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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
OREGON MIST 4 rack rvtsay ST. HELENS OREGON NEWS OF THE VEEK Id a Crcdenscd form for Our toy Itzizts. A Ruumt of tHe Lee Important but Not Lets Intoroatfcif Events of tho Past WMk. Japan has stopped ill emigration of coolies. Ruef ha toed for the money he pent in Maintaining hit private ptiton. The course of Judge Wilder, ol China, has been upheld and he will not be removed. Railroad in Missouri have laid off 10.000 men. thu effecting aaving of H.oOO.OOO a month. Commander Si ma told the naval com' mittee of many alleged defect in bat tleahip construction, though under gag rale by the senator. Attorney General Bonaparte 1 di rected that action be commenced against 26 railroads In different parts of the country for violation of the safety appliance law. Robbers secured nearly $300,000 from the bank at Chitiuabua, Meiico. The borx'er it being witch I elcsvsly as it it believed an effort will be made to cross inlo the United States. The 131,643 scree of lsnd eliminated from the Blue mountain ftreet reeerv in Eastern Oregon will become subject to tettlement Jane 1 and entry and filing July 1. Forty per cent of this lsnd is embraced in pending filicgi or applications. The jewels of Phsraoh't queen Lave been found. . A nan has eloped from an Iowa con vent and married. The Missouri Pacific has closed its (hops st Sedalia, Mo. Two submarine torpedo boats will be sent to the Philippines. The fight on Harriman't control of the Illinois Central has been resumed. A California girl i paying tier way through the etate university by raising bees. The battleship fleet has started on the laet itage of its journey to Magla lena bay. Naval officers who bsve criticited our wtrships will be given a hearing before the senate committee. Unknown warships have been sighted of! the Hawaiian islands and the peo ple fear they are Japanese. Kentucky Democrats may avenge themselves for the election of a He publican senator by carrying prohibi tloq. The railroads are making a strong plea of poverty to the Interstate Coin' merce commission as a reason for post poning the 9-bour lsw. Thomas A. Edison Is slightly im proved. Sii accomplices of Alio murderer of the Denver priest have been ar rested. Harriman has declared an extra dividend of $75 per share on O. R. N. stock. By an explosion In a mine at San Jose de Sablnas, Mexico, 76 men were killed. Investigation Into the Pennsylva nia capltol graft Is bringing further graft to light. The president has asked the Ore gon delegation in con grew to choose another district attorney. The bombs thrown at the shah of Persia killed three attendants, but the shah escaped unhurt. An attempt was made to assassi nate the president of Argentina, but the bomb failed to explode. The Northern Pacific railroad has dropped for the present the Idea of reducing pay of its telegraphers. The British house of commons has passed the woman suffrage bill. The scene of acthm will now be trans ferred to the house of lords. Edison s recovery RAILROA0S RfclR-.NCH. Will Clots Small Stations Because or 0-hour Law. Washington, March t. American railways have made arrangement- comply with the provisions ol the "nine hour law." Tho t.peittlon of the law will mean the employment by raitr wd companies of several thorn-ami additional operators and the closing of a large number of small stations on ihe principal systems. Discontinuing ol railway service at many points, it it thoughtwilt induce at least temporary Inconvenience to traveling and shipping public in order to reduce operating e pensea, which now teem neoeesary. The operating omcis's of the railways believe this It the only way they iwi My can meet the tituation with which they are confronted. During the hearing of application for an extension of th nine-hour law by the Interstate Commerce commission some astonishing statement were mads by the operating othclala of im portant railways. A good many lines, owing to a reduction iu the revenue and to their