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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
OREGON Mil 1ST THE SEW LAW Entered at the Postoaice- at St. Helens, Oregon, at aecond-claw mail matter. Issued Evaav Friday Bv K. H. FLACO. Editor and Proprietor. Subscription Rates One year......... Six month .73 rroperly Xt Be Amused at Fall lata Talao. Advertising rate made known on arj cation. Legal notice 23 cent per li pli- me. . MAY 31. , CIRCUIT COCRT OFFICERS : Thomas A. McBridk. District Judge G. X Hedges ....District Attorney COUNTY OFFICERS: K. S. HaTTan, Judge St. Helen W. A. Harris. Clerk St. Helens Martin White, Sheriff..; St. Helens Casper Libel, Commissioner Mist H. West. Comm't Scappoose Edwin Ross, Treasurer- St. Helens A. T. Laws, Assessor...- St. Helen I. H. Copeland, School Snpt....Houlton Frame B. Prescott, Suit Rainier H. R. CUFF. Coroner St. Helens Memorial Day, May 3t)tb, when loj-nl citizens do honor to tfce veterans of the War of the Rebellion, whose prime of manhood was given that this Nation might exist. Their diuiinithipg ranks remind ns that our country on hardly do too much to (how its gratitude f t the sacrifice they made. PORT OF COLUMBIA. Mr. SvKester Farrell. of Portland, a member of the defunct pilot commission, hat broogut suit against the newly ap pointed Port of Columbia Commissioner, of which W. D. Plue, of lUimer, is a - member, to enjoin them from issuing bonds or attempting in any way to carry oat the provisions of the act under which that body was organized. Mr. Farrell is a taxpayer in both Multnomah and Col ombia counties and chums to be acting in the interests of hi fellow tax payers, but it is more probable that bis interest as a member of the Board of Pilot Com missioner is the controlling factor. The shipping interests o' the Columbia River have long suffered from this ancient graft, and ship owners have been compelled to pay blackmail to its organ izers. The city of Portland, in which Air. Farrell reside, has been discrimi nated against by ship owners on acconnt of the state of affairs which has existed at the mouth of the river, and Multno mah's representatives, at the request of Portland's business men, secured the passage of the bill creating the Port of Portland. Columbia County' represen-1 tative voted and worked tor it, and, as he represents a substantial property in terest here, it may be fairly inferred that he did to because be believed the new law would be beneficial to Columbia j County. Lumber is our greatest indus- j try, and will continue so lor many year to come, and it is to our direct interest to have all bars to commerce removed as speedily a possible. In wages alone ships loading in Col umbia county will pay out not less than $00,000 per year; probably a great deal more, and they furnish a direct market for a considerable portion of our farm produce. ' Were it not for the ship the sawmills of Columbia county would go out of business, at the railroad cannot supply cars for any considerable portion of their output. Portland is vitally interested in any measure that will, even in a small degree, better existing conditions, and it would seem to be a fair inference that its busi ness men are the best judges as to the new law. Columbia County has the same interest. We live on Portland and Portland lives on us. Every ship thatloadtatitsdocks, every factory established there, and every new resident it secures, is a factor in the prosperity of Columbia County; therefore we should favor any measure