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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
Zim inlKlH robbed a v..ll..a...llil P'. ,"" ,,u .,, ,,,v ll.oul.t of liid.lliiK "l 111(1 1 ., .. I i.l walk ul Al- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'llltff"1 I-nil I Oilm... I'lnlltiml, (lnvoii, AiiKMM, ."I, IWit. t'l.iil.ui'l l,u ( Nit. in.,. Sum ( tn r i.; t-Mw h i h it ii... N.,tili..fh I'n ulltu (ilv l iMia. jnii(i ilii'n m1 'III'" l M I'alil, Mil. in.. Iit, ii.i Oil'. sT'ill !! nf Ahul II li.l l'( Hi) it It. 4UMI' til lull (I Hi'Jt rl Ml.l I ItH. Dt'ti I'llHl'. Ml In l.'l n I .M, !.', it..rm-ll J,(h 1, I" ii ( f r In I .' ilj , ij ,!() I lnl W, ).', (ft, it N II I i-. W '.I , H V tui-1 -til l.iM.til i'Ii.IiiiMij ii'liM'.-U' H,i- ! IrltitU .U''M lllvl. HI 'lvitltlnl I ' 1 ll''tl t i I ttt Ulltli ft II i I ll . ll,... .. 1 ...t.,,11., ..111... I .. . .1 .... .. r.lUk'H fVITjr M"' ' I uMHIt...lf rtduUMU..! pn.l.M III I til" Ullil'l ' .... I Irtrt.l IIIMIIV llt- I " iH'Ufl' llll' It! 'I'll I.I M, i.,r .r MM lull Hit ! . I( -U t r j;h iiinhimi'i AVf. tin ,,: "I lmv l-ilV. return IU" ' .... I...t... I hat til I H,p iilllKII W"" "" ' ' . I...I..II.IU- , '' v.. .. ' ...J"".::,;:;;,. .. ,1,,.. S Oil' """" " I M ... I. M. V I gift NOW cs.on.i.v". S.w Discovery It llitt L(.t,l, d r ....... . ii..iii-i.. ivf l liil road" Km u. doram-leo... 'k.',.....t ot tbit.d.l a . .. . I...... i .1 , ,,i ,m in" " I., il.e b '! "l r . . ...... u, I'.i.m will t I-.- ,, l, ioc i... ' " ; , t.iL 1-ut.lh iilliilt ((- Uii-fl 'J, I'KI SUMMONS II t :(. 1 u Ihr Mali. . II . "ill. V. I.IU. h. I. ri.linl. llrliiK your coiinlry irilucc lo W'cll- iiiKl'Hi. St. Ik'lcni, uml get lt lull value in null, Hu Million, ami Nutlco of ItvuUtrnlloa ori.iiiiil Tllln I ii" n, f.H ii Hi U- f 1 In . III llm nw- Ml U .,l.. II..: miMf lu ..... f.-.i I . Ill lli hH' M l ll-'frliv i.Hiinf.' 1 T')ri ii'm HK.tii ll'l UM--', . ifr ..t-r l'.- t,.-.i.H ..i - f( ilia OuU .1 ii,.. Ii.i i. il. II' t.Ultlk, '.. 11 ..Ml 10 I". Iii I.. t'i' nitn .it .11 ..)) IliM r. !) I t-'.. I I- ' i" l'.,J llial II... luix.Unr lion Inl .. l. ..II Mi l u l ti.l' I NOTH K 10 nci.DlTOItH In Ihr I'tii iill Cnnrt .f lt.' HUte il On-ftoii, fur i tiliitni'l.i unlit y lit H in. .U- l i.l rlulr (, MHIIfUli't A, l n IMUHI, !' "i'm-il. ;ili ii i Iti'M'l.y yhi'ii Hint t)i titnliTflttficft Inl', l- Hit (puiil) i niirt, tli nljilu f OfP K'.ii, I'.r Cwliittitiiu liHiniy, U'l'M l M I ' xMiih . rt-li. iiiilifutir ol tint )-MtnM if MiirH' ril A VVirkfilin;ii, iliifti.i-.( Hint Un. 'ltiiy iimlltii- h .hi it, All Kixiftm IiiivIiik rlMlniM )U,'iim Kip) ritiih' .lit- hfM'l.y ii!'iilti'l u pro n iii lln iitiii. , hiui i. r.. (!( .(ii lu-i4, witlilii U iii'itillix (rum Uhi tf'ilr of tliU lintli'i, lo iiiij h( Ha- In - itiSi i 'H IMHi nt At. iu). Itt Ht. lU'k'im l 'it(inillii ( niiiit . Iti'ttmi. J)l l thin lii t.l Ani'iiM, )Mpi. 1., K, SRKIvllsH-OI, AilniliiUtriitfir Itik'Ktnillou of I. a lid I'Hlit hi - l it. .(.u -,i I illl .(M.r i' hT tfl Hluw.i 1.1 t)(- i-ollrl i ' 1 1 I lii h t- UrtU til ht' N(iiii (itf i ti r 'IU.ii f i rtn l l.'i 'i -I'lit r .m l lit! Itifif ffllt'l f tl.r t-"',t :") -. 1:1. J'n" iiii t fth''l' il.'U tiUMtltUH'1 l Mf. f I ''II 'i'l t.) itittilir' i"n Ii "1 r 1 1 lnh Jauh !,t(i iHiulj 'H ' iM'itt.'it ' '"Hf ' ifit.n t,u fttWUttltt -4 lilt !! IKV Hi tt,. J ''I lit.' . Ii I Mil tfitt '' U"HH' . In 4cm IU.'l! .U mI I' i.aiiu ! ul t Mill 'it I' t"' "I t It " In U 4 til On) "I Vl'lvwm t " hsk - tiiii i: AM -i v, i '..iiifl It i ii . VrtiV AtlUlt . . . i. . ..... i la Ink". It I'm; ' .. .... I.t.1tf 1 1 m.Mf lK tH.? I'mM S i (- I Invi Itll'.c J i j Im lit-1 in -itt i diin Dm hihU; nf Orvjf" l-fr iiiu rinmiy uf I 'tiiiuililtt ll. II. I! (M.ttttT lf tl" iti-l'ltt Itl'MI Iff J. H. i'l- fiii (m i l imru.T v hrt'Kl.l-rtlK'tnU ).i n (!' til uw l"H III llli' ' lt "I Wi lli ll".' ( 'ilutiilmi 1 Ktlllly, t'iuXf -it Oil-KMl. Aj i lun ml. v , '. wl o a ti t;v roifiru m fi i)imiU, Arl'l.l' . II N So, V I .1 !lll Ulllim ii HI M I 'llil Ctll i l I- hi'tl'tt, llritl 'iii Hit- .'tlli -lay of Ailuni A.I' I ' 4lt l.';irn!,'iH wnH Jlli- hv ut'l J. Ii ..U'l i ..tri-1,1 I i.. .1i- In IIm- i I it 1 1 1 1 I'O'trt ul i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ri 1 , i mi n t f (..MlMlUl r MlltKUill f 1IH i-i i.l' 1 .iUh (Um rll.i-1 Now unli'ji 1 n;i, ! li iH Irt-l.ilW I! J 'i Ii '1V lf Hi-j.MH i. j v ii i ii-i in i ,(,.!' crniiM? hv i.l ll Hjifili . i' -. i .h M fin'. Iw. iriMiiti-!, Hi.' mm t i 1 Ii i. iV - i ,-.(. -l (i;lil 'I'vrre lll lw frtiirfd . .. h I:,. 1-. itiv i Frtwr 'if ihc di.ttU-iitl-m ml ? .-; '.ill h' I-.,. (., ra-l (ruin (ll'l)MllliK tin Al-lH- Hilt I A. IIAUHM Kiry .ml W ' ",c . . . . . ...... .Ai '.:. I.v A i Kmi.-ic "t -I- . Hi.- ,. .LnuP.'!.: t.'' 1 HI-"1"" till. liM-U"l" .P " " Um .- !! lil". l. u,.,.ii d Mil':, "i-1" v""' ii nsinl ll k1"' l t , 1. I.l'.l I H. I li'"" 11 llt.I..V. ll ! " I I '"' vm ii ...! " -i I' - '' t;" bmvl ' ..! ' r L't to In ' ! .' ".' - l.r ....h .. !.- I ' " .r.l.r!iti' r .. III i ' . i ti S..1 ! .i i nit Ui ii i (iii iv j ,. i I -llj I'' H ' . v'.i...' . -. Wit.-' II""1 t t i - it I ..! t i ll4 l-'l" I'll." " ' '' .i - . ..-i.wi I)'1! ; l'.' .i'l;!.rt." Hl.'.l'.t'ir III" ll 'I' 11 ' j ..-li.-r !"' 1 11' I ''" " ' i-.-p.l-J 1-1 tli .!!. I ' !' j 1 il Ii- w iiiM II.Hi t l.rt Mroillf I i.i!-, .,1 r.'i? V.". I-.. .;' ' . i,!!. ni n-xav i tifi-o ui-.i 1 1 ;r -V, mi.i-Il.-i . ttlift i 1111 ' '. i- i .li'fn liiit I liom li e tr! IllltW . II I t f"1'1 !'- k li.-liuij .m-'l: ,1 v. IvViUt j i in .'ln r' 1-1 ( ii m ii'i.1'1 unlit j Ii i n'-l..l, In 'in '"l' Ii j in.. i:M li' l ! -ii'iuy K "'-: ' !' r ! i-i-i iiiii'Klv in .. i. Ilvor nii'l I'l lm-y l . .1 ,,ii !. ,ii i n.t.f ill H-'iil-M ii,.- .ii p n n ul J.rr lilil'li'l . . .. - I It-v,.it ;n nlil iMillirr- i.i i.,... ,s in,. M i..ti:,".in iiy s.iri'-piiouli Kvl of It- lil.vt',1.-, N i . f I u'd li rt Hit-'.- lni " "I' ll " Ui-i Ui( til. i-m. A I' "' ii mi Ii i; luit miimiU'r, mil f ii "ilvii litiiHlci'tl limit I" n N. t i-vi'ii unit itiitiiili.-il." Iin'l l"i' itlf, iin'. Imrim vln. llitiilioti, Wiiinin, ,Soiip')ii3',itiiu'l il;tler. Iii Mr. Ill van Ims never I iiihI Hint In lieu tuili', n Im t fni hi liitllcnto Hint lm niiver wm i. It'll! I tir ii Nnrnliio4 Aiiklo ruiiiul imkli? limy Ixi i-mnl ) "iif-ll'lr.l llio Him. iinMlly M'titii ii-S1ylnil ClmnilMirliilii'if l't'" ly, mill givlnu It nbilnio i'i'it. C. T. l'i:i:.foi t V.. V 'il'H iv. Tin- Columiua County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titlks Examined. vi? Abstracts Madh Non-Rksidknt Taxes Paid Rkal Estate VS? Loans, etc DART & MUCKLE J r;Js...-iS'-5C- Zr- .- -- --. III iii Wf Ui w II) IT Itt ii Carry a Complete Stock of the Best hi General Merchandise r.t Lowest Prices Cousistc:.t with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, liardwarc, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As iure You,Courteous Treatment ST. MKLENS, 01. :00N D Hi Mr iU Iff ill Hi Iff J. ? JOB PRIMT1MC i S ( I t IS OUR BUSINESS WE haTO tho best and most fiillycqniiipcdJob Print in? Olllco in Columbia County And we arc prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE ORECOi HIST $ i , i vW In the Cimiit Court of tlic Stutc of Or- i-Koii fur Ci.luinbiu County. In (In- inatU-r of the Hplii-iilion of If. I! Mi.'ImlHH In Imve rt'KiMcrcil t lie title to the tollowiiiK ill M-riljcil lotn mill trttrta of liitnl in the city of ht. Hel ens, Columbia County, Mate of Or ej("iii to wit.- U 1, 'I, Ii, 4, 6, Riirl 11 ()H.-t.iK all) of block Wl; Ixilt I, 2, .'I, 4, ft. II, 7, H, II, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 111, 17, IK, III, at). 21, iuil S!2, (I.eiiiK all) of block l(i;i; 1M I. 2, .1, 4, &, ll, 7,H. I), 111, 11, 12, l.'l, 14, 16, HI, 17, IK, I'J 20, 21, and 22 Man ID of block 101; Loin 1 , 2, II, 4, 5, I. 7. 8, 11. 1(1, II, U, III, 14, l.'i, HI, 17, IK, I'J, id, 21 mul bi-ini; nil 1 ol block lOfi; U,K 1, 2, a, 4, 5, (1, 7, H, 11, Hi, 11, 12, II. I.i, Hi, 17. IK, 10, 111, 21 uil 2.', (bcit.K nil) of block UNI; I.oU 1. 2, It, 4, .1, II, 7, K, 0. ill, 12, I . 14, 15, III, 17, IH, 10,20, 21, mvl 22 in block 1 Kii 1M I, 2, i!. 4, 5, 0, 7, K, M, 10, 11, 12, i:i. 14, 15, HI, 17, IK, 111,211, 21,ini(l 22 being all ol block 111, ton 1, 2, .'I, 4, 5, 0, 7 K. 0. 10, 11, 12. III. 14, 16, HI, 17, IK. 10, 20, 21 mul 22 (beiii nil ol block 115; I.OUI, 2, :t, 4,5,(i. 7, H. 0,10, 11, 12, i:i. 14, 15. HI. 17, IK, 10, 211, 21, uml 22, (beliix all of block 110: tatt 1, 2, A, 4, 0, ii, iIh-iu all j of block 117; mU 1, 2, ll. 1. 5, 11, ,hcii'Kall ol block UK; i ois I, 2. 3. 4, 5, i, 7. H. I. Ill, ,1, 12, l.'i, 1 1. S, HI, 17, IK, 10:'ll 21 ami 2.' (IkIiik 11ID f Mock 110; I,ol 1, 2, .'I, 4, b. , 7. K, 0, 10, 11. 12, I a, 14, 15, Hi. 17. IK, IU, 20, 21 22 ,b ing ulij of block 120; !..! I, 2, a, 4 : ll, , K. II, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14. 15, HI, 17, 18, 10, 20,21 and 12 IU-iiik nil) ol block 121; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 15, 111, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, mul 22 ol block 122; Lots 1. 2.8. 4.5, 0, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21 , and 22 of block 120 !,ot I. 2, a. 4, 5. It, 7, 8, II, 10, 11. 12 la. 14, 15, ill. 17. 18. 10, 20, 21 and 22 'U-iiix all) ol block l.'U); Lot I, 2, 3, I, 6, li, 7, 8. 0, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, Hi, IT. 18, 10, 20, 21 ami 22 (beinjt a I ) ol block L!l ; LoU 1. 2, 3, 4. o. i. ". , HI. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15 M. 17. 18. 10. 2d, 21 ami 22 (U-inj; all) of uioca 1.1.'; uts 1, 2, .1, 4, 5, mid ti licirtK nil of block 133: I.ots 1, 2, .'1. 4, 5, and Ii, being all of block 1 34; Lots 1, 2, a, 4, 6, , 7, 8,0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 10, 17. 18,10,20. 21, and 22 being titl-ol block 135,Lo.t i, 2. a, 4 i, t, ., k. 0. iu. 11, 12, ia. 14. 15, Hi. 17, IK, 10, i.0. 21, and 22 bciiiK all ol bl'ick 130; Lots 1, 2, 4. ii, 7. 8, !i, 10. II, 12. 13, 14. 15, Hi, 17, 18, 10, 20. 21. nml 22-be-iiiK nil of block 137; Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, ti, 17, 18, 10 20, 21, and 22 ol block 13k: Loti I. i.',3.4, S, li, 17. 18, 10, 'JO, 2) . and 22 of bio. k 145 ; Lots 1. 3.4, li, 7,8, 0, 10. 11, 12, 13. 11. 15, Hi. 17. K hi, 20, 2 and 22 U-ii;,; till of liiock 4li; Lot f, 2, 3. I, 5, ii. 7, 8, 0, o, eleven, 12, 13, 14. 15, Hi, 17. IS, 10, 20, 21 and 2. ol block 147; Loll I, 2, 3, 4, 5, (i, 7. 8 0, In, eleven. 12, 13. 14. 15, IU. 17. 1. lo, M, 21, 22. ill block 148, Lots I.'.', 3, 4. 5, (i-b-iiiit all ol block I ill Ol Klill I ll, Applicant, E3 ' I.. C. Grav, C.i-'i. 11. 1'n iijn. the Aius- Morih C'oimanv, Columbia County tru The Cttv ol St. Helens. Hannah lvkit-K7, l,. J'.. 1 vprkiewicz. H Sarah 1. liilson, lico. I). Otlson and all outers Hliom it may concern, 1'c Illlil.lllU. fo the al ove nuittcd defeiiilaiits and a'l others whom it may com em : In the name ol the Stale ol Ureeou Vou will take notice that on the 12th lav of Aiiijiut, I'.H'.S, nil application was. died bv II. H. Nicholas iu the Circuit ouit of Columbia County for initial registration ( I the title ol the laud above U-s ritxM. Now utiles vou a inwar on or before the .".nil ilnv ol September, I'.HiK and answer or othcl wis; show cause why such nppli- ation .-hall not be jjiunteil, the applicant will upplv to the court for the relief (le maniicd ill the application and the same will 1 c taken as con fes-t:. I , and a decree ill be entcie 1. (juietini! ihe applicant's title and registering the same accoidinn to the prayer of the application, and you will 1 forever barred from disputiiij; the iauie, and for such ollur reliei as may lie found eiintal)le and proper. This notice and sumuions is published iu thelin noti Mtsi, a newspaper published it St. lleicits, ill Columbia County, ure- l:)H, once each week lor six consecutive weeks, by 01 ine non. janies i-ari. Coutitv Juoye ol said county, dated An i;iist I'.'iii. lOf'S, the liisl publication lie in . ilth. l'.il'S. Witness my hand and the of said coar! this 1-th da of Aiijnst. l'.IOS. W. A. H.VK1US, Clcik II It NICHOLAS. Attorney (or Applicant Notice for Publication lii-nnrlmenl ol the fiilcrlnr I'liltcl Kiatf Lulu Ulllee, I'ortliini) Orenon, June lth, IKUt. S'otlr Iii lie.-pl.v el vi-11 thnt (.'arl liuiitiil isirom of l-iirtliiii'l, iir.'K'.u, who 011 Junn isth 19ia 111111I11 'I liiirw-r ljili'1 A liiil lent Ion No. 778A for i. .nth .0 .loiilhw,.-l olHirirtlon 2 Towimhlp I Norlii. Itmiiie K Meal "I Wlllrnielle Meridian, lum lilt-.i iiotl.- of his Intention lo mako Klnat nr. Mil, to MMiHhllNli eliiliii Ui the Inii'l NtMivade- rllid'l, I. '("(.) .11.0 k'-klnlrr anil K.-ctiver at roriiaiiu uri-giiii, on the ath nay ol neptemMr, 1WIH. 4;lnlinaiit mumm im wttin-fM-ii: AIIh-ji rt..iwli.r of Ymikiou orevrin. (Iiii-t 11. !mi!PrK of Jon Mien of I'ort iinn Oreeon Chnrllu I., hai.dl-urt- ul I'ort lull I Orrioil A I. Kit My. S BDHKHsKIt Kculater. S50 REWARD I will nay (50 reward for tbe arrest itud conviction of any person guilty of Ki'Hifig honor illenally In Hcappoose pre cinct. AHA HULA DAY. Hearse eo JULVCVJ. tJV 1 I'uruiihed for all pointi on river or rail, with or without horse, $ Jf at reasonable rate. Addre Mr. Jamei Lowe, 9 i z Bainier -:- Ore Notice For Publication Iipimrlmcnul the Interior. P. p. Laud office at fortlanJ. Oregon, Juna 1,,h- . . otlce ulcn that Forest J. Peterson ..t .-nmamK. ( eon, who, on June 10. law. m.leTlml.r Aprltca-I(in No. 7782. lor ski. sre. Tnnn-hlu II North range iwelt ol tt lllanu tte Meridian has tiled ooticenf his Inten tion In make final rirool, u eslahlish elaim the land bove dwrltied, helore the KpglteT and K-elver at Portland. Oreijoa, on the 'Jnxa dav of Aintust 19US. Claimant nainin an wimenes: Charles Oslx.rn. Kotiert Osborn, William St.- . Thomas, C. A. Bass, all of Portland, Orefton. AlXIKKIsO.-i . UKl-issiii. Beglster Willamette University. Founded In la- New $50,000 Building This Year. The COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS has strong brain developing courses. Other cotme in Oratory, Music, Theol ogy, Education, Medicine, Law end in the Academy, 45 PROFESSORS HI till QUALITY nSTRUCTIOS state Libraries afford superior odvan tagef. For catalague address PRESIDENT F. HOMAN Salem - - Oregon Juue Notice for Publication li.-TMrttn.-iit of the Interior r. S. Land office al PortU-d Oregon. Noilce Is hereby jtlven that Andrew M. Par ker..! Wrnunla Or.-aon who on March l;h. lsuj made horot-su-sd No. K..V.' f.r su'iM-'i. M.Nw'.and N K'4 Sw ol Section Sf. Town till. .'. S. rtli Rause 4 "est Willamette Meridian H'o. tlli..l uotii-e ot Intention to niske float com proof to eubllsh claim to Ihe .sad it-ove .ii..ertlel. oeiore ine iiiklw. w" "--i-eiver. Landoitlceat PortUudOn-Konun (lit- l-Mh dny oi Aiiifiul lyds. ( lultiti.nv names a wiihwm-.. J.'hli U linker of Veruouia Orcfou. lii-orce W Parker oi " I-....I K. Nii-kemn ' ' Charley Malm.iea.' ' ",. A LAj E- rv V a. -s-. . Kegiftter IR.Il.R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T HELENS B ALDW1N & SilEliW. VNDKltTAKKPS ANb I S111AI Mi.KB Hearse for funerals et all i-olnts 011 river mil rail. Plume si our expeuw. K.UN1EK. OUEiiOM Agricultural College rorvnllls, OrcRoii CUfi iB cnll.'i-lrtceiniiseii ill AKr'ctilturp, i,.lo. ,11. Airnmoiiiv. lloritciiiitii'i', .n iimtl Ihtslmmlry, Dairy llusbiindry.eto. , .i.vr i-'io. s tic s.- ei ee nun in Civil, Electrical, Minim? nud Meclitttii cal Eliainccriutr; l'om:iicree; riiatniiicv. Ollt'i'8 clemelilaiy Courses ill Am'icni- tilii, lonptiv,'siic .-science 1111. 1 it Con nit'tce, ntnl Mechanic Arts, in elniliiif! work cabinet liuikins, .team liitinu, plnmlilni!, nmcl ie ivo'k. etc. , . Sinmir facility, modern tqiiipn en . (tee tuition; open Sept. 25. Illtistiatedcatiiioune itb full infor mal ion on application to tbe Kei'ftiiu, free. assPCLK'S GAZETTEER h r-i, tiiisniosa nivoetory of m.-Ii i-tty. yyil. F.DW1S UosV, PHYSICIAN & SURGFN ST. HU.LKSS .,,.1 VHI..B11 111 lM-.-i;.ni lino uishliiKinn. s'vliii! a i).-i-lillv Kk.'l.-n "f aaeri lilai-o. l.oiall.m, W.l'.ilitii.: Fa.-llilios and a Olassl n,.,i ini-.n-t.-ry ot eucti Buslnoaa and .r.-fs.l..n. Hw.irie. isiiso. IIFUHTCn ft I (411 I LU Farm or Business IKiruHluriQX 1 at sale. Kot pnrticalar about tocarloa. sh to hear troin . paly who will soil direct to borer, tolve pnea. description and stata woan poaaaaitaa I- DARBTSHIRE. Bm NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County court of the State ol Oregon, for Columbia ubunty. .... v lu the matter of tho estate of Tatrick Hughes, 'olice'.s hereby Riven that th nndersiaued has, by the county court of the State ol Oregon, for Columbia County, twen du y appointed admluislralor at the. estate of Patrlek H"lfj d.ivacil, and has duly niialiaetl as such. Alt ih irons hsvlne claim aRainst said estate are .. ...... ...I. ...I ... nrnnnnt thl. SAHIB. Willi 11.4 nioiwr vouchers, wilhtu six months from Ihe date of th noilce, to m at myotttce in thaeity of St. Helens. coiumDia touuiy, urejuu. Dated Uiu Htn uay ui 1S,T, AdmlaUtrawr, X. E. QCICK, u Iiy A J I) inlnK, dru'il-