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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1908)
! I ART & MUCKLE r 1 Carry i Complete Stock of th Beit in General Merchandise at Lowest Pricea Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Crocerlea, Dry Goods, Hardware, Booti or Shoea We Solicit Your Patronage and Aa sure You.Courtcoua Treatment $ ST. HGUiNg, okboon A Shoe Store for Shoes" she dictum of the cxjcncuccd. It is a matter of : history that the department stores which try kll shoes of the grades wc sell da not make a cess of it. The reason is that a shoe "depart- tt" is fundamentally lacking in the clemeut of SiVicK that must go with the sale of fine shoes .sake them really worth the price" asked. KNIGHT BOOK CO. Whingtn tint Third BU. "All Around the NorthwcstJCorncr" WALK-OVER j Only exclusive rj f children. d'p't 3 SOROSIS iin Portland.! 1 - pes lor Men and Women JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BU8INE88 WE have the best and most full equipped Job Print ing Gflloe In Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short tmfirtA nnd at most reasonable prices mmtssemmaam A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST nncoi I e. K QUICK. M-MOOTI Tim Columbia County PSTRACr AND TRUST CO. ps Examined i? Abstracts Madb Non-Rrsidknt Taxbs Paid & Mstatr kg Loans, etc rim Ciil. I'rocknry nl rVe I Nation. Minery H. MORGUS Curries a complete line of all the Best in General jMerchandue At reasonable prices. Your patron age Solicited. MUM MOM 0oa tor VR MrtiaM Ciillwrtiurti, .tehmilaut To Klrh.rt ClfU,m above n.l0,4 MtoA. .,!". lh" r the Mate of Oregon' Ynu ii . . . '""Ith la ill Wwlii alter Mar 111 "it (iHKY A UK MAKDHOrl Atlonien lr 1lalnllll, Viwl!1'0" M" " "WIcUoii Sollre for Publication .I. (TJta'Un Ait Junta IB7) J... .7vi? 0B1"' tuni'ul ". Jiiiw 1 emltlnt -An ail (r lh .., of i In'i: .nr".""1."-'' Trrllrr," M.iiJnd.' urn, u.hi. ii. ,,,, , Vo,i,nA, c;v; ,.".t'.'""h 1UU """ thl . Bled n llilt..m.'e hli awnrn atafnieul no. Tito, lot llie umthaae of Dig nurd, hall nl the aoatli. Jaal ijii.rlrr ol uwllon N, m ln T muihli. h North IUm No. i Wrt tnd III ilr n. .( ,i hv , u mu,tti mow v.liul.l. r u ilmiwr or ti.n, than lor trtriilmral pnriumw. atnl lowuMUh htr rlalm lu aM lu. ui.n. Hr(lalr au4 Hprclrar i I rtrtlaml . ifi-,.. cm Thumlar, ilia Iwh il.t "I Arll, laia rltici aa wltiiaaana T t lUlwrr. W. II. Huoy, W.J. took, all I orlUnil. Orpiri, Anjr a n. I all herw.m r,l,nln .IrorMlr III! hu-iW-rlll lamia arn rriiUHl to flit i lalmi In thla uRIta ou or utfora aalil Uth ila nl A.. W7. AUiKRNOK ft DKKHHKR, Rlaur. Sollre 8f rinal HMtlement Nolle It brrcliy given by the Under IkiiH tua.liiiiiiialratnr ol the tUte of J 8 Millard, ilnraKil, that he lia filed ill theCouuty Court ol the Sute ol Ore Koii, lur Coluuihi County, hit final c- cuiint ut ln adminittratlon upon aaid ratatc together with hi final report and prttlion lurthediatribution ol the realdne ol Mid etute ; and that Hon. R. 6. Hat- tan, Judice ol (aid court, haa act the 30th lr ol June, tww, at 10 o'clock in the lorrnixin thereol at the time, and the courtroom in St. Helena, OreKon, aa the place lor the bearing and clllenif nt ol ald account, report and petition; at which time and place anvpern intercat ed may appear and file object iona in wrilinii to the Mine or anv part thereof. K. K. QUICK. W.JJI . l'owctl, 'atlorney lor a dm In