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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
SAYS ERRORS IN NAVY UNFIT IT FOR BATTLE Cxpert Declare the Boasted Fight' Ing Ships Are Merely Death . Traps. ARMOR BELT IS TOO LOW. Defects Out ta Construction Painted and Promotion System Is Scored. Henry Itcuterdahl, associate of the ('tilted Sillies Nuvitl Institute nuil American editor of "Fighting Ships," Is the author of a startling article on "The Needs of Our Navy" In tht Jan tlury McClutv's. . Sir. Itou tordtilii" ex ertiiees on naval m t!irs U not dis puted ami neither Is his patriotism. He agrees with President Itoosevelt Hist a usvy must be lull It "hiiiI nil Its training given In time of eace" and with this in view he exposes defects In our first class battle sliii nuil ar inored cruisers which all but make them useless as a ctllclcut units In a rteet on heavy sen ami in real action. Mr. Iteuterduhl's criticisms apear to be the more untaxing on account of the contention that linen, If not all of the weak points he emphasises, w ill he acknowledged by sea-going otlb-ers, "or. if the rentier Is sutliclently Interested, hy the testimony of his own eyes." Ills principal isiiuts are the follow ing: . That the shell-proof armor of the American battle ships Is virtually be low the water line where It will iio uo good, leaving the broad side of the ves sel exposed to the shells of tlie enemy. That this defect tins been pointed DISASTROUS MINE ACCL DENTS IN RECENT TEARS. I.Ives lost. 1HH Albion colliery. South Wales. W Usi'J- l'ratcivllle. Teiui. , '..10 IMCHolllng Mill mine, l'eniiKvl- vania mi ltA'l llsmia, Wyoming 11IV Hnvt Isickansnaa mine, t'ennayl vnnla ...,..... '0 Terelo, California i:l I'.lWV Virginia City, Ala v- ItiuV-Zicgler, 111 M UsC Welsh coal mine. ........... 11HM Itiainondville, Wyoming .... 1M III5 Kurtslsk. Itussi i''1 I'.VU-M., K. T. t'oal Company.. IS PHkW Princeton, Ind llkCi t'oal mine in Prussia M I!Mk1 Wilcnx, W. Va W i:a.lHhieltelds, W. Va - Usst-Johnstown. i'a. M USSICentury, W. Va M p.Ks.1 Durham. F.ngtand '.' I'.HKI Ihitchmsn mine. Illosshurg, N. M M P.asV--Courrlere mine, uesr t'slais. France . l!SHl Japan '. !!! Onkhill. W. Va Fork. Va pss'. yuarto, Colo 1lkT--Saariiia. Prussia I'.al" Primero, Colo P.HIT Fayettevllle. W. Va pal" Saarhruck, Prussia r.xiT-Ijis Kiraiiis. Mexico.. UNIT Forhaoh, licriuany llMlT Monongslu-lu, I's l!K7--Toyoka, Japan V.SlT Tslng Tan, China UHI7 Negnunee, Mitb UNIT Mononcsb. W, Va. Ua7 Yolsnde, Ala "l 'JS Tf. jo Ml V.'.l 7,1 47t llii 17 BILL IN CONGRESS TO CURB GAMBLING Measures Introduced by Texsi Members Would Prevent Op tions In Cotton snd drain. MAY COVER DEALS IN STOCK, Idea Threatens to Place an Embarg on Market Speculation ot All Kinds. FARMING IN A DESERT. Thers Are Colonising Possibilities Even in Death Valley. The crnr of "boiiiostaklng" which Is seems to have reached Its limit lu the -lailce of lies til Valley as a colonising possibility. With the Idea of trans. forming the iitoxt arid and most deso late portion of the great American des ert Into farm laud. number of tracts hsve been bouiesrnked. Irrigation ay teniH huve been plnnned, and other preparation are now la progress for iMvliuiing the reclamation of Death A BLOT ON THE LAST CHAPTER. nut time and again; that other nations years ago recognlzis! It as fatal ami now have armor ivrnppeil around the iiles of their war vesnels from live to seven feet shore the water line. That, despite repented accidents on Ixmrd our ships, the Navy Department enr after year has approved of plans by which the greatest guns on the ships are directly above nil open shaft leading to the powder magazine. That other nations long since recog nized the criminal stupidity of thus en dangering the lives of officers and men snd huve remedied the defect hy use of common seuse and ordinary precau tiounry aieusures. That, without regard to the protests of experts, our buttle ships have been built so low that If the sea Is heavy and ships are lu action, the sea would wash over tiie vessels, render some of their most effective guns useless end practically leave the ship to the mercy of, the enemy. The ofllcers In the American nnvy who command the battle lilw nnd hpiailroiiK are too old ; that under ex isting conditions young men cannot at tain command, nnd that (lie servko is badly crippled ns a result. That there is too much "bureau man agement" In Washington ; too much red tape In the Navy Deportment'; that American genius Is stilled because of the bureau's Immersion lu details, ami that with the Kecretnry of the Nnvy s civilian, be should have a board of expert advisers. Other matters are dwelt on, but the foregoing are by fur the most Impor tant. An afternoon's fight on water sealed Russia's fute In the recent war with Japan, suys Mr. Keiilenl.ilil. and the snnie may well be true of the next war Into which this nation Is plimgpd. The Issue Is so Important and the stake so tremendous that the sea power which Is prepared In every respect to meet the crisis will be the victor. Valley. A railroad Is already built from tJrceuwuter. at the southern end of the valley, to the bornx works owned by the celebrated "norax" Smith of 21). mule ton in fame, and there Is an auto mobile mage line through the valley. Ken enthusiasts do not claim that piping water from Teeiie Penh across the Funeral range Into the vol ley U ulwi under consideration. k .iririiiH(,j flTlllllrlll'Vr mri i St IS Money is suffering from bsd circulation. An Aurora (111.) phraiclso has dlsinv- ered that peanuts sre a beauty diet. This ought to ls a circus fur some people. An Kastern banker says, "We wsnt more common sense. We wsnt also more dollars, which sre not so common nosr. If pricca of bread snd meat keep on coming down, pretty soon the sverage aum can afford to est three rm-als s day. Chief Sprybiick, the Indian who drank s quart of blue paint, is caroiog the "dHforstive Interior" fud to an extrciup, With J,.KX),iJtS divorce suits in ten yars, the t'oited Ktutes is pluinly in need of a national "Stay-.Married Asso.'iation." After a while it may ilawn on the army recruiters that the average soldier doesn't look upon f 13 a month as any great graft. Hecretsry Cortelyou Is trying to lin- piess us with the fsct (hat stockings wers made to be worn and Dot to board money lu. James J. Hill says the railroads need billions of dollars. From present pros pects, it will be some time befort tby gel 'em. An Italian count one American' heiress married turned out to be an ex-convict. Horns of the other counts baveu't7t bseo convicted, A'sahtng toa corrrsm1i'ni-e ; 1 1 KU R has I""'" a sudden sunken lug throughout tint country to th fact that sotno thing Is going u I n Wsalilngiim which threaten ganUiling In t tun and grain HISI MSSMlllly. lis. hlch alms (c lai nil embargo nil specula! lull III stis-ka. Indies tlolis of t ll I i " ' awakening i'r lu a regular ltusl of letters from the Interests threatened to the nuriiN'rs of Congresj, wlio nn lilentltlrtl w ith the prsstst rcstrlclKt legislation. 'the ressi.n which cslls forth thie letters lies In two bills Introduced by Senator Culberson, of Trxss, and ltI reeentotlve llurhwoii, of tlie ssnis State, designed to wls out sNs-ulstion In cotton futures. The hills are Idetitl isl and while they apply only to cot ton. as originally drawn, there Is like IIIkksI thst if either of them Is rert ed out of tin' committee to which they have tiecn referred the provlslous will be to Sply to whest Slid oth er grains. The central Idea In the Hurlmoti hill Is the ss;illcntbiu of the power to r-g ulate Interstate i-ominene so as to re strain teli-grsph slid telephone- compa nies fmni trans mitting nicMsages relating to s con tract for the fu ture delivery of cotton. The Use of the inn lis also Is prohibited to ub I lent Ions contain ing notli-e or rec ords of tlie trnns actions of any pro d u c e exchange wherein the i-on- tracts a I metl st In made. Heavy s-naltles provide the menus of restraining the telegraph and telephone companies. It Is the conten tion of Kcprcftcntstlve llurleson that If Information of the kind prrm-rllied enn be kept awny from the Mtple living uitslile New York and Sew Orleans It will put the New Vork Cotton Et. hnuge out o business. Frankly, It Is admitted, that such Is the object of the bill. The Hoards of Trade In several Itles sre aroused. Probably what they chiefly fenr Is that public sentl- ineiit against sim ulation tn both slis-ks and bonds, which has been acceutiinteil by the r e ceut tlnani'lnl condlllon, hi a y hasten n demniid for the pussnge of the bill, In ndilltion to tlie It u r I e s o ii ineosure, Itclire- septatlve Hepburn, of Iowa, has In hiiiid u plun to regulate dealing In stocks. HotU France and (iermsiiy have adopted radical restrictive measures relating to dealings In stocks, grain, i-olton nnd other things on mnrglns and their example Is Mug pointed to by American legislators who are ear nest lu their Intention of doing oome- iiiing siong the same line. Tlie laws REV. TROUTMAN SENDS BEST WISHES FOR PE-RU-Na ficv. Gcorgo A. E, Troutman, Washington, Mo., Writes, "My Wifo and I Are Strong n-l!-.. 1.. On enni " f DUIIUVUia iii i i Catarrh and la Orlppa. Her. Oeo. A. K, Troutmsn, Ml. Washtngk.n, Mo., writes! "My wl's and I ars stroug bsllsrsfs la I'sruoa. ML 7 : I fmf 'I r 1- vv ex X T v. . J c. a. i uirssos. the measure nt tribisi wiMi a peculiar aisumola flMtsM of Iks) thr4. oit id turn in suddenly and lor lew nunutM would b unable lo speak audibly, m4 mv birsth would bs gt rally lnlerfs4 with. I would ba obliged to gasp (w lire lb. "I Bnsllr ftinrlude.1 Ihsl It was soi palarrhal sfT action hlch rsrotsxlily St cited lbs sMsn, It Interfered aiik tat voi-atlod as a tirsawber. sttarklng ts) omamnaiif In tlis mtlpll. "I had heard so much shoal Cerwi sj a catarrh rsaietly thai I dfUimitasj to try It. A flrr laklnf two boltUsi, uj IrsHaMs )wk dwepnearxt, (eel iurs tlal I'sruna has girtl rsMiefltsd n." Res, t. K Kssnstrom. Hasdisk IWitksl pi. Hog ti, Uianlaban, Wis,, wrlU that Itorn th nas ul Far. na hs is pstfsmtly wall, ar.lrly rviat oi chMns; riinrttea and ralstth. rtesuia In Tablet f arss. lUrtrnan sn4 ka Mil ! . I 1 Uia lesst w can do is to gratelully so- J . ... , ... ' . ,. knowledg, Ih. m.r.1 ofPerun. .,f.01KW. Uva Ju.1 to cro, -My w.l. Hdns n la eeudmg ht, r J , for you, ..axes., u tv,1(fn w ,.ur. ThrtMt Trmtble. j ns Tsblets, which reprvaent th nwdl- Rev. If. W. Tate, S'.'D Lincoln Aven- Irlnal ingrmtient ul I'otona. ftsoh tab ne, Wsinut Hills, Cineinnati, Ohio, t let is equivalent to una svarsgs do at writes: "For several years 1 have been j iVruns. Ask Your Druggist for Fnre Penww AlmandC for 1901 I wsa cure.) ol a Ud ess of catarrh when nothing else thai 1 tr!l had snv enecx. J w.rws. core-, irom a or ,M y-rt , IT...? : . . T. sssiststit bsv i Smt tel. Mrs. I)e 8tyb supismmi your dsugb Kar4 Jk. Pfnl'irf by s temporsry OVsrlk rt ter Is to have her rtsuliig out ball ver) tr in front of h i nt, tke wild at! Utro tn th dime muwMts pullxt asT as gruttji. i.etstril w,g n4 In rlse ly -rnirJ kr.4. "Its Jarga!" tie Bitifrd. "this stfVf fskla' M b srd wurruk !"-Ck lest TV Uu. soon. Isn't she? Mrs. Ilisw Vyck -, dear, no! M' daughter has snot tier year st school l tor. becoming s dllitaiile, ami will eo make her debris until next sensou.-Judge. A rrenatte. fee tlie man snd woman entering tbt griwt dry grants enisirlum. The in an looks very sad. j The woman looks supremely happy. 5 Why d-ies the man he sad? lie !i going In to buy something j Why i.-s tin- woman look happy) lot i the same - Jitilxe. I .. f Ami I And t Ill grnlU iin.hlm. 1 love (be flew-nutSfn ks, ftk Irsr) snt a idea (sir. June and lb jo) fill Jf. Put I hala a ranrs!'y. And t loailw srithmefte; And diamond atui and ewotng asfe And inmis. siaks n akkt i'lemland leader. i il si i ii i w. r. tirrsi sm. RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY It la perfectly nntnnit nth th gnnt tli.U hurts, Ami when t mnik-H Itakas- xnuV'r h "i'1 1 tJtn Vlv I'fiwft Wrttto. or some cHber Z nr ,rP 'Jt,t,n', ,.1 i,,rt Kf '-' fio tliscas;, by rro,luciaf S 1 t c!l'Jt,r t",.n" ' Km U ,rr',l"":nt wi" H. IcmpaS khL n l ,W;V,uV',n",l,e',l,w,,lT cannot iu Kt-onnu AWAV. & fflii. lnU Vu3 IUmA tt,ul dirbule4 U nil part. l U ixsiy, nnd Khctimutism prti iHrtsra, ,,n i t I'm ..,... i-i i ...IsS tim 14 or nrc UZ P,M l--l-n cf t!.e ytem. TUn k H n4 p clatnnneas ,.er ..l l. 'J'P' ut CXPurO to fold ... r ,,or ,0000.0 iciimniiiig m wvernl 1 r m,i- t t 1 . 0 uX I'"''1"". 1 ""',r"'" "l ",r "Trucim,,. tbcr.f. j, ,.,. .:; " - : ' ' p,u " terrible pain, thnt The French penal ,de also pndilbll, d! o " J ,.. rilfi.U' f,P nit. ...... Ik . ,,, , t.i.,1 t r If, .3 U .1. t . " " 'il.. i,i control hi M..S.I..U : ' . . ............. .ou ( ucuiill -iii'ii.jr ,lr niii-e! ,ne pnivs or grulc Hour, bread and other fmsl prraliicta. SHORT NEWbIvOTES. Ht. Christopher Is the mtron saint of motoring, Hrnull has no middle class. Thar but two flosses there the rich and tin poor, Countess of Wsrwlck, on return to London, says America's onlv none la u socislism. Tbs grand Jury at Oakland. Cel.. r. fused to vote an indictment against Har ry Klelnsehmldt, secused of murderln his friend, Frank Ilellows, and th young man was rslrassd viiti i!....: , wmic i;itcirculuUttt remn naaaiuraim ;'bti iliticuw will anils !i nerves, causinf Ihn tierrouil pysteoi t!ie imtictit cooir . a S ...I ion 1 u . . ' ' """""irhiy ciennsea tlie wa sb maUcrltonttUctcu,. , 3 " ,, "I mi a HIV UtsM.Jl BU l.lMfc w n weak, sour trem, constnntly At poiit ing nt rld nm! corroslvrj mutter In tbo mu clcs, nerves, joitsanl lioneii.tliolHxlylsfd Jifid iiourislica ty rich, heallh-ausUinltit W blood which ri..., r.t.i.1.. ...I riniitientlV PURELY vrrrrDic rT 'u,t","'i. . s. fl. it compo' runtUT VtbtTABLE J' purifylnu ami tonic propcrtirt- matlam. Itconti. . ... -J .l In wry case ol w at am. It contains t. t, , .."Bl In wry case oi vlc HlyTS mlniMul Indlcnt but lj rka ii '. -vaT"j" bcallnff extracts mi i.lee .,r ,.f berlia aw trying tobiMd71.IW,, Kfe"ttam l valuahlotlm. rL nn1 wi end our ipxlal treat iso on Rheuili fNCtWtrT9PCim C(K. ATtAMTA, OK