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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1908)
PHE OREGON MIST xxv St Helens, Oregon, June 26, 1908. No. 30, LOCAL , , ,. - n. ..k (allot. vulnttii )ew)rtmt Mtt.Uy, Julymti. vtoiiil mwi Wednesday, J V Mr. MUcretice nin llmm llictr Wlinu murium .- st"ISl. Helens. ti Mr. Wood. "I Portland, were ,ior. at the umueoi air. l, . Wellington. . Church tn crowded Van U.i Suudav evening. tid ay uua'ue w s ,.ion being isil u Lrul St. Matthew's l'lrtl rurt'.sud, The service .. and Hi. hoped the .Inger iM to visit us again in " fait I'lak". of .Viwi. Was kibe County mil Ut Muuday. L nm-iut'l. where rhtl wake L went "dry', at the recent tc it mil l altogether l" W him. Mr is burr a good many lae Hay bribe high :i hit nrrgbW i" I" i o and inconvenience ,0,1 pa.Kirillg their ltrtd. rod Sl.ll I carry Uwlt ol I nglcs and H"' ' to I.' 3ft f ihouMtul. II. MtiKUUft. Sit. Iioi'iu -ml. ol Jul will I cclcUaled I'rrc In the lrfaraed I'ult ll U men uiulcr the auspice td Artisan Assembly No. 3H, -.11 be taring and other .port Wf pnnl dancing all y and Take well filled bakt with vrlr Settle K. Harbour will Helms Wednesday. June St. and four il. reluming once month lr. IVn thing In the dental kt in a iii. i i'Um manner. - rii ,;e ami. a ciallv, TeHb en tire, uibce ol St. Heiene Il-tl. Smhh - Mr. J. It WelltiiK- Krlitay lo.t ra 'cltiKit dy" at 8t, iUleiu, m from noon until Utc In ttie evening evcrylxxiy rliclitcd In the f terclwe aixt (eetlvllle. Owing tu the mlu It n luiMMiMe lu bolit the picnic III the grove heat luwn, m ell ol tile "doliige" were t the dioul boutc, the (trtlU heing hi'lil on the trhuol gmunilt. The ltriuim iirugram cartirl out M piiliU.lict lu the Miit, ml every femur ol It, cwrliilly the clillitrrn't tiurching ml club winging eierclM-e, wet thoroughly irr;UlI,iil rellwteil grrnt ctedi". upon teiuhvr tint mjilU. tu the evening thrre u linrumv tu eulrrUiiiinciil In the w houl liouw anil the lleuitenre wa lluiilot only hy the iMcuihly room. I'.il llunke are ilue Mr. lieu. w. Voiiel 01 Knimer, lor hit klnitnwM in iling with the muticM prugttui. Hi ml' pteetcil ell who heard them, u eouie ol thriu were eepecUlly epprecUled by the youngtlert. Alter the iirogrem ke trcm w ervtd ml tlietupplr autumct, nrtling nrat Mill lor the IjcncQtol the library fuml. I turn lull t' V ol ilrlcrmlu lion tatupply the truilc with vnrtety ol choice groi'erlr, Ireib vrifrUUee and lrlt. t'.renilr, tin and quecna ware. IVedt, IMinlt end oil. Motor giline and Ntphta. aud I drartlly -prn ulo your (atronage. M. C.tiKAY. ine'ChaiidiM elore, in idwg now o fii;ied by the Col 1'wntv bank, will I rrady lor uUl July liitli. Mr. Wr-lling-renin bring biuiur la iH. tleb Suing llir Uriurr ol t'olmrsbla wificitiilly .r-isiii tud.iieiilf nt k il juy tlinu t if ,111c tJ St Hi'l uilc In the tint pUe he will Win An iniirtant ile- cmn. ol c-UI (ntrre.l to Columbia County, wilh It great and growing twin- To ItooM Tun Countv-A rciirescnU tlve of the Kunwt inKniie waa In St. Helena lecoully and made a propoeitlwi lor advcrtiilng thin county that la worthy ol comiidenilion by our people. The Suniet l publithcd by the Southern I'a clfic Railroad Company and therefore lu uuiuual hii-ilitiea fur giving publicity to any lection In brief the proportion i! The inagatliie will give the county a hall page each month for twelve montha, together wltH one four-page writeup, printed and dinlributed throughout the Ka.t, ten tbouaand ,12-puge bookletf, lllulrated with viewi of the acencry, fieldn, orcbanU, milla dairy herda, Ac, o( the county, givi the county apace lu the time carda and foblera laaued by the couiwuy and furninh vicwa to ita ttcre- opt icon lecturera who are continually touring the Wcatern Middle Statct, and give n iwce in their HuroMn publi- .'iitioiu, which arc printed in three lan- guagrt. The price atked for this work ii f HSO, and it rcmaint to be een whether county aatetaed at $17.