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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from Impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you ahoutd begin at once with Ayer'a Sarsaparllla, the Sarsaparllla you have known II your life. Your doctor knows It, too. Atk him about it. T l'" I"" " !' Mlltnil at ,(lf lH't. ll 1 U1, tril.,.. "f !, Mtiia BMWld. 0t.M hfc, lM I !,., l. t tvip'F1' r'ev-llf ll IU. MMti:l. t.W .lull, II M". liw1! I ll.t fltl. Art ''!' '! veielalMa, 1 b. U Wllr M IM el ImhIuuw. Md. br t. O r. I'. , I I, Mm J H vwnt. 1 1P1Q AUt.Ul. lWlO UUatti fit TO I L The man who had e-uliiued th Ttr llin i-tnii aianding off anil touklnf tl to lietiltwurh. "Iliil ahal ilun tl nteaar" loijulrad the btelendet The eulitr healralad, "I -1 tlun'l know," da anaer4. "I'o mil vour i..r " A fur Id apbtui, II grinned allgbtly tv aaid battling. Jaes Ike Tala. ftaplHgh (In bat tluratt va.ul.t--ir - liar lo gt hit Proprietor Wbtl atyi would jro praf rr t ftaptrigh I'm m( parltrulah r.j Out tlotuhrr kni'W, t wnt sow Ihirtg t -ult at Nad. fMprtelor-" Juel elep Ihts way, pleat. n4 I'll eUow you, our I In uf 4 bata UoWaMO . kt'MTUH lf K a., iii .! m, aeyo-a MW a t tIMM1!. MWM Hl; l.uiX .we I... Mi4tb -"t- a-4 SAVE THE CARTON TOPS 4 a tfra -20 Mule Team Borax" t4mm a. 4 Hm tVx Jf VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE at UM..M mttwtm at laa naa rieae MO I ill rcmu aaati ITS FREE "SEND FOR IT NOW I).. M rn.ll Trea end IWrv J. J. BUTZER 13 front 81., Portland. Oregon MOTEL MOORE IV OI'F.N A I.I. TIIK YKAK Cutio luea SiiiiDi, Oataoa "T iHreeily oa eaaek tMlaaala II CLIFF HOUSE ''. lOF a awlat. llftu. lit. 1 1 Il aa4 . Vim aialka I ORf DON" !. - Ma a I hi r. rUI a, u, . THE MAN WHO SWEAPS BY THE FISH BRAND SLICKER Is tit man who Ha tried to mm fan out of om other muk Clean LtgM Durallo CnMaiMrrd lttlwprout ond Md Lwrywhar rtvtT ta'K C. Gee Wo CHINESE Root 1 ul Btrk DOCTOR 1 lln m.l- 11 lir wtwir of J llHittMl,.! hMatJ. ! tltlMt "J lMilf l).1tHWft.t ailil U fllP. J l"f l" .W bis tiUfls lul rtrtMtiM. Of,! lib, nh T r Afc,,ri,n" 1 MaaM i.fiW;j;sn.':,i1.i!,i'ir.T.ritur. lt Tur r. 1 ... a. .... TwJi i nil,'".'" V?'" ' a. alr "Ma Unit, Tk, Sir No, l-0 N Kllfci, I'l-aall. o.h....k r.i 111 ii.-ni.(i tiiiMialla pnt onlitl la a oomlilnH M,llU,r Bll, ,,,, maaliiT llin Invention uf Knnaii mail. It n (Mjuiilly uwful fur iH-ntliiK Ml.inm. ii'.t IT for lliimhlliu jw till.H-. In Im tl Oln la a njilriil KriK)i' fur Mtullin tin. l'iiiir lit th iiniiiil iniiiiiii-r. 1'UiM t, tin. luw i-r (Nirili.ii i.f tint alrni la ttw ImhiIit. lMHiwy nn .tt nt til upon (! ati'in lw iiriilh the ImttiT I it i-iri'tilnr (H-rfiir Dti'il innalii-r. 'I'hti H-rf..rnlliiii lu the la new til", anil lil uiatirlully In the intuit lit. A tli tntM-a itr rrualuit thry aro for-wl up thruunlt tho jwrfuriitUiiia. 111 una way all r lli MintiH- ar rt'orl,p, ,y n, uiaalicr. ami imt only IhiMiw uu (h t.,p, in tu dm urtlluury liinahi-r. ctn urn VTt-xaib l'wr, Umpt ui Km, li lt Inko .. u tin. ,i hi at (tti'Uiiti tln-y .to freuli from th war, no yullta ttltuln-un, imt uu. A rrriirlt n-rrt fur arrHiy thfiu will irRriit in raiaalriiplio. tttlr a t aH,nfu uf vlm-iiar Inio II10 bulling atr lutu wlilrlt I lie ii; arc tu b "ilruppil," ilr.ip hcm lulu ilifp Iit. ami lb yula will i-uiu furtli cnrrrnl lib (It Mlillia. luMklnif Ilk a luicrcj IIumt ball II Irk r !.. inn. iittir 1 up liiilti'r. 11110 liHirtli nip ailKiir, tuii '., tliriv fuiirlba clip Uillk, tu iiipa, U-(.i mi apuuu wilt, liinv li'H'l li'aaiHjuiia ti lug ,itrr. 'r.iu iImi butter. biIJ Ui hi liar lifniluitlly, (liu f.;. Mill ifii. ill nii'l aibl tin' utiik. thin the lluur ifl.-l ullh ti, oalt ainl baking l.mili'r. U-a naln iiutl k tu butlvrii! ,tih pan for iwctity mlif Utr. Mlr4 I'U.lrr. Tim orilliinry u li mix tlix mt,- tnril m I tit Mat it, l.'iiijw rin It Mltli 11 iMtt tluur, but au-li a pliir la almply Blmititunblr. Nu Mal.