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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON VOL. XXIV. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FHIDAY, MAY 24, 1907. NO. 24. TVFT a 1V11D NEWS OF TUE WEEK mmmmmmmm In a foitesi1 Fra fcr to BAPpEWNflSCFnoixsnxorn A Ruma Of tha Lota Importont but Not Um InttrMtlng Ivanta of the Pat Wlu Msyor Brhrolta It at liberty under toll Um.l ggrtlul $0.000. A OoorvUk paeoenger trmlo m wreck ed ti SO peiauna badly Injuard. Seventeen bodl of rlhrlntr killed In th California " bwlcJ "l Heading, I'mn., their bom. Th Kvenlni Telegram's special tureion ity of 17 y"g hwllee from (II parts nf tli state I'M started on lu trip U th Jetmwtown position. David W. Kom, general purchasing afvtil of th i"Baiua Canal comml. Hon, rln to beorae prtldntof i Utrp manufacturing concern In Chi. . A detective srwry of C& teas claim tUt Harry Occiuitd U In reality Many Muurv, anil once a reputable and InduetrUiu cltlaim of Detroit, Mich., and member of a Maaonki lodge In that city. Th rlrthsrnond WUar association ol Chrrego will givs a banquet to tW vagrant and criminal, at which each on will tH bit reason for being whs! ha 1 ami the association aspects to t niurh useful Information to oaa In It work. Germany la trying to atlr op a re roll In KH- Thnew ftpanlah prince hat been baptised with graat ceremony. laaac Hiepheoaon has been flirted foiled HUto senator from WlaronaJn. Russia baa a.t"Pled tha U-rm "und- Irabl cillsens" M BtUng tha terror ists. A lion which aatfaptd fron Ito ra at Atlanta, 0., crraWd a panto until It il caught. Bom time na fall rroaldant Boo- vett will tak a trip down tha Mlast ipd fww Iowa to Memphis. To tenement houaea In Bronklrjn wr bluwu to piece. Uiraa person fa. uil and 30 seriously In lured by an explosion of gat. Tli Western Okak manntnctarera' association has already derided on neat Inter" styl of wrap. Tha U Bi ting cloak ahould ba 6f Inches long and Ilia tight filling Uom 50 to Hi Inch. Tha I'nlUd Stale erolaar California, atartad by tha Union Iron work, Kan, will bo flnlabad la tha go, arnmaut navy yard on account of a auika at th plant of Uta oontracUng flits. Tha United Kallro-da In Ran Fran elsco la to ba boycotted by all on km men. rmUUnt Calhoun denlea that tha United ltailroala bribed Raaf, rkhmlu and tha auperviaora. Omarai In Poland ahot down workmen berauM ona of thalr oommdea wai killed by rubber, ftuel baa con loaned to repairing 30, 000 m a brlba for necurlng a fraiwhlaa which waa never granted. tumoral Knrokl la being banqueted by many army and navy ol!Wra la Waahlngton and New York. Two ptota againat tha ctar'a Ufa have been diawiverwd, ona by Uta UrrorlaUi and ona by tha react ion lata. Flie ha diwtioyed tha plera of the Morgan line, Now York, owned by tha HtMithern TacUlo. Tha loaa It placed at 1500,000. (Irrnit ItrlUIn la after BTafter and haa hint wnl tha entire board of guard Una ol a worklmuae and Infirmary to prlmm lor brlba taking. Newananer man who hava recently Interviewed Hairy Orchard, at tha Idaho penitentiary, declare ba la not a puyaHwi and mental wren aa naa oeen reported. Oaneral Bonllla, aided preahlentof nonduraa. I nrenarlna to renew war o the Honduras government. ,'' TIm Butt . maToialtv eontaat haa Wn complicated by the dtaoovery that ! on ballot bona hava been oroaen tiuuia of tha new oaaaanMr ora lor the Union Pacific ayitem will hava aide oon initead of In tha and aa at pie ant. t la aald that Rue! will be tent to Ban Quentln. but not nntll alter be ) lvn the grand jury all the aid pol ble. The United lUllraaila la having leaa trouble In operating Ita Ban Fiauolroo ri and la gradually Increasing the anrvlce. REACTION BOUND TO COMC. Railroad Man Pradlela Advaraa Feel ing Towardt Nation's Hera. Cleveland, Ohio, May Preal. dent WIIIIimu II, Cannlff, ol the New York, Chltiago A Bt. Loui Kallroad oompany, (M.kel Plate) Iwllevea In the regulation of rallioada by the nation and the Ut, but regarda the preavnt aciiviiira ui j-ieeuiant idKaevait aa pro ductive ol harm to the country In gene ral. Ilelhlnka that railroad regula tion ahould be aiwompliihed by liberal ooiuwrvatiaui, elue 111 eftetU will be (ell by the people. "Tli pendulum la awlnglng lu one direction now," aald Proaldent Cannlfl today, "but II ran not till to awing hack, and when It awing lack it la bound to I way good deal In the other direction. 