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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
THE OREGON MIST Vol XXV St Helent, Oregon, April 3. 1908. t&t LOCAL Mil m rust S.,(f?ts?'.-S$ T.Ik lo Koa. CulumliUCountv llauk Mr tit". Urent end J I'" McKay, ol jduw, rre visitor 10 ine coutiiy Ml OB Monday lt. V. Corners of Clalskanie, csndl LUtofofthr Republican nomination for KfDrrwnlal'Vi', was shaking henna with r ' . . . . ... ttrt.ll in M. Helens last Monday )tH Matnte Richardson received L-rrrt iniurv last Saturday afternoon by ItiliBc ((" I platform at the root ul htbiil leading up la Mr. Cam's resl Start, It I understood that work on (He Lytic Ul, dixit JltlUbato to Tillamook, t kol llie Nehalcro Valley, will be r- arl st uiicc, anil poshed lo completion rstjUlys possible. The rait la now ij towliinn fourteen ttiilce ol Vernouia SaWw lor llic Mist now. Tim ml I IW lor Tie. tuir 1'r-N'rar Reuben, about cljjhl tlb a red steer, about Iwo ami lull year old. l.cft ear cut alrnlnht at, right cat split In ntlilillc. Owner lut I he same by proving property 14 paving csnc. CHRIST KAUFMAN. Reuben, Ore, k iTiioi ir Hr.evu usHe, her als will I trrvi e In the Odd rello" Hall, city, on Sunday nioraiuj ncl. fuci At Natal Orange Hall, March S. a if tt r.Hiuinlnn money ao.t ulhrr IvUrt Owner ran have said ps-rsooal Lrty by tilling an.l Identifying tame MTt W. KaV, Rot If.iaiM roil Si.k I have three u ol .tk horse It mIc. Weight ta II) In ll.VI, Impure ol George al. St-apt-xisc . Il hare tnoncv lo loan on approved 1 estate sroirtlv, W. H.POWKU.. St. Ilei-nt, Oregon Jme i. Mikar, ol Scappuosc, Writ appointed deputy game plea, hit ftcM being from I'ortlanil lo CMti, Mi Kay It couipctrut men 111 itnuMtraa colore I lie law In an ta'tisl manner!'. Tailored ami shirt 4 unit. All work guaranteed. V. IIKOKMJ. Ilonlton. Or, r.t Anderson, o I'lahhawk, was a M to Use- conritv aral on TnecUy a lci! l.tiiinrM. I Vr. Vlair ttv llmiiui' rkAIIHN(i The RIkI'I Keyrraml I barlpt Sca.tillnK, U. I)., Kilronal lli.lmp ol titer ilUxriw ol Ore' M, lll Cliri.t Church, St. Ilclrni, on the ( nng 0 April Hth, an I will ,t. mlnUter th aMtotlc rile olthe "Uyiiiir on ol llaiirU Th. Iti.l M'tll al... preatU. The lolluwinit momiiiir. Thin.. Jay. April wu, Bt wit K,M... .1.. a rTKnTioN MAaowii-Crand Maalcr icarce will p.y an olBcUl visit to St. Helena !,!e to morrow (Saturday) eve Ml"K It la Imped that lie will he met Willi an lurna an attendance ooaiible. All I.itdig Mamma are cordially invited to ijc prrtriit, Mr, and Mrs Jnrk Lalfertv have re r -t win leieurme llie ir-, ,., ., ., , , Ktimi ciinn liinrn ol the la one ol the United Hiatea. The otiiuriuuitv In hear and Imoiue aoiiulntel with him should I embraced by aa many a. can find room Within the church. All ate invited. '(' CllKtf---One '.Ml capacity I'elatuina lucullir and brciodtra, all In lint class cuti.liiluii Mas S. II liiui 2l iirrr I.laml' l)r Syrup ol White 1'lueand Tar. Ibe old reliable rough remedy, 1'or sale by A.J. IVining, ilriiKicnt. rK two All thai is nereaury U to add a llltlchraltomv huciialirat (lour, and lo! iii have hut cakes or to tnr flKlit km. I. ol crrrals and have niMsh. There It no hiKhi-r vrailr giunU made Ihan what I have in this line. Ilynu get any thing ul me thai it not all riht, 1 want vou to report tt In me, no lo neighbors. 1 will reltiml ynr money, he wmil. The liet ttil. will snmrtinirs brcoiiie ilaituged. M.C. iKAY, Mr. and Vn J !.. lb-IH. ol K.iinii r, were visitors to the county teat latt Tues day. Il was their first visit and Ihfy were delighted with the town, especially wtlh Columbia Cotinlr's brautilut court-houte. II the big packers rannol find roiim lor their plants in I'ortlatid, why do nol thry come larllier down the river. St. Helens or Columbia City would be equally good points lor slock yards and p-ickiuj; houses. The str4Ui at-hmner Yowmite is load ing ties at the SrhupUaeh place, UkiriK on &i(),txa) leel ul lies. James tiaillru., ol I