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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
ORE nn GON MIS THE " YOlTxIV. ' " 8T. ilEirKysrOKEOOy, rltlDAY, JAXlTAltV 4, 1907. 4' Proposed Oregon Tax Law (i'antlnutd (rum lut ek) 12. A statement of the number of mile ot main, branch, double, ami side tracks owned or leased by unlit company In each county In Uiis state, stated sep arately. 13. A statement ot the entire gross receipts and Hi't earnings of the com pany from operation and otherwise, tated inrately, fur Uie fiscal year ending l the calendar jrmir closing March 1, preceding Uie report being made. 14. Such other liu't or IntormaUon of like or different kind mlil board nmy r-Miiln lu the form ol return pre crilxil by It. Tin- bonrU i hereby given the power to nreserilw such directions, rule and rciruliitions to be followed lu answering any of the requirements in mm scvinm, or iu herein autlmrued, as In 1U Judg ment rhull lu Ix'st calculated to limine accuracy and uniformity In reortiiig the facts. (Wanks furnished by board Penalty f.r refusal or neglect to report.) Section tt. Planks for msklng the .t,.t,.mi.u! nnividcd for in motion eight (Si if this act shall U provided by the a d board: Provided, that the reports herein, provided for shall not relieve the oimwnv from making sny other retxirt required by law to bo made to any other nll'tcor. In owe any company (hi In or refuses to make any statement or IiirnUh any information required by thi act, tho ixsird hall inform itifcflf as Ut it innv an to tho matter necvs- 8!rv to be known in order to discharge it duties with reKKxl to the property of such conixtny . Any cumiwny which hall refuse nr neglect to make the r port required y thin net within the tune iqxxMiiil sliall be subject to a pen alty ol $5ih for each day of the cuitin nance of such neglect or refusal to file ueh report, to bo recovered in a proper action brought ' the name of the mate of (repm in any court of competent jurisdiction. (llrnrd to determine value and prepare assessment roll Mileage bania of ap- prtUiiineiit.) Svtion 10, uleiuent to the Cling of the reports required in the preeviling vtionfi, and prior to the firnt Monday in tV-t'.lK-r in meh yrar, it uliall bo the duty of the mid Uite board of tax com mia'tioner hi prepare an aimeeenielit Mil, a provided in ection five (5) of thia act, Un which they halt aimeai the tnie cah value at of the 8rt day of Murch at the hour of 1 o'clock a. m., o( the veer in which the aiwewinicnt ia made, of all the property of the conv panic herein enumerated ubjcct to taxation unler tliia act, which mid mxwinent uliall not be final until re viewed an herein provided. For the imriMW of arriving at the amount and character and true caah value of the property belonging to anid oompaniea bii aDiicarinir utxm the awMiwineiit roll for the purpose of MaeMment for tiixn tion under thia act, the aaid Uwrd may Tienonally inamfi the prowrty lielong inn to anid nmtnanice and may take inbi cotmidcmtiun the wixirU filed un der thia act, Uie report and return of mid companies filed in Uie otnce ol any prior officer of thi uliite, or any county tliereut, the earning power 01 aniu com nanim. Ute fmiichiw and apecial frn chine owned or ued by aaid inpanh (Miid franchiaea and apecial fmnehiiM rot to be diretrtly awiKned, but to be taken into oonaideration in detenu in inir the value of Uie other roHrty), the aW!iwd valuation of any projwrty of raid companies, ucl in the opera tion of Uie biwiniw of the companie, and by law required to Iw annemed by countv aawHuor, and audi other evi dence of a like or different kind a may tie obtainable bearing thereon; provid ed, that in no event uliall any report or valuation by a county anHeaaur, or evi dence a inthia act provided, be conclu eive upon (inch Ixjftrd in arriving at the amount and character and tru own value of the proirty belonging to anid companie, and by thin art b he ArfaeHwd for purimHt- of taxation by niiid lrd. In determining tho true audi value of the projwuty afHenalle for taxntion liy the naid