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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1908)
"HE OREGON MIST Vol. xxv St Helens, Oregon, Sept. 4, 1908. No. 40. J plain i REC( J-'il "OREGON BUILDERS" Arc you doing what,, you can to populate your 5rate? OltMiOS. NKKI I'KUl'l.l - itlr,, m-.t In. in is, :. iflntnMn, men hunt., clerk, people li I, ion,., ronf bands mul willing li.'.in capital or no capital. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in, Oregon) - . ' aia twmlinf out tons til Oregon Merura to lln Fit lot, bull, ill I). n.iitfTi vrrv available agi-itc. Will tou not lielp tlx K'xxl work ol budding in.g m Ity send inn Oi ddr"t nl vour friend wlm ar llkrly IO I Ililfri-dtKl III till. Slnln? Wi Wilt I) glad to boar Ilia efx-ii. nl uiiiiIihk ilium t'ouii!f i Informa liun about OKKiO mul It opMirtuuitir(. COLONIST TICKETS will U mi 'r during 8KITKM- bl-H and IM'ltmMl llie fast In ml mIiiU In Oirgon. The f.rr. Itulil lew Jif i i.cij-al citln aia From IVnver , . . " Omaha " Kansas City pi. Imh . " Chicago . , . fiOrtl rwon 3M From iiiimyIIIp fit 80 " Cincinnati V':.V " Cleveland . 44 75 ' Sew Y. rk . , 63. (K) Tickets Can Bo Prepaid If yon want ! It It H a ilid or n-Uiur In ().i-gni Irp-Mit the pnvwr aM mu l Willi nnv il mtr agents Tli lukrl will I licit Ih fiirnja i.-d by l.. iph. Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. PUBLIC MEETING The Columbia County Development League reiiciit.s nil interested in the pros "ly (if Columbia County ami taking measures to promote its welfare to mi-i-t t the circuit court room at the court house in Si. Helena, on I'riilay, Srpleni-1 'r i nil at l:.'ln p. m. t0 discuss the best methods of promiitiiiK that obiecl. ranee- i illy by securing aetiiera iij:oii our lands mil manufactories lor our towns. -Give l ly of your time to the tmblic irood. ik sure to attend. Good sucakeis will address the meeting. (Mist and Oregonian $1.80 NEW YORK STORE B 0 Just at pre, cut we are making a .Specialty of s 11 0 E s f carry the largest and best stock of Geueral ;din" everything needed about the House vc made a Great Reduction of 25 Per Cent On all Dry Goods and Dress Goods, Ladies' and Men s Shoes and Hats. On everything except Staple Groceries. We must reduce our stock, and in order to move it rapidly we make this uuparalclled offer. An opportunity never before given in Celumbia County. No reserves in these lines. Come at once ana seenre tnc picn 01 um 500 TONS OF HAY WANTED Uigc Stock of Shingles on hand. In our Grocery Line we earry the very best of goods and wc also handle I-lour, 1'ccd Furniture, Hardware. Compare our prices with any and all oi our competitors. H. MORGUS HELENS i . II Mr. W. If. Conycra, of Cliitskmne. wus St. Ileiena viaitor ou Tuewluy hut. -Mr. TbeiMlore Gluy, of I'ortlatul . viaited with her aister. Mr. K. I. Uiillavh tail Meek W. J. l'nllcrtijii has Ijcen puttini; in tot of b.inl work lh last few wecka Ret tniK Columbia Countv'i exhibit reaily to take to the hute Fair. If you liave anything (it to exhibit it ia your duty to help him bv sen. linn it in Tl c St. llelrnt Iwll team would like very much tocrou baU with the Rainier tram. St. llclem people think we have ! t ie lt leuui in ihc county ami would ' like '.o itc tin f,,ct deaifjiistnted i A llri;t.K-l,H(Hii' s.i H If the Col-! umbi4 Coiinlv Hunk ever lose an v money : by a midnight robbery il will I liecause 1 the iWr ol the new mile wa left open, aa ' it can not be opened bv anv burglar or dymunitcd by tbc mo,l expert cracks nun in lelv hours continuous work. The uihcera of the Lank ciiunot open it until the time tot U, oeniug buainess each mnrii.r', ntrl ibcv c;m sleep with perfect atatirance that what they put iu at llie close of the duy'a work will be there when Ijiimuis is resumed. It is what ia known as the Muesler Manganese sale, and any one who can show the Iwnk authorities how to burglarise it will lc j aid enough mom ;-by the manufactu rers to m.ike them reasonably 'ndepend- cut. The bank people would be pleased to have all those who desire call and iu- SCt it Rev. Clarence True Wilson lectured at the M. 1 Church 1:1 this city Inst Mom' ; evening to an au lience limited lo the .ip.icity of the room. His subject was ''Old Siiws llrokeii," nn I he handled it in a very able manner, lie presented, however, but one tide of the subject, secmiug to think nothing but evil cornea from the old maxims that have borne rejietitiou for centuries, and he accredit ed lo Shakespeare personally the senti ments the poet puts into the mouths of his characters. What a great combina tion of vice and virtue such a men till pro- cesa would produce. His anecdotes were short and snnppy and he held the strict attcntiou of his audiance to the close. "Old Saws Broken" is well worth hear ing, and when its parts are strung to Kcthrr in a little better order it will achieve excellence. Hrsi.NKSsCii.tNf.KS Mr. M. E. Miller, recently of Vaucouver Wash., has moved with bis family to St. Helens, where he will engage in the practice of the law. Ilia office will be lu the Harris building, n the rooms vacated by Dr. Cliff, who has moved into the oflice recently occu pied by W. It. l'owell. Mr. Miller and family will occupy the Ferry property, vacated by Mr. l'owell. DKNTIST Dr. Nettie B. Burbour will visit St. Helens ou Fiiday Sept. 4th and remain two,days returning once a month thereiilter. Kverything in the dental line done in a first class nuiuner. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Teeth ex amined free. OMke at St. Helena Hotel. Lost A Redinans'.rharui with N. B It. on buck, l'imler please return to E. I. llallagh, St. Iielens. Mr. Cilaou wishes the Mist to state that ho has no connection with the sur vey upon which Mr. Nicholas bases his registration suit. His survey being ou different Hues and not conflicting with the present towuslte. Your PLEASURE is our BUSINESS That is why we offer you now and then such Bargains It is the "come ,'again" trade we are after We have just received a full line' of Boots and Shoes Of t.he Best Quality and Up-to-date Styles. Whatever brings "the customer the first time, it is the Quality that keeps him. That is where our Foot wear fits in. It is the QUALITY that has made us Famous. If you don't try, you won't know. Quality First, Last, Always. J. H. Wellington ST. HELENS, OREGON. COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK INCORPORATED DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS : First National Bank, U. S. National Bank, Hanover National Bank, - Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore. New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier; Edwin koss, vice president; A. L. btoue, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. Lumber Dry and Well Manufactured Lumber Flooring. Rustic, Ceiling, Stepping, Door and Window Jambs. Furnish Anything in the Lumber Line. DOORS, WINDOWS, ETC., ETC. BENIGNUS LUMBER CO. 1-IOlTLTOISr, OREGOIST fcgWWMasav ,-,iwmHr,tp.v