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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
fHE OREGON MIST ixxv St. Helem, Oregon, March 6, 1908. No. 12. LOCAL I t.i. PaiimIV llatllt laKn "" ". tM', "' vVatirtl.wat eoilBIJf laf Ycihir.Uy t, $umc ' I'""1' UtUr Ut Ul. k " attending to County i JUitner U M-mlay, II Mof"" l'iline viu i pah Monday nfclll:' Mist HOW. TtlO ITI ifV, , . ... I ... t Villi' oil .t'w'iy I Mr M !' Itc, of Wll. W. H'.ikc.'.rr wa a fotlUmt Ltat!v. tct l.-ni;. Ynkbni. ,ti.(.il tcf'lV, C.dutn'.i County HjmV .tit r'-ctt b "' if l .ii ny N.i, 3 Ui. 1 1 VI ( W.H 1'iMHfH anl sou ,(;! ui ita til rtUil llli urut g-.n, g.l nrw, and ,rtt i 't s!r. V hit A Amlrf Sod. I'r. If. VV ft. W. I planning . fir(Ummctl I'll lit 2Hl id "b. l'fUi ItUl later T a I lUtt fl 0 Pf !irr. t..f h. it tin only i ur iM-Jw(tiiitit. tt'.h 'n! iridy and. Saturday . los Incu ts hrfv and at ll.iill- 'ti the VitutiK People's ml' M !. iImh. hidSI Helen, at ! ,Nalith I Whilr pine ami Tr. Ibe old sjgh fr-mt-ly. IVf ! by A 1 I .in'od It ..lf, li.iit.ii (.i!)(y Kink, .Ti!!"tM. Tailored and shift I. H guaranteed, v, itrc.i'l.t:, llmittun, Mr hlh Mu.ih.m, who ha been wlit n S u i Island tin It U t lo-r h . iit ill It alia Walla v Si.,t - cuMjr "tik k ut n-lt- mi I ( fj. r llioin l it ! ttt t r." v 'r, II, MMlitU. St. I!.'!' li f tt it to luvc tn (iveii !i Sjt!ii,!.y uiht Im.Ui u it rriil fin.) Kill Iks u'urn nil M.inti 1 1. tn, mi v .i likiu till"r1 r leaiiitv, iv ii roYi:i.i.. .St, I lei-it. Orrtf.iti Wtsri n At St. I trim, mi Ii, Innin! iiiiiimiiii timvrt in !i .i -I.. Udi.Ii, I'My, MO imiii) luiiir work. I'MKH A, IMttXOS. lUir VVill('Ml,rc!toii, nu Mr, mut fl mil triil t The liiillc !v. L.r llic Iwi.cfil o Mr. Ha H't tl.illnlltliilMll'illR llllll' 'ii'ii.i lie tin? tiiiiniiitttluii lur '"tk in living clr.'uUtc'l IliU TAKKN t i Nrnr KriiWn, uU(Ut eK,( mulltlm kii, Jul trrr. al-mt fw am) out lull )cr uM. I,lt rtt cut utmiKlit m um, ilKlit tt .lit in iiii.,e, Own-r cn Iit Hi Mina by j)igtliij pniiwily ml Mt,vl irnw, - CHKIST KAl'I'MAN, Ktulwii, Oft. lUWTUT-l will Ih, iu ll..uli.m 1'riiUv S4titrlity, Mitrrli mil ami Till, p.ri-1 to i!a nil tiii.U i.( ilrnml ,k. Anyoii In tit o( mii-Ii iu k millilti well t -.iiunlt ni Ciiiimlliitiuii In nml ilvi clwrlullr tfivrn In all 1 tmU il.!ty o cfin itt IhIiIku wtk. Von'il Uitf turn in n. lnvr thiwoli nit piillc.l out mi'l lum nrt lnnlKf or well rittiiiK p'ntc wt in. It will tnnlr )MU ii"tr tro jti punngrr mi, y,.u will aliHi I ttrf ttc lu m.itimtr My Jilicn tv frimtlnUe ami I gllarantrc lllrliun. I'H M I'.O. l'or SW"-.Hiitilijlit ami Amrriinii Womlrr iiatiT, eatlk.t n I t-t r.nrtir. known, a'wi (ar l-lni. lliir- tullkt, twt llltr .11 1 .J llll uaL 1'l.f HkUr millf ut c V, J, Ijaikrn, Wamru, i t Wr anil M' J W'ain-n Quick , vrttt 1't.ftUn vi.Mnrt on tkiiiiiliy Ut, Sir Quick tumel Ut rrk li.iiii a arvtral lay .lay at I'.l'an. tr, Mr. 1C, I'erri. !' In. lr-ii mute urii.ttnlv k :k I'H Mimr liuif pnl, it inucli (tlll'..t l In ln-jltli Hrv. VV, II. ILililiij-nlirn l, h. 1) , -re. jul'lliiK i:i,l, r tlaa? 1'iirllninl DiMiict will jpri a. li at F?r,Uiily March 7tli j"p m ami at Watrrn, SabliMth ti e " at II a, in ami at. St, llclcni SaUth tlic Kill, at ji, in. Mr. Clmrlc Mti. klc ami MiK An y n.l Annie (,.,rKc irlurncil Htttunlay Ifini an citcmtnl tii)lbroiiuliCalll(iriii. Mr. Mucklc my. lM ilrj,ite Orron' bad frptuiiri lur ruin, he mw it rain morr in K-.uttiern Calilrtrnia in two hourt tlini Ii tvrr mi it rum here in twenty lutir. Iln rri.iiu