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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1908)
NO CONSOLIDATION PROHIBITIONS jtrunu... Will Oregon Go Dry at th Next OpportonityT St. Heleni Favor but Houlton Opposes t, nniiiil aih.v J uiceliut of District No. 2 took place at the school t ornt ou Monday evening and wus quite largely attended. Mrs. B. Pillard was chosen director lor a term of three yearn and II. I Wat kius was re-elected school clerk. The uetiou ol consolidating with district No. 29 was then taken up and .ii. onn.1 naturedlv discussed, roiuwit; wm ft lit strong arguments, being advanced both. lor and against the proposiuon. Dr. Clifl led the opposition lne measure and expressed tue opinion iuv St. Helens, as a rapidly growuis w... rauuity, possessing a good school build i.n -"( man. was in a oosition to man- air Ita nan HL-hool affairs and that the v..,;t.i;.r n( . new structure at a point midway between the two towns would nience. especially ic?um e " ' - lor the smaller chidren, without confer ring any adequate compensation Mr. II. F. Watkins spoke along the same lines and several others lolioweti. r.w;rv.1 Allen lavored consolidation on the ground that it would give better school facilities, as, in a larger school, -,.r .miM lie able to do better work in the different grades and a less number ol teachers would be able to handle a greater number ol pupils. t.. fr. T W. Ouick. Martin White, and K . H. Flagg spoke briefly i favor of consolidation. 1 lie vote uu 19 for and 15 against the proposition Hin.TOS'S ACTION TV.. of school district No. K v uv a. a . (Houlton V at their riveting last Monday A. N. Claik as school clerk lor one year and Charles Graham as director lor three years. The question of consolidation was ne feated by a vole of IS to 3. and the di rectors ordered to call a special meeting for the purpose of considering the question of building a new school house. This probably settles th matter of con solidation for several years to come, but we predict that as the two communities other the necessity fur a school building between the river and the railroad will become more apparent each year. In the meantime we con gratulate Houlton upon its decision to build a new school bouse and hope ill community will not have cause to regret its course on conaoliilation. tim ....... of lh Statu ' l.T , greatly ,.nN.a v "' " .a.l- Y..l l- t Irt ll'il 'l l tflWVIUH viirir -iva ' - declare tb.U ill-y i" .'hltmron - o..... i..,,.. at i nt next eleeiion. m . -1 i v ..--' - Th .,le nil tMUIIIV prohibition 111 tllO recent election by groups ol counties follow: r K-TiKH VOTISO lRT For Against nw UW IVwg'as Glllinni Grant Jnckaon Josephine-- Khmiiath Malheur Morrow I'olk V.... Umatilla... I'n inn Whotder ToUla ...2,U0 .... 401 .... (W5 ...,u,t:w ...1,102 .. "OU ,.l,Ml ,.!.ri ...1.075 ... 6 5od 1,7-V 73 LKSl 7W liW l.tUO 1.305 BUSINESS LOCALS lt.,tol Vermont, In -. ,,,r "W leanl a twig'"" .'"'" I'.usi. l-Asn-HK Tor - head during high ,,,t ' tllliCIt ... l-....ii W. J. l'l-I.I.K""0". .. ... l .,,,! wilt I In lloul ptiNTIM , , Um 1-Ti.Uv .ml Sulunlir 'ch W"k, 1 hava n.iir to loan oil appro." real estate secunty. , ii .... St. lleini. t'rrgou For Sale-Money t'rdcr. gl V where, low rate. , ,k, . . : ... i- .i-irod as to the wlicir tK.uto(lU-rn,rd Skelley. who was asl herd (mm near tSotile. rrK"- .1.:... -ill l iauklilliy news oi i" ' " . ., ,i t.w Mrs. S. McKone, ol Ctl- Wu. Oregon and Haslitngioo - please copy. T!IE WORLDS GflUTCST SEWING MACHIN! .H.tCl Majority for prohibition 3,6 W PRY COUKTIKS VOTl.SU DT For Against Curry Lane Liuu SluTinan Tillamook... Wallowa Yaiuhill Totals ....a.174 U,M3 ,, 47a ... 