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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1908)
fe;. JNE OFFICIAL COURT PROCEEDINGS HE OREGON MI St. Helery, Oregon, February 21, 1908. No. 11. ' : : iwf.rvrir family. icgrd!e 4ii ii.. hc tUt fouilolt "t lr liK1-1 "" CttUlU" Uw, by -i tfc "In.!!! mrv In !ra on approved hcari'?. vv. ii. rn. i-.i.i .OCA I- If .. .... ...Vl' heeler died ... ..i t, Wheeler was ,,,,,.11. lU-.l""!'"""1" "" of W. A. WlKclcr I ... ...1....1 ..( (ulnler. wa ,! ViiM- was III ,,mVn.l neighbor. M, M.I.M.H. "( Poland. (II..k at H' ,v Mr A. T. I- M'- ,i),..!..gra):iictallSp'l L.i T, J. Flippnt.o' Kam'er, M vi.lU" l "i '" " A, T labii Tuesday. toming lo attend Ml ( rt; b "" ""U"' !., f .t4r in t'l Prt Li.lluK ) '(! styl e ri.v.' Ti Cny Cm : ,.. . Thursday 1at. ,!..!. i iniMitwr ol ) i' ,r cairt lt ' t -,ulti. Img a '' " M'- ,! ol lit new AriAH nR ttfrii .k t'ullnwiiiK have Med their declaratory statements. announcing tliriuwlvr (or timiiliiailoii lor ofhce on the Republican ticket; UepreaeiiUllVii. Winer T. Cou ncil ; Cuunly Judge, Hran HUuchaid and 15. II Flagu; County Clrik. W. A. Ikr rl ! Mierill. Martin While; County Com uinttliii.rr. Ktrjitiru C. Tirliciior; Tnumur it, I',. 15, Uuli k iCoroitrr, l'rnk ll.Shct txk. Hrvcor, C'tiartc C, Ilruu; S Ihh)1 riiwiinlrii Irnl, J. V, Allrn mi'l )tli( II, Colliiii Mr. I nnnrll lu an umim lnu In cait'luUt y (r rriitrn-nu-live Um4lr Ulc niil lur llir coiulriic. lutti til k-kk ioiU. Mr. Tirlictwr, lor CoMlUliluiitr. rriinirk hiI,Ik- i.IJ. Ii' 1 iMlf liut. Mr, A1V lor wlioot kiirlnlrmlrnl. lvui nr "mod ern h.-hI iiittUdl., (.menial siul iimII r.lii., mi l Ixm.I vim,," ttlille Mr. Cullin Iwlicvr in ' licllcf ..( irdlllrallon. - twttrr rOllll.ttlrlit . Ik-11. iuciIi.mIi mill l lur k IihuU." All llml i urtruMy U I M ItHtc lirnl lo HIV tm l l! Mir. ml lot oo liflve hoi vWr or t" ItV l-lk'llt kto I ol rrrrla mi'l lt uiuili. Ihtrt U lu ii(!irr viJ-lc K"ol 'oil" Hun mU.iI I luff In llii lti. II )oti iiv lliinif ( ui Hi in not S itt;ht. I W4iil vo.i to rrtl it lo m, no In nnlil.r. I irl.m.l tour (iit.tirr. lie wool. 'j'lio lt ,.hhU will tt!t"Uiiti l.4nuic Uiimijul. M C LU ,Muk-i I !lcn.l IVti.lure. l lll, rn'rf Iiiur I uniit-r nl II.. ir filtii ! I hrU lionw Ul I'ii 'm) rvriiiiiit Ti . i ... ....... ... . . .,,1 j ."-.(- " i Av.ilitit l'-"" ""iothrr mmuwilicttt. ll-r !n!i but uc !! rotinu U,e!,ii.ii. Kivcl. 1.1 wtrvlt '.i I ,uit l.ouw. oill lh " J ,,lr, Aitm oil! j.;-.u nrK!r-. A! t,t'.i. ttwt l Un!:e m "a,,!, Jl,u u4 tinii..- (. u C. I ! i uli ii I l.i l -rw n , k i'k. I' l.-ir), llil'.ir. lliirti. Inn I.irMrii. l4ii !. ...! l Vum .ii t 4-!ioiUti( lo!l j ),..,, ,nt MUm. J..,M. l.4fr. l.iliUil llr(kr. ir..n;c IU" II, l.Nie HfO tir-, l'l.l Ivl llifon. ri! i'ru.liur. Wil.ui i Wi.luii. An ltir r,. Um'.i Kkiiii'Uiii. M nhtrl l! i!rr. K iiirmi! IrfiM lUlrf. A'lrvl thin, Mm I a I I.MUI-.sTuiomV'.-Tailoir.l nn l llill !a.loil Alt oik Riwrnnlreil. I v. m r.i i.i.. Si, It,."". !( j lli!l..ii, r AiiVtv.Huiiif Oi.'W H-m-iik-l Ail i.!iiiK'C iii!u.