1 do not mean by that that weueedtear a DnatKiial pauio; but 1 do mean imply that there will be a retarding ol the progreaaion ol the lt Ave year M whhili tlie ootititry will b thewnreeoIT. "Nation uinat have their IteMea. Riwd Into hlvhiry and toe where Caerar aa UicKhI by his people one day and perhatia the neit wa railed at. The HU'iii na atrura a key note that haa met with ready iwnonM on the part of the people, onty It la not alaay lie to believe Uiat the approval ol the marwee la aaaumiice that the moat good to oiiine to tlie blggnat number ol people, lor the world oflen applaudi a man and later on diaoovera that what they approved haa dune them no good. 'It will nut be long era the whole taltuatloa will be ret tied Into even inn ing again, but not until alter tha pen dulum haa had it awing a little tlie other way." OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST The entire Ruaalan threatened with failure, wheat oiopl , Fiank Wayne, who eon f eased to rb blng the nostotnoa at Bellwood. a sun roof Portland, hag been tent to Mo ""'a Island lor nlnt years. An eiplotlon of powder at the foot Lookout mountain. Tenn.. oanaed the death ol three men and the fatal In Jury of three othera. A railroad bildge was blown up and much other damage FOLK HEARS GRAFT STORIES. Members of Kanaaa City Police Force Bring Talea to Governor. KanraaCity, Mo., Mav iover- nor jtaenn w. roia leu ior jenrraou City tolay alter a eonlerence with the Ural nnlwa eommiaatonets, regarding gralt charge that lasted until 1 o'clock hla morulng. He tieJ but a lew hour teen lat night and early Unlay con Unod conlenlng with peiauna from different walk ol life, who made him acquainted with various phaees of pulire eorrunt on. Among nia caller were nolicwnien and poUre detcolive, who aie aald to luive laid bare numerous ir- regularltlea, evidently la tha hoa ol tning Immunity inr utemaeivea. uov ernor Kolk'e Invest igat Ion liave con loon him that there is a very strong lllaneeesletlng between the Metropnl Itan Hireet lUilwlay comny and the polrw lorce. A high official ol the po ire uVMllmenl la auuioriiy nr uie aUtoment tliat witliln two year thi lleged alliens has been encouraged by the hea-1 ol the department. Meyot lleardsley ha repealeilly aald thai po lineineo have been overaealoua In setv- In the treet.wr companies, when P- have ben Iniuied In accidents. It eru ehariRol that Inatead ol lanmg nniiimtlv to relieve the suffering r- r. . . .. . ,, il the injur!, Hie policemen noaiiy claim sgenta ol Uie company. RUSH RAILS TO FAR EAST. American Factories Busy With Hurry Orders for Japan. Kw York. Mv II. America 'a In duatrtal lnvaion of the Far Kat ia now In lull awing, and Japan is pouring a .i.u. .inam into the United State ... .ti ..lie. car and loromotl Twelve milllin dollars alreatly have k.n einendrd in thi country for rail road auppllea to be used in theeonetruo- tlon ol Uoutnern .-uancnuiMi and It Is now learned that contracts In. m lnna ol (In lar are 'leiiuiiia V 7. . . -I- .-.I iii...i. .l lai a are oeing mwir, pu 1'""'"- - . f. iheneit Uire umullis sieamaiiija ,.i Mt hv Janan will ply acroea the VUMMI-v - ' 1 . - - j , pa.iltk) bearing vaiuame cargoo wi and Iron. ... . Manchuria will ne ua- BOOM VALLEY APPLES. aanaawaaaaw Fruit Fair to Be Held Next Fall for This Purpose. Albany A fruit fair will be held In Albany nest tall, as the result ol a de- ialon reached at a meeting ol the Linn County Horticultural society (n this ity. Kemnneratlve prlaos will be offered lor exhibit, and white all kinds of fruit will be displayed, spples will be particularly exploited. A commit tee of five will be named to have charge ol the arrangements. Tha Idea ol a lair waa advanced by W. O. lxiwnadate, ol Portland, who haa S00-acre apple orchard at Lafayette, and who has been making a camtalgn for the pu'pomt, a lie terms It, "of re habilitating the reputation of the