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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
A plat of three Columbia County lemon, rained by Mr. W. A. Harris, o( St. Helen, witl attract the attention oi visitors to the State Fair ncatweek.Tliey weigh about Irt ouuee each ami nica ure twelve by fourteen indict. It i said the contract ha been let for the construction of fifteen mile of tha Hillsboro-Tillamook road of the Tacitic Railway A Navigation Co. Thi wil brine the road to Vernon iu a nil put the Nrhaletn Valley in direct railroad com tnunication with the outride world. Hail happy day'. County Superintendent Colliu U at tendinn tha State Teacher' Institute at Saletu thi week. lli'STKRS' Lli'KSSKS t'i to date hunter' licensci have been Issued by the County Clerk of Columbia Counly The State receive one dollar spicce for these licenses and the county aland all cxpcti' sea, even to paying for the blnnks and the costs of prosecution for violator of the law. Mr. W. C. Van IVrsal and family re turned to Portland lat Saturday after i very pleasant viit with relative here. W.J. Fullerton started last Tuesday for the State Fair with Columbia Coun ty's exhibit lu't forget to end him, by express, anything good you may haJe in the fruit or uegetaMe line. Or, better still, take it to him. The fair will I the beat ever, and when you see it you will return home lullv satisfied that von are living in the best county in Oregon. Syrup of White Tine and Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For ale by A.J. Dcming druggirt. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene, Gray, of Ottawa Countv, Kansas, are veiling Mrs. Cray's sister, Mrs. Martin White. Mrs. Fred Watkins was a Portland visitor by the Iralda last Tuesday. School opened Monday last with an Increased attendance. A meeting is called forThursdav evening. Sept. 17, to decide upon installing the eleventh grade. Work npon the building of the Col umbia Connty Bank is progressing rapid ly and will be pushed as much as possi ble while the fine weather continues. Mr. R. R. Williams is building two five-room residencet'in Lottville for rent al purposes. Misa Jennie Spence sad Messrs. R. (t. Staines, K. W. Hight, h. Skura and Mar ton left Tuesday to attend school at Seattle. We are glad to sec our young people turning toour higher institutions of learning for a better training for ser vice. W. O. Ziglcr, field sccrvtary of Phil omath College, wat canvassing our coun tv last week, and report a bright pros pect of an increased attendence this year, Last Friday evening, September 4th, a few old Michigan fricniis and neigh bor gave a pleasant surprise to Mr. and Mrs. . I. S:siiH-s, of Houlton. The occasion being their 83d wedding anni versary. The children presented their parents with a beautiful hand engraved center table. The evening was enjoyed by all. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increatirig satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels without full or fric.ion," gays N. H, llrown, of Pittafield, Vt. Guaranteed at llonlton Warren. Scappcote anil Deer Island. 25c. Shingles, $1.1)5 and $2.00 per thousand. Wellington, St Helens. nor that the same has been completed In strict conformity with all the terms ami conditions of the contract and sneelllf lions, that the Clerk Is hereby ordered to issue a warraut on the general fund in favor of V D ('ate In the sum of f too. Matter of issuing a warrant for State Fair appropriation, It Is ordered by tlie court that the clerk issue a warrant on the general fund in the sum of -tO0 lu favor of W 1 Full erton as heretofore appropriated. In the matter of the petition of S K Hutti (or a