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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1908)
The Oregon Mist Entered st the Postofflco nt St, Helens, OreRvn. as second-class mail matter. Isstmu Kvkhy Fkidav Bv K. It. rt..GG. Bbjtoh AND rKOmitiTOR. St!BSCKlPTION RaTKS One year Six months - .f0 Advertising rates made known on Mj.pli ation, Lejjal notices cents jk.t line. County Official Paper IClKCflT ClH'UT Ot-t'lCKK.S. Thomas A. McHride District Judtf K. K. Tongue District Attorney Coi vrv OrrunKs James rt. Judue St. Helens V. A. Harris, Clerk tlcUm Martin White, Sheriff St. Helens S. ('. Ticheiior, (.Vmm'r ITatskamc II. West, l"oii'iiiijHUur Scappoo-, K. K. tjuick, Trcaurer Si. Helens A. 1. Laws, Asiiessor M. Helen I. H. Collins, School Supt Itatslcanic C. T. l'rescott. Surveyor St. Helens Frank Sherwood, Coroner....... Kainicr Ret our si i urn o( tlio people, who si's CJluitiit Ibis way. l'opiiliitinti is nlir (rent noed. Wo want land denied, otvhatda Hist ted unit f net ones built If you do not believe wo have a t!od county vou are wasting lima idsyiutf lure, iliit we know our people have faith in the county ttnd sohiwttlto county court. An investment o one thousand dnllai at litis time in the proposed scheme ol advertising will brnj hundreds, ol thuil-iiud' o( dollars ol taxable property onto the tax roll In less time. than it can be created iu any other way. It means better roads, more clenritiK. more inducements for railroads ttit.l clectrio lines, Columbia County at present is out of step with the Uhoue of Oregon. With the greatest nat.tral resources of any county in the State and a location superior to that of anv other county, it is at the resr simply la-caus it has neglected to hustle and advertise lie sure and attend the meeting. To Abolish Ggarettc CASDIDITK WASTE!.. The Oreitoniau is fearful that under the direct primarv system we mar not I able to secuie a candidate for liovern or who will measure up to the standard It apprehends that some wicked, punhiiiit oibce seeker will curry the primaries aud regrets tlie pood old days when a fear of the chosen ones got together and set up the Job tor the populace to swallow. It opines that the candidate should be a temperate hk'h standing; but not too temperate, and probably not ttx moral. As it run its eye over the li-t of Dreg in's (joveriiOM f ir the pa-t twenty years or more nominated ai.d elected under the no-sl old eonven tiot! system, it must admit that mn of them hive been very bigoted prohibi writes Sam A. liaiber, a well known iruveliiiit num. "1 was In the suiokins dewrttneiil With sonic other liaiellnil men whi n nt" ol them went out Into the coach and c.iln- l ack ami said. Their Is a woman si. k unto death iu the car.' 1 at mice noi up aud went out, found her Ml v ill ttlih ci .imp colli', her handstilil arms woie dtuwli tip so yon could net stiiilL'hvti 'icn, and with a .leatliusc look oi i . I l ive To of tim e ladle were aoil.iMi; with Inr mill t lii her whisk, i I iieltl lo my suttcse mid K"' an V hoti if ol I'liamheilaili'a t'olie, Choi era an I I 'luiiolua lieu edy it never travel i 1 1 ii ill it!, tall to the water tank, put a . .idie il'iv "I medicine in tin' i ...... .. .... I..,.. ,i iml 1-11, ".fl,'l Fl'IIH' ' ..lined i. Willi u pern il.lhi u 1 hud qui r a lime ,o t Urn ladies to let m K'v" " to In r. I' 4 I Mil.. ceded. 1 coiilJ at one i , ..... i. ..... see tli.' i 11 -'i'l alll women no on. rilhtiln. it liamls, ami ill twenty mill- lltes 1 cai her another ili H this tune n minimi lo I.H ,l,lUill',w 'Iiefr I win ! i;ic the Hull. 1 Kave the lK.!t!e In- liii'.nd t ! u-r. In rane lllilllul I .'ll 'il. )liel,ld,l'ilt I'V lh" lime the t on i.m into la i.iiudn she w .1 1 air '. and t (eceiied 1 1 1 liunk' of evety niiij;r oil the ear." Kor s.ile by A J I'ninni;, di iiiiK'1'1 I .Nl .-.Ml t'oIrvp 'irh-me' I "ii i'l i s o . Or., r-t. ;th, l's" I lili!'.To, the prmprrmii and K"'" "' capital ol Vt jliui!.;i lOlll tV. is ' - 'i itim- its I rah uiihi lions with I'orll.i il, lh,. ;,i,t U'lUK an r.ivln,' line Hie iim b ui Ma'r tali i'p-ii I evt .M-'iiil.iv , ..enib,'r ! tin anil t-.itt ti n- tioujjli the i'k, Hi ' li'iatni ol nil k c r 'Is of pr'lihlcl. ill Well ai Hie In" lionifts, anil it is (lout'lliil whether any heavy customers of them, in the prime of niauhooj, would have stood tenipta'iun ss well as Mayor I.ane is snpposfd to have. As it matter of fact the only giibernatorial candidate the Kputdican party lus had for many years who could consistently teach a SunJsy school was nominated under thediiect phin.iry system and d -feated by "Our lieirise," whom everyily knows to be ans petir et sans repirv.'ie a modern Bayard whose breath i warrante 1 at all times not to soil the lis est fabric. Then there was his pre decessor, Getr, and Lord, and even dear old brother I'enuoyer. who;e shirt front looked like the camping ground of n band of Kentucky n'ght riders. Alluoo,), clean, men, weren't they, and all nou.lnated under that koo1 old system? Of coura it is wrong to hast In for jftVe, snd like Coriolanus, bes the peo ole for their voices. What we want for Governor is man of K'eat wisdom, but no egotism, a skilled politician who is ignorant of his own ability, a horn lead- Cik'ureltet ate to he banished from the Mutt! t( Oregon, ouaud alter Siptein uer I, l'.W-a'rhitps. kepresettti'-live-ebct Charles McPon I m n,n-r iim i rrrrn aid. of Mnl.noniah.Hiunn- ..Imn,.,l 1 OUR PORTLAND LETTtR a bill which he will introduce at the lejrislature next winter, having for iu purpose the utter exterminailon of the "eollin lack" iu the Heaver State Kveu suhstitlltes (or cigarettes will Ic placed under the ban, and titirone caught giv- itiff or rilling the "making" will I' subj-cl to Hue, aud if the line is not pa d, then eft lo prixon be (or she! must go. Conservstive sUttitics "how to il ,Vk,- V.