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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
. . fell! uAL . Soil m t rp a t Talk to Kom, Cointuin County Hank. Tlie liouKon Dramatic Club, ol .luiitren member. U drilling upon a farcical conmOy tutUiad "Tin Water, (o I produced at kiiiii dot lu tin ntar future. Ir tl MDCNI 01 111 CtlOOl llbrnry. Mr. ami Mr. A. M. Oak, MIm Clair 0k anil Mr. C. C. Harder, ol I'ortUml, have been vUlting wltb Mr. ami Mr. II A Lrrniat tlilr beautiful coaulry home "Slloi"iru." Mr. VaiiNice, ol tla Title Utmrunlca A Tni.t Coiuimey, baa laen vI.HIiix the town ol Columbia County llil wrrk lu Ilia Inttreat of that fluamlat Institution, Hun. Juilaun Weed, ol Vrriioiila, out ol the Nflialetit alley' plotim arlllcra, v. at a ylaltot l tha county twat last Toe day, ahaklnjj band ami iwplng yarn with bit many oM little friend. Rev, Aaa Slrcth wilt rrcli in tha II. I!, Church at lloulton neat Mibatli at II ;ua, in, ami at Hi, Helen at It. p. m We nav inlerel on time deposit. Columbia County lUnk, Optimo cIkim; two lor twenty-live eta. Leader In quality. Drlun Pro. Pasoi.K Hkntmnck If Luke, who eloped from Kaluler with thx lkviniirl, Mine time H wa found guilty on fat urUy !. alter the jury bail Ixrn out all night, ludu Mcflrlilo sentenced him to litre year in III (lenllcntlary but tutjended'a ikkI behavior. li must retain to the )uitt every 1 month ami not leave the Htate, and he uiuat support hi wife and baby. II b hit to comply wltb time Condition be will ta Imuicd lately plated In thr penitential y ami will aervc out th lull sentence) l.uke I very for lunate, a nil that I atketl ol him It to be come a decant clilien, JikIk J. C. Moreland and Mr, Reuben Crahaiu. ( I'ortlaiid, wrr atlcndinx court bet on TnewUy lat CiMinty Court meet in adjourned term June 14th. Krgular term begin" the lint Turtttay in July, Mr. W. A. Ilarrla, ol thi city, baa bar- etcd !! UuioO crop, but will not place it upon tha market until condition arc more tarorbte. The Iruit I large and ol lite fine; quality, tho cr.ip averaging in tiie U. by lO'a Inches, Mr, Ham U a! enjoying iraw'wrrict that eacel any Kroan in Ibe tar lamed Hood River. Mr, II. K. UlUrr i Wbebtr tbi week, bi wile t vlMflng "t thrlr old honiealClaUkanie. H I under a tort ol Indetermiuate tentence, not bavin, been given deli nil information at to when hie Idler hnif would return. Syrup of White Tin and Tar, the old reliable coui(h remedy, For aal by A.J. IVutinu, dnigit. Arthur C.wt; and l"ba Clark are making tome much needed improve tttentt upon Ibe hoildinK occupied by the Mit office and owne4 by tit kcal UH ol t)dd I'ellowa. The fctioonef Irene U loading tlet at Muckle Hrothrr't wtwrf, fihe will take ahoul a million (ret, Mr. C. C. Maten and family,t to be able neat week to move into tbrlr tmngtlow on the cn-et ol Church Hill, anj thy will have the pr!ticl and one of the moat conveniently arranged andeotnfurtahle borne on the Columbia River, Kor the wmuter te-imn It It an ideal rcttdeuce. At the recent eaamimition of eixhth grade eaaminatioo Mwir 87 puted. 13 were coniitioned, and IS failel. The Rculn acttool, Mr, Ray Haven prlncl pal, U entitled to etpecial mention. Out of a cl ol aeveo the lowctt had an avemKe of Utl and five ninth, the hiKbrtt (MiwCUdyaCox) bavlim the very un umuI averaicc of 05 and five ninth. The data wa couiaed of Mae tio wen. Jennie Foater, Hann C.owen. Watnla Va;lewit, (JUdye Co. I.luie Hunter. Willie Nltholaon, Tblt U probably tbo beat avcnKe made In the couiuv, and the Reulwn wopl have rea on to 1 proud ol their achool. Sujwr intendent Ctpeland bellecc part of the credit l due lo the fact that the Reu ben ieople are wit enough to keep a good teacher when Ibey have one, ibtu enabling her to tie with the pupil in the different grade, and by ber familiarity with their character help them to oyer come their dllTicultlt. The return are beginning to com In from l'eary Day May 22det apart by the Kiute Jloard of Education for th piirHol raiting (unda in the public H'hoolt to epilp Commander l'eary for another txpldltion In atarcb of the North Tote, Seven acboott have to far retpond ed In thi county and no doubt other will toon be Heard from. The