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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1908)
'HE OREGON MIS IXV SL Helens, Oregon, June 19, 1908. No. 29, LOCAL Rum. CoImmiM Count Bunk. Lihtnall. lt ScappOOtt Uitilur n I'tlday but. T!mi, l 0'bl, vUile.1 tbe . l-.l I rl.taV on actlool Uf friK. Itclrtkol tin Coble fci,-l and ukctau interest lu all turning tu lb wellare "t the -I'fom my ptae 1 Bachelor hull cow Color, red, with jro ritfM .boulder. Wx.Snt'iiK. warren. Ill be in lh Ktlcot lit .Sunday evening, June SI, I The u-icl choir el i. L 1'uitlan.l, will ur Ibe krryour ! invited. u the wile ol t?d iitauwuod. ol ,D 1 n ly hut, daughter. (rir.u Mill hold mm kvr In ibe .SI, SI. Helen., Ort Sunday it. Luitna County lUnk l being Hi old court bom bulldiug. i btini! made ncrrwwry by h he building II now octuple U by Mr John Wcilinftou M ktvluudite (. ttrm -ible given by lb l!.irtr Ui Friday evening kcul Ktm Ha long "Ibe mil to burn" the demand lot wlnrw ketl the dlabrra Iki.v. I lUr cvntt-ut happened there my nujtl amount uucon- Lcf Clark u tbt contract lu Lrruotu roltag oil the lol utl lit. Waltrri' nine. The Imute Lit li iruul by Mn. Partridge, Hit. Wm Komi. ller.Uod Out tc.Luranl ami Iimju be alarled In the build bn lltiiin'tulMm attl thtbank r-Ii -tlle K. lU.bour will llrlcn. Wednesday, June 31. and Kir i!.v. trtuitiuigotu tn on I h l:ter thing tn lb dental I in a IikI cluu wanner. Crown rurk iclllv. TVtb tt- re. OtlkeetSt. Helen Hotel. Kstkii- I muni lo buy two iit, Mu the month old. Any.ue If in ftt talc plcM notify Cu- kic, Warren, Orrgon. received o( I lie death ol Frank who wit. killed Tuesday mom- f lt:kniiK camp ol the Soreumn jamijany, in Clalp County, piimwd over hi in on Ibe full- Uii'l lvu in the uitloy ol lb ( lui M-vcrnl year mill w con- tn citl nun. lie wii uiitrrlra w rrV i!i. Oulltll'V w wrll in toluiiil.m County anil b lcm.,r, in ihcMtttlcn loiKltt I1AVIM. AMI l'l.ATKHINU I'.mhl Krtitrrl. A(tirc I,. K. tiillkrr, lOtrui. nCOIJI Iiku 1'riiin the ireml at )cer I one Uy mure, four year obi. tiit eleven humlml iHiumU. Iilciii. mi (orcbrail, one Iront llilii'l IimiI white, blark mane ami v liulii Imv. l'lve ilollnra rewnnl Ixilil for Iht return, orinlormallon Mm. It. C. llamcll.lher I.lmul, lcl Trcli, 8t. llclcui. V 1 1 1 1 r- vi.ilr.t III Biw l'Vlivdl litntiio Init Saturday ami rKrt . aumiau In .Viirv tf He lok with him a qiiniiitty of "wii hi M Helena, ami, tluniK "r.i no iilca of competliiK wai t ill nml wai awanlcil I wo ecuml ami three third lirUet. rticuUr miii waa tnken to pre "e rov Mr, White it ol the Hint St. I Idem protlucca an fine 1 can le found elacwliere. The o' Uuukanie't edorti atiKRCit to 't it would ,e a K0Od thliiK to Coluiuhiit County Kote Aaaocl iih the projier oltlccr, and to :omity tl)W ,i10w nmmly, lo be rl yrur l Kiine ilnt to be cboacn f ffiiiuU It . probable that "nK tint line will be taken In a 1 'T-m 8KKIOD AaiDMNT On Sunday Utt aa Mr. ami Mr. William Kota, accoiu panied by Ihrlr n Cecil and Ml lro lUrker, were on their way from atlrnd lii cburrb in the Hachrlur I'lal tcliuol bouae to the rrthlence of Mr. J. V. llnr ker, Ihey uict with an ecei.lrut which, while very tcriout in it rrtullt, wat re utrkable lu that it wat wonderful that It did nut mult in the death ol all con cerned. The hoiM bad tlarled In rr.j the bridge near the rrtidetire of L'. S. l)'in, when it Iwcauie friithtcued at a pile ut drain tile piled near the end of the bridge. It tUrlrd to back and, at there wm no rallliiK, the home, luii-iiy, and the oX'Uant went oil Hie bruise and fell dUlnnie ol alwul twenty five feet, The bone wat killed iiitlanlly by baying It neck broken. Mr Kow tut Uliitil tcvere bruitn, and Mr. Kom had hi bark quite arrioutly injured, while the two children etnajvd unhurt. When aaaittanre came In them the bone wat tying acrua Mr. ami Mr. Kom, pinning them down to that they were unable to eatrtcate tbeuitrlvr. They were taken to the re.tdrm.