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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1908)
HE OREGON MIS JL XXV St Helens, Oregon, June 12, 1908. No. 2.8 LOCAL ,111'' ' 1 ... . t . . t....iu 11-Mb HoM. lillllliviraM" ......... Lorf Y-!l"""" w" ""u,"b Helm. U.I hitunlay. lC mv" her annual r show ..- ..ll.. ilttal (SmUII'MVI. C ,wv mrtU.t I'rlday eve- .. .. '11. .tlt.ilU.l Oil' H'l IIMWU 01 "" H was I lie tiniUiil of ll l ilic lueiiw should be Utd Irr year, me " " Mi. V. II I'uwell returned cetutnjt lr'Mt several day' kUaml r aunties.!! "I Mln l,c Sul . ..i i.i.i ir now ry. ani " '- ,(t'l at Hie nesl election lo it 1 r Mic imililUtlltm, and icy t; ui. and th Webfout !iy I he j.f.ililtiUiwO Uluve unnu t'tiiiiud Ihrumjhout Ihe . a.l U l'-k a il it uiltbi milium! Uiwc 1 1. . ..u the way to I'ortland ,,,( iua.'hiiirrv lr the li :.u jiUnl. which will ,t industries on the Jn idrnulty it will ' wii'Uol dollars annually lo UHlU'.t. n win Bum at i!ui electric road. ut.. fi l Mr. Cairn Wat- r sctu-u.)- sua , tiu.. l.umtwr i'ompany H St g Hi)! cife-tr .mi m- iliuu.c unit. The emiuy tiCfill end has all lh ork The county eleik'sulllto i preparing lh almtrait lor Ihe district attorney In (lie b'k-1 ioi nl ilic timlicr inrn llie decision nl llic comity hoard ol eqnallation, The iielliiiils are The Itriifcm I,. A I. Ci)tiiuny; the lMruit Tru.t Cumiwiiy ; JciiiiiiiKt-MrUu; Vin nyj Wcilrni luiiUr Cuiiiuiny ; Jolm Writ; (. K. 1iki'K Ciiuiiiiiiy, ami HIixlHrt Ik ('(iinpniiy. The cam kill lc triett at the July trnn til court, l.y which time the nrwty-clertri! ilitrl t attorney, Hun. I! li.Tonitiie.wIll have chariieol the rounty't Iral llin. Thry will lie Irrmuonaly eoiitrtteil mi'l Mr. Tongue will have to (o ai;it the hrtt (onuwl motiey ran huy U'c have no doulit he will at-tiii( liiuiM'll rrolitahly aiil to the Mtitlactiou ol hi Columbia Couutycon tiluenti llllormation la i1rirt to the where eUiul.ol Itcnur.l .SVcllcy, who w lant hcanl Ironi near .ol)le, Oiem. An) nrwaol him will he thankfully rrtvel hy Mr, S. MeKitnc, ol Ctle Kock, Wu, trr(oii an4 Wahii)i;toit (lajirfi lectiiy. 2t The llonlton City Council met lat Momlay rienlng. ami thrre wat a very large ainliame ol mtcrr.tnl citiru. The ilnri4l loiic ol ili-euation a the HiailtliiK ol lHjuor lkcc, an I tho prev alent opinion reineil to lavor a H lirenic anl no limit on the tiutiiher ol aluout Three aiilii'ationt have lieen rewutei lo the council ami It in mi'lcr tom! there are two more to come, lloul lull ami St. Helena will he the boore rrnteia lor a large area ol country. Marriage licenea have hern iuucil ince our lat luc lo Ruhy New ami Jiwl Newton, ami to Smie May Cum imiiga ami I'.corge W. Haul. Mr. t.oic hat I'm 1 1 a neat feme in front of hi reaolciice onColumlua Mrcet. Warren (Juii k luit that if the coun cil it going to holt! fietiiientlecll meet ing he mut have hit aalary a Reronler .loubtrtl At (.rewnt It I f ) r year. whu h ii- uni, m Kolllllil aim j I,r'..f l-'iul ari I'Ultilitf till' " 1 : i ill L it liVi i-r ttr farm. The! " " llie ; " ne'F ouim Hint orw mm . very it .-il their .it unlitoriiootl, wheo it tuiuiileteil, will tie ..uivt l Uie'iu. t ret A'.. ..'11'.ioo i bM;it ltj loiS i.i V .rlUittl till week mU i .f Coliitnl'U County' : .tin in- ill at!, uilauce Ihe J ttir-.:l lll py letlll 11 of till' j v ii j.'r Ihe tllegon of loly j 1 thouU alway be rtuieml'- j :' -r ki i-The that! -aoii t ; r, an I Ihe catch t Kettmg j y it.iv. The (' atuin,! ol tlrnl : :ulna Unci ha J lJieil 10 l ; 1 the annual harvcal ; jri an tuiitirUUt usil Th'ie ' llic ln'.i hire all'l y lov l"f tl iha.l ami rr c can aiirei utc , ti! a lortu-r .St. lU-lcli K"1 k a iniilrul ol inc ol the larger w Y.nk S'ale, .She vl -iletl : au lw.ia hown a liamltonie j w lir thought, I will have ' id oit-gou (l.niii r ol hake.! j i hc iliil'nt. The pn--e a' !-t hti.bail'l thie litit h- tmllioiiaire clnh he detiiletl cvl wa jiletity KtHi.l enough. erylMly ii.recite the. Sai.K-I curry n tOck ol y OregotiUna have for enjoy-i , ..'