liquor license . On this second day of September 1U08 comes on for bearing the petition of S K Hutu, (or a liceute to sell spirituous, vinous and mall lhjuors and fermented cider in lea quantities than oue gallon intioble l'recinct. And It appearing to the court that a majority of all the legal voter of laid precinct, who are actual rueideuts of Uoble Precinct, and who have actually icsided therein at least SO day proceeding the signing of said peti tion ; and it further appearing to tha court from the affidavit of the printer of tlie Oregon M lata weekly newspaper of fetters! circulation published in said county and state, and that said petition together with a notice of the day upon which the said petitioner would apply to this court for such licence had Ihhii published f ir lour consecutive weeks in the ncwpnper;and it further appearing from tlie allldavit of ono of the signers of said petition and two of the resident householder of said precinct that writ ten copiesof said petition and notice had been posted for lour consecutive weeks (To tie continued) It A I XI KK TWO LEADERS IN QUALITY Style, and Up-To-Datenes' COUNTY COURT Be it remembered that a regular term of the county court of the Mate of Or egon f r Columbia County was begun and held at thi com t house in the city of St. Helent, in Raid county and State, on Wednesday the 2nd duy of r-eptem-ber l'J08 the same bring the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of aid court, when were present: Hon. James Dart, County Judge. Hon. li. West, Coimniasioner. Hon. K. C. Ticheuor, Commissioner. W. A. Harris, Clerk. Martin White, Sheriff. Due proclamation being made the fol lowing proceeding! were had : Journal read, approved and signed. Matter of bids for building a bridge cross Beaver Creek near Vernon is. Oi this day the following bids were opened and examined by the court. W It Caee for 4X),00 according to plans and apecifkaticni sulimitted, John Kdholtn for $348X0 and hiiihl approach on each end, or to build it on the same plan a the old bridge. And the ciort after duly considering the itm", decided to accept the plan and bid of W D Case, It 1 therefore ordered that the contract be awarded to W. D. Case and the amount of the bond fixed at $200.00 and it is further ordered that Hon S C Tichenor be appointed to accept the tame when complete J end that npon filing a csrtiflcats from said 8. C. Tlchs- The labor spurts and general jol idea tion held in tint city last Monday were timed out to the letter, notwithstanding oopioua drafts from above. The sports took place between showers, and those olio went to Ilia ball grounds gut their moneys worth. The bucking hruncho uiau was the hi-as tyew of the day. What be could nut do Willi a broncho was not worth doing. The tiall game between tke r.gulara and the firemen came also In happy installments. F.very one was out for fun, and the banter It raiuedlhe more the crowd enjoyed itself. ah geiiier il was a day or rejoicing and the ciliaenaol Rainier had a big day. The C. C. Wilson sawmill Is burnimr r'ue started this Wednesday mornum at 5 o'clock and it is feared it will l' a total loss. The mill ia valurd at -Pi) AM) wiiii some insurance. All attempt is bring made to rave some uf tha machin ery. It Is vet too esrlv to give a full statement of the loss. I Sin e the fore- nig was writU'll .Mr. Wilon. the iir- prietur uf the mill, states hit lost nt H7,ix.V. with only $M,tHJ in.tir- ame. About 2M.l.s.) feet of umber humed. Fire tianvd about s;2Ua m., ill the planer shed, and ia unr-d to have been luc iidmii.iu The death of little Helen Stcnnii-k. thrte year old dsugliier of larker Men hick, occurred laet Friday night Helen was a constant care to the lamlly and for iliat very reason her oa is i..uhly felt. A w.