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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
When the Hair Falls ITI10USAND3 LET OUT Thea It's time to ict! No time I 10 study, to read, to experi ment I Ton vast to tare your hair, tad save it quietly, too! So male ep your mlad this try minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It males the scalp heal;hr. The hair says in. It cannot da acy- thisc else. It's carcre's way. The boot bad of atoctiasoaial Coi4 toe near eurty Tooia." EXTEKSI! fVI IS LMlim n a flyer's at SatSaMaBJU. ra.14. CZEitT KTQKU. A JoaaWa aa&se- Tostsg t'Aa. jxxj're making a food dewl of Bnaecessary nals. I title. Tease Attorney Tow koocr. Pre sat my ewcoit and am trying 1 a. Joije Who! sasts tar feeea kat hero, air, wssa mack loa noise. Llp- aiacoa'a. Sh aaar be a gossip." said ti as vita thin tip, "bat I beuere sh tails tie traCY My dear. answered Cayenaa. "the trots is freqoetttly the worst term a gosaip tmsgipshiw.' ynMrWi ear. 41Wa eno lwi PriMt "I thbtk Londfiw is a kee!y pjif for humcjaaoaa. IXoft eon, dear?" "Tea. darttagv he- replied aitiV traded Buwe "I ska.3 always km ta tbe festare. Stray Stories. ta Can ta k kagt i to Eitf Ittwf td feear ah Ian Ejce . laa-asar wa. an TSat-r v a raw. B a rr aaarrfu a m.-m aw ar aa ft.-. k-.::T- It w a 11 11 1 wal. ra tr&ilil aaa&ZT raa- at Mr m om . a. I On Road Alona Reduco Faces SO- 000 Othart Follow in Piow taaw fen Um EmIm. wPww w ewapfkFaw Chicago, Slay IS. Railroad ma- lgers acre estimate that by the end of the first meek in Tone the rai!ral the country anil hare Jtc Surged between W.OOO sad 100,000 anew bow employed. Some estimate pat the Bomber mack higher. This does not uke into accoont the targe aaaaber of laborers and other ci missed becaasc ol abandoned extca- moos and other imororeoteBts. Or der were receatiy issaed for the fanciest econosy sad the rettartioa of forces to the lowest iwiiib'.e potnt I ae .New tore Leatrai ts to redoce macr of its pay-roUs ral ooe-third it tee order ts earned oat literal it ia ait tfepaxtmeats. tt wooid neaa t&e dtscharge of Sa.gM esspioyes oa ttta system aiooe. Raiiway maiunn say they rather wtiCvXRe the opoortoatty to weed ost SaMretls ct lacoatsctent. turced pat them daring the rash season, aod to whom, it is claimed, many wrecks and destrnctioa of hit and property caa te traced. Astde iron this, the roads expect to sare a few auoas in wages imrmg the summer, whea traf- s ts beat. The nearest cats wxB be ia the operatise departments, ts the shops aisd aaaoeg clerks. AiiCr 04 the emoTes an J be takea sacs afa whea baseness hecooe heiry irui. bat a stroae eSort will be made to skat oat permaaeatiy the acontpetenu aad aixiestrabces. The discharged tracklayers aad others who were worfcraf oa exteastoas and Lke ixaproTemeats wi3 sot be re-employed snol the ttaanrtal market is more promisisf aad catil the aew lesla- tjoa aas aeea gjTea a thorocgk trtal by the roads. The appiicatioa of the S-ceat PJis- se-Eger rate wrii be espeetaEy feit by estera roads, aad redact iocs is treisbt rates and the demaads of labor cftKMS. wmcfe amowst to milaotts. wia aSect all roads aad call foe riaid con- omy aad a general sJcwicg op actil ine way seems dear. iiiny states, aiso. har nftin!!v