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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
I '.-, NOTICE rORJUBUCATIQN JV1 I HiillmlSliitwUmlumo, ivnwmi, "ivnn, I II OREGON MIST Entered t the Postoffice at St, Helen, Oregon, a second-class mail matter. ISSUKD KVKRV PmPAV BV E. H. KLAGG, Editor and Proprietor. Sl-BSCRIITION Ratks One year Six months . ,.1.R0 m ,75 I Advertising rates made known on ami cation. Legal notices 'ia cents per line. January 4, 1(107. PRESIDENCY OK ATE. THE SEX- Only those who are on the inside of politics can fully understand the ex treme earnestness of the 6aht for the presidency of the Stale senate, with Messrs. Hodson and Haines as the principal candidates. If, however, it is true that one represents opposition to Jonathan Bourne's election and the other is the candidate of the Southern Pacific Railroad it would appear that the people of Oregon are between the devil and the deep blue sea. Jonathan Bourne received a plurality of all the votes cast at the Republican primaries, and in the general election of last June he received a majority of all votes cast in the State of Oregon. The members of the Legislature, therefore, without regard to party, have been in structed by the people to vote for him for United States Senator. If the R- pnblican manipulators believe they can afford to ignore the instructions they will be better informed one year from next Jane. It is possible, however, that some of them would rather have their party defeated than to relinquish their own plans based upon the election of some unnamed man to the office of United States Senator. colly as important to the people is the passage of the reciprocal demurrage bill and possibly a rate bill, also a bill in accord with the report of the tax couiiniseion. Therailroad interests will, either secretly or openly, attempt to control these measures. If they secure the Presidency of the Senate they will have the naming of the committees and this will give them practical control of all legislation. The rumors afloat as to candidates may be unfounded; but if they are true and either of them wins the Republican party will have cause to regret it, and Gov. Chamberlain's road to the United States Senate will be smooth and easy traveling. Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream or tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. incident to an unworthy level of dollars and cents. Hicks is doing what scores of others have done when from some pe culiar circumstances they have gained notoriety. Instead of going about his regular business as a man, lie is putting himself on the plane of the freaks in a circus sideshow. And those two or three other miners who arc to travel with him are willing to lay aside the manhood of honest toil that they may profit from what can be mad: off a curious public. Cared Of l.uug Trouble. "It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a leading biuines? man ol Kershaw, S. (.". "I had run down in Wright to 1:13 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I liegnn taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and continued this for about six months, when my congh and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." .Thousands of persons are healed every year. Guar antee. at all druggists. 