Portland's shrewd business men believe to be for the best interests of the metrop olis. We trust the Port of Columbia bill will be sustained; but its defeat only means postponement. The state of affairs at the mouth of the river has become so notori ous that a remedy must be found. rVrtion 1. The county jiulgp, moniy clerk, and axsesKor of the pewral c m -tie of this State shall constitute a Umrd of t qtialixation to examine and c itvtrt the ae.wnient toll returned by the assessor ill their never! counties, and to inc-ee or reduce the Ta!uati"ll of the property therein a teased, so that the same shall be full cash value there of, and to assess omitted taxable prop erty. in the manner hereinafter provided. The board shall meet at tht court liouee in the several eonntiet on the third Monday of October In each year, and the ouutv rl, rk shall lay before the board the awewoient toll returned I y the assessor. The county judge thull, if present, be chairman of tuch board, and tlut county cletk. s'u.11, if present, be clerk theieof. Two members of snch board shall constitute a quorum thereof. Section 2. Before proceeding to the eqnaliaation of suth roll the several members of the board shall each take and subscribe to an oath, to be ttduiin islend by a member of tnch board, and to be filed with the connty clerk, to faith fully and honestly examine, evrect, and equalize at full cash value said assessment roll and all property s re turned by uch assessor. Section S. If it shall appear to tuch board of equalization that there are any Inn Id or lots or other property sssewed taice, or incorrectly assessed St to de scription or quantity, and in the name o( a person or persona not the owner thereof, or assessed u ruler or beyond the actual foil cash value thereof, said board may make proper corrections of the earne. If it shall appear to such board, that any lands, lot or other property assessable by the assessor are not assess ed, such board shall awes the same at the full cash value thereof. Section 4. Said board of equalization shall not increase the valuation of any property on such assessment roll, as pro vided in the preceding section, without giving the person hi whose name it Is assessed at least five days' notice to appear and show cause, if any he has. why the valuation of hi assessable property, or some part thereof, to be specified in such notice, shall not be in creased, provided, that tuch notice shall not be necessary if the person ap pear voluntarily before said board, and hi there personally notified by a mem ber thereof that his property, or tome specified part thereof, is, id the opinion of the board, assessed below the actual E lireenwo! to JjuU McE Gal breath t lir of sw qr and a S of nwqrsecStioS Hammond I br Co to M J Kenny u 2 of ne 4 te 4 of no 4, no 4 of te qa tec 3J 6 3 ..... R aud S It Hall to Cook liamble w hf of n4 tee IS T 3 ....... Bertha Hansen to Nehalem Iuvst Co w 3 of n qr ne qr of oar 4 S3 5 8 and timber on te 4 n w qrS3 5 5 10 M K Iletirici U C Gerber and K Koeupneqrsvc'JOS 4 10 O D and O K Hunter to F and L fcngacher nw qr of qr and U 2 of sw qr of te.'qr ?J !.. M J Kenny to J F Hamilton t ustce ne qr of tw qr and nw qrofqri-c3tS 0 4 ........ 