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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
Pure ESlood i . r i s r i rn tcmi m I I MM ' I A uiV I I " - Is cerUin If you toko Ilood'a ftinuiparllhi. This grout inoilielnc cures thosu eruptions, pimples niul Ixvils that appear tit till seasons; euros scrofula sores, salt rheum or pe.oinn; adapts itself equally well to, aiul also euros, ilys-jH-psia and all stomach troubles; euros rheu matism and catarrh; euros nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. Sarflatabs-'fVrtho who prefer mllctn in ttv ft tVrm, titHHt' SfnAprill Is now put up In rhtx-o-Ulfit tahlwtH ealttM. Srnitl!, m wrll aw lit the uuti.U 1 ii) u lit form. SnatftU hv Montic-ally the aiuii curat proprttM thf ..iu.t form, bii cu rey of dot. conTentem1, trttt.nunif.-no lo bf evap oration, braakiu-ti, or iktfk PruarUU or promptly by nuuL C L UooU Co.. UowWL Mb. Thlll i ,. vainly i" ii ?vry Ns?Jwv r... c.iif.uinded wllti common M ;? . r- r ... ... .llM......t I 1 I J . : rmitMff wa Mrs. C K Trtsr. Iiurlinfton. vi, sat i " Tha on of a larirs farm. vtiurh teln ail fto Hills halih lo lo tt wilt., rauiMl almost ft trsa .towai MooU poor sn,l ihln noslreoatl,. II UK U( Hood Kacstwrllla ! kPlwtlto. natural sli, nsrfsrl ssaJl. elcsugth to do all work. f hlftla the Hoalbllllr. Tcher Mrs. Clubber, your Mttl Clarence freuueotly cuius la school with hi fat unwashed. Mrs. Clubber Why. good gracious. Mica Lipsicum. what do you keep a school ! janitor for! Chicago Tribune. Flibherty "When I begin to suspect that I'm working too hard at tuy business I go and commit my doctor. If h aaya I'm all right I go back to work." Jihbit "Thar' nothing original in tbal idea. Whenever I get uneasy about myself I apply for another thousand or two of life insurance. If I pass the ex amioation I know I'm . K." Mothers will find Mra. WlntWa .r-hln Pyrup tbe bai remeilY to nm lor tiiair cbUOraa tanog ta lvUiiug irtod. i The thimble u at flrt worn on the thumb and a railed "thttiubell." A cork rarried to a depth of 'JOO feel below the aurfaoe of the aea will not rise again owing U lh gnat preaaure of watar. A terrlbl nolae of thumping and atamplnx cam from Bob' room early one tuorultig. "Bobby, Ilobby," callwl his moUirr. from dowiiatalm. "what I pilot oa up there?" "My alim-a." replied Bob. i Sc VtuV raar and all Nerrooa nrouneat.'r curr, it. juiova tn m Vrv K.torvr. fend Rr rrF.n f1! bHU anil irMUM. Vr. 1L IL Klin.-. luaa lick bL, 1'tua.J . Tim for Tkaf. , Philanthropic Woman (giving him foin) Yon work, I auppoae, when you ! an find amploymeot? Saymold Storey Work? When I ain" ' eatin' and alipin', ma'am, my entirt tin" ia ockypied in aolicitin' work! j CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. j Tte Kind You Have Always Bought; Signature of Cjtfffl&dUi rufltonier (at dairy lunch counter I Yon have to pay out a good deal of money for the ginger you ue. do you not ? Proprietor (linger? Why, no; gin ger'a chenp. Customer Then why don't you faod some of it to your waiters? A Real aartljr. Tem And wluit lo you think? Mr. dxxlliart bmln't Imh-ii alone with tiie fur five minutes Uffort? be offerml to kies me. Jestt Yen, thiit's one thing atiotit Jack foodhare; lie's Jitut ss soft-hearted anil charitable as be can be. Phil adelphia PreM. - SAVE THE CARTON TOPS n4 np W rsppen from "20 Mule Team Borax" PrwliirU atntl eirht." thm for VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE pC- lll.trtf CtAlr f 1000 trxitln flra fill Addreti FACI7IC COAST WUI CO , 