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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
'AffirAfmpA'A, tfei 'jL''&'.v't'XUMMMWVi ? -Si . k ye. local m 61 v-'firt'fw.''''r9 rfWlrf-l',tW'mr Talk to How. Coliitntili County Bank. lllnliop HcsdilluK itilivcrcit an excellent Mrmod In tlte Kpitcopat church here Ut Huiiilay evening. The bWImp It a Ana talker ami lilt ertuori i of hi tcreit to all. A number ol St, Helens people danced away the old year last Monday night In the Masonic Hall, M. Prenh, ol Deer Island, was a HI Helens visitor this week. Mr. Will. Cooper, ol Warren, spent Monday in this city. ToOwxitasor Timhks claims an Timhkk, We will buy for cash any good timber tributary to tua Nchalcm river, Will deal with owners only. No others need answer, Write RlviiiK full purlieu lira to bos 8, V. V. Htatlou, 1'ortland Oregon. 2 20 Mrs. Martin White, of this place, who has been visiting relatives for the past month at Hamilton, Mont., returned home last l'riday morning. Syrup of White l'lne and Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For sale l.y A.J Drilling, druggist. Miss Nannie Llllich, of Cumbcrliii Wt.. arrived here last Friday ou a visit to her slater, Mrs. Martin White. Miss Haiel MUhardson, of Portland, visited relatives In this city this week. Seven room bouse for stile or rent. In iu!rt of I'.. 1'.. Uuick, .St. Helens. Columbia county stands third in lbs amount of lumber irodticls this year. Multnomah bring first and Une second Tliere is a revival of the prect ' reclaim tlie lowlands between Maygers and Clatskanic. The projeit was art on foot unite a while ago by California people, but was suspended by the San Francisco disaster. The project include the turning of Heaver Creek iuto the Clatitkanie, thus cnabcliug steamboats to get to that place without the trouble of backing In. materially Improving it as a shipping point. The land, when rt claimed will be exceedingly productive and will lie devoted to raising vegetables for a big cannery business. The Cum pany, as we understand, either pays cash or gives one acre out of every three claimed. It will take an immense amount of capital and labor to do the work Waktko One hundred men to make stavo bulls at f 1 .40 tier cord. First class yellow fir limber. Call on or commuui cats with tlte Western Cooperage Co., Houlton, Or, There are five hundred sawmills In Or eon. of which Columbia county has about one tenth. Ti is Monsy And you save time by Inking the Multnomah when you have business in Portland. Leaves St. Helens at 7 a.m. Reaches I'ortland at 10 a. m. Starts home at 2;30 p. m. You have plenty of time to do your shopping. Henry Nelson and wife of Deep River, Washington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I'owell of this city, Mrs, Nrlwm being Mr. Powell' sister. Mr, Nelson Is tin foreman of the rafting crew of the Pa cific Logging ami Lumbering Company of Deep Creek. Mr. C. W. Hlakesley has sold his home place to Walter Hlakesley.' It is under stood that it wilt le occuicd by liuirctie lllnkrilcy's family, who expect to make Si. Helens their borne hcrcaltcr. Lester Laws, second officer of the Lur line, spent New Years day with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Laws of this cfy- Mr. A. W. McCauley tins resigned his Job as mail carrier between St. Helens and Houlton, and Mr. T. 11. Loit has been temporarily employed by Post master Uray, pending the letting of the bids for a new contract. It is sale to sav tbe Government will pay more than it has heretofore for the work, as times arc too good here (or men to work for I'ucle Sam at past figures. I have little pigs for sale, seven weeks old, at bachelor Flat, Cable's place, op posite the school house. Cl'SSKUZIK, 3 t Warren, Or. Columbia county Is second in the amount of standing timber it contains, Lane being first and Clatnop third. Report cards for sale at this