-et little, child who wat being roiled in her little . arrwge the day of her death, happy ai.d contented, with a smile for every one who passed. She eemed In perfect henlih, and her ir ent felt greatly encouraged for her ulti mate recovery on account of the great improvement noticed during the past month, when death came suddenly and carried her to the great heyond.' The funeral services were held st the resi dence at 10 a. in. Monday. The parents ami laiiuiy hsve the sympathy of the whole community A number of real estate trnfcrt have been made recently, and all signs point to a general prosperous teason. Mis. F.llzabeth 1 .OW is hllildiltira llverv barn and residence on Harrison street which wi.l be complete in a few weeks Judge Dlancliurd took a lsivn raft of i ti inner anil umbers U Ins farm Inal week .Mr. It. Holland, from Yemhlllcnuntv naari-en looking over the country in the vicinity of Rainier and stated Unit the best soil he has seen in this Mute .e saw in tins district. JOHN STROOTMAH snoi. ..LADIES., Misses and Children. thi; Walkover Shoe FOR Fall and Winter Stylet Now In. 1 Further Coosa I Unntxtmfj But if YonArti Doubt vestigatioall ComrincY. For Sale in This Territory Only By WHITE HOULTON & ANDfiRSON OREGC the pulpit Sunday evening in the M Cliil" h v.. sat takn ffinn his ri m n l oai wr Mr. rren oil rrmsiii In alia d ...o.rthine 1,. I (,.,,,,,-.1 ,. I.i.- i.iaiK4uie. a tne IU chaig ! the 3rd i Hot l.ier it Wat deel Ird ha had lutl Ufl j to n taihoal taymg j had ome Ifouhlt ork nytldng. II bad la gilting s-mis money, he cuM no! itiovt hi obli gation., Jim e,fAi p,l, lhal Iw will pay evtry end It fT can got It He Was a nico oi l llama n. Mrs Johnny .Jffek,a I tialting In Forest i.n.vs tlitrk. Mr. J. went at far ss I'ortland ulili hr J. N. Kiev was well plratel with hi bsrtesting, the grain svetsjing ;i)isl- CLATSKAME. Mlsi Uetla Nelson wg in town Hal unlay. h. S. llouth was in I'ortland Thurs day and got a new regulator. .Mrs. Win. Chsndlt.-r made a flying trip to hverett, Wash., on husiiiees. Mi8 l.thel Ilarnci accompanied by her little brother came to Clatskanin Saturday. Hlie will begin teaching Monday in the Klugley district. J. N. Hice was a I'oitland visitor this week. A very pleasant dance was glvim Saturday night by trio Alder drove ball team . W. II. Conyer was a i'ortland visitor lost week. Mrs. Montgomery and children spending few day in I'ortland week. Clatskanio is up-to-date. Chicken dinner every Saturday atld Sunday at the Commercial Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oreen cams down from Portland. Mr. Orosn filled are this an. I l-h grade In our public ihool rrirnot 01 neorgp Mlllirrlatol mr p cme.l lo rv It) ii on t!in lje.-t ajln. Although xe.k ha It ttimg aell In a ni ili'M or to he will t s g at new A very plea.-uut time It rrj.rtrd by tlioa'a attending tlie lll game at l.'ulh lamet. Ciattkaiue came off virtonous ssni 7 lo ?. T. iIhii mine home from hi Uesr Portland to jnd humlay. Mrs. Frank Coulter an. I .Mr. It,id ! I' ' Iliiuch aent hoi p i king Monday in the j There at to hae In-en a pintle teiiaiein . alley. . i. tiyert l.rnvo Monday, lad Mr. I. ('ulverm wat railed to New-! l"rv"1,"1 port Sa'urdny on account of the severe' Null llrot , jraelrt., cf Maiulsf. tMSS- "'.. nit !!. inner. , e-l thro. gl, lwu going Into the Mrs ('. K i, sworth it visiting In j for an uutit.g. I'urtland this week. ' , ... . j "' Hauie Tu henor and Mim Agnes Miit Mamie Kite eatue duwn I mm Ticheuor spent I.shot day In Uainler Ku!.'Uy eV'""!'''"'','1' C.,.ielt,n, . , " !"ri'!y of .. fr th winter. M Nora Con,.,. fiun.Uy , MmA Ug, Tuefc.r wl,h a tpl.ndld Mr. OUveHydsand Mi., M. HH..!e,7. " of Vsuktoii, are visiting at llin horns of! . T, , , . Mrt M. l4. Jn-m, ) A and wife who sere married I. A . .... ... ....,.,,, euuetiiay, nrpt, 2nd., came in rain day evening a bnrttsal Mff M appnarbla certats ( vlciniiy A young sua iiu j a roriaia other yoeag sms, 'Hallo, ." A frasisisttatu "It's not , it's hi is then disappaarvd Is thUail Fji. h onocllinttli)D4tai Mr. at, Itar .ti. M Ms Mrs I.. U Tuul Wl Strtr SHinding tarsi atatl otM 1 valley. A stiantra.ktd.ciawitlt' of i: igit, a(ont.ft.lsa burg. If II warw s fansfsl," ' lb it li w lha optO'B r)H Melllnger' hltf litUIdh SB. J Mr. Walter hMMiwr. and several frieodt sat4 tM' on k- sy bom I trip was Bieda ll , wsgon. J Jmli ltr4. d Vfi. f Cialaktlll WVInealsy rtUrtX day wliha luedof frenjala I Mlsa Fths. Wredpsawd1! nhiay . . J C F , I'tterton iMOfsl furnllitrThurt.lay, I 1 isusaiile rSundsy (Veiling where they will mako their future home. Mr. Joiiet It at present connected villi the Until barber shop. At the election Keturday It was carried to bond the city for f.yjuu t) ,pW the atreets. Threi Mr. Mnrrie-I, Monday, at Toledo, Oregon, Mr, Kdward Ko. and Mrt. Ilullio ott. Mrs. Flliott hat re.i.le in (:,lU kanie for several M.h hst Ihh-ii proving up on a homestead I., tie BileU. Khe came up to put the children III school and returncil hut week. Jibe baa three more weeks to remain, jfr. Hum is from Mi dowan, Wash. The Ticherior I.iimla r tompany have sold out to Kingaluy A Vt,., of ,rt!and. A party of c.uiper, fri I'rtli..l came iu Monday evening on their way to the Nchalem. rvnm, B ool.i , inform all such pleaaniij (eeker that It i ,rV' '.tuxl"" N"day Isn't at all neieHtiir. i ,,. I. M. I'nltiraoiM bei,,on ", ".,'.',"tf)'l' Tli'7 Will llnd out Ihev eau .'. thing here, iu fet ihry wm hay () for the milk spilt out and run .it ... ... tlie platform, and bean, ,,, r,,e ()U, wits too numerous to mention. ' (Mile a good deal of lnter.,.1 , lltstcd Saturday forenoon over the no.. ' spiiearsnceofan old liciitl,,,,,.,, i, nameofhu-al. When It v,Bs discovered that hi bed hod nt i u. . . . , , ' iitwi ma isnd began to look for bun. Nothing blng Is on at full l,Uat. K. K Nil kertoll ol Vnrnnnln pns-ed through town Thursday. Mr, Alliert I'lirkrr .,.,!.. . I. .!.... of Oak lUm h was i.ia.., I'owell ia handling the mall at the I It ahum i,ontiiii..w ..'!' S' """"""K returned lo hi hums "t'.ohlnUiirsdny after spending sev eral day In t,e valley, A mirientalivii ill II,. i.i.;i. ...... ii. coll ge was In this vicinity i,a,kIlg p stmlents for the college, r 'mur nrni passed through town Fri day O.I lis VVfty t,, Uk c bf llaw l drove school -,-.'r'i L; C" K."tt' y "' Keasey, wei In tiiwii Intt week, that 1 being told around hers. Tusa- r.. .....1. it,,. titfSbfls arnuted (mm Ihelf I9"'!.'! evening by what ly fZl thunder storm. Dot 'I"rvj Hid Ul ls ira . n "-jj Sunday lo meet bis dsoM"l coining tii ine vausy a Urac Powell nitd S H" ... ... n.. . I-- vernoina nunuaj. . y i.. fin..., .i.iiiM siura tl I III " - at Flshawk Hundav Williaflsrk was In to W"' Virgil I'owell watlrsoatrt"! I ...... ..U Mt.lfdaV. Kob Spencer Nmiilav. .n KaveFarlyHearylcl tMJJJ, Oliver Jons is uklng hi A.el snd Will skilH wllhthethrel.erlll;WTO C. F. I'aleison Woola town Ssturdar. ..-klJ"! .Several railroad ""T,W of 0,e count.y MtW ""fla"'.' Mckrnn',9,t1 dMart y?&iSA weekly .rip 10 M" 9" U llli.c.a. Too bad Mr(. 7" I Virgil I'oaell lo"" Mr. and crew of crulr "P W ' J Monday... , . . 0U I Albert raraer n. r --. tract of tlinl-r and n '".,, start building sls't"" help can Iw ew""t ftfippoo" Mr. W. IbCas. of WP" llis valley lor a few M.- e.-.. 4 m 0t-ai -w e m e i,