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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
. Good Sheep Barn lr On. A good heep burn Is a poor one. Tills nisy seem to be absurd, but the facta support such n siiiteincnt. There is no question hut that many flock arc rendered unhealthy and therefore low productive by reason of too close housing. In few aeetlons do sheep need tuoro than a windbreak and ralu hed. Some of our best shepherd have kept tlH-ir flock for decade with only uch bod as would prevent the tWk belns exposed to direct winds, ruin and inow form. The cut nhows the type of sheep barn found on the farm of a aueee--ful shepherd. which niltfht be copied with success. In this Instance the sheep are kept uion forage crop grown In four adjacent lot. The flock way be turned Into any lot at pleasure. , It Is well to have this building fpilpiHl with a large ventilating win dow In the end near the gable or two small windows such as shown In the sketch. These, however, should be roiumj surer told. equipped with a sash that may be closed In severe weather. Many farms where sheep are kept are equipped with a barn cellar In which the Bock has been kept with varying success. The barn cellar Is an excellent place for sheep If rightly arranged. There should be plenty of nenings to the south, allowing sun to reach all parts of the stable so as to keep It thoroughly dry. Thorough drainage Is e-mentlal. There must be ventilation at the rear of the stable. A bad practice Is to keep the sheep In stables on stable manure, says Farm ami I koine. The fermenting manure destroys the color and texture of wool. A hint which has been worth many, dollars to me Is to use only long straw, hay or weels for bedding sheep. If short straw or saw dust Is used It gets Into the fleece and Is an everlasting nuisance. PraHtabla Caltla Keedl. The Missouri Kxjierituent Station at Columbia has Issued a very elaborate and handsomely illustrated bulletin on the most successful method of fatten ing cattle, by Iean II. J. Waters. This bullet lu summarizes the expe rience and conclusions of about 1.0U0 of the most exjierlem-eil ami successful cattle feeders of Missouri, Illinois and Iowa, and contains also a summary of the results of a large nnmlier of tests with different kinds of feed, different ozes of cattle, etc., condtMc,! by the Experiment Station of Columtrla. It considers audi practical questions as the most profitable age to fatten" cat tle, the proper weight, the best arason of the year, the best method of pre paring feed, the best of shelter, the market demands, the best sort ' of roughness, etc It Is Illustrated with cots of the different tyie of beef cattle, Including excellent Illustrations r)f the fat steer herd exhibited by the college this season at the Interstate Fair, Kansas City, the Missouri State Fair, Seilalia, the American Itoynl, Kansas 'City, and the International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago. These steers won nine championship prizes, seventeen first prizes, alxtct-n second prizes, seven third prizes and two fourth prlsses. Kvery steer won at every show excepting one steer In one allow. C ulllvallon of Oafs. '' At Cornell University oats were town broadcast. In the usual manner, the yield per acre being 37 bushels. On another plot the oats were drilled In. 15, Inches apart, the Imndwbeel hoe be ing, useil to work between the rows. This may appear to some n giving a large share of labor In that manner, but the yield on the drilled and worked plot waa 01 bushel per acre, the meth od Is worthy, of attention. A man with a wheel hoe can go over a large piece of ground In a day, and It Is possible that -the method will pay. floota for Farm Aalmala, If roots are stored In a pit In the field a high, dry place should be chosen. If the ground la clayey the roots should be placed on top of the ground. If It Is gravelly and drainage la good a aha How pit about 5 feet wide awi ai naceaaarr length may be ahov- eled nm. The root ahould be carc-Mlly placed In a gable lmvd pile about 3 feet wide and as long as convenient. A thin layer of straw should then