30c and $1 Trial bottle free. THE LOADED GUX. There is generally a lesson in a trag , . edy, and the one at Warren is no excep tion to the rule. The exact state of nf fuirs tiat led np to the killing of Mrs. Ayres may never be known. Thi? woman Is dead and the 1kv ho kiileJ her niuv or umy not be telling the exact truth But there is no Joubt that the loaded gun in the house was responsible foi the murder. The boy was in a storm of p:tHMi)n snch a children of his age are ofien miljert to. It is no" new tiring fni youngsters to work themselves mti a frenzy over real or imaginary wrong? and whmever they act under the in nuenceoi patetnn they are pretty cer- tain to do something whieh they will afterwards rejrret. Usually the oppor tunity to do serious harm to others i . lacking, but in this instance it was riul, unarm, nan i ne noy gone to beil a ordered his temper would have stub-ddi- ami no harm have been done for the time being. He turned to go, and the loaded gun caught his eye. In an in aiani n was over, a woman's Hie was taken and a boy's life ruined. The woman is the more fortunate of the two. Painless death, followed by oblivion or such future life as has been earned, is far preferable to the fate that awaits young Oleman. Whatever the law de crees will be only a small portion of his punishment. Unless ho is a mora! per vert me memory oi Ins crime will come to be an almost unbearable burden. lie will have the mark of a malefactor up' on him all the days of his life, and in all probability he will continue as he has begun, an Ishmaelite, with every man's hanJ against him. The loaded gun in a nouse wnere mere are children and in a place so convenient of reach is a piece of criminal carelessness that can not be too severely cenrured. REAL ESTATE. MAKIXG USE OF "OTORIETV Tae gratification which was felt over the rescue of S. B. Hicks, a California miner, is followed by feelings of a differ ent nature upon the announcement of the mercenary use to wnich he will put his notoriety. Hicks was entombed for over two weeks in a tunnel which had caved in. His escape from the immedi ate death which befell his five compan ions, his endurance in bearing up day after day under conditions calculated to cause the average man's mind or life to give away, the strenuous and unrelcnt ing efforts of rescuers to get him out, after establishing communication with 4i . ... mm uuiougu a water pipe wlncu ran from the surface to that part of the tun nel where he was imprisoned, and his final rescue attracted widespread interest to the case. Everybody rejoiced that a life had bean saved from a terrible fate under such adverse conditions, out there was really nothing in Hick's part of the affair that now entitles him to ask the pnblic to pay for the privilege of seeing him act or hearing him talk. He, or the theatrical manager who is said to have engaged him, is merely taking advantage of the well known willingness of many persons to dispose of money that should ne spent to better purpose. Hundreds of people may pay to se-e him and it will be said that if they are satipged that's all there is to it. And iu a certain sense it is. Nevertheless, there it lowering of a strong human inttrtst 32 to 100 150 10 200 1500 1 175 150 1.125 000 400 Following are the real estate transfers in this county for the two weeks ending Dec. 22, 1906: O J and M J to MO Bryant, cor rection deed to part of J Wag ner d I c M O Bryant to V and H A Ged- des, part of J V agner d I c, quitclaim Same to same, lots in Bryant's add to N Clatskanie M R Cheeney, bv sheriff", to W A Wood Chnrchley Bioj to W I' Hummel and wife, correction deed to part of t C Achilles ,J I e E K Coffin to James Peterson, iiwr f)r fee 35, 0, 3 Felix Debast Jr to Chas H Farii lot 7, blk 32, Moeck's adu. Rainier C J Eriekson to the Benson LAI, Co, se qr sec 20, j, 4 E A Fairchilil to James Brydeu and J and D E Stewart, sw qr ol ew qr, s -c 32, and s hf se qr aire ne qr of : qr. ec 31 , 5, 5 J ami M dentry to II C Wood, e hf ofe hf of ne nr of lie qr sec 11. 