au;im taxes tmposea spoa raii roads, and the general result reosirs Terreocfemeat ia erery directioa pos-Jible. FAVORS UMITEO AAMAMENTS. and Mapaa Wa Support Brwjam at Tka Hagwa. Victorix. B. C, May M. JaDasese aewspapers recerred by the steamship co-ataia aa ioterriew with Coast Okssa. one of Japaa's most proasi- aeut statesmea. regardicg The Hazse peace cotucreace. ra which he sars; u threat ontaia tatrodoces ae arm ament resmctxn proposal foe debate. Japaa wtII support k. aad BO5ib-'.T aio the Laked Suik If diScrlt to speculate, thecgh. on the inuauKc imnwe ot tarooeaa powers " e proposal. ua regard to the regalatsoas of mHitarr nJ bae'es, rights aad daties of aestrals. coatrabraod of wir. Jipia aad Rassia had a claim to advance their v,ts, ra rsew of their eractica fnimi a. Ear as Japan is concerned, the coofer eace aSacd tie best opportaa:ty of TKvzKXmg her posaioa ra iateraa- taooaJ posaacv Adrces were receired of taree . dnsoos to the Xrpjpoa Yssea ij rMTTrD lto rf"ic' otr,e reseU ia the Amerv- r,r 1 i japaaese gorera- raaj ' I ment rest rarmd mrrr m T Ure prUe steamers rzprared dar- 1 'ajca will ce uh 11 iicigLaers. a4 Siewwea. TVe mow rtmaraabie lastaaea at ra U growth wa recorded by th fYtorb aradeojy ta 172. It was boy years f ag! 1 (M I tacbes la keicbL At the are of i his voicw ehaagwl : at 6 kls beatd bad grows aad be appeared a ataa of Sa He poaatwwd great pkyal eal Kreotih aad coeiJ easily UR to his ahottSders aad carry bags of grata weighing JvX) poaada. U s deettaa waa as rapid as bis growth. At S bis hair aad beard were gray. t 10 be tottered la his walk, his teeth fell oat aad kls baada becatna pe Eared; at 12 be died wttk eery atwant of eitreoie id aga. MM TfcJWtaw A good exsaiple of the koewa porta that the barbarUa prieets of Asia prae Ucw oa their fanatic dapa la affnlnl by the eeremoay whereby the Grand Liana of Tbiiwt ta supposed to gala eternal Ufa. Wbe this worthy ap proa4e deatk too priests cboeae a healthy cbUd 3 or years oM. into whoao boJty they prerrad ta cause the soul of the Grand Llama b migrate Tbas the spirit. aHboogh rfatbed ta a aew body, remains aatoeg the people tateemiaably. Tao Badihlsta betieew onpiidtty ia thts mlrsrafew rebirth. Two a ri , There are AW apectea of rwwes !m ex- btesce. tkoaxh perhaps aot more than fifty ckatty Jr&Md ftaUfeea. Of these faalSea only two are of Aawrtcaa birth. There are thousands of eario Ues. koworer. and of these oar eater- prtsiag rose growets hare coatribated by far the largest procwrtiu-a. The eagerly aoaght black rose la atill aa- prodaced, tavigh a New Trk or st has a dark-red one which la soma tights his Cat a?pearaajt of black re- Nothing I Ate Agree? With Me mrnmrnrm t rata.-. Sfaay wooderfal thlags happen ta tkla eoaatry. Oae of thea Is the recent eJectSoa to the Caited States Senate from a Western State of tbe suo sf aa tzm'grsat who came to this CMStry In the steerage ta tho taiJJje of the last oratory and laser married a fe&rw steerage pasarcfec Bat this la not so wonderful aa the presence la the Sen ate af another sua who came ore ia the steerage ksse-If and has risen ta poKtSoa of power and lafioesca. 