-r almulil b u-l. but mil tlw iiiii(nrl Midi th nliitit uf all est '"! Ibi rroiilt will b a ptaa- tt-r blrti IU ilrM jN-rfivlly, but will 11.H pn-liKi' a tillaivr. The prir- mrml intiatarJ bini-a Hint ran iiuh- I puri-bnwit i-hrnply, ante in mil tlm an J t riubl. i k, llll l aala. On roll cfi-nill uf NVufi'lmlrl rl'"U, ulii linlf iup rl) ollvr, tiiinsl nliil rill In itutr!-r IruiiitiwtiH; nu.'-linlf mji paii uirala, uu brail IvIIUiv, 1'rriH'U ilrraalnic Mnati the rbnw to a paati. au.l If nm-aaary aibl a lltll rrnuii. Korin Into tiny httlln: lull th nut liirnl anl olivr aiut plnee In b'ltin' riipaj atirruuitit with lb rliwa ball ami aibl tlm r'ri-m h Urriialiiit. A Hllrhra lllarkbnard. , Th H"' "''fil iirilrl In tin1 kit i ln-n la a rlilM blnrkb.iiril. on whlrli ar Mrlllrn arllrlr to N- inli-ril from Ih biitrhi-r or itriHvr, a fa at 11' tin-)' run aliort, aim any onlrra for Hi innM if lhy biip'ti to I"' abant Inn ix.rarily. Tlirr l n ilnimr of Ita Iwltig orkn.kiil. a t t'1" w uno ilrprii.U mi m-ll lillil ,ia,KT. THI LIME, SULPHUR SPRAY. Good Pravantlv for Apple Scab and Lata Harmful Than Soma. A. D. Oirdbw, Knl.,mlf1at. Onwui Lnrimi naiKMl, lAMYailia. 1 iib aiirioua niulta In the form ot "IbjruViM Injur" whluh often follow pplliatlona ot lionlnani mliture run .1... 1. . . ..... M"r 11 auiioai nnporaliva that aoma inim be founil 0 leducinK tliia Injury, or tbat tome apray b iliwovered which may ! ucd aa a auUlltute loi Uor IIMtlll, for th paat two ot tlir yuan I have uuMiivmi, anr wlnU-r aprayliiB arc! anil par tma with llmn-aulphur aolu nona, lor Han Joe acale, that the fruit upon lit aprayeij trt- wna Im "acab )y" than that 11 mm unanraveil liana. Um two dlfJiirBiitoci aaliinathi winter application waa dulayetl until the bloa. iina were alKiul to open anil while the pray, which waa applied at the full irnnKlh, did eotialdemble Injnry at the time, it dwlilodly binficial effwjta wtr mitiflalile when the fruit waa ioitlmre.1. Huwevnr the geurally ifood rpauim wiiicu loiiow winter applica llona ot lime-aulphur are now well known and tliia part of the work re quire no further comment. Nevertheleaa, thwe ohwrvationa aug goaUid to me the probability that lime Urraiaa naili-r llmnlla. Thri-e iIii-iiimiii luittrr bln until rrrnniy, uuiirlr tiimHnin ault. Add tliri- Xi yolka nlitl nlamt linlf riip Mhltr tluur atnl tin-it whit f iw bain aUlT. I'ut l enough nnr rimir to form a apmiCT " r0" l"a mt It with a xm. Irp tb dumpling- lu txillluil ""i' ml CH"lt ,,,n Ul1" uti-a. 'ronl l'olaa. Cut rulit tmlbil potato Into ni-nt XUka a Hipfnl of anin- by rook In, (Ptr tahluonful of butlrr m .... t..i ..I. limy ro itioin anil " "i " . n.iii.rou uiful of milk, rut in a double bolli-r. mid H.tnlor and linniir ... nri...n ihImiiIi'h. ti-iion wen nu I ..I MM" ' m It aud prppiT mid vrv. Al.ul" rrlllera or l'aneaWa. Muk.. a baiter of o Hi. l' 1... i..n.ii.H)iiful ault, one good cP milk . ... .i.r.u...oinrliira uf A cupful uf IIUOUl - - tluur far ' '' '" rMn"- throw them In Wo hatter and fry lu plenty of lard. Wlieu donu aprinkl Uigur ou toil. IMalarklu I raaiM lea. Hrald on ijuiirt thin ireiiiu with one run of eiiK'ir. "", ' tlteu add 0110 tamoHiMKiuiui - vnnllla. one twiajKioniui im -tract mid tlut with a little groon veo- table coloring, which can be doiujui u . ...f.u.l..n.ip allim. 'i'c'iur aolution might be uatd aa auutltute for llordeaut mixture for anmmrr appllcatioin and doring th paat year 1 have ao uaed it upon vari oua plant for vartoua Durnora. It i not propmad at thi time to go at an into detail tKartllng the cx frriiiieiiu I wiah only to call at ten tlon to tome of the rnulta obtained which aliow coiwlulvly that llme- aulphur tolutlona may be n4 (utnmer apray without injuiy 10 foliage ann aiao point etrongly to the probabll ny mai oy it a apple acab mar be effectually controlle.1 without danger of rpray injury to the Irnlt. Mimcloat work haa not beea don to juatlfy th atatement Wat liuie-eulphar ia equal to llonleaux a a preventive of mi ilia bnl th reault ol thaaingle avin'a work point o atronglv to Oil cuttciuaion that 1 lil JnMined in call Ing alUintion to them, tiiat growers who hav tunerod loaa from Itnrdeaux Injury, and other who are Interested, nay make coinrmtlvo teau of the