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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
Evolution of Household Remedies. . modern natant medicine but- (J, th natural outgrowth, of the L, household remedies, (the early hUtory of thta oonntry, ST FAMILY HAS ITS HOKE ft MEDICINES. Herb Ua, r. bjxativee na Knwe,wara w di I in almost very bouw, oompound the bow wi fe, MBitllnm MiUUd ipotficaury or tho family doctor, remftlit P'. whol w" tni quassia, diasolred la apple . gomolliuM ft nop wmo, maui Ekkrf. hnp and bitter bark. A for mors of popular, home-made viM were thua compounded, tho the fur which wort paawd along jhouM to houe, eomoUme written, limcsi verbally oemmnuloatad. W patent medicine builnaat la a k outgrowth from tbia whole- IoM-tiiuo ouatom. in mo oegin irmt anterprialnir doctor, 1m Id br Uio uaefulneae of ont of f aoae-nudo remedies, would taka 1 Improve it in many waya, tnano W u on a Urge ecaia, advorUaa it ty through almanac for tho boma, would become used ovtr farea. UTTERLY THK HOUSE b REMEDY BUSIHESS TOOK IRZ EXACT AJSD 8CIZHTIFIC ana waa originally on of thoto ma remedies. It waa ttaed by tho onitM, of Pennsylvania, before it fTri to the publlo for sale. Dr. nan, THE OBIOIKAL COM DEB OF rEHUSA, U of Kan- origin. First, bo prescribed it hi aeiuoor ana nla patient. Via of It lncrmutd, and at but hi Lthad a manufactory and fur- It to tha Kenaral drn trade. ksa it useful In a groat many lie ailment, lurhaacoug ha, oolda, I. I I.....-!. III. mA ..,....t.l I 1 TnArroi vna n ST gJPUVrWiiy. lUVUMUtfS VI IUU HAVE LZARHED THE IF PEEUS A anl lu value in tha iint of these ailment. They learned to trust and believe in irtman's judgment, and to rely remedy, Feruna. l stlraelaal. y.wj Vlin It.ilisballho, the ! t;eiv" sl th tnlr rsller, k.t em." saawri.! lit Mfly, ;! malrwn. "Wbal raa I do 'III. ill (b caller, snaking t Uakla Ularl. t bear, lUrtba. thsl t dviJ! iu beruuia a pari wf lb Militant. r. t Iiikb'i gone no far t bat pr, bul I'm la ba- r- a Dart f lun-h stwlsl," OU BABAELSrOR PICEITS l.iaa. r,m. fi i.rtl. u Mla. aria um llmrifiaaa, iiiamrir old Ocorgi-inwn, Va,, In Halm to Hi only tmu.m , tb WW(J built of Kiut barrels, it ml Ihrro la little. reaa.ui .i ilmt tlila diilm will , M..r limn Imlf a ct'ntiirr ago ihir Hl In Uw.-avtuwu a 1M., . rm. aiiilth iiiiiiiihI ILmiIh ii Haw. wlioan Btlop '"'i, Hi tho biiallhwa an tloii. Ilia larin h,p Mua . kctl will) all klmla of ,i.iu, Kia and ktilvra, Wlil' h tin Iiml iMMinht in itirTfrciit llm.a, awt tnaiijr a iruaiy Dr., inn lxiUlit rrom him limy ).( M. roi,,,,) (, or (imraiMiiWii. Ti,.ai. i, a.-tt laW'fiaa will t. i ixmikih unit Kiiii from iiuixt lw Iouk H'fiiri Um war, ull alii-'a a 'hi anil Iriif u U,c (). j Uuiiuht Tliira ar olil illliia who will r immiltfT Hip armnry -Mt 1,1 Hf i.-l at llnr lra Krrry d)f IIik l i.K.-.l Hlnf.a. waa iimilo ilia nri ,r, u lutl nic rlltia. tun wUUh prinl riiilnr Irlcky aiwl ilangiTDii ..iimiii nihi r miiki-a or uiia wr-r luriiwl out at lhi ariu-iiitl to taka Ilia ilaK of thit rlll.a, ami iiipiko mtr ralliil In anil an.rwl. Ijili-r III H'ltrriiinriit i.i Ui. il ti ilia. In or in wortlilraa (una at tha armory, ami a public union waa hi-hl, it ..i .i ..., ,-uw, hip ii'rit'imn mm. anilih, attiMulml tho anl and bought a lart iiuinlrr of lh giiiw. h living thi-m atili4l In lila lniiir. Hi- ald frw of tlii'iu aiwl tliPll dn'bliil hi' wmild utlllMi thn atia k In lianil III building a tpii.-w annum r.ia two buti-a at Um wiMr of Twpiiiy rlgtitb and ! atrta, Im tliPii on-uti)'liig the r-aldi-nn lm- mixllatrly on Um Doribwrat .rmr. Mr. Ihiw iuk (tin bnrrr-U from tli. atiaka, ami ilar-lng In Ilia end of pti.