inability to command the cash neceerary to uirel their payrolls, hare been forced during the past tour months almost to the point of asking for receivers. With four or 8ve excepthms, no im portant laUroadt of the country have indicated ao intention to reduce the wage of their employe. NEW MINISTER HERE H'y Ting lany Does Not Seek Oar Intervention. SURPRISE FOR IVANS. Title, of Vies Admiral Llksl, lo Be Awardsd Hero. Washington, Msr h 3 In a quiet way naval o dicers In Washington are endeavoring to arrange an agreeable surprise for Admiral Evans when the battleship fleet under his command ail through the liclden Gate, com pleting the Pacific cruise. It is pro posed to greet the rear admiral with a commits in as vice admi-al ol the Anieratn navy. Of course, the sn-ttr of thii undertaking depend upn con gress, bnt the president has done his part la makng a proper reominen,lLin to that body for the re-eatablihrnent ol that naval grade, and it it not doubted LANDS WITH LARGE RETIME Admits That It Bom Friction Wnh Jpan No Chag in Inclusion tt. San Krauctsco. Kl 29 Wu Ting Kug, for the second time appointed Chinese minister to ihls country, ar rived ycitl.-nl.iy on the Pacific mull liner Siberia. with largo retinue of secretaries and legation and runsu late attache numbering 70 persons. II brought "li hi in H'" couauls for Mexico, Havana. New York aud Han Krnlictsco. betide three nephews and three si crel.irles and (Ive oilier t tubes for the Chilli-" legation l Washington and ii young students, who will enter various school and colleges In this country. At the Pacific mull docs, wnere the Siberia made fast, shortly before I o'clock, a Isrxe number of I hi- nese rrom trie local colony were eu hand with a bras band to greet their minister. Krom the dock Ihe minis ter and his party were laken to the Kalrmount hotel, where a lame num ber of suites had been reserved Minister Wu denied the report that he was the bearer of an appeal to Washington .asking this country to assist In preserving Ihe Inlereuls of China In Manchuria and protest ing against the aliened sjsgrandlxe n nl nf Japan In that Province, but admitted 'there was some local fric tion"' He professed to be Ignorant about the Kan Tao boundary dispute be tween China and Japan anil ihe ex tension of the llslnmlntiu Pukemen railroad, which his caused friction between the (wo countries Asked whelher he would endeavor (o secure some modification of the (elusion law, Minl-ler Wu said that he had no particular Instructions to that. WluL SHOW TlfclH. that congress ran be induced to act upon tho recommendation in season to "rnn '' government with reference incurs the iseue of Admiral hvans commission, to that he may bear the title ol vi admiral tor the lew month that intervene bttween his arrival at Han Francisco and hi letlrement from active service. Xbe naval argument in inrp rt of the propoexd re eetabli.hirjent of the grade of vice admiral is strongly n In forced by a comparison made at the Navy department between the Mulish home fleet engaged in the maneuvrrs of last fall and the splendi I Iwttleship fleet commanded by Rear Admiral Kvans. Tne British fleet, composed of 28 battleships, 15 armored cruisers. nine protected cruiser and 67 torpedo craft, wa commanded by one admiral, three vice admiral, sevtii rear ad mirals and one commodore. silver thaw in Chicago. Tsmpsrstura Rises in Nick'of Tims to Gave B g Oamsgs. Chicago, Marcb 3. Record breaking destruction of telegraph and telpehonr property waa averted today by a narrow margin. Sleet that covered wires and poles 25 to 50 mile, north nd west and eonth of Chicago, and lO) to 150 mile east, was melted during the day by a rise of temperature iut in the nii k of time. Ice toated lines, tagging heavily, had already begun to s p to piece or topple to the ground long lines of glistening overweighted poles. The Worst dsmage was east of this city snd west of fort Wtyre. Trunk system on the Lake rihore and Michi gan Central railways suffered particu larly. In one in-tance a rtreteh ol nearly a mile of poles bearing