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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1908)
.J BE .OREGON xxv St Helens, Oregon, February 28, 1908. No. 12. "RVTTCl 1VA1D Kl. km wag"". rrrif. .Irt 85 11 LOCAL ColuiithU Count Bank. good m new, "d , .i. u h ii a Aitier- t, ..r.. . .r. 1U Matlion, vi bo rld Id part ol Ml. ' " her Inf . . ,. I.- ll.t ft il tll licieaner " ...-- - i.. i ol ll'i per tlliliiii " - I . I...I itirva lot lie ii 'v" - 1,1 n bumble limits rtwrcou. . ....ll aill m II hit, lll"g' " - ., Iicr. and everywoy rcMoc n ' '"" 0,ui Abel cj,iivteeing .. ... ..II ..('..l.t. . t uc w"i r- acknowledge lb WCl't l II (lie '' """"" ., I,v ihe Manufacturer Ao Ltlte lb Wb,,,B K i, g.d Ivi'rtKiu, ir nd dcroonlrat that were Mated Irwi lb woiil.l I " "'is , ..u!.l the" "T Uit hilt of lw. lliut tteoig t " ,j in Portland tilt r ami Orrgminn f'-W P9' am. " on,Jr Li jiiWiii'tton. r. one t( Goble' pU.ueei. ki i,, llir cuuntr "' "'" I . that when George Milk, the Vi re urued ',,m tn .. , .... .... i I ki4ii,.n III llmtiiy oe r- kwrrk IdMl III WIIC Li ccouul he Uail " ke lill chicken broth. ' I.I. ...I.nlli.ll lU tat U( M ,..(,! (or Hie nt tnly il ..1 in'ivclfl lf l'1" 0,wr" ki tlloirf. . ..(Ter (HpOI tor M'f l Hi. HWnt Mi. Ann SUvrll., ol Wnf i si ilrVu riciy if ,!,l Mnirh IrflU "t coitnlj !n, nrl WrilncxUjf (,tt iiKiiiiimlUm mi H He l-l .r l.Mlllllllt "tliti- ; i.iltiifr mil lii llic If t. ktlr l.lnV ' t M.mUv. hvliial tnclle. it li.iitr. Mciiitann, lir h" kiicii.tiiii; tli Stli'-il t'f Mtn.. L. l ihc )t.i4i liiii tU-tlU ol Im.tlirr. Mr. !: M. l.Uc. e SniiliKlit ' Amelltll r-l v ..unci, rrp. anil Wt in,jn, n'm fine flin tt L !iit. r ami wli lWfltCOII0 J. Uwii Wurtrn, Or mi l..r tin? Mtsl . T.W Hfl t.lj r.trmi ly, ol r.rMlmm, wni cull l titat vtcrk vUltinX f"l rlnnr. L r I will In lit llmilmn I'rlilnv brtl.iy. M ut ll mil ami k Ui nil Kin U "I ilcnlul woiW. hi nrcil oli h work will do '' It me CoiiuIliUiiit live rni'l Id tlullv ii.vni In all 1 make ill iTumi unit lni'lne wtirh. fctltr imhic in aii'l Imve tlioioiii !nl nut uii'l tiiive a net Iiiii'ki? lllllllK ))'ulC IH1 in, it viill iiiiiU r ir ti n yt-iirn ymmner nihl y k liittvr utile to innttlrntt ow e ntitliK'tlnti, DR. RAM HO. rnnk SIiitwimhI, ol Riilnirr, tlrim v'.niinr Inl Tur Uy, I It ittisuii, nl llotilum. w In "iievUy. Mr. Uanlcm Imt tie i twfiiuie s ciiiiillilnle (or Hie ! ton for the oflic o( fol While riiirnmt Tr, tlic olil coiilt rcmeily, Vor tul by A.J. Ii dmgglat. CuitNTV I'tlHTMAHTKK'H Convkntiok 1'ixliiiMtrr M. I'.. l'o(r, ol Cllktilc, who ill cnii1cilt ol the l.mjui of I'ol- umlrr ol tli luiitlli cUu in the Ktutc ol Ort(oii, called a uitrtlng ol tba xt- milrr ol Columbia county at Clutuka- ule on the '.Vi (or the iuri ul oruati- ilillg county lraU, A third ol the KMtiuatera of the county were jircwnt and a uuiubcr ol lei ten Iroiu otlirrt who lound It liiitltile to Irav their office. were read. Hie orgaiiliation w ellected with M. C. dray pretiilrnt, K. I'.. IIiik- tierg vice irrident, and N. A. Perry tec relary and liraturer. It a very en' roiling iik ltt'nl,i"l. and the uieiuUr hoi to arcouiplith the ohjert ol the lcgiie, wlili h are: The hit prove turn t ol the ervke, rare ol the wuinwo m- trrrtteol the iotmtrni and the clitic of the uiilic. Ity an oversight at Irut two pituiirr in lha county acre not nolined of the trctfii(. The oikhU' ation comnir a tare jwrcrnt ol the mantera ol Ihe fourth cla throtiKU the t'lillptl (itaiet, and eiUy lit it nude iMil growth In the tuorc drntcly popu lated riioiii of the couiury It w or l(niicd in Ht. I.imia,, Wl. It hat the Miirllun and (ncotiraKriocnt ol the lruirtuie!it at Vaitiiui;tiiii, l. C and ofhclalaof the drjwrlmpnt have ntl ith and aililrcw l a1! ol the national convention. Much good to the aervlce haa already hreu etleclrd HiioukIi the urxanitation. and the tlrinrtiiirnt lcuii tmitly iCTctvinn l It ion uli it vUil!e in formation which would I very difficult to procuie thru(.b other aourv-r. I hava nnrtiey to loan on