-e ol Mr. Il'.pain, where everything pmaiblc w done lor their cumlnrt and Dr. Hum iirouiutly turn- nioned. Mr. Km w broii(li( home to St. Helen Monday, but her htit'Miid' inuric were loo n-vrre to permit lilt re moval, and be will piutxthly Ijc conlltied lo bi bed for tcveral week. A bridge without railing, over a cut twenty five (eel deep, coute very ner being a piece of criminal negligence, ami all uch tracturr are a rriifiwi h to the county. If a Uw.uit I a rrtnlt of tin. rurldcnt Itm tan payer will have to w- the penalty. I have a full ttuck ol determina tion to tupply the trade with a variety ol choice ((rorerir. frr.h yertatle and fruit. Cranlte, tin and queen ware. Feed, (Mint and oil. Motor gasoline and N'aphta, ami 1 heartily ap preciate your utroiia(rt M. C tilt AY. The actiool Uwrd h.t I a lUMitr meet ing lat WetlevUv evening, at which the matter ol engaging teacher lor the com ing year wat ilin.-u.ted. reveral appli cationt were rotitidrred, but no definite action taken. Maulc Richardaon and Klla HalUo, two pupil 0f the jWry Kr.oei were each prcaented with jrold ring by their teacher, Mr. J. W. Quick, ycteiday, a reward of merit, they having a perfect record, without tardinew, for two year attendance iu tchwd. The Warren public kuooI held Itl com mencement eiercltc but Friday evening. They were well attended and an Inlerert lug proKntm rendered. Superintendent I. If. Cojietand pretented the diploma to the graduate.' The St. Helen ball team waa defeated al Woodland hut Sunday by a acore of 8 lo 9, The Kuie wt dote up to the fiiilihand wa wiinctaol by a gooldy crowd of Woodland people. Mr. Martha Richardaon, ol Portland, it vi.iiltiK with her aon, D. W. Richard ton, of Si. Helen. Mrt. Jacob George returned hut Sat urday from a Portland vitit, where the attended the Nicholaon-Holnian wedding and the (irand Chapter of the Ivattern Star. Mr I. II. Copcland and N. A. Terry, of Avon Ilge, No. 82, have been in at tendance tliit week on the Grand Lodge of the Knight of Pythiat. in esion in I'ortlaud. Mi. I). W. Ricbardton, of Ava Tern i!c, Pythian Sitter, i a delegate to the Grand I,odj(e of the Pythian Sitter in acuion in Portland tbi week. Mr. W. It. Dillard i having a boute I uilt on hi protierty west of the Law tract. ItokN On Monday, June ISth, to the wife of J. . McKie, of St. Helen, a daughter. Mr. W. II. Powell atartcd lat Saturday for a visit to l.o AiiKele, California, ex pecting to be abtcut alxjtit three week Mrt. Kay WatU, of tioble, attended the Grand Chapter of the Kaatcrn Star, al Portland. i I Am; soon Tka Mr. I). J. SwiUer i will nerve tea and cake from 1 to 5 o'clock I-'ridav afternoon. June 2ttb. lor tbe (benefit ol Cliri.f T.piacopal Church Ten icnt contributiv.i. All are cordially invited to a end. A. 11. Taylor, ol Rainier, deputy di.trict altomey, wa in St. Helen yea- terlay on businrt connected with the preparation of the case of the county ai!int the titnbermen. The cac come no lor trial at the July term of court. Mr. Claude Jone an 1 aUter Julia, ol Mayvillc, Kottern Orri;on, are visiting relative iu St. Helen Ihi week. 8uiNoi.Ka voa SAtK-I carry a tock of octlar hiltglr and offer ihetn lor tale t from vl-60 to f '.as per th ..tiwind. H. MOUGUS, St. Helena Dry Goods! 