bavinv liuil a very en- i n)a!ile tunc. Ii.otvi-r. J Thlawrrk the Mitt ortice flliiatirtl a M2 I"Kr tii.i!rl Im the llonlton St. Helen ll't'iinnerclal rlub. juiblinheil i..r rircula ! turn auioiix k-.Ic who oilyht I linlmeil ' to unke C IiiiiiI.iC. uiity their lulnte ; Ii' me Such juiblicatious arc invaluable lr Imil.liuK up county hkh h the Mr. Jiuc Hill, M Miit wat I cniiiitv ic,it viotiir i.ii VV'e.lm-v.Uy lat, Mr. i Hill the Mi.t ili!rict i havitiK mine j tumble in cc.inng the m IiooI teacbrm I llul nt In ilii they rcwuiblc j wver-l other ichixil itutr ids in Colmti- bin County. Ttrynrc ncatiy all t Jv K'l M!ary, but fml it iliffifiilt to fitul a teacher wlio ein ern it All that la unywrt t n a l l a lt'! beat to til If lnlcbet tlmr. ail.l hi' yon h bil Cake, of ! my I tj;h( kill.!. i( ceiea't afi I ha iijikIi, There i no liljjb. r K lc K""' "n b" thin nhil I have t till line, II ' Cr nv tbiiiu nl me thai t n..l nil ttjfht, t . hi ton to rn. K't-. me, ml to n iKbtf. I l" rt'itml voiif ui.mi-y. be t. The Wt Kk. Mill K)iliettui Wome ilanuKeil M f. '.H VV, J'rr I an.l AMhul Krlcl ti-k the eve max "'' '' S'"''v t Kainier. un ibrir way in Hmbon Li attr l iU ce li filvrn by the yunns l.i.ln- ol tiut jjlat-e Mr I'uiik (ie.ifitv aitui.b il the lUvhr) l..f Clu!' i! i"-e n" K tinier I il Vt '( n.K',t, It u ll i- . eic to ' tl'jt CveMl1y aHrit.liti4 l"t ' rrc-i"''1' lime, Mr. atwn K.itman, i-ieMctit nl the Wtsietn Ciwf C. ll the Hil Iimi jilaiit a till. week. Tlic Uve Mctoiv i.biie.l til rlo biwn la.t r!V umiiittiR at nbut til u Vliiok, mi .r.oiiil ln aiciib nt t" the Icjicaintjw. "I"1":'1 'mr time in lit ll 4trr bul to N let ' olthe ixiti.l a"4 the il reiillfil Vlote the I fit'iy eoul.l 'tart A farewell il-n.-e w..Kivcii at Swi.c- liaC lit Te.W eveniiifc', in l"(" l Auinl ScU4ft. -e ' v l'i,r. 1',e"!r' rnte, Kl lli"f Waller Lenitf-, wlmlell HomHcii that e'.riin on the mi.lni,jhl train h'f Se nile, on their y tiA)-ikii. I'fom Seattle they l ike the Iwut l,.r Wbileluir.ff. Iioiil "lit' li iilt in alart r.iit nrtectlui!. I - " "' u '""'"' rente.! W(Uy i,m t,P ,a,-UI Kther- (nga nr-uuml here, but e wiii tnein .u. era iu the nu.lert ikiuK- The -ik il mi'"K in ' ' ,l,e c.titt bou.e I .''.ui. nce.l nboul one week fimn M.mJ-y. Couttuctor Krixon hrt .urchrti.l ll1"1 1,1 the bl Uu Jiti'r liwe !" ! 11 l'"h'" 'tey. nml ill haul lfrt (torn ttt'ri--lim-tliU ummerSt. Ilclunt will I '''' utilcieol the imttict up"! In Columbia county. Mr. C, Maiten mi l Mr. I'r. ClHf will (tUe'nii (t. ruoon lea t ibe home ol the bitter mi Tnrnlny, Murch 17th . 1 e.i and cake will he erve.l lor the uui ol (en cent, which will until lor the ben efit of the i-:pi'ii '". J."'liM rc invltclliibtiuKthfirwork nml ' .octal iilifrmum. Aiiniuwho .lid rcc-nlty iu Myelin rtt left 10 Clurk I't.i verity o . fuml tu Ihj In hunliK u.u.t hive Miiwtl to be in.l brought t sell to tsrtli, 'if nl the Mutcoulnin u notice 'Hie Noon l.i i in . i Wane ii "i" ol tin- nnel Minn Iu the 111 Ct.ll(il!lt .il.i.l..r.1.lM l.t.i.M '"Mini ii, ,r, ol ii'ioil lall.K lt'HJ.U.1 l!.......l ll ....11. U...l. . ijiii. .iiiii '' '.ruliurii et'iin fur anlf, l iver M I V liu utmlor lot filkul on lice, i - W. PKUIIY, IIooIIdii, Or, ''li'lt Uii week n number of the pili'til ,,e rn,iil;ilei for ut the cuming primary elcc u't lull to reenter in lime to wlilng t0 ,y ,t tl), p,l,UBfy, The ,il iWiety of Hie M. V.. jiiiurcii nei.i a tmniie. ineetinj at the j leti'lenee uf Mi. Wm Ko Wclneulay aluni.H.n. The iit vl meetiiiK will I at Mr Jolui'i next