0klm4. Cftl. MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY J2p v WATERPROOF .'i.A' Ml t J TOWf to 'jITSi POMMEL SLICKERS This trade mcrk and the word Tower on the buttont distin guish this hwih grade slicker from the Just as good . brands Wat4 Take a kaaea. "Not a cenl." replieil the rich man coldly ; "money Is not good for tits poor." . "Well." responded he applicant, "Just pretend that you bate a grudge agslust me." Philadelphia ledger. Waal or Kaersr, Th prise hen reaolveil to quit laying. "It seeiiia so utterly atwiird," ahe clinked, "for a fowl to spend hr time and strength in turning out egg si Wl cents a doien." Perching herelf on her etcluaira roost. he eyed the common barnyard h'-nt below her with lofty dudain. toaiaalle AMealllea. Knicker I've waited an hour for yos to get your hat on straight. Mrs. Knicker Well, I've wailed longet thsn thst for you to get jour feet of straieiit. Nw York Sun 'lallrr. "Yes, ma'am." the convict was say log, "I'm here Jlst for trying to Battel a rich man." "The Idea !" eiclaimed the prison l Itor. "Yes. ma'am. I Jlst tried to Imitate his signature on check." Tit Kite. ralaa; Beala Warklag. It has been proveil that no fewet than K2.li0 beggars are at iirew-nt mak lug a better llvtug In Vienna than or dinary workmen. One notorloua family of professional beggars recently gava a grand ball ami a coucert at a local hotel. Nat Vat, aat laaa. "Pay." wired the chairman of tha Ska iunk campaign committee, "can't you send us apaakrra of better csliher than tbt chape that talked here lait night?" "We're merel (inn the opening guns of the campaign." wired bark the political manager at hnaiinarter. "We'll send you some bigger bores after awhile." A (iermao biologist h calculated that the human brain coiitaini :iili),l)il.i nrve cells. .'..(KSi.iSSl of which die and are aucceeded by new onea every day. .t this rale we g-t aa antirelv nw brain every sixty days. t'aeertata levealiaeaf. Igal Adviser - You're like sll the other siirceis'ul pugilitta. You niake B-sd of money and then throw it sway. Chulfy de Champ (yawning) l. I reckon so. I'm edmalin' me youngest hrudder to be a lawyer. Caatloas Ixiralne la It true that yon are en gutted to Fred? Clarli,e--No: I have not given him a dcllnite answer .vet. 1 want to wjit and see lw lie looks rn-r t Lie football guiuv is over. -Judge. Milllnna fne t'lihllt, llalks. The Italian ministry of public In struction hits decided to reconstruct the Haths of Carncalln to i-nitfurin to de scriptions trsiiisinlttcd by history. It Is also the Intention to hnve them ued by the people as In olden times. The reconsl ruction will cost millions of dol lar as the marble and stntunry which ornamented the bulhs nearly 2.isi years ago have been removed to deco rate churches and houses of the arlstoc racy In Home. Kverrfaarff l.auKbe4 "Perhai you would fed lietter." said the IirjM-fii and hi'lpful ixtmhi, "if you would do something to llgliten the hearts of your fellow men." "That's Just what I have been dn. Ing," answeroi Mr. Klrlus Marker. "My hut blew off ml I had lo clinse It two blocks!" Washington St nr. Aa an lavealmeat. "A man," said the philosophies! board er, "is like a gold mine. You never know a Inn's in him until you have run drifts through him, ss it were, and explored hint in all his lev-Is." "That's why I take mighty llitle stork in men," remarked the pessimistic board There is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That la ' Laxative Br onto Quinine tuco rm world oven to ouhk a oold im one oat. Always