1 iiim 5 jwim isoad ttwf Drwwwa a Farmae, Thrown from the tra-k by the en glae of a h fre!bt tra!o. the bly of a steer it rock R. i. tlowlwln of hthldlebora. Kr t fJ kiurked blta and toe trhiu earlteoirat reisrdlna tluheulobe ateowlr la 'aim rife la K ; rono, la sabdaed talk III nnr- i .... ,u. u.kiiik iba lwikn who was oa a rw ,' . . -r. .klr . trt ar rrkwaw rni atw m nan Into the water Ooodwta drowned. ad lb bora both wer of cZJl ! uiV Mb. IfCaA v TT. i....i--. ,i,iImm wrwrwadeoco. A Ai.n kn.t by Emperor rroderk of ro904- . . , . 1 u-rmaay M In afa keeping la Kaglawt Ooodwla wss drlvlM sereral bead of . Uertssny 'Z - ,.. n,-.t canl to bu farm rJ wlro U ,! U pabllabed. OrreH b. reached the rUroad rr-lDt near , n BuaTO, fct m I'emdaie the trsia pprociea at a raohl rata of siwed. Tb came were oa the track and the train plowed It , sr tbrooch tba buoch. Mr. Ooodwla ' ! mss may b expect 1 from each pub lication. MM wffl t. WtrtWa a. nut 00 tbe track and teemed to be "ll" out of harm- way. ' I . - Tbe beery englo plckaJ Bp ono of j r. tm m reteode. (he ateera. bowerer. and threw tt high- -rbr twugiit a burse the etber lata tha air. it roti agaiaw iom ww dlT MRS. LtNORA BODLNMAMf R. Sit. Lenora Bodettbamer, K. F. D. I, Box W, Keroemilie. X. C. wr.tee: "I roflered with stomatk IrowM aad which yr. Good la rldlag aad both were tbrowa oeer a high obtak meet Into lb creek, which was wotloa t fma rata. Wot t to X Aeat Jeraaha Asa bad Jt retaraed , from a trip to EgTpt. ahere tbe bad (one ' as the cbsperea of a pair of wwfthy at. -IHd yea see the spbias. aaattar oak e4 We aeifbbora. "Uad, re she mid. "sad betoeea , yea sad ate t was dretfol duapp'taled. It's the atiMot. oraerMot kwau tautg 1 -Tea. and to waa borriwy aasol br -Obi y tb horn tbear Xa, bat b told M bo I"" bay from ' Meed be Is la be hasioeo.' fblla Jelpbia PTees. aaowaan . rnMi a-w art -eTLr , XZXi 'r,.r,.r-VT ledljvatioa fpr on- time, aad notbiog Kx-k' set from tb eidio of rt bwd that I ate agreed with me. I wa rerr an aod experienced a cwotmaal freiirf of aacnaes ad fear. I Uxk medkriaa from tbe dx:. bat it li J me no tjcd. 1 fja&d in Noe of roar Prraisa bt4 a dfcriptim of my tytrtptooi. I tben wrcte to IV. Ilartcao fJt adrke. He said I bad catarrh of tte domacb. I tot IVrana and Macaiia aad folkw-jd his d recttooa aad caa now my that 1 'eei a well a I erer d.d. "Ihope that ail wbo are afiictej ;tb tbe tame rrmpComa will UXe Perasa, a it baa certainly cared WW.- The abor la oe?y oca of hamlmts bo bar written (imiiar tetters to Vr. Hartmna. Jatt oce such ne a ihi o- titie Peraiai to the esed-d cossidrraticm cf aeery oce timi'iar'y 9arted. Ii this be true of tbetestunocT of on perow. what ccgbt to be Ike tretimocy ot haadrodt, ye Usoafard. of boaaeat. ;n- cere ptopio. We bare la cur Sea great maay other testunonatia. J a r aoeol UHlmtom, ! rvi. iwilaAad la tour aew two.- ewe tet ejo oa. It haial got ao aee, 1 . . t a.-, s It. ear, I. get three i'"?. W a r w - w I l . k .k :A PS-. Y.a lkl DKtWiIO. the kaatblMtf rrittee tb Ued erer j Ctoewta ttette f m glad b. decided aot. bat be' sa Apollo BolWider tuag-! atuat IV t bat thwee gili bo are wde of that tbre piak. If tbe axiy . hmad one Urn aad bnaaetia taotber. thiag waa oa ay w I'd ti oat i Buu TrasscripL awre . )ist t let ahat of tt" Ob j ax Triboa. I tiH hao oae Anw rant' a a wai. II waaat t( arrw Drlim Carar Caaaiaa. amaMMMn ii.iam.innw la JletWw ail tehScke. bo tbey ETf. lt7ZtfZ fciitji-art. aotomobll or aoj thing bo- wim fit Am Auea A tw4 twm. mast carry a light night " . Thl rale or law U rigidly enforced.! ive. the drlrer, of tb. p Uttio bar- t.TmpW.r ro or -!. carts, o. tbe,r ?S -XotTte- saewered VbT genla. , "HL J! I!"