-h barrel a rurkwl. fniny tii.ilng, thua inaklng uorlglit lrm and aiwl nbkpta, alanit aa aulxlantlal ml atlractlva aa any tiaid lu building ll" friMva around (lie old inaniilotia lu tk-orgi-tiiitii. Ho lind Ilia p.wia and olhrr Hrtlinia of Hip fi-iHW iiiniiiifai-lur.'d to orib-r. and with hia own handa li did Hip Inrgi-at part of tln work In putting up It! gun bar rp fpui, whUh llay la lu aiimxt r twt nitnlltliiii. in of lb old barrrla may yet Iw aern lb aighta, but tmat of tli.-iu liaro Un bmken off by amivpnlr bunt era, a hnp alao lfii taken away many of Hn lp (ibii-a. The two apli -did old brbk and atotia dwelling are oemiplifl by tho famlllpa of t'harlea and Kdward lnw, ama of (hp man who built tlt blatorlc feui-a. THE EEJIULT OF rOOT-BUTDIKO. (. I it aalxl by I'rul. a of lliMiati thai raraful toa. I i o( lutanaliy uf graotailuit irrai ixria ut Hi glntx abuw Ibia l"itr aa Ularnla Ibau oa rout I bumlmlib annlvaraary of lit a ( ih ixirl uf Itlo d Jainiru. la Itioriiatiuttal minnwni la lo pt"aiM In ibal rlly noil yrar by a nh i.iiioo f in.Juai rial, i.nitl (hlii.-i, from Juna tS to pp. 7. I aria Jarrr. iia' ut lhaa hara Slal rharlta aiuilom. rriuatka.l I nrla Jrr L ... P. I r lmn ibay ala I aa blai k aa painii-d nur aa wtaita aa tbty'ra riiiiaa n4. r. whined tha amall nrrhln burred fruin Iwml to f.Kit. !( liter mid. t'-eau'l yer apare in my buy." rpplled Hip tienevo- l gvnlli'iiian aa ha niwih'd till and fl.ha. out Hi colli. lank, nilaler." I iw I amHMM you art, going w niPi with nr ! Au b-arraaio aoda." eneral Demand Wll Informod of tha World lina hoen for a alnmlo. oleaaat't f'nt liquid laxtttlvo romody of I Value; ft ,atv, wncn phyal. "'ld autiption for family uao l'a romiHineiit part are ' Ihem to tin wholoaonio and 1 "'l"l la effort, ncceptablo li)iu and gaiitlo. yt nroiuut. J oil. ("Pi'lylug that demand with Ita eomblnatlon of Syrup of "d r'Hlr of Henna, tha Call- rK Hyrup Co. proceada along na and rellot on tho morlta Iwatlvo for Its ramarkabla r f l on of many reaiona why riga and ElUIr of Banna la ho prefertjnea by tho Wall- Pd. To got Ita beneficial effecta uy tha canulno manufaa- tha Callfornln Fig Byrup Co., na for aala ' b all leadlnc ta. Prlca fifty oanU par bottla. WW Kil Tint Chlueao Inacrlptlon on the akftoh. whlrh waa uindu from an X my ptintogmpli of a "hlnev womau'i foot, la rather Iroiilcnt. It la a Chlnew pro verb, "To tmuer with creation la to aHill tho harmony of lieuveu." War4 Itprlaalluaa. "Iilaaater" la an aatroluglt-al term liieunllig "unfnrorable atnr," ono of the many worda that ntrol;y hna ta quenthed to the fcngllah language, "l'n doiulnniit." "Ill tarred," "In the aaivnd ant," aru other Inalaiioea, not to aik of tho eiEpreaalon "My alara!" Kven "Influenre" la really astrological, algtil fylng the flowing In upon Imimtn affaln) of tli power of aomo heavenly body. "1'etrel" mid "jietrol" ttli doaoend from "ix'tni," a nnk. "I'etnd" eoinea directly enotigti tbrough "petroleum, rook oil, but "iietrel" through ht. fe ter, after whom the bird waa named lieeauao It apiieared to walk upon tha ware. Sot Hall Throaah. "Well," eald tho obedient huahand, "now that I am In pollUea, I hoiw you aro iiitlenod." trotting In polltn'a. replied ni am- Idtloiia wife, "1 comparatively eaay. (letting out again gracefully la what couiita theao daya" Waahlngton Btar. ariar tha trni. -Waa ha antlalled with one Kthel klaa? Oladya Ilumiph. I think he waa ear- laflod with all of them. Yale Hax-ord. How hard It la to convict a guilty man In the courta s and how eaay It le t convict an Innocent man In the gatwapagwra and reform matting I - To KU tkm ( rlaaa. "I reikiin I'm guilty, y'r honor," anuf-fl-H th It-albery old vagalwund who bail barn run lu for drunkuiiiipaa a uil (an tral worlhlPMiieaa, "but It alo't my fault." "Whoaa fault la It 7" Inquired lb pollrt Jliat lie. "It't lh fault o' my brullirr-ln-law an' my ulitfr ln law. Thry won't let in llv Willi m any mora. Wbvn frllrr' In lawa guea link on 'I in, y'r liuoor, b raln'l balp bain' a outlaw." "Hit iiHinllia lo lb workuou!" roared Hi pvlic Juallc. Abaanp at Mlad. Khul by Hip lalmr of carrying lha furiiliure nut of tha hulbllng, the man ali.M ilwrlllug alilnxa fruin rrllar lo gurrai m.