9 Dry Goods! i $1,000 Stock Clos ing Out at Half Price.... ....Ladies and Children's Shoes.... Men's $5 Royal Chinook Shnes.NoW " " " $3.75 Men's $8 00 Loggers, Now T WILLIAM H.TAFT, Who will be nominated for the Presidency by the Republican Convention now in session in Chicago. REPUBLICAN PLATFOEM Following is a synopsis of the platform adopted: Declares uneauivocallv for a revision of the tariff by a special session of Congress immediately following the inaug uration of the next President; reaffirms principle of protec tion; favors free trade with the Philippines, with due regard to protection of sugar and tobacco industries. Favors permanent currency system tnai wm avoiu an emergencies. Favors passage ol postal savings DanKS dhi now pemuug before Congress. Declares for amendments strengthening onerman anu-irusi law to give greater control over interstate corporations having dangerous power of monopoly. Approves, vigorous enforcement of railroad rate laws and statutes against rebating. Pledges devotion to every cause that makes for the better ment of conditions among those who labor. Favors State and National aid for cause of good roads. Amendment of the injunction law to the end that justice may be done at all times and to all parties. Condemns attempts to disfranchise colored voters. Declares again for extension of civil service laws. Indorses movement to conserve natural resources and to impiove rivers, harbors and waterways. Declares for navy large enough to maintain honor of nation and aid the United States in preserving international peace. Urges legislation to revive merchant marine. Favors liberal administration of pension laws. Points with ni.dest pride to achievements of Republican administration in Cuba, Panama and the insular possessions. $6.00 Come in. Do not miss a bargain, j Sale continues to June 25th. At 5 Masonic Hall. ANTONE ELLIS Heiou With it gentle aixzle anile the Oregon nilit fall like a benediction upon the parched earth. It may spoil a little of the down clover, but It benefits inoie than compensate for any harm it does, rait Urea, gardens and orchards welcome it. It was greatly needed in this neigh borhood, and as usual in this Oregon of our, it came uat in the nick of time. After this little coolness passe away the summer season will open,, and the Sen coast resorts will begin to pather in their harvest of city shekels. The residents ol Columbia County, however, especial ly those who live on the rivor, have very little need to go to the coast, except it be for love of a change, which seems to be a necessity lor a great many people. The editor was aroused from his slum bers one night week by a neighbor who said there was "an awful g ronutng' at tbe foot of the hill on the road toward Warren. Investigation proved that it was ft conple of drunken Greeks who had returned from the metropolis loaded to the guards with North End booie. They were emitting nolsea sufficiently lugubriou to justify tbe belief that they were in their last agonies, but as soon as they get another chance they will go to I town and luy in a fresh stock oi trouble. Incrkaskd Value Mr. A. J. Farmer has sold his place known as the Meeker place to W. Riuehart, for the sum of 17,000. The place was deeded to the Columbia City and St. Helens school districts and sold to James Meeker for a small sum. - F. H. Meeker sold it to a Mr. Wilde a little over a year ago, for $2-100; Wilde told to Carl Rascb. for $4,000; Rasch told to Faimer for $ 1,500 and now Farmer s.dls to Rinehnrt lor $7,000. The sale iucludes probablx.f500 worth of stock, and the buildings are worth about 2,000. leaving the acreage at about 14.500, or about ninety dollars per acre, which is a very reasonable price. The St. Helens second ball team beat the La Center second team lat Sunday by a score of 23 to 20. Guess that' go lug some. Married At the residence ol tbe bride's parents, in Raiuier, on Thursday, June 18th. by Rev. W. C. Fry, Clara b. Williams to Michael Peters. Mr. Peters is young man of sterling worth, and we can heartily congratulate tbe bride upon her choice. The bride is the kind of a girl that makes a man's success in life certain a competent helpmate to a worthy husband. We wish them pro perity and are sure they will achieve it. Wttiri