! rt to iect . way of g-t- h, laaert-. whhk et money, they ' , fo, U ua a aip raau iwi. wmawif h a bit of newspaper to shield It t!ag paoplo ; it- Wssilsgtaa Sur. Tommy (looking op tram Cat paper ho ia rwadiEg! Pa. what ta a ftaan- der? Pa (proodly) A taancier. Tommy. Is a maa who sdentaada tha art of gettlsa; other peoplo s moneys Somer ei3e Josmal. Ta RI(lMt raarar. BUbup CTusacey B. Brewster, for meriy of Detroit, teii a atory tb. other day whk-h be says Is Mrs. Brewster faror.te. It vmi the bishop bad raegM a smaU bey stcalisg apppSes ta bis orchard ; so, after rv; railag - tbe wind, carry tt ta their left band tbey drir a beg homeward from wo:k after eeeeJog baa falleav Tb ef fect ta striking as the tight. faQing oa the ladiaa drirer. throw tie face of Vj aaaa tato atrosg reilef agaXaat the dark Tot raaae toiW wuat erary pig Mai. WrtJa m rear waasa t SWACCABT. C Gee Wo H ' Tha VoVXaews CHINESE f tsSmJUt RaotawiHarh Haiia!aieicrrfnain fcarta. rsc! aas &anewvzmii m vaag a tbe ara aa pa .Wjapcaer. Owaaaa ar raw taaSWe Coras Wetiai Oaaiaiaw. alli ttoAal at at aai I eereiy tor some tise. bo aaal. 'And ' now. cr hoe. do roa know w he I tea . . . ... . . fc-i(ka raaki&AlIe. nftt irm wmti rtAio roaaaiaa.- wre ta esse oe;oce w aooa rULAillJ UllTlA ilLKjO eeea I aa a cra.Lsg worm; do yoa . . hnowwhor irjiT uw . "the miasaa." Harjer's Weekly. 4ac4 So Otea Estramitlaa. That do yo !s:kJ to do wKh roar woalihT "! hard ta teU." aaswered ttettJa Stax. Siaca w are not avowed ta . mtrata t caxpalgn ftiad thrr : lant mndk of aaythicg t do with it ; except to foca-1 tttUrpn aad !it lay-' dktaaeota.- Wastor.oa Star. i i Ctla aaaa It. j A fiaco moastalwer aaid f oxnm-: taia cs'JtKsg at a d'.ssxr ia Brook'ya : t -Peaks tia: seem i&a--np.h itaj he ' itatbed by tarss sad htaA:a:a ! kEKTISTRT fMaTurawm CM r BrUaa Wart ar TAIX PDfnSTS rraatitma rutiua oxxoox Ra raretwa w Csv Caua ifc. Aeln. Lare A SURE CANCER CURE wf yOal mIMW -Cafca, T3T aVVUUezS tsJBTi aBd CaaMS- CONSULTATION FREE THE C. CE1 SO CKXESS: SX5C CO. raruc. Cnes MAKE YOUR HOME TIES HAPPIER THE REMEDTt 1 rW -Z-- av A.B.CIlSEPU.I2m0 keyaaaa 1 law. ao staeawiy a twur piaaaaem arCat caa r kaaa: aaa he aawjatr maevat Sjwwtaesaia la In meat a Strange Accident on Shm. ctorsa, B. C, May i Steamer impress of Iaa, which arrrred thj "oroaEi brooght tie body of Mrs. KJCfcaxd CaiJ&ery. wise of tbe weU- Esg'Ish chocribar mimh.. tsrer, wao was killed 1. -' Falling down the saloon stairwa ha. iag a weary ga.t encoaistered on SSay 21. whiie the steamer w in m;.4.P.. occ Tee bode wa. nK;i ..j a i being taken to Esgiad by the toor jaea aiocrr. who wrre imtm. ?r-rg tbetr metier on a gkie-tosr-3f tnp. 8ra Picket Sent to Pen. j Oocdield. Xcr. May il-JaJgc jLacgaa today orerrakd lie motion ; foe a new trial ia the raw J , and Stsiih. coowed of tbe assrder of K-m s-fa. and seaeeaced j teem to the peatestary, Preston for - lcIi 01 years, aad Smtth f-ir a i terra