5.2 B F, E C and O Giltner t II und C Cnples, partition J M and M V tileason ti Lew is qr 3.5, ti. 2 C D Guihl et al to Gen l-'u-ter Jr, e hf n qr sec 2tf, .j, 4 E M Haines to W A Wood, lots in Yernonit J E Hall to M J Kinney, option. . J and M C Hill to .Silvo Graham, tract in Clatskanie L W and VV F Hummel to A M Clark, part of S C Achilles d 1 c C S I.iiidgren to Jos C Mustola, n hf lots, blk 10, Clatskanie... M C Lockwood to Silvo Graham, lots in ISiyantsville E I. and A I.uman to C C M;:eten, nw or ee or sec 1. 4. 2 G W Mattson to T T Pricketr. iiw qr sec 10.4. 5 S E Merrill to Anton Berkenfeld, 1 acre in Mist G II Mollett to V A Wood, sheriff deed to lots in VrrnnnU Adda Parish to James Peterson! nw or sec 35. C. 3 G W and K A l'errv to John K pier, nw qr of svv (jr fee 1, 4, 2 S E Kipnertou to Detroit Trust Co, w lit ne qr, tie qr of ne qr,and ee or nw nr. see 20. 4. 4 J Boselan to John D Koselan! lots 2, , 8, net 2, 3, 5, ew qr ee qr, fee 35. 4.5 C and J r-chedom In Xehalem in- vedinent Co, ne qr ne qr, e hf ce qr and tw or te nr. s -u IS o. 4 ;,. ' W Shiirnaker to V A Wood, slii-riir deed to lots in 'ei-lioniu V A and M Sinill toSand 7. Tufts", lot in Dobbins add in .,,,;..! J and H Smith to Western Tim ber Co, n hf ne qr sec 14 4,5 Statu to Hammond Lumber Co, n hf ne qrse ne ami ne qr ee qr, see 30. 0, 3 Shii.u to smi.e, nw qr se qr f-ec 10, 4, 5; seqr nwqrand neqrew qr sec 5, 3; ew ne qr and nw or seqr sec 30, 7,5 C J and L A Tidcombe to Joseph I'uzanowski, se qr se qr und w hf of m qr sec 22, 3. 2. . . airs, i- t ictor to W A Wood, ne qr nw qr sec 4, 3, 2, sheriffs deed Muiid WT Watts'to' Wn'i liai iiion, lots in 8ciippooe C and J I) Wharton to Geo F inter Jr, e hf ii w qr eec 28, 5, 4 A N Wright to W A Wood, lots' iu Vernoliia, i-heiili's deed.... lv mred Mates patents have eueil to John Kchieve and Schieve, for land in 0, 3. f ollowing are the transfers fo week ending Dec. 20: J Pand E J Atkins to C fl Fnllz e in i'i se qr sec 2, 5, 2 A G and M C Bach rode to S II Embury, HLnnd K F Cox s hf of ne or mid n hf of sec 35 5-5 J F Cheldelin to M M Pike and K F Cox e hf of se qr sec 6 4-5 M., F L and W E Clark to E M Runon n qr tec 7 6-2 with reservations P and I, Clark to Geo L and J A Mc I'hearson nw qr of ne qr and ne qr of nw qr sec 33 5 5 A J and W It Convers to W W Bollen tract in N Clntskamo ( and R G Davev, bv sheriff to L W Bail hila'l 2 3 sec 30 8-4 E Land K lMvidson to R P Gra ham part of se qr ol nw qr secl4-2 E L and K Davidson to II B Nich olas mid hf of nw qr secl4 0 2 G Taud Elaywalt toXehttlem Investment'Co, land, timlier and riiht of way in sec 25) ti 5 Q T and F A Daywalt to W 8 Davwalt part of lot 1 sec ') 6-fS L and G Dress to Geo L and J, A McPherson u hf of ne qr and n hf of nw qr sec 33 5 5 J B and J II Doan to J R and K M Shulu land in sec 10 7-2 M R Emmons to Margret Kin-.. , iiions n hi of ne qr sec 33 5-4 . James Fisk estate by sheriff to W A Wood 31 acres in w hf of nw qr sec 4 7-4 R W Foster to Maltie Wiunins land in 13 0-2 DWaudMJ Freeman to Albin II liarvev e hf of se qr sec 30 6 5 ." A E aud J D Harvey to I) W Freeman e hf of ee qr tec 30 6-5 A C and F. L Hum! to Geo I. and J A McPherson n hf of ne qr and n hf of nw qr sec 33 5-5. E, L, R, and W Ivey to GeofL and J a McPherson u hf of lie qr and n hi of nw qr sec 33 5 5 C J Johnson to Marv Johnson part of Z Bryant die M J Kinney to li McArthur e hf nw qr and aw qr of nw qr ate 2!) 