body of man named Clifford I). Drown a found by the railroad track near Rcappooae laat Monday ulgbt ibort ly alter the paaaage ol train No. 61, K"I"U north, The coroner wn notified Tura duy tiiornlng and held an Inquiry, utt er tabling bit name and the fact Unit be we member ol SanFrancbo Lnum r men' t'nlon. He bad a mall tim of money on hi pcrton. Tht re apenrcd to k no one able to give any Informa tion a to th cante of dentil, o Coroner Cliff did not deem It advlaable to put the county to the cxpente of an lti(iicit. Mm. Wm. Muckle.of Rainier, luwbeen vitltlng Mr. and, Mr. C. H Jobiw ud other relative In thi city. Mr. N. K. Dolman, ol Pcnrtland, bat Wen vitltlng friend In thi neighborhood during the paat week, , Mr. and Mr. Hutton, ol Kttucada, vltlted with In thi city the bitter part of Utt week. ,Mra. lhuton wa formerly Mlta Cell VanDykO of thi place Prof. J. H. Collin. beKin work In the office neat Monday, to tl.t lu VaUiU, Etc., Vi'wavkH. Etc,,, " Feed, Etc. All titiarauteed. Etc. M. C. OKAY. I'rc lecture Mil .(Tburnlavi aVltl rin l i M. K, cbuKh. Bul.ject, "Human," by W. I. tt, i drove. At lloulton n.i u,... Max llrrj. Iicrct..f..r in the, i lh Irahla, Ima i A.,l. , m. lor tha North American Tradltig &Tru. (wrtollon Ccuiny. Rinty.ilve dollar -r iiioi.IIi ami ImuM. combined with the lricnc of a trip to tha North." la the irtmicemeni that took Mai away from the Columbia river. Mr. Frank Holcomb, ol Portland. I vitltlng her (Uughicr, Mr. W. n. Ihllard olHt, llclent. Th trial of Frank (tualardo. for the aiiiiiiu at Mwarthout, begin in the circuit court to day (Friday). William bindavilltt wa convicted of grand larceny In the circuit court on Monday lt and wa tentenced vetter- day to JH month In the penitentiary. utmiavwe ami two other, fkttet and Andcnon, roblmt a man named Thurtton, iroprielor of the New Home Hotel at Clatrkanle. Andertnn etcaoed and hu not bern captured, while llawet pleaded guilty before the Ju.lice of Peace at Clalikauie and wa given a lail aentence of five moiitht, axl.tlng in the convic tion of lndaville. In view of the movement to compel Ibe Southern Pacific lo comply with Ibe provi'iout of ilt grant and tell itt laud at the rate of f.'rjo per acre, it it well lo I note that the company baa IK.0U2 a:r I in Columbia County, iwwl at f I JtMIA and worth probahly five lime that I amount. A movement ia now oo foot to "ttjuafupon the Und and compel itt tale. A great drat of il It choice timber. 1 woith at high at 13,000 per quarter mi: I ion. yanktox Items. Iiev. r ,, Mu th. unr tl I pt-l r, bh lu h IIMIIll g nil I ft ul ig litl Hui.ilnv and w,it greetett by a full hull. Clill,lr-' lb; will beobiaived Pu i- liy Ju ip 0 In tbcevtiilng I y n pn gram by the Sunday Kcliool cluldreil, Kveijr- onri roiue and enjoy il. Tlie lir.mie will t've ttratv erry turlal at tbo ball H..ttirdayevfiilnir, June , lo wl.K li all are eonl all Intl el. tttiaabertiot will hetrrvid during the evening at 1" a tlnh or 25o for a Ii-h with toMHi in il. UAl.NIMU Mr. and Mr. J. D. Short were vUi- tora to Portland aeveral day laat week. Mr. W. J. Muckle apent Sunday with rvlativea in St. Helena. Mr. and Mm. T. J. Lenord, formerly of thi place, but now of Portland, wm in Rainier Monday visiting among their friend. Mr. Joaeph Smith, of St John, apent aeveral day tbi week with friend in thi city. Nintwn member of the Rainier Band marched through the trwU of thi city Saturday evening. A halt wa made near the dt-Ht where a number of ao loetion were rendered which were en- thuiatically received by the large crowd which gave the boy a routing reception. The beat muaic, however, wa roacrved for the dance which waa given immodiatoly after at the K. P. Hall and waa largely attended hy our rrprveentatlve cltiaena. Mr. Ethel Wilkin waa a Portland iawtitiger Sntunlay morning;. Mia lloaaio Jayne vlaitod In Portland the flint of tbe week. The Columbia river ia rialrur faat and thouaaml of acre of land are flooded on the Waahlngton aide of the river. Rainier la fortunately o altuated thai high water never effect it in the least. Another l'JO.000 plant will aoon be added to Rainier' many Induaines, which will employ at leaat twenty-five poraona, thi la the cold atorage