of 1 years. Prestoa was the roaa who did tee shootiag. He was te picket statKed at S-.:t"s resjaar ast darrng a boyecrtt. aad Smith was toe waging delegate, who seat Pres mci there. Smith was a 5ea.Lr.a- aet r? at the lainKriai Workers of 4e OTid- Taa WTIra Ttaaa. -Ueaaagv always aiido oeer th wire better oa Meoday than oa say ether day. Tb wire, yea . ha profited by tbetr Saaday Mat." said a UlegTspk operator. -It ta a f-t that taaalmat as w:. aa aalauia t&lag ft Ured aad aeed Tea know bow true thl a of a rsaor. of aatamobilea. at sawmoUea and tt la ast aa trae of trlegrspb wtrea. -A wire, after Its Saaday root, gew a sticker, a fIr. sad a more deUcstt traasmiss&m. It bi tka piaaa thai haa tM been tuaed, After wsstCag sad drytag bad roa fertables sad qaiita. tuld them eeeaiy la third of their width, roil aa tight' !y peoKbie aad then best them with a sack a piece of a brovotafkw ts coed for th-s nd the batting wUt nam bo EgM and Biify KX new. Xrrt troa T3i:ta. as tbe brat from tb troa a -kr a bs'xag. Bt f . p 1 . to Kam Rfperut iak:.u ot aeu hool) ci!mb?,ag fc a ctioa of getSag aroaad ! Ikm'i one or tee tauags I the ta tad tie bad pUces. Getting a--vnad yecr : eat ahoat the ma aww aa trad. Vm taenlry that Sa the secret of tain rii.iishfcg trgaiSed Party t at knew say a a, sr. Tai oas of the experta. Saaad Ehaav. the TremCt anrd.t4 Perwaa nuaerr at Par., is kaewa AH Sal Tkai. tkrwatboat Pwa aa a iyrva; pwt aad Mr. !"? That a the a aractxed aanr oa te arrerdafav Kai-x- ia the kocbaa. a kl f MTr rarioa. V I M.-a. FrrruBO Tav sacefi ras 'l eaek. 20-ODLE-TEID B0R1I Sorma Water, cakes tba Skin Oeer. rmmjwa Paspica aad S3-fcv WkaaateIianda,aVBmtlHScv&nat DandrsX aad aaaaas Xsaaauinl kLs. ounvaiMM Tt! P.rti2. HI. i'A Misttf Cj. a ill a r a (a yaa M-tm'sn a rm uu; . aatats C BAaain. ?1TI 11 laaSs- aew t"rt fihe that she CLASSIFIED ADS HOT"t TV S?iWa!ae uaaMafetl trtm mmt-t awam a. ao4 irau, 4 ar Baoasaollaav Crtm wftwa caa be esplataed. toatanca. a Chicago atadrnt foe tarretty eapUtaa that be was lay apired to (teal ; bis tstbee as plain tbst tba tewdesKy raaw from a hteealio ersefc on the pata. and tb notice es plaia that tbe atadeat la thief. The eraaio seaJ.a-tiao of Catifaraia astaaats to aheat ItkOuaCuO ia sl sad tka gold predertlea ahvot lT.tAJk om. The rnwrk gavaraawavt ewplor IT.. l saopio ia Ka Sute laoaMO avrtonas The grant eMjartty are wowtaa, OankingbvLlail WE PAY On aaelnan derwalto M a dolW e Sao, eipoaxvlad tmum ery year. It 1 tuat aa eaey la open Having Asmnat Wit sa by M 1 aa If t uod an door, bawd In uf tra book, let. -Bank -g bf Mail - aa4 learn tail f't.ulars, Addtas Orcrron Trust & Savixigs Bonlx Portland. Oregon Sixth and WaMaton Su. t ataaae aaaeavafcaea. Tb Cbiaewe, waa Inteated tn terytbiag beforw asybwly ia tri nf It. etatm U be tho erigttui oeer of tbe pewrma of sugar oak lag, and tt la askl that wgt wa wa.4 (t China a bmg ago a Jjjo tr. Th l misty, bat tbo (art la wall et!i.fa that tt snawfaetared ta tlii. aa-Vr tb Tata dynasty. sc rears n least befor tba Cbrtotlaa era brsi Of atlod. Xrai)a, aiwat raw a aaiag ai lb rbarrbr "Of town I aaa, A eat liaHtat, day. Bat row It to knew art a tha to aak mo to do M wba l et nr ta the stM 1 thm desited Inn , Martial tba (after titactow dun.).. Ah. row dare to kadi mo to the far. IU (phllOBtaphirany) 4oud haa. ena ! ta tbw wartd ana beewwa ar.'