approved realeaUte aecuritv. W. II. TOW KM.. Si. Ilcin. Oregon Candidatrh CAMint ItcKiiinliig with our not Imuc we will inwrt camlidatc'i carili until the cloe ol the primary cam paiKt fur ft each. No man barred on account ol politic, atthii ia purely a but iticu propoaiiiou and doe not include auy edlloriiU or other mention. Tuo KntifhU of ythiae of Rainier held their anniveraary celebration lat Satur day niiiht and entertained a iniall army ol viaitliiK Knixhti, Pythian SUU-rt, and Iriende ol the order. Chancellor Com niandrr Sandol reiiled and in a neat peech made all leel at borne. Then fol lowed iniiilc by Kainier'f Columbia Con cert Hmid ami, after a lew other numheri Clmnctllor Couiiiiaudcr W. It. Powell ol Avon Lodge delivered an eloquent and utile rcpoj to the aldrca ol welcome. Mr. I'owfll'a uprrch thuwed a thorough knowledge ol the principle of the order and it bintory, and wa well received. The program wai excellent, although the Raiuler tuartetle wiu crippled by the ab- rnre ol Mi. l-'re. who had been called to perforin a marriage ceremony, lii place uciiig filled at well at could lie without practice by . Kenyoti bourne, who alto lavorc-1 the people with aome comical lo iiunilierii, The miiaical gciu of the evening, tiowever, wa Mr. V'ogle' aolo, "Sailor Ikware." At the conclusion ol the program a bamiuct wat acrvetl in the liniucl hall adjoining the lodjie room. The Rainier Knight are in fine condi tion. They have patted the hundred' mark in numlier and are owner ol their own ball, which iaone of the fined prop ettic in the city of Rainier. Maif.i.M the boaicul II. P. Wat- kin. In thwell?. on Saturday, rebruary find. Nora May IW-aveit to Jauie W. Woodmall. Juiti. Watkin oflicialing. , ... i Mr. and Mr Albert Hone ami Jtr. and Mr. J. timing eiiler'aine t their frirn l at a military whul pirty in CMd I'cll.m. IUU Ut I'liday night, tba eve ol V.!iiugtou blithday. The l uge room ra mt lwaittilu!ly decorated with Aw trkau flS and loliige plant, while on Ihe table wre the uiinilure Aug ol ma ii v nation, and lhe it the duty of Ihe player to detenil anl auaca Th vkl ury wa aim by Japan reirceni. e l bv M C 'ay. Mr. I II. Copeland. W, n Mllaid. and Mr Jo. !- After the card playing Umnlcou lunch wa rived. contWling ol cream of chicken. cake, eufl-e. and Ue cream, and ituring All that i ncceuwry i to add a little heat to my buckwheat flour, nml In' you have hot cake, or to tnv eight kimt ol cereal and have umtb. There U no higher grade good made) than what I liavc in thi line. II you get any thing of me that in not ail right, I want vou to repoit it In me, no to neighbor. 1 will refund your money, he wont. The bent giHxl wilt ftomeliuir become damaged. M. C. fill AY, I.AlHKsTAlUatNOTilorcd and hirt want uit. All work guaranteed. V. Ilir.KI.K, lloulton, Or. The St. Helen Ijuarry Company it running ilcruber at lull blat, hnving. the evening liuit punch waeil around, j .luring the eaton ol it thutdowu, put It wa Ihc mil il.lightlul wl event the plant In perfect condition. Ut Sat tlut eer tok place in St Helen., and . unlay they Hinted out three hundml wheu tlx- iui di.teid at u early hour yard ol rock. S..(iiidv morning they were all ol Ihc j Hrixon lit ai many men a opinion that the bc.t thing Washington ; makc UW(,(movnK the old build ever did wa to have a birthday TI.e (- ; cleaning awav the rubbih pre fer were. iillle hatchet to which wire j (ur,t()fy , conttrurting Columbia Coun att.ubed cherrie Iroui the original ';., cllr, linUM. ,,!,. When finlthed Oorge haikt't on mat n.v. .....,.. -oCcaii'tt when he lcame a terror toj ,11 ihe ahool cuuuren w.. , . ,,lliMlllIli eit, a.K.r to main to emulate hi. gloriim example. lliUlk) Mr. oin . . . . t. Mr Tht gurt p'etcut ot - W. It. Dilhird. Mr and Mr. M C. tiray. Mr and Mr. C U John. Mr. and Mr J. It liodlie. Pr. ud Mr II R-CU, r. ai d Mr. . R"- Mr M'- A II. tleorge. Mr. ud Mr. K H. Hagg. tl. lc K. I. Ml, " The Odd 1'elloWt and Kcbckuhtof lloulton held an open meeting lat Sat urday night and entertained