ha laid over the pile and this covered with six or eight Inch.' of earth. Another and thicker layer of straw and a Html layer of earth will complete the work. Ventilators should be plwvd at Inter vals of ten or lifted, feet, which should be closed heti snouting ha ceased. The pit should not be opened on warm day In winter. A ditch for druln.KC should be i'ut around the pit. Ko'.'s stored 111 thla way do not keep as well as when stored In a gol cellar: there fore, they should N fed out as early as possibleNew York Cornell KxktI ment Station. Max la Ike !rllwel. The second factor maklm? for th- new prosperity may tie termed "the dis covery of flax." For year there had lieen a few scattering ttax fields, but It was only In the middle W that the Northwestern pioneer awoke to the dis covery that linseed oil was of more truly' golden hue, not only than the wheat field, but than any gold-tearing quart California ever saw. And so the endlcw golden yellow of the fields In August and the tinkling bell iu Soptemlier or the ttax Held. Those who have never heard the ringing of the flax bells have lulled a truly wonderful sensation. The round seed I"m1s. smaller than hn. which omiain the seed, give a faint metallic sound wjilch as one drives or walks through a field, setting thousands In motion, seem like myriads of Infinitesi mal Mis tinkling so faintly a to be all but Inaudible. Nor Is the men sight of a flax field In the mellow Au gust soon to In- forgotten. Imagine a liXVn.-re field, filled with flower of a blue motv delicate than violet Ami of It profitable character one Illustra tion will sulnee. In June. P.. Ole Jannsen bought pm acre In the heart of the great flax belt for P ao acre on the crop payment plan, tile "broke up" that fall and the next spring 135 aires and planted It In flax. In round number, he thrashed In the fall eigh teen and one-half bushels to the acre; sold It for $1.3:14 a bushel, total. l.ol; a little more than twice enough to pay for his land out of hi Urst crop. Not only was the flax Immensely profi table Itself, but It removed from the country the stigma, "one-crop couutry." World Today. Barlrd Seed. The Department of Agriculture ha utidcrtiik-n a aerlea of experiments In tended to answer. If possible, the old question. "How long can seeds remain buried In the and still retain their jsjwer of germination?" Many extraordinary stories have been told of the prolongation of the vi tality of seeds during many years, and eveu ccnturlc. but very few actual ex periment have hitherto Ihiii made. Dr. IVal ha rejiortcd that he has found seeds that responded to germina tion tests after having !cen buni-d twenty year. The seeds burled by the exert of the Agricultural Department at the Arlington furni last year were packed with dry cUy In porou clay ts, covered with sam-vr and placed at various depth from 11 lin-hc to .'"'4 feet. There are "i complete !". In 3,.V-t xts, representing I ! clea, SI genera and 1(4 families. Test are to be made at the end of one. two, three, five, seven, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-live, thirty, forty and fifty year. Hire r'rania Sparer. The arrangement here shown. If projierly adjusted, I excellent; but, says the Cleaning In lice Culture, In the first place it Is di!!eiilt to lierid the nails, and. In the ms-ond place, ll '(EXT JIAII.H 15 raAUR. wpuld be more difficult still to bend them nil with exactly the same curve for It would be important to have tht be space alike. In the third place one would have to bore a hob? In ordet to drive them Into the frame for th reason that the hammer bend would strike one side of the line of penetra tion of the wood, bending the nail over, Taking It all In all, the ordinary staple Is much easier to Insert and far cheaper. 1 Y.oeaflon of fleehlve. lieetjIVes should never bo fated to ward lje north, lti a northern latl tilde a northern exposure In winter 1 almost sure to cause the los of tli colony, by the rigorous north wlndi blowing In at the entrance, and tht confinement of the bees, caused by the entrance being shaded on mild, sunny days when the bee In tb hives fuo lug southward fly freely. WINTER BUTTERFLIES- A llardr Hrm.d for Wale f ro. I .. !'