remember the full hum, fur this signature eg ewtrj bos. Look ISe. laMaeasa. This Is an rvMilluly 1 tif t.. dis ease, oflcti .Miifoundcd with a common ciild. hut rs-utl.v nit ciitir.'ly dllTcrctit arfalr. It Mttu.ks young adults more frtucnlly than Ihc cry old or chil dren, hut no age ' - "'l'l, cisvlally during si'vere and ldcsprd epi demics. An attack confers Immunity for a variable period, fnuu a few months lo 'a year, but after that Hre spisrs to be an Increased sits.vplliniiy. sian persona suffer from the disease every year. tnfluensa pn-valls chiefly In lals autumn and wittier, all hough epidcmhw may isvur In the summer, especially If th- season Is cold mid wet The disease ' assunii-s one of thri'c slal forms, icnllisl from the purl chiefly sff.-tcl I the respiratory, the digestive sod the nervous. In each the onset Is sudden, with s chill, headache slut mental depression, muscular pains dl alttess and high fever .Sometime there are premonitory symptotus for a day r j two, such ss liisjiliinh-. mental torisir. dull hesdaehe aiul pains In the arms Slid legs. Sism after the onset rotar rhnl yuiploms siiceting. running st the nose slid wsterlng of the eyea make ttielr appearance. In the respi ratory (onn these Iticrense In severity, and there are slso ugb and shortness of breath. It Is not iiti.-ommoti for this form to develop Into piH iimotila. In the d!gtle form the ni'st proniliient symptoms sre nsusc sod vomiting, or dlarrhea and si-vere sl domlnal pains, the first two Indicating Involvi-niclit of the stomach, the srvsvtid two that the Intestines sre lutolvd; sometimes all are present st oure. Indl eating a very severe sttaek In the nervous form the hvadaehe is usually Intense, and the muscular and neuralgic pains sre very severe le preiwlon, Isdh ph)sical snd mriitsl. Is a proniliient smptom. the di lotMenc)r often passing into rent melancholia and sometimes lending to suicide. ills la a common symptom, hotb during the attack and following It Convalcscvii'-e la ttilloiis the Isiily regaining Its strength very slowly nnd the mind throwing otf lis s:,.n only after weeks or nionihs The most linsirtaiit part of I lie treatment Is al..liite rest in l.-. The sick room Is to !, If laauihif. on the sunny side of the housv , nilti windows kept open both day and night The patient should (. l, 1 1 g la hut warm Usli-lothe. niul by a s.:k nightcap The diet should l- greatly restrlctwl. pts lully while the fever lusts, hut water should Im- drunk in atmiidaiiiv The medicinal ireatnu-nl niitunilly vnri.-s with the f.,rm hl. h the illseas- iissiiiin-s nnd the pans which It attacks Youth s t oinpuiilon. Tew laid la Irsrs. The native Krem h i aiiiolian .ontin. inn to tell good stories. If oiii. ,,iay Judge by that ipioh-d ,, n .-oiitril.ntor to the l,oil..ii iJierary World e was talking of the ijunker In t when the Krcnch Cnnndlan Ititerruiitev hi m "Ah." said he. "if.! ium ,),,, ,,n diHve dHy! Hverjlsale,. tk tfv 'is-pt one old giinknire, who mak to trust lo Im IHni, an.1 do Indians shoot 'em even all de same, hagush; "Hut dcy tievnlre mak to sh...t ,v d gilukalre !, he loos' .- , nl round. Is-ii hlmchy de guaknlre got scare, and buy a gun. so de Indians shoot hecm dead nnd Ink hoes m-j, Just to tench him lad till re; hut be h dead to understiin'. Atlj , (lilt I" The Oulr "Tterrrmaklac.o The tshis.l rr, k,1(, Uy nll ,,, time leiicher of ".iiml.r r,- In n st- Kngliiml village contains ,., ' Hem which movc-l a chain., rend.-r to smll.