it-trator. Pearr aari that after reacblna the north ple be wilt be wllllnu to advane on the aouth pole. What will explorert do after everything la diacoreredf Per- Dapa flying machine give a bint. A ra KaaiUy MMIelae "It give me pleainre to apeak a good word for Electric Bitter," write Mr. Frank Contan of No. 430 Houston St., New York. "It a grand family medi cine for dyapepaia and liver complica tion; while for lame back and weak kidney It cannot be too highly recom mended. Electric bitter regulate the digestive function, purify the blood, and Impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both aexes. Bold under guarantee by Houl ton, Warren, gcappooae and Deer Ialand dealer 50c, NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To all innnf roufwront, and th leaal otr tiiw rrkMliiia; In (.utile prrlii?. i'olnmbla I'rtiinl), ltal ot Crrguh, in rtirtllar. Vnu aiulnai h nl ,.u wilt uka aHlc thai t, o K llnnlrr. mil. on ll.e -lit dar ol Jul? !', a.! I Ibo llotiural.ta ftiunlx Jrntirt n( the ut il Orrl'.n I r a llrrnae to aell ailrlloiia. vtnmta aiul malt lliiuora and trnnentptl clilar til ka .iiianmlpa than tine sallnn. lor a period t.f ii ttiimiha. In ihv viilaaii of ootile.lln" liable pm-inri. t'olumbia t iiiiuir Male ol Onvon. ahli-h aiM.ltiation will bp atiptmrtfif and baaed il.n the J..IUllli tartlllonjlo-wlt: I'KTni iM In ihtiiniy ninit ol iin Stale ol Ora, (or Coluwl.laiomii' in itii maim i of the application "ol O K. Ilnnlf lor a lli-rutr la aril aptrlluima, tlnoua, aiul titalt ll.itra. and lcrmeiil(t rider In la ,iiianiliii man one aallnn. at (loble, In Oobla pwtuii. Columbia Count). Wale ulfrefun. To Urn llminrable Connlf t ourt ol Colnmbla (oiinit.Un-iti'ii Watbo uuilcnlirneil romprlalne a majorllf ,i Ihe Iraal viMera ol lloble preelofl, t'olumlila .imiiy Maiaol OirroU. nmr reside and actn allr he triidM In ald lloble pnvlnrt lor mi.te Ihau thirty dar prrwillu data o( niln. and i.Kurntllil Ibla Million herab; rriH-il ;ilr iwtlilon Ibia hi.norabl Court to tranl I01 liunm tlnoua and mall tl.inr and (arrornled elder, i.. i . ......ulila lhan oncaal! in al lioble. In uolile prrelin-l. County ol Col 'mbla, Male ol orreun, l.r .rui ........... ueo I ink. I Una, Kdln V. hiv. Krneat (la hhi,Mi.i i: c Kowler. J II lima. Allml llmiler. Slait Vi'ei.i , nuiu, V A Clearer, N A M.'li Hra. Fu.l JniMII. Walter lluuler, aiM.l.n.k II Viamirr. I' I' Amleraoll. W Mi liillie, C C r'owler.C Majjlnn, IVIer llia.-h, Ch.a rruiniioT. w K Carey. Jai k Khrlliwer. t W HrFraland. ) Ut. lfy. ''"' II l riwler, I homaa llmiler. A t 'eler, II B anllpt JaA'i.b NtiMlrtiiinpr. i M Kowlar, II 5" ller nr." nrrtet. M Una K P Hurl. Krank . i... fn a V Htuiiimcll. K ViaaMir, Julian Waaaer. KW J.mlan. u tt Jordan llenrv Kinett Wanaer Hl Art'hlhald IF HrkniiW, H I. Kenny, Joe lluirmn, tien Morel, Harry Corley, K I, Tlpion, llertnau J.ihnaon. t'harlea l ink, l.llla Ui.iaaher. Joa Uinerelice Jay llurliow an'r i rn". i n, I" lolii r, l liaa Vounit. I. I'amonia. i II Oliver. W K Maklnater.O I' Huawr. ChaaMe. liillie. KCIIelvey.JT lle'vey, Nlrk VU-ller, Kriicat Kul'Ui. i w I YOU SPEND W 1 .1 M.U.,t..M J JOO UHICIl HIUO, . i..r ,.n.,n (mm uncertain lOiir- W wmi SPA nil ii c lolk'B t)ncltor of Oregon nnd Wiwhing- aU ton, CJinplW Information of ev- S ery town in tho two State aud a S clni-ltlcd llttalne Directory. W Xollre of I'lual SeUlement. w'Vr,,!Vh.?i?aa l awmnVand her