- linnli aitly rulltnl a clguiool and lurnnl lo on of the llri-iui-u. "I lav )u gut a miiiihr h pantpd. "A matibV" growb'd lb flrpiuan. "If )ou want to llglit iliat thing gu and loajcb II to yuur bona !" Th-ra u mm l.iih (n llilaaarilnn of I he r.iiuitry tiian allmner iliMaat put 4reller. ami III Ilia fea itar naa ii.Hiaal lu In' Inriilalila. rnr a arrat many y.ara l..eli.ra .rrl.Miliia.l It a I.m .i d.aaM ami j.rrill .l li-al rt-ini lie. ami lv r,niaiiilir lain.. ,. rure with leral Ir. alu, ril, uimunirl II In uiabla. twlriie haa I ni ralanli In If a ' H.u.unill .ii.l and ihrlr rriiilin iiii.,liii.,iiUiit. Hall l aiarrli i me, maniilariuml l r. J I'lianav II,. T..I..I.. oitlii. la ilia only i-r.nai Itm i,rial aura fint'nj lliatkal. It l tabtn Inirtt.IlK, I.i.h. Ii. lil' l" iap..iilul. Ii a.-la dlraeily on ilia .M H,H,-.,.IB airiat-r ui in ayvlaia. lliy tffr nna binMrpd dnllar Inr any eaaa ll ii in cura. wan lor rireulara auU laail monlala. MMt: r. J. t IIKNF V a CO., Toledo, Oblo. ii t ,'riirii. i lata Hal! 'a family I'llla lr puDllllon, A llallrala Taalt. The ncwutM-ni," aatd the orator olpinnly, "do not tell the truth." "I'erliBpa not." auawered the etlltor rpgretfiilly. "W do our beat; but, you know, there la nothing more difficult than to tell the trutb In a way thai won't put It up to aome one to chul- Iwige your veracity." Waablugton Star. 'A 2tm-AU DRUGCISTS-GQ. SWOBS OIL CONQUERS PAIN oa anrrNua, aoaENEaa, apaAiN oa aauiai, nothimo ia aerrtR that you cam uaej LUMBAOO' PAIN, RHlUMATrC TWINCG, YOUR BACK FEEta tIKg A RUSTY HINOE aCJATIC ACHES ALL PLEASURES SPOIL, FOR HAPPINESS Ue 8T. aACOCS OIU Oltlaa aw lllaalrallsw, Valp (ortr lha talf phonal "Profaa- or, am galling up a ap.-ial artlcla for on of lb Muni rated warkly papers on I be flu of lha oniparallrely l.nlm- Ixirianl. rlaaa IpII ma, fur lutlanep, on vf your oirtboila of aavlng your odd and nda of liuia, by which you art enabled to a aiucb work without barlbg to hurry." The Pruf-.or "Alaaja omitting tb good by' when mini the tppboo." tllang up receiver.) A new drak and offir conreolenr la I mil fur removing rualy or ronrod4 two from lb holder. Moat peraona who work al a drak bat eiperirnccd umr or Ira difficulty In ibia counpctloB, and very oflen the finger art rut with lb aharp eiljea of tb pen or aoilpd with rut and Ink. Tkla rlrr devir baa bandlaa Ilk pllr. by cloaing wbirh tb pea la grip ped and then drawu out by a amall Irig- er like leer ooeratpd by lb forrfinaer. rra oaaaai at lha ral. The "pioneer American Iiuocrat" waa the ltev. Tboiuaa Hooker of Con necticut, who, In a eermou In Hartford In the year Km, aald, 'The founda tion of all authority la firstly laid In the free consent of the poople." There, In embryo, were tbe Itevolutlon and the great republic. In the " Funda mental Orders of Connecticut." Inspired by Hooker and adopted at Hartford In um, we have the first written consti tution known to history that created government. And that government waa aa near a rrect democracy as the world has ever Been. New York American. Kaaalaaj lha Tlater. On the overthrow of the monarchy of l.ouls Plilllic a 8undtty crowd vis ited the J ii rill ii dea I'lantes and waa in nil to find the flue sihvIiiicii of tho Hcogal tiger atill (waring the label of "l.e Tlgre Hoyal." Nothing would serve the furious crowd but that at once ou Hie spot the uuthiritlea should change the uanie