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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
1st y OUR VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE APRIL 17th ATTEND THE PRIMARIES r: OREGON )!.XXV St. Helens, Oregon, April 10, 1908. No. 19. HE MIS LOCAL i F ... I l.f.,l.lly..l. p convention - K night thins,' No. 2, Grand i. ...... Iwilil district convention at Ivai last Tuesday and had one of Ifine times uuu nw uruw i kuii for. Tho program wan L out in full as planned for. prize were awarded a fI i: Ilest Team, Kainier IhIki? M; Second Best Team, Avon f u ir I'.,m..11 Avon IxL't- (2, St. Helens; Hest N'nator, E, ltouriw, Kainier Ixlire 5Ji; Ik'St rywujronui, i. n. land, Avon Unltfe No. w hi. Ins; IWt Monitor, T. Ixujih- Astor UIre No. 6. Astnna. Ju4'l"S Were, W, M. take, Wall and U R. Stinson, Ik" prt-wnt from Avon Ava Temple wen? Mr. ana M. C. dray. Mr- Mm. .'. lilakesley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris. Mr, and Mrs. C, inglish. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. land, Mr. ami Mm N. A. fry, .vr. anu airs. . j. wvm- Dr. and Mr. II. It Cliff, Mr. Mm. E. K. Quick. Mr. and A. T. law. Mr. IX W. itrdsnn, Mnt. A. H. George, . r . .. i run "lute, vr, Ivohk. rran irg7. J.w. Holladay, M. Fresh, Walker. W. II. Powell. Fred lktns, JUrt Adams, Jack fck. Frank Itmhop. The Grand f of the 1'ylhian Sisters, Mrs. ninjr, of I'urtland, was pres- iml addressed the convention. k-r ledge deserves great cred- r the manner in which they rtai(id and all the visitors t awav vowing that itality could not Ikj excelled. Tho third district convention of the Pythian Sinters wan held t Kainier last Tuesday, April 7. Tho district is comprised of four Temples, Seaside, Astoria, Rai nier, and St. Helens, all being represented except Astoria, who were unable to attend. The con vention was called to order by the District Deputy, Mrs. W. A. Harm, after which the regular business was transacted aud offi cers elected for the ensuing year. The Grand Chief, Mrs. Klizabeth Dunning, of Portland, was pres ent alrto Past Grand Chief, Mr. C. I. Hooghkirk and Grand Sen ior. Mrs. W. A. Harris. Two prizes were given, one for Rit ualistic work which was won by Ava Temple, St Helens, and the other for stair work, won by Col umbia, of Rainier. All that it necrsaary is lo add a IP tie brat to uiv buckwheat flour, anl lo! vou Ikvc but cakes or to u eight kinds of rtrrai mi. I be ninth, fhere is no IhIit K''!r kimkIi made Ulan what I Ur lit thl line. II you tret any thing ol m thai i nut all itgbt, t want ou U ipjiaft II tu ui, no to nriKliUir. I will n-liiod your Hionry, lit wont. Tlr lxrt K'hhU will rMirttiiir , become M. (', OKAY, Married -At the home of the bride' mother, Mrs, J. II. God frey, of Portland, Krnest Selby, of Houlton, to Misa Dolly Rainey, Rev. Smith officiating. Mr. Sel by has for some time lived at Houlton and is quite well known around here. The guest present were Mr. L Mackey nnd wife, Mr. C. K. Mackey and wife, Mr. Roy Mackey, Mr. John Drill, Miss O.'Rohs. Mrs. B. Mills. Mrs. J. Godfrey, Mrs. L. Decker. Mes- ntxt convention will to helil s- - ljitHrja H'.vereii ivainey. can ivuun-j, j. ., , ,. .Smith, lieroert westenieiuer. Hulmnn. the purser on thirm,nee Smith Wi Thurman r Amenea. has engaged lT(ijn Jon w Mi1(.r Mr am, i recently vacated by II. : ,, . ;n u ,u..; c,,,,,. DjiBaro. and some tune in the! . , . ,, , L , , ... . , ., home at