-l nl tlif in il til Ui ir Jjh.i..iv .ooiH'il lutvlius Vr4liL-vU iiiIi I5l' kl U!t!ll re" IJIII "" IIIJ IO I', It. Kl.KU l HIC K- I'.loiitlirm tMi't n-i uic xmie t( i .M4 l lirt ollhf cil to m.'t 'tr. . l ii Rtel ie.ittiiin. j .Kin) , !'. l-r n iik"k t i !i, ,, ,.l Waiirii. i I'lirn , J, i vry .iioiimt' 1 K .c.Jui.r ..I C-ltiiiiiia Conn- j KiclwMl ll" iUi lo rlini;- ' " to ol tllr Stair 1'jir. fll'l lite j luttrre i -.l".fitol l' ll! Itom T.J lllf ! ! J. HulrlH: ol iH-cr lln.l, lu I flxiniv 1'Mli, a ii. Mr. Willuiil C. t U-.riti itowii Hie iiiH( the ihl torn l home mi l will (leal iWl nl Mi lumhtr, mliicli lp--' tot( the -rv Iwl qmtiiiv. in con it to nil';'.!- him to II in lie n tltotuifj. I'Untui time U ,uii, mi l rvi-rv uiiiicr ait i Miiihl mike n cli'itt to tnie oi(li ol rxhil'it. ('oluinliU 1 . '. ttrut-l nit a houM ot I l lot Ue can Miti it l.t-t rvcrvlnxiy . , " ( Simtitftit mil Amrlhmi 1 ii ,t4t. , cirliml ami liftl iitimit, i'o lute Knlinai llur- uit. r .m l .nii,j oiila. l i'f write ur lire C J.Uiim u, Warrru, r ll.u mil. nl A. ('. finHlt, mi a iltDKMrr. !rt l.nir. r.ick. nl I'liriUml. piiemilijwt "Sot'lalum'' In 1'. llnli, nt lloultoii lu-t i'H'iiiui. Thn niKitiiiij vu lul, mi.) ii. M,. I.ii i;. . In ritil tn in, . iiosli ui u i ct- llttll! hi'. lil'hr ol tllc In-u N. Ciitii t, of r,iitl,ini, vvlll ' tcrlv tn t-r-1 1 nit .'ittliiv liiiK evity nitjlit over .SimiJiiy, tu'il.l, niTvicta Sun ' t ID a. in.. Ijivfli-iut ut lti::m 'ltiit( itn.l Uml'i Sujijier ut U 1 n:tvi(T mill ineuihllM at All arc litu.i...! ''"the of if. M Tlwir a ..I "l n Vt.llic,l,,y, i.,. "liMAlilSocifty will meet wllh eneat IV..1.....1 1 I I. KI1CIUOUI1, WUdtoalttaa. 4rt ol tnwn Coiitr4.-!if lititi. lnm ni'tive work moving the ol.l (iu;l.lm in ol the court limn t Mmi'liy. The huuw ftitvlM.l lrm Jn l H.tii:i ht Ihtf t-iy nl ST'. Helen h I n ohl lor thilleili loll.11. wtiii h 1 n!i."t ii" H w.i. worth. 11:1 1 will I Mm ilown ami cimvertcil tutu wixnl ami ItiifUlnjj. I cnt tin? city f Syrni. ol White Tin mnl Tr. Ihr ull rt lialile coiikIi reincily. I'"" '')' A J IVintnn, rK' 'Cfi'iu Tkii'mi'HT Mnfri.wecerilfi- tiilea hiivn hecti Ill-1 with llV'"1"1! Ch tk thi week ol the nuriinuc M Amnif- Ja l'nyiiit. nti.l J, l' i'0'.viit. i.iii lin k an. I C. J. l'.i'icy. C'"' I'j"'r mi l Glut CU'im t.l. lieene iaie the niorrUKO "f s1'1 A Oruhaiil U WinmI, ami l )'111' Short to Unnlrl W. Carter, u. ...... , . 1..11 su.i 1 carry a rtu.-U ul cmUi- KlHiiulw nnil ..Iter them lur lf nl from lo fi P"f H'"""1'1"1- II. MUUliTfi. St. Ili'Um Utv. W. A. Ilreck. ul VorMnnil, will Uohl aervlcea In Urn V.:V vh"tb hem Sumlay I'ch. l 7.13. All ate cordially InvlteJ lo ttmt. K. P. ANNIVERSARY St. Helens Knight Celebrate the Order's 45th Birthday. Thrrc w omrthiti .loiii in the old town l.t Tui'.ilny iiiKlt), wlirn Avon IlKe. KiiikIiU ol Pythian, celebrated Uio lorty lilttt iinivfrary ol the order louiidcd iifxm the heautilnl Hory of the frieniKlilp ol Iatnoti and t'ythial. Alwut wviiity five kiuk'Iit. ((.ulitrird in the ramie hall, mid, under tlieaiiperviaion ol Clmiurllor Coniniun.lrr V. ii, I'uwell, 1"" ee.lcl ., carry out un uiiiitie and cn Joyahle .i.jr,iin. l'he Keer ol UcconU and Seal