Wil lamette valley apple." He contended that the valley apples were the equal of ny grown, and Uiat all that waa need ed to enUblish their footing as such was care to kill peats snd judicious exploit ing. A wsy to arcompliah the adver tising was by exhibit, and he advocat ed the holding of a Willamette valley pple fail annually. He told ol the great value ol the dltplay ol the valley product he ha maintained In Portland and urged exhibit everywhere. MAKES MACHINaTfO SAVE GOLD Baker City Man Perfects Schema for Dry Diggings. Baker City J. G. Evans, ol this Ity. baa Invented and patented a gold saving machine lor use in localities where lack ol water or absence ol grade has prevented the working of placer dencsiu. Mining men who have exam' inetl the machine are enuiuaiasiic in iia nraiae. . . . it- lt eonamts principally in a uoie lifl.t feet long and ol width ranging to the amount ol work to be done, which lay on a slant ol S3 degrees, and Is given a vertical and at the same time lateral or "pan" motion oy a racnei arrangement. In tlie table are cup- ahaned rime, water tight, and placed at interrala ol 16 inches. The dirt is thrown in at the upper end of the table, and If Derfecllr dry. no water la needed to work It down over the rifllea. As the dirt move down the table, the rilHo catch all the gold or concen Uattw. II the gravel Is not dry, enough rtr must be uned lo keep It moving. Mr. Kvans etatce that the machine can be made largo enough, to handle 100 vardeof dirt per day. The machine ia now on exhibition in this city. Ill) American steel ran irum Mukden, and the traveler will ilde in i..-.. ,..Mmr.,(iir and Cai Ol Ainoriuiin ......--"- i, i,t -nmot vea uuni id mir """ " , . ...... -rtiiitimnuB ui uuiimv been spent in premi " """"- mn nllH?K uenvtru-n. ih. Jaime Inslat that these railroads mmt be built and In full operation - i.i.i vr. janau a ito"" 1U1IU t n v J - - ... ia told to go ahea.1 snd gel uie railroad supplies st all ccata. Honiara Crack Big Safe Ml.ula. Mont., May Cracks. ail.BtlllsVSksl tlie door to the tie vault of Miaronla county at an early hour this morning, ihev secureti me """v but before they were . . ill frtshtoned away. The treasurer a . . 7 l...u la within 75 feet of ? "'!r.- u i Tha notation he y tho Prisoner. In the Jail, but to the fact that the dcputle. I in arresting several sue plToua chapters, nobody In authority P T !. .i.- .oemnted burglary until anew w - - latsr. " ' pU:i 8ocletv In Utah. Salt Lake City. May 21 Stepa to- . .." . tk. n-.nlation ol a peace aocie. . - I.. 11,1. hlkVA I WWII IflRCll. . " . - 7.'" A ;....!. n.l,ld over tlie meet jonny.v" r :;j" , k . l.lnh savasl BlllHlluma vj tng, w : uvera .. n.iiiiniii nioniiu"" i T ih . ... fiAnine anu aiw .- ?r,7.,h;. well a. to International con troveraies. RUEP MAKES GOOD PROMISE POISONS AT DRUGSTORES. Orocsrs and 8aedamen Cannot Dis pense Them After May 26. Salem When the new law regulat ing the sale and dlapenaing of poison ous drugs, goods and solutions of all kinds goes Into effect, May Z5 all gro cers, seedsmen, etc., who bsve been dinpennlng arsenic, strychnine, etc, and other ooisonous compounds to the trade as rat, squirrel and bug exter minators, will have to go ont of the buainena entirely and leave tbia field of profit open exclusively to registered pharmaoint. This, In effect, is the conclusion which Attorney General Crawford ar rived at In an opinion tendered in reeponee to a letter ol Inquiry for an Interpretation ol the new law from Diatrlct Attorney John II. McNary, ol tha Third judicial diitrict. Under present condition it I possible to ob tain poisons of nesrly any description in the form ol compounds and solu tions, especially prepared for Uie ex termination of rats and other vermin, at teed snd many grocery stores, where no record Is required to be kept, and it is impossible under these conditions to trace the source of a poisonous drag or compound which may have been se cured with murderous or suicidal Intent. Cherry Men to Hold Exhibit. Ralem Full of encouragement over the great euooess ol the effort ol lasi nu. Uie cnerrv producer oi ini ec- tlon of the wiuimeiie