to "I.o Tlgre Nation al," and they dld.lAiiidon Academy. Ms Prlrlleae. The business agent stuck lila bead In aids the shop door. A solitary man was at work. "What are you doing bare?" be de manded. "Don't you know ibis is a holi day r "Not for me." answered tb solitary mao. without looking up from bis work. "I'm tb boa." uu OTEL MOORE OI'KN ALL Cutjop Beach tiik yeak Seaside, Oreior llee irproally. He I wish that you were poor, ao that you would be willing to marry i me. She Kvldetitly I am far more gener ous than you. I wish you were rich,! so that I might be willing to marry you. j TUT Olrerlly aa the keark aerloklar in tha araa. Mat Ball halka mi Cliff House a"'"- e"e WLirr nuuac noa ir far fun.. flf aaa aarlora. Klrrirte llrhu. flra lar aa aleaia best, flaa walks DCnnil" drlfea, MVa faaSa a rneo WnittUH i,ilr. L.m. t -Ul ..4 turn sar gsy. r KparlaJ rates by tha week. iiAJI. 4. MtMIUL a-rawrtator asssas P N U No. 150 BKN writing to SMlaTtlsri plftM snaniiosi s,hi sg,pr. CUKES nOCirikaT JlTTIff H ai o nniu mum am For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How is it with the children ? Are they thin, pale, delicate P Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know It makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Tha ahlMrM eannat wtailblr bar aw health unless th hnwall hr la proper oonrtt. tlon. Aalusslah llar aire a Hosted tanaiie, bad breath, runatlpaled bowala. Currscl all lliete by alvlns aniall lalallva dnaaa of Ayar's fun. All raaaubla, susarowlad. b J. V. AT CO., IsOejrfU, AIM mnulWtttiw s)f iers niR vroot. soiie cum. CMtRRY PeCTMAL. Every case of Rheumatism has its origin and its development in the blood. It ia not a disease which is contracted like a cold, but it is in the blood and ayatcm before a pain is felt, and the changes in the weather or any physical irregularities, such as a spell of indigestion, bowel disturbance, etc., are merely the exciting causes producing the pnins and aches, which are the natural symptoms of the disease. Rheumatism is caused by an excess of uric acid and other corrosive, irritating poisons in the blood, which are carried through the circulation to every part of the system. Every muscle, nerve, membrane, tissue and joint becomes saturated with these acrid, irritating impurities, or coated with fine, insoluble caustic matter, and the aharp, piercing paina or the dull, constant a. lus are felt with every physical movement. When the blood is filled with uric acid poison, perma nent relief cannot be expected from liniments, plasters, or other external treatment. Such measures give temporary relief, but in order to conquer Kiicumaiism ana onng aixjui a complete cure, the uric acid and other inflammatory matter must be expelled, and this cannot be done with external treatment. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism because it ia a perfect and entirely vegetable blood purifier. It goes down into the circulation, neutralizes the acids, and dissolve the irritating depos its which are pressing on the sensi tive nerves and tissues and produc ing pain, enriches the weak, sour blood, and removes every atom of impurity from the circulation. So instead of being a weak, sour stream, distributing uric acid to the different parts of the system, the blood is strong and healthy and therefore able to suoolv everv mus cle, nerve, bone and tissue with nourishment and strength. Then the inflam mation and swelling subside, the pains and aches cease, and not only is Rheumatism permanently cured, but under the fine tonic effects of S. S. S. the entire general health is benefitted and built up. In all forms of Rheuma tism, whether acute or chronic, S. S. S. will be found a safe and reliable treat ment. Special book on Rheumatism