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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
?HE OREGON U XXV St Helens, Oregon, Sept. 11, 1908. No. 41. MIST LOCAL h VmsT N 1' lie On Wclut.'ay' Llr Cuuniv will lake uc ai annum, lit, Itum Si. Ilrlrns, lin-lrr tlir ..olllif Yankton t.raiiK"'. '' ,lt.l lliia will He l)iiiUK ikIi wi'l grim n niiuimi ii.iiniy I'oliiniloa County 1 lir aiiktnn ., a i' riHrifUinu mill, aci-ililiii( ( pittitci! as lliin ulilir lliry tr L. winuittiitl mmiiin In (mime 'itinii. Tire ailuiiaaiun tii Ilic fait II (ilnvcil at JVi cell la ami Una in , dinner. Iji1Ic l.rniKiK 'linnet .liilltti-il Utt. II you want a mt awl to litlp atari Hit lH li'H- ,,'t .irv;rl lo ItriM tlir Vmikt Kmr, Wciliirlay, Scilrtiilcr I: SuinUy the local tall lriu K'" li.kiiiit. wlirir llicir will piny Wo uur villi MM mi. I uit mill tlir Iintc Ixiys, Tlie C!ataul Irmn :u rrrally strciitftlirnril Itl Ilic laal fk. mid lint lluanl, jiilclirr tit VuilliMol l.Kin-, In Hie !' ytU olit livCauiil-ll Willi thrill, it who swcotuaii- llirnt lll ' 1 uttering lo K1"! Kulllc ' k.H. C. SlirrriU mul Lew Davit. LjmK wlnu:tel inrllii( at the Chuirli lu llimlt.iu llitii xk. ciaMc iutrrrat ta iwtiiit niamtea'td Ui l l the caae Ilic iiil- L 11 w conllitucil. AH rr cordially lo al'ctvl liana .Sleuth, win ul uur Miitliuilial alor, Iiit Ix-r-ii Hpi liutcil editor and manager ul the I'mlland llmly Nrias. Till! tlcwn is it 1 K-1 1 1 1 iirr ulitrlcil ll Ik) III two ye ir h;ii lijrn yiulliHli! tlmt uwm Unit ilnly tiiinUr micri ill ilillcrciil liuiii ol llin Unllcil Sute. Tlicy cu ter town without nuy htiiat ul lriiuiKli ml iiruccci! uruiluiilly to huilil up a prulltnlilo limiiifn, f xwcliiiK tu tutiniu cert tin mil. unit low (or yciim ami Ikmiik miiiy nhln to utmul il. The (rtullett, ami, (or ili wftlit, the mint cuticMilvc iilece ol lmm-llciili m t'iluilll)U Cinillty.lnowncil hy Mr. Wiilll. malinger ol the Warren ConiMiiy'a ( old HlnrnKi- ilant at Ctntili" It i pure hrrd Khcllaml, IHIiiichct hixh and vci(liiiit puiind, Ihc price, a umlr rutntnl, UciiiK one dollar per juiiiid. N.ilwilh Undiitg lit aiie the tittle jmny, on Hun day lat took Mr. and Mr.. Wolll up teep incline and out inlu the country lot 1 drive at a koikI Kit The I'H ami pony look hellor adapted to Ihr tuioolh tlriveiol a citv lrk than the mukIi and hilly roadt ul that vkinily Twodeiiiily (ja'iie warden jmid a uul t ti dilc lt Sunday, preaunitthly lo in tMiluale ielirlof violaliono( the law i hid Iiiik runninf deer with hnuiuli. The viol itor arc uudoiililcdly rorllaml prtie, and a little vit(llanie ou the purl ol the warden atiuultl lead to their arrcul and conviction. Mr, T. II. I.oit hot lieeli awarded the contract to carry the mail iiciwceu m. Helena and Hunllon. Mr. M. I!. Miller, of St. Ileluna luu ticcll appniutrd iH-puty Hutrtct Attorney. Miu Nell Scully, ol Aaloria. aprnt Sun day vititluK Mi Anna Kctcl ol thia place PUBLIC MEETING The Columbia County Development IuKiic requeatH all inti'realcd in the prov erily ol Columbia County and taking meiiaurca to promote it wel lure to meet at the circuit court room at the court luiuae ill Si, Helena, on 1'ridHV, Septem ber Mill at 1:,'I0 p. in. to diacuaa the beat uielhoda of promutiii that object, eapec i.illy by n-ciiriiiK aetilvra uion our lunda and mumibu-loriei lor our towna. (live day of your time to the public good. I'c aurc to attend. Good apcukcn will addict. the iiicetiiiK flee . inn Ki'.st Iniiiire nt Ihii of- "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" i.h and MorrUon, Portland. Oregon A. r. Arnwtrong. LUU., I'rincipai . rr,mV two floori 6 by loo feet, have a $io,ooo equipment. iloy a Urgfl faculty, give, Individual lastruction. receive more calls Ur heln than we can meet. Our sclim.1 admittedly leads all r in sualofjtiitrurtjou. It pays to attend such an institution. kid a Baalww Xaat "KP bammerlng away 1. ll will win out lo the end." Said an Mnralort -ine quality oi . Kiren In your Khool makea It the .landard of it kind la tne nonnwe.v. all the year. Student aumuiex at auy uw. -vb--- .w kuiiuu mu la Portland. acta i Any Dan, any n""Hri ' Noticea are out lor a ipecial acliool merliiifj lo be held Sept. Nth for the pur poc of voting on the question ol adding the eleventh rade to the prcacnt course of aluily. Kvcrybodv attend. Chaa. Muckle, Mra. D J. Swifter, and Mr a. Watti atartcd cdneailay lor a tour through Canada and the Kaatern Si. 