5-1 and s hf of se qr, nw qr ol qr and se qrof bw qr sec 7 6-5 .... FandC C LaiuMin to J B, L J, W X, H E,T and A Mewrv.i K M Wonderly und K M Douglas psrt.-i oi lots in Mai mer and other lands A B and A Lewis to Detroit Trui-t Co w hf of ne qr and n w qr of e qr sec 13 4-5 .... C and S Liinlgten to Frank Car ter lots blk 3 Bryants 1st. . add to Bryantvill L M Little to Fannie 1-inghlin parts of lots in Rainier and other lands A and E Li.vette to Geo L Ml! I J A McPherson n.hfof ne cr arid n hf o: nw qr sec St 5-5. . 1 J and W P Maclay to Peterson j sw qr of tec 8 5 2 with ex- I ceptions IGLand J A McPherson to De- . . troit Trut-t Co 1000.30 acre.". . 250 Same to same, 082.. acres . ; Same to Paul Clark no qr of ne 100 10 10 85 3775 1500 50 2 84 600 400 Thursday evening. Mrs. I). A. W'lo visited Mrs Adams of Deer Inland last Meek. Tuna Wliitbark of Eugene, Oregon Is visiting Ida mother Mrs T. C. Watts this week, Mrs. F. II. Adams mid daughter ol IVer Island was In town on Monday. A. Wiiiuani !ni bought the K. It. Foster place and will make It a home for his family as soon as the lease ol Hie present renter expires, whieh will be the 20ih. day of February. Kiunk lVgoinIrt who has been run ning a dairy on the Foster place, has sold the unexpired Icmfc also the cowl and dairy to Einilo Lanber, Crist Kauf man and Peter Keulien, and moved to South Portland where lie has bought an interest in a Sage Dairy. M. Link, R. N. Hamilton, C. H. Ehrl inger, Jas Kennedy, Jr. M. Ilnven and T. t Walls visited Rainier Lodge A. F and A. M., last Saturday ovening l ho nutans Bros, recieved a new Willamette loggingengine last Saturday which wits set up and moved out in the woods by Tana Wliitbach who has accepted the position ol engineer, When the residents ol this vicinity wtm on the m li ning of Jan. I, 1007 they the ground covered with nice coat of snow. One of tlm most enjoyable parties of the season was given at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Martin Hoven on the eveniun of IVc 31, UHHJ. Muic and cards were played during the early part ot the evening, and ut 12 o'clock delicious re freshments were served. Those present besides host mid hostess w ere Mr. and Mrs. R. X. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Watts, Mrs. C. C. Hoven, Mrs. Iting ham, Fred Jensen, Tana Whiitmchand G. W. Nicholson. At a late hour the guests, after wishing their host and hostess a Happy Sew Year, departed for their homes. Tbe Right Name. Mr. Augut Sherpe, thd popular over seer of the poor, at Fort Madison, la savs: --iir. King s t Life Pills are rightly named; they act moro agreeably, lo more good and make one feel better than any other laxative." Guaranlit'd to cure billiousners and constipation 25 t all drneirits. dissolution notice to aii whom it may concern: This is to certify that I, I). II. Pope, sold my in terest in the Western Meat Company, of Hoiilton, Or., December 22, l'JOtl, to James Spence, Hoiilton, Or., and I pay no debts contracted by that or any other meat company or market after that dale. D. II. POPE. i'urllitiitl. Oregon Kvia. 4. 