final re Colum .la. her aa a & M p,,rt ol net a .. tntl g( the I me, " " ' "" th(( for the ir...ieiHn ' l0,,"fLVul o or any lrt j.i:llillia m n.. Uiureui. cARItlK W ATTKltn. w.U. rowell. Attorney (r .Aul!Vi Oeorcia had a war eovernor named Joe Brown, and now fall on, another and obtcore Joe Brown, nnexnectedlv appeared In the arena and baa been elected governor. There it much in a name politically. Thinks It Saved UU Life Letter M. Nelaon, of Naplet, Maine, tay In a recent letter: "I have ated Dr. Ktng't New Ditcovery many yean, for cough and cold, and I think it tared my life. I have found it a reliable rem edy for throat and lung complaint, and would no more be without a bottle than I wonld be without food." For nealry forty yeart New Ditcovery bat ttood at the bead ol throat and lung remedies. At a preventive of pneumonia, and healer of weak lung it baa no eqnal. Sold under guarantee at Houlton, Deer Ialand, Warren and Bcappooae dealer. 60o and 1.00. Trial bottle free. Gold production in the Trantveal hat lately reached over 112,000,000 a month. Mr. Bryan it careful not to refer to what he didn't know about gold twelve yeart tgo. The Beet Pill Ever Sold "After doi'tering IS year for chronic indigeition, and apendingover two hun dred dollar, nothing ha done me aa much good at Dr. King'a New Life Fiila. I contider them the beat ever told." writea B. F. Aytcue, of Ingletide, N. C. Sold under guarantee at Houlton, War ren, Scappooae and Deer lalaod, dealer at 25c. Maryland Democrat! declined to in (tract for Bryan, who lost in the Mate in both bit race. The Maryland Re publican! are ready for the third battle, and admit that Bryan hat been one of their beat helper. DeWitt't Little Early Klaera, the fam ous little liver pillt are sold by A. J. Deming and Scappooae Drug Co. When you need to take eomething take it promptly (or the ttomach, but take someting that you know it reliable something like Kodol for Dyspeptia and Indigestion , Kodol it p'.eaaant to take, it la reliable and it guaranteed to give relief. It it told by A. J. Demiog and 8cappoote Drag Co. Mr. Deb wat Introduced at a New York meeting aa "a aun-crowned man and one of the race of prophet." Tbe Bryan party need not think to get away with all the tall metaphor. DeWitt't Witch Uaael Salve. It Is pecially good for piles. Be tnre to get DeWitt't. Sold by A J Deming and Scappooae Drug Co. Iowa ia under the impression that a aenator that bat served tbe (tate ablv for lis term will be an excellent advitor for a teventh. Kennedy'a Laxative Cough Syrup ia the one that children like to well to take aa at taata nearly as good as maple sugar, It aots genUy yst freely on the bowels and thereby It drives tbe cold out of the syalem. Sold by A J Deming and Scap pooae Drat; Co. The filibuster arenmptiahed one thing that it important. It pointed ont to the Senate t way by which it can put a atop tt inch an abturd Imposition. Kodol i the beat known preparation that I offered to the people today lor dyapepaia or indigestion or any stomach trouble. Kodol disjeats all foods. It ia told by A. J. Deming and Scappooae Drug Co. The monitor idea than ten years old?. She is doing well a a target and it I rafe to ay wonld give a good account of herself in a scrimmage. DeWitt' Kidney and Bladder Fill are prompt ond thoronge and will In a very ihort time strengthen the weakened kidney. Sold by A. J Deming and