ealled the roll ol the I'mIkd aliihulielicalty, and tlieir liiiiiie mre filled null knight preicnl rvsmde.l 11 tlic iirrir; " Whiii ha the order done lor nie?" and "W hit Itavc I (or the order?" Many uiemhera whom.lUuiice or other I'ircuuittanera iifceulcJ Irom atlcildinK re.n.Itd l,y letter, and the reading ol lliee iii. i.h;c ol Itien.lship wa tanathly Hie mnl iiilcrotiiiK' l-"" the program. The 0r.1l rrpuuie er Ixjlh interetiii) and Imliurlive. Alter the n.ll call ol Avon many ol the vitititiK hiethren were invited lo any tonirth.ii or the 1400.I ol tlie order and .me a niiinl cri.l eloquent and intcreit Utl udUeiiM- were thin evoked. The m t iiiteri'iittim leattire ol the eve iiiitf. howevrr. un.loiihie lly the -ii,: ol the K iniier .irtctte, conip ied ol Mom, li;i!ic. l're. '..j;(l and Null, who kiiidlv vutmiteered lh"ir arrvicea and who were eerlainte worked to the limit Two ii inilK-r were w irthy ol ev Jietml at!e:t!i n "Tennyw.u'a llujle SotiH" 'ml If-" t''Mitiiel'a "l.tilhihy." huinin 1. I.ostin ito in h iviiijj four mull viw-a'i.U who wrm ready to render tl.eir .em. ea on tiny iy.riliv o:c.ion. T!,e li-itor lioni K oiiitr and aeic Ini'kv in the l.ict that Captain II. kuk, ol the Irahla, ii an elithmi- i'!.' 01 IiiU r ol ll:e order, and alter hi ton; dai' work mad.' n aprciat trip with Lit I . it 1 1 enahV ttiem to attend 111 1 tct irit the wine nii;ht or. r.ithcr, e.11 v the tiet titoiniiiK. in tune to eet a lew miiks Ik Lir.' K'li.iX to work. The viti'ort piemen' were: lUtnier, S" 'A 1. I . Scott, Walter C. I iv. II. Sy vrrmm, K K. Stncker. C. W. Iiu.11, J It ! lU.nii.e, J. 1- jllack, T. II Timoiiey. W. II Timoiiev, S. Van rell.lrn, II. VeKelMli. .1. Morun, M. Tollethaiiir, 1). A llumdi. Otto 1'etertott. II. 11. Ahr.ihiitwn. N". i:. S.ui.Icl. J. 11. 1'oimrov, ('. W Vocl.N. II. ltlunien ,iadl, T. ) r'lipimi. C. I- H.H.nhkuk.; Sutton. So. 7'S, V. Va V.. 1.. Cimniit) hatn; t'en'tal. Salem, Hie. K II. Vhif, Pimon. So. 4. rcndt.ton. Ore.John I'ojiejoy ; H ue?-""!, No. rittthiir), fa -I' II. Sherwod; Kn'auia, No, lint. C, Kiiljhui and li II. Howe; Mo ett. No. lit, Monctl. Md.-J. II. Miika. Itev. Lew l'.ivie will preach at Hold toil nil Sihl'iSh evcniiiK at ".Mil. Mr. Martin W ! tie and Mn. C. II. John have Iwcii iiiile sciioiisly iek ir 11 the pit' week. Mi and Mr I'oivell k'ivc ymini,' lou.let tartv S.tnn1av evituiii; in I101t.1l ol Miv t'.r.i.f ro icll, Min Nor, Yo nder .111. 1 fi'lemoii. George .ind Sum Cottier. h;ne piu. li i-c 1 the Chi' k.mie Clue! new-pir. H nlioiil.l lie u pi. n,' v.titnre, mid wc ih the new proprieloi prosperity. Clattksnie do-M-rve.ind II lilK-r.illv aiipjairl a j;oo.l liwal tie ".paper- M-XiiHino At Rainier, on I-'ch. I7lli, ,y Uev. W. C. I'ry, Vera A.,Gr.ih.nn to IVrelvnl Wood. Mii Kntli leeker entertuiiied n niim her ol her yniuif frietidi hi-t Sa'judtiy lt.noou. the iweation heinu that ol her Iwelith liirlhd.iv. Mn. II. It. Clirt enterluintd n large nninlicr ol ladies hut Tnesimy evening. OUR RAINIER LETTER Hainiku, Or., February 18th, 1908, A deli-KHtion Irom the CommertUl Cltih ol thin city went to hear Samuel C. !.in-iit-r of the