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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1908)
i PHE m , : ixxv :i far-."- OREGON MIST f I 4. I, ) St Helens, Oregon, March 13, 1908. No. 14. ) LOCAL . M Ro. ColumbUCouotv Hank. Wiktirorn. at Yaukloa. irai vllim on Wednetday. rinr-ltf N. K. Harbour witi t 1st llelrm Motel Monday, Mercn ttrttultt (our day. tuiSuulliikt and American I. l uouior. earllcat and Ul Li knuwu, a fin Halll! Bur- .1 winter unci pring oal. I'oe UrtariteoreC J- Larteo. Warren, ir liuiepli (iatiou. candidate h r - ... 1 1 ..t L, a caller at "u Ejaraday tNrr Reuben, about eight agp. rcl . about l "' 111 ,cr. old. t.eli wr trigbi n.hl cr ttdlt in mhhlle. uwner L the Mm by proving rorty lying t. CHRIST KAtPMAN, Reuben. On. Stndrl, ol lUrntcr. candblat lot aewwor, waa a Ultor lo lit rat on Tuctday leat. (ito. Moeck, ol Rainier, In Jftedne..Uy lng hi laae. f V Mn.lru and Mr. Hr. CUB t n ftrftomxt lr lit I be home 1 luf nTwUr. March I7lb. Tea Iv. lt trtwl for the eum ol Li. link will l utrd for the ben- l it.. I- niacnial church. IJuUr lrl lo bring their wrk and nd Ll .ficrnoon. iraa.tW uower can ba bad on any La oal oil lamp by ing the new burner. Brighter than elite- orcilr 8. Cheeper than yon- kcroiene lamp, (Mwleaa, nol. So mkU to clean, absolutely ale. II.W. Will pay lor Itaell in a iort Attnt mtnltA in ry torn- It. Write br leirilory awl artlcor A. H. IMMISCH, 8captx. rnon. raw bu lircn tuct durtliK til Lek lr llir maniaueaf MIm Kalte L. loCiautto Wriultt, lolhol Rainier. l fiKir eyrl(ht by nainj the "In- wifiicr. I'ita any No. 2 lamp. karrltw lor the Mll no. TbJ ret lot ,,r :rc. jay lnlerrt on Tlm ljrtil. Cntuutlila' County lUtik k lliit.l annual convention ol I be ItiU l I'ytbiaa anl ot tilt Pythian ritl lie hrlil at Ra nler on the klh ilv o( April. There ore lour r in the ilintrict, natnely Scatide, licr, A.lofu anil St. Ilelent. Llil larin w.ikoii, gvl at new, ami of Urw hr te. White A Anilcr- lloutton, dr. ! 1Tskamkv Axkhi TUe tlebale fnn the CUttkaiileantl Aitoria 1 1 li kit at Anuria Intt (Jaliirilay eeeninx IkI in llie itccialon ol the u(ltei in ol the A.loria train, by very clue Imtry nl Hltita, The aubject a: hulvc'l, (bat the munlripaliiice ol the Itnl Suirt tlionlcl own ami nprrale liKlit ami trnnpnrtatiott la ilitUa. ' Ailotl. Uii in relutei) to conaiiler anv fl mbjcct ami iiiaia'eil Um takiiiK 'Rirniatii e tble ol the queation. The IUkunic team waa pU'keil fni eleven Hi KM'Ie inpiln. while the Antoria f li'l 125 twellili Kr'l P"il Pt Irom, ilil K i v I ii n them what woulil m to lie an intmciiw ailvautiiKe. I'liiler circutiKtuncea, while the vouiu ("Ik rutlicr mre at the tlcci.lon, I'lOi. Cob uvciy rmnil ol the manner in which ' pupil iiiiitted tlieiiilve. Zcnaa "tiiinn, IHIicrl liiiriiet, ami Leila l'K feientcd the Clatikanie achool. The i'lpiwere: Prof, K, IS. De Coll, ! !"! I'rol. J. W. Ilrmi'talrr, 8enalili; 'W. II. Powell, 8t. Ilelent. Pull blooilc.1 llnrreil Plymoiitli Rwk "1 White Iuhoru t(i (or aflU", l er "'"K ol 15, Incubator lota filkil on rt notice. U. W. PERRY, 11 Iloulton, Or. Kvery rotnmunlty In Columbia county thou Id hare a kI bunch ol itemi in the Mitt eeery week. We want them lor two retaona.ll utakea the pirr larlter nil htlpt the community. For the latter reatnn you aboubt tea that your town U menlonleilibetitlet, many people find ll llltereatlng lo writ a little for "the paper" ouca in white, I baea money to loan on apjiroved realettatt aecurity. W. H.POWivJX, til. Ileivnt, OreKott lon't forget the itanre at lkultn to morrow (Saturday) night. Wie.t llroa., ol Hcapaxte, were in town Sat unlay to aecure a renewal ol their aaloon lircnte. ' Judge J. II. Ikian, ol Rainier: wat a county