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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
CONTRIBUTED KIST antagonistic to the verge, of Wttornea, remnants of the old machine which once dominate I O.-ckoii politic' have taken up the light for tl.o defeat of S aieiueut No. I and ll who favor that motlu d in Portland aud other large cities of tho State, the machine crowd is center ing Its Hgbt upon 11. M Cake, candl l.,r tlia Keiiublioftn nomination for United State Senator. Mr. lake is firm beleiver In the popular election i iT..n.i states Senators and because of his belief ill the people lias incurim the enmltv of the old machine poli ticians. Th.-ae who are etosetotheeiui ation, however, believe that the machine fight against Mr. Cake t the best thing that could happan tor his campaign. The people of Oregon expressed by their adoption of the primary law and Statement No. 1, what thev thought of machine ethodt. The old system had brought shame au disgrace upon the Koala-had made the city of Salem almost a Gemorrah in the way of politi cal wi.-kftdness- Periodicals and news papers of national circulation pointed to our state as one of sodden political w .notion, of diairracviful i-canilals. " . .1 .1.1 1C is in the hope of reviving tins on. method ty the defeat of Stateuient No 1 and of Mr. Cake that the machine politicians have started such a bitter crusade against this new law. Indeed it is their ouly hope. Under tli present system, they are without a joi. It i impossible for a dictator to sit in his off ice and say what shall and vihat shall not 1 done by the people of Oregon. No longer i a saturnalia of bribery and corruption possible in Salem. Evidence of this hostility on the part of the "system" have been apparent in where Mr. Cake has spoken during hi present itinerary. I.arge crowds have flocked to hear him but conspicuous by their absence, were the old-time leaders. And in this con nection it is worth mentioning that most of these antagonistic politicians are ithdrnttii-e holders or have some claim upon those who are at present in ofll e The people who are rallying to Mr Cake's standard are those Hepliblicaiu who are intensely loyal to their party but who resent such dictatorial meth ods as the old machine was wont to use It is a foregon conclusion that State ment No. I will prevail in Oregon at the comilik! election. It is also a fore- gon conclusion that Mr. Cake, the Only real active supporter of this measure will be elected if the Republican voters of this State do their duty and there is no room for doubt hut that they will perform that duty. c i 1 r, Chas. Arn.stiong took pork to lUulon last we. k and got ? cents for It. The second noil partisan nnoMug Vi inonia .Mai' U K. p. CONVENTION ,, the Knights Kuintcr Twdav. which as held at was ell at tended and the discussions were spirited and interest hig gle telephone company has or uUed on Koek Creek with nine mem hers will soon be started up toward l he Keasev postotlhe. I d. not learn how far up the creek it would run. John Pall is started to l'oi lhmd Tues day morning on business connected with au i ngine, and shingle mill. KthoBeientillc w.utd can