office. Itcst form. As a mark of the business activity that has prevsilcd in this county during the past year County Clerk Harris informs us that there have becu IUS0 rent estate transfers during the past twelve uionfli as against 1.2-12 In 11KM1, or an Increase of over 8(18, Many of these have been tim ber deals and it Is griitllylng to know that the timber la passing out of the hands of speculators into tbe possession of loggers and millmen. It means that the prevent year will far surpass the pnut in its output nnd that there will lie plenty of work ut high wages for all. Optimo cigars; two for twenty-five cts. leader in quality. Ilrlnn Itros. Our output of lumber In the past year according to the very conservative esti mate of Kilward P. Sheldon, Secretary of the Oregon Lumber Manufactures Asso ciation, was 200.000,001) feet. Mr. W. II. Powell visited Rainier Wednesday, for tbe purpose of repre senting Hon. Denn Hlanclmrd in the suit brought against him to dcterniinei the location of the streets in that city. The testimony was taken before Hon. T. A, Mcllrlde, judge of the circuit court. Pure bred White Plymouth Rock roosters for sale. Inquire ut this office. STRAVKD A dark red two year old steer, split in left ear. Send any infor mation to this office. Albert Oleiiisu wilt have a preliminary bearing before Justice Watkins of this I Bi.i. . .... . ""-" nniwTiuwa runnier wen on legal business. County court met Wednesday. The first business of Importance was tbe granting of the petition of C. 0. Masten lor permission to cross a number of county roads with his projiosed logging road. The county has had considerable trouble with the Chnpmam Company over a similar matter, and it Is probuble that herafter considerable care wilt be taken to safeguard the people's interest as to the manner of constructing grades and making fills. Taintx, Etc., Groceries. Etc,, Feed, Etc. All Guaranteed. Etc, . M. C. GRAY. I have money to loan on anoroved rraicsuue security, w. ii. rowi'.u., St. Helens, Oregon Mr. R. O. Haxrn, of Warren wan county seat visitor this week. Dr. It. R. Cliff wild wife spent New Years day with Dr. and Miss McLaren, of Rainier. air. . ii. iramcr, ol alavger, was transacting business here Wednesday The annual run of smelt has arrived In the Cowlitx. The first shipment sold at ten cents per pound. F.dward Itrssett and Win. founder- ville were brought to St. Helens this week from Clatikanie by constable Campbell., They were arrested for larceny anil on being brought before Judge black ford, Hessett plead guilty and was sentenced to five months in the county jail. Launderville was bound over to await the action of tbe grand ury. l'.olh were taken to the Mult nomah county jail by Sheriff White on New Years day. Last Friday night at about 7M o'clock, Albert Oleman, an adopted soo of Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Ayrea, shot and killed his foater mother, at their home near Warren. Oleman Is but thirteen years of age and had llred with the Ayres family for over five years. He claims that Mrs, Avres struck him with stick aud sent him to bed and that he was so enraged that be did not know what be was doing when he shot her. After killing Mrs. Ayres, Oleman went to the homes of two neighbors and said that his footer mother had been killed by an asssssin who bad shot her through the window. Die authorities at this place were immediately sent for, and pon an investigation being made, the officers suspected Oleman ot klllng Mrs. Ayers. He was brought to tbe jail beie nd soon confessed. Slier i IT White look Oleman to I'ortland last Tuesday, where he will be confined until bis preliminary hearing, which will take place on the 13th of this month. Ever since his arrest the boy has been perfectly ceo) and collected, At nu time has he shown any sign of repentance. While confined here he spent most of bis time reading. Miss