and any medical advice von desire will be furnished free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLA5TA, GA. Sometime aco, I had Rheumatism sod had to quit work. Tha saw ia my ha:k and satwem my thou) dart was ao iatama I could not rest or sleep. I triad everything, but oothiog s.d ma any goad tfll I board of snd too S. S. S. This med ietas cured at sous J and well. It purified soy blood and saad m last l:ka s new man. CONRAD L0HR. . Aodaraoa, lad. Ill E. lata St. I was merely troubled with Rheu mantra. I had It la my knees, legs snd ankles, sod say on who has ever had Rheumatim knows how axcrw ciauag tb pain is and how it interferes with oo at vork. I was Only in bad thape having bean hatherrd with il for ten yean, o9 and oa. A local physictaa adrised ms to use S. S. S. I did so- After taking two bottle I noticed tha or aass and paia war grest!y reduced. I eontiaoed the awdicin and was thoroughly cured; all paia. soreness and Inflammation ton. I rscommswd S. a. S. t sll Rheumatic euflerera. J. 1 AGHEW. 01 X. Crssahris St.. stt. Vernon. Ohio. Mt aHon a? PH ices. MOta AT ALL row (vcpjv member or THt rauiL V MCN, aOY. WOMEN, MiaSCS ANO CHILDREN. tHf sU aTsMrajfaa awtaf mm Mm sTtpas teas' 2.60. 3.QOmmd 3.6Q mhmmm tmmmj ssjr.alsae mnmmmfmlurmm a thm wmrtd. bmammmm thmy eWsf I hmtr "EJ mAmmm. til istffsav trmmr immpmm, aad . W ZZ ttZJJ'JTl.'l" w -Bit "vTS JS- H Sf."3A. fl BSkaa. W.JrWUara.rsJ v--a aVJ Wis vl f.'i."- W. L Douglas $4 and $5 6111 list Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Arti Piiot ast- A I'TIUSI. W. I. IWilaaMine snd prieela aumpad on bottom. Xatte STa WahatltMte. a-ildbj 'ilia bral ahna dealm -raura Hhoas BiaUr.l rrom lartory to any part of Ilia worM. Illu. bataatMeliiamatoaiiTaddnw W. 1 UUlbLAa, Urvcktaa, SSaab MM la poatitivej proof of iht rtllibilliy in el conCdrnc ear ps itcnta hav in ua. Special! Mi stlwaya ia attendance, uaitring pronpt tna courteous wttnttoa. lmty attend ant ftlwayi trrtcni. Reltabla Painlesa Dtnttata. Our it put at Ion for rtUabiiUy snd trmruughnra it -.l ealablllbed. QeaBli naaa, Oood Work and Quick Service. 'AND IT U1DN T HURT A BIT" Palnleaa Bxtraetion, SO centa. Extraction Free worn plait or bridge) are ordtrcd. Plair ( and u. Beat Plate Work. f ertaas your leeib bv bcema so uaclea taai ft ia iatauibl ta Armly Wn bridg. Thar tat old stump art rt moved without cauaing you tb Blighiett pain, and a plat i tried. If the piaia It per fectly it will look well and perform it work of masticattag your food satisfactorily. M itk ray so year' lpertoac ia tai work will guarantee) satisfaction la every caae. Crown and Bridfe Work. It's a sham to spoil year personal appearance and rula your digeetloa from tb lack of teeth to properly ataaticatt your food, when a bridge aa be supplied that will cause aa diaAmrort what- PAINLESS TIST rULMt WkmH TWM AM Waife IHMTUitfJ, ImON W.AeWISE IN PORTLAND DOING WORK FOR THE BEST PEOPLE eeerwill chew year food properly and thoroughly while your looks are improved beyond deocriptioa. A hollow tooth that t bow aseleos can be ailed and crowned so that it ia eared for probably a lifetime. To secure tb beet malts you maat aocare the highest grade of skill. R lamination free and levlted. When deal red yea caa hare T. P. Wise or say personal service. Our force ia ao caoUsed that we can do your entire Crown, Bridga and Plats) Work Id a day if neceaanry. HO PLATC5 1W Brat.. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mors aooda brlghtar amtlfaaUr eolam than any ethsr dys. Ons lOe paekag colon auk. wool and cotton squally wsU and U guarantawd to glya parfct raouita. Aak Osalu, or ws wlU asnd postpaid at loo a pacVag. Wrttslkw rrVsTbocSl. Eow to ays, Msaahan4 aals eolsia. ToNRO DStUO OOMf ANY, Qutaey, BUnSSsT