10 M J Kiutey to Jat Peters o n hP of ne qr te qr of ne qr, as qr of 6 qr 3d 8 3 10 R 11 and 8 King It J Smith hf 0tnwqrsec33 8 3 ...TT. F C and C li Knapp et al to Ne halem In vat Co und ill t int inteqr2852 10 II Koukle by sheriff to W R Holme 5x10 blk 10 Dobbins add 2 01 II and M A KraU et al to I 8 aud A M ltuuigarducr lot 5 sec 8 7 4 400 C aud 1 M Larkins to W J Zill- man n lif se qr sec 2tl 7 4 1 and J M Lynch UO J Isrtelson 17 teres In see 19 4 1 1575 R B Magrunder trustee to Bentou LA L Co lota 2 and 3 tec 34 8 5 3 L A and G M Malcolm to M J Kin- ney ne qr of tw qr aud nw qr of te qr ?c 30 4 HOO John Mayoard to Nehalem Iuvst CoswqroftWQrsec0 8 5. ... 10 F B and II W McDonald et al to I S Baingarduer lot 5 tec 8 7 4 10.80 a 400 W Merritt to Western Timber Co w hf of nw or sec 3 4 4 exrept 6 acre... 1 W H L Menke Ly guardian to C Gerber and K Kempt ne qr of Sec JO 5 4 2200 K and B U Merrill et al to Peter Hcrgren lot 5 and 0 blk 2 Deer Island 60 K B and W J Morrisio to Nehalem Investment Co 4' int in se qr s?c28o2 10 F and L W Morrison et al to Ne halem Invst Co int in tee 28 5 2 G F and M JMoeck to M FLoring bt 41 blk 42 Moeckt add to ltainier MY BKt r'UIKNU .Alexander Btnioti a ho lives on Rural Route I, Fort Kdoard, N. V., iys 'Dr. King's New Plsvowty Is nijr etrihly friend. It cured me ot athnia six year ago. It ha also performed a wonderful cute of incipient roiisninpUoi. for my ton's if.' .The flrst bottle ended the terrible couh, and this accomplish d, the other symptoms left on by one, until she perfectly well. tr. KUgs New Discovery's power over cooght and cold it simply marvelous." No other remedy has ever equaled It. Fully guaranteed by all druggist. 500 and tl.OO. Trial bottle free. Money Order at fifteen cent a lttin ,rwt. Columbia County Bank a. curr, PHYSICIAN & rr UKLKN rjR. BDttlMROfS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ORKitrl. SURGF1N ST. HULKS', ; : ORKUC value ; and provided, further, that such G F and M J Moeck to J P 01en FULL CASH VALUE. According to the law, published in an flttX co'u,on ' ,ue Mist, properly ' "-' ntutf be assessed Ihis year at its full each valne, and the members of the Board of Equalization inuxt eccli make oi h that this has been done. The asset-sor had made Inquiry of the Secretary of S ate a to whether the new law f cted the current aaeeamienf, but had been iu i wined that it did not. Tlierefure the publication of the Bersion I-aas was the 11 1 at notice the authorities here had of Ihi imtortaut change. A gicat de.l of the work of aswsing had hf en ami all np n the old b'in. This will all have to be revised and up to the full cssb value. In order that the )i nple may underst..nd tho law, the assessor is having cirrnl n printed and ne of then? will he maile l to each tux payer in the county. The effect of this law will be, we believe, to ower the amount of taxes to be paid by the average property owner and increase the amonnt paid by railroads and large owners of timber lands. Taken in con nection with the cruise of tiu.brr land now in Drogrees we believe it will mure than double the asset eel valuation of Columbia countyt notice shall not be necessary in event the board deem it necessary to increase the valuation of alt property opon snch rolls, in certain proportion, in order that the valuation c-t the property generally upon the tolls (hall be its full cash value ss by Jaw rfqnireJ. Petitions OT appli cations for the redaction of a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of ths applicant or hii attorney, and be fi'ed with the board during the first week it is by law requir ed to be in session, and any petition or application not so made, verified, and tiled shall not b) considered or acted upon by the board. Section 5. Said board ot equalization shall continue its session