(X)0,(X)U can raiae thl amall mm for advertising purpoaes. The I loulton-St "Helena Commercial Club will aKin laaue a call for a public niectiug of alt intcretted to meet and fully diacuat thin and other matter (or the good of the county. rkbool warrant nulled at par. Columbia County Hunk Lumber it being hauled for the erection of Mr, J. Warren Ouick new cottage at the comer of Oak and Wllliimctt trecta. Mr. I'rank Wilkin h the contract. i Did you ever top to figure what the 1 navmll at St. Helen now M Add to the number working at the plant below town about IW or 40 block maker work in the other iarrie, then the fuhermen anil the people engaged in other occa ration. When all are counted it will go well over fiOO a day. The ball tram here wa disappointed Iat Sunday, a they expected a game aith a tram which failed to show up. The Ex-President Passes Away At His Home at Princeton. DEATH OF CLEVELAND will wait until rain la badly needed by the rancher, then cut hia bay. WARREN Harry E. Rinard who waa accidentally killed by falling from a heavy wagon while returning from Portland laat Sat urday and wa buried In the cemetery at Scappooae on Tueaday. Rev. Lew Davie of Warren preached the funeral. Contractor baker baa begun the erec tion of the new ecbool house at Warren. The districts at Scappooae have Joined together and are building a school hoaee which will be a credit to the town. A Grover Cleveland, ex president of the United Stale, died aud lenly at hit home n l'rincelon, New Jersey at 8:40 Wed nesday morning, the immediate came of hia death, according to hi phyiicinus, being heart failure complicated With pulmonary thromboaia and oedema. All utlinatea of Grover Cleveland' 1 character and hia aerviceato the country team will be provided to carry all chil- tot, into account theto fact : dren to the achoool who live two milee He aved the gold atandard. or from tne building. He vigorously enforced the Monroe! Leonard' new meat (hop at 8cap- loctrlne and compelled England to re- poose la doing a fine business. Last niiect it In the Venetueta cane. week they handled two hogs, one beef, He recounted the necessity for a new land one veal. When it 1 taken into navy and broke np the monopoly In naval consideration that there is another meat contracts that had existed under former hop la town this is a good showing for admiuiatration. I the prosperity of Scappooae. He enforced the civil service laws ana Mr. naloh Hazenhss been quite tick. broadened the ueetulnesiof the civil aer vice commission When the Governor of Illinois refused to enfor e the law President Cleveland promptly aent the federal troop Into the State and restored order. Under bis administration the first at tempt was made to ferret out the frauds upon the public domain and retore to the people the land ol which they had bevti robbed Wo have no doubt the verdict of his tory will be that Mr. Cleveland was one of the greatest American presidents ano that In all of bis public acts he we in- The doctor pronounced it pneumonia fever. Mrs. Henry Bumgardner died Monday night. She lias been sick for tome time with stomach trouble. Mr. James Bacon, Jr. la able to be aiound again after being confined to the house for ten days by sickness. SCA1TOOSE ber iulcrr.U. h been renilcml ly inc i ,crit)ite arrangement have oeen Inter. tlr Commerce Couiuiilon involv- UU1)C for ,;. ,,tt Sunday but there ina rale ou lumber, hinglc mi l "tber I pfotmbiy will 1 e one on the diamond forrt fidui t Iroin Irrgoii to r.arrn . llcre unit and Southern .int. an I the rate eciu to I r.wt-ul!y lavurabte to I'ortUnd. and Columbia county iiit, they are wlut ja knowu a "coimoon jioiut" with Porllaud. The decision i claiuinl t 1 a very Imi-ntant one br the Imulcrnicn, .....I Mij relit! III the oiwniiiil of I... .1 m. Inn? bid a Knot! trade, but wi re unable under the con Ir.ttd r4le, to c to w th the South ern mill. We trmt it may nu-an the re .urn ,,t ion ol ',iii.iiirM by the Kainlcr Mill aud Lumber Cuimy, at Ksiuier. The Milton Crock bridge, one mile Wjdme Ihcv h.ive t aitl si as;. , o, iirii-m. oil the Warren road, la; higher pi ice than they oibl V(.ry dangcrou Condition, We - ill I luc I up alter the accliteni We i :y Interejt on Time Deposit. Columbia County Bank. by t.iking tlimi l I'ortlauil. :tvllo ed thrill goil lor I ml rrawiii-iliic pIH'c S lhy rt thr name g 1 in the lilclrop- that don't win their trade we trry much niipn I kHVIN; AMI l'l,ITKMINr. tMHMl uriiiircd, Addrea L. H rtiilker. .Otegon, IliWiJI f-t. Ilr'rii. iju.irry Cuuipitiv ) ! Sim l iv, riiiiu nlg'it and day jriupiiiMii nl nit nne liiutdrvd a d "n They luve work ulfnd to Itee steady woik (or a long wrlod prcKiit the ipiarry and thu bbwk FcniKlituie the blggcat wage iy mtry In the county, though the whi n llirre U a run on, kcepa a '11 ol In circ illation beri1. ty a blant cmutalninii 1 UK) nound let was