Wrilnetilay nllernooil ! The Ai'l S-a-irty leccnlSy prccuttil to j the M I;. Chuicb oue Joen ol the hiiKt jue bviniuU. j About one thill o( the taipuyer Jul the c wn' have ni.l their tmei. but lliey urn hum y the suiallrr oue The I amount uinrc.iiiuK only nlut fliVt'.l'.l, t;i:iit np;i'ouniiely jr.l.lMU lJt j ve .r N'.me ol the larger tiuilier Inn l ioaiirr. willi IhreK eplmn of the I'cnin nul l l.uiu' r Coinpanv have pai.l in, ami, U a nuinlvr ol tbi-ui hive ileelareil their n trillion ol lighting against the c i incut It i!l ircn that Coliimtiu cimn j ly' fmiinci arc in a ileenleilly tiUM-tileil ' e n Hiioii, i j.v i tlly the S ale tu lum ii t e piul jroinpsly an I coiiii'.crablc 'am, .mil ol the turn pai.l ill i for tpt-cbl itai, of which the cuuu'y is only the j Uiiitee I'm I' l.i.iTKtc l.K iiTK Thccitvcoun U il, ut il miTting la I Moml.iv eveiiing, ! , mi onliiunce ginutiiig to 1'. U the riKbt to ilo everything nccrvMiy to et iI.IkIioii clectr c lighting ! .y em. The (riinchiie run for twenty : live year ami wik i w I commenceil j by M.iv i'.M iiii.I light t be furnWietl on or I efoie SeptemWr 14. I'.H, Mr. Kic i U,.!t . i iopiietor ol the Chitkinie elec- i trie light iii'eiu anil ha given that city i eve, lleiit service t the moit rt.ton.ible ' rate. Wc have no iloubi he will do the Uiuie for SI. Hcl-n. 'I hi ii g"ol le f giuniug lot the vear nu.l we have faith j theic ill be other dcvelopiuetita i n the : (.logic ol St. Helen and Houston, j licgi-iriltoil i progreMing very klow j ly. li-n't fail to regWcr. il you lire not ' iu ibe book von ciiurot partlolp.te in the jiiominilHiu ol Ciiu.liit.itefi Io Tour j.lutv n a citizen an.l help nominite 1 gool ticket. J The Cliittkanie nml Astoria High iS. hool meet in joint ilehate thi l"ri Miyl evening, a a result of the nccut (!e i hate ut between tha Cbitskit i ule ami firenhatu pupil !)'! ilebate K ilweeu lh. Atori nml Tillamook pupils, the winners now eoilleiling for the ili i trict cb:iitiiionship. Mr W. H. Powell, ;,, St. Helens bin lieeu scleclcil as one ol the jmlgc. i Hev Carl A Toli.t, of the Swedish i I, ulher m Church, held services nl Wnr ! r. ii on Wednetidiiy !t. The number of Lutheran in llmt community 1 tile.nlilv ' iucie.i-ing and U'fmo long it will c jiiecei.ury lor them to lmve a house ol worship ol their own. A great portion ol the thick of the Hc.v j ver I.uinlier Couiwny, nt I'teeott broke 'doivii under its hnni hl Sntnlay nml dropped over two million feet ol lumber i Into the Columbia River. It wn lortu i)uit tlttf uccident did tint occur on ! week liiy, uin Hint event there would probubly have Wen n Us tit lilc. I'ort it ! imluly, iil. th"' i'"ok tnwnnl, m III it i the lumber Is coufitltd by the piting nml ! the loss will therefore be much sniuller than luul it fuller! outward and been csriisd away by the current. Hot i.TiiN l.AKiKS Am The report of tlie'I,ailie' Aid Society of Houlton for the year ending March 1, 1IK)M ahowi the recelpl to hove rlecu 10H61 nd the amount pair out lorminider's salary snd charitable ptirpone H6 40, The sxiely liegim the new year with Mr, h V. Weeks pretident, Mrs. L. J. Perry vice pretiilent. and Mr. Will Ketel treasurer. Mr. Dave Waddcll wai in attendance on the county court hint Wednesday to ectire a contract for making concrete tiling to lie ued for road culvert. The court decided to ui about 300 feet of hit good, ' Mr. I'cter Iu giiont, of Scappoose w a St. I Mens visitor on Thursday last. MABKir.uAt the St. Helens Hotel in lhi city, m Siturduy, February 