6.1t .... 418 .. 2,UW 2.4W l.wa 377 47D l,'.v.'4 '4' ' t--' .Vi' NOTICE OF CUARDIAH S SALE Of REAL ESTAIE .i .i n.ia-r.U"1 I. ,ui.i ii,,-wu. a. " " ', , ,,.r .n, .! "i V", ?; vitif t . ' I i 1 .,,1 i"r.-r -h:,';,u:?,o u.a nr. i i'n. ti.. 111 RoUc f l'lalHmff4 Nftllla sat llairttw lIl... ft signed as guardian llwtu. C. W..II, au Insane tuZfi filed III the County Court alitirJ ( l trrgnu. I..r the CuumY rf vZSHi. final account ol til Imisiiuir' aid esiain. together wtttiku iJZ thrieol; and thai tlir tu. u . Jmlge i aald Court luusjitbt ol Jnn. It, at HI o'clutfc i, mam hrrr..f. as ths tlnw.sirfivrj n.m ol wld emtt. ta m, llcitTT' run, as the plat e, lor tl hl Mlllenieut ul Mid account sad rested may apprar ami fit o&kb-" writing U the same or in, J Z AV. II. IWII. tornt,k i ..l.m.iiu c ,i, " ""rait Wt.ri niiu, i.kliutx K t Ml. ho n. P.'K H SMIk ... . . r. ....... ,.xi4n, Ih Ih llama halvtF tVllll 1st "Ill It tir aiiwt . ..mill .rt'i- a'i t ! . . -A I . 1 ,11 LU. I !.! ,. : OraiiU" " ' ; ; t SWtil I.V Mll."i ' r lr awtjr. , 4, ... f J. S Crnne Portland, Ore. ..9.227 .74-.' 'Tn in nutl0t iiii iil u.ii. 'I tibii m. im t in.M o. tii 1 s.two 13.H1! 1,711 K A IN I Ell At the school meeting held here Mon day afternoon L. R. Kuiherlord was lir-hw and T. I. Flippin clerk for the ensuing year. Messrs Ituther ford and Flippin are both tuill men and heavy property ownera who will take proper Interest in ma acnoom lora fit thm rhildren. Mrs. E. E. Clark left on the Hassalo Tuesday afternoon to attend the State convention of the Pythian Sister being held at Poitland this wee. Editor Fry and wife retained from Portland Tuesday evening, where Mrs. Fry and children have been visiting with relatives during the past week. Mrs. J. L. Bell, who has been visiting with reUtives in Washington during the past month, returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Thomas left for St. Paul, Minn., last Friday. Mr. TbomaB had gone there on several busi ness enterprises. liri,rl returned from Port land, where he went last week to attend the Masonic Convention. The city Is now furniahing water to the various residents applying tor tne same, and Frank Prescou, me apperiu tendent, has bis bands full. The Batnier Electric Company was granted anew franchise at the last meet ing of the city council. 8LBVEi'OKS SOTICE To W. A. Harris, St. Helens, Oregon, 8. A. Miles " O. B. Malmsten, Vernonia, " Alex Sword " " Hermonia Sword " ' Oust Gustofson 1 E. G. Bhannalian " " Joseph Hi. kenbittom " ' l....k V- l..i.Ain ' ' I 1 kl..A..l rr.a.r.1 I I lV tl rill.tOm and Joseph Vanblaricom, bavtng in : . ' I. .1 . 1 . r .... I. ... ii ni 1 1 1 u Qtif. klUU illicit v . i. ' - - " - " - - N. K. 4 W. V. M. and the re-establwdi- ment of the corner couiniou to eaiu sectionit You and each of yon are hereby noti- rt a .i.. ru.;ii .1.. rail. .1uv r.f .Inlt IW.U UW Will, VII mw .v " wi l'j()8, proceel to survey the said lines and re-eeiaoiisii me eaiu seuuou rauw (Signed) F. B. Pkescott, County Surveyor, Dated June 15, 11)08. , Foe Balk A mowing machine and rake, in first class condition. O. Freeman, Deer Island, Oregon, 5 Majority lor pro!ilbition2.4S3 ..... waT coi'STua votino war For Against n.rk.m...... ..8.7 Columl-la. W Coo, Harney ,B " Uke r :....!.. 5I '-- ASilWarttt Marion Wasco Washington ..l.tWS Totals -WW Majority aicainst Ouly dry county voting wet. RRlAHTLLATlOK For Against 11 ol 13 wet counties voting (ir 14.IMI 11,1'SB a ..i u .... votinir wet.12,207 13.01H 6 of 7 counties voting dry. l-.i- Totals -3u. 31'7tS Majority lor prohibition. 