. , H.i ... iu,m or III ... . , J i 4,l I KMim ti',- rry low i.gttrc arucie 01 loo,. .,M i itmuiil. iuie line that none but the, U ji)KGCS, (I'll eiioy on llic AtlnilliC tuut. Si. llolfllt Klnli ).;r i to exnminitioli re I In the ikIhxiI ol Columbia year. 'J'liiru ahoiu thlrly tifli:ltlllg. I have a fu'l thnk ol iletermlua tu.n t.iu. !y the trn.le with a v itiety ol choice gHK-eriet, (reth trgrtaUc ami liult. C.raiiite, till un-I iiieen ware. Swil. M)iit ami o'l- Motor gaaoline .t Nihla, an l I heartily -tiieciatc jutninage, M. C. tiUAV. Tho higget hUtt cvet put in hy the St. Helen yuarry v totichcil oil one .! ihi week, an t coilet of one liumlrcil am! thirty keg tl hhick pow.lcr luit.lic schtMil liohl ita aiail-1 ,i . (!,iantitv ol glunt poWiler. All e .vtr. to-tiny nu.l tomortow cayallon wn ui i'lc the aiile of the 'i.Uut CoiK.-liiml will deliver the ! cjf( eighteen feet, ami a cmm cut oicigni tlir gimlmttiug clnu am! pre- Ill'olll.VS, t'i. I m Ctipeliiuil, when lie rc- ' tin- oillcu ol county achool "'leu'., expect to engngu In hit or Ability, Mini Comity, p'lllanl Tucker, who for acven Mil mouth am! thirteen ant! Iy Inn cnrrictl the mull lc- ftuliou mill Vernunln, lin rclgu- 'vc. to i: .r v.illia, where he ha f xilloii iii a photograph atutlio. Hi. ol Vutikton, hu litkcn Mr. mini route, Koiitmt It. K. Quick look j" 'or l'oriliiuil SVcilnenlay to nl- Kwioit ot the Miuonlc Uraud fcot. The hlaating t lh uiiny now -,t,.f. cnniinintie through tin' twenty four hour, ami Immctiae URiitllle of the cru.hetl rock are Iwlng taken to Tort Tho only objection we have heard .. ll. m.nrrv work il that the hlujllllg peeveut good work iixm tho irt of tho auttintf hen. "" - CKK". , . . Mr. Willi llniimgnrdiier, of Coluitihia City, died lt Tuesday of peritonllU. IHtNTtsT Dr. Nettie IS. Harbour will viit Ht. Helen Wedncday, June 24. ami remain four day rctiirnlno.ic a month thcrealler. liver) tiling l the dental line done in a first chin nmtiiier. Crown ami bridge work .peciiilty. Teeth e tulued fr. OUlct it 8t. llelint HoUl, DaHKUai,!, There were twogoml games oflmwUII onthn St. Helen diamond ll Sunday afternoon, though the fact llnit our home club clt-arlyoutclned the vinitor ileprlved them of the iutcret that i alway arrutcil by a ctote contet. The llrt giiuie wat iH'tween the St, Ilclim in.l the I'cuintula logging camp, and thould have been a ahtilout for the viait or, who were allowed to make one run by error. The aecond gamp, lietween 8t, Helen "n. l.WtKMllaiid. 'wat' more luter eling, though'.it wa easily won'.by the home It-am. Throughout Imth game our boy played good ball, ami the work ol the hatlery, composed of l.awaand Sharp lc, ,wb eieiiiilly noticeable, a wat aluo the atickwork of Itallugh, who hold the club record for hit We predict that with a little more practice the boy will he able to admiuittcr a good drubbing to the heretofore invincible Cathlauict team when ncl they crou.bat. I'n;s WaNTKl I want to buy two pigi, from three lo live month .old. Anyone having them for ale please notify Gut tave Skutie, Warren, Oregon. QMr and Mr. J. II. Godfrey have re turned home from their tojourn lu Lin coln County, School wnirant cashed at par. Columbia County Dank. Mr. 1'rank I'cteraon, of Mi.t, waaa vi itor to St. Helen on Wednexlay hut In connection with Ihe Kttlcmeut of the e tute of t'.ua Peterson. He rep irt a very bat kwar.l Spring ami that cold weather has done considerable damage to the fruit crop, especially early apple, hcrric and -ar. Asacsior Iiw visited Yankton WcJ-ues-lay for the purpose of procuring lum ter for hi proposed new house. W. II. DilUrd and too Waldrou (tarted We lnestlay for a pleasure trip through the Nehalem Valley. Mr. )oepli lie) burn, the lighthouse kct ir, is enjoying a thirty day vacation. During hi absence Mr. and Mm. Fred Wntktu have charge of the light. I'iM.ANii I'ASTfRK l'or fifteen or 0 hetitl during high water. No horse