( cigarettes are smok'd daily in Ore gon. Tim figures may reach s. iks). for the WO.OOO daily c-.nmniiptioii in Iws. d I ,,'k "'dintnil itisflfiv and a una on 10 per the voters smoking ntilv l""rl"" '''"" ",u,'i- '"' ten of the "tacks" day, and any . igar-! '"" '""" ette smoker will confefs ilnt ten "ng" ,M' ' " day is a niggardly iUancir, mi l I Vim. lute'v f , the . g-n should be '.M or 'M. Then, ,i.i:e, it, ore j v.:l" Ki:r is t. I'ortlmd fount. y lu! than II) per cent of Ihe Voten ii'H ei,' .i - ; iu ! I, I-r k !, , . I it it eeta:ii ettes and Ilia y whuarenot voters arelth t ,:lo t w ... k. d o mc a ho , ! u The "making" sold j ck w:il ! furrtuix in the mitcU ' in lliii state in a week run tut several ! tlx- TOj.le.,f tre,,., :( ,aie uiu-'b lo thousand dollars, so the pniung of the d w tin 1 1 e m ie rap-.d devrh-puiefit u' pr ipi seil reform tiieasure o! Id presi nt.i-t thai luipm lant indiiitry tive M.lK.itald would cut d.-.piy ,: Mr j ,, Mi.Mli;,,u ,,. ,-;.:,.,.(!).. the profits of the toba. coi.i.ts. Ve..,, ,, Bi;e ilt teiop- r,,lv re... The hill which was prepared hv an at Co.mvton, Ohio - r.te, "lUu.r !,v-l torney and sent to McUmshl for,Ipi(,v , in o,..,.,,,, tv , ,, !., .k. ,., al, follows lh.,., law . Mc 1 1 !,.. ,-.,., .t,, ,-llr , Hoi.itl.1. who is now In Curry county on t i.,k,. !,.,,., , ., , ' neomi me mol.j, ... are l.h,k.., f- r Ill mc uieaaure is siuwi,ici ry lo Inm and promises that it will b one ,. ti,. nrsi oius in the coming vn-,(l:, ,,., 0.r i he gl el t 111" hilt does n it prohibit the smoking I (Ik I 'OK II. AM) OAII.V'- STEAMER l.iavesM Helens li.15 A M, Arrives at fori hold 111. .HI A M. I.. . nr. I'oMlaud nt 'J M I'. M. Aulve.M, Hileiisnt ,l V. M, ,150 PERCENT This Hsusd, tikt i. Mat iv'k sum., ' Mitchell, UwlsAituIZi Oetilen,tll.a W,JV JUw machiiu. K,..l. T,s ... . ."mi i,i - t umi April hsse,. r""t Isiughl ll nils in .I,. ,i sr wiwi tbt, lion, U i . . "Srfc.J cni.ol .v wlisi ih..TW . "e"S m.. ... -,,.1 ...i... ..s u..M. I .. . : " -VU.....IW.I". e o. ,m,, - u, nvi.m tiRtUfti b ...t . . I I I . ""lniiJ.. ' take ear of hrr wii T 'a -.I..I. . . " " i t l and Title cntne wi.,,1.1 t if Wm-" whlla lh. ......l. . ..... ,ln( . i n. i i . uiir.Mi i iini it ei ii,iu ho dus! Well fii.myh fc,MM.,1, be s, M- 7 1st i,l Mi.'.IO ,'l II , :,.,.( I, , i l iii nun ..I arti I e....l ,.i .... . "sllsi. mi..., I..,. ., t. .,( ta o.r.f i into tli.r, (, W ..i ki 11,-ir,, . iiii,i,t , ...,, V, ci.1. . this i."r week I', a, ii f: ol M.wi I,." , """'r Cis 1 .!: It iu ,, I III,. Il,.,irt .,... ,." I l.,l I ; I l ; II. i. i u .1.,,... l. S-WMV , . to !,, ..(.,- i f he Id w h Inr lb, si , i, i. is.., -i, ts .. tBoiire.liuist.aK, J7t :T,,,j,,;.,l:;r;'o-:r,,7'i.:i r,L'1',:,,':,;, !.!.. .. i.l. I 1 t !. , u U.IJ. j) US ittlt! ill III, Hull-, ' : " :' M :1 f ! t ddurl.l In rLM jwi,. .hi w nttwlliat rviuifr, ij Tl 1 ll .1 M.. I CUltilUt hrgt ,, tfa wL,k,T, ''lslsU,(T' '"""IwC i;i I,1, i - -. . - .. n, ,,, ,-t t. H I II. i i ,i :i fl ll,la !.'