. . tiiaaed ta etrrrthlr.g - TraaJlrd ht Traaaallastlc Tabw frwa ft VlXto par Kidrra, 5wjra beraaWat bard'y ataatan tb eeotaamrtaa. bat tin 1 a!rl. arrk at SaUrauek gats to 19 IWs ivov avrat kfaa. alMkwa ileraJd. A Summer Vacation in Your Kitchen FTP3 Infi Don't swelter this jf mmmer with the tera I f peramreat 110. Get I I a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Od Store and have a cool kitchen. The NEW PHlEECnOBI Ulck Bine flame Oil Cco'i-Slove P4 wotkinf taava instantly. B!a lam moan hrghJy cowcenttited fceat, no toot, no dirt. OJ ajarayt at mamtatnej Weal, ansunng a ttmform lama. MaJ ia tbroa araaw. Lery toea warranted. 1 not at your daaJof't arnta to out Dearest ageocy for deaenpo cucuUf. n RdyoLomp i the boot lamp for ali-rounJ noun. bfinj throughout and beautiful! ttukcieJ. Prrfectli corutructed; atoolutely ta: WatxrwJlnJ in Iight-gjewg powwr an ornament 10 any room. Etery lamp wanaiiiol not u row dcaSat't nmt to our twarrst takcy. STAXBAli ta c.m, Wtlto fog Froo BookUwt ELmCLAY&CO. must sattUi mam. JVIorda bttiat Hot Bar ChSoVwa. Los AngeJes, Cal, Mar 1 Tie fsty cowacl today, by aaajam-tws rote, asstracted tbe cay attorney to pr pare an ordsaace. Wk i.. passed at tie next meeting, maimg tt a misdemeanor. pankab4e by &5e or' mpmooment, or both, for a landlords r V'-T "V property to a tenant becanse the latter a possessed of ctafilreaL The conaci! also directed tie clerk 1 ZJZlr T,CP' ci ordjaaac to) 1 " I ! w ToBatFera. Ieik. Xfr, Majr ?;.Hai a! oock of baiJdiags oa Main street i Jed today. Owe man, identity n bnown. was tntraed to death. Tbe ootat loss ts estimated at STSjom. wsh 1 ao usserance. Rocbetter. X. y. May n-Fire' caased tl&tMo damages today to the' bwurcg occspied by Oak 4 Caiaowa. ' rarttaaS. Oraea I 1 my aasia aal la ,-r-..)iaill m are ia I w i ' in w. i n axaaOaaea-.a. I "aa. t . . : I f.T UZllI Donf push 31 5-? T U lT fr l rirtio,toaWPfl faaVprSoiTO Ii II ii ' 6 ST, Li! Iri '"' - x kt TN, ii i-a-afll j ViV eaai erer tcado I AW) tT CKTXACX . T-'ifev . WIT -A'ZZZ2 ?w tTOaara fflaSLAfrh. t K X kT T ' T T W It. . . 1 - " ---e. WJ area 1 1 1 . . ... It I 1 - I a. ii Kiarr: em "aaa aa aai waa. t aaa. aaaaaaaaaai f f " " aa taw a. J aa a t ,1 Vb ISgg I BE55f3jsSra Tportland seed co ' 1 I j awa.M ' t PonUn.. Oregon -ga WaahJ Finest Gardens Ar liy rtpsrted ahen Portia. Sed Co "Otomwvf Brand" iceliwpUwed , Batautow seB youth kind nwi row 7" f " Cf- Our rudomiy lUustrttad and ditc-ptw " T" " . " our Seeds. Plama, Roses. Sfesy Pwmp . .. numnrs. tsroootrt. PJvHry ard 84 Suppbet Cold W, St Lewis. Mar 1!' registered 1 degrees, the ay weatner recorded ia St iotas ra masy years. at St Umm The tesnera- Outside People are Buying "TERRACE PARK" Lots .Ni 'l'ZJ: - - FACT Portland Property WUlSooa Treble in Value L .A . . ' - -7---- araw mew resaoeac, nectaott. Her. are th r-otU ,k- k l , . PPl f buyinf lots la PortlArvd's THEY WILL SOON TREBLE THEIR MONEY. lZTZ" KNOW A COOD nilNr awA ZZr?v " v Urma. Wni. .. w tw u- r w cI. tT?, , r a "7.. w - r -- ft. A. Ooagh aoj . n. v. uaurnvw, vooaofa. tregom. THE SPANTON COMPANY Opposite Cftamber of Commerco 0rt ovari. street, Portland. Oregon