tilklU. W. J. I'fl.UKKTON, Wnrrcn. I lon't forget the county exhibit at the State hair. ow I the lime to collect grassc. aud grassc are the most import ant crop in Columbia County. W. It. Dillard ol St. Helen, G. W. Welch, ol Clathkanic, J. U. McKay of Scappoose, and V. J. I-'ullerlon of War ren were in attendance on the Democratic State Convention which met at Portland on Wednesday lat. Mrs. Jatne Dart attende.l the Pioneer' Reuni m in I'.irtlautt etluostlay ana Tliuitd iy of l..ii week. Mr. and Mrs. Tarbell, of Yankton, werj Portland visitor on Wednesday last. Mr. Tarbell expected to attend the Chal mers sale of Durham cattle a) a prospect ive buyer. 1-oK Sai.K A mowing machine and r.ikc, in first ilass condition. . 11. Precman, Deer M ind, Oregon. J5 The I.adic Aid will erve Ice cream and cake I'ridny evening at Muoui: ll.ill, for tha bene fit of Ihe M. K, ChurcU. Come and bring your friend. Tho biggest had ever caught in the Columbia river wn purchased from Jim Sheldon Wednesday fr twenty-five cent. It weighed ten pounds, and when Mr. Sheldon heard what a Columbia County woman wa asked for had in New York he wanted the buyer lo pay him f 1.75 more. It wo truly a handsome fish, and it wat a good down weight ten pounds UMAIH'ATIHIS I'.xkkciskS The giad- tiating exercise ol the eighth grade of the St. Helen public ncljool will lie held I Thursday afternoon, June lllth, at 3 o'clock. Parent are especially invited to be present. The wedding of Laurence Holman, purser of the steamer America, to Mis Grace Nicholson, of Portland, occuied lu Hint city last Wcduedny. Mr. and Mr. Hotmail will make their hotnu in St. Helen at the corner of St. Helen and Columbia itrcets, the house having been recently rep tired an l furnished for their ,v-finwncv. Mr. Holman ha made many friend here who will rejoice at hi good fortune aud extend their best wUhe to himself and wife. 1-or Sale Money Order, good any where, low ietc. Dkath ok Mawoi.m McKay Old pioneer of Oregon will hear with orrow of Ihe death ol Malcolm McKay, Col umbia County' oldest pioneer, though he died in the fullneMof yean, at the age of 87. jMr. McKay' early year were a rough and venturesome a hi latter day have been peaceful and quiet. He wa born at Icwi Island, Scotland, December, 15, 1821, and bad all the rug ged trait of.hi native land. He came to America in the'employ of the Hudon Bay Company, and in their employ made the trip overland from Hud'on Bay to Oregon in 1842. He 'continued in the employ of the company lor many yeara, but finally took up a donation land cliim at 8cpioose, where he ha resided ever since. He fought in several of the early Indian war and did good service for hi adopted State. In 1853 be wa married to Mis l.uclnd Laruberson, Mr. McKay i survived by nine children. They are: Norman, James, udward, Robert, and William McKay; Mr. Mary Batch, and Mr. Sarah Garrison, all of Scappoose, and Mr. Kuirua O'Conuer, of Portland Bricklaying and I'i.astk ring Good work guaranteed. Address L. E. Gulker, Rainier, Oregon. m29 j24 We pay Interest on Time Deposit. Columbia County Bank. Farmer are invited to tie their horse to the hitching racks in the plaia. The more you tie there the sooner the court will order the rucks removed and the nuisance abated. County court meets again tomorrow (Friday). It will b the last session of the court with its present membership. Obituary: It might have done worse. If Judge Mcllride should raise the assessment on the timber men, how they would howl. The first local strawberries of the season were brought in lost Wednesday from tho Copeland place, retailing at ten cents per pound Don't stay away and kick, but attend the annual school meeting Monday eve ning. Its better than a bargain. You can't afford to miss it. Dkntist Dr. Rambo in Houl- ton Friday and Saturday of each week. I have money to loan on approved real estate security. W. II. TO WELL. St. Helens, Oregon THE SCHOOL PICNIC Collins of Clatskanie. Miss LeDuC if