Public Kouda di'iiart Hiont of (ha United SUte. now working in the tntt of Wnidtlngtnii, give a very liilervn'.iiig talk 011 road building at Ka linin la t Thursday eveninit. Mr. Lineanter told the pnople. ol Ka l ima thai he value Irom a eon 11 try whoHe primary eoutliitoua for road building are very nluiilnr l thoau o( thia country. Hit Mhl the prilleiptl thing to leiueiu Ix'f III r ,a 1 building ia draiu iy, the the next IhPiig in iiiiMirt;i'teu it drain uif, nil I tin next in i-t Important thing la ilrain u,'. The nc.xt thin in inipor Unee i a proper road bed. Tllii can only be obtsiuu 1 by proper grading and rolling with a B eam ro'l-r from thn out tdde lo thn ci'lltcr with the Center alwnys high in order to get g.iod draiutue. The next In ."I important thing Is a good roo UH U called it over the Htonu nfler thu aatiio la laid. This ran bo donn with u.pha!l which can be had heie very cheap Mr. I.aiicaau-r exihitl view t ol rjad in Ida country before a id after atone road building. Hitforii tlu rond vara l.'litlt, it wj t c .maioa thing to khq a negro driver coming nl nig with one bale olcjlton Weighing .VK) p-mtida with a two hrH team, which iisuul y (oak all day to take lo market. After atone rouda were Inti't a l.v a hone team c ml I j take In one load from ten lo twelve bilt? lot cotton mnl inikfl four irips wi.ere J (oruierly he cotil I only m:ik one, unk j tug a dilf. rente in carrying cipai ity ol n JUMin of forty lo one. It i lair to pre 'ilium", honever, llal if wo had g-d tone rxida in Coluiu'iia Catttitv, tin apendH annually for keeping op ill mud holes and add a little more to it, and la lew year this will be the banner county of the State. After the lecture tho Bainiar delega tion surrounded the speaker, and be pnmised to come to this city es soon as poniible and give m an evnlog's talk on good roads, which he thought woold be In about a month or six weeks. It Is proioae.i by Hobert Yount, one of the mod enthusiastic gooil roads men ia tbia connty that when the lecturer comes, invitations hi I'S iexl to business men and clubs I the liounty to com and hear tho s;jr.Uer ami that this city lur niah etiturl ii iineiit to all visitor free. The matter will be brought before the Commend 1! Club at its neat meeting and undoubtedly carried, for the mem bers ol the club are all good roads men and will do all in their power to havj the matter properly pi iced before the public. We pay Interest on Time Deposit. Columbia County Bank Xetlce te Bidders Plant and specifications for special road work in road district No. 8 will be found at the Mayger postoflice, Delena post office, and with Ira 1'arcber, and at the Hudson poslollice H. S. HATTAS. Count Jndge. ' .-it pti .,. .n i1,t l l.t'iut t I,.- U-.e i-d tiriity time. A tithe cost cf rouda. Mr. I.iucater to'.d if inadi thai j I were bttl'.l ill Illinois win ri" Ihe gt, no ! j wan hauled 1J0 tuil-s by rai'. and the; i r.l wr-' I it 1' H f.