'ilea and will alio viail Mr. Kolx-rt Muckle, brother of Chaa. Muckle and Mia Switer, at hi! home in Tennessee. Mr, M. I'. Hiwt-ii and wife have re lumed temporarily to St. Helena, Mr. Haen having K'catly improved in health. I r . K. . Mima, of Carico.wai a visitor to the county aeat laat Wtdnesilay. C. T. I'reicott, ol the Columbia County A'oaliart & Truat Co., was a visitor to the metropolis Wcdnc diy. 'It'ajusta litlle dear" that Captain Orin Abel brought down to Ilia wile the oilier day to lavish endi armcntaou w. ile the captain is i riaa croainj the Willr tmltc SIoukIi. It will iniikc n K'10'1 luriir lor the St. Helens Zoological Gardens. Sliiiea, in Hie lattut inodcla and finest l k, al the moat ii-asiinalilc prices, at ellnigton'a new ' rn, St. Helena. ' Your PLEASURE is our BUSINESS That is why we offer you now and then such Bargain It is the "come again" trade we are after We have just received a full line of Boots and Shoes Of the Best Quality and Up-to-date Styles. IEW YORK STORE Just nt pru-er.t we arc nuking a Specialty of S H 0 E S I have a full atock of determina tion to supply the trade with a variety ol choice groceries1, Iresh vegetables and fruits. Granite, tin and queens ware. Seeds, paints and oils. Motor gasoline and Naphta. and I heartily ap preciate your patronage. I. C. GRAY. Whatever brings the customer the first time, it is the Quality that keeps him. That is where our Foot wear fits in. It is the QUALITY that has made us Famous. If you don't try, you won't know. Quality First, Last, Always. J. H. Wellington ST. HELENS, OREGON. t we continue to carry the latest and best stock ofGenml rchu.ulise, including everything needed about the House l-'arni. We have made a Mt Reduction of 25 Per Cent uec our stock, and in order to move u " i uiumralcllcd offer. An opportunity never before g uen Wmbia County. No reserves m these hues. Come at j e and secure the pick of our great stock. . 500 TONS OF HAY WANTED j Ko Stock of Shingles on hand. In our G j ry the very best of goods ana we .uu ; 7" , 1 iiiture, Hardware. Compare our prices any and all ol ' eonipetitors. LMORGIISsi-hei-ens Mr. K. W, I onycra. of (.lutskanie has been apjxiinted oiganirer !'ir the Tuft polilirnlclutis in Colunihia County, Hiid Ihc editor ol the Mist has Iwcti reijuested 10 assist him in the woik, which we will cheerfully do whenever we are notified lit to juat what is required ol us. lt' up to ihc Hon. I-: W. to net a move on so that Columbia County mV -M "P i,s eight huiidrrd or more (or Tuft. Absolutely fairness ill weight, ns you can see for yourself, is assured all who deal at Wellington'. (iranne. at its meeting last Sun day resolve I to push the work of re orgnnitalion and .Imilding up its mem bership. Two candidates were balloted for mid accepted and the time of holding meeting ' '"r ll,e fir,t Su,,,,"v l'"cl1 mouth at 111 a. m. It is expected there will bM st-vrral candidute for ndunssioll at the next meeting. Slate I-'uir lwgina next Monday. You cannot afford to miss il. The usscvaor'a ollice is busy making out t!ic roll for 'OS, and we predict that Mr. llackus of Rainier will be better siithfied than helms la-en in the imst. TRUSTEE 8 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Ntl.ii is Imrel.v lven that Hie nniloralnnrd .Vmimiv "(iuntr..r W. I', l-ii-f. a lniiikriii.t, r. ,.i .. -.,.1 ..n..r iii-l.ilu.r 111. Itii. sell ill nrlvale ,l,.,illll.. Unlit, ll'l" " 'VV'T.I'.'.'.'llVJl'i'i lniiiknii.i. " 'nwKlim-iil.l..lii a ul to Ilic 1. 1 II ii w In ir 1 1 1' w' i' 1 1 il'' I "'"I VrlK'rt.y. Itualeil " , i'iiiiiiIv ul i:i.liimliln. ' W'T'l'J"'' : ...iiimi nl iho I'll l. Slaloa Vi'lairli'l Court lor ir.-oii. to wll; Tho South- ",,l..,il quarter nl the Norlliavawt Miiarl.r. I lie Nitrl lii'HM MHttnei iiiithiiuuiivi -I North lla k. Iar Weal nl III" Willamette "''' I lir wilil iimiieriy- luw a iiiorntiixo ol twal-WI In (,, or. l t ii. Wat l.n.i.1 Hoanl. ami ho aiii.l ui kr iVt owlia nil llmllvM...! two thlr. a lu U?r ; I ami tu Hie " Hole "I aM lrj.;rly . M In wrltluar mini l aiilmillteil to the iiu.leilKealNt.Hel.ii.Or.;iion.a(; ihl'.h oVoiV ,.:.' t a mioiuig-of th. orcilllota oi aiilit liaiiKnu.l. COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK INCORPORATED DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS: First National Bank, U. S. National Bank, Hanover National Bank, Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore. New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier ; Edwin Ross, Vice President ; A. L,. btoue, Assistant asnier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. Lumber Dry and Well Manufactured Lumber Flooring. Rustic, Ceiling, Stepping, Door and Window Jambs. Furnish Anything in the Lumber Line. DOORS, WINDOWS, ETC., ETC. BENIQNUS LUMBER CO. HOULTON, OREGON Trunluo ul W. I). Ca In Uaukruptoy.