doxens of impoitant circuits to New Yoik and other Eastern cities, went down in a tangled mats of wreckage. Willi the mercury ascending a tr:fl, (he miles of ileet disappeared almoet as il by magic. Tonight the televraph i Dicial had re stored the faclli i' to a bai adequate for tbe u'nal t rathe and hoped to lie able to care for brokerage and other butinesa tomorrow without delav. Thomas A. Beems doubtful The senate committee may revive the Brownson-Klxey controversy, Northern Pacific telegraphers have rejected reduction of wage. Roosevelt has called for a new recommendation for Oregon district attorney. Heavy bpylng of merchants from New York wholesalers shows a re turn of prosperity. Los Angeles police have arrested four men and a woman who had planned to dynamite a bank. A tobacco warehouse near Frank fort, Ky., containing 100,000 pound of tobacco bas been burned. Forcing ths Us of Phones. Cleveland, u.. March 3 i'l.e nine- hour law for railroad telegrapher is hastening the use of the t lephone In the operation of trains, accord in to A. 8. Ingalls, ol the I-ake Miore rvl. In an inkrview. "I Is-lieve," said Mr. Ingalls, "that the new law regulating working hours will bring shput in one year what it would have taken ten year to accomplish in the direction of new use of telephone on railroads. Klnce October, tests have proved so satisfac tory thsl railroads in many parts of the country have stirred themselves." Pittsburg Fesrt Flood Pittsbnrg. Msich 3. A warm rsin has been falling here and at the head water of the Allegheny and Monnnga bela rivers all day. Hath 'streams are rising, and small creek are already beyond their bank. It is exnecied the danger line of 22 feet will he i-asm d on less there is an early change in the temperature and weather. Japan Sards Cruiisr to China O In vast gsts Ssuur. Tokio. K . 2! The Japanese ar mored cruiser Idiuml s.ili.-d yester day from Shanghai for MoiiKkoni:. where. It U umbriil'iod, she will In VesllKute the srirurn on Kehruary 7 by Ihe Chinese rimdims cruiser of Ihe steamer Talsu Mani 'Ihls mov.'luent Is posttlhlv Intend ed as a demonstration ai;aint thu Chinese official, although the for eign office denlis Iuk ,uch nn ob ject In view, adding that n.-Ki.tla-llotm are priH-c-dlnic at I'.-kin and that the Japanese flag hat been re stored lo the Talsu Maru. The whole quest Ion of the scUure of the Tatsu Maru, which curled a carno of arms and other munitions, now turns upon the rh.irart.-r of the merchant to whom the arms were consigned It is believed (hat he Is a sympathiser of the revolutionists In China, for whom possibly Intended. NtVAOA POUC alEf AH. an H.adslo lak Pic of Soldiers at UoiflfUid. IVrs.m, Nov., Mf't' I. The tilut hei id th Nevsd wIUh who are lo Us lb pliw of Hi United ftate r.K.p at tialdftc-Ul on March 7 iwslvtd their arm l'lay. They onlst ol Vt.icliler carbines, 30 .10 Colt'i re volvers and 20 suloinstio Remington shotgun. The srmory In this city hs twen utrd as drilling room It Ih past wk. and ,1ft u e-i srs In shape lo go Into (he Held. Target practice ha alto been indulged in. Captain Cos staled tlay (hat livhad not decldcl lust when the police Would move In tloldllcld. The jtullce will not occupy bnl. but a hotel or iwiin laig house, llin Ut iaiei tms surv nisin thai hs would leave with at teaat J5 tmsle-l turn, othei lo follow a fast a they wsre drilled snd shown their duties. Instructors will U nialiitaloe.1 In this eiiy to qualify the itsrrv for service In Ihe ramps The ufriet of the polkw received their Orst pay Mil nn 'ruing. Tbeunll.ums, which are dust eoloresl, r e"iclrd to airlve is a few day. Kach memltrr I given a card tigned b) ihe gNivrrtmr ud Ctpialn Cm, and I also dmmlnl wtlli s brass nickel star ismring th words "Nevada ftale IVIIcw." BUT Tl MINIS TO RISUMt. Qrsat 8mllns; Work Si Anaconda Also Fire Up. Hutte, Mont., March S John I. Hyan, natisging director of th Amal gamated Coppir company, wboilurnl lionis at msm from the Kat lo!sy, an. nouocnl llvat tbe mines of (tie company ill rwsuiii Moid.y, alien rJrre wilt be III