... !b Terror.. Coming lu one day from a walk m a heavy snowstorm. I dropped upon the veiling table some triangular brown ish hit that looked at llrt slk'IU " tlakc of dried bark. "What are those chips' -No llutlisrtllc." Such a reply with a font of smov ot. the and great probability of a foot more Isfore morning accept ed a a pleasantry and not to ,,k" -...i..-ie Ttie Idea of catching bolter- tile In a snowstorm s.vme.1 loo "fishy" tot serious consideration. ,1.. 11,., .ir.uicti of winter moat of the buttertlles. th.4 delicate little creature of fair weather, natural. . die. Hut among tlu-lr number there I whole hardy brood for which the rigor of winter k..-m no terrors, lb.- are the angle wings, or vane Ids. They are fr.jueutly called "thaw butterflies" from the fact thai during the warm sll of winter they awake f... it, i.irihir nu.l may frcpienll K seen sunning thems. lv.-s near their pla-v of hlU-riiatlou or If the w earner I mild and pleasant flitting lightly alsnit In the os-n plii-i- Thi-se insula pass the winter !" ns chrysalis mid as mature hmtcrnlea. Normally Ck-v ri-maln In the ehrilH .,rr ,uilv !llt two .-.-k. but It 1 probable 'that the scM-re cold overtake hoiim- lief ore they are fully dcvriop.M. which may account for some of tln-m hibernating as chrysall.-M. Mc no bis. COl'RTISO DEATH. Vh Work of Mi 4 follea at (aaada la rlkl. The Northwest -llc -man's first duty Is to die If that should be iici-iooiry He Is not allowed to hi.t depcrd-i, go up, lt on hi carcass, roll a cigar ette and then r-nd Hm- wsrratit. He must not hiit. At all rvent be iiiust nol sh.s.t first, which Is often fatal, for If there Is a time when delay l dangeroii It I when you are entering an outlaw, a rlic Cy Warmaii In the Sunday Magsulnc Number of the force hati t--i known to ride or walk Into the very mouth of a cclii-d t.'. C-lt and nen-r flinch tn Nit i lnety eight cn.-a ut of every hundred the man la-hind the gun weaketieil In the other two .-. he extenip-d his !. of life, but made bla going doubly sun-. When mount ed pollcriiian falls, the n-ti piv to leave I Immediately cl-nu-il. f-ir 11 of him sttiii'ls the iMnhsli'i; govern nient mid 11 '-atloi! the lr'!:h tin jtire. So the dr-pen-lo who thicks he can kill and gi t aw.iy lias a hard tln.e If file polbv clinw hi.-u out of Hie mlnloti back to tin- islands, be : I'kelj to fet.-h mi at S.-oihuid Yard If his native vlllagf lie smith of the forty ninth, the I'mkerruti tnlc u-i !H i-:il and when all t!iec f -r-i- ore after a man hi day are girling :;: i 1.1 BATTI.VO EYES TO ORDER. " The I'tilverslty (,f Peims) Irntit l,,tw bn!l team ciindldnlea nre ,b,lh .-arfr work dully. In 13 il) i t ! ii to frylnn; out the batlerymen, the i-..ii.-ti Jm . hem.. to put nn edue on baliltijj eyes tint ! r'-Kiiribil ns wonder by uil who bnvo sn It. The ii.,nr;itn coiihIm of n up rlht, with urms nt top nn.) iMittom, U-twii-n wbiih, n an eti, cord, I a bull. The ball tuny In- hlfti to ony di-alred heifhf un, ei,ii,er ble practice I ne-.b-d t ,.out It rint r- When hit true the bull iirlti) strnlKht abend, but If struck l.,,w or above the center It Jiniin or nil. The men w ho hare u-M the di-vb e clulni It Is the lrt-st ever for Hue drive. I'oi-Mililen on Trlephiinr. I'lllli-nci , j eVl,r ,,f J()ir J(i. fot (N-ak over tin- telepboiiirV I'lilrlce Or, ye; mice. "Whnt wn tin- p-suliy" "They t,,k out the telephone the next duy!" Vonker KlHi-miian. W bleb I It tiike a woman to nii,recnie a womiiti nt what she think I ,-r true value. Hon rvllle Journal, Tlie atone ami Iron Bre thliis of the pt, and It remnliiiil rr the muck, rakera Ui dlacover tlmt U10 ateul aue . now on. ifl ... ; Spring Impure or t lTcte matters accumuiatcU i the blood cturintf the winter cause in the uprinjr such fl!.sfiuttn(? painful troubles as boils, pimple, nnd other eruptions, alno weakness, los of appetite, that tired feeling The l est medicine to take is HikkI'i S.irs.ip.uilU. whieh IhorouRhly cleanses the ldood.aiid effects permanent cures by Rivinjf healthy functional activity to the tomach, liver, kulneys, bowels ami kku Barantnb It 1 HouKiiKa la 1 l.I K-s l.l-iill-li rlH.