from day to day, exclusive of Snndaya and legal holt days, nntil the examination and correc tion and equalization of the assessment; rolls shall be completed; but it shall complete said examination, correction and equalization within one month from the time it is by Jaw required to meet, and, aniens sooner completed, at the ex piration of one month from the tire the board is herein required to meet, the examination, orrection, and. equaliz ation of said assessment roll shall be deemed to be complete. Section 6. Corrections, additions to, or changes in the said roll eh til be en tered in a column therein headed sub stantially, "As Equaliz-sd by the County fioard," and the entries in such column shall be the record of the action of said lioird. The meeting, qualification, sit ting', and adjournment of said board shall be recorded in the journal of the connty court. 500 100 loOO 10 93 175 10 iO 3000 500 275 800 REAL ESTATE TRAXSr'EKS. 7C0 280 L E and W E Bailey et al to F P and I M Miller 2 acres in Stc 441 O Z and M J Bryant to II Samuel- on light of any 1 J C, M V and U 8 Bryant et al to I S and A Bbnigardner lot 5 8 7 4 10.80 acres 400 O Z and M J Bryant to Bertha Lewidion 8 acres in see 10 7 4 O Z and MJ Bryant to Jas N Rice lota 3 and 4 Bryants add to NClats A R and K L Buford to It B Ma grunder lots 2 and 3 -c34 8 5 2C0.22 Columbus Maccalxan Bldor and Cemetery Assoc to E L-rensen 1 1 65 cemetery at Mayger. . .'. F J and I Coo r to M J Baker part of A Ilrojnlj die J A Kk to II Saiouelnon part of J Wagner d I e 100 C 8 Emcrf on et a!g to F P and I M Miller 2 acre in sec 4 4 1 A ai d J L Fi!zerald to 8 B Camp bell 2.) a in ne 4 see 31 5 4... (J 8 Foeter tr to J KewaUtmier A F Bishop lota 13 14 15 10 blk 0 Gohle ...... Same to Frank Bishop Iott 5 9 12 13blk8Gohle Same to Sarah L Voigh lots 3 4 5 8 b)kl2Goblo C N Gable to St. Helen Lodge No 117 I. O. O. F. n 34 ft of lot 21 Uk 11 St. Helens J V and N M George to Chapman Timber Co n 2ofnwqrte4 of n w and ne 4 of sw 4 sec 7 4 2 ,. I H and O T Gove to Emma Mar quiam se 4 tec 23 4 2 , 10 7-50 700 800 1 200 n lot 12 blk 43 A and L Mott to M W Brown t hf of nt nr sec 20 5 2 J A Moier to Nehalem Invttment Coswqrofse ir84 4 H A and G A Marry to R M Mar vin 9.08 acres in sec 18 7 4. . .. M W and W Newsome tj Carrie Robert lot blk 22 Dobbins add to Rainie E and J Nautbaumer to Olive I) Hunter nw qr of se qr of sw qr of te qr sec 29 6 2 (correc tion) E K and 0 M Ohson to Nehal.m Invst Co nw qr of ne qr of nw qr544 E Y and W II Powell to C C Mas ten lots 3 4 and part of 2 blk 28 St, Helen John Pringle to John Jones land in sw qr 9 4 4 J and J Roeter to II O Howard (bond for deed) land in 32 7 2 11 and K Samuelson to Cba Jack ton land in 8 7 4 Same to I II Ek part of I Wagner die A J Smith to T A Smith und hf of w hf of w hf of nw qr and w hf ot e hf of sw qr, nw qr 33 , 3 T A and A Smith to A J Smith and hf of e hf of nw qr and hf of e hf of sir qr of nwqrtec 33 8 3 L and L Snider to A Ask and B Redjisks se qr 22 5 3 State of Oregon to II O Howard sw qr of te qr ; n w qr of ne qr : sec 32 and n bt of nw qr tw qr of nw qr and nw qr of sw qr sec 33 7 2 1450 Same to same nw qr of s hf of tie qr end ne qr of ne qr 32 7 2.. Statu of Oregon kill Grove seqr tec 2.1 4 2 L B f-tnart to D W Kamp lot 15 blk 8 Rore'a add to Vernonia f) J and E8itzret si to Peter Horgrin lot 5 and 8 blk 2 beer Island F Trow to Nottingham Co ne qr 3551 i M and M E Turner U- Eliza Jer- asjarvil a in 348 4 C F and J L Waddell to Joe Wad- sw qr sec II 5 6 2000 E and F Waster to Columbia Tim Co e hf of ne qr 15 0 2 J Wcsser to E and F Watser e hf of ne qr of seqr and e hf of se qr ot se qr tec 15 0 2 G W and II Walter to Katia Carl sou part of tec 34 8 4. M and W T Watts to E E and M A Wkkeraham lots 1 2 8 4 blk east side add to Scappoose. . . 