-et w i le, and j etron ce n ;)i 11 Iioi l up any ki i o: a i hud fiat c ml I I put o 1 ,1 w.ig .11, nt a 1 totai c-it of f ! itJ per mile, j M e h valuable infonital;on was given jou building. View Wdre shown of 1 Mjidn bui.t of stone in Kurop ZX) ye .r.4 jugrt, 1 a Ia!l over the L'nilc.l H'.nteit all j j in g od repair t alay. New York, lioi I aid, would upend o re hundred million j j dollar 111 stone roads in Mis next ten j 'v. in-, nndiv ry lUite in the u ,i u isj j lieiliniiig lo rialiito ths inijiortance of ! I h,t n,ti,l!i unit ttu. iinnortfliicA llfbavili0 ! i ttiein at once. Oregon must do the ' same, and 'oci;i!ly Columbia entry. iTnk Hie la.H'tl which this eoiinty A law U proposed to prevent the transportation of liqnor into prohibition states. This would put a drastic em bargo on travel between Kantas City and the near-by West. -i Kennedy' Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently but promptly on the bowels. It stopshe cough by soothing the throat ami lung irritation. Sold by A.J. Dent ing and Sv'appoose Drug Co. The leimkvr introduced in Alaska by Mi government have increased to 15,000. Tnts co'd storage venisJn Jou the hoof 4 is a promising additioa to the conutry's supplies. An opporiiinity for a new industry is oil ere d by Mr. Schnpbach to any one who understands charcoal burning. There are hundreds of cords oi willow on his place on Sauvies Island, and this makes the very best grade of charcoal which sell nt a high price and find a ready market. Anyone desiring to in vestigate should write to S. Schupbach, St. Helens, Oregon. County warrants cashed at par. Columbia County Bank. OREGON'S 0'PPOETUNITY COLONIST RATES from all part of the United States and Canada to all parts of Qre rjon and the NorthWest will be put in effect by The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. : Ad Southern Pacific Company Unot ia Org 00 -- Daily During March and April, 1908 From the principal cities ol the Middle West , , the rates will' be as lollowi i'lOlll CHICAGO ST. l,olMS KANSAS CITY Vrom U1 00 COI NCH. BU'FFS S.i.00 OMAHA ao.oo sr. pavi, .w.oo 30.00 30.00 Corresponding ratcn Irom nil other liastern points. Stopover nl pleasure nt all points in Oregon Oregon ha unlimited nud larger opportunities The Colonist Kate i the c.catcst of nil home builder. ... t ... ... - .. .....1 .. nti.n. VU..M1II M'llfl lllSin lllllfll-A t.ili t'l.'iva llnuilrcil, aim an cxcvnciu roiiiiiir umi i--i - luncheon and music. j . I'ev sa Slcvtlt tit preach nl Warren i Oregon' people can accomplish splendid results by liernlding this opportunity to Key. .vi Oku ,i,i.. all the world. Send Oregon literature Rtvtaii gooil reliable information about the mint S II a. in. nud nt St. Helen UutV nnil wide. Call on the above railroads lor it ii necessary. at 7:30 p. m. i Kodol ii n sciiMilifii! ptvpariitl.ui of j .. i.l i.l-..lili natural diirestiints I K. ,,.., ,,, fc.ll, iu..,a found in a Hotc at hotne il desired. Anv agent ia to accept the required deposi, and health stomach. Kttoh duso' will dt gent more thltn 3,000 ginlnsof good (mid. Sold by A. J. leiulnmt Scippoosa PrugCo. FARES CAN BE PREPAID ' lelegtoph ticket to any point. Call ou any O. K. & N. or S. P. agent or address WE McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland Oregon