plant and flrat cla laundry which will be In operation In a few weeka. The Rainier Dramatle Club ia makintr herculian efforta to preacnt tho funnioat pbty that ha boon seen hero for aome time; after the first nigni nere, a bor of neighboring town wm oe viaueu, and St, Helen need not be aurprinod if the company make It appearance hi.m. It will not lie a barn-storming crowd, but men and womon who will be up In their part. Mr. and Mra. Jack Stacy, of Kelao, were among the dancer laat Saturday night. W. P. Ely, editor of the Kelaonlan, paid Ralnier a vialt last Tueaday morn- In tho amateur ball game laat Sunday morning at Kelao th Rainier Eaglo nine won agalnat Kelao by a acore of 4 to 3. The jama I reported to have boon much more Interesting than the one pluyed In theaftemoon botwecn the Kelao and the tirewer. ciuo. v. Trio Leaguo, which resulted In a victory for the home team, tho woro being 8 to 7 Whonevor there la a ball game in Kelao, Rnlnlor I usually well repre sented by lovers of the National gnme. ' R H. Mitchell, of the Cowllti County News, miulo Rainior a hurried business ,.ll Wweon trains last Monday morn- 1 wa . Til I wnl Mil I'liriHKU W aw . n D.lA ling. "rn"lVT JI .inc ho was how thi. city had grown alnco ta w La. ....... . wouw not Increase one hundred per cen n p,,pullltiorl the next year, ind that tho Columbia river will bejto Ore- . wnai me imu-Hon g to Ncw york All atrangen are lmt,r. . - -""'"WVM, VVVII VISI- wr from neighboring town, with the 7" 7 , 0UP water harbor and ji , KHlm 01 0Ur clty. "! H pre. . Hiiiai, iuture lor Kalnlor, Mlaa Lola pelTy. one of nll... IKipular achool teachcra having charge of the fifth .nd ,xth grade., gay. her an onung laat Friday that will long be remembered. Th i,.r k. "t av noon nour and roaming over the hill until they reached the home of fame Timmoney'., about three mile up the river where they took a abort un their departure Mr. Tim money Wied them down with snow- till Ha ti.t lw. It . . ... , ,lur vaneiyi which are " preiiy at this timo of the year, inuy men proceeowl to Backu landing lutning me irawa, wera returned to Rainier through the courteacy of vnpwiin iioognatrK. They arrived home little fatigued, but happy and prepared to eat a good hearty eupper. Mis rerry Mvt m taking her pupil out on a enjoyable trip of thi kind is a com mendablo one. a it has a Vrat tan. dency to endear the pupil to her and thereby the work of inatruction of the young mind I more easily attained. It took aeventeen coaches to carry the excuraioniit from Portland to As toria and Seaside last Sunday. The cara were packed to overflowing and the baggage car was also put intocom miaaion to accommodate the passenger. Mr. Arthur Barnett, of Stella, spent Sunday in Rainier. Mr. John Zwomerwa called to Port. land Saturday last on account of the lllneaaof her husband, who is at the St, Vincent Hospital William Sllva left for Nome Sunday night to take up his summer residence in that frigid country. Mr. Silva was in Alaska last year returnlno- in th fall, and la going again to try and make a fortune in that region. Good luck. Mra. H. F. Jackaon and her daughter Ruby, apent Sunday with friends at lloulton. Mr. and Mra. George Rockey returned home Monday evening from a week vlit at South Bend, Bay Center and Raymond. Mr. F. R. Davia went to Portland Tueaday to meet her mother, whom (he expected to arrive on the steamer Elder, from California. Mrs. W. C. Lee was among the pas aungera going to Portland Tuesday. Master Willie J aeeph took the steamer Telegraph Tuesday morning to spend a few day with hia father at Altoona. Mr. George Williams ia reported to be on the aick liat thi week, cuffering with a caae of tonailitt. j Mr. W. G. Madden, a Portland eon tractor waa in Rainier but Saturday I mnA ,i,t In l.l.l U ...... . J I to the school house. Mr. H. Syveraon to Portland Monday. waa a passenger A Marrow Kacape. 0. W. Coyd. a merchant, of Plunk, Mo, h d a mo row etcipe four year him when be ran a jmiron I nr into hi thumb, lie Ht: 'Tbe ibctor wantel ttanipttkte it Mil I would imt to !. I buutrht a box of Ituckleu' Arnica Salve that curt it tlietUngerotlt wound." 