Bessie HulUn isatteudiug Pacific niversity st Forest Grove. County court Is in ju here this ek. Tbe full proceedings will be pub bed in next week's issue. Nkw Yiua Grkktiso. -I'onibly you are already a patron of tbisbank. If not, might be well to start in with the New ear. A trial may prove mutually prolit- able. With a view to getting better ac- uaintcd, we invite you to call. Colum bia County Dank. Preaching at the M. K. church next Sabbath at 7:30 p. in., by the pastor. The steam schooner Meteor is loading umber here forCallforuiaporls. Fifteen or twenty longahoremeu from Rainier cmne up Wednesday to aisist In loading her, The lumber was cut somewhere on the upper river aud towed down here to be sliipjicd. If all the mills along the pper Columbia should commence ship ping their products from here it would make a whole lot of work at good wages. Mr. W. J, I'ullcrton of Warren, was in town yesterday. One year ago we opened this bank, confident in the belief that good service would bring good business. Our expec tations have been more tluiu realised. To all our customers and friends we ex tend greeting, nud respectfully solicit their continued good will and patronage Those who are not our customers are in vited to give us a trlul. Columbia County Hunk. SiKAYKUOH Stolks One cow, iron gray, with "W on right hip, white star in forehead, white belly, short tail. Dis appeared three weeks ago from my place at Hunker Hilt. f5 reward will be given for definite information conccruingsauie. JOHN WALCZAK, Yankton, Or. t'nrd of Thanks. We desire to thank all those who so kindly showed their sympathy during the sad bereavement of our wife ami mother. Their kindness came in the time of need. C. t. AYRKS. MKKTIB HALCH. A. V. BALCH. Hon- to- Cure Chilblain. "To enjoy freedom from chllblului," writes John Kemp, East Otlalleld, Mu., "I apply Bncklon's Arnica Hnlvo. Have also used it tor salt rheum with excel leut results." Guaranteed to cure lover sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and akin dlsenses. RA1X1EB Miss Ethel Matbewi and Mis Urara Adams of Houlton are tbe guests of Mrs, W, C. Lee Ibis week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Llllick of Bvensen Or. are the spending their vacation with Mrs. Lllllck'a parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. K, N. Fowler ol ltalnier. Mr. and Mrs. Lllliek will go from here to Houlton where he expects to be employed In tbe logging camp at that place. Mr. L. It, Karris was a Portland pans enger Monday morning. Mr, and Mr. John Wolf retnrned to Uoble Sunday morning, after a few day visit with her parent. Mr, and Mr. Harry Dosii of Uainicr. Mrs. W. II. Holt of Mills City, Ore. arrived in ltalnier Saturday last. Mr Holt is an euiploi-o of the Halnler Mill 4 Lumber Company, They expect make Kninier their future home. to 1 surprise party was given Mr. Dulph Honghkirk and Karl Hllvaat Ihe former's home last Saturday night by their clasi males. Uames of all kinds were iudulg. ed In and very pleasant evening had by Ihe young people. From the Kehonlun we learn of the marriage at Kelso, ou December 20th of Mir Iiretia Ileebe of tliul city to Mr. Jese Dennett, of Rainier, and tlirir wisu decision to iiinke Iliiinier their future home. , Harried At Vancouver, wash, on Midday, December Willi liXXl, Mr. El ilrongh and Mis Alma Wilkineon, bulb of Rainier. Mr. and Mr. Joe Rich and Camile Wanly iclurned Friday evening from Kfdlaudii, Cel. While there Mr. Rich aud Mr. Wsnty took up a timber claim Mrs. Arthur Uiggs of Vancouver is visiting illi her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. l. Sutlou of this city. Miss Iois Perry left Monday morning to s-nd the wet-k visiting friends at Castle ltock, Washington. Rev. II. U. Kemp, wife and family led Monday on Ihe steamer Poller for Portland to spend New Year's with Mr. Kemp's parents, Mr. and Mis. C. M. Kemp of