vaney nave elded to bold another cherry exhibit hi spring, June 10, II and U, upon a larger scale. Preliminary arrange ments, such aa the appointing oi com mitiM. have been made. It ia pro posed to engage the auditorium akating rink wivn ita imroeoiw uww era,. m injunction with the cherry fair the women "I Uie cuy win noio me annual carnival and. since the Nursery. ,,,.n' association ol the Northwest will be in snnual convention hero at the same lime, me penuu t " " be an auspicious one. Favors Manual Training. R.lm The teaching ol manual training in Uie public educational in .iiiil.iina. In the ODinlon of Ir. J. W Kerr, ol Logan, Utah, newly eiecieo .-l,tnt of Oregon Agricultural col MM., la now recoirnised ss one of tlie n.n.t lmnortant branches ol the mod ern educational system. President elect Kerr arrived here a lew days sgo and met with Governor Chambeilain and Slate Superintendent Ackerroan as a special committee of the board of re- ' ... . il . A nnAn gents oi we coiiexe, w i plans and equipment for the new ma chinery hail, lor whloh Uie last legis lature aot aside an apiwvprnmvu 40,000. Telia Oraud Jury About Franchise Graft Doomed to Prison. ' Ban Francisco, May 17. Abraham Ruef made good bit declaration that be would, following his cbangu ol plea to guilty in the extortion cases against him, tarn state's evidence and assist tbe bribery graft prosecution In its cam paign against municipal corruption. Iiuef, obeying a subpoena from tbe grand jury served upon him at the Fill more street prison bouse shortly before 3 o'clock yesterday, went in the charge of Bpelcal Agent Barns, Elisor Biggy and another guard to the grand jury chambers in Native Dons' ball, where be took the witness stand snd submit ted to an examination that lasted from :20 p. m. until after 6 p. m. When tbe ordeal waa over, ne cauea the newspaper men arcund him and said that be had promised the granl ury to divulge nothing. District At torney Lansidon and Assistant District Attorney llency refused to maxe any statement whatever. From Mr. Burns It wsa learned that tbe only matter on hich Ruef was (mentioned was tbe al leged bribing of Mayor gchmit and 18 supervisors by the United Railroads to grant to that corporation a cnange in t Irancblse allowing me eiecirnyiug of ita 260 m'les of street railway sys tern in this city. GQODINITSBAD F.10VE Granting ol Orchard Interrler Raises Jadge's Ire. PLAN TO BLOCK HENEY. COUNTY ATTORNEr INVESTIGATES Busy Tim In Coos County. Mart hfield One who made the trip down the Coqullle to Bandoo last Aug. oat has just gone over tbe same ground and exprestea his surprise at tbe gener al development going on there. Many new enterpises bave been started in that time. Three large sawmills are going up and one new one Is in opera. tion. A ship yard is busy, where two large schooneis are being built and the keel is being laid lor Uie third. New logging camps are being opened, new landa being put in cultivation and coal mines long neglected are being put in readiness lor working again. WiH Try Wooden Pipe. Hood River The Farmers' Irrigat ing company, which opeiates one of the lageat irigaUng systems at tiood Kiver, is considering a plan of permanent im provement that provides for replacing Uie ereater part of ita ditch with wood en pipe. THIS system irrigate me larger part of the strawbeiry fields at Hood River, which must have water to be successfully cultivated, and tbe new nlan will insure a aafe supply. Once in operation, tlie cost win oe less. 8111 Goes Up to Voter. Salem Chief Clerk Kiser, of the secretary of state's office, haa finished checking the referendum petitions on the Multnomah county sheriff's bill and finds there are 4,972 valid signa tures. There were 6.000 on the pet! lion and 4.668 are necessary. The bill therefore will not become a law until it haa been voted upon by the people or until the oouita liave lound some de fect in the petition not lound by tbe secretary t office. Fairbanks to Coma in duly. Astoria Manager Whyte. of Uie chamber f coommerce. bas received letter from Vice President Fairbanks In which the latter says he will arrive at Astoria