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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
r Cffovt h Xoar Blood 1 j MM l '", ,r .' iimi witis mwm unu IIT ,oiif blood li bad condition, C taniiot I ' without PW. lluodi Karsaparlll wakes good, -Kh bkwa e - a tnmblad Med NO Appetite-" ipellle. I had a anMalllbtbin Mara Barilla ha OeTVllle. WlteslV w.ilinHl -"I the day I heard of i!irrelrMf Hi. " enr.e ;.,,. all.f rlp. bull Bir NMI UD aHisVwust. Has t fciuorevlll, re. Hood Itarasi-irill li everywhere. In lb usual lluuld. ur la UbM form relied IU) txaM On Dollar, rre I only of t. LO- toweii, Vara. Lji.ii. .I-: TFTCTl. alia. Te '! V" naraatt I I a au,. rHIa I I CMS. ATf. CENT O rORA OU GAME fl-fal 4rM fee) pf9w4 fe ftN ttf f (MlawwVi Otp .... kl at laia,aa la mk la IM flaae a fw 1 aaieeU sf VOJkHJlf TlAM pOWA jii.iiiiih'im. ana rxa 1 a . Ua.le., t aa. htwr . IhftaM N Im law tM last lua tuiti mt I -.a i- . k.J -a 4mmhmI Ik t. L aail laaaakifc iMMtox. 1 .. M aHAUliiftl tad la MmUM Up mk rl. Italic ia (a.. Ma. t Uaa. L HW. ttaBHkx Mlwnaa COHBCEIPTION IS ARMY OB MORE FAY 10 MEN. larrt'l 11 . ih tpaai inmrn ana k r !:- rt imti, 1 partaiaku iauitta ti tna rapaiaiKai if ft v na buaUiaa tajavfOi a UM ii.kaai to ikxiaa. hni ia a4 aoi ram 1 k. 1 ft.pMvaja It in a.x Wlwta4 I I Lillet ftl NU NMMM KVftJ ft4 ft ftftl lull Imiakl h Im la) a. O. M. ft aT 0O OaoaiV -aa MADE FOR SERVICE IN THt ROOCNtST WLATNCR AND WAJUOTf tO AftMXUTUr WATERPROOF I -. POMMEL 5UCKIR3 ThU traaW Mfi and Sa word tcwta oa iha iMitona tbiM OUlall I hit kit 9rtxi likkar traa 1 JEnforaa rvioa Yaoaa Amarloa raopla, Daolarai Adjutant ' Otnaral Alnaworth. Uolraa ra1lral maaaiirca ir antrtad to Indutt inrii d rullat In (It flilM HUU-i my, fonarrlpllon nnial ba ra urtaKt o, dat-Uoa Major OatM-ral r. Alnawortb, adjutaiit (aimral, In till at,, bual rawrt. "Nutwlllintninlin. Hie mval alranunm IToria ou Ilia part of Ilia War Impart mam ami tha rwrulilnc omvra,M aay Uaivaral Alliawurlb, "It baa baca found InitMJUlbla wlmlly (o makf f.x1 Ilia liMutra, 10 aay mKblni of Iwraaalm I ha lillalml Urnigtb lo tha aullinrltttd lim it. If prearnt (Mliilllluiia roiillinia tbira will ba bulbing fr tha ..rnmrnl to do but mt tbli competition by matav rlally Inrraaalng tha aolitlara' pay or to ail rompptliiim altogi-tbrr by rawnrt to rotiarrlptlon." Naar bafors ba auU uggrallnn from an nflWr rlotbad with th' authority lo ninka rwommatiitatlotm Tht Maa of riwipulariry aiimllniotit ot Individual! for Ilia military arrtira hai bf held alihorrant to rrpubiu-an prlti rlplaa and Ilia abarm-a of aiti'b law la ont of Ilia mini fonvful argiimmit uaad In aitraning dnlrabla Immigra tion from Kuropa. OfrVlali of tha War lrpartnvnt try thlpata that tha puaalbl tu-n.y for iKi) artlnn outlined by Oanaral Alna worth will prora fflrilMja In amrlng fnoalttaratlon by CVmgrnta of tha In rraaaa of pay bill. It la with tha grrat aat ralttrtant-a that army offlrvra antrr Uln tha thought of cooarrlptlon. but f-oarally th-y agr-a with C;ntl Alnaworth that tt rlth-r tuuat mo t that attrtmlty or nra niMy muni ba provided for tha aoldlcr If tha atand Ing of tha army la to ba maintained. MIX THIS YOURSELF crvts mart to siMnt momc-maok KIDNCY CURE. TASTE OF DEE OWN MEDICHSX Europa In lad liralta with Itorda at JUturnlng Immlgranta. It la a rurtoii minmantary oo tha aoonoaii rondltlona of tha old world that tha turn In tUa tlda of Amprlmn Immlgratloa la raoatng aationa troubl la Italy, Attatrta, (jennany, ftwxdtn and Norway. If tha luduatrlal mndl tlona of tha t'nltad Claim of Atnrtra thrvatan to ba bad, tliry ara Inllnltaly woraa In tha muntrWa named. Italy complaint tba tuudaat tm-auaa tha alt uatkm tbar la tha nxatt ar-rloua. liar rtturaing bonlra do not bring anal rtatit money to auii-ort thorn mora than a faw weekt at moat, whllo many land practically prnnllaaa. Tba autborltiaa ttxrf-e ctmfraa thvuiaalTaa unabla to dal aith tba pfoWam. Tba Uartuana, bowavar, ara much bMtar provldml wttb monay om aa av araga than Iba Italian. Bualnaaa ron dltlona In HaaiVn and Norway ara an bad thla unrptr4 Indus la truly ap palling and much dlatraiw la laarttabla In tba ar nnrtbarn wlntnr. f- r tt - trwaj o,ha) Tvtakl fta AotaawV I.-MI. ftW I at fa Ira ml I4tWtM 1 Waaf1tAa.aajrlf(aiv JnK. t rf ' f lMUltafw4. Itavdr " a Kraa ' aifliy fWIWM Att4 ,u koata aaaka ii f yt awUNUMaWtMt -. thla rmtt T-lta fl.ll titwml --. It .'Mia). aaratatax mMr. I. MfM Kam- l ratar aial ttW lar iiaaVwA (tam, 1 U4 Ma mmAmi Uaftw ll IN IM f4. C Gee Wo fkaavllla 1 ad labia CHINESE I aat tad Icrk DOCTOR Itua Mlwla a lit ala4f nt r I fitfaana aarla aa4 In laal J aiwJr ala-tnvrJ aa4 It a I I: laa im tha kmJ4 iiia auiMlar- jMarrurv, ralaaa ar Dmt Uaaa-tla Carta 1 -wnian ar wanaaiiaa Ataat a ftant L!1.'.""'" Uir Kalatlfc, iatkaja. Inwa f" llh-umaiu. Mapnauaaaa. ..,.7xllll7 la K..tnaaiaad all -tl..l. lllaaaaaa. A SURE CANCER CURE Iron faalat. tklaa-tafa, tara aaa naiiaata ,r OBAItBAri.llTKIl. IIOWT IIIUI. 1ME UAHUL1UIIIM. CONHIII.TATII1M aLa r MaaM nail, arlla (naajaaaa hlaak aa all nr. n 'flVMH.itrJSlM'iM.. . - at . i,r. Mwrlaaa, lonlaa4. riaaaa Haallaa Tklaraaat, N. U. No. 4-oa I " Wrlllaa a Maura kla tlrlckmakrr In Nrw Houtb Waloa aara about 1 10 a work. Kumllur uiaktni In t'anaila glrra tro pin; maul to or pvopla. Tra womon In tba t'illd t(alra rarn Ihalr living In tba rapacity of U(a urn. Among Ilia organiird wontcn workrra In tiarmany, H.HVJ btlong lo tha nuial trail, Tlnamllha In Calgary, It. ha had Ihalr wag Im-rrajwd from 40 canla la 4'JVt ranla an hour. Tba atrlka of Vlaim (Auatrla) eninl bua auipU.jM la at an and, aereral ron rraalona baring bn mada by tba managa tuaiit. Tha Iron furring and metallic. Uthra ot lluaton hava raa-autly had thalr aga Im-rraatd from 41 H to t ranla aa hour. Tha Fall Itlrrr Trillla Council and th ntanufartiirar lia agreed to continue Iba wage-eatahllalinient agreemrnt for an other alt umnllia. During tha prrlod eilrndlng from Jann ary, lKtHl, to No. 1 of thla year, tba lion Molilrra' I'nlnn paid In henellt to ha alrk memtiere Tha nnlon baa paaaed tha 10U.AOU mark and la atlll growing rapidly. At tha conciliation meeting, held ra rently, tha retjuret ot the Walih colllere foi an adTanra of 2V per cant waa granted. Thl now makea tha rata at IH) par cent abor the mat I mum, according to tba atandard ot 1M7W. Mora than 00 per cent ot tha etereo typer and elertrotypera of tha United Htatea and Canada ara within tha ranka of tha union, while In anmt of tha larger rltlea every man at tha trade li a mem ber of tha union, Tha loan ot time to employee through trade dltputea In tba Dominion of Can ada during September of thl year amounted to 6 1, WOO working day. In 1006 U loea tram tha eame waa K.Ma u tk yaar aafaro, 87.14a Inanaaneka Mlnlura at Harmlaaa Va atabta logradlanU Said to Ovar. coma kUy and BlaoMar TraejMa PrampUy. Hra It tlmpla home-roa-le nlstort aa glraa by an eminent authority on Kidney dlaeaaoa, who makea tba itata mailt In a Naw Yfrk dally newapepar, that it will tallava almoat any eaaa of Kldaey troubla If taken hefura tba ttaga of Bright' dlaaaa. Ua ttaUa that twah (ymptotn m lama back, p.ln In tba tlda, frequent daaira lo nrlnato, aa-B-aially at night; painful and dioolnid aalnakioa, ata readily oTerroiue. Hera la the larlpa; try it: riald Kitrart Dandelion, on-half aunroi Compound Karg n, ona oonea; Ovim pound tyrup Banaparllia, three oaaoaa. Tike a Uaepoolul altar each naal and at badtlma. A wall-known phyalclan la authority that Lkaee Infradlaala ara all harmlaea aad eaally miiad at boma by aha k lag wall to a boll la. Tbla m Inure bat a poaallar healing and aovtblng effect op oai tha entire Kidney and Urinary ettwetare, and aftao oreraomaa tba woret laraa of Rheaaiatlia in )oet a liktla wtkila. Thl mlitata te aald to reaOTa afl Mood dlaarder and aara tba Rhea iiallart try fore lng tba Kidnaytto Biter aad akraia from tba bleed aad ayrtaai all art acid aad foal, deoompcoad waarto aaatter, whlrb aaaaa tba affllo Uaaja. Try it If you aaae't well. Ba bo pieaorlptloa. OU law rraeeA, "Moat of the old mailin atlll nolo rood," obarnrad tba random convaraa Uoaallat. "Tea," agreed the man who bad Jot returned from an International eirxcil lloa. Tor Inatani-e, a world' fair ei rhanga I no robbery. I fa woraa." Kaaaaa City Time. PIUS CURtD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. rIO OtHTMKMT la aae-n'r4 ia eure ant raae el lifttiag, niinl. ta.Utig r I'nHru'lltig riiae laata U deya of aiuoar r-mn44. aea. rrekahlr Ceaee4 .!. rtaihy Teulb I wiab I knew what that pretty typewriter girl waa baying aba juet went auL I auapect It waa aeae iblag fee a. Departaieat Store Raleeglrl tailing klm ap I tklak It'a aulte likely. 8k neagkt a eteal katpla. taaeeatat. "TMd aba marry br brnbaad to ra form btmr "I gueaa aa, and aba reformed bin, alt right." "Why, ba drink Ilk a flab r "I know It, but ba didn't no to be fore aha married blm." llouatoa Toat rVwara of Ointme-U far Catarrh that CooUaa Mcrcary, aa aiefrywlUiarelr)aaro)rlliaaeraaien ea4 aatlaialv darantailt wttolaairairai ahan ealeriaa lllhrwif a laa morouaattrlacee. urh artielMaaul4 oavar ba ua4 aaepiea prae ariplloni treai rap mat.le ahatinian. e Ike damaa iltar will do la lea Uila le iba gout roa can puaalkiy darla (ran l bam. Hall'tVatarrS t'ur. iaaaaiaeiur4 tr r, J. Ckvnay A Co., Totede. ii.,eoniaina aomrreitr, andlalaaan Inlarnallr, awing ellraelljr uiK,n lite klmtd and aauenua aurfaaa of iba art-m, in burlng Ha-Ta Catarrh t ara b ant yea ft Ika gj-n-etae. ll la taken Intamaliv and made InTnl. ede, Oblo. by r. J, Cuencjr A Ce. TaaUaaoalala Ira. aoM br Pmnltla. Price. 11. rf bnlil. lake UaJl'a lamllj I'lIU lor cauatl)U v Naatlral Nalre. Mr. Tai'ht tiiHTt-llloun!y ) My hnabaad hna a beautiful ym lit. I dou'l upIoe your buehaud ruo afford aucb a luiury yetT Mm. Nai'ht No, the beat bo enn do hi to bold the morlgner on the oua your uaband baa. The llolicuilau. trBH pi Arrealaar. tint. Feithrrleigh (aa the caller la d farting) Vou muet cviue and take din ner with ua aom da.r, Mr. Dwlmiilea. Caller (with alacrity) I'll be delight ed. Mr, l-'eli-berlelgb. When ahaU I cameT Truth and Quality jipeal to tha Well-informed In overy walk ot lift) and ara paaontlal to per manont lucre and crrdltabln atand lng. Accordingly, It la not claimed that Syrup of Pig and Elixir ot Bcnna I tho only romody of known value, but one of muny reaiona why It la tba best of perional and family taiatlve I tho fact that It cleanses, iwcotrni and relieves tha Internal organ on which It acta without any debilitating after effecta and without having to lncreaao tho quantity from tlma to time. It aota pleasantly and naturally and truly aa a laxative, and Ua component part are known to and approved by phyalclan, aa It I free from all objectionable tubttancea. To get Ita beneficial effoct alwayi purchaia tha genuine manufactured by tha Call fomla Fig Syrtip Co.. only, and lor lai br aQ laadlajr druaariita. tract All. "Talking of abort meaaure," aald IJnrli Allen Hparka, "there are lot of peopb that never acern to have got their alien when tba milk of human kindoeaa wai handed around." at. V Maare ana an Ur? DWama ( A aaraaaiuiBllr tr4 hf lit. HI lea' a lima iHl fuau.rar. Hand fcr KHKK 11 Irlai knUla and baauae. Kr. U. M. eHu. Li., au nli IM. faUa.J- Tha metric aystrm baa been Introduced in Denmark by a law of March, 1U07. The law providra that the old weighta and aieaaurea may ba used for a period of flv yaar la conjunction with tha near. How ever, all government and local author Idea may uae the old eetem for only two year to com. Mo aara will find Mrs. WlnaWa BoMhlna Irrap in. b at ramwlv Ui naa tut Ibelr UiUaraa turlag iba learning parloO. Ciailtraiad, "la It true, colonel, that your recent loaaea In Wall atreet bav compelled you to et-ll your automotive?" '"Ni that'a ridiculous and unmlti gated falsehood. All I've bad to do haa been to rut down my consumption of gas alloe a few gallon a day." T Break la New Skaca. , Alware abak In Allen's Poot-Kaae, a powder. .1 eurpa hot, awrauiif, a' bins, awollea trxU tirra coma, limrowina calla and bunioiia. At uldnigglata and aitor aiart-a. zv. Unnt aretii uivauUiliiiie. ra.m.l nteiird JWKJS. Addreas kllan a. Climated, U key, K. Y. Notice oa a Connaugbt railway plat form: "Tbtr will be aa list train on Bslurday." The hand of tha housewife will be kept soft and white and free from all chap, rednesa or rougbneo M Iwrat is used. A gal blowing eighty mllea aa boor eierta a pressure of nearly thirty-two pound t Ui aqoara foot. For that Dandruff There is one thing that will cure ItAycr's Hair Vigor. It Is a regular (calp-medlcine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you healthy hair, oo dan pimples, no eruptions. The bast kind of a testimonial "old for ovar aUty yeare." jk au An tfrJ. O ArT Ot . LrtavaiA, jj f zUBSAPAAILLi. yers A "lOpenoy nail" means that 1.000 nslls weigh len pounds. Tbe word "penny" in Ibis arnsa la a corruption of pound. Only One "BROMO QUININC." That li LAX AT' VE BROHO OIINIKR. Look lor tbe aisnature ol k. W. I.KOVK laed ISe W orld oter lo cui a Cold Id On Pay. First Rrokr Any excitement aa tk atreet to-day? Second broi .r Too bet 1 ftudden drop hi copper. Trolley wire broke. The Kind You Have) Always Monglit haa borne the slifnsv ture of Chan. II. FlrU-her, and luia been niud under bis personal aupcrriaion for over HO Teurs. Allow no one to deceive yon In thla. Counterfeits, Imitations and. Just-aa-trrKKi ' are but Experiments, anl endanger the health of Children Experience against Kxperintent. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless subatttute for Cantor Oil, Pare ftorlc. Drops and Huotblnfir Wyrup. It is IMeaaant, It coutalno neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic subatance. Its aire is Its gntarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveriahneaa. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It aaatmilates tho Food, regulates the Ktomarh and I towels, rivlnr healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of S9 In Use For Over 30 Years. re)H anuaa at ai... Vaak 'nicca. ros) eveav a2w mcn, oova. woais. Miaaca and chilorcn. laa" eV. L. Dau0tmm aMkas auaat mmU maea Cj "tw eiawaa'a sa.Atf. M.IMsatltf Malleea av-"a. aTarwaBkH) fMU 4a4s$jiet 0aVV)f4BeBp$9tf aatve awV 4Ta & JtkJ aaafTS a aeae thmy t3a miTrnt areaew rmkSmihmm ka-ellaj.. t t aawaa at fa aaieM la-ala. Mi W. L Ooucdt $4 iai $5 Gilt Edit Shots Cimst Bt Emailed At Art Pile I'TIIIW. W I. rkvaiartaa Man atast aartais. la amt(1 Ml heltvm. IVbhc IHm ft. ltd h IHaa kuNat attM aaaalaM --: - klK.a eva.t1 fsviii fartnr tu an Ikart Of th aVU(. CaVtaVeOgJ frM Ui aj itUrm W. at. 1M C B aUA. Blwak-M, Mm Oabacllait. world, iiiaa. Guaranteed Pure and Wholesome, . You save money and avoid failures in your baking if you use avsv S AT m .aBB. POWDER ..OUetCOi 25 Ounces for 25 Cents Here is true economy. You cannot be sure every time or have your food dainty, tasty and whole some if you pay less or accept a substitute. jaanea MCg. Co. r.hleasra. vBonttCo.,Oaa- - - - fH ' jew c i wi-. " i. ..i y., avnACai.