2c at all diuggirtt. Interest paid on Time Peputita. Col umbia County Batik. BANKING You May Keep An Account With Us, Is Portland, Or., And Your Neighbor Will Know Nothing Of It 1 PEE INTEREST WRITE FOR OUR BANKING UNCLE SAM'S POSTCFFICE MAKES OUR BANKING BY MAIL SYSTEM A SUCCESS SAVINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY 340-344 Washington St., St. Johns!! A GILT EDGED INVESTMENT! Situated between the rivers, with deep water frontage on all sides, surrounded and crossed by. five transconti nental railways, it must become the manufacturing and shipping center of Portland, MONTHLY PAYROLL $50,0001 Invest now, you will double your money in two years. COLVIN & HENDERSON 102 1 Philadelphia St. Z St. Johns,Oregon I'UTtfKaHlE IIIUH SCHOOL EX. EKl'ItSKIJ. Tbe Mist acknowledge the receipt of iue program lor th High School Com mencement exerciae t Graham' Hall, Clattkanie, thi (Prldy) evening, May 31t. We give It In full: Mu,lc - ..Orchertra Invocation Rev Snider Salutatory,.,..; Nellie K. Ionard Oration, "Ambitka"..Cba. W.Tichenor Vocal Solo Mia Emma Harlow Ktay, "Element of Succe in Life," Relma M. Pyykkonen Clate HLtory.. ixis Webljer Mu'c ;...Orchelra Prophecy VeraE. Webber Valedictory..W. Nallutn Vanvolkinburg Mu'c Orchestra Aldre Hou, John T. Whalley Mu'C Orcbertra Pretenuiion of Cla..Prof J. H. Collin PretenUtion of Diploma. Hon Norman Merrill Vocul Solo ..Mil Emma Harlow Cum Roll W. Nathan Vanvolkin burgh. Cbarle W. Tichenor, Loit Web ber, Vera E, Webber. Nellie E Leon ard, Sclma M. Pyykkonen. Motto "Not Whence ; but Whither." tint tolori-Green and White. Clint Flower White Carnation, I'lowcr GirlsElla Miller, and Helen Krati. Hoard of Director N. Merrill. M. K. age, v, II. Jobntou. 8, C. Tichenor. V-lcrx. leacnert I. H. Collins. Gertrude F. Collini, Gertru.le K Holme, Carrie hchneider. Anna Blair. Uber Lelia Paire, Ethel Baniet. Carrie Wlertaon, Zena Iiuttuian, Everett King. Wonderful iCcxcnia Cure "Our little loy bad tcxema for five year," wn e N. A. Ad.liH, Henrietta, Pa. "T o of our borne tloctors an id the ram v. a hopvlea, bit lungs being a fleet ed. We then emnloved other doctor nit no benefit reaulied. It chanca w read about Klectrio Bittern: bonirhl a bottle and ori notice I iuipioveuieul. We to-tinned this mlit-ine until r-ever-al bottle were urc, when our boy wa completely cnre.1." Heat of ail blood medicim-H and b dy building health tonka. Guaranteed by all drugging PEOPLE LOSE THEIR X0SEV. By c niccaling it nlwnt their person; by ftowirg it aw.ty in ning', j'i(rp, and jr; be luaing it up In kiru und ll. kit; by lurking U nn.l.-r fie couclit- and carpt-t', in cupboard and bnrenu draw en; tlie-e are some of the wa by which people lcae their money a.ul, sometime their live. Why not deposit it with n. Columbia Conntv Bai k. School Report The first month of the Kist school end ed Friday, May I rth with eleven pupil on the roll, three having dropped on account of sick ne At. Total number day present ItiS1 Day absent . 7 -Si Tardic 4 Karl Marble an 1 lli-rln-rt Di-llas being on tbe roll of honor for the month. I-FPIK GAI.BREATH. Teacher. FOR SALE. I Twelve million feet of vellow fir tim , ber, six mil.- from the Columbia River. Addres F, V.,care Tbe Review, Rainier. BYMAIL CENT. BOOKLET ON BY MAIL Cor. of Second, Portland ss& at. jonnsH TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR For sixty days BERS to The Oregon Mist AND Weekly 0 Both Papers One Year, $1.56 Two papers for the price of one. Send in your name and address at once. ' . Itea-lttratlon of Laud Title. In the Circuit Court of th. State Oregon for Columbia Count. of Hannah Tyazklewicx Plaintiff, va. Joel 8. Kennar, 8th Pope, Lawrence C. Uray, Ceo. H. Ensign. Wm. IL Tappan, Aaron M. Burns and Gorfce GotrlK. John 8. Goerlg, Wm. W. Ooerlg, Carl B. Goerlg. Ellxabeth C. Martin. EJward P. Goerlg, Albert Goerlg- and Lawrence H. GoerlK, helra at law of Francis M. Goerlg. Jeceased; and the heirs at law of Wm. Watta, deceased, whose true nnmei are unknown; and the helra at law of Alonao W. Witherall, do e?aed, whole tiue names are un known: Samuel Kinder, J. PBart lett. and the helra at law of John W. Watta, deceased, whose true names are unknown; and the heirs at law of James W. Watts, deceased, whose true names are unknown; Nelson Hoyt, and the helra at law of Sarah E. Bacon, decease.. wbMe true nam.i are unknown; i. W. 