in the great Washoe smellers at An aoiiila. One uiiioite after th nnonrirmrnl was made the mine whsile n Ana Mods, hill began to blow, which wa Ihe drat announcvineiit lbs city had of Ihe dre sUm to reounie. Tl neder mean th smployment of a full force in th various iniiicssnd si tbe smeller. liouhly praking, aNial IS.IMH) band are affectl. When going fall blast, ll.a Amalgamated pwrtoll runs lion, t l.iKW.lKSi to l,MH),ms month ly. Thedreal Falls smelters b twen going full time, bul the Ann. on. la sineltrr have bwn rhe. willrrly, while in Unite, nf all Ih Amain!ilsl properties only Ihe fUistori A M.mlsiia mines hate been operated. fii s lui I, low n has nsver ls-o ernn plele, and was gradual, Is-giiiomg !ul Oi-tober. Manini nen were provl lei lor, but In all only sbnl t I per rent of Uio notin.l f. rif! eould im emplofssl The Amalysmated i. rrirtl ku:pky about JO.'tW p)e In Montana, In mines, -iiellers. mills, coal mints, log ging ran pa, etc. FAVORS VAlEh Rooserelt Says Rivers B8 Improred, 1 MEAT VALUE OF TBU Lay. Oreal 8lr, est Prtj Oar Natural M.,0yrt,7T 71 aa... i.. . . w w"w""r a wtiW( ii..i.. . ... vtsaningioB, Keb. JT, tm bry Indoraemeui n k ; . I'rMldent H.He,,,,. tta (ransiullled to congress Ik, Z' loary report ot th, ui, rtHouimeoiiu. ' ral pulley of Wul.rwav T Ha went. Th president BRITAIN ANQHY WIIH JAPAN. Obstructor's lo Trtds in MarcHurie Caut Distrust. Slianglai, Msrrh 3 Fliers I a growing distrust In Itnllfh commercial KeNfU-KY ELtCfS ntNATO. Lsglli(urs Elscl Governor Brsd ty Aftar Sis Wakt. Frankfort. Ky . Keb. four demoi-rats, who have 'ooil out frotn the parly machine, swung Into line with the republican members of the Kem-ral nssetnhly veaierdat result. triK 111 the elecdoli of i Con-rnor William t). !lriut!ey, a republican. iu the 1'hited .StiltiK e.ite. 1 , ,.,,.. Hon followed a deadlock t has held up more than ms weeks, th deiiKxral Ic organiiatlon supporting ex-(iovernor lleckham, while the rc puhllcau members have been us a unit for Mr. Ilradl-v from the l:r.-.i The four d-moi-rats who mad.. oo. slide an i l. e'lon have itI.i:. i,i u r... fused lo vote for Mr lleckham. and when they were convinced that their party would unite on no other man they withdrew their support f,,,m' scattering candidates and center. .,i ,. on the republican choice. Union Mn Umhiim furrlon Washington, IVb. 2'i .-phe I'resl. dent has denied pardons In Ihe case, or r. ii. i.emhan, M. j. piunk.-n, .,,,, in, .,, (,, ni, A. Kdwnrd-'. mi-mhers of f, i,(,or union, convict,.,! ,,. montliH i,,-',, of violating ;,n Injiinetlon l,siicl 'iy 'nlli-d Slates court j,U;,. (.,,jol,,,n-th.-m and others from Inlerferirg with the operation a, buslm-s, f he Kocky Mounlhlu n,. Telephone ( oinpany, at li,t, M,,,,,. , ,. ,. a t es llnr, I ....... ... . .. ' "' iioiii inr,e to ." inoiiiiis iinprisohinent some cases, fines. the arms were JcirrUw on tlx i'hint nast of the en tire p. Key ot trie J.psnrs. government in the Kar h'.ttl, and of reeetit month there has tsn a smrreaiou of com plainls reKer,ipg the cbslroction of lor eiirii trade In Maoelmrla. Ihi (Mirtic niariy sflecU the Hfitish st.sxm.hip i-oii piiile. and Mhcia' nf thrv line ay Ibat otwude srr pl-,,1 n ((, ay 01 incii luciifti going to port Ihiiny The, n f Jsp,!, (o the riteii sioii north rd of th Usui M'n Tun r.tliioad a s,, l,vei!reril rl.llr. irii-l .-oturn,i nt i,t idle ob;H in llin regard lo eliminate any uswl unity of oppoaiiioo i.t her I me in Man el,nr:a. oieat finrain i nor negotiating at lekio on the nutation of iiademaik arm one i cw.. r ,,, It Is ,1iI!n-iiIi ljeoiiv, J, oo ..,,.,r,ry sol-it nn ran U m sirucie.1 Uiin tbe eti.ting I,.,, which '! with the ommerfUl motaiiiy r.f pivi!,-. nation., u is cmshbred essential in Kngli.h circles her.- ihal (irr.t Itrtt.iu ahimld ptesanew iiadrmsrk !.,., JRan and, in New Claim Rrinjr Bje pr;CM I .OS AtlK-bs, ;,! . L-eb ', ... Vices received In IM. ,.i. .'. II,.,, ,. , "' "',oiy suite H'TiKiidlno countv, w,er -catnp was es,,.,bll,h,, , ;' 'dlowlng ,v,,-v f ; h'-ett sold for a deposit , fif , '"" '''" f-r tr.O.U,,. Vie - " owneri aim ii.