-s. It Im this; Hcoliil honor hinlge were gu,,,, h) .'lorn nil. I Mlnetia ,v..f fr ,(l M.,, allciidiinT. Inirlng the entire s.Ms. year they were oi o. j,i,.f , , tend liny pi. nlc r-.iiil.,i,, ej.-nraio,, r merry uuiklng. tl. only etcpuo,, tlm iiftcrn.s,,, f Mliy , (Mf twin brothers were 111 frni ffi(1 of aoiiicthl.m they ,d i,i,d riot enpeotcd lo live, i.ltlu.ngi, ,,.y eecovifrcil. foil ran, "Henry Is ft bravo ,an. The ,.r Might his wife thought she heard a bur. glur." "And he went down?" "No. ... had Hie erg t fH, , ha was nfriild." circln Knlcker-Whi" la thlr , , Ing? IWker- i)0 n.e, call it , ,,ar. table or gurg?N.w Vo.i, B.. If w "JXSY. ' -e--e" al 1. Ilunius Is .fc- sylng vegelahle mat ter lu the soil. 2. It Is the storehouse of nltfogwti. the tn.sit elnsle slid the ni.sit nw cwsnry of sll plsnt fissla. a. It contains the fsl utn wlil-'h the soil organisms live. wh. ft tlon Is to convert orgsnlc lillr.en till" nitrates In order to l available (he iis, of plains It materially aUts In doconiwln the mineral cnit stltueids of the di, such ss s.tssh and ph.j.iorlc schl, unking Iheus avnllahle for !! uw of plant It iii.r.e-sra the power of the to hold aster lt!i.Kit IwvHnlug w ater logK"! S It makes clay soli more rt0 and friable It srrve to .sonpaii sandy soil sml lo. rrJifcw Ha drouth t Istlng tmaer. it It prevents wast. lag to a grvnajl eitent; therehv dlmlnlshlug the ). of fertility hy thst eausr 7. Soli nlle.1 with humu more read l!y sdiulta the sir a.. n-esry to U useful Uant growth tt There spr to he I dlstlre-t rvlatlotiahlp tsrtwisen the anemnt of bit tutu In the soil and the amount of available nltrvsfen therein. It has bes-et .ilMs-rvnl that when It I alWtit frvwn the S..I1 there Is distinct resluvtum of Hi ability f that soil W fT" crvm llen- In praill.-e In unlet l ohtalu the heat we have to fa sort to l.tvruvard m snore rslher than th. use of i.n.eutrat'sl fortlllseea Hursl World lsssll tlareass. After working several er among stonea. !iim;s. grota and vnmg of chsrds. I lesmed I nee.11 a etial barrow for ths work I mulil find 0"tt lo suit Itw; su stlktlrsl and planonl siet ma.le Aiva last spring, whh-h !- even better than I rpet"l ctiriit etptsln I made mine of oak! feet It I -litsj)- l tt t .itl T" i,.s,g llusis. The cut will p. how It la nude. thuU-r 'J1, Inches) by I!-, Iiichra, long and U M 3 liutse wide n.nnB.l nf a middle se'1ln atst two wliijcs, the laiirr fiatrtir.) lo the ml.t die ar-tot, (,v l I, ,(a S'., Ili.-tieS long, on wlil. h the wings fold Very ens:!y The Irrth are S. siterrsl over the hirr.'W , tliat tt.ev- are U Im he r Here apart, nnd et nit rvrry 3 liB-bew, and sre plare In t!ie harrow sluplng ol-.ul -.ii to 'jt, degree frinit a lr ndlular 'they cut Jut as well and d-i m.t cat.-h as if pln.v-J In prr -ndl. awl are easier on man atsl team have he.1.1;.- lo the middle lloii of mine, and a ros. fr.n each lld l'i- lo the olllslit., ,..l,.-r ,,f fact) wing, so ns to lift it ciiivenrt-i.tly and quickly I can pis r.-odlly t-twc-n tr.-s or stumps less than 3 feet amrt. II Is Just tt,,. thing for or hards alet rough ground, while on rl.U si.t!i grniuid It works Just as well as any other smoothing harrow -A. J fin boltx. W t-a Tre. ninrH nver. Mhould e.,.,ve winds hl.ew the (of r a tree out r.f shlljs-, which oflcll " curs, rut It oiil. leaving nearly erect southwest l.rillC'h I.. b.vime the hew vntral Hem. shallow, l.s..y plante.1 ir.-s a.uiei lines blow over. They may Is- put hark by ei.avatlng on the up. is.sii.. s'.l,. and imstiing the fre ha, k, tainolhg the earth ns (Irmly as possible on the side toward which It leaned, fare should be taken not lo wreiicli the roots loo., lii this oiwralloii. llalaaerat Itailna, In the ration fed Tartu iiulumls either nlfnlfii nr .