'Dunn. Geo. W. McBrldf., Hamilton E. Brooke, Henrietta B. parlco, John Mt-Carty Brooke. Thoma Bcott Brooke, Margaret F. Brooke, Mar gaiitte Brooke and Genevieve Ham ilton Brooke, helra at low ou IJoyd B ooke, deceased; C. W. K nerson. and All to whom It may oncrn, Defom'ants. In the matter of the airjllm tion of Hannah Tysxklewlca to ri-Kiw.r the title to the following desert Im I inr- cels of land, located in the town of St. Helrns. Columbia County. State of Or egon, and more particularly det crlbed n follows: All of Block One V. . Lots nve it.), six tet. seven 7. E irlit 8. Nine (9). Ten (10) and Eleven (41). of BiocK two (2); Lots Five 5, Iteven (7). Eight (ft). Nine (9), Ten (10). of hiock Tnirteen (18): All of Block Fourteen (14); All of Block Fourteen ana a half (14 1-1): Lots One , Two (2). Throe (3). Four (4), Five 5, Six (), Eight (S). Nine (9). Ten if). Twelve (12). Thirteen. (13. Fifteen (15), Nineteen (19) and Twenty-two (22), of Block Fifteen (IB): Lots B'Onr (4). Five (5). Six (). Seven (7). Ten (10). Eleven til). Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Four teen (14). Eighteen (18) and Nineteen li. of Block Sixteen (16); Lota Ten (10) and Eleven (11). of Block Seven teen, (17). Lots Six () and the undivi ded one third (1-3) of Lot Nine (), of Block Nineteen (19): Lots Three (3), Four (4) and Five (S). of Block Twn- ty (30): Lots Two (2) acd Four (4) of Block Twenty-one (21); Lots One (I), Two (2). Four (4). Five (5). Six (6). F.lght (8). Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Sixteen (18). Seventeen (171 Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19). Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (SI), of Block Twenty-three (23): Lota Ono (1), Two (2). Nineteen (19), Twenty (20). Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-two ZZ). or Block Twenty-Five B): Lots Eight (8) and Nino (9). of Block Twanty-slx (26); Lota Two (2). Four 14), six (6). Seven (7). Eight (8). Nine (9). Ten (10), Eleven (11). Twelve (12) Thirteen (13). Fourteen 14). Fifteen (15), Sixteen, (1), Seventeen (17), Twenty-one(21). of Block Twenty-eight (28): All of Block Twentv- nlne (29): All of Block Thlrtv (30): Lota Four (4), Five (5). Six (). El?ht (8), Nine (9). Ten (10). Eleven mi. Twelve (12). Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14). Fifteen (IB). Sixteen (18). Sev enteen (17), Eighteen (18). Nineteen (19), Twenty-one (21) and Twenty two (22). of Block Thirtv-one. JS1V Lots One (1), Two (2). Three (3). Twenty (20). Twenty-one an nn.i Twenty-two (22), nnd the south two- thirds (3-3) of Lota Four (4), and Nineteen (19). of Block Thirty-three (33); All of Block Thlrtv-four All of Block Thlrty-ftve (35): All of Block Thltty-slx (38): All of Rlncic Thlrty-aetvn (37): Ail of Block Thir ty-eight (38): Air of Block Thlrtv- nine (39): All of Block Forty (40): All of Block Forty-one (41): Lots Nine (9). Ten (10). Eleven tin. Twelve (12), Thirteen (13). Fourteen (14) and Twenty (20). of Block Forty Four (44): Lota Two (2). Three (3). Four (4). Five (B), Six (8), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21) ' and Twenty-two (22), of Block Forty-six (46): Lots Five (5). Six (8), Seven (7). Eight (8). Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (H). Twelve (12). Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16). Sev enteen (17) and Eighteen (18), gf Block Forty-seven (47): All of Block Forty-nine (49);sAll of Block Fifty (50) ly-nlne (49): All of Block Fifty (80); All of Block Flftv-one (51: All nf Block Fifty-two (52) : All of Block (53). All of Block Fifty-four (54): All of Block Fifty-five (56): All of ttiock Firty-sevon (57); Lots One (1), Two (2): Three (3): Twenty liat. Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-two. (22). of Block Fifty-eight (58): LotsO i-.iKuireii naj, xNineteen tin) Twenty Viv, Ttveniy-one (Si) anj Twenty two (22), of Block Fifty-nine 1 59): jots one (1), Two (2), Nine (9). Ten (if). Eleven (11), Twelve (12). Thlr teen (13), Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-two (22), of Block Sixty (60); AH of Block Sixty-six tdt; ah or Block Sixty-seven (67) All of Block Sixty-eight (68): All of Block Sixty-nine (69); All of Block Seventy (70); Ail of Block Seventv- onn (71); All of Block Seventy-Two. (i2)i Lots One (1), Two (2). Threa (3), Four (4). Fourteen (U). Flfte.fllDrirxs-tlLbfdnuadj NEW SUBSCRI regonian two (22), of Block Seventy-three (73): All of Block Seventy-four (74); Lota Six (). Seven (7), Eight (8). Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14). Fifteen (15. Sixteen (16). Seventeen (17) n.I Eighteen (18) of Block Srv-enty-flve (75); Lots Six (6. 8c-vn (7) , Eight (8), Nine (), Ten (10), of Block KiBhty-onc (81), All of Block Eighty-two (82): All of Block Eighty-three (S3); All at Block Eighty-four (84): All of Block Eighty-five (85); AH of Block Eighty-eight (88): Lots One (1). Two (2), Three (3). Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-two (22) of Block Ninety-six (96): All of Block Ninety-nine (99); All of Block One hundied (100); All of Block one Hun dred and One (101); Lota Seven (7). and Sixteen (16). and Seventeen 17). of Block One Hundred and Thirty eight (138); Lots one U). Two (2). Three (3), Four (4), Nineteen (19). Twenty (20). Twenty-one (21) anVl Twenty-two (22). of Block One Hun dred and Forty-four (144): Lota Nine (9), Ten.(U), Eleven (11), Twelve (12). Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) Fifteen (15). Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), and the South half of Lot Six (6) and the North half of Lot Eight (8) . of Block One Hundred and Forty-five (145); all in the City of St. Helens, Columbia County, State of Oiegon. In tho matter of the application of Hnnnah Tyszkiewica to register the title to the land hereinabove de scribed, Joel S. Kennard, Sh Pope. I.twrence C. Gray, Geo. H. Ensign. Wm. Tappan. Aaron M. Burns and Geo. GiM-rlg, John S. Goerig. Wm. W. Goeris, fail S. Gwric. Elisabeth C. Martin. Edward P. Gin-rig. Albert Goo rig and Lawrence H. GooriR. heirs a! law of Francis M. Goerijr, decetseil. and the heirs at law of Wm. Watts, deceased, whose true names are un known, and the heiia at law of Alonao W. Witherall, whose true numea arc unknown, Samuel Kinder, J. I. Bart lett, and the heirs at law of Jo'.m W. Watts, deceased, whose, truo nnmeR are unknown, ami the helra at law of James Watts, deceased, whose true name are unknown. Nelfon Hoyt and the hi-irs at law of Sarah E. Bacon.- deceased, whose tri iwiiim are unknown, B. W. laun. U. W. McBrlde. Hamilton K. Brooke, Henri etta B. Parke, John Met'arty Brooke. Thomas Scott Brooke, Margaret F Brooke. Murgaritte Brooke and Gen evieve Hamilton Brooke, heirs at law of Lloyd Brooke, deceased, C. W. Em erson, and All to whom It may con cern: TAKE NOTICE. That on the 29th day of April, 1907, an application waa filed by the said Hnnmh Tyszkiewtcr In the said Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, State of Oregon, for initial registration of the title to the land "above described. Now unless you appear 00 or before tne 14th day of June, 1907. and snow cause why such application should not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be enter ed according to the prayer of the ap plication and ou will be forever barred from disputing the same. TV. A. HARRIS. Clerk of ClrcuH Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. The foregoing notice ia published once 'a week for eeren successive weeks by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, dated April 29th. 190T, directing flrat publication to be made on the 3rd day of May, 1907, and the laat publi cation to be made on the 14th day of June, l07. BRODtE MERGES, Attorneys for Aptkllcant. Bate of First publication. Mar S.1907, Date of Last publication, June 14,1907; H.nORQUS f ST.IIELEN5 Carrie a Complete Line ol Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fic everything usually Vent in a firi i i m xi One Dollar will fit you to eye elassc or pec lade. Perfect fit guaranteed. Your eye fitted at home. Write for free booklet describing our method. Remember, the glasses we fit yon to are worth f.J.50 any where on earth. Our price, only $1.00, OUR REPAIRING dirsrtment is sinat METZGER & CO. in auTi truiT, poktiajto, ou. -SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of th (Mat of Oregon, (or uiiQmM county. Ralph Koge.