that city. Mr. Frank Pouieroy was a Portland visitor Thursday last. Cbsrh-i William and Garnet Jacksou were passengers to Port laud Thursday. Sirs. Koplin of Vancouver, Wali. is visiting this week w ith her son, O. 0. Koplin of tbl place. Mr. J. C. Jelliton ient seieral day in Portland last week visiting relstive and friends. Mrs. L. Seett left Thursday morning for a trip to New York City, where she goes to purchase her spring goods, aud visit her daughter Mary, whs la stud ing muaid in that city, Mr. Swett ex pect to be gone six weeks. Mr. Swell ccouiinnied her ns far as Portland. Dr. Ftynn, wife and daughter of Ilwncn, are vi.iting relative in Rainier. Tbe Dr. is on bis way to attend the Association which meets in Sen I tie next week. Mrs, Flynn i a sister to Mrs. aim-son of this city. Miss Luc Howell of Raker City is in Rainier the gnetl of Miss Olive Jones. Mr. R. State returned to Portland Tuesday after a few days visit with fricuds in Rainier. Mr. William S. Norton, foreman of O'Connell's camp returned to Rainier Saturday evening, from Aberdeen, Wash. where he has been visiting his brother whom he has not seen fur twenty years. Mrs. Jack Appleton ' a passenger to ortlund Thursday last. Miss Harriet Thayer returned to Port land Tuesday morning where she begins her school du'ies us a teacher in that city Monday. Mr. Leslie ltuiley, Houlton' wide awake young merchant was in Rainier Tuesday lust. Mr. I'attcrson.of the Patterson-Nordby Lumber Company, bad a narrow escape from drowning on Monday lust. He was working on a rnft on the river when the log on which he was standing turned, throwing him into the water. Had it not been for the prompt aid of some of the men from O'Connel's camp he would undoubtedly hove lost his life. SCAI'POOSK. The people hnre their cliurcli in town, iio.v there won't be any excuses. Mr. Harry Tompkins entertained hi friends ut the home of his parents last Monday evening, the chief event being hi birthday. The bouse wa decorated with cedar boughs and Oregon graoe. Mr. Frank Tompkins and bis aieter Louise were called from their place of business to spend the evening at home. Frank entertained with his phonograph and Mr. James Pomeroy and sister also furnished musii', lifter which game were played, then more music by Mis lliuid Walts. A light luncheon wa served. Those present were Mr. W. T. Watts, Mrs. R. K. V'atte, Misse Neva lloyl, 1 Intel Watts, Susie Pomeroy tioldlo Ihinniii, lluuna ltoyel, Alice Adams, .Louise Tompkins, Mr. James Pomeroy, Fdward Leonard, Roy Price, Ward Farrell, Clias Nelson, Walter Nel son, Loyd Price, Julius Hoyel, Roy Hilligus, Rellei) Duncan, Mitchell Toinp kin, Harry and Frank Tompkins nnd Mr. and Mr, Tompkins. Mr. Miller, the clerk -In the store, made ft Hying trip to Corvnlli last week. Mr. llarvy Miller of Portland 1 visit ing old friends in 8cappoo8e this week. The young people are leaving tor their diflorent schools after spending their vacation at this place. James Pomeroy nnd Kdward Leonnrd to Portland Academy, Roy Price and Ward Furrell to Corvullis, and Mia Goldie Duncan to Portland High School. Mrs. V. A, Brixon aud daughter Ger trude, of Salem, visited with Mr. Erixon jji J 1 1 Sells a Hi If 87 y c. hscukb. ATTORN E Y-AT-L AW. K.UNIER i OREGON J jR. 11. R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BT HELENS OKDUON. R. EUWIJC ROSS. PHYSICIAN & SURGF")N ST. HELENS, : : OKKiif f V W was' M PORTLAND, DAILY. -TIAMEIr- H M lAmerica,, Willamett Slough Route U Leave 6t. Hslsn. ... :S0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 8:30 PM Arriv at St. LUlsus. 