two pray the coming Maaon. In carrying out the work th paat aeaaon It bwame oeciry Brat of all to determine Imw ttrung a aolntion could be need without injury to the foliage. Tliia, again, mail it ncRry to lopt nine nu-lho.1 of "atamlurdl Ing th apray. After eonaiderablo work w a.loptl wlutt may be termed th "ttork aolution methixl ot prepar Ing the tprar and adopted a a aland- aid for the work a "atork aolution" having a rperitlc gravity of 1.27. (For determining th aperiflc gravity of the aolution while at work in th 6eld we hav founj th apecifio gravity hydro meter very convenient inatrument. It la cheap, (impl and convenient, and we would recommend every grower who expert to iim lime-aulphur a 1 ummer ipray to obtain one.) Thl aolution, ilmllar to the Rex Niagara and I'honuix lime-aulphur pray upon the market, any of which would undoubtedly do aa well, la of a clear, dark author color, ia without ed Imeut, and aa itatml above had a ape' clHc giavity of 1.'.'?. Analysis (nowed tluit each gallon contained iu tolutlon 2. 38 pound ot (ttlphur. During th aiaiwn of 1907 tiieee "abek aolution" ot lime-anlpliur wre itaod varioualy diluted tiptu the apple, pear, peach, plum, prune, qitluoe, cherry, gratie, pnUtoe and celery. The res u Ha obtained iudlraUxt tint lime-aulphur apray produced by di luting 1 gallon of the atork aolution with IS gallons ot water may be aitfelv uaed upon all uf the above-named plant, with th exception of the peach, unlets it may Ih) early in the apring, when very alight injuiy wa prmlnoeil. ror life upon th pencil each gallon of aolution ahould tie diluted with at leant 20 galliiu ol water. For the exHiriinnts with applo scab a block of 400 Yellow Newtown tree were selected, because this variety ia particularly ueeptible lo thi diaea iiinl berauaa this block waa kuown to b badly inlcwted. The entire orchard waa sprayed with lime-aulphur for San Jue erale lata in February. The orchard waa then divided into two plat. On plat wa tpiayed with Uordeaux mixture on Apiil 20, May 8 and May 17. The other plat waa sprayed on the same date wilh lime anlphnr solution di luted 1-15. Unaprayed tree were led aa checks lo rach plat. At picking time the fruit was care fully gathered, examined and separated Into three grade to show per cent of fruit alwolutely fiee from scab, slightly cabby and badly scabbed. It was then regraded to show per cent of (ruit injured by spray. Th summing of result Is shown graphically lu the following table. Column markod A show per cent of fruit free from acab; B, that showing only small scab spota; O, that badly aoabbed and unmarketable; D shows spray Injury. ' A B 0 D Unaprayed ....19.9 S8.7 61. 8 G Bordeaux 49.1 35.4 16.5 81.9 l.lme-iulphur.,79.3 15.3 6.3 0 It must ba rementbeied In Interpret ing these results tbat they ispretent FOR BAD BLOOD The moot important part of the human system is the blood. Every mus cle, nerve, tissue, bone ahd ainew is dependent on this vital fluid tor nour lahment and utrennth neceaaary to maintain them in health and enable each to perform the dillerent duties nature requires. Even the heart, the very "engine "of life, receives its vigor and motive power from the blood. Since so much ia dependent on this vital fluid it can very readily be seen how m-ccHsnry it is to have it pure and uncontaininated if we would enjoy the lik-KHinK of good health. Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of innnlcind ; when from any cause it becomes infected with impurities, humors or poiaonn, dieue in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexion, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from a pure, fresh stream to a Hour, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities through the pores and glnmls of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the UckIi, often from a very insignificant bruise or even acatch or abrasion. If the blood wan pure and healthy the place would at once, but being loaded with impurities, which are discharged into the wound, irritation and inflamma tion are set up and the sore