teat Uitur the latter wrt ol I ail week. l.ilnTlM'aiM; T.ilornl ati.l abirt wait! tuiU. All work gnarantrcd. V. IIKGiai'.. Iloulton, l)i. The Mlto(Tli-f will take grrat pleaturc In printing that tta'.ioiiery l r you. Ilrother lmu. ol tlia lliillrtln, an nounce, that be will have no time to run lor governor ol Wahlngton, on account nl the null ol b work in the llultrlin nrlice. TliaS'a right, ilon'l let ui;li mall inattera call your attention Irom the job pre.. The ordinance potted around St Ilelent granting a IranchiM to Mr. Kri boldl lor electric lighting frlvilrget ill St. Ilelent certainly luokt gol. roM Si.a I ctrry a ttuck ol ONlar abinglet and offer them lor Mle al Irom 1 .V to 2 53 er thouaitnd. II. MultiiCS. St. Helen Hon 8t CllKAl'-Une 215 egg capacity Petalnma Iiicutalor and Wo brooder, all In lint clae condition. Ma S. II. li.MK, Jt Deer laUnd, tlr. wn pmiri.K'a Mkktim.-TIic ul tct lor diicuwion at the Voting People Meeting at the 51. K. Church next hb bath night will be "Why e go to church." Si'iirtiire leaton Hlth PmIui and Luke . lo-J-t Syrup ol While Pine and Tar. the old reliable cough remedy. Por le by A.J. lrmtng. druggitl. Kcluxd wairalil mhsil at par, iV.l.iinhU Ctmniy Hank, Tl.e editor oltbe MM ha luraardcd to M. I. Witdom, Secretary ol the AUt-ka-Vukon-Pacllic Coniuiiation a abort writtup ol the reaiHirce ol Columbia Countr, to t putdllied in a booklet lie ini prejared iy the ConimiMio i lor tlit tribution at the Alatka-Vukon-Pacific K,p.nlon In 'm. lhrr,e will be many Ihontnndtal Ihew booklet ilittribuled and at llie editor get nothing lor hi work e uppoc there will be no kick coming lo any one, )Witt' Utile Party Kitrra, amiill, aale, .lire, little? liV.T pill. Sold by A. J. Iteming ami S.W"e I' Co. Catholic 8khvii;ki4 liarly matt will lie celclitnted by Pal her Scrvaia. ol St. Patrick' church, Portland, at 0:45 neat Sunday morning, at Old Pellowa Hail, St. Helen. Entertainment at Scappoote. The Utliea Aid Society, ol 8cappooe, tll give an entertainment on I'rlday, March 30, and all who can potailly do to limilil attend. The aervlce ol Mita Sophia Sheve, reader, have been aecured, and the wilt tie .Milled by local niutical tulaiit, II you enjoy an evening ol high claw entertainment, do not till to be among thoac prencnt. All that i necettary i loatbl a Mule heat lomv liiu'kwbeiillloiir. and lo! viu have hoi caket or to my i-iglit kind ol cereal and have inuh. There It no higher f rade good mad" thr'l what I -mve in lli line. II you get any lliiug ol me llml i not nil right. 1 want von to report it to mc. no lo neighlaini, I Kill reluml vour money, be wont. The lt gol will tuimeliinc become MUtA- M.C.tilUV, I.auie Shoulder W'hether imulting Irom a apntiii or rom ilieuinnilr pn, there la nothing m gM)d lor a lonm .houlder aaCbmubir lain' Piiin Itatiu, Apply It lieely alit run the pari vigorously at rtv-b appll ratlon and a quick cure I certain. For aie by A. J. Iteming. KIST it it rumored all around Hint railroad ork wilt begin about April I. Hurry Wilton and Phillip Sheeley have rented the A. C. Itergrraon placa and will la rm the aaitie till yeac The friend ol Piter lSergerton have beeu Mriudiug blm lo bit a candidnle lur the hoir.iiinllon of rounly com- ii.laOner. Chat Itrigeraon, of Yernoiiia, admin Ittrator ot hi brother' estate waa weighing mil out bereMoiiday. Al Uledtoe, llie man who wai within til feet ol l .H) .tick oldynatuiie When it cxplodtd near Itnxlon, about three weekt ago, it now able to go to work agnin. lis I only a Utile, Ham ol Hear ing In one ear. Al thlnkshe w aa higher in the air than be ever waul to be gain. 