0 E and C II Wheeler et alt to I S and A M Bumgardner lot 5 tec 8 7 4 , A L and F 0 Whitten et al to I 8 aud A M Bumg irduer lot 6 8 7 4 F w and J F Wood to Win Sim- tnont land in Clatskanie 500 U 8 to F II Camaris lot 4 14 0 6 patent.... ,,. , , , (21 rvi Sallownesa Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark (kin becomes (Mcinaiing when dclu-ately toft, urulrnprraj with the radiant (low which imli catesanealthv.actirokin. Robert in keep the ktn refined in quality, keep! poref ree from cloKKingwant and itimulatei the tiny npilUritt lo contribute the color which charms in blonde and hruncite alike. Kohrn ine is certain protection acaitut on, sunburn and frerklea if applied be fore exposure to tun nr wind. Spreads like an imperceptible ilirrn of avue over k in turf are, form mj a shield stimulating and prcirrvine a delicate, luitrmn beaut y. AJ 1-ct tvlUT R0BERTINE &1 SUMMONS In tluM lr iiU t'.Mirt nt llm M l.fOlH'l, tr lhtl .rintr ot 0liml'1.. I'. N, Hull !. !. pljliiUIT. t Mry II. Hull Ut. tMvmUM fuM.ry li. Hull Uwln, tho alxivt named , ' u . . In Hie iih l IhoStmn nl (Wm ymt rv hi-ralie in n.HKHr unit iii I" enmplaliit SI.-U lni ' " llilrO .ilium r lnr lh 'iril"ii ot n-ka from anil lt.-r Ihe ltr.1 utitv.l'M l Ihi. nimmoum lo lt -Hip Will i June. Ii;. ".( II m lnilwl.i ainwar awl ax""" lihln nlit time, ir wmil HhotiiI llir I'laliilirt III ni'l'lv tilths I'.niri tor Hi rvtll iUuiii' In Ihe limpliiliit. lo ' -tor a .teem, in the nt.t eoml lotvier ill-nulvlu Ihe Hull1 ol MMl rlinmn now ami hweiohw emmlin Iwiweeu l-Uiinilt n.l HeieiMtnul, sn.t lor mii'li other. Iiiriberii l.lnt n' n-IK-lmlu Ihei'iiiirl m) term meei mt eiillilile Itili HiiBiMntii t f,lini.heii hjr firoer ot ll,.u lfc. A. M. llrlile. Ju.lire of the Ireult lour! ot the Wi iilire.Mi, (orthei oiioiv ot l i.liin.bin HH. ! Pliteml nil the H'h .la nt Mm, l)v. n.l hirh iiMer illiwl. Ihal you ppearmi.1 mn leht couipUiul aiihin l .' trvni the nrt ptibliranon nl line emu ... Iheilat nt Ihe fli.l ptililinttlnti ulihli Duiii aioua ia Ihe tail .liijr vl t'iJ J-KANK MOtTKR. AHormv lor I'luiullit. NOTIl'K TO (-UKIIirOHH. In Ike Coimiv Court nt III Hule ut Oreiin. for t'oliiuitila luuutv, lu Hi mailer ul the e.Ulo of John J, qululan. thx-eaH-'t. , Noll. la hereltt lvsi he the un.lerliiet. Iinliii.lniiiii of ili l.laio John i. guloUii. .te.ettaett, loll hat'lli .-Uluta ealul Ihe e.lale ot aslil ileoeueO, lo (iiewlll llieui, iih the nrotwr vonrlient, within all mnniha lr.KM theilale ol Ihia Hollo, lo lite un'lerliiet a.lmlnl.lialrli l the law ..Itlco ol IMIIaiit A tKj',l HI, Itelrua. 1'oliimtiia, eoiiuir inemoi. JJKIUKKT .Krrt.t.t. Paled Mareh l Ian. A.lniiiu.tiairu ul lit KaUteol John 1. Hum tall, tlcveaaed. I, VA'W, --- w w w w -m Free iiiusirnieu i urnltureCai,1 TclllriiHow VgCany Thl Orcot -S 7..- '.,;! Delivered to your J V.51U prepaid CUAROIAN SALE Aun K- UtHhUitir. i.UAKlitiii o rhariiMl Urn I -ul. IK-1 1.. M.llUvU runt. Mrli Jum r'Nul iiti't wiiittt lUr-.lii Pau), tithittrw, bt (.r tho ( uuntr of Wuliitniwiiii, wiM u i v Tuitvtax. Ih Mh l Jiiip, A ! Wf. nt i W lh hutirui ( ikflttrk m. Hi nl I ho ffttiti iKr 1 m nl iht? t tHiiitit CoHtl lion In (Itv ttmtt tl hi I i ci r:;.