1 ww v',. U l,..Mt-ut.,tl Hint III cmmiUsitc W illi the imivlnlnnn of the setol Cmigreta el .iioi,.!i. J;S. vmlilfit "All si'l lr the of lluilwr lamia I" Ihe tenet 'iilllnriil, Oh-kihi Niivndn, ami ttliliiKla lerrlliiry,' enii'inl .t oinll tin, fil.ll I . ml NUIen !' act ut AllR lint i, IMM, Allx'H MclimMllii, of All'liiii. rouiil! I Wnahtiipium, HUM til Omimi, low thlxtsy Hint Iu Hi (a "nice hl awiirn uimiit No IthVi, llio iMirehaae l the no nw ' Hrelluii Nn.'Jii, in Tvinlil No. 4 Nurlli, Huime No, Wtol, n, I wOl oiler timel lit alixw Ihni llio tnml mmisIii In mora vnnmiue tor im ioikht or hi.miv llinil for nsrlriilliirul imrioaea. nu.l In ealnliiuh Ilia elnlm In nnlil iHiKllH'liira Hie Iti'silvr ml twelver nl IVrllnnil, Hii-nml nil i-.liii"nU). ilia JMli iUv nl Novemlier, lwl. tin iiamva Kiliienaea: l'lirlt Vnn Mirk, ill rnrlUml. t're- ilii,i MIoiIm niaii. of Aiink. llionitli: Mntel U-rl HahiiKii, dl All. In", Orvil, llrrnlinnl Unvor. nl AlliUin. Iln-noll, Aiivnn.lnll iwmona elnlllllns ilvarwlv ihv Imi ihiwrllwil luinlanrv rwim-aUxl hi rile llialr elalma In lhl "ill.'O on ur Iwlonr anlil Jsih tUy ul Nuvvniiier, iwa. AI.UKKNON 0. tlUKHSKIt. Ht'Klalrr. SOTH'K OP IMTKSTIOS TO APPLY tOK I.HJl OK LICEXSK. To !! r""" roneeriieil, ni1 lti lesnl vmi-rn (low rt'alillllK in tiouii iirvruici, iiiuiiiuin ailu tw ii m wu, ,,.,i,v ,, O, K. Iluiiler will im WiliiiMi,ln Ihu 'JmlHtny- ol Jan. 1iit ,1 v l lh HniHirnni rimmy oiin oi lh( nuitMif tirfson. fur Hie CniiMiy of Col Hmliin. for IWviih lo at-ll ,rltitna, vlunun. ut mnll )lUm nnJ ItirinrltUHl el.lar In ttanllllia Ihnu nitn Knlloll. Inr iH-rlo.1 of als moitilia In lite vllliuiv of ilolile, hi UOI1I0 orp cliici. I'o. I'otiinthlH. Mat til nrojtim. wfitclt ntii.llonllon will In aMlmrlp,t alht Imanl oil III lullottllis ivllllou, In wll. I'KllTtON In the (101 lily Court or lh lnu- nf Orvtfnli, for I lie 1 iiiinty of I omnium. In (lie nmtivrof llio ncollratluii of o. K. Hun ter lorn llrn-i lo aril aniriioiu. vinoua u,l mall It'iunra ami frmtriilr.1 cl.lrr hi lean ,ntill-lli- than onr Knllon Nl lloltla, In liolittf tirvcllirl. Coliiinliia Coiuiii', sinii- i ort'M"ti; loth llonorniile couiilv I onrl of ColniiitiU itiiintv. nn-non: W 11 tli uiiilor(in,l, eomi.rliiintf mnlnrllv of the launl vote ra ol tiolilo ,rr'lto- Coliiinliia I 'OIIIIIV. HlnlB ,.l Orvn-on, ll'lwlin now rrahlr. nml have rlnnlly nrnl.tinl In aalil ln,l, rrn rlurt lur morv limn thirty tiny Inintoilifttely pit-4-.liiiir ihe tlnia nf aisnlnit, fllina nittl ,rv Mtiilallull of llit tllitiii, hvrrby rrtiMH-lltitlv lln P.ninrahlf Conn to grant lo it, K. Ilulilor IJt'iif lo H-ll aplrlliiun. tlnolla ml mnll liiitnra anU It-rnifntnl t-l.trr iu Im t,iu. IHlra limn one anllou. l Uoliit. In loililv 1'it. elnci, ColumliinConuly, Muu of trnii, lor a vilial of nit molilha. y,ar,l lllat-i.c. W Mrrarlnn.l, V I,. I ii. In. II. Viimnr. Victor Knrr. W. Hrn.llfv.T. w. Ionian, Frank Ih-fomla. Iwl Mvlcalj. C. K 1 lloa.llov, lit-., H Vanl. M T Aluamlor rr.i.a .t rnor, . l,. (ir I li-w llnnlrr. r Anllkr, K Kcnni. II. M. rowlfr. C. Mnslu, 1 ha. K ti. h. K Hull". C c. Fowtttr. l,Htrr I'llwn brivvr, Utul 1,1-llta. h.T, W, II Waguar, frrt innnrhrr, w. Iliinur. rr.l Jtnarti. A. L. Maliolui, I.. IVU-r llnvrak. M. Kr,l. ronirr, l liatmin, iiru etmtlhaflnr.ij, t. Carry. tu IVii-raou, Krank clatter. C. A 11, Ir r,., 11, II Want. Ir I. Mllhnitr. 