-lover should Ik. (tlvni to balance the mm. Hither m, f thou, legilnu-s will likewise Is- n.,ed to "hiiluiiee'' the ,.ff,sia ,,f ,.o, ir soil, ronsiderable pli,t flp,d, M(w elnlly idtrogeu. Is removed fro.,, I he oil l.y corn, wl.lln alfalfa or clover enlhi-r ii great ,ci, of nitrogen from the nlr mid It hack In the a.,11. I keea. I dr, ya t or,, According to ,vnt ,tlniltar r. I'rt nh-mt 2,is) lmpri,.,i ,,,,, "ieml.rt cl.,.. holra, l)rltr,11 ";""" ,f " 'wn French eheem-j. were ImiK.rt,,, nl Nw y,)rk m Mm steamer r.ntiy, ,,, tlJ (iJ ' the printed matter on ttielr 2,igg) IsM and am.ther duly n t. !,,. d bole. Aeefihltn ... . vi ... Irada toiienal . t.M. . .' .'. " " II.,' utesl in .New York Hist,, tU4 lii this rsmntry. Ia4 rnsw."1) being Uisda abroad, jfl many dealer claim that Ikstt al rlseeae when put Up U Iks iw a . ran to tw t..ui fna, l4T 4 brand teep by tinm. Ue.g.a a,, rVwna) Hile grnwara Iwvwtaaj ' l grading hoard afc,., h J ur. A board m 1 pastelHsant I bung k j wipe. In this Iwwrd ku, m lb site of Tsrlo.i im, m J thnw and on half am) fa. A the apple are wlp thry ' erljf tlervnl The ailvsaug g , teth"4 I thai the packst kin, ple practically graded ,,4 m tiaanisvt tsuu much mora work l dy7saii7 Ihe drt half day the silprn) cm J ally accomplish fully a kBJ III U14 - tvrnvsf ftl sural. In purchasing Urt af taW most quickly avaJUbl rvgsJ for plant, bajers tfcti 2 clear of ).w grad Biirtl. TktW usual adulterant ar rosusag w, J lt ek from th auasiVtan .Ida. both worthies s(ffUMeJ containing aa plant fisst Jfw U now mmr la ortgtsaj ksgi W now rntitaln ah. Mil 3t tsajsl oUi 3lipuun4 twig rerf tktai taltla waatt Teas. In highly Interesting eifertasri I be W'ohunt (Knglaad) ?sjd fruit fsrm la culling Wet ttMn ben planlnt the uUirntt rvajjt found to be thai tri-r frot eat ketl Ml thai end of I be nrwl feat mm lit form w.s.i in otnr.pi ywuvi the rti trntu by llwm durltglkl len years was only ooelhlf g t UWiu) by IIj which m ratal whrn plailtett Mataelaa Mais. A !Krvaful tears, rslsef ) .omit t.'.o swallow my bsfw I while ttrlnkllig pailful. Il lorgef swallow thsn otters, bit I lj Ihciua l f I am u ogtbtewi ...loe .. 1 trough. I get t SX , w hile my b"rs drltiks, w tlst bj not tk t. mu. b st one. I ofirn, end s kep n hofaeif'wM Uwe trouble raitsed by ti as4 It is srblwm Ibsl fsriser 1 i-uiuutole a stittiiieht anssjst n nshrw for large fle!.i. bat 1 hrr wvl Is used (hrt to supply which can I PI bJ' M Ihe garden or on tt jtsud " AsIh-s) are etcelient ia) 3 P lands and III orchnfts, W" ld.e.1 lr.uid.ast. In ar-f slre.1, many as busleb" having tvn ued on rertl . ...inlaw A drainage dlbh tslWJ oiio .iiarier mile long IUI tlJ iC.issi acre of lo uiMlcr way In Mole f Csmi.tle. It will cvsrt lrt'J;t ami will empty Into the sssif , . . . ..... . .. ... . ia tf V- just a nine a..te - i Hmui The swjiiui Ibim4 rerll"T Hi... ,.f ih. most Ml! land In the Miaie. Hates. llanr oMvanllst wsk f-1 I take plntillng free t' (logging ilowo cm b " In It ff. bu "JZ should let fltllst'evl befor M iine. , . There I omethlii ihe man who nuil " 1" adjoining farm 8f' " t-i iietghtsir. no. that the hen to! warm t iilgbl- f g enough to l'''''"'rlV HI that I ''I' L The proper MZ!iZ to iielahlsirhissl "... him "in H' r . ,r,', n-iitain 'IT,., .dv.ulag t ""Lprt III Door el " imIsj' Imi Inioerreci it wo. r- -lug ,rl.!WiW..W,,s-aI,.--..-. ' ( m 9W IurE