Houlton. Ir future will move into it- , , . ..... , . h a wife. Mr. I lolman is mak-! " "r.K 0,1 U1 '." m " ' "i w many friend by hi courteous i'"rl 1 llMfm n Iru" .,f ,i L.a.. u ,., I P25 to 150 loads of dirt being put ntaet with as pumr and we to see him tike up here. omona Grange meets at likton on tho first Saturday in iy. A very largo attendance Intidpau-d. lie totjil reLr'mlrntion of voters the pii,nary .U ction is I'M'A. tin of r,0 over last year. 0f ; "gam L'2.1 are Iiepublicans, Hi mocrats, and tho balance, r--...,, AUTIWIV Vllt! uiivmn . . ,, .... to f,. .!. i i LU'lneir nan. over iv knU ...:tl l... - !.i i.t.. !.. 1 store. . a social good time enjoyed. A Ivow Ivouncil ,., .(ti ia ivit,.,J to attend. Anna Olsen, daughter oi tnas. down with a se- htheria last Mon day and for some time Dr. Llili was very doubtful as to whether be glad residence m . . . . H ' in t aiiv. j i i iiiiinnior jm i.wii can b favored with a few irore ' days of ginxl weather he will make 'a wonderful change in the ap pearance of the old court houKe site. ! Horn - At Seatt le. Washington, S April Oth, to D A Dig Project -C. L. Prescott spent the fore part of this week on the swamps near Quincy run ning a line for the diking com pany to build the dike on. This company, the Columbia Agri cultural Co., with R. B. Magrod er, of Portland, as president, was organized to drain the marsh lands at the other end of the county and will reclaim about 12, (XK) acres. They figure on get ting it drained for about $15 per acre. Mr. J. H. Collinsof Clatskanie. and T. C. Watts of Reuben, at tended Masonic lodge here Satur day night Mr, and Mrs. Al Church and Mrs. Morris, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Masten. Mr. Stephen Freeman, of Deer Island, was in St Heleris this week. Wedding bells for Wm. Wad dell? He says so. Yes there are a few of those booster pamphlets left at this of fice. Don't forget that Eastern friend of yours who might be in duced to make Columbia county his future home. Mr. Erwin Seffert, of Deer Island, was a St Helens visitor Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reegle were St Helens visitors this week. If there are no new cases cf diphtheria, school will begin again Monday. Mr. Geo. Vogel, of Rainier, was a St Helens visitor on Wed nesday last Grand Master LotL Pierce, of Salem, paid St Helens Lodge No. 32, A. F. and A. M. an official visit last Saturday evening. A very interesting session was held, after which an excellent supper was indulged in. A number of out of town members were pres ent HMr. and Mrs. Shatto, of Port! land, visited several days this week with their daughter Mrs. Eugene Blakesley. To School Teachers You enn we al tliuolllcc the fnirst line of Ouimriu'unriit protfrmin imtl An- timmccmcnt curdi ever nent out ly an cnniviiiK company. We arc hki-iiI (or the firm mill Cn furnish mivtliiiit; in the line of hue engraved woik. II vour TOTAL REGISTRATION PRECINCT Apiary Auburn Heaver Falls Clatskanie .. Deer Island.. Coble Marshland .. Nehalem Oak Point ... Rainier Scappoose... Union Warren REP 6 50 36 266 33 94 10 64 120 253 137 255 66 1392 DEM 4 16 7 33 3 8 8 15 18 5i 34 38 13 soc 248 2 15 6 16 9 3 2 15 13 5 29 7 122 PRO 16 2 I I X II 35 ix I 14 8 9 4 8 Ii ia 42 IS 43 2 167 13 ZI2 59 37 49 "3 19 93 166 360 i8f 37 88 1964 Democratic County Convention Notice i hereby given Uiat a democrat ic convention will be held in Ri nkr on April 15tU. 