chairman of the soliciting Committee lor the picnic and will endeavor to call on all oar people- for contribution, bat In case she does not call it will be on ac count of a lack of time and yon are in vited to call on her. Mr. E. II. Flagg will have charge of the refreshment. Mrs. Wm Bote is chairman of the table committee and will be assisted by Mrs. Wattert, Mrs. Masten, Mr. LeBare, Mrs. Laws, Mrs. White, Mrs. Demlng, Mr. Gray, Mrs. Cilff, Mr. E. E. Quick, and others. Die ladies will prepare the tables, put on the eatables, etc. ; In fact they will have full supervision of the dinner.. Dr. II. B. CliiT will niako tho coffee. Let all come prepared to thoroughly enjoy themselves and show the interest they (-el in our excellent public school. CONSOLIDATION. St Helens Only Chance to Cele- ebrate this Year Will be July 19. The public school of thi city wil clone June llUh, with a basket picnic In the grove near town, to which all are cor dially invited. Don't forget, however, to bring a well tilled basket, so that we may b prepared to act as hosts or host esses to any who may be stranger with in our gates. There will be a short pro gram beginning at 10:30, during which At the annual meeting of the voters of school district Mo. 2 (St. Helens) to be held at the school house on Monday, June 15, at 8 p. m., in addition to the election of school officers the question of consolidation with district No. 29 (ifoulton) will come up for consideration and settlement. As it is a very impor tant matter for both districts the people should study it from all points of view and make up their minds only after a very careful consideration of the ad vantages and disadvantages of such action. District No. 2 hat a good scnool house, adequate for the probable wants ot the community for several years. It will ba of no use for other than school purposes, and it would not be large enough, even were it practicable to move it, to meet the demands of the proposed consolidated district in the near future. There is but oua use to which il could be put and that is for a county high school, provided the voters are of the opinion that such an institu tion is necessary and adusable. No doubt that thought will be in the minds of many when they vote on the question of consolidation. The advantages of consolidation are apparent in some re spects. All the tendency of school thought is toward larger districts. It wouldn't lighten taxation, but it would give to the taxpayers more for their money. The consolidated district would doubtless put np a handsome building between St. Helens aud Houlton and this would have a tendency lo unite the two towns and build up the intervening country. On the other hand pupils would have a greater distance to travel and there might arise complications as to the mat ner in which the debt of dis of District No. 2 should be settled. It is not altogether clear as to what Is the beat course to pursue, and the object of this article is merely to arouse interest in the matter so that all the facts msy be brought out and well considered be fore the vote is taken. It is better to have a thorough discussion now., so that all may have their lay, aud the verdict of the meeting be arrived at with as addreaeea will bo delivered by Siiperiii- lendetit I. H. Copeland and I'rofJ. II . j little friction as possible, GREAT OPPORTUNITY I am offering to the people of St, Helens and sur rounding country, a well selected stock of General Merchandise, Boots, Shoes, Etc.. for a few days only, at Less Than Cost, at the Masonic Hall Building, St. Helens, beginning Saturday, June 13 White Lawn, regular 20c Yalue. per yard, . - 10c Six-inch Wide Embroidery, reg. 253 Yalue, per yard, 5c Ginghams, the regular 10c value, psr yard 5c Ladies' Fine Shoes, rogular $3.50 value, per pair $2,00 Lots of other Bargains for Men and Women. Don't miss the best opportunity you have ever had to get goods at bottom prices. ..coUIaJkukU ANXONEJE V hi wl'irt,t.-.-."