-ri llltt Holtl Up insurance I w Asnsaa I lly, Msrrl, 2 J,B Klover o, u,e , nciiu-onrt hr, ,(Uy j,, ie,,s,rary n,,,,,,-!,,,,, rr.lralning the ,tB, .,,,,,.,.1, ,,,,, 0),,jit """ e rrn.ieniial .fw . ..nance company f Sn Jersey, the i, ..nn i.i, insiinnce company 'f N'w V-rk and ihe K.,nilld Mfe Assurance s-i,.,y ( NVw Y()r ((f ' t"l by II. lasihgl. i" ""mtmg ny company thai nma its . ' . .... ..' --.aryoi HI. 1 100 or ' l r year irotri doing buslners In onel Hopkins by alld Were James ! :l r l sold in Ci,. F.rtt Oarman DrcadnsucSt '". Msn.l, 2.nmmny; fl-.t , '"."' ton Isttleslilp "yen., l,i,-, w . down last Wllhelms- ..yerii, i,i,., w tea id tiHieh, will 1, lmrhe. at hs t.,. .... if i ...... .,, ,,. ihe emperor will Hllelid i, eeremoni ..,.1 l,u M ud..(,,een Wllliel,,,!,,, rf lloll'nd and the prince out the cuun-n-tiou !-. .! dun of ths, .... . .T H " meiutiu t4 iJ t!un uf Bfill mp.m1.,m -.. . ea .... .t...: i .'-wtH .... .HI IlltltlU I,.. I . upuly, power and iri..ol aUo b-lakcn Into tsssssii win hats till J lor national Offense. Bsm3 trtiwrer still . , . l w at il auppty; traaHtria(ioa b JJ eat prutetiloa will tr. . famine and itrpiuat. tfctWtJ """I .II!S.MJB Wl tnHo.1 tll.tiA - n.l ...... . . - . . . . I ""' ie wora ia tt. I us rtmimisaloli reroaJ Htlcy for tleVBlupie, (l and laduatrlat use of wiisnJ Ihe aame lime, l a this ca is. J ., n,- ......... . tr...H u.-partotstu corned thou Id be, ro-ureisstsi ior may ba rtv UUr. it.. Ih targe, but far less is., resiulrad lo rlltv Ihs stJ ran iranic, ana I do benefits vt targe auto ana wlil unit, li-J ..i . .. , . . . . . . ... "S tne pivaiuem culls ailswi. tho great amount of details J insiiou sreqvo to xattf o( u, J .0...100 piao. nut uii k J "I ra SQOUia not be sui., an iscis Bte tlUUIdetl 160 prealjent mis ear hitherto baa been purely ttfi t-f repression sod srtmJ Hon - and frtniutnt thaatx gl .oi i-.... uiri tMuiii.t sti u-i i,iui-.g imprutttcrol. 1. J iar approprlsiloiis us,r rlnn leu sertlce.bte ibsn sslf tod to sua r irae used. i a us rvpurt I he maitttail s.a.e m fact II da fMW nnu mi there are Ji.0 t. J cavigaieq rivers sad at ejua eng(n, whirb are tiJ oiiiri ns maiio .. IM aw atglil tsnats and e mile or K.unds. bays at waJ wnicu mtil4 be inat4 b I man l.oeu mite of ranais H won in Atlantic and lit ssj These waterway ar la J ana Urtelopmeul of rlttrtbrJ gallon, power, etc, will aut i lata wsieiway natigsble It Ik u.aimng stales lUllruad latere' bats tstti reanuiiy directed against 4 sad detelopin. nt pf tsittd I IC. riiicressful waterway latetwsf must provide for adjusts! gl relations of rail lo water liss U "a.s can so control iraSc e walerwavs lllsurflrteat st port vesMjt aud termlstls, Ut i tan au reilmo ralra on US which waieraay rotiiet M M roy profit, aucl ran tnmt , solves with higher fat'toalHl which aalerway do Bat M1 Waterway tmtrovem nl llltt'! Here fall Congestion unless H nallun la arranged to liittjf kt4 lous ro-oiwratlon. Iu Mime Instance tM work to eonirol floods a4 t1 navlgallon would be l"s llw 1 loss by floods snd ilroushl. The annual soil wash It oot,ooo,o0 ions, n.i.stly lw " ahtable part of Ihe anil, tgr ll.lra Ih si.r lie. ..llt lV Ititf iitrf rsil,ii-cs mclearV f 'H llnprovemenla. Koreatrv. farmluif. !' oihr Induatrle aff'Ht Im ',t,l Hf ram litst fur Attt inti rtt. Wide variation In th lvl"1 er hafnpers etbllshiu "1 leritilttBls. Telegtper M Qj1 Hookane. Wash . Feb. J'-",1 ' . . , i .m. at wuv (eli uroohers of (Ills glftsse - nounce lhal Ihe union tui 0j't men have voted l trl " j Norlhern lsrlflil or Ih Ore" i ern nils are wage seal, " ' Ihe co m pan I ti are trying W ' I men pay for the cslr PW''L(,' will be remit red if I" tt'Zi nine-hour law gtw Into ' i. ine voio on -'Jm shows 15 per cent of th on botn rosu win qu- ,) now avnraglng $J& P'" mot" hours' work. R.elamsllon Work I" Bnlt Ij.k City. rB' Jinh-Nevada Irrlgafi"". , - .....1. ,.r,.lllll(IT R" " u-i win ileum sun i' ; ..ssIT and Irrlgfitlon syslem H l,1 vada near th Utah ';,, i.nsort, and I'rlncsj Hu- pert o !ari of land In the Meaduw VtlW. J