11 r. rHlvr. J.1I111 t.llliiiau. t, K. I,.l, lie Hrl. Mhl. Kohl H Tll'lon. K K. ril-l.ui. lira. otlor.Jr. M, V, llrllnslon, liao II. At knaf. Muriihr. Ilaitrv nrllrr. J. M tloi, - Kralikn. A, el, Jwkann. Ilvnry Saner. T' f. Wnila, At Link, Koirl l ink, tt II Cuml.,11, r. M. lnUro. J. r Hear, r lll.h,,,, I u imltny. K. ll johmun, iHHirst Mart hi'n. H C. araoil. B llnmlllnn, 1 A llr. John 1 jrm. M-hlruttl. tlrnrv hnow. Ja.-k :iiilii,MP a ui Makiuilrr, Anions Wlav. ' i. JOB PRIMTItc 18 OUR DU8INE88 j WKIjavothobcNt ami mmt tully oquipped Job Print ingOnifein (k)lumbia Cunuly Jnd iw are prepared to do all kinds ofl'tiiiting on .short votiee- and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST at A m. m.-. - -''',-WWaWW4V4wtl J E. QUICK a. M. HOli P SUMMONS for 1 it I I make l I 10; C50 40t) WOMEN t" Itobertloe (Ivca what every woman most desire- perfect complexion. It trlnes that eoft, mootb, (resh, clear tint o the cheek that denotes youthfulneuf. It will brlns txauty o tbos who lack It! It wilt retain It tor those, who already possess it; It will enable you to aacceasfully combat tho ravage of weather and time, tion't doubt-don't orgue. Just try Itobtrtino. your drufrelot will elvo you a free sample. AU drug- aecp ll'ibcrtlne. III the Clrniit Cntirt nf Ilia Hrr..ll miv. toitni,- 01 t.ottinttil. . A. Iltinll..y, I'Uliillir. . Ulllin llunllar i.-lrulntil. To Wiilni. II nntk-,, IMii,1m, In lha abut rniltlml kUll In the unnia ( tha Huteof l,rron )rn art hvrvhy rr.tilrr,l-wml roiumnn.ftHl ui 4t4r n4 novr llir nmii.lnilil hlf.1 noln.l ton Iu ll, lwr nllllKl anil Wtn.rn m,w .11.1 the Mil .lay of ln-, mlr, Kanl anil I. r.iuiniaiic,j hy l.lnltilllt a(lu.t inn l,,r l.,l,il ilKorvo ml II t, mil li aliawi-r ltu 11. .it ami ..1 j Uuw, r.ra:it ihfrt.,1. th- ,l.unirf will lake I'lilumriil a,ilii.t . , ,..,.,,t. ,,,,r, ami lull. .11 flh in.irBgn now rltl h.t., ,-n t.,11 411,1 ..t plain! iff 1 1,1. .11,,,,,. l M.riB.1 by 1 iil,i, il t i.ut.n.n,,. , .. O.-r tna.l,. 1., il,.. II...1 T A. J, lin.i,. j,t t'ifl ircin Ciotet ..1 1 1 Mt,i ti,,-,., , r ,. I ..unit ol 1 oiuoihin. ihthsl th-Milr .-Ah. Ijaj -l. otil.-r ,r..,i.l,-. ilit n, nr.l p ii. I, on,... ul Jtl ,iiint,ma hntl Im mq,e t-t Ihr Itl, Ut ni ,, lui,, ami thai tin. Id. I .u!,, ( bv inl.; on Ihf .'l-l 1,1 irrr,nl-r l-, KI'KM'KK, PAN ISIA riHHU.I.. All.irnan I,., l-uintirf NOTICE t'OK ll Hl.iaTIOX. Thk Columbia County I ABSTRACT AND TRUST C TlTLKS I'XAMINKD ? ABSTRACTS ii Vv Non-Kksidrnt Taxks Paid Rkai. Kstatk Loans, 10 2000 Same to Detruit Trust Company n hf of nw cjr and nw rjr of ne qr sec 335-0 E K Sanders to Detroit Trust Co n hf of sw qr, s hf of nw and nw qr of nw qr and w hf of ne qr of nw qr sec 34 , . . Santa Fee 1'acific K. U. fo to It. Cox sw qr see 20 5.3 , A Stiepe to Samuel Kwansen se qr of se qr, w hf of se qr and lot (i sec 23 0-5 S Swanon to John Widruss seqr . w n in 01 se qr ami lot 0 ecc 23 0-6 C and T Whitney to Hattiu I) Fish n 40 feet of lots 2 and U bik 1, Whitney's addtoScap poose J and S W illness to W H Causer ee qr of se qr, w hf of se qr and Jot 0 sec 23 5 0 , . K M and K Williams to K. K. (Jiltnerand K. K. Sewelll sw i' sec 24 5 2 with rceervationa 10 12(H) 150 32 1W) SIMMONS lIHirtinrnl of Urn Interior. . Inii.ltlin.,.al tn.n. S,.. S. Haul. V"l I' K I.-. IINHKHV UIVKN T i I A r IS nig. 1'lhiln-,. w, it, the firovul ma of the nt-t of :onar,-aa t jiipr.i, . n.rm,.! r ihf -nl.- ( llmtK-r Inn. la III II. r Mat.-, of I .,,, i all l,,r ii In . Stun.lo nml M n-hlimloii T.