. k u. . i . ll it 1 1 .... mum urrsrll .la.. - . 1 It I'. l.,u I..-. I Kl. I I. J. I, I , l l . 1 'I I. . II. ij l i: t,. I. mwrai.. ll,rre It SOtttnL ureniaa iokri hum.. .i ti,.. i .i ,i!,.ii,i i a I haul wairr snd mo. ik. It. . k 'i y w 1 U t J,s II 'f(sr hii itri n (tsf is.. e,ll...., boa!, tl T7'? I . .... " " put "K'slwa a, , ............. " i".nnf ml Hi b,., I " -.. .1 It Nh l.,U. I V,. tA,h,u,Ajm H . is H.U.. I Ngl! fun kj I-'" s..rl a 4 I ft, ij,, . lft.,Mla m I .)(. l.,-, ,. , i'ii ' .in l l ifi'. id to MilhIS, Uswifci l'oiUnd OiT,.m. Nr.J u . in, 4 su. ii a., , i or go .o, we It., lawk,- A V 4;-ll 4 k, ft.r.1 .. i,l m 1 t lt,c , .1, 1 1 .! i,. -I Unm, lc, V'l'i I iinao. a linn t'tij !ahr, I. it I o r.'CiOVii .S;ni nt,,?. ii'irnu.a on Hie, a d I m I ll I . ::.. ! ' i II 11 Mi II- rl-r.ll, ,.,..- lUu.U, I .01... B W ,Ii, t, l . t.' ..u.n ,,ii .a s. ,' . ," (N. t.i,. I ik. .i,-;!. o.,t. i. i:m . rut, r l i-t.v.tbf ' ' " ' l-i-I-,. ,. ,k. .) y.l, .H-a ,nj ' '' U' H.e. lh. h. r I I ,.!!,,) 1,11,1 ' I l-Sih,-t Iu tka ;-o-" I i'-i-.i it, jm "' " -s " " " i-. " 1.. , I b. ,h, u ibo... t,iM) 1 ! l M.J ,1,1, 11 Itllll I let '".,. ... w I,.,,,, I -"fSS : ceo. w. voca MEAL ESTATE, INVESTMEH1 CITY AND FARM Kf. ERTY. M.ify trt faian ) tsfsMi k US. securing of the material s ddli uit aiuiohl linn.slli!c, ti fuel t-vt V bi't: "It shall he un'.ivvful for any pemon, by him.elf, eh-rk, .servant, employe, oi aifi'iif, directly or indirectly, upo i anv pretense or by any device, to manufac ture, sell, exchange, buricr, dtiposc of or give awav. or keen fir sal... inv mm. erofraenbut so u,o.est that it will be j et,e, or ,inv paper ma b- or pr. r.,1 necessary to grab him by the ears nt.d ( fr tUl, p.lrw ( ,.,,, ,i!,.,. banco for smoking; any iHrsu f..r no lo a '' "tale. I have ln---i. e I, ..-ml! i llisnv irtpe lo l,eg.,f), -tJ, lour W.t' ! 'hat t!i-y aerrt g!, they ma le i e ,v ! change.' ..,' i,ii, .hi .ul.l ui.-m -r til it I !i"r. am hoinn moi. lo r ,- oil theco..f,.t rates ..! ei.truiU-f ai.d '.i er. . all talk, of Ore iierslo-e and wiiil I'KinsT lr HsmU. will in lloub week p,,-, , , l oi I ri.-'.y and .Saturday ..( !, 1m 0, . i I Ule". Sl'MMONA Rainier :: Orep :: Orep a BcsutifJ Kmil a rag nun irom ins presmt seeinsion. Anyone pysesing thrse qiiaiilb-ations will please make them known in time, su that tl.u people may writ: his name on iho ballot ut the next priumry clec tiim, and thus save him from the o diuin of having sonffht a noininatioii a thitijf never heard of prior to thn advent of this ne-.v fangled idea. ATTEMJ TMK MfcKTIX.. latum nl tin. same, si. nil h guiity of a rtii.!eiu.-anor, and npiu, i-otivjeiiou shall for llu lirst olfeioie, pay a line of n ,t .- t i-in (J-Ti, nor mule tyiu IfKi and ot pr'-secntion, and stand coiiinii'tcd lo the county jni until sii..