- .1 M Vv VfB . I -Ul it . JT4.V".V m - at rr A Mrtt.ii, lu th I mint" tif CoUtttiblii, tt3 ol O '.- n, l fulfil.- uit. to U.r hlhcai hl.I ttr fur rath, all f tr tittrvwt ii 11 wifttf IM mni lu the tnU ( guftr iiv . ur ) at tb Norih f t Wtmrler (o, ; nr.Wiiti fh S"ftls Hull (n. Mh (n?r tu- 'rr i ( Hip -'tub ijiutlrr ( v.iir Mtiit twrtil : l"tti '. in lnwti-hli Mt (ti) HtnUt ut tUtiw Mvi ( .1 Hoi. milamtti? Vrrt.iua. tit tittle 111 'tt)timM t'MHilV, Wlf nf OttHt wis ! Hl'le Mbtrt,'( l liRrtfmtltm t'f M)tt i on tv r.urt ol tb hutv ul Uttuu fcr Mutltiumah CtvtMit. titrn tr mI'J minor thf tit. tij.!tJ hm)t "I'l ri i r..wit,, i Ut J'jrf fif dl of smi t Aim K Hwllmfv, t-tol &U; utb, t r ANNA K Wltllt'RY, Nrl6Upi Natlbui. AUorttwir, iw.,,t.-i..ii iim, r,.iii.n i ADMlHlSTRAfDRS MDTICI or ' nun irrniiMT I car' Then you may Mt moutlily. YouE: We are wholesale tlcaler in the great Edit Range, tttiJ can accordingly ouote lower prices tbu askcu uy tuner nouses nauaung interior range, do not pay f6s for an Kclipne 6-hole raiu-c. but 4.S makintr tniip c I :c- 1 l.c prices co tin v3 ist so drop us a jxwtal card for our fine cataO NOW, Wc carry al! si,cs,with and without rcsertS .uiiui'u i iiv niiai vtitvii vu i lie, GEVURTZ & SONS Portland, 0rrt 73-175 Tlrst Street AMD Oregon Short line Union Pacific CSI1LS IiKfoT. ;, lavn fHICALOfOKILAMl t 14 A. N SfKi IAU lor the Daily, els lIUBttni-ton. t 11 f M ,j tJI- itltiKANK T L V r. H foe Kiutern Waahlns bin. walla Walla. ! lauin. Coeur d'Alene i and Great Korthcru points. ATLAN'friTKXPRKsS f M (ortheEsat rla Hum- Dallr. torton' i Arrirea. ; t'allf. too '.". tmilr- Noltiu U hefrt. itlie" Dial the untenlued a.tiullli.trttlr ol Hip .!ale p:. i.lliurf , dctM-d ha. niel Ilia Final Aerolidt la Mild ' elle Hi Hi t oiuilv I'ouM ot Ihe Sl.te of nr. I enoti for 1 I'oilnu.aihl h H.olornhte t Jode.t ot iMi.'d I oufl ha aik.nle. tatoriUt tliel.tdae.d Jane. Iw7, al III hour ol len ' O 1'ifW-e. lit llln Iiiih..iU It.. t . heartiifi ol (he ot.jvrtiou. u. .ucli filial Ac.ouut and the wrlUrlueiit lh.-ir..l. All omO!. uit..rr.ll lit ktld Utc are f 'luirea 10 Hie Uitr, ll..a thrrvlu lu couuiv loiirr ou ur tieloi aald ,la Uf 'trh beflite- t'-telai r llrletia. Orrf..u. (hi. J day ol A.rtl A. t. VM. it r i.n.tM i AduiuUta4,?r. prmirujujijuuuj SOROSIS "TBSa, THE SMARTEST FOOTWKAK FOR WOME) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 11 A. fajtr. Lower Columbia River. Hteamer llamalo leave PortUm! dalle, escerd ip m. KaluMae lu lit ft m for A.lorla and ar lau-llnn Helnmll' lemre Aalurla at J U0 a. m dalle rtmt Huudaj-. A U CRAIO. Gcuerml ruaenser Ascot. PlrKTI-ANDOr. Spring Ties and Oxfords 13.50 and $..oo c The most up-to-date hosiery department in the city fcj Men, Women and Children. STATE BANK OF RAINIER5 RAINIER, ORE. CAPITAl7$5,ooo ronrper cent intereat piil on savin; depoiitt. Interest eotnrnndrl temi-iniiuallr, March 1 anil September 1. W. B. LOTTMAN, Cashier Collection Made -:- Drafts Issued! 1530 320 80 00 400 700 180 Sotlrt. herelie (Hen lhal the til. U e.lti.1 ailtlilol.trttlf ol the ratate of VI. II I'atmrr 1 deeeawl haa nie.1 In Ihe orto of Ihet omilr l orl ofihr oui'y .doraMa, nial of ura. I fct Snal iH'eouul ol hi. adininllratlo.i ; ou r.ul, l.rther llb h Bnal returi aittt ilittitti hir di.trlliiilfi.o n.t tlul Ihe lion. e! .-laluMay June I IMt, at 10 o'euvk III Ihe Inrru.HiD ul.l ir. m lh llmr. ll l,. I oorl f.-,t olaMl't I'woil In M, tldvua. Oregon a. Ihe ila. ol brln Ihe , tlnhl. ti lime and flare, aur i.ivg inir(rlrt In .al I i eatate tna a.iear and nl oliicUoiii u, mtiung ......... mf MtiM iin.i irlMn an-1 !