4,317 Ti liunor ir.en are confident that they can roll up a suflloimt majority in Port land to overcome any vole-, ol me oui side precincts, but heretofore their pre dictions have failed of fuliiltuent, w it Is among the probabilities that in to years from now the Webfoot Bute will go dry. . n i.i v; NOTlt'F. OF t'niml si' "r"'". f,.rllnii'l. "" I"- '" t1" ,., ..I t.n.l. -I.r-I I"' V" """J" ' J ,,;.-. u. (hi. .nil.. tUi'.'l'", '' Wlll.inlhr l.r. 0-t - ; '' rUlin "I m iM!l-' l;t',' 'i ,,' l' ;.,!'iulir.'ii.ail..J lUU " ' ' Wl.) AU.KKM.S l.l(- K N..r'hfn f'.-!W ltU I'""111 3 -1 ' - ) - fig .1 f-w's-.?- j,.l3 an litas .iii shnll ! wtli a r-IV. Uncnoig R VI.'. i.Ii. . srrvi N i UU' :,;; -9ii'.)T-.;,sMi ; ' Ufa ', II! ill 1)1 v; '-:ai.:. . )k'i NF.. " .', " ',.tt", 1 I I I. lit A (O, N K1 . l.o! i l.vt " Alirii .'I. Jiok School warrants cashed at par. Columbia County Bank. SCHOOL EXERCISES. The St. Helens Dublic school held Its graduating exercises yesterday afternoon after a very successful terra, ronowinn is the programme: Exercise. Salutation J. W. Allen. Song. Recitation. 'A Little Girl's Troubles" Margaret Moss. Solo, "PicanianyLuliaDo"-usie Mi tel. Instrumental Malic Grace Dart. Recitation, "Patter ol the Shingle" Garrold Wicks. Floral Offerings. Claw Prophecy Scott Lynch. Solo Bertha Dart. Valedictory Carrie Cobb. ri.. A,t,lr T)r Cliff. PiesenUtion of IHplomaa-E.E Quick. KnlnT'.nn. W.Voeel. Graduates from the different grades arm' Eighth Grade Carrie Cobb, Margaret L. labister, Scott Lynch. Ninth Grade-Anna Quick, Hattie Van Dolah. Tenth Grade-Alice Quick, Ada George, Edna Harris, Ernest John. Mauly Cope land, Searl Hattan. Class Oflicers President, Margaret L. Isbister; Vice-President, Bcott Lynch; Secretary, Carrie Cobb, . We pay Interest on Time Deposits. Columbia County liauk. 10 t , i 1 1 . . - !l ! W " t ',.) rt S4... uh A..,. t.SI'lii4 J. STKVKNS AKNSfl A TOOL CO. r, 0 n-uiitt C!il (t ft'-'.:. Mat IM..V .HIIH.I Villi ...1 llf lhiM ll- ul I una, Iw Ih.l iwii.j ih, tiL J? iM.t. t ..( Ihetoml li.t IKn.i.i. an-l a"fw llian .1 1 a.'J'T l lht i.aaMH, a4 tf .... w. ,-, -" "nwia ,,1)4 r I" I'm) cum ft Iwt ilia (vital ijlMlHii ir r cm UlMl al lii aa.1 aau. w.m tZ n lain. nl h IN. mm m I;;,, raiJ) l.a...i at llts rata ii il. llaaiair. linn, n. ii iv.. uuiti I4, ha-la. jya. aunt ul lctallutuit . irra aa4 ih uiZ ati. iilrtifaint ( Ha, tun twt a, ta lMi a ni- a ika hilaacas rflll lan.1. atli.a.4 .a (Kilaaa liau. aiaia il .. ... Hiaata mTZ aa la lha N .rib Haa ol Ida M. 1I un l.M) Uin ) .m d aas aMMk rt,M arnavw it a'uiii utia latafanai las w l lha r.x'laaxi a.l HrUaa laaan iitai.' fuhM.ns auii. ax- .w, llaia St sa ihaD' (Wilt i .! t-. ata aaa ;u ina r4 ihr..-a an.oi at .Ws lsa aatn li.l ianra t ikS 1- M a llar ml taiylnntotf r..auiani .SaaalAi, a"faa. all.iala.1 111 I; llfc taar ; .l wl la. iull SMUiaa ailiat aillh isa lnanm.aia aatecilaaMaa a aflmllalMiuaa llirfauta.i Walaf m tMi at.a( lha: aat.i w-Mtfaaa at(a . In tt I ho SiW ilau KtuiaM ataaiMai. avlto Ml.l ixaaalw N w-H bi aalul, saiaMi oiai.'l. atMl i.f aiia ilhf aJ Itmikaf mala I0 lha .11 aaaf awni 'ul awlayalafc 1 Taia aiiatmoa u .'4V.;iia4 Is la -Kaa H;al ' ..iic a i lil aiKfaatl awh fi a.rf nl lha tl'm H ai A m a) aal.) caH, U.I Mat Is. IMt Sim raiinii Mar IX l. ! fawwa a w H roar.i, I A New Bank W'f -nni tile! for the con struction of :t new Hank BttiM- iiur. Plans and st)ccitic;itions may be sccu at the Hank at .St. Helens, or at the office of our Architect, D. I). Nccr, 122, First Street, rortlaml. Oregon. Lolumbia Lounty Hank. YOU SPEND To Sc hool Tenchrri , !