produce Pioventative or antidote for cold and la grlppo it will do hnnuinity a great -ervice. Mr John MclMiersou'wns in 'the val lev again last week. He Ixmght limber from Mr. Weed. Krauk Wilson and others. Mr. P. W. Marsh, son of l'r-f. Ma-sh, of Forest lirove, and Lincoln i:U.r. of Cornelius, were in the Valley ,e lira, of this week looking ntt-r hind. Mr. C.eiger thinks the Nehalem will sei- tlo up very fas', from now on. It is said that Win. I.yu wui '"" in a colour of alx.ut thirty people l buy land on the Nelialem river. Death Was on Ills Heels Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers. Va.. had close cull in the spring of P.H1. lie . . ...tO, Ul. llttl says: An aitaca oi ii"1-"""" so weak and with such 'a (earful cough that mv frie-td:-. declared consumption I I.- had me, and death was on my nee,.. Then I was purauaded to try l'r. King's New Discovery, ft helped me iniincm- ately. and after taking two and a half bottles I was a well mail again. 1 muim out that New Picovery is the best rein ed v for cough, colds and lung disease in all the world." Sold under guarantee at Houlton, Warren, Scsppoi. IVer Island dealers. 6V an I ,1.00. Trial bot tle free. , Crop news is favorable, hut firmer r. lmri of hlu. The nnetnl'I ved who The District Coin-entt ivtliius mct at ...,l tw.mtM 1 to pl ' I....II... t.I lUe,Ud and,.. " ,H,HTular internal order. l'o"Wh is the program: vi ri -mnoon '"" . lu order inrrAs .. ,1 i N ' hakrr s and W li It , Waled bids, reeved by April County Voiiri, t j r. 1 -Calling Convention p. C.C 'V. H. Loughcry, 'J. Song, America. of Astoria, No- Following is the report of the Vernonia school idistrict 17) lor the months end log 1'eburary tth and March -'7th, ItSJH i-'KBKl'ARV No. days taught No. enrolled No. days absence No. times tardy l Average daily attendance I'cr cent of attendance Those neither absent nor tardy: Bert Wood, James Duggins, Newell and Ir ving Wood, Ben and Clinton Puggins Paul Meyers, Agnes and Crystal Mellin ger, Vera and Mary Wood. MARCH No. days taaght No. belonging Average daily attendance No. days absence No. times tardy....' Percent of attendance Those, neither absent nor tardy: Agnes Mellingcr, Vera and , Uayncll Wood Cryslal Mellingcr, Irene Puggins, Mary Bert, and Newell Wood, lienj. and Clin ton Ducgins, Irving and Lee Wood Paul Myros, Walter Parker. Mrs. Nkttie Mvkrs, Teacher . 7 rt l. n. 'I-Address oi eaom-. - l,l'IKnm7l'cUtl s5-Kei.poue. Pr K- N . Election, Kaintnic Mate ulrt rt-Addres. Histoiyot K. of l' .. ., ii .1 I v.,n No. '.' .tank. Oeu.l.. 7 AOiirvss, i u" - M. lloyt. , , ssclei-ttou, Kalnlert..ley",c, uijoras T uim:k tt -Coulerring of C.rand L"dg B,,,,!, U Topic lot discussion; () How UMnakctheh-xlgel'"""' iug, Why Herman Wise, of A.torU V it t, What Mikes a tosxl H"""1" Led by 3. K. brallicr, ol No- , . .. ... n. , ,t.l I'ii ilic Order, l.rd hv Pr- K Ros, l Avon No. 11 Business Convention, KVKMW SKi-sli'1 I - OiK-niuif ol K iimrr t..