-s sod i- A. Soger Plaintlfta v Wephen Roman and Mrs. Stephen Banmaa 'itofeiuUnta To Stephen Hanman and Mrs. Bt pben BaaaMB ine oeienawit. aoova namsa: In the tum of tha W.te of Omon. f oa ar hereby retiuired to appear aail answer tha oora " Dlalutfllsd .ffuliiNt vnn in tho abova oalltlod Milt, on or before ths loot rUr ol tho tlmsfpor crtbed la the order (or the publication of till rammoDi, Hit a.1.1 penodlof Urn being six week, from the day of the Dm publication of thl.anmmoii. andaald laat day of publication btln the 3rd day of May, 1W7, ami if jna fail loan arpear and ihiii mid complaint, th Plalntlfla will cauaa Tour default to be entered and apply to the Court above named for Iho relelf deniarHled In id complaint, to mil: for an adjudication Hint tha defendants bare no intemt In the N w W of the 8 W of aeetioa in towmhlp 4 north rauire 4 weal of Willam ette meridian In Columbia County, Oret: eiceptin therefrom a two acre tract, deacrlbed a. mmmtnclnv at tha W corner of aaid tract of land aud ruunlnn ihruce north a chain, to a poiai; inence eatH a.Jt rnajna, to a pmni, . tbence south chana to a point aud thence weat.IK chain, to tht place of batrlnnlng, and (or a flecree qiiletlnn l.lnllflu' title therein. i ma anmmons la pnnuaneo oy orner 01 mm Honorable K. rt. Ilattaa. Juilee of the County Court of the Htate of Oreann, (or Columbia emit, , made and dated Man-h IS 1907, which order pcneriliwl that eervice of aummoni in I hit auit I made npon yon by publication, once a week for lx comm-urlra week., which time will besin to run from ihe day of the Srt pubiicatloo heroif and the lima within which . VOU are rennlrd to an.wer Mid comolaint taoa or be'orc the laat day of the Urn peraenned la iwi-l order lor publication, to wit: stay sra, 17. The date of the Drat oublication of this ana. is Friday. March 22. 1907. Attorney lot 1'Ulatiffs. NOTICE FOI PUBLICATION (Timber Land, Act Jane X 1ST.) Colled hwict Ijinrt Office, fortlaKd, Oregon, February 13 W07. Ttntu-a la hereby airea that In eomnliance' With the onivlftifinu of the act of Conareea of June 179. entitled "An ait for tne sale of limber Uiiiila in thentatea of .lilnniU. Oregon Nevada, arwl Waahmetoa Tcriltory." aa ex to all the Public Und stales hy art of Amruat 4. lw Peter Ilortman. nl Hamna, enanty of Waahliiirton. rAiate of Ureaon. baa thia day Uleil in thin oSteehU aworn ataiement K.?'i1o for Ihe tMirrhaae of Uie NW4 ol tfeciion Ho.xl In Tnwmhio No. 4 North Prnra a Went aud will .ilfer proof tc ahiw that thelaml ...nht fa miH-o va.'nable fur lt.tliu.r or atone ' lli4n for acrienltural pnrpiiaea. aKt to eatah. I'h liia rlaim lo aald land before the keaiMer and Kei-eivrr at Portlanrt. Orcein, oa VYedue- ay Ihe Sib ilar of May VJ07. He name aa wlt- neaaea: C C. NcIihmi. of Herniia. tlreenn: H. . Jrpcaon, of Bai-ona, Oreaon; A. (. Il hlla, of lint-oiin, Orcgou; Tomalechaa.of Mountain, dale. Hreimn. Any and all preon clalmis areraely the ilHn-e-1eacrilied land, are rciocried to Hie their claim, in thai office on or before aaid Stb day of May iwi, ALOCKNOX H. DRESSER, UcKiater. SUMMONS lu ihe 4irrtilt Court ol tbe &tt of Oirgew for lUii ii m Itiai I'niiHtr. Jaut MtKkI i'brirt lfocklc. Plaintiff Eftwtirrl F. Rnhrton. dHeiHlant! To hlvrarl F. K'rhM.H, itrfViHiatttt In tl.e name of tbHiat of Orwn: Ytm am hereby minimi lo appear a imI anavat fhrom brainc of the Mainl.Hk AImI aea.n4 von in Iha itfive entitled unit on or bmton lb lit dy t May. iuu (inat beine ine ltr nad f.r your 1taipMiM- by iht uri.rr at piiMuMiion of hl 4imii)ott ami wort Iban aix w?fs mtxew aai Hibt iMib'iraimu ) Awl 1 yon Ml p m NiHHr miw I Hn.wr Im want thervof t0 is wn win Mppiy to ihei uun tor ret,! ttr? pniyrroi tho emUiiit ia thai lb of ilif ptaiuiiliM be 4itttivt aiul tb fSlmMl nf jroqr rt piiiol t.ib removal (rum the fKrh balf of ihcMuiti bwUttf aercivH plcvrn, tpwDiip Mf "vr'T. nic iw w-?, iiMs(i jm ..tiaiuaina untr. Orvffita. ami thai m rtl at) vrrtM Uiu.ttir HthrVr u m intewt bairtfl fn-m tuvrMiiiff any ml irbalvvcr )to aaiU JfJUap, , T Ilia 8litiiBfHM Is wprrn anon Trtjt hr tMU- traiitm HitHfitf in IhtM'rivmt Nisi, f'lrt-ivnc- v prior i mitt lU Jy nf May l!ai, i.r nir of Iiihi. Tboa A- Mtr, u;, Jutiev f I i:nrt. liulif auiuUi iui th juk ttu tJ i.e. uonr.t.knp. Allomry for Plauitlff. IaHl lhtI(dayr.f AirM. wrf. r irt ul4iArMifn Ajiril ittti. 