-rrn..ri ,' ctlrmlvtl l all I he nilMli: l.iu I .1 I, ,y '( AUKU-I lib. I'r i,. A., wh,,!,, ,, lor ah, I c.iiinlt f Mti.mrt,4t, .Malt, ul l)r "". " Hii.lav m..i 111 tin. i.rtut. hi. .,, ili-ii,,.nl ,. ;iu (r u.c .iin ha-o of ut l.i I "I ". i lot, ,.i in .ii,.i,i,, so ,,,, II.IIKf N... I .(.K oH ft,.r ,H,, , llml (hp bin. I MniKhl u tior. tnlMMlile for u llii.h.-r or .l..n,- II, r Bll-rlt-.i It ur .l ..tri.,.. uu.l 1,1 r.ial.ii.l, hi. rhilm i .i. , I Im ll.i.i.r ii ii, I K,t.iv-r at CrlUul. r ,,,, Uotiila, II," .1,,, ol January, ,n lie ll.ilu... a wlliiraara; Caul J, rH-hola. nf in ,1,.,,, ......... . . "r".. '"ifa. oi i-i.rtmmi. ...inn .it inc? nati, or (,irt.-oti, lur I "r; rn-'i t; ncrlltin. of rnrtlnmt. Or: tlilatii "' " "'i, riiiiiiiirr, v.. Ainiv lliitiu, Iti-h'iilnn To Mnry A. Ilnm, tlio U0 liiltni-1 Prfi-ml-nnt: III the name of ihi- Mint.- of Ort-Kott, you nri, henby n-.iulr.-. t.. ,H r nn.l ari-wir tl,.. ,-.,:.i-plnllit lllnl ininii,.! you in ihi alntf en'lllnl Mill on or U-forc lh expiration ol l tii-rha Irom an, I alter lh,. flr.t .iil,. o-tnu ol Ihi. a im mini., to nil. ,, t jHijunr,-, l-i;, i, if loll Ib (o BpIM.)lf ll(M (),(.w,-r ulthlll .Hi. I lliiio. for u- hii ih.-riol iho plnliiiliT mil ..i.i.iv lo ihi- Court lor lha rrliol ili-..niii.I, ,1 In i,,,, lomi.lninr, to wlt -for it il.wi- .r ...-.I r,,,i fonivrr itLaulving tin- boiola ol fnnl r . nt. jii v now nml hi-rt-totor.. .-xl.llior hoi ,-, ,Uli,llil , ilt-liiit.lHiil, ami lor .in i, other lurilivr nml illlb-r-eul rt-ll. f na lh,. Court ini.r iu.-i. ui . ,. i,n, 1 100 i -1 i Any nu. nil H-rona rlnlmltiK a,, lha al-.,.-1 IrM-nlml luo.l. . ,.. ...... i-lluia In Ihi. unit e tut nr Ix-fora a.I :i.i ny ol I Juhilary, I'm;, ' Al.iiKllNriN H. HHKkmKII, KcgUter. SUMMONS. l -. 1 U. 8. Patents were "ranted to llavid Kichanls nml L. A. Wand, K. Ivey and A. C. Hand. Wise Council from tha sion. twain to give some valimhle advice ; to those who suffer with Inme hack and 20, kidney trouble." snva.f ir i'.l..i,....t.:.. ... u.oii.ciiniiiu 10 in tilt-1 iii-iiii i nun oi ll, r hi. i,. of Oregon, for tt 4. U . ''' Ill J oi , oiinuiitn. ai I ,',"""lir. ' liralita Krlls, Hult-n.l To Kram ra l-'rlta. Mid iiIhiVs nnmnl lrfcmlnllt -, in tin- iinuiti ol tin. Hlalfol (ir.-Boii. Vou an- I III. .Il,,,lll..l,. h I Il.h,.,l bv r.h-r ol Ho. . , , o'flu l" . ... V "V" " "'".". i wn .. . ' . -" i r-T pamiim lain III lf BIHIVft Mllllllaul a . nri'if. jik Ktt or ttu r rcuil niH on nr ..r.. n.M i-n. . Mitt nf ( f.n- i a .1 , . t. ,1.1., Itsst'. i..i,i,.i,L.i...i ' "f vn''9r, fn.ii.iv, ,,,,.,1- nilli . h, .i : " r r ,vvv,'k i'r.i(-r ihni ) ,., .ml H.wr ni.1.1 . omi.l , nml ,,..; .. " . ,r 'V . "I'' "" win.!,, ,i.i,, tr, ,i, ,., ..ui,).,.,,,,,,,, , i fr u,. , : v, ; ".:' vl1' 'A.'":' " " n ml, .11 Wll: a i iri..ii 111 court ,l.a,,vllii Ihi, loih.l. Hon. Tho. Coil, I of of (J,,, till. .Illltlliona, Tl,,. , ,... of ti,,, ,1.., j if thia auminot.a la ihu nth ilny ol In-i: t'M. -liibtr, Kit ASK MIlTTKl:, Atlornt')' lor I'liiltitlff. KSTAHI.IHIIhO JOHN A. BECK OUAI.KIt I.V Watches, Diamonds, Silyerware, ....JEWELRY.,.. I jOfileck, Tcnn. "I have moved ton., j absolute certainty that Klectric Hitters 310. will positively cure this distressing jdition. The first l),itt!B Kve ,lie KreHt ru.ifi mm uiter taking a lew more bot tles, I was completely cured ; so com pletely that it becomes a pleasure to recommend this "rent remedy." HolJ under guarantee at nil dniKtUtH. Price 10' ring a Specialty. AMer Street, lis Krout first. f'OHTI.ANI) . . 