-ltllon lor .llairlbutiou. or ut trtlou v ellhrr of Ihe earn, tikAMT rtuwaJIM) Adnilnt.iraiorofibee-.uieof a. II faioief, ilcea-wl ' wj I'owell ailorner for admlnUlriior. SI'MMONX. In the Clmilt t'onrt of ih Hsate ol Ore.. a. lor I l on tit t jaw. (lewrxe A UtSM ,ilnilT ' fc". Kllirllh It. MeVrll. dWetidant 1 I to ;iu.iiii if, aiv aawe-l de. ' fc. Irndaitt. f t tu Hi name of the Slale of l)rem, tou a fc' rj't'ilred lo a (.near iNunm lh ; ' "'I' aH"" '"'I In the al.-,, fc eulille.1 ault aii. e.oitl on or it., no, V. ilarol June tu.. ud It )u lull in a,w, I Jfe KNIGHT SHOE CO. 3rd and Washington Portland, Ortji Walkover and Sorosis Store r g The largest speciafty 8torc in the Northwest to J nrnrnm hi in ii THE BIG STOR DOW BY THE PIC 8AWMILL j 8UMM0NS in thcClreull Court ol ihe ut of Orcron, for thtouiit)roColuinhui llarrtet Jl. Padmore, puiatln x Wllllum F. 1'a.lrnure, liefrndatit. To William K. I'vlioor the itevi named defendant. In the nam of the Hi.u. of rou ar herehy to apfiear and ai,.,.r . d,i. Iil.uil tiled airalnat ou In llir .1,,,,. piui,j cua and ami, ou nr Id-lore tl.e eiidrnilon ol It week from ihe daK of me lia.i i,ui.lliil..o of Dili aiinimona lo il: on r !-.(... ,i.. .... lv of June audit r.m f.l ... ... ....... for want lliereof ihe nlnltulff ui ....... ... .. . court for the relief (iruied lor III her i.imUliit U..WOU Al li.reln. lo-wlt. tiu.1 ihe l ,i. ,,, j mnlrlmoov rioM, ,.l.i ... wwu..i.i. . . . , , - . .iijimiiiiin anu in ri""1" ""nP.ilolhe.,.r l, ,r ,.,;- , ;?OTarsirp. .b. m In 11,0 I at l. Helen.. rd.n..t,la . ,,,, A,'".... "VI . . .. , '.T'" ". r. A. Jdrllrhlr. J,,.!,, ' I . in on . oil.l ol Ihe 1.1.1. ni l.. .... e- null of I olumbla. who hiu i.f..u,ii .... i... div of June 1 Iff of Hi. iai of llirnoii. r the h" ha. .... i ii. ''. a.lhe day f, to Ihe.lal. nf ih. Hn. ....1,1.. ... . of ihi, aommou. I. J,., , V """""" AHornre for -iiMiiit t In uu .oii.i i,f pi, mill' i dm of Jon '1 imapr. 1 rrK MDGKim STOUT Ilat a lUputation ol Uu fttamlina for Onl th Bt ll I steamer iraidai General Merchandis C. I, Hooghkirk, Matter. RAILROAD TIME, '"S:i".'.fm""'1- ur""'" '"""""l. that , Ie. Halrifer daily ee,M a,,,,,!.,,,.,, o ... This ummona ia puhlUhnl br 'ordr of II .. n. iniuiiii. jtifii,. r. in. ,., , f.oluinWa (Guilty, ataterrf Ori-ion. a.1,1 ,., . ?""" " awl dr nl May jwr! .,) date id the I nl .ol,lirnii... ,.ii.l..." ' . . th i-rd dar ol My nirt. -"''.on. COOVBBT 4, STAI'I.KTON F O AddreM,-olnd,i""r,W,",",'1"""T Passengers and Fast Frciebt FOR PORTLAND DAILY l'OKTLAM) LANDl.NtJ. TAYLOU ST 400 Oon't I'ay Alimony to be dlvorcej from your spiendlx. There w ill be 1:0 o ciuioii for It If you keep your boar Its nirular with Vr. Kings Near Lie Tills. Their action Issonentle tliat the appendix has no cause to make lie least complaint. Guaranteed hv nil druggists, 25c, Try them. Strictly Privcite We solicit your banking business; and with the assurance on our part that it will be kept STRICTLY PRIVATE COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK E. E. QUICK The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. ESt. Helens, Dart & Muckle. A. M. H0LT0N J 5 TlTLFS F.YAirivon . f ABSTRACTS MADK Non-Resident Taxes Paid Real Estate u k t f Loans, itp 2 JOB PRINTING r I t i 13 OUR DU8INE88 f?"?"""aaaBeaa mmmmmmm WE have tho Imt and mmt i uiy equipped Joti lrlnt ngOIHee In Columbia County A ndwe are prepared to (10 all hi tula ...', . rf nonce una ai on short most reasonable a mm wut cowvmcE I OREGON RIIIST