6:00 P M MB! CENT. Carry Nolhine but Paassn gsrs and Fast Freight, Will JAMKS 600D, iriwatar. a, M NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT- III lh 'Counly Court of the Hint o( Oregon, for lue tlowntv of roluiiitiiii, lu the mailer of the oat ate of Charles Fischer, ileeenml . Nottee ti hereby given ihtit 1 tmve thin hv flltHl my tlnnl Hceouiu, tut n'imliiltitrator of the entule'of t'lmrlen FUlier, tleeiMtseil. nntl pett tioiHMl theCiurt foran onler n'le:iinr myseU nt bumiKinen from further ttMiiiiui-'it-t v. ml mtnhttrator of uiU cstttte, nml Unit VetIuiMlnv, the -'-Hrvl iuy of JanuHry, 107, ut 10 o'etm -k a. m., of Haiti dav at the earn t lmuse hi saftl inmiy ami tate, haa been appotutetl by Nithl eimrt ns ttie lime for the wtilt'iueni of stilit final net ouuf, ut which time and liteeany (mtmhi iutereMeU In aahl ettie inuy uiMWHraiul tile hit oljrel inns Hiitl ahow otitixe, It uuy. why an order hinh1 nut le iimtle allowlmi mUi llnul m-viMint, ami releaatoK mvitetf nnd bttinUinea Innti further obliauttous in mU vntate. CHAD. W. MAYliKR, AiliulniKlrtuor. Vt7rCf FOR PUBLICATION. (Timber I.nutt, Aft June 3, 1STS) Vntted 8ttea liml t-thee, I'ortlaiid., Oregon, eeeiHlerlH, llKHl. Kotiee l heroby trlveu thnt In eomlinnre with the liiDvlfchniN oftho net of rmittiTst il June a, entitled "aii net for the xulenf tlmlter landu In the xlntexol Califtirnla, Oregon, Nevada, ami WanhtuKtou Territory," us ex tendwt to nil the l'uhlie. bind Ktittett hv net of Aumiit 4, ISM. Charles I.. Doty, of Ponhiml, Countv of Miiltnouiuh, Hlnte of Oregon, loo thlti day Hied In thin ollloo hix aworu tttatement So.7liil, lor the imrehrtKe of tho W ' of HK i. Hw. ft. aml.N W ol NKl.ot Heetlon No. 7, Township No. 4 North, limine No. ft West nud will offer proof to show thnt thehmd sought la mora vnlnnlilo for it timber or atone than for airrfeiilturnl imrmKe, and to eMablinh h vlnlui to aald Imo.1 Iwfore the Heulster and Ht eeiver, nl I'ortland. Oreuon, on Monday the 4lh day of Mareh, W, He niunen n w Uneven; (ieorne Situ, of Kensey, Or.; John Prinule, of Veruoula, Or.; J. K, MuOrea, ot Portland, or.; H, F. Vx, of PtiitUiid, Or. Auy end nlloercoiii clHliniiid ndverselv the ttbove -denerUted lauda nre requested to tile their claims In thU otUoe on or before Raid 4th Uuy o( March, 1W7. A LUE KNOX B. DRK8SKR. C. P. BISHOP Portland's Clothier IS'. ;) - high qualilri of clothing exclusive designs and an unusual pc clever styling and fit ting that gives the Ix Third Street L. S. FRAKES, DESIGNERS OF PH NE PACIFIC 348 -3 FINE SPECIAL HATS Columbia County People are especially invited to Call and Inspect. 2 TRAINS DAILY 3 TO Dl'I.CTH MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL DKXVKK LINCOLN OMA II A K.aNsa ITY-ST. I.Ol'IS THE EAST The Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, tbe Government Official Entrance to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. SILli! EUROPE IF YOU WILL, BUT SEE A.MERICA. FIRST START RIGHT. SEE YELOWSTONE NATURES GREATEST WONDERLAND PARTICULARS AT 255 MORRISON STREET A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent Portland Oregon (1 3 J -XT'- -- GEVURTZ&SONS 173-175 FIHST 8THKK &10-aS7 ST It 10 KT J if. 352 MORRISON ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON MILLINERY MADE TO ORDER PAT?Tr Royal Oak Dresser. No. 58. When you see this Dresser you will have abundant and cry tangible evidence of the fact that we seli furniture at lower rates than any other firm in the city. The sie of this dresser top 'Ms'M inches, with oval bevel plate mirror Ktx2.'S inches. It is made of royal oak with beautiful quarter grained top and front. There are four drawers, tup drawers having swell fronts, just like the illustra tion, and all nre. fitted with cast brass pulls aud locks and keys. A very neat and attractive design and one that cannot fail to please, our price is only S16.00 PAY $3 CASH. $1.50 MONTHLY jfOSeud for our complete furni i Tture catalog, showing the fine g. furniture we sell on the instal fjajTiiieut plan. We pay freight ii i ii J I if PORTLAND, OREGON STATE BANICP I sir N E ,. Q Hair trimming neatly done At NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice l hi n l,v ui xtiiiliili.