Scappooae Drug Co. Mr. Parker may not be permitted to write the platform, but the fact remaina that lie made a great sensation when he win d it fonr years ago. No need ef safferlng frera RheaataUsm It is a mistake to allow rheumatism to KiuMim nhennlo. aa the nain can alwav be relieved and In most cases a cure ef fected by applying Chamberirin's rain Balm. The relief from pain which It affords Is stone worth many Umes its coat. It makes sleep ana reicpossiDie IT won In of Ion atandina this Hoi' ment should be need on account of the relief it affords. 25 and 60 cent eiaes tor sale by A, J. Deming, druggist. Senator La Folette will have a new lecture loi the Chautauqua circuit this year: "The Kiss aud Fall ol the Flu luuate.t'. . , Mexico is a protective country, an" other fact to be remembered In connec tion with its prosperity. Born la Iowa Our family wsreail born and raised ln Iowa, and have nssd Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera, and Diarrobea Itemed jr (made at DesMoines) for year. We know bow good it is from long experi ence in the use of It. In fact, when in El Pao, Texas, the writer's life was saved by the prompt nse of this remedy. We ere now engaged in the mercantile business at Nareoossee, Fla., and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very successful and Is constantly growing In favor. Kukis Baos. This remedy is for sale by A. I. Deming, druggist. After 120 years of war the Yaqul In aians oi Mexico nave aeciaea tnac iney want to become peaceable citizens. The fact that their original 20,000 has been reduced to a comparsUrely small num ber bas something tado with tbe resolve to beat the tomahawk into a bos and break tbe pony to names. Kanaa hopes to be free from bonded debt by 1016, and it Kansas is smart it will not, like Missouri, invent any itate eerUflcate of perpetual debt amounting to millions snd call it an ehdowment. Syrup of White Fine snd Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For sale by A.J. Deming, druggiat. $150 FOB BEST ARTICLE Tbe Republican Congressional Com mittee offer $160 for the best article not exceeding 1,000 word on the subject; 'Why tbe Republican party should be Succeeslul next November." The competition is open to all. In judging tbe merits of contribu tions consideration will be giveu not only to style, argument and facta prw sentet', but to tbe convincing power, and It ahould be borne iu mind ihat members of Congress are to be elected aa well a President and Vice-I'rueident. No manuscripts will be returned, but will be the properly of the Committee. The beat article will be widely ucd both in the newspaper of the country and in pamphlet form.' Tbe swards will be made and check sent to successful contestant about Auguat 15th. Miinn-c ipta muH be mailed not later than July 16th to Literary bureau, Republican Coiirees ional Committee, Meiropoliun Hank; Building, Washington. D. C. QB. KDW1N ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURG F ON 8T. HELENS : OREur jR.H.B, curt, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BT HELENS OREGON. JgALDWIN & SHERWOOD Undkbtakkrs and Embauisbs Hears lor funeral at all pon r'v" nJ rail. I'hone at ourexpena. RAINIER,' OREGON tVWV.aV FOR PORTLAND DAILY STEAMER Leaves St. Helens 6:15 A.' M. Arrives at Portland 10:30 A. M. Leaves Portland at 2:tW P. M. Arrives St. Helens at 0:30 P. M, ' HaatguIiaeVifAfci.K, af