on either July IS, 14 or 16 to attend a banouet to be given in bis honor by the ciiitens ol Astoria. PORTLAND MARKETS. Siena Azrssment to Let Committee , of Citizens Name Ofnciaia. San Frsaciaco. May 17. Mayor Schmita last night signed an agreement to be guided In his appointments anr Ing the rest of bis term by a oommiuee of seven. This committee is composed representatives cf local commercial associations. Scbmits from now on will be mayor In name only. He willingly signed tbe airraement. as be is s nervous wreck nd unable lo carry on ine anaira oi the eitr. Before concluding arrangements wiui Schmitx. the committee called upon r Ueney, and explained Its plans. Air. Heney said it would not conflict witn the o-raft Droeecutlon. The oracticar abdication ol vne mayor will result In the appointment ol a new chief of police at once to restore order and a new works commissioner to ciesn the oifcv and repair tbe streets. More drattic actions will then follow. Wheat Club, 8182c; blnestem, 84 flvRlta: valley. 8tX381o: red, 7980c Oate No 1 white, 129; gray. $28 29 Rve ll.45(1.60 per owt Barley Feed, 1 22 per ton; brewing, 5S- rolled. 123.60(324.60. Corn Whole, $28; cracked, $27 per ton. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1. $1718 nee ton: Eastern Oregon timothy, $21 23: clover, 19; cheat, $910; grain k.v. SW3110. Fruits Strawberrtea, Oregon, 16 20c per pound; apples, $12.S0 per Imi imatebenles. 10c pel pound. Vegetables Tin nips. $1(31.26 per Un- Back; carrots, $11.26 per sack; beets, Lorg Detour to Reach Albany. iii,.vTlimnrh living within 16 miles of Allmny, reeldenta of Uie etanu- am country are now forced to uavei) V. t ffUB tst Aiirm UllH OUT. , U II" iwiee i --t , . ' . iiflr sua m J A nauxil IlPtilLnJI IIIH CBUsru. i I .ZIHItll.Uw ln)7 wva, iiiii4wnw., T.a wL-iirf.ndewon bridge wa. par-' 1.26 per doaen; lettuca, bead, S646c tiallv washed out In the Santiam floods per doaen; onions, iwsno pw uoa r!I lL?-i.. ,l,lntr. of the "Forks of en: radlshea, 20o per doaen; asparagus, IM1B....V.1. . la 1..1. .r nnnnd! ihubarb. 40 Der 1 Hunt tin." Rl UUl CUHUUT I. ivw. ,(wov I ,, terme... could reacn M iOntans-Oregon. $23 per hundred, v,a JC""' . ,-,, has been I Potatoes Oregon. $2 per sack; new ThUed to Tafflc by order of the courts ' potatoes, 66c per pound; sweot po- OIUVCU v ' L. S...4 .v. Am na Will nil . 0,A" Zul across the Santiam 1.1 Buttor-Fancy creamery, 2022)c at lJhanon. This makes the distance per pound to Albany abpui au mi. Riitter Fat First grade cream, llo per pound; second grade cream, 2o lest per pound. Pmiltrv Average old hens. 14c per """" 7' . miJ ehlckena. lSWc: toring ,t the Weston orioayaro, w w.. au.. SSuaaRe old rouiv iui win ujw" - ' . Brickyards In Operation Weston-The first kiln ol brick burn- season ol 1907 is ? . 'rKa fimttwo camwetfor. looeters, 910o; dressed chicken., Id arket, and the first two f"0' ?o! . nm. turkevs, T'll'to HennS,th'eVrowT ng town dresswd, choice, 18Hf0c. geea. live. 5 Sum. "trnXtflonrojAand 8o; young dk.. nominal; old ducks, I Oranda. The yards Will 16l8o. A . c mtS "ulkS Beef-Dressed, balls, 0(8 fo; 8CHMITZ ABDICATES OFFICE ONLY ONE IN ELEVEN PASSES. Examination of Talaamen In Haywood Case Reveals Prejudice. Boise. Idaho. My 17. During the one seeaion of tbe Haywood trial held vseterdav 11 talesmen were examined ... . . j hAfnre a satisfactory luror was eecuroa to replace William Van Orsdale, tbe grocer, as No. 2, who waa excused Wednesday after neon on a peremptory challenge (rem Uie state. Aa court ad journed yesterday tbe defense exercisea ita first ehallense by relieving Allen Pride, a farmer, as No. 0. Mr. frlde had testified dating his examination Uiat he had invited to dinner the dep- ntv who served him with a jury sum mons. He and the deputy discussed the case for some time, their talk hing- inir narlioularlr upon Harry Orchard who ia to be the nrincipal witness for the state. A talesman waa called to replace Pride, but bia examination waa deferred until today. Plan May Hava Bean to Prejudice Jurymen Lawyera Think Gov ernor'e Action Untimely. Boise, Idaho, May 18. Judge Wood touched off some fireworks just at