large nnm her of their member and friend. The- progiaiu comUteil of a tort of experience meeting inlempenrd with few tongt and winding up with chicken topper, at wbicb aeveral dozen yellow legged chicken were contumed, The leap year dance at Houlton laat Saturday nigbt wat well attended and very enjoyable. The muaic by the Houl ton oicbettra wa worthy of etpecial mention, and war considered the bet tliat haa been beard In Houlton during the wlati-r. The fithcrmen are buiy, getting out I heir nelt and painting their boat, although the teaton doe not open nntil April 15th. W. B. Dillard. of thi city, ha been invited to deliver an addret at the pro- poed Democratic banquet to be held at Oregon City, hit tubject to be "The Klrphant and the A." Mr. Dillardcan peak by the cord a to the latter ani mal, a be I the hippy poeor of two of the lougcared quadruped who occa- tionally ttray Into the town and inflict their trumpet ing noon Republican tnd Democrat alike. And for want of a better tubatitutc, be might take Gray' colt a a model of the Republican ele phant, and we are ure, with that ani- hna ia hi mind, he could give the party all that i coming to it. To ItxKiM Col,t'MBiA Coust' The ed itor of the bat received from M. I). Witdom, aecretary of the Oregon-Alaska-Yukon-Pacific I'. i position a request for awriteupof the reourcei of Columb'a County, to be pnb!ibcd in a booklet to be diitributed at the great Seattle El po rtion next year. There will be bnodred ul thoutand of thete booklet ditributed nd it will be the bett advertising Col umbia County can possibly have and will not cott the county a, at of courte the editor of the Mist, being interested in the progress of tint county, will do the work without couipt-ntation other than that he tliare with every other citizen in the mutual advantage that will ac crue by making Columbia' resource! known to the immense number of peo ple who will visit the Kxpositiju. Mr. Albert Stone bat purchased from Dr. II. R. Cliff tome lott adjoining C. W. Illakcsley'i property iu the northeatt part ol the town and will build a borne thereon thi spring. He has a beautiful tile and the property was purchased at a very reasons' lr price, a Dr. Cliff it anxious to tee the town build np and is alway willing to do hii share toward bringing about that result. Death op Mr. Littlk Mr. Eunice Bowen Little died at ber borne la Houl ton on Tnetday but, February 26 tb, She wa born at Fern, MuttacfautetUt April 23d, 1827, and her maiden name wat Eunice Bowen. She married Joaepb R. Utile on Anguit 16th, 1861, bit death occuring In 1891. Mr. Little moved to Houlton over twelve year ago and hat retided there contiuuoutly tince that time. Sbe leave four grandchildren, Charlea V. Little, Morris Little, Ruth Little, and .Eunice Little. The funeral took place Thursday, the sermon being preached by Rev. C. R. I'bilbrookr con gregstioualist, of which church she was a devout member. She was also a roem ber of Mizpab Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and its members bad charge of the ceremonies at the grave, the interment taking place in Warren cemetery. Mrs. Little was a woman of a great deal of ability and retained the brightness of her intellect close to the last moment. Sbe wat held In high esteem , by the people of Houlton and St. Helen and to ber neighbors the lost teems a personal one. W. B. Dillard's office building and the old court bouse have been moved this week, the former to the lot adjoining the old site and the latter to the lot next to the barber shop. The old court house will be remodeled and converted into a building suitable for business pur poses. County warrants cashed at par. Columbia County Bank Save your eyesight by using the "In dex" burner. Fits any No. 2 lamp. Did vou notice in the daily papers that the United Railway Company pro pose building an electric road to St. Helen? The U. R. C. is a company that accomplishes resulta and this little bit of information i therefore important. The nd will be