set oil, and loosened up nowgli to (cvernl day. The t light bwk nice at night avkii l-'reiiii the premises at IVcr one buy mare, lour veal old, f slioiit cloven hundred pounds, ihlle strlie ou forehead, one front hind loot white, black mane and l light buy, I'ive dollar reward Pi'l lor her return, or information 'o Mrs. R. c, llauiell.lieer Island, F'1 1'resh, St. Helens. J- Southard, manager ol the (,tlc rmich at Warren, wns a e Hie court house laat Monday, 'PwU that only two tract of the ve as yet been aold-7:!0 acre C()lliid donulion for 18,00(1, and f " ol the home place to John fc'i t Jd MX). W. C. Cooper's r-iiweuty acres was not cou- I.IW ll W .... .. . :.. ,1.., I..r occur The Nist again " the county I" l"it hr.dgc to remain in a ilaiiger4 condition come very close to criminal negligence. 8tkavki-Kiiii near St. Helen, one Kray miiri, nearly whit, liW, 12 years old ; one duty gray horse. 8 years old. liVi pounds, hog ba-'k, both shod; one buy mare, Kl und. Ill year, old; one bay horse, !W W venr om. dress Gun llcgdc, St. Helen. Henry C. bowler, ol Coble, is a mem ber of the federal Jury li"'"1 l" the case ol the t'nilcd Slates v James Henry Itooth. ex receiver ol the Ron burg Laud Olllce. limit U is accused ol the riime ol receiving brils (of giving r. A. Krib advance inlotmation concerning the time when certain hunt vvouni Come available br filing. Mr C T. l'lescotl ha received from l. 1,'rl. W and tile work t Tortland and from the brickyard, at Vancouver two specimens ol viliiticd ma. ...-. clay Irom the Bschelor l'lat country. . ia,.rr..r. extires. the opinion lhat thl. clay will make tet V"" ......i. Is now l!liiil useil hi l'ortlaml . . .....I nuriKisc. lViitlaiid Shi riil White wa called upon last Sunday by Deputy lleattie, of I'ortlsnd, to assist in the capture ol the lellow who tired Into the crowd on board tbe tcam , ,. ...!erCDitaICllvaitwasleaviugtheiloca i i-.asicni . at Martin r.iu.i. me nvsu iHwt bad been job!ng the hore jicople and some one of ti e excursionists threw a bulled egg into tbs hore crowd, which so iiiceiocl one of l ie men that he uu mediate!- oneiied file with hi revolver, . . . . nr,,r i -rely ounniiiK ji ... iLe deckhand. The t ao otlicera securcu the culprit ami lodged liim in the Kalama toil. Kor Sale Money Ordcru" good any where, low rate. Col. Co. Bank. The school Ixilird ha wisely decided to re employ the present edkient corps ol teacher. ti- r.raiwl Master of Masons for the state of Oreisou will pay a visit to Clats :10th. All Mason iq Kol tauding are invited to be preeni The river 1 fulling slowly, audweatner ... ... .I.... I u.Ul nrntuilitv com itton are ucu wai i. i .,iir,iie to lower until the ordinary .nmin-r itaee is reached, and th "ry men are able to move their hems oats io the lowland and resume business at the old stands. I have money to loan on approved dictate secrit.v.rt,HrowEUi. St. Helens, Oregon The farmers are all much relieved to see the water receding, as rears were .nurl.tnal that it misht fninlk tliirh lluenced solely by a desire to do that I nough Q do much JainaKe The wmcti waa jmiaim nKim " ""'"" poultry folks are especially glad to tee for the permanent god of the country. .. . - ,8 nd mink 1?A1 I PI? Plecatsi especially, are playing ItrtliMl J:ilV I l.avon with Urn vounir chickens and .1,.nlr ltA 1... Ih.l fp PlnniniMir- At tbe meeting of the Commercial ... ' .. . .n . n,t . Club of this city a letter was read from hBndwd ,h h th, n( of judge Scott, of Salem, President of the Uule nuieance Orego.H.ooaKoauaAssu-tauon.iowu.,.. track since baying began, the few who do pass being clearly of the won't work type. J. W. Armstrong, of Tituburg, was in the iudire sgrees to come to Hiinier to delivers lecture on good roads. The udge says that there is a great interest manifested throughout tho State for :ood rods and that they have already established sixteen stone quarries in t'jwn Monday night on his wsy to Port Marion County slid now have some of bind. He reports a veiy backward the best stone obtainable for rond work, spring in tbe Nehalem valley, but saye tn hia letter he suuneet lhat we COiumu- there is a fine cherry crop, thouali no nicatt with the county court and get the pears, and few apples ofllcials Intorested in the work. It is a poUto planting is now being complet ed that there la not a taxpayer in me Bud a oUlnper yieid looked for, county dui who is w.i.ina v nlentlful now