tbs opening of court, and it became neces sary lo ask all prospective jurymen to leave Uie room while me oispiay con tinued. It was all over repots pub lished in the morning paper of tbe newspaper men'a interview with Harry Orchard the day before. The States man published the story sent out by the Associated Press, one from Its own rec-reeentatives . and two signed state ment from visiting newspaper men. Judite Wood called attention to tne Dublications immediately upon ascend ins: tbe All were surnrisw. When tbe judge had concluded, Mr. Hawley tnoke. Then Air. Kicnaiason said he would like to say what he thought of it, but was restrained by Uie presence of tbe talesmen, inesewere excused and then the whole matter was aired for an hour. Tbe judge finally directed the county attorney to look the matter np and see what, if anytmng, could be done. During tbe progress of the discussion he said there was a plain remedy, if it was the intention to pre judice jurymen, Intimating ba would cite all concerned lor contempt If ne thousht that was the purpose. Yesterday five peremptory cnaiieoge were need. Of the special venire of 100 only 34 are left. United Railway Officiate and Employ Refuse to Teatlfy. San Franciaco, May 15. Th United Railroad bas retorted to desperate means to block Francis J. fianey hi bia efforts to fasten opon the officials of tha corporation tha bribery transae tlons to which the superiors have confessed. Stanley Moore, one of tba attorney for tha oorpo ration, informed Mr. Ueney today that tbe officers ana employes of the United Railroads In tended to ignore the ruling of Jadge Coffey and would lefuse to testify be fore tha grand jury. When tbe United Railroad people first refused to teatlfy. Mr. Heney cited them before Judge Coffey, who ordered them to answer. Now the cotporation haa instructed ita officers and employes to ignore the court's older. When Mr. Heney received tbe mes sage from Hr. Moore be replied wiia some beat that In ancn a contingency ha would call upon the judge to punish tba witnesses for contempt, "and 1 will noi ask for a light fine, bnt for uie beavieat penalty the law affords," said Mr. Ueney. "It Is ridiculous," aald nr. ueney, for those people to contend that their relations are confidential and that they cannot divulge tha company's affairs. I only regret that there to not some method ol Dunichisc Uie attorneya who advise their client to disobey the law in this wsy." WHOLE DAY UNDER WATER. Se- CARS ARE STONED. Rival Submarine Boata Undergo vers Teat.. . ... ... Newnort. B. I.. May 18. With all handa well and contented, and with bountiful supply ol fresh sir, and witn records for submergence broken, tbe iihmarines Octopus and Lake rose to the surface of Narragansett Day at nVfrvk this afternoon, ending a test of 24 hours under water. The Octonos rose first, and the mem. hers of the natal trial board crowded ahont her. aa the conning tower hatch flew ooen. Tbe members oi tne triai board at once went below to aee wnas Annditiona existed on beard, and also to teat the air supply. Samples of air were bottled evety two hours through out the test for analysis by the board. Tbe Octopus blew out foul air only twice during the 24 hoars she was at the bottom of the bay. It waa com puted uiat only one-fifty-fifth of her air supply wsa exhausted and, it these figures are correct, they tend to show Uiat the boat conld remain submerged 36 days, provided the food and fuel supply were sufficient. The Lake also stood the test well, al though a leak was sprung in the super structure. ' SCHMITZ NERVOUS WRECK. San Francisco 8tretRuled by Mob and Poflc Power!. San Francisco, May 16. yesterday, . w a . aai one week after tne loix street muie, which marked the present car strike ss the bloodiest labor disturbance in tha history of Ban Franciaco, was tba worst day of violence tinea Uiat tragic event. Tba forenoon passed with little disturb ance, bnt throughout tbe hoars of the afternoon from 12 to 7 o'clock, stones flew on Mission street from Fifth to Twenty-fourth, a distance of about three miles, and tba lives of many pas sengers aa well as those of the