2;):h, by Justice II. I'. Watkins, Mr. J. J. Ilraim to Amanda Ro. Mr, I'.raim i one of the mo: popular butine. men of Kainier, nnd when he and his bride ar rived home last Tuevluv the young m n' of the town gave them a noisy testimon ial of their regard in the shape ol sn old fashioned charivari. The Mist entends it congratulation and best withes to Mr. an. I Mr. Ilraim. An opportunity for a new industry is offered by Mr. Sehupbacb to any one who understands charcoal burning. There are hundreds of cords oi willow on his place on Sanvic Island, and this niakrsthe very .best grade of charcoal which sells tit high price nod lind a ready market. Any one desiring to in vestigate should write to P. Schiipbacli. St. Helens, Oic'on. OUR iINiERTETTER Commercial Club Meeting and City Ejection. At tbo sdjouriifd meeting of the Com meicnl (Nub which was held laat Ihui's biy uinih Irtisilittn wn trna ted. A large lium'erof businemi men were ,r.Bjt. nml pvery man wan eniluisias t:r tm Hie gool ioiiN (neBt;oti. Nic Club will do everything in its power to wcu re good roads fur Columbia county, .lout at noon ward is received from Mr. Unrastr, Government Lecturer on good road, the Commercial Club pro notes to invite representative men iroin all peril of the county to attend the lecture. Arrangements will be made for all guertt while with at, end every thing poadble will be done to dlfsemi naie good roadt knowledge. 6"det wilt du made by local photographers of oor roads' to Ii mted during the lecture, and nothing will be left undone to start Ibe good roads m n-cmcnt at once. The littb town of Jacksonville In the totitbeiii Ait oft tin rtale where the ladies wi t (r un hirNe to boase notify ing thn co:ninonity'of a mars meeting for the ptti lame of making a new town out of in old one, might well be euiu- ItUfd by IUinier. Little Jsrksonvllle will have cement tidewilkt, a new modern hotel nnd a tity park, and i.iK) in Iwii.g raised by popular tub scrii'tion for advertising the town. HainUr hattrobled it popolation in the pi-Ht three years, and has reached tlint stnge of itt development when nothing but the indifference of its citi zens Cin letard its growth. It only needs unity and harmony of action to nuke Columbia cneol the6net and best counties in the state. The mutter of a grand atari and tal aty for un instructor foi the Bainier band wat brought np, and a comroittoe eonsitiling of L. K. Butherford, Nic Rlumeiitaadt and J. W. McMilan fortlie purpose of rairing funds for the above purposft. It it suggested that the ladies of the city assist in interesting the citizens in the good otvJj leclure to be given lier in the near (ntore. and alfo ii beautify ing the c.ty. Let us hear from the la di'. ' i Tu City Elbctios. Itii iiei'scilT election wsi held on Monday last, and reiulted as folliwi: Mayor Tho. E. Hug tea. C luncilmeti J. L. IrH. W. J. Deiix. 11 imoni.H'1', o: o of thu coiiimiitee to a. V. Everuiin, C.I. Hooghkirk au 1 wo Jiu!g;o lllniichard In regaid to the loai-r Ibmroi lite Masonic Hall, which is u-i' l by th Club for a hand lul! nml ba-kct bad court, oiorted that the Jud : had doiintnl tho nsn of the hnll f r tho al ove .tirposs. The Judge's public spirit wih coiiimeiuled by the iiiciitlh-i of the club. t'.isiiiuUco which Invejtigntcd the book of i-Sperelaiy l!ouri0 lound everything in liiatclnsj condition. A iMiiimittce ol three wns nppoiuted tu ci' the few rvmainiiig delinquent j me .Tiers iilttl l.nati'ii the work of IC-iu-j Still tal UMI.'