1908, to nominate the comity ticket to be voted on at the com iiiK June election. AU county com mitteemen are e9cially invited to be present to effect an organization. All dcmocraU in tho county am invited to attend. U. V. CLARK, Stale Committeeman for Columbia County, Oregon, BACHELOR FLAT NOTES Mrt K. Morten has guim to Portland to undergo a severe operation, aind ebe hit tho sympathy of the cootbiunity, who wish her a speedy recoiery. Mr. John llrrduhl was a Portland visitor Inst week. The .Mimes Helen u 1 Florence I-ar- 711 nmt Maud llarriron wero Hunt ton Iiomt last Saturday. Mis. S. iSiiiileeraiid children, of Va.nk- ion, ere visiting friend and neigliUirjt In. I week . , Mr. It. M. JohnsJii, of Rcappooac, U viniting at Mr. Kaxona lliii week. Mr. Chan. Kmerjoii, of Portland, wa visiting wild lilt daughter, Mrs. Jennie Harrison, last week. Miwter Everett ami Georga Harrison were whopper at tt. Helens laft week. Mr. N.J. lluimntniid Mildred Mout itoincry were Portlnnd shoppen a few diij'S liiit week, M ssrs Kdward ami Fred Larson are cleiirlrg the l.unl ihey bought of Mr. Cliiitvliley. Mr. C. C. Mover i on the sick list tlim week. TI10 lieiilniis Liimb'r Company it biixy i iiiiiiinj; thi ir mill. Mr. Alfred llnrrisoit ia busy clearing his l ui'l. Mrs. Crawford and son. of Portland, mc iknti visiliuu Mrr. J. J. Montifom- scliool is goiiiR to hold commencement' mid will nmuiii f.r the summer. exerviw, don't fail to call and see we have. wha CiTV 'ICfcKCTiuM At the cilv election. A. Morrison and : held last Monday evening lietweeu the wife, a son; Norman Ioe Mor rison. Tonight (Friday) the Houlton Assembly of United Artisans would like to have you call at rry & Graham s I eo cream and cake and , "in uiT cwiioiwi'i nuiy 111- raset fVlwt is it? I'lanti Kow Kouncil? Plonal I son ikesley, who has been very ill r past ten days is improving. ro- C. H. John entertained tho child's life or ""W of her friends last Satur-1 not( but she is now rapidly im y night. A pleasant social eve- j proving. Upon the discovery of JIT was spent and an elegant j t10 cast nr. CHIT very promptly nc'l was served. I ..i.. l1a,.hiv7l 1 unci pi opei iy uioiiiinovxt n.v. "irs, H. If plifr nnd rbilitren ' i.... .!. ...nb ami nn mora cases pi in PorUandL v have aa yet ueen iounu. iuld I lakesley the two year ol WM Ulkon f Mr. and Mrs. Kugene ; vore axM of (lipl hours of seven and eixht there were sixty four votes cast, resulting in the choice of the following officers: President the council. I'r. II. R. Cliff; Couiiciluien, Wm. Ross, M.irtiu While, John Mcliie, and Ktteiie llliikeslcy; Rewrder, War ren (Juick ; Treasurer, J. V, Pay; Mar shal, Prank C.eorue IVWitt's Knlitiiy itn i niailder Tills are ptompa mid thorough nnd will in a short time HtreiiKhteu weakaned kidneys ami allay troubles arisitii; from inflamntion of tiiti bladder. Hold by A, J. PemhiK and Senppooso DruirCo. . J,tHK Photo (rallery lijttures for sale atjl"fi. f UW dollars down nnd bitluuce on terms. Cahiuet mid stamp cameras, cabinet, slump and Jjroiip lens, back ground, burnisher, and everything com plete, Address, Rainier Jeweler, lock box 113. County Court wus in session last Wed nesday, considering bids for road con tracts in different parts of the county. The results will appear lu the Mist next wtelt. Master Harvey Montgomery had ttie mil oi tune to sprain his right arm in the mill. It proved not very srrious but very pitiufnl. Tim