-h co.i. ,rc paid; and for the second ii- d i . . , siihse.iiri.l ofTetlH, shall pay upon conviction thei. of, s fine of nut leas than t!ip or iin fi lliau i-'iiH), and tlx co-li f pr i-eeutioi: or be iinpnsiiiied iu iht ,-unity jail r, t ' i .ess limn one inoiitli nor in ire than m months; provided, thai, ti.e,:..,,, hereof shall m.tappli n'-r interfere ivitn the sa'.-s of, or the d:n;ioi,il hy iiny per son in tiiis (date to any per u oulii.J.- Oe i ir.'Koi h,.r.. nr., wmiil :g fl.-it h ii .ra j a! tin- .'i-att'e II ,r-c t-ho . The i.iury u;, , t, dd iu v, ii.. nt : thr...igl,.,.,t lh , I n,,. , S i !r., U- building n:,,:,.r,al o i . . 1 I..I or urn ni-. ut thirty per .en ,-..-;,..r 'jm, n ., .-,. a eir .,,' i. i'- Hie , a.,... , , ,t.r ,, ..,i.., in I.,,,, ,,, loi- Infill.'-. i 1 1 !,r !:,. y Ho ots ,;, ,,..!,!, , .. '" "I nubt i.oui. .-a, I, '' It Vi- r,nl " '!:"M :" . ...... r. ;:' V . ".' .' '' i i.'i, iw. ,, l-rf... r,,tl. r.f lc.rr, I 7 ' I- -i' ..i.,k ii,,, Nil In . . ,,,. I'l -T i'. Uic f;icl t,,l lo il l.,r ,if. ,.,, . ,,, , - ''''"" 'l I.I...-U.,, ' 'i I li.rlhr. l M ,,,, I U ,-Cl , I-., !ll'..f,.J im:ii;i;. I nl i I ISO. t I t.f el,r )h. ol lh. . . ,,, ,ti Inn 1. o i.,. r ii m, i.Kvrrr ir au.,.i,r ir l i.n.uii l: V ill, ..lid , d, ' ion- . arrrll i'.icUio : li'hnu: I'-moii. j -. of Ah id rilemy l,,r a von ""k'a ihoIImt, .-.. ll. Kvery citizen of (,'olu nib in County who desiies lo see its resources made known j to the vast h.t of desirsbliciti.-us alio J are turning toward tliti Northwest iu i their search for homes anil luisiness in- I vestliients hould alien I the rilee I in j t tailed by the Columbia County Develop- ' ,,f "Utv' n.eiit Lengue at t!u; court li'iii c inthisf City today (Friday) at I p. m. j CAN BE CANNED ' I'usiiiess men never nrgu i.owmlays ! as to whether it pays to adver'.io. The ' " only question with thaiu ii n to r.ieth- ' 'hc Oregon inn expres-s regie! he eds. A county is a busirens ii.Kt'tii'iou, i c'"'1"' n ' 'liilm, llryan's former Hnd lis iflicers should conduct, its afT.iira j 'IW'hes cannot bn eanried. Why c m't a.threwd, Wide-awake husifie-.s n,.. i they he eanned 7 They can and fhoui l conduct their affairs. The fact that, a lu ''aiined. Thn.'r tin tin ul, illation, business man is 111 debt will not di-l"r I "ho'il.l he sounded in the en. ,,f )..r,.! him from further investments provided tru "' H' l'arker stripe who Nim.' i w'i ' ha has" diiidIh nssnurees. " r,.lrl,iu i pf'Slii in honor ,f l.rover Clev,.ti,,,,i i i,.. .. n . ., . . Coilfilv. with a unltin. ui .: f Blld ll iniionor ll in liii-rmiiv Ku .1,.,.,. I ., : 'C i , . 'lf' Ut loitlan " -.- .j..-..'o.ia.iiit; , - , 'oMi...ii j ...e,oaj , ,.r,, ,, i; ,tl , ,,,. t seventeen milli in dollayi, owes Bliiti,n- "' ''y""l-m. Tim cross of ..old 's-lmol dining the mil ,.i w,, , ; I . MlhWiO current iriilebUduens.' Th nr. I. i should J lot hi) folvotlen noi' the itoll-i, i , , 11 f no ImsliMirs corporation with such o.