1W7. lu llir l ln-olM'nurl cthet,ite of Oreeriji fif ihe lkunir i.Lunuua." - V ' . r r Editb Aioalogoid, tdaiiutar r v ' ........ Frili-ri. k lntnl.1, 1. fpniln( 10 oiiuam rreiH-ru-K i,iiolil.neiriMlaltt hereby reiiuired to apiar and answer the comV alaint riled aeainst von in ih aliove nltfl.-1 -uit. on or before the JOth ,lv of Jnle. l'j7, that beiUK the last day nrewribed In the order lorinepuoiiCHllpn ol inin tumuion, ami irvnti fail to mi appear aud auwer kiii.I eoittpleiitt. thr plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief therein prayed for, to-wi,t: that the1 homta of ruatrlmouv rzi.tlnic between nlalutlff and defeudant be rllMolred. and that 'the1 platntflr recover from the defendant the conta erf thw uit, and foriuch other aud nurltb.t-'' relief k. hoi- iu iiivvuun ma mm inu eiimiauii'. Tni. aiimnioiia ia DuhliMhed bvonier nf 'Hou. orable Thomas A. McBride, Judire ol the above eniiiled Court, duly made and entered on the vani oar oi apni. IW7, ami tne time preaerllaxl tor pnblieation thereof la aix eonaacutive weeka and the date of the lint publication thereof it llieJtiht day of April, U07. r-MlLlr- UGKZ. Attorney for Plalullfl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Timber Laud, Act June". 1KT8) Vnitcd 8iate Land Office, Portland, Oregon, April 4, 19U7. Notice is hereby cir.n that In eomnllanc with tbe provinioni of the act of t ouyresa of June 9. Itcx, eutitled "An act foi ihe aale of ' timber land, in the State of California. Dregou, Nevada and Wabhlnatou I crvttiry," aa extend ed to all tbe Public Land Stuica by act of Auk- tit 4. lxtt!, William U. Wnoa of Hllllboro County of Wm-hliiirton, Stale of i.on. baa thi day Hied iu thiaomcehUaworn aiau-nieut No. .1)5. for the min-haae of the HW i o rjeeflen No. 4, iu Township No. S North Uaniie No. 8 neat, anil wilt otrer proof to how that the land aunaht in mora valuable lor ita timber or .tone than for aKncuiiural purpo.ea and toeatablinh hia claim to aaid land before tbe Keaister and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, ou Wnlnerulav Ihe 3rd day of July 1MB. He name, aa wltnerwea A. B. Malley of IHIUhoro, Oregon; C. C. NelNin of Uarona, Orenun: J. J. Meacham, ol .Mountaiudale. Dregou: A. S. Schoil., ol Uilla boro, Oreaou. Any aud all person, elidmtre; adversely th abova-dewribed lands are reuueated lo Hie thulr claliui in ihla ofllc ou ar befort th Srd 4U) oi Jul 1907. AiAa.r-.nva o. unaoncn, Ketri.ier. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. IN THE MATTKRof th auolicallon of J. B. GODFKKY to tie, to Uta & 11 in block 13; Lota 7,11, 14, 1. 17. Hf.'X A ii block li; Lots 1,6, 10, A II block Blot'k S; l x. 1 A 2 block V; Lota l & 8 block 11; Lota t. Wit r block X): Ixu i it 13 block '24: Im. ;i i hlo, Lot. 1, -J, 3, 4, 7, It, LI. 11. l.i. 18, 17, IH, IS 'JO. il, & IS bl.x-k t!: Ail of blmk rW. K7. lit. 4c ll all of the oily of St. Helen. In th C'ouuiy of Columbia and Stale of Oregon VS A. A. Rohinmin & Ailtlla ltol.ln.on. his wife. D. W. Hh-hanl on o Annie Klcbardaon, hia wile, Jamoa ttuvkle Jennie . Muckle, hia wife, t'harlea Muckle, James Dart A klleu Hart, hi. wife, Joaoph Utyburu A Lilly h. Hayburu, hi. wife. Aln.H'oith C'omi,iany, a corporation of California with J. C. Alo.worth of Portland, Oreiton. ita Agent for the State of Orviiou, Col umbia County, Jacob Skinta it Frlederckarikuna liuvlle, Auitutta Autone.aud 10 all ahum it may couceru; . TAKE NOTICE". : That on the Bth day of April, 1907. au appli cation waa IIImI by Mild J. II. (lodfrey In ihe Circuit Court of Columbia county, for initial registration ol lb title of tba laud above da .cribed. . , , Now, utilwt vnu appcur on or before lh Will, day of May, I'.mit, nud .how eauae why lui-h appMcutiou .hall not be granted, tbe Mime will be taken a. confeK.e.1, and a dt-cree will be entered accoriiiiiK to tho prayer ol the applica tion, and you will tie loraver barred fiou dia. potiiiK tne rame. , IBI th revl.1,,1. i thm ....umrnl roll, made here a y .-