continues. Ilud blood la also responsible for Anaemia, Hoi In, Malaria, etc.; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fur nish the nourishment and strength required to sustain the body, and a general run-down condition of health results. S. S. S. is nature's blood purifier and tonic ; made entirely of healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison that may !e there, restores lot vitality, and steadily tones up the entire system. It adds to the blood the healthful properties it is in need of, and in every way assists in the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral izes any excess of acid in the blood, making it fresh and pure, and perma nently cures lxzrma, Acne, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and eruptions. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Malaria, and all other diseases or disordtrs arising from bad blood. Book on the blood and anv medical advice desired free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C(V. ATLANTA. GA. Your S. S. S., In my opinion, ia aa food a maoicina as can ba bad; ii ump'y cannot ba improved upon aa a remedy to purixy and enrich the blood and to invigorate and tone op the eyatem. This sprins mf blood was bad and I aa run down in health, and bavins aeen your medicine bih!r advertised 1 commenced its use. Today my blood Is in fine condition and my general health Is of the beet. Am fillinf posi tion a flreman f if a la'c concern here, and If I eras not tn(Ocd phya-calconditiooit would be impossible lor me to Ui the place. Your 8. S. 8. has been cf great aerrice to me and 1 do sol hesitate to give il the credit it aeaervea. WM. f. VANDYKE. SI Fifth Street, Beaver Falls, Pens. ! Da Laxy Lewis I wux told dat de farm er wot live on riut bill paid bis band Jlat de anuie whedder dry worked er not. ao I went an' hired I" blin. Tired Tuoinaa Pen yous played off alrk. 1 reckon? Ijuy Ilewia Tep, an at d end o de month I found dat be never paid tiubody uuthln' nohow. th t'anatUfarlurr. Homer I have been scouring city for a good cook. Knox -You couldn't bav done It thoroughly. Homer Why not? Knox The city aeeois to be aa dirty s ever. Saanplrd Tklaara. Patience DU you ever attend rooking ax-hool? Patrice OU, ye: I've bad that kind f dyspepsia, too! Youkers Statesman. A Dark See-rat. The shades of nlcbt were falling fast The pride of the household was en tertaining a young man In the front parlor. Nettle," railed the fair one's fathei from tb library, "aren't you going tc light the gas In there?" "In s minute, papa," replied the deni g'.rl. '1 Jeorge and I wrre Juat speaking of or striking a match.' Affirmative Teeflmaay. Baldwin Tli dortora say there ire more than fifty kinds of headache. Lie you believe il? Itambo 1 know il. I v frequently had all of 'tin In 00a morning. Chicago Trlbuu. One of the Essentials of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and rWit living and know. Icd'e of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-informed of the World; not of individuals only, but of th many who have the happy faculty ot selecting and obtaining the best th world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed ot the World as a valuable and whole some family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Kltxlr of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by th California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. AM'OIIOL I PER I KNT ANccelabk'rh'pnrallonfa-As slmliattirf ufbcaJantflicLti lingua? Siottudis sMBowlsct Promotes DifonOtrfrfti ncss and Rest-Contolns ncuhtr Opitmi.Murphine tw Mineral. iOT NARCOTIC. eeaaavaawaaiBBnB Mepaaaaasawast For Infanta and Children. The Kind Yen Hava Always Bought Bears the IUtf arW. tSSoV&Jr taanawTkien Anerfwtltaurdv forttmsfli Hon . Sour SlDraach.Dlarrhora Worms fonvulsionsJvvirisB ncss And LOSS OF blSXP. lVS'miat Signature of NEW YORK. MUkranted under th toodai Exact Copy of Wrapper. Signature JQ IT M I lira ri in Use For Over Thirty Years TMt arffu MMMirr. new vo oirr g I jK ., ...Hll-i s . -. - - ajur Orai-ciaa m"-"" 1 J1 1 HHi