leer Island, has a business vi.tlor lo St . Helens last Wed nesday, liKNTI!T-Ir Kauibo will le in llmtl Inn I'ridav and Saluritay ol each week. Lihik I'hoio ipillerv ("mures lor n!e all7j. f KM dollars down nil') balance on Icrmt, C?blnel and stamp cameras. Cabinet, .tamp and K""l' 'cn. trrotiud. biiruitlicr. and evervthinif rum- I'. Hrwiii S. llrrl. nl IVer Island, was ' plele. Addit-sS, Kainirr Jeweler, JiK-k mclr tniure home. Mr. Lrtv lias purchased property Irom H Morgua ami win liumediately lgin buildiiiK coinloruble bouse. Kennior Tillman say he bai readied mdnl whero he double the capacity of ine iiipio to govern tlimuaelvec. When a alaU-riiian arrive, t tnls CvncJuaionbe l nut aar Irom the tiaa door that will enil lite ciiri er. A lb itish colonial governor in Africa liaa decided lo Introduce houaea tcreen.ui aKaliiat moqii!toea, like those provided in Hie l ansina tona. American aanila imrt in the tropica la well worth the world satli-iiiloii, County Court wai in aession last Wed- y. vousnieriiijj inns lor road con irans in niiirretil parts ol the county. The results will appear in tha Cl next week. hor hale Money Orders, good any- wnere. low rates. Col. Co. Bank, II remains to Iw rn wbethrr (be kliK of llaly or au American queen can exerriae the itn-ater influence over the duke of Abruui. In allajit of Uiia kind the povta have assured u that Ih scepter cntu no more lea than tha abep- unl a crook. I'or Rent A fine Store-room. Col. Co. Hank a !( Tiuxlay, fl!rrtor Km. ,n lefl l..r rortland last boa 11.1, City election iMCura licit Monday eve- Ab.tTiut slid Tin' Couiiuy, lUm.s-To the wile ol C. N. Iluiit. Van V (on. Kilurday, March i'Hlli, Mr. and while away will figure on ning al Ibe llice ol the Columbia County uimriu i ion ol a conr; lion'c at Ilak 1 1 He will return nt Monday I' i!ul lime the weather will utwjtk loin- pn.liel iijx.ii ihe ti n-j,aKl,tcr '"union oi ute new pl4 iiHuLts r.iM Sat.c . I carry a flock ol 'tungies and offer Idem (or sale nt t -W in I.' M per ibotiaand. II. MUKOt'H, Ml. Ileletin. ")'y Inot 1 ..H-ctor llolla.lav hat l miii.e tro ii ihe atale officer to fKKmiy eulone the taw in litis county. liulladav In. done considerable Cnod P1 Ibis tesiuiii. hut thrra is mm h mure Hit lime is short, an he exiects "vt turrKellcally. and lo rerve "il lioW who hava diseased III 1 Inet and that unless lliey c unply " law the matter will lt turned ollie district allomey. l' Houllou St. Coimnercinl Cluh, by its eectetury, 'rny, will lurnislt Iree wmphlct MniiiK i,e resources ol Columbia P'y. I'j all who desire to aeud lliciil lo in llic I ast who nmy couleiiiidittc Nlu Oregon. Now is the time to i"niihlcta where thev will do P'wtgond. They will iust lit a hual ivclii. fr Sale-Sunlight and American r'l Scril nntol.u.. n. i l.. I , I ' , inotviii mill liirm Fl" known. hIm fine Halloas Biir- : 1 ''0 Willlur milt .i.rl,,,. If,,. rileorsecO. J. Uracil, Warren, Or, warrants cu.tied at par. Columbia County Bank, NOTICE TOJlDDERS. Special Road Work, - Koulton and St. Helens Road. Specification No. 1 Commencing at autke A' opposite Sam Kelley'a lionne and tiiuniiig to alake 'Ii'a distance of atwut twenty rods. To be cleare-1 of all stumps, brush nnd lotrs the full width ol the road. To lie pratied thirty feet aiib- In ivntei of road, tirade "to be laelve Inches hiher ill center tbnn on ouHdeof road, wit It dilchei auflk-tcnl lo carry off all water, tirade to be gmd' iml and Uniform. Knuii sinks 'It' to alake 'C rock out to lie taken out sixteen left wide, and rill to lie put In. Kill lobe fourteen fet wide oil lop, with alope of fort five V Kreea from lop of lull lirmle between lake 'W and atitke 'C to ba uniform. t'riiln'.l iiH-k In lie put on between stakes '.' ami 'It" eight Inches deep and I'U'l.t feet w Ide, coarse in the iMiltoin ami Hue on tp. lletaeen stake 'H' unit 'I" a coating of line crushed rock thr e inches deep. Scttiill bids will lie received by the cotintv cc.tut for the auive iMcitloation