.riey n iotructoil ta Column n icaiewi hi.. W. l'iigS f the rigricul iiirnl i e.,u:iiifiit, i n tho good roads ijuestioii. As Mr. i'ago has already told us that the dccuimi'i,t would help Ceil uuiliui Co inly In securing gol roads in eveiy way poralble, the Club feels at'iiiTit lliut it will receive valuable iissisliU'cc ftotn ibnt cpnirter. To ttart the bill ro'lnig n coimuittec cf five, I.utliii in. Swi ti; Ilbinehanl. ! Mici'r'.n nnd I'.'iii weie nppiinted by the clitir to ilinft list of lesolutiont tone p e-e I 'd to the newly elected council as (otlOAf:; Tlia ineliillution of mi up to d .tu w.itur system In this c!ty in the liiHl ftcp lu tbo modern develop un lit, your ptiitioiscts f. I ceitiiln this city i nl'ui't to umlei'to, nnd Win rca, Aa piopeity owner and im gnssive cltir.ens we wish to eneonr itteui y pioper imasure for tho m nl of ihn city, nml Wheii iip, Street grit ling nil I icweragi nre priniiiiily tho neecsaiiry essentials, following n VMiti fivstcin, to the modern development i f city, nnd Win ivac; The cost f pintina i ' sew eiiigH nml gradb giertain stveeis will he l.8i nt this tiuc' tliuii nt any other, by leiison ot llu work b-ing done iu On ncction wtttt installing tho water bvs t in, which tuiuiniir.ea th cost of grad ing, ntul ( When n , We, your peliUonert, the Coinmi'icnl Club of Rainier, place! .mi selves, on record ns advoiating the i.iming iu a mr on, mid tho grading i willi crushed rock of, Water street this hoiisoii, nml trust thiii your , lionomble body, will nl oiiiu Hike Flops to put tho foregoing imo exocuiion, und your pe titioners will ever pray. From ihli tim ou, tbe Commercial P. Sunnick. V. C. Fry. Treasurer N. W. Howard. , Polii-e I udge J . B. Doan. Water Commissioner (long term) Gjo. W. Vogiil; sliort term, F. B.Davis. St. Johns! A town that has a greater future than any othm on the Tacilic onst. St. Johns is built cn a solid foundation; it has tuilt up a payroll of (ii6.000.00 per mouth in the !st four yean. Tiie large industries are now spending million-, m d at tl,ee improvement are eac iday becauing r.ear completion, it mean i that St. Johns will be a great city in a s'lirttims Speaking from my own experience and fir the benefit of ihese who will prosper by taking ray advice, I w ill say that one year ngo I bocght 100x100 feet of property for 1200.00 and iu the uirnth ol October of the wne ear just lieforc the panic I told it for -000.00 and the the parties who bought it of me are now offered $ H 00 00 but refused. Please re member that it cost me time and money for my experience, but will give you my Word of lienor that it you rare to make nil investment, I will give von tho bei.e flt of my experience. I want to iar Hint you muet not think that all property is advancing as this as tome lias been at a stand still since our panic but will say that I look for alt prop ii ty Ho t is now held at a fair price to advance and my reatons are that the improvements here are being carrieJon. M v friend, don't wait for after election to invest in St. Johns for It wilt cost you at least 25 per cent more o.i properly that I ill recommend to you. For further information write or call at uiv office and I will gladly give you my best judgment at all times. Get off at Chicago St. J. E. COLVIN. Lame Shoulder Whether resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing so good for a hune shoulder as Chamber Iain's Pniu Bnlm. Apply it fieely and rub the pnrts vigorously at r-ach appli cation and a Quick cure Is certain. For alsbyAiJi Demlng. f A ystjstystv'SVvVf