'llie Nclmlein Peiclieroii llorae Co. held ibeir annual meeiingat Pitinburg March 7th. Tbey elecied the eauie olf- iicnioverg.iiiiex-cpl thai (Hirer llurii ;uelei Ud in place ol John Wallace. They aill cover the territory between KiatihaAk and kul.tiurtmjiil April Ut, and will have an eiporieuced inaiingi-r Ifom ltui-e, blalio. Krnnk Itiilleice. the expert telephone I llil.ler ttaaiu there pnrl art wetk. liu ill mm ptibli'li a directory ol ail (he line and their rniet, from Portland to Yeruoiiia. a can telepiione iioiu Kill to Portland Tor S.C. A .nrint of mtii-MHiain mitilietl me?t ingt er aturU'tl at Vernoiiia Feb ur. Still for t . inirioae ol d ciiiiij and lainibarialng the voter with the nineteen dllTi rent aiitemimelita wliioli !" 10 be voted on Hi'l June. 1 lie tiiwling waa aell alien. led nod Iirowd iuol lielp.ul llie m l ineeliiiit u ill be on Stturdiiy, Match 211. .F.very mini nnglit loaupml ami bring Ilia wife and children. K. I). Niekerwili. John Priiiilf, Jr., and U. tiiuliiviien ileteli-e honorable mention for tinning lh rimvewnil. BACHELOR FLAT NOTES REGISTRATION-. - Of Electors to March 10th, 1908. PRECINCT Apiary Auburn Beaver Falls Clatskauic ... Deer Island... Goble Marshland .. Nehalera Oak Point Rainier Scappoose,...; Union Warren REP DEM 5 42 29 ' 157 I 86 ; 3 I 54 ' 77.1 176 ; 80 ! 170 I 9 ! soc 2 IO 6 8 4 3 3 8 6 21 2 6 3 12 ! 2 17 9 41 I 10 25 2 24 ! 21 900 i 168 1 77 PRO 13 I IND.TO'L 26 3 II 8 8 1 7 7 16 35 4 31 11 It 197 18 102 6 76 114 262 in 254 9 123 U294 "BUSIMfSSf PIRATES" An opKrtunily lor a new imluatry I ollered by Mr. SchupUch to any one who imdcmtttiid charcoal burning. There are hundred olcor.Uoi willow on hi. phice on Siiuvic laland, nnd tliia mukelhe very be" grao 01 v..-... which Mil Ht Wgll price ami rendy ni irket. Any one dwiring to In vcttigntc honld wrllu to 8. Schuplmch. St. Helen, Oregon. . The SiH-liillata ol Columbia county will hold their county convention nt lloutton March 2Mb (Saturday) andt l tinder- .lood lliey will P"' iM llcket iM ll" field lor all eountjr offlc. ll... InH.Mtn ait.l liMr linien miff t'lm m MiatAnnir Nligel, liava rvturntd home after tiwudiiig the winter mouth in 1'orllantl. Mr. and Mr., I- Taibellnnd tbeMi-e Ivaand I did Tat bell ol Yankton, were gue.t of Mr. nnd Mr. C. V. Mover, ,-Mllnllty. Mr. J. l)'aiu,'oiir ruiid Diipervlror, U liuikiiig toiini extensive improvement!) on the rottd In linn vicinity. On Lt Snturday nioming Mia Fiin- ..i.. l.ntl lit.. i.iiMr.titiiim to rim n HIP .IVA".' M- ...-, - s eel pin throiiirb. thti Index linger ol bnr hfl band. Mr. Montgomery dretd the wound, ahii'h, nhile not Rorloiw, litis eaimd her much di conifurt. Mra. P. Pulev, nl Yimklon, is viniting her diuightur, Mi. Arthur Sodorborij. Mint Ixiuio Her(r. ol Wurrcn, waa viait iug Mil Anna Kagle on Suiuliiy, Ml Small Kelley and Mer Ueorge Kelley and Kd Thonipsoii, of Iloulton, werti 'tlio giieatauf Miti Kuniiio Steevci Hint Slllldiiy. Tln Heiilgiiu LuuibwCo. are putting their new niiicbiiieiy In pkoo end expect to mil up ngain in n few day. Mr. C. C, Mnyor wont to Portland TucHihiy nnd purclutaud n Klinbiill orgnu lor th school lioiiMo. Mr. Koland Manten I ma bonglit Mr. Ctioe'a 1uoh and batmen nt work Hotting out a nice orchard. Miiw Jennie Snoncc, ol Iloulton, vita vlnltlng Mitt Mildred Montgomery last week, Thats what a prominent man-, ufacturcr of Portland called tlv; so-called mail order "wholesale" houses, in an ar ticle in the public press a few days ago. This will be your verdict also ifyouarea patron of these establishments, and will let us compare our prices with those on the next order you are sending to Portland. "The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating." Our customers who have in vestigated will tell you all about it. WHITE & ANDERSON H0ULT0N - OREGON 0' .it "I