built and it will be a profitable one from the start. Its con struction will mean that St. Helens, Houlton and Columbia City will be uburh of Portland. Now is tbe time to invest in these communities, as, with the advent of the electric road property values are bound to increase. A London bigamist adinitl that be bas bsd 32 wives, but repels the accusation that tba tin in ber was a hundred. He regards a tendency to exaggerate at one of thr evils of th day. , The l'opulitls will not keep the counrty in suspense. Their National Convention comes April 2, and they view with scorn thoee who ufet that the date is a day late. it will 1 s beauty spot worm visiuug. Charli Olten and lamily have being unable to fiml any oilier living apartment in S. Helen Mr, J. I. Godfrey and wile led St, Helen this week for Toledo, Lincoln Comitv. ht e they will retde tempo rarily, Mr. Godfrey lmving accepted a I V O.'ih k Mr and Mr. W. A, H..r-! position in the employ nf Mann A Monl .u it, and' Mr. J. W. Dav. Mr and ! Kl,merv.awinill and timtier men ol Tort. Mr I 'ctih tiei'ir e, Mr. nnd Mr. W, H. ,a,. Mr.and Mr, fiodlrey will .till i-owe i Mr. and Mr. N A. Perry, Mr. m,.ke St. Helen, their home and retain Sod Mi. I- 11 Copeland, Mr. and Mr. an ,lu ir proprrtT interest, here. .. n in. i. ...t ..i, Mr. and Mi Fred ,,..... rnwuTiciv The comitv 1S...1 Mi. I. II Coiiclann. .Mr. tf u . i..,,. I on. Mr. mm ' h'-.u.. Mr and Mr. C. W. Itl.ike.ley, Mr. and Mi. I'"tcue ltlk.'.ley. Mr. P, t SiUi-r. Mr. I W.U'itcn Mr. L. I.. ..1 . !.. Pecker. Mie I.ulil tcttrge, . niclv, Sadie Kill. Httgeiiia Pciiiing. "d Mia Church. Mcr. L. . R. ' i land. A. King. Wa.hlnglon Muckle. Rudolph Ketel. Kugriw Milr, Frank fteotgetlbirotdRoU. Murell Pmnilt. MiuttrCiwa'd and John liming. Mr. S. RiH-k, of Vaiikluit. wa ft caller at the Mit ie " 1 ru,"J' The fift ntmitr of tho Clnt.kanle Chiel under it new proprietor. George OEEGON'S OPPOETUNITT COLONIST RATES from all parts of the v United States and Canada to all parts of Ore gon and the Northwest will be put in effect by The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. aj: Icclded im newt doubt, wwii (".bni.k Convkntios The county convention ol the Patrons ol Husbandry, composed t' delegate from each subor dinate grunge in the comity, meets nt .-ii.uUi.nle on Saturday, March 7th, one week from to-morrow, for the pursue of electing delegate ,,e Swte c'nnKe and lor the lrunnctian of other bnsincs. TakUN I'r Near Reuben, about eight months ago, a red teer. about two and lone half year old. I.eft ear cut tralgttt ncro... right ear pltt in tuitiaic. CHRIST KAUFMAN. Reuben, Ore, M tKR!itn-At the Wilson Camp, near Rainier, on Saturday, Feb. i2d. Mi I ucy Hilton w lr' W. 0. 1 ry olticiatitiR. Southern Pacific Company fc Uc ia Or-MN2t- Daily During March and April.1008 From the principitl citict of the Middle West the ntcs will be as follow From CHICAGO ST. LOUIS ' KANSAS CITY From SS.Ort CorS'CIL BLVFFS .-.IMI OMAHA . au.00 ST. PAl'I, - 30.00 30.00 Corresponding rate from nil other Eastern points. Stopover nt pleasure at all points in Oregon The Colonist Rate 1 the g.eatest of all home builders, resources and need more people who desire homca Oregon has unlimited nnd lnrger opportunities Mr. Gille I .....I v..r r.nnvcr.. Miows n provemcnl H'c ei,""""1 l,HWl ii ..t,t no doubt, a to .il,l it will be improved tygruphi- , thwt 0f C. C. Wilson, pres i..n l.lent ol the Wilson Lumber Company, .. , Time Drpoaiu. ! and Mr. Uillc. it in the comply . em i Columbia County Bank I ploy Oregon tieople can accomplish splendid results by heralding this opporlnnity to all the world. Send Oregon literature givi.ig Rood reliable information about 111 ttttte, far and wide. Call on the above railroad for it ff necessary, FARES CAN BE PREPAID lime nt home if desired. Any agent is authorized to accept the required deposi, and telegraph ticket to uny point. Call ou any O. R. ct N. or S. F. agent ot ddretl WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Act., Portland Oregon j.