tato board of tnx conimiKflioncni of Uie compnnie in thin act cmimerutwl, when wild com panies own, Icaxe, opi-nitto or oho rail, pipe or wire line, or property jxirtly within and rmrtly without thia tU!, if the Ixjurd uliall value the entire prop erty within arid without Uieatateiuia unit, a provided In the next nwrtion, the anid Wrd hall tKi controlled In Mcerlttinlng the property subject to taxation in Oregon by the proportion which the number of ml l of main track (meaning thereby main, Htem, and branch line), mllea of wire, or mile of main nine line controlled or nited by raid company, a owner, Jeee, or otherwlKC, within the tuto of Oregon bear to the entire mileage of inain trai;k a aforeaid mllei of wire or main pltie line wmtrolled or ued by aid comnunv a owner, leaiee. or otherwlne. (I)ctcrmlnullon of value a a unit Deduction of property hxully ae- el.) Kw:tlon 11. The aaid board, for the purpose of arriving at the actual canh value of the property aneHalile by u, aa hendn provided, may value the en tire property, both wlthlu and without the xtnto of Ongoii, a a unit. In nine It fhall value the entire property aa a unit, either wlthlu or without the tute of Oregon, or With, nld board uliall make deduction of the proierty of aid company iltuate outldu the utate, and not connected directly with the bulne thereof, a limy lie Juid, to the end that the fair liromirtlon of the property ot ald coniwny in thl atate may lie amvrtulmxt. If the ald bonM value the entire property within the ntnte ot Oregon a a unit, it hall make liHiuctlou ot the proix-rty of ahl conv intny altuate in Oregon, and amHweml by the county nemwiMirK, to an amount that cliall lie Jimt; and for that pur tho county naeanor hal I be and they are herehy required, if the ald Uiard re- quect the mine, to certify to the paid Ixwrd the aieiiaahle value of the prop erty of Mild CouiMiile amieMiahle by them, but aitch certification of MeMed or aeable value 1 intended to lie advhmry only, and not concluidve upon the aul board. (Sufficiency o( denerlptlon on roll- Mi Icage to be tnUttl.) Sivtion 12. I pott ueh miwewmeiit roll vhall be placed, after Uie name of each ot the tininie auMHOKvl under the pruvhdon of Uii act, a general de criptiou of the pmiH'ttic of the aid CoutiMnie, which hull l deemed to Iticludo all of the pMtiertic of tho aaid cnfttpanlc liable Ui axwinent tor tnx tion under this act, owned, litwe.1, or occupied by them, whether a owner. lvMe, occupant, or otherwbw. Tlie aid dencriptioii may tie In the language of thi act a contained in vectlun ix () hereof, or otherwise. Hut no a- eiuiment ahail be invalidate! by a liila- take in the name of the corixiratlon -nexKeil, or by an oiniwinn ot the name of the owner, or the entry ot a name other than that of the true owner, if the projicrly be generally correctly tie cribrd; and provided further, that where the nimo of the true owner, or the name of the owner of record, lenaee, or occupant of any property Mveerabte under the provision ol thl act ahall be given, ueh anaewmcnt halt not be held invalid un account of any error or Irregularity In thodiwcrlptlon, provided ueh dciwrlpiion would tie autliclent in a deed ot conveyance from the owner, or on account ot which in a contract to convey a court of equity would decree a conveyance to be made, rending the raid description In Connection with the de finition of properly aeaaole under the provilon hereof aa In tlil act contain ed. Upon uch aewinent roll ahall be placed, niiiKwite the name ot the company, in a proper column, the ag gregate main track mileage aa denned in neeUon 10 hereof, in ilea of wire, or main pipe line, a the caaa may be, within the itate of Oregon. (Aacertalnment of value ol main and branch line and value per mile.) Section 13. Bald itate board ot tax coimnlindonen iball thereupon axecr tain the value of the leveral branch line of the Mid companie ltuated in thi atate, and the in Men go thereof, and hall ascertain the value per tulle of the Mali! branch line reepectively by divlillng the value of each ot them by the mileