saturday. Mr. Howard, the accomodating clerk at Pc-ry & (jrab tui't, who has been (or tome lime in Southern California on ac count of bit wife't health, bat returned to Houlton. Mrs. Howard w ill stay in the 8 J Uh until shortly alter the fir ft of thaye-.r. , Mr. and Mra. A. II. Matthews were Portland visitor on Saturduy lat. Mr. Win. Roas and daughter, Mr. A. t. Stone, tpentSaturdaylatt in Pordand. Dou'l forget the JK. o(,l P dance at the Acme Hall tonight, Dec. 26. W. B. Dillard and ton Waldon vi.ited (be uielropolison Saturday laat. M as Dorothy Prescotl returned home last Friday from school at Monmotuh Normal, and will remain du ing the holi days Mr. C. C. Ma-t'-n wat teriousiy In j u red by slipping on the froitol tiet of a trestle on hi logging road. He struck violently o i the nide of hi (ace, render ing him temporarily uncon-cions and causing two severe bruises. Masonic Ri.kction St Helens Iodge No 32, A. F. and A. M., held its annual election of officers last Saturday evening. Tbote chosen were; C. II. John, W. M.t Edwin Rons. S. W.; J. W. Quick, J. W.; F. K. Quick. W. S. ; James Dart. W. T. Installation followed and after adjourn ment a substantial lunch wat p.eail. There were a quite a number of visitors present from o(her l.!g-s and all appear ed (o be having a good (ime. Mr. John Philip returned home Wed nesday morning from a (our weeks visli io his old home in Blue Hill, Maine, on the shore of Union Bay, near the famous milliner nrsort, Bar Harbor. Mr. Philip will have a truly Merry Christmas this vrar, for he brings with hi n bis uifeand daughter. Duiing bis trip to the Eat Mr. Philip acted as a volunteer immi gration agent (or Columbia County. Ue (ound the field ripe far tlie work, and talked to many who promised a visit to Columbia County bel re selecting their heme in the West. He n-as, ol course, huuipcn-d by n t having any literature descriptive of the comity. Ril.ll. KSTATH bought and told on commission. Wm M. Ross For Sale A new two story house with (our choice lots. Coiner site, city water, ftOO. Time if wanted. Wm. M. Ross. Voiers ol school district No. 2, at their meeting hist Monday night, levied a special tax ol three mill, which will rai-e about $2,000. Tlie district is in ilebtiilKint ftl.tUO, over fci.OOO of which is for bonds issued for the school building. These bonds tun (or twenty years and draw (02.50 interest annually. It is lime steps were taken (o establish a.sinkin fund for (he payment o( the bond. Quite nuinlicr o( the iucnilers ol the Kiiiuier I.onsshoremens Union were in town this week loading the Yellowstone Syrnpof White Pine and Tar. the old reliable cough remedy. " I'or sale by A.J Deinitig, druggi-t. A missionary uiee' ing will be lie d at Houlton in the Tree Methodist church on Sunday night, De . 27, on the con ditions exlsiiii' in (oreign lands, tlie need ol the gon el, nnd our relation to j them. The niceting will be conducted by the Messrs. E. W. Might, R. 15. Status and 1.. Skuzie, n iw of Seattle Seminary. The members of Avon Lodge, K ol P.. were veri ngiecubly surprised last Tues day evening. It wastlic regular uicetinx night, and lodge had )ust adjourned, hen a number of the Ppthiau aisters, who had beui impatiently a wailing llie opportunity, marched into the lodge room, Mrs. M. C. Gray called for order, and, on behalf of the Sisters presented the lode with a goodly upply ol silver ware. Chamellor Commander Ueorgc thanked the ladies (or their kinilness, nnd it must have been that the boys were not all surprised, lor it appeared that a plentiful supply p( flam chowder and coffi c was forthcoming and all par ticipated, (Spectators at 'lie K, P. ball Xuias night are to be charged 25 cents admission. l'niory Cox has caused the srrest al Mrs. Kltlia Kllis on a charge ol siult and baUery. He alleges that Mrs. Ellis struck him In the lace with her rubber overshoe and threw a rock at hint, on the ack of the neck. There had been no hearing at the time w e went to press The district attomey In this as in other trivial ca es, required thecotnplasnant lo give bondt (or the costs. Siuce the forecoinu was written we learn mat jus tice Watkins dismissed the case against Mrs. Ellis upon her paying the costs. TREASURER'S NOTICE ' Considerable complaint hat been made of the failureof (hit city to provide de cent water (or itt patront, both here and Houlton. At the member! of the coun cil are all citiiena and property ownert it it lair to attume that they have done everything In their power to better the supply, but the weather and the use of the creek by tha Peninsula Lognlng Co. have Interfered seriously. It Is time, however, for our citizens to contider seriously this matter. It is very evident the present tupply will soon be wholly inadepuate to supply the'wants ol this growing community, and, as it takes money to build water works, it is proba ble city taxes f ir that purpose will be necessary. Mr. E. C. lw returned Wednesday from a visit to San Francieco. Mr S. C. Tiehenir having resigned a county commi'sionT, It Is probable his brother, W. K. Tichenor, will be ap pointed to fill this vacancy. The Miat nndentandi that plans are being prepared (or a thr e-story build ing on the lot purchased Iroui J. B. ti xlfrey by Cliarle Mnckle. It it lo be built of rut rton, and will I tlie fined store Miilding in Columbia County. Work it progressing on the near atetm laundry. Part of Uh machinery hat arrived and the plant ill be in operation in about twa week". - birdi will be sent to variona points on the coast during the next few day-. TJmpqua Valley Xewt. St Helens School Notes Schod cl's D -c.'iiilier 21'.h to Jan uary -till, for Ih.- Xuias holidays. Weli-ii. ' to have tao liiorw windows put i i a'i ( the SCJ-ir-n r.-oms during tliu Ii li lays, aelhe ro-Mii- Lave never bee r "iiTlv ligh'e l nn 1 we f el this e l-'tit auhiteclliral defect l.n been ..ler .t. il lready to long. W.- hope to have our h.isme twludo.s 'c!i ted and pri ly f creeued K that o :r building miy iiinke a good npiica ante. Our K-ein to be on a Hi-ik , it will neither go np nor d-iwn. This is the end ol the 4th mouth ol school. We greatly hope ihjt parents will con tinue 10 encourage their children (oat. tend punctual:1 anl lejutaily, as it is simiih iuiDis-ihle to acconiplUk best results otherwii. Don't delude your feliei that a .lay's absence is in material On December 23 we had twoXinas trees, one in llie p tmary oeparinieni and one in Hie intermediate ddpart ment. The program In the primary de- mrimiMit was held at 10:30 a. m. and in the intermediate department at 2:30 p. in. The cliildien carried out their paitoi the ptoraiu in an eminent ly satisfactory manner, aed are deserv ing of much praise. The trees were bei.ntilully decorated and loaded with all the Xuias goods that are common en such occa-i. n. Many patron and oth ers atdnded the exercise. An Athletic Club For some time there has been consider able talk of organizing an athletic club among the men of St. Helens and Houl lon. Now is a good time lo do so. The benefits to be derived ( om such an or ganization and its value are undoubted. Kor a nominal s im paid monthly by each memlier a good club room and gym nasium can 'wkept np, and a place pro vided lor both old and young to spend profitable evenings. A short lime ngo the editor recei.-ed a challenge from the basket bill team ( the Rainier Fire Department. After the showing which St. Helens made on the ba e'.Kill diamond this yer i' ( ( a shame that a reo-.iest (or an atlileli untch of any Kind suould luce togi disregarded. Get together and m .-et nil comm s at any thing. Jail For Labor Leaders Twelve n:ontli in 'or Siranel (oumer. nreiudeiitt n'.ne lie nti'S lor Joli'i Mi'chell, one f ih" viee-pr'Si lei.ts, and six months f r rum aior- rtson, rei-ieiarv, uu oi ioh .iiii-ni.oi. Fedeintionof Labor, was (lie fetitence bv Jnde Wright, of the Supreme Couit ol the District ol Colum Ida, today for contempt of court in vt.i- lalitnr an Older enjoining 11 em Iroui pliieing mi the unfair or "We don't pat ronine" li.-t the Buck Stove & Kange Company, of St, t.o Ah ol t'-e defendants were in court when genlen e was pronounced and no iee fannmie.U to the Di-'iic( of Columbia Appellate Cout was filed. C.oiniur- beina released "U 5(H)0 '-oud, Miteh. ll o.. 4000nd Morrison on3000, PITTSBURG Win Elliott made business Irip to Clattkanie Tuesday. We had Just a little snow Tuesday Just to remind us that X'inas will eoon be here. Mr. Folks and son left (or California last week. Mr. Folks expects to return in about two weeks. C. W. Mellinger,ol Vernonia was teen in our streets Sunday. Mrt. Darling is teaching school two miles below town. Mrs. W.- D. Caae has moved to Aber deen. Wash., where she wi.l run a big restaurant. R. Spencer and Iiip VanWinkle made flying trip to Cla'skanie Friday. Daisy Mellinger has closed hit black smith shop for the winter. Grandma Eonde-is planning an X'jias entertainment at Vernonia on Dec. 25. James Elliott who fans ben vieitlng friend at FWhhanrk has gone back lo Poitland where he a ill attend the Behnke-Walker College this winter. The Dippold Orchestra hat been en gaged to play (or ihe big New Year's dance at Vernonia. Every one thHt at tend! will be assmed of a good time. N.J. Parker and Robt Stencrr nre touring tlie Fast Fork and the Nehalem looking (or rabbits and tk'inks. Andrew Johson oi Natal lost a valuabl e horse last week by itt getting into Battle Creek where it could not get out. Several of oar eports took" in the skating at Vernonia Saturday night and all leport a good time. DeWitt't Carbolized Witch Hazel Halve, Best Halve for burns, tcratcheaand hurts. Is is especially good (or piles. Bold by by A.J. Deming and Scappoose Drug Co. Call for Bids Notice is hereby given that by order of the City Council of the City of H Helens, Oregon, I will receive sealed bids (or gasoline (bulk) also for case gaso ine to lest 73 degrees, a so for mantles and mica chimneys. Bids will bi received up to 6:30 p. m . Monday, December 281b, 1!KI8, and will be epened before the council in session. Right reserved to reject any and all bidt. J, Warren Qitick City Marshal. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY A good decision, and one that reflects bredit upon the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, was hande 1 down by that body on Tuesday last, citing the decision of Judge Taft, presii'ent-elect, in a similar case. The court say, in part: "It is often nrserted that a workman Is at liberty torem'aiu in or abandon an employment at pleasure, and if he so re mains after lie uequires a knowledge of a particular risk and danger to which he is subject h mnst be held to have vol untarily ai-sun edtheriskof injury there from. In theory the bais o! this rule is true, but in praet'u-e it is not, under modern industrial conditions. In many instances workmen ate compelled by their neeei-eitic?, or conditions of the labor market, to remain in the service in which they are employed in order to support themselves and families. To sav tj auch i-ertnns that they are at liherly to quit if they don'l like the con ditions under which they are required to work is often "only a heartless mock ery." The court hold, as we understand the deciai in, that even an agreement on the part ol an employe to waive damages would be illegal bs contrary to public . . . , . . . u U I e v . juiiooiniu iiieu m vnuu .ts.u D.W.Keasey isspendinss few weeks P" ' t ,..,. ,wm.nt J-ei leil llfUll7l'l liiwill'ii'ua fcinji,v,.ii-ii' and to siy they can quit it at will is, as the court p ints out, a liolloir mockery. The laws should I e so fnniccl that employers will tind it protitable to in Idaho lor his health. C. C. is hauling the cream during Iris absence. The postoffice at this place has been dirconiinue I. Kip VanWinkle wanted to take bis winter's nap so it was thought best to dic mtinue the office nntil he wakes up. Walter Parker visited friends at Ver nonia Sunday and rep rts a swell time. Fate of thk Ferry According to a Seattle dispatch the Northern Pacini; ferryboat Tacou.a, which has been car ryii g trains across the Columbia for years, may be taken to Puget Sound and used by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul as a car ferry betwe. n the Fuget Sound Porta, picking up loaded (re'ght cars at various mills and isolated com munities and delivering them to one of the compmy' Sound terminals. Seve ral weeks ago railroad men were given an inkling of the road's plan. The ferry can handle from 21 to 25 curs and can make a t'ip about t ie So ind covering all mill points within (our or five days. The St. Paul will thus be able to become an active comp titor with all other lines at all Sound ports and save a large amount of cons'rocton. Sc .res A mills ate located off the rail line, and can be kept in touch with' (he railroads by means ol the (,rry. provide every safeguard Ksible. Men who are worthy of the nam will do thia withoutcoinpulsion, but there are a few employes who enro for nothing but iin nnd will take anv risk on the lives of their men if they believe it will result in profit to themselves. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Ulauiler Pills. Thev nre antiseptic, Bniin-'oottie the paiu quickie. Insist upon DeWitt's Kiituey anil Hlailder ritis. neguiar bij 50V. Sold here by A J Demmgiand Sscap- poose Drug Co. . XW CEO. W. VOGEL REAL ESTATH, L ANS, NVESTMNTS , CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. Money to Loan at Reasonable Rates. KILLthsOOUCH and CURE THE LUNGS WITH Br. King's Hew Discovery BBC (ASSUMPTION OUGHS and iOLDS Price EOctVJl.OO Frae Trial. Horeitt and Quickest Curo for all THROAT and IATNG TEOUB- 1,133, or MONEY BACK. od, ft WW i for, Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon I Rainier :-: Oregon ir. after uine a bottl ol Kodol. you ean honentlr saw i " not benefited you. wr will refund roar money. Try Kodol today oa tliis guaranteo. Fill out and sign tho follows In, prcienl it to th dealer at the tlm or purchase. If it fail 'o atisfy you return tha botile lo ihe dealer from whom you bought it, and wa will lef uad your money. Town ,. Slate Sign here -Cut Ihle Out- Digests WhatYouEat And Makes thSiomach Sweet E.C DeWITT & CO., Cbictwo. SU r I will pay all county warrants Indorsed prior to nnd including July 21st, 1908. Interest ceases alter December 0th. E. E. Quick, County Treasurer, Turkey for Profit The turkey market (or the yen 1908 1 will compare favurably witu (bat oi lat vear. local merchants who are! handliiir the birds reporting the price about tha same, 21 cents, while the gnp- nly will avernge Hint of '07. The de mand this year will probably be some what lighter than last, due to tlie fact thtt the export (rade has decreased ma- terily. The tiome markets "will dispose ol an average tupply, thus bringing the trade up to an average with past years. George Koulhngeu will ship several tons ol turkeys to the Porlland markekt, while other merchants will doubtless ship their share. Oakland, as usual,. will be the mam shipping point, ana tt, it expett.d that several carloada of (be. JOB PI 18 OUR . BUSINESS WE have the best and most fully equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and ah most reasonable prices t TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON 61IS HHsVVV-