-lge No. N "-Team Contest In Kauk ol Knight l'rire lor best Team l'iue (or Second best Team, prize lor best King l'rire lor IW-st Scnslof. l'rire lor Hel 1'ytlugoras. l'ric lor IWs( Mom'or. ,1 CleniiK in dne lorui 4 huncheou. IVcuioii ol ludgei. jtid the awsid ing ol prizes tiy C.rand Chaiivc'.loc J M Wall. CUihrI ol the Order OUR PORTLAND LETTER ( Sp cial Curreskiiidencei I'-mn -i, Or.. March :w. I'"'"1 i-i ..i i,. ,..,i ii.lftiiiiii fever is b-Ui ,1 .-- - - " COUNfY IRU5URIR 8 HOIICI . .. u .. -'m i ifci n-a. I'm NTV lsr,i'i " .. .. . Hum sie I K1.I NS, l' ,air. Notiie'i.'herebv given thai 'l" I .'..I.Lr.l.U CllLllllV. .1., l trrntlia ii v , o'i. .,0.1. whiih hare tu prenled and . . '... lk.lst " .-udowd "Not l'ald lor is.... v. . " will t -ld t-s-'Hssl"'" ., , I.- .It,,t..l altrf otlUe. Interest m '"' Hit dale. ,.ietvlniiU Vrowurrr ol Co'tmibi. County. Oregon Kv.tyii i.k. futtmi " IX Ihu luuisdllli.fcu, . hh)r r.iii.rti..,JJ?Il?H r.,1.11 .11, . Il,, V7,7M" mitiaii.l all.. .... J 5 .XiVtfS el tiilmiiuiuun., tt1. "s, .t ul April ! nrffl K .i.i u,.rOT,i S2 I null lor il,. mii.i ran nir in. ,,, 1.1.1. .1, I.M 1110 ll.trt.'Tl'M, I..I lulll,., rt.( Z . in. iimi,i.,i , nyy ul llm m. i, Hi..,,, ,"" nil mI-1 .,M.i to ."', .lav ..I roi.,u.M, Ipa.S.i' i,iililrai.,n .,( n..t 'eiirtiatjr itsns MOIICUOOWMIRSOF flMHRUNO IN COLUMBIA COUNTY ORICOM k s lmlii,iinilir'.v4f, lul'linhl o,i """"tlj W N I-I0...1 ...,t I. . ! Il ttn Hmt W InilaSM Th, Mali .....!! !!, . Ii il. "iilwi,!.t.Jjr;."'? Il,. I. l.l T"" III l, I,...:. ung Pieced .ml l.A .heldeltil and W. K. k j .,!,,. ,, u,"n2 ,r... tiue miv Uit in ; . ' Mvwi,lT So -erll M ti Nea-, t!ie noising enllrtr, ...A il.e .-omilv i-.iirl "I CulunilrU Csuilt- iv I lire-ui. has ...L. I. dm IV Clleld ..i... r fr-t-itilHr MV trait diptr. , .. ur is herri'V gi'r" "' " n,it talisned vsitli aminiiH i UltlUl frp.rtl'l " H" ssni.i.T e.n have Ibeir land - -lrd by Ihe l t.,.,alor. br hhug 'e.l M'll. l' Ihe .-mintv .:.'. " '"''' Al'". M! and d. .-lig uh the clerk Hie ,.,l ..( Ihe re.r.iir. t- I lid by llw niiluunt In ra.e Ihe rr-,r! id tbr altl I, ,ier i within ' ,,,, ,tt """"" i.-..i!r l t the i-.mmr s-ir. "tniw tlie ui'.uer to t reluttded latrd this irtll .! M'eU. t' ti v Order id hr Cimnty Cuurt Attest , W A. lUrri. t ink. otlre lor Paldlralloa !.,,,. !,?o,.t.,i. I an I 'Mi.-o 1 ev,-.:vt '. n Ji. I'l. I Ik. Suwrfiw. 5 IS-..I.I .si.,. ,,n l, uC. r.h to 1 1 i.-. .... nl 111 lh nkiiuu T" attains i..u l.,t lh u aiM-iU l. l t.l ..I a.m. Mils s,ir.,., u HkiMka vj ll.ii. M a luiua t ,M, ' riicit si.. ..In., JT. mat. r. 1 .TTS , . ... . -h WMf l.k. .MiMMrt la w m'mk .! ra I. laayTi, .1 1 ii,:, uttua,!.!,.,, -lltui In loa a. (., t..t.tadlk,lSfc ' 1 t a- 't.;no. hi aanavr hi J ..l. Ul tot . U.. 1h a l ;h in ... ..I fc.. I V t "-a.a Jhm 4ala ..r I-. Bt s., 4a. Iusi) . Ism. . tiUit, find " I U,ill, allj ,nic.tms, and the re nt. f..i .ii,,,, ulili lair rav. ami , ... . i. , healthful viK-ation. with lair pay. an the bet oppsirturiities to gel on an time- p-ndent (iMting. lie fiot What He Needed Sine years ag it Imkcl ft il in time had come," aaya Mr. C. hartlmig, ol Mill Creek, Ind Ter. "I a ' run down that lile hung on a very slender thred. It was then my druggist recom mended F.lic-tric Hitters. I bought a bottle and I got hal I needed atrength. I had one foot in the grave, but Klectric Kilters put it buck on the turf ngaci :..- ii.,,1 1,1 .1 (. ( I . (ti ll. r irritHtV.H IS- lo-. . 4, . 1 O Uir l.,f,,V, s a I... mailable purl of the present epidemic that tli" town which haie her.-t-.l-ire liwli normal no have the highest tein'iattire. Ib.ii. Paul Morton, f .ru.eilv .cretary of the Navy in President U.eVeil eabine!, but nnr -.e.-reUrv "f the K'm- i ablet.ile Auiall.e S.x-iety, l lrtrg en- , terUmril In Portland t-!ay. Mr. M,-r- ' t.m is a Western man and is liiaaing tuiirol the l'.u-itic C.isl sailh a view l Investnienls. people rn tn ail parts ! Oregoli slemtd in l -,r laiel In . .. . ,i ' iii:,k., t a iNiltll WtHe .....I I - l.j. r...n u.,.11 rii'r suiie. ,.,,'i , , under guarantee by Houlton, Warren, ! visit the Forestry Ibid ling .rid ! ' l(H'iliWtffl WHrt ..ill''! t I 1 fcc fe 'f i in cniii ( hi .l:tt siMKat tti-,J it '-! t jt:u t-tsef wr-is- hWtl. f iffTlf'tA, t Jt t I,. !.-;. , tatfif w :th--fps't it t -. i ... f at.kiH iyt,in h(jn I , .' !-. 't-U t Htw,.t I t.g. tUffJsmjl , i, f -! i airtal & Ut4U -t. ... .'-I cr rt.- S . Ml M.s I.. Hi ;ii T r-r .fc let S!U AmJ iMMMf list tf 1 (v lt;K.0 lk t'Vin Risr. 4.i iVft ! ito M . id ii ?rx4 fkAauK hv (hi IMPt4MVl tMfetl & in tr ivjsU fs t"sttat! Uu ' ' j.'sso Mn j I ( mm- 4 1 n.t nwkiw tul I Itti ',:--' U fMst WSf ''.(t, ,., aij b -Sik4 W (it v.t('S. tttfchp rl 6Wsti U. H.'-UHof-.t 'A la trail lAsMll fij fSl't f.,f e kS'.t.-U"0 4 Jlttf rrlfMfiK sScfipp'JtiHf, ami UUml tit'.il- ts, VK' Within llm last tivt inontlui siimll -' .... . i.i vestors in ilivulfiiu-paying raiinniu atnttke are said to have iin-ieae l by h iKW. The general public ise vidently not afraid of recent railroad legislation or 2 cent rate. A Tncuty-jear Sentence I have just completed a twenty year health seiitente, imposed by liuckliti'll Arnica Save, which cured imj of bleed ing wil s just twenty yean ago, write O. S. Wnlver, U-Kaysville, - 1 . HUih- liii's) Arnica Snlve heals the worst sures, boils, biirna, Wounds and cuts In the -hnrti-M time. 2V: II , niton, U'linoi, Si-app'Mine, and Peer Island deal, -is. "One Touch or at are Makes the Whole Horld Kin" When a rooster lirnlH a nice fat worm lie calls all the hens in the farm yard to come and share it. A similar trait of human nature in to be observed when man discovers something exceptionally good he wants all Ida friends and neighbors to chate the benefits of his discovery. This is the touch of nature that makes the whofe, worhl kin. This explains wt y people wh hav- be n cured by Chamb Haiti's Cough Keoiedy write lotn rs to the nmnufactuierH for publication, th il others similarly ailing may also use it and obtain relief. De hind Bvery one of th(Mi) letters is a warm hearted wish of the writer to be of use to some one else. This remedy is for gale bv A. Dewing, dinggmt. (B-lapan has purchased MM tons of rill barr Is In the United r-liitei. After look ing over Hi ri'li'.' Held foreign buyers often upend the;r money here, not from emlaidut, but at a matter of business . St. Helena School Note We have entered upjn the, seventh month of school. Our worthy janitor, Mr. II. P. Wat kins, is again oiling the Honrs. Our recwit examination! have been thorough, and cveral KOod n-n'ilt. Among our rwtil arrivals are Jcs-ie and Kathlei.-n Midlletou. Our i-.ttemlaiict- is improving. KOI.l, or IIONOK Manly Copelnnd, Scott Lynch. Hearl Ifattan, I.oyil lliittaii, Herman Allen, Carrie Cobb, Axel OImmi, Lois Clear, Charles l,aw, Margaret Moss, Kila Hat tan. Maudie Kichiudson, Harriet Wil kin", Kthel l.yneh, liernici Mimten, Katie I.vncli, Jack l'rescott, Aui.aOl en, Aden, M- Kie. (For ill" six iiiontli" past I Ithcumililc Pauls Itelleved intendi-nt, sad he th oiough'r knon the furl-Hi "f the northrt sir! the va ne . f every tree. Mr C. C. M-.elis-nf. lie-I S-cretary i f the Y. M.C. A. '( Ani r;,.-s, recently vis bd ihe K. n-stry I'.udd ng and remarked lhat it wns the in- t isiyillrf and intere-titi.' bin!, ling t,n the continent and thai Ins Inmr w I'll Mr li irman was ihe in, is', ii.tirm-dvi: hi had S'tit in many year. McMiiir.Vittn head the list f .r a mi hill county advertising fund ol lu,i Willi il i.'iiins.-ripi on, .si ii ,,a-uea-la e i j i r- i !! t i I Hi- Y JluU 1 o ,i ti tv peicloi.tiienl l.i-ague and has dm backing ol t!,e I ii-. (...? , Ir.s miimv lhat hunoiis old i-ounl)' in:rn,Ia I, . heard fioin. ; Kdinator throughout ti... 1 nil, -I : Suite urn aklng f,.r pieimes iilntiat , itig the industrial, agtn-iilinia! and le-i. i tn-iiltntal , ogre.s oil in k ,n, mil tiny me being nnpplii-i. j Tlie I'ortlaud Cotnmeo ial Cluh'a iiielude n gi-,it mauy In cjinries lioin iieople w i, mint to ,,ik j oil (anus. 'I hew in, ( llri-s and the hud j cotn-i-riiiug them lire la -lug sent l i nil ,,( j the commercial lilies composing t Ori'gnu I'l-velopni-ll'. I.engoe. II IS" ( I i -4'- " lE-. l l' s , t o; I l'.'! n U' ,i:; v. , 0, ' MeaWt hi 1 ,!( W won ' cooitir court a lSll i, I ! i lo make fill and toaartO 4 . ft.:i t- !!. Mi,.l.iss4 frt j ..mman t&m o tkt tM ... ... r-.. '". . , lhlUh Ctt M. stU- ..!l ,i.l ai.,1 i (iilSilS. ( lt. A &8 H n ,,'.i,rt .,-1 (, i:ht.t irllcl a tn I (14 l tlte fW( M ....... ... I ' al i ,, k A.A ,.! i!,d i' .rtut r i n.ei oi Ihe brsdf W kr t Hi l. ul U !. frte. Piers !!' -"I . .... ... t lerl liieli. thlr leStldSl ,Mt.,tM,.t t.,1 r-ailillll ! fcH lll s '"V -TJ i .-. !..n ,n M.f Ii la.t nit.l-.rsil.rt tn!e ( .-a :li iell,lirHligerl",,,5 jdeekitigliueel.. ! ; d,ai oa I i 0.1 ,.n ea,( ed .dinif otlre for Publication i 1. long, Wis Uwli ...I .. II !.) I W wo.i.M'.. C-nilaM l)Mi I at-nit ' 1 - ;.'. !. ' v.rt'.ol ihr. iK"1 an thai lii rtWii!llK i ... til H .,1 l.'.i. ) ol i.uj'ra r s" ' . MJ I ; oi I ue on -k-.- i" J 'r i- , i. il. I v I" O. I. I ' -I I1., i sf!. ,.f i . ,,, ii'.a . ii,.. mi, i i wr w,.i hettfittrrfr -,,,, .n.i fOs""l i ' ,.! , i i (, aud rsjatsUS' i' .i,-,,;-,.M I, tl,t .Wt Rtvl Cct'l-? t t't' ? M -ir t't'rmr!!! i. f,1. fit i rii.. ., m, .... idailll",,"fk .,... Oi si I.-. a - i tu 1010 V o,.. I i mi ii,.,ra.. i, Mh .! i vr .im.i," (,.. t,,.e... as h.iiw r ; Crtintv. !siw "I ""s.2-,,! r II I , J l..,l.ii l Matill MSISU"T . We.1 ...' i;.',:,.r:.:''. . !,errr I .n l eal,.,l..h h l , ( .jdlef Cl tl aJ J l!.-e; .!cl atl'l .! , , ,I,nl (Mil 1 l l.l I i , lllE SO" . , i ,t,il ii or l,,l,o ..Id IMh ; iiijiiintralri nl J e.laie JiercmalW' " -...i ...,.i.. lor tl FT. ,ri - UOivlii t,to,rK',f Ihe la an ir.M.l:. l.l n Al.i.l.itMiy a Mirs.KK. Ii.ii.i.r SUMMONS III tl,. Ml- ill I oiilt 1,., II. i . , . I lie I orviillit Con, iui-li Chili ' m-oiiu-. f,aii,i, hich r .n. tlalm agalnl and l'"f0.'.Ini1! joil rl"raie"-'"sifri holder lor fa dl - : i, he liit " I tn .Ul im imp n" i.,tii4 C h'i'O'i.. I house ol Cs.Ho! v Ul Helen tlie CiHIllls With (jeflrrl ewnlldeln thai its (piarleis inn the hnnd-oim-.t of any wcli-ru city or torn, f ri,(.i ,j,. hit. on, will have house unrminif mi April I'fb. Ilelcgite, Wl!l i. ,r.-t,t-i,t from iniiliy point. . i),,K , ,( t, i " I.-SL.HH one. , , i' ! , i:,,,, ,i ,,.,. ,,, .... ,.t u . . a. I. i ... ..... . ..-J... ' I'aieu i""- ... IxaliilllllUI rail llll.l a an. II... -n.,,., ' W"Lji Mr. Thoiiias Kieii'oti, "f atet Orea..!, eit.e. lhat have .i..i,.,-., ;.. ! - -1 . i" , '. I u.t m i,i.!inrr. .i.t r..ia j Adiulliistratrll m ..,1 ... I,,...,, it ,.. ., . -..!... ..... .... Me , ,,. ,..,.,, ,.., tht , u-.lerJ,.l.l. drets,. - " o-'-o" ill nil- .'leiii i. 1 -I" "i "oiOI-.i.-nv ... I iiia.rlat-.. eimlra-l , ... nut"-' "-".a' ; Helens " e-"" -.jk, M. !.!:.. I -!... f W.tV lo , l.m I .... ...... I..O...I .ui.iHi.t. '. Me).ill , ,,e ob westq "V,wi I., ..,.....,.-, . i ..,. n Von j iwiishipi ' , i, .,1,....rlli.e..i.i ! "w" , a.iumctwl", ,1 i. .:.-!,... ii.. ...... ...iitu.t . 1.11 West ol win"", .t " 1 " 1 ..H.iM..i..a.i ' ....dinii to tkrW-J !"" ' "- '" 1-0,1, . a. ol It M..II..II., ' """".A.,., CDl1 1 1- ii-, i i....., ..;,. ii,,, ,.,,. (wit. ...i , proa-rly neli'l. I !. ,...,IMa..- i ta, nlil It" l't rgnll. a J.. J H" Pontypool, Out., writes: "l-'or the past eight years I stiff-red from rheumatic piius, and during Unit time used many different liniments and remedies for the euro ol rheumatism. Lust summer I procured a bottle of Chuinherliiiii'M Pain Halm nod got iijom! rolliel' from It limn ariythiiig 1 ever used, nnd cln-i'lfiilly recommend this liniment to nil sufferers "111.! .-pint ol tin- (,old-ll West," VAhui, lakes place In I'oilliilnl on lu. dny eve mug, June 2nd, u "Uo,.i l-,stKrt'( week. ..I I rat IS"' ileleielaiil ! I'aie ' ...jnllWI I ali i to 1,1 lot iu.ulil eil IIKIH, Pal O' r I " llv ai, I ltladt.Si.-e ,i-M,,,,1, j,i.:,,int nr,i i,,ieii.laiil i . t ,ll. ,lv,. n,i to 1,1 l,.r luii.hl .l ;-i,li u, ),, ;,, ( ,Hio,,., Inim ,Irt, ll,t-, psm, Jdltlf (aPij from rheumatio pains." 1'or solo by A. "u'1' 11 "ij-sis viliui you ,.,,t. Hold by A, j. iieunuK auu ticuppuoti Drug Co, J. Duuiiug, druggist. ,MO. Ow.fleil m., yn,l ,r Mlhlh .1 i., ,..,l,., ,., Il.......,., 'I- a tl.. ou He- 1, 11, ,!., ,,l u.. h I-.. .11... Ill'itf 1.1,1, i .,1 .... rtd l& , J-,oi,,i, iino, ,( w,., a j,,, wiu,.j " ..,,.,1 illtrt ..- .-. !,.. .,., ,., 1 1, .,,,.,, mi.i- i aork In r.0- ' . i,,' iy i.ii..,i.,i . . i,n circulation i.iii.ti.hnl iii the Mayi utta'1 iiw - - t j.itllce . .oiti.' J. K VATl:, IIIUIIX'OI .... ., aiToin... iur i lain. in. nr.i t,iii,in uiiuii m', aoiiiys. Thrno Is nothing better thmi K,,, f , "' 1 '' eii-e,, ion, hour silling,!,, ...,!,,, ..i,ii,ir.,iiai,.n , n the ''e'".' and Mciiing of K-, ,,i ,.rv.m. l,,.,,.. 1 ,7k m ""u'"- '"""''"! olllce, and "" , -isr .or. ,-.r-v . .r..M,. w, , , .-s.... ItW I'ltf ''tM ,5s1ia10