-.a4 11,. ,. -is"' l-r-M-""" " V tluiilJ f-IMI, v. t ari.w . rj-yVo . I . V as. Ml l-r.aarlra la rar U aloaa, -Clill.lrrn.' taaatity .,.-llnl Mra Ullmnwrlwin, "von' ''' bluing I p.tni out l iUt lnlr "Whsl Jo t.. asul to ' fr..m I-.I- t-"' '" "' cMI'""' I don't rar ahal IU Mr .Un h. M 1 " ' ' r... ho f:trn '"- si'" lUJ' "Ul tl notrd Ibria ll uo." Ill of Tkaas, rirt Visit-r M-t lilrr!lii( ciMin try huiwl sls-nt here. Hive you an tit ruin' Sei-oitd Visitor I!i1 s Jut pbt hi Mill e; ui'a oi ineail til giH-ata b-atlng till botal Iwrull Sea Tribut.. Krhaaa af Ik lal, Arialidm IsetwtiUiig lb lutlilu.w f Ihr ii.i'l of Ashr, l ab-wa rrU-a ti. lis. I .lriiit-,1 ih fa of tin Ufa. -Still." b said, "I anl II alIIrtly urch-rsttvod that t aw 00 rdn la mak noirr oka tn t)da(tir-ialrd pailnthra(. I'Uktag up of ( corfwil mt nor k Uwkrd 11 or la ahrlkr af sot Tota la -11 silil (tifowlnf BIS. siaiarallf. Klrrr atiklug laa (foot Ua lb bUy 'I Uh." ka Bio'lrrrd ttrapltf. "tbi founfrlrr aio'l -ao b:avrj rgutl tl l " - i-ira o 4 ti rgniuilral, loo." aald tb iobol Mfi Hi , "if yaa rutting Jour I Iratb '." "ItrptiMii " Hid thr dlptittlt4 ltaf.-amn. "rr untratrfnl "Well," oaerr. larutrf IVratiavarl, "If so hard to tail patrsol from n orri'-aaeekrf tbstt I don't blma r public for jett'n' k'.od o' nispUloU."--V'alilnri?on Star. Harrara af Ika Itlrrra artttis a rulir rata) el thr (iltu-al 6!d. lru..k." h l't "lit m f-ntr fur tti-a t-hi) bat 1-1 armtn-4 thr rouuirt r-sB(iiii al af nnsartal Jiati-r4 " "l'slml!i prnai'nt,' u(ui llroois. total Hl.h, liter - I lo-nr your frlmd Mat. farm I n-.rrtrtl ila. Myer V.a Tht I hi fifth lfa lijer Wrll, a n friend, you ahotilJ advise biui li m carrftiL M;rr I nrrfiilj iJrrr- Ye Soma rt y he'll rrarrr a Hointu nbo li Hi to bn-otna widow. Qualityiafc-k- The Behind the Dotigh! ff BAKING POWDER 'r--f-:-ii,j 23 Ounces for 23 Cents A real power that raises nnd sustain! the dough with nbsolute certainty. No ffillures. A cake made with K C cannot fall We Insist upon money if a trlul Ur, vinco i"AS f nr nil r...r"".i ron ivrav - siEjr Bty -y . aaaa ISO CHILD!, ZLbPfStA " aaM aMMsataar-A in "'SIS ANOCHILOajIN JpJ "- anrf ,.M iraaesr aa. gtrVf." ,Hm .-'- thmU ZZf i-'i" a.-, anaf wr . L Bouglu 14 ind IS Bill ! tf r... S-IS 11,, JJ, .?, .Zii.'.'.'J "" - aal.aaira aa bMIa, Takr kWiarjaraMa Laal aaikJlaT rj TlU-' Humors drill mr fi.on th. 2 rMlurM aood brallb ana Mn...i. tfca M4rra -rifth grd nan fUt j. "Yes. air." "Ah. youll l l fradlen-J mala Iban. no doubt V 1 -N.1, sir; I'll be in I ta Spiral aa.4 aK 1 1 at feu fki.. . yr.. .-a ""I'.UM( N "MaaihrrajhJ ?l . jt fr lb a a... ' "aaaartln, llyara-H-em. to us4 If eti-vaattely high Hh.l'lelgti Ira, (ha fur tnb BilltMlly a (,hI drl ef HI J 1 117 t intra, Moiaar atll WB4 Mr Vtw k-J ayiae ik Wai ra,nl to aaiian! 1.1 laa tka immlLA buiul S, w w-.rm. --a war. K-r1btita Unit mil4 fo p tk .1 a 1 & ,.I.m - - 1 L . ...... 1 -Hiii a ,Mny inv aiafrr Urlbblaa I'd DM flt hit aaa ka. Yaar kkrak anaa rM !. l rm iwl Mvf a-tl ki all l-Mttua4 ! nr 4-I--,-! .01 mteuui,. aaykaa, la Alwar Talkla. Vjf lf tall ma rwrrtk, af dos." aald the ban ! let anj J -Sha Is Mb an on lwi. 1 - nn nun a in u twiok." alfhait tb nsrrk lllU tjal S I lb rhla arbiakar. "Von doT -Vra; If aba lib fa b per h 11 I wtmld b b M (tM hi iup.- Tkria Ir exit Ca-atik ' ikHaaSM M aioj ntu tr laal I rrais vaiair Inciakta f.r gioal aaaf t pfoftmi II ft I. t 4SMt ft4 tsw ,,rl rai-tM. aa4 kt i,Milt V J raoa auk 1'wal liaral. ewsa t r-iM tb-laiu-a bar sttut r 1 -m.Mtlli,at l'aaa al lfcris aia M.all'iiltriailfalairt,l lt;lll iaaalamr-l b r ' I nt ! loo., w Ik entr r,nntOlnmal aot a .! ll M lakaa lawtKall, laawaWa trot hi wal'l-il ll aft it ttflW-l BMi MtlMMI 'lllar l ,g f1 tbf ear ka-lt! i l M M m- f.ii. ia aula. aa iiart aata 7X"!! r I inll br tociraltl Ta liail r ramllf rili a Ika Tra r-ar Ma. Hqtblmlir lb imi ! i t-t .t.. . l.iI ..,n,. Iilari i It" iivri, w'i " - - -ll oulf os iii; b i4 w for rmi. Vbrriii ba ii t !f Ml atiatad bi train "" XJ-vPw'ity Power refunding yoar does not cocv you. s. r....iM 1. 1. Ptksj.Ia. "O.-EAJle-