7 ......nor ortiM-riiMTf. lorn.l.Ht-r- I oi'ImJ 1,V""M " '! .'.h "' l-'ibllMllon nt.,1 nt,..vr. tl.i- .l 1 1, ii ir w I It il- n. lh I for the rollol.l ,,m,., u,e r,,mv)mt ... mntr inoiiy nrri-ioioro ami now rsl.llun !. m-en llio l.lnliillir ml .... i,.t hernln. on !!;!I",",!',Vr"'",,,"", "'""'ill tle,rll Ihe plnlu lir lll,.,ill it.l r any c,- , v-itl.iat hi. wlah, will ami r.,.r,i, at l'orlln.,,1 ')ri-Mi'U. In llm inotillt of April Im',, ami ,.yPr .llii-fanlil ilnti, anhl ,l,.,.t r;t.iillnim. lo howuinriil,. mil n.rt Irom .4 I.I plah.lllt wltl.nilt jtlal or nny enuannml nilnllial hi. will .111.1 .oii.,t,, lor.iii-hoirifrnml lurlhi-r i''ll-l an m..y m Juki r.i.I t,,iiti, u.o ll.l. aliiiiiiioii. la .l,.., ,y ,ir,ir llf)e Hon 1. A. Mellrnlr, Jiiilirii ol lh nbove cntillcl nirc u lil. li i,r,,:r i,i, ,) In .,,1,1 t otirl on h.i Hth ilny of N.iveiuht.r, llaw. I Im .liiti, ol tlmllrat piibih-alloiiol llila aunt ."'""'; heuili.lny ol Nov.. I mm, , ,(, 'b motlhti u.t piihllcii,,,, h,.r..ol hnlit lh luy ol Hoe., iumi. I.HSd A HWKKK, r . , .""rimya for Plultillir, I liniiiln-r of Comiimn-a, Horllitml, nr. SECURE FUTURE INDEPENDENC By Investing in GOOD RIJAL ESTATE St. Johns Realty is the Iks invest now while you can get in on the ground flof a uiiiorrovv may be to late. Correspondence solicit! Irom thnrr n-rL in it ',-L-,.. .1 ... ""-. ""vjtiiinu Miiuuruiuuiiy auswerti n. ntlNUbKSON OS,' Jersey St. St. Johns, Oregon Sliocs for Women andChihire SO LACK TO TKNDKU' FKH Hosiery that is gootl for men, v omen and thildren. Sorosis lias 110 equal for the money. KNIGHT SHOE CO. 4.-1 111 at w jruanu u asinngton. Portland, Orcgrl i Walkover and Sorosis Store i ' Thc Jargcst siK-cialty store in the Northwest I THE BIG STORl! ; DOWrV BY THE BIG SAWMILL j I Receiving New Goods Every Da! In the Week. fti. r s, -, j ; VV'. y .y.iryyyyg -IHIII WIWMW" Wile it miyfil: 1907 ll 1 Dart & Muckle. & mn:i Jinn a Reputation of Long Klaii.llnK for Only the Ileal In I General Merchandis 41 I 400 i KKIBE.V been lg fcr ti.e $1000 C. C 100 1 H.mii who luia the imtiiinn r.f watchntiin on t!,e gtr. Oeo. W. KMer pen .rnas w ith l,i family hen-. Al Iirren ami wife viaitt-d Mm. fon' (mrniti :n fiiili-iii Xmiin, Win Wagner nml wifu vlnite.l frieiuh ami relutivua in Seatth Uurinir Clirl.t. mas week. MUaJ.H. Mniinnsbn i, vitiiinjf at her home in Mist during the icliool liolulaya. : M. Hoven anj T. C. Watt. vWleJ ; Kalama Lodg. A. r. and A. M. laiti f We owe our success in imsitiocu t rt i. r.,.,.i' . r . I lumbja Comity who have favored uith their patron' J) f". i"1 yilt- vve nave tried to deserve 4 ft !r f"endsl,,P and duriI,K 1907 will put forth greater i ,o efforts to conv.nce you that you can save money by S j purchasing of us. We carry nearly everything Trv g ft us and vou wi Tii 1 t 1 . UJ iu aootit ttiat trip to l ortiana. it don t pay to take nioiiev at t better, right at home. ZZ St. Ifi'li'iu Orcsoil ------- I' V '!) S CoUllt V Who,, vn nin',i; "T.-T ' ' Si 1..,.. ' . , : J7 ; wtii. mm in manvcasps Bailey & Brinn HouIton -:- .... ... Oregon I WESTERN MEAT MARKET a -aaaaaa . j JAMES SPENCE, PROP, I Handles only fresh, home killed meats ? No cold storajrc meats nsrrl W ,i,i,i n mir Nehalcni band a bunch of Sauvics Island cattle, the Jjcst 111 tlie land. Watch for our showing of meats forj Cliristmas Kggs and produce taken in trade. 1 wrucrs taken for geese and chickens. w . k OREGOW J HOIILTON 3