on A"ril lllh, l(H. County Court, by R. 8. II vrrax. NOTICI5 TO BIDJ'KKS "Ulara ( Itoul 1 Scaled bids will be received hv the coiitily Court on the lllh day of April I'.mti, t iiinke (ill and coiiKtruct mi Arch Culveil ul Ihe ZiCMiuitm pla c on South :v,ioo!e creek or Dutch t u on Main ti.H UWIinoluin his niirvhased the icoiuuv ro.itl, ns follows to Arch cul veil to lis: oi VOU1IC1S7. uimic Ul ciei'll Cade propj rty in the south (wri ol towu. hut wi:i not !' jatsse'sioil lor several months. r'o SAi.r-1'ckin Huck I'kk per don, Ckcii. Rum. l.l(5ht farm Wiigoti. good as new. nnd team of horses for sale. White A Ander son, 1 loiillon, Or. tf. Charles Morris, ol lUlilton, had Ihe misfortune l have a good work horse killed by an A. St 0. train lust Wednes day morning. I'or Hale A three-epring wagon, nearly m,w . Col. County Bank. Quite a number frout fct. Helena and aloii,( 'I"1 I"R" a'fU'l'1 ,,lc nuuae wanning fetrty at Tommy -ireeu' last Monday night, and by nil tucoiintu ihey enjoyed thewrarlvc to the limit. They are telling a snisnon story about "Deacon" Whitney hut aa we do not lully iimier atnud the parliculara vre will not attempt to give It litre. 1'itll Ularnad l'lymonth Kuck and While Ughori. egg for sale, it Pr setting 'of 15.. lncuintor lota filled on short notice., tf U. W. PERRY, Houlton, Or. ' V. I. Case, former county commis sioner, attended court last Wednesday for the purpose of bidding on some bridge work. washed gravel ol one lo seven, s.iid cul vert to I lortv feet long with rim on each end nulla-it nt to keep the dirt from Die till from sliding in the creek, raid arch culvert to lie three feet wide at base mi. I three feet high in center, walls per pciulicnlitr lor eighteen iuches, with arch on top A till is to be made over this culvert which will lie fourteen feet above the Ih-iI ol the cn-ck, or eleven feel e Ixive topol culvert, said fill lo be sixteen feet w ide on top and to extend at least eighty Icet on the rat aide of culvert nnd evenly live feet on west sitle of culvert till to lie uniform wilb road, and will contain (rout twelve to fifteen hundred yards of dirt. County Court, R. S. II ATT aw SUMMONS. In ihe Circuit Court of lite State of Oreiiou tor i iluiiiliU Cum. iv. Mana I. Mat)ti. I'lalutltr v. John Muilsnti. Ie(einlnnt. To John Mailaun, the abova nninrit tMcml unt : In (he mime of Ihe HnU of Oreon: You are hereto reiiiilrml lo a.var ami iiwi-r Ihe emu- iltim IlieU nVHIHSI YOU III mi- .witHOiuuni eniirl ami eaii.ii on or In-lore Moinlnv Msy IKth. I'w hli hl weekaa'ler April S.I'.iW the.lnlo or.teiril lor Ih tlrst imlillralloii ol Ihla iinllee, hii.I .t vou lull to .n iiptKisr smt suswer the iilalntirl will aply for Ihe rellel prayeil lor In iiereiiiiil'lalnl. lo-wll: Inn ileeree illswilvlna lliu laiiiitanl iimtrliiioiiy now exIMlim talween shove iiiiiueil ialuilll siul tleiViiilnut, suit for a lurlli.T iteeriw ehmialiiir illulilt nsuie lo Miuln 1,. Jones, ami for suelt oilier ami further rellel ss lo Ihe court ikmiiis meet ami Jll.t. 'no. .inioiioiis Is mihllslii'il hynnlvruf Hon. 1'hi.sA. Mt'llrhlr, Jti.liie ut the ahovo nnuioit eourl, inailc ami vtilvrvd Uie Int ilay of April J. A. HTHOWBRIIKJK. Allium-)' lor I'laliitlfT. First nntillealliin April, 8nl, 1S, Lail publlua llou May 1Mb. tvus. REGISTRATION Of Electors to March 31th, 1908. TRECIXCT Apiary Auburn Beaver Palls Clatskanie ... Deer Island ... Goble Marshland ... Nehalem Scappoose . Union Warren REP DEM SOC PRO INDTO'l. 5 3 3 i II - 48 12 15 14 14 103 34 6 6 1 8 55 197 24 8 3 9 241 24 38 4-39 94 7 3 8 "3 Jo 5 15 59 13 2 1 9 84 j 104 18 13 1 12 j48 186 42 11 35 274 "4 30 5 7 156 234 ( 30 23 8 37 33a 30i 9 5 i 45 - "39 I 202 101 28 145 1615 1 A FEW- OF THEfe 9 Qui be seen in our east win As dow. Those who 7 Ov' things to cat, will understand that notable is complete with- out some of the delicious rel-S ishes from the house of quality 5S The Home of the 57 I farieties I f whit-& Anderson Exclucie Agents HOULTON OREGON