( iM'i oi t litii'i i r iiir iturai una v, . ... .. - i nia ." - - .a. ii--",r' J i . ... . - , . .. ft ' Ihfkw.l li Ck..l Uxat tLtaa Hi ,., '"gra.n. an.. ' ijj; ,'5TMu . sMf-l ti"umriUTiit cards eio arnt .ml liy an i.r i imui ! ul (Sh'S is vi-. .....i. I.- '""!".-..... HlX0!tH In lha i..o r ...ii iia tiaualuaifaJ I'najftlif i.l ..iiimWa. r. kaUS, flalaliil t..f. Kaulilf tvfattlanl In lha aaiaa ilia ul J ! V.. I. i. Ir .i.. . ... MM!dad I . 'M f. ww ... vm . "a ), Ual -lala hams .11 aa Si pt!fc atluai Hataiti aat II fl lai Bai a4 ima.i baialn'l aill atalf ak 1 Irtt ia latUt prat..! I" la UM MWtt at4 kalalu, aal wa aotaiili Maa fatUaaa. A I f..r 'Waa Imm IMa -lll tati laiH.ila.alMwal tiMI aataaa S) 4alttllllail iWatt.Ul . Il aa S and IrtStaiatt l.raOal ...ollll a, S.H . .... . . ... it .aStf Mataa an I Imlh. lailal t.a, m a-.a) iit.h :iiif cmiaiiv. Uc are a.-rnla for S ..T. r... L..t .m. h ,A., msiuS ie t; r iii ust.l fin lurimti ttinlhiiig in the I .tat.-' nl. ! ih ina .-.KaS")v . . . . . I. I a iLla uaaaa la lha MS Sat K Sa il loir ! tmr cii;i iv.-.i n.j.k. II your I M .1. .iw.ii . , . . i .1 aa'l a .... .... i - u- '.in ta i ;lii. tit h' ii.llliilrthrtltrlll - . . .... .1., )..,.. ua . iiniim iitnj i iiii i.i uii a ii ii m am(. . a r l;vr - ' i r is D Tim much time ohUii.iuK liifornmtioii from uncertain s.atr ces, unless you are ;iIiik I'olk's Gazctter of Oregon and Washing ton, cinipU-te liilotmnlinii of ev ery town in the tao Stales and a classilled Husiness I'lrei tory. Hocklen's Arnica Nalre VI Inn Tom Moore, of Kural Koute 1, Coch ran, Gr., writes: "I had a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would h oi It until I ap plied Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Less than a half of a 25 cent box won the day for me by affecting a perfect cure." Hold under guarantee by Houlton, Warran, BcappooM and Deer Island dealers. S.4l JALDWIN A HIIKIIWOOD U.1IKHTaKK9 AM) Kmuai.hkhs ilearae for fulierala at all tx'lnli on rtv.-r aril rail I . I'htmi: at our txt'iMnu. KA1NIKII,' .... (UIKfiOS POtt POHTLAM) DAILY STEAMER Your g mm u dnirr to earn belter salaries an-l do wort congrnisl work, If -atile In rrd and arrilo and amliillonslosucceed.lwersanttsH' ly y.m l.r muihi at nirrlsanlcal. clrtUlcal. strsm. oiii o milling engineer, an lutrrt, !,, elc. PARTIAL LIST OF POSITIONS FOR WHICH K TRAIN YOU BY MAIL Ad Wr.tim. Miow Cur l VVnuiig u ... i ... iii'iow , i immiiig l'..H.4krri,iTii. Slciior.i.iy I uiliinrf. t,n, IHiiilmiitr (irri.iim-m.i! (irsinlng ('.iinluig Malimiary l;ii(;iiicrriiig Mn ll.lliliul llj;iirrrilig Mrilunii ui Jiraltlng Tcarhing Savlgdlliiii Mic-t Mclal Iirafling I'.lo Uifnl I'liglneatllig 1'tr. Irkal Lightilig l:lntnc Railway Work l-lri;hono Kngliiecring An-tiilcclure I'ontlrticting and Ililding Slnirturnl Lni(lncring An hllrHiiral ir swing I (rating and Ventilating I'ltlllltlllltf Civil Itngineering Itridge FBglatrrini Hstinxd toastrKi Siirrtving , Mitniig lingin Meiallurgy tHrml.17 TnHlaManuUcUm rrruili lirrinail Siuituli i', vwrr- afg For Free Booklet, Course of Study, etc., Addre H. HARRIS. -125 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon, Kprcsentitf. International Correspondence Sc hooin of .Scranton,1 j A.M15KI CiV J t Leaves Kl. Helens (I ; 1 5 , Arrives at I'ortlund Hi::ni A, leaves I'orllnml at 2:W ', Arrives Wt. Ileluns ut U::;u ',' av ..isa.,-aa M. M. M. M S 1 ' . ; ! Clubbing oiler for Col um- $ Z is J)ia County people is the MIST AND ORKCmONIAN. $1.80 PER YEAR I at .Jy . - "k .."- llWI k CO Vi lio J. IS l llym by hii ti Est I I in t .e .4p0 . -A i