-Mits i ,J '"niH pi ru.itted Vt f.-d! into inoiuioim ',, -j u.I ,v 'u" " " ' Cr,:y ' ' tuatdoss-notowes much (freaier siitn, f"rtui.. Tli! old spuuidies may In, a I pMneiimU, IT ' iT M' (:',llh"" " i nor would the amount needed fur . (lit ! 'it,le r"lt' niHi'f irpo.s,- lint i " " " il""l"r '" 'o-nstunt. proianed ndvertisiiig cntnpaign cut any ! lho swallowed them eight years An I' Hut ii a ..f i'.i-n r :il l.etr, i. -.,tii,, . -,- i Joha.-it.a Ma.-i,,,,., ,,, u ,,, ,j h' r a , ,., ',,iart,j ,.,.,, , ,. , snu Iny. j Mi-s l anoii- h.upvded Willi ( iii K.d.o .-..iiimI.iv ;i. S'.itnlny. '" ' ;df mid .., of Hi, 1, . J.. c, . '"'en on Hltmday, I I to .... M, ),. ,, The .No,,i, ,..,.,, , "' -"ii.uay loiin ;r,.i ;, It acted in a lender for W . ' , iy Miipt ,!,), ll, T. II Cla.k ,, I , .fiiuigtoii, turned w t . Mr- Ci Kodol For ndigestion uur Guarantee Coupon If. sfi.r ou,. a I. a tii. r.s I..,,,.,,, , h Utt.,M ' "'ni. fill oui saa ,i,n ,b. mL l'.l 10 lh. ,l..., ,m kjki T s4 w. .lit luM m,.' Towa ' n h.r, 'Digests What YnnFn And Makes IheSlomwh Sweet ,, ! - V- WITT . CO.. ClsUMO, in. i In IV:rt!aiul for agoeJ DAIRY FAR! Wi'is ami Farm Inipleasrsa i pay some cash difes State an.uiiiit of stock. 4 lion n::i! mice. Ralph 603 Cork-ti Uuildinji, JatKl, Oregon. PHILOMATH COI flUI OMSTII. OttCflw 4 Csss Stkcfl'tr JlsWlV Cot KSKS. Phlhwopllli iil, .S irnlltk, Cu mat, iiiiiiir. nil Stnwp Music, Art. Writ. ! U'waat Steamer T1MK. MS. I...I.I H.nimrriio, '" ' - SrSTf '.!..-k U.I10I.I1K. Ii I"""" I sl arriyli.s l si. lines ' - ATT()kNM.;v..ATIAW llel.'lis, Oregon very perceptible llk'iir on Die tux roll The Suncet Msjja.iue, owned by the Southern 1'acific Ilailroud Company, has made a proprmltlun m liberal ami ml van takeout that wo cannot afford to let it lapse. It does this from entirely Sjfo would do so to-day if the IV prescribed tlio drla'. rlcss oped -S;::.::::,::;::,:;;;-dillard & day of .. urink'.l,w,,vva.d f a .i, ... !l.l I" A Traveling Mini's Kxperleiu e "I must tell you of my experienci mi Attonieys-at-Law I'riudlc Anuiiialilo hin initdi, 1. 11,... .. .. , 11 .h'li.r, . 1 ! . "Hi-ices in m. I t,. sellUh motives, of eonr,. l,i .l,u. ,1 1 an ftm, I.n,l o HAM ll 1 i.. i ......... . """''' 'h ill t of Kol, rl. v.... .. ' w - . , ,..,,,, - ......... ... ... iii.ui miiuih. le l-i ii cni,(1i,l r ., ,. I " ' J00r to I tiurf himaa notcoocernus. What u. ..ul j lofrom Pendleton, to Ln Grande, Ore," w.o inoneof U.V i' - 'OUri House KriBii sun BUILT run run"""" ".viH " HoriCI 10 cmoitobs ! . i t in lie l eioin el ' .'III"'1'1" j ,s tvl III lh. insllvr "I u. I T.l'.eU.,.r,..y.l.-''r l. i-. n ii'iir l'l" , , .; uMfS. .lllsllSfal. . . .litSl Sll5 All mu.ii. I.u; """.iii, . ..LnJI'llllltU-l1'' Aamlnl.irsu.ri.1 1 sussed. , fyM m ff W f MT mr uur-w-. -,.1WP,t tV -.-,,. IWMW4. ,wirjrBiwfT.w. AT. HKLKN8, ORK,