people of Bachelor Flat met aud uig mined a Sunday School. The of litem hi e as follows: Mr. J. J. Mont gomery, Superintendent; Mr. K. le-i-paiu, Secretary; Miai Annie Negal, Trensu er; Mrs. Win. Skttiie, organist. Mr. t ins Skuiie was n Houlton visitor laf Monday. Messrs. Krick Morten and Peter 1'et orMiy are plowing at Mr. Po Bison's plllt'O. Mr. (itorno Case Ims gectlred sleady employineut in Ptir;l:iml. Sprinj; la here with all its its snnshintv and rain. Tho showers of March mull Apiil bring those pro'.ty Ilower. Mr. William Skuxie has now con pleted the pull of the stumps aud grubm on the right of way of our new road tmtm here to Houlton, and will soon bo dow n, to the Millard road pulling tho old lhml marks that have marked tlto place for so many years. The people have boutiat a now organ for the school which ia appreciated by alt, as wo have organized a Sunday school bars. Va had good attendance the last two Sundays and bops will m every one in our community oat. By the aid of our young folk w can bars a Sunday school to be proud of. I bats heard a rumor that it won't amount to much, but the people should all taks sa interest in it, and if wll work together we can have a Sunday school as good a any in the county. Miss Rosie Dspain is yet in Colorado, and has improved wonderfully in hsalth. She has ofteit.sent her kindest regards tli the many friends here. Our road supervisor lis improved lbs road here wonderfully and is now ovsr in the Yankton country fixing op tbs road there. Let the good work gooa. Mr. Arthur Buckbee will reside at bis auul's, Mr. Dspain, this summsr afl work is very dull in Portland. Mr. Dtpaio. is improving his place fcj clearing olf all the logs and piling ths up. He expects to have a Sua firs this summer. Mr. Iteaimius is clearing up his rase It as fast as possible. He expects to bulls' a good house this summer. Mr. liumgardner hat a very nies field cleared and will have quits a spring crop. Bachelor Flat has been very quisl until the la-it year it has beeocotaiag to life. Mrs. Jos. Dupont and Miss Mildred Montgomery, who went to Portlahd last week are now quite sick from satin p. lison canned goods. ' Miss Ruth Saxon Is teaching school ea it of the mouutains and is gettiaf alo ng fine. We wish her success. 1 Ii - bridge on the new road 1 ao eom pleted near the Nelson place. Mrs. Morton is at the Good Ssmaritaa hospital. She is on tli? way to recovery from, a serious operation. Business lot for tale, 50 x 100, betweea Wieat's and Oilman's saloon, for $725. Inquire of August Wiett, Scappoose, Oregon. For Sale--Money Orders, good any where, low rates. Col. Co. Bank. For Rent A fine Store-room. Col. Co. lknk. Synipof White Pine nnd Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For sale by A.J. Iemi.UK, drug, fist. IIiwtist Dr. Rani bo will be in Houl- I ton Friday and Saturday of each week. Ligh t farm wa.-jon, good as new, and team of horses for sale. White & Ander son, Hcultou, Or. tf. DoWitt' Little E illy Risers, tha fain ous little liver pills. Sold by A. J. Dent ing antt Scappoose Drug Co. Shin uxua foh S an I carry a stock ot cedar s biugles und offer them for Sule at from l-60 to 2.35 per thousand. U. MORQOSi ST.Helehs. Work. IIorsks for Saj.e1 have three head of work horses for sale. Weight from 1ST)0 to U50. Imjuire of George Grant, Icappoosc, ti I hav e money to loan on approved real esta te security. W.M.PO'WBI.t, St. HtiBVftefcta