(-ubr nl the emme l ;imrl i. ''Ii'e". lew-wit, hu tiled hi. hn.l i-nniit ii n iicr ,nr louiny rir, ol C'oliiml.l,. CHUltV. (IrLiriin. Htlil lh UnnAMhl. f........H I'OII'I forMlri CnttntV itta h-a Kjtimlov, the Blth d.jr nl January, l:w7, at lh. the time, aixl Ihe court room ol wild court Ini ilH.-.niit i-iiiirt hnue at m. Helen.. Orenonj an Ihe 1 Imtr l,.r tha hcarlnv nl nlMiuu I. ' ... tii -i.b- , in., inntnnnn n, in .ui-i xaitt tlnul aeevunt arnl th MMi.m.iii' ii.mmi ;fredkrk:k c. caplkm, Ailinlnlairntor of the catale of Cbarle U t-itplc-.. .!cceMMi. Klr,. I ec. jam. Iji pub. Jnn. i, JSU7. H. HORQUS . ST. HELENS Canies a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and peed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fjet, everything usually kept in a firs class General Merchandise Store. M prices will be found a reasonable as an store in Colombia County. Your trade solicited. J8T0RIA& COLOMBIA RIYER tl RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. Bt A BOWS STATIONS DAILY. r. . 709 S 06 'JO I 44 5 K ( M OK 1 S7 10 00 10 OS io a) 10 M A.M. 00 1H St 40 AO 100 1 10 10 21 10 8 10 57 11 09 II 1 11 30 LTPertUn4Ar: 1.3 39.4: 46J 56 9 59 f . M.4l Tl.Ji 7S 7 . 80.3 95.4 99 8 .... Oobla .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... ....Quincy .... .. Clatskanla.. alarshland.. S3 ( 7 n 17 17 0 03 M 88 ( 1 07 1 65 7 4 (00 1 4A 7 54 Tl 7 M .. Waitpoit... 7 17 ... Clifton.... 7 01 441 SIS ...Knappa.J .. evtnsonHa. ..John Dar... S) Ar. Ailorla .Lt 1 All tralrn mat cloa eannactloni at Gobi wllh Hortharn had do Ualua to and from tha But aad Sound point. At Portland with all trains learinf TJnian dapot at Aitoria with I. n. vo. a ooat ana ran una ana oiaamsi T. J. Pottar to and fro at llwaoo and Korut neacn points. raaaanrara for AMorta or war points mast flag trains at Houlton. Xralni will atop to lot paa anners ol at Houlton whan coming front polaa Ova. Paa. amu. Aatorls, Ot Sil OUTLINE and union Pacific Lower Columbia River. SU-amer llassul'i leaves Portland dailv, except ouiiuay, ats;uu p. m. f-Hturoay iu:uu p. m for Astoria and wav landtiiies. Keturutna leaves Aaturi at 7:00 . in. dally, except Geneial Passtua-cr Aiut. PORTLAND O i. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- NOTICK in hereby Riven thnt lh uwieral?nc4 him ItiH-n flppotnit)! uilnihtiMralrix ol the e Into of Henry J. V utters, ileft'akMfl. by th lion. H. S. Ilnttuu. .Iiuiirf of the County Court of the State of Oration. lor tho Coituty of Columbia. Any Hini ull MsrHoiiH hHVinvr olalniN MRHiiiMt imid fKttitt are lit rvhy rtHu.re1 to prewnt tl'.e Mine In im. verified tMcniin to lw. ut my rcnidein-e ot llt'leiif, Oregon, wilhin vix moiithn from the naie nereoi. D.iteJ tb!a 9th day of Sm:t 10rt. CAKKIK WAITERS. W. II. rnwell, Attorney for Adininii(rntiix. First pub. Nov. th. Last pub. IK. 7lh. NOTICE TriFJirSEfTLEKIEHT. lu the Count v Court of the Stale of Oregon, lor v omnium imimy. lu the matter of the estate of Audrew Her 9 bom, Deceutied. Kotiee U hereby given that Otist A. tanon. the auiniiihtrator of tbe entato of Andrew Itlersboiii , ritKieiued, hna rendered and presented for nettleniunt, aud tiled In snid court hi flntil ueeount of hit adminUtratioii of fcnld estate, Hod thnt Saturday, the li-ith dav of January, ltH)7, at three n clock In the afiernoou. at tbe court room In the eourt hoii?, in tbe city of St. Helena, Columbia County. Oretron, htu been Hiptiided by the JikIko of said county court for the neufement of nu id mrount, at or be fore w hie h time mi. v heir, ereditor, or peraoit interested In utld estate may appear and tie objections to Mid account or any Item thereof. 1 nu ucuce ib piiDimnea oy oraer or in hub, U. H. Hattan, county Judge of n1d county, which onier bear date Iec. 20, aud tbe nrt pUDiieatiou nereoi a rr 'ir, Hjgijw?. precinct on week from next Tuesday. 25o at all druggists, last Sunday,