and soon me eariy varieties this choice fruit will be gathered. of hare of taxation tor good roads. Judge Scott says be can be here about the mid die of July, and a rousing meeting should be held for the purpose of getting what everybody wants. Let us hear irom St. lieiens. . . . , ., i,. , t h. eves of a ball. The school directors hsve hired Pro-1 .f . ..... .... fessor By land, Mrt. By land, Miss Howell Andrew Elliott, of PitUburg, hss been I arrested on a charge of cruelty to animals, and Miss Duxberry for the ensuing school year, and are corresponding with several eastern teachers ta fill the other two vacancies. This district is very for tunate in having Mr. aud Mrs. Byland Mr. Elliott will have bis trial on tbe tenth and alleges that his act was necessary and proper as tbe bull was a dangerous and vicious animal and depriv ing it of it sight rendered it harmless. There is an effort on foot to establish a here for another year, as they are among creamery in the Nehalem Valley. Large the best educators of the State. Mike Ellis came near eing minus a dnlUnrv horse Ihsi Tuesday. While moving a small building on the wharf, a sudden lurch of tbe building threw tbe horse oft the dock into the river. He swam to the shore, and after taking up a portion of the sidewalk the horse was finally brought to the surface none the worse lor his bath. quantities of cream are shipped to Port land every week ana it is tnougut it would pay to start a creamery there. Harry Rynard, who resides near Scap- poose, was sccidentally killed last Satur- nrday afternoon by being run over by a wagon loaded with hogs while he was on his way to Portland. When about one and a half miles the other side of Linntou stopped bis team and started to l . ..mninetlta niiri' re..tsuin.lyll"' ul,l"1"ca """" rom Newbcrg. Yamhill county. U I ,o make an excellent paving buck, for which there Is a growing demand. The clay wa. anhjeoied to teiuirature o, three thousand degree.. Mr Preacott will soon receive of b ldlng T.,,.1. .....i. from thl clay. The clay Is ;,;ip(cl!I1B,ed wit,, oxide of , ro, which Mrs. J. Warren Quick Is visiting with ,er parents at Dnllns, Tolk County. She will be absent two weeks. Mr. L. H. Uulker, of Rainier wus a visitor to the county- scat Wednesday on mad business. Mr. Gulker is an earnest advocate of good roads and be- ... ii-,.. tbe Decide of Rainier should give J i ' .. " . . ...1.1. more atteution io una Mr tobn Dolan, of Warren, was plcsaut caller at the Mist oflice on Wed- usday last .ULs Lulu George is attending a State eschars' meeting at hugene, pr. and Mrs. II'. R. Cliff were Portland visitors lust Wednesday. ... I I H. R.O. llatcn.oi matters last Wednesday . '. . . .. ,..,..., alieht. He put his foot on the hub of aienuica worn, wi ... .. . h.., IUC WUI .1111 JT- ' the front wheel and the horses' feet. His fall startled the horses aud they sprang forward, two of the wheels pass ed over his head, killing bim instantly instautly. The victim was a single man Ex Mayor on uueiucss morning. Mr. Roth, our Eeninl driiK8i8t, went to Seaside on businosa lust uicmiay morning. Miss Mary E. Cotiyers, the talented 05 years of age, and bore an excellent menu soprano and vocal teacher, has reputation. He was in the employ of given up her weekly Kelso trip, aud Calvin Johnson. makes Portland instead, for tbe purpose Beglm,jng uext Wednesday the sa- of studying her art. loon8 at Houlton and StHeleus. Dr. Cowperthwalte and wife were Portland visitors this week. Bnckleu's Arnlea Salve Wins J. A. Schunesen the crenmeryman it Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch- constantly Increasing the output of his ran, Or., writes: "I had a bad aore come " .- i. .i.e. slnmii rnlnr. ,1 U lusUl lllll IlilUfc r The brick i. .harp and doe not crumble I ,kk plant since putting in cold storage For thirty years Judge Rlanchaad has cut liny on his ground west of the opera house, and the next day it always rains. The Judge has never been able to get a good crop of hay from that piece of ground yet. He doclorct in iuture be on the instep of my foot and could And nothing that would h. al It until I ap plied Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. Less than a halt of a 25 cent box won the day for me by affecting a perfect .cure." Sold under guarantee by Houlton, Warran, Scappooae aud Duer Island dealers. fy court. or cuip a su sftsttiBs iW'sfst1" -'."WsWsl" -.rsis