nonunion operative of the ten cars on Uiat Una wera almost constantly in oupr. Thoogh nearly 100 policemen, a few of them mounted, were stationed aiocg Mission street under the command of Captains Anderson and Duke, violence wsa not prevented snd comparatively few arrests were made. In soma in stances passengers narrowly escaped great injury or death from flying cob bleetonea and brickbat. Several pas sengers were assaulted by the crowds, numerous strikebreakers weia struck, panes of glass were ansaahed and per sona alighting from cars wera chased and in some instance knocked down and beaten. Will Proaecute Harriman. Washington. May 16. That Uie in nniiv mndiwted bv tha Interstate Com. ' . . . . .. merce commission into tne conauci oi railroads controllr by E. H. Haniman, will reaolt in prosecution waa plainly shown by the publication today of tbe report and recommendations oi rrana B. Kellocg and Charlea A. Severance, counsel lot the commission. Within a ahot time the commission will take up this report, vote upon it snd transmit to Uie department oi Justice the evi dence tending to ehow that Uie Harri man school ol railroad financiering na operated in violation of the Sherman anti-trust laws and other statutes. The publication of this impottant report caused a pronounced sensation, it proved a decided shock to tome of tne members of the commission. Eight Million In a Year. Butte, Mont., May 17. At a meat Ins ol Uie stockholders of the Anaconda Copper Mining company, held today at Uie offices of the oompany in Anaconda, all ol Uie old directora were re-elected. The report of John D. Ryan, president ol the Anaconda tapper aiming com pany, submitted to stockholders, chows r- a il . a I. -a. Would Follow Ruef's Lead and Core fees, but Lawyers Restrain San Francisco, May 18. Mayor Schmita is on the point of a nervous eollarae. He recognizes Uiat tbe end . . , is at hand. Kuef bas aireaay expoaev hie part in the trolley bribery and uie Parkaide deal and in Uie next few days will continue the exposure, showing how the mayor figured in every corrupt deal put through during his adminia- Uation. The mayor realises that two coarse are own to him. Me can eitner con fees or hold out fur a few weeks, when he will be tried, convicted and sent to the penitentiary. At present Uie mayor is hesitating between the two courses Two of his attorneys want him to fight It out and Uie third has urged him to confess. ; 1 ' 11 Filipino Tribes Are Quiet. San Francisco, May 18. Brigadier General H. T. Allen, organiser and un til recently chief of the Philippine con stabulary, arrived here yesterday from Manila on the army transport Thomas. General Allen says there ia little trou ble in the Philippines now except In Leyte and 8amar, where Uie bill tribes still worry the insular government TEN MEN PASSED. Jury that the corporation for the year that Aguinaldo is now living quietly on hla ended Deo. 31, 1900, earned a profit of ranch in Uie province of Cavite, where The balanoe on Deo. 31, tne former neaa oi uie uwuirocux, to nis own anairs 18 842.669. 1906, waa $7,240,672, which, with Uie profits lor last year, amounted to a sur plus of ie,U83,z4i. attending; strictly and not participating in matters politic. Tsl An's Death Will Causa Trouble Tokio, May 18. Japan la consider ably concerned about Uie recent atti tude of Uie Chinese papeis on dynastic matters. Tbe Mainichi fcSblmpu inlet demand for Its product, much is being done. Collsga Yar Narlng End. Albany Aotlve preparations are In nrogress for the annual (wmmencement EX. at Albany college. Wednea Jn 19. will be commencement per country steers, ... - n.t BfiOO 000 Fund Pittsburg. May "-JX'day tli week preceding will be ... '. iun eamilgn ' ten days. thSjOay .rlA11, ...-.iBes. commem- mimlr. of the Young by earnliig an endowment fund of $200,. d ng, June 17. pound. 1 pound; cows, 78o. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 1010c per pound; ordinary, 69o; spring lambs, with pelts, 9i0o. Pork Dressed, 69o per pound, aiops 68Jo per pound, according to quality. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1619o per pound, according to shrink- Carmen Make Headway. San Francisco, May 17. The Geary street road has granted the demands of ...i.iiln,mM and will resnme operations on a basis of $3 for an eight ' pret the comments of these newspapers hour day. The board of supervisors as foreshadowing the beginning of a nniiAM tha nffiniala nf the line last . struggle ior ine iikwmiub, iui Monday that, unless Uie company start-' emprees ol China, who la virtually ed ita cars, the city would take the road ruler ol the empire, being now 77 year and operate It. The line runs from Uie old. The civilised world, the Maiukihi tunotion of Uearv. Kearney ana juaraet onuuuu uuuu, j iv streets to Golden Gate park. This it , heaval at no very distant date, a victory for the men. Will Cut Passongsr Rate", Will Build Two Dreadnaughts. London. May 18. Orders have been St faul, may i .General reduc- given to lay tne keeis oi two uaiueeun tions in passenger rates to all points by of the Dreadnaught type. It haa been the Great Northern railroad will soon nndeistood that in case the proposal for be announced, to become effeotive July disarmament took definite shape in 1. A. L. Craig, parsenger trafflo man- iThe Hague conference only one Dread ager, states that the Great Northern naught would be laid down. The or will allow all point on ita system to der for two such ships is construed as receive the benefit of the lower rates Great Britain's acknowledgement of provided by the Minnesota and Noith Germany's refusal to entertain tba dis Dakota laws, 2 and 2 X cents. armament question. , Good Progaaa Mad bt Getting for Haywood Case. Boise, May 15. Substantial progress toward th formation of a jury to uy William D. Haywood tor Uie murder of Fran Bteunenberg, twice chosen as tha chief executive of this state, was made yesterday, tha thiid day of tie trial. Selection ol talesmen naitea ior tnree hour over chairs 6 and 6, bnt one those seats had bean filled progress was very rapid. At adjourn meat lor the day counsel for the defense bad com pleted the examination and temporarily passed tba tenth talesman. They had bnt two mora to examine in chief and a to exercise tha right, two of those tem porarily passed, so Uiat with reasonable progress the izm talesman anonra tm passed today in time to open tha way ior tha Hist peremptory challenge. whose exercise marks entry to tha final stage of the formation of Uie jury. No Strike On Rio Crande. Denver, May 16. There will ba no strike of th trainmen of the Denver A Bio Grande railroad aa a resntl of the differences over Uie wage scale. A conference lasting until late last night wound np with an agreement between tba trainmen's committee and officials of tha road that there would be mutual concessions and a eaerful weighing of tbe claims of both aides until an un derstanding fair to all waa reached and then a scale based on this understana- ina will be signed at once. It will re quire several days to settle Uie details. Canal Workers Quit dob. Panama, May 16. The stiike of the team shovel workers, which began yes terday, Uie men demanding $300 per month instead of their present salary of fxlv, continues soaay. mia morn ing only eight steam shovels were st work. Colonel Goethala la endeavoring to replace the strikers with mechanics now employed in the shops and it ia re ported that be has sent a cablegram to Jackson Smith, the member of the canal commission to contract for en gineers in the United States. Rasum Work on Athol Cutoff, r Cheyenne, Wyo., May 18. Tele graphic instructions have been re ceived here to resume st once tha build ing of tbe Athol cut-off on tbs Union Pacific railway between Cheyenne and Denver. The contract, amounting to some $600,000, was let some months ago and soon after work began it was ordered discontinued, ine cut-on ia built to avoid the ateep, grade over Athol hill and will reduce the Uma of tralna between tbe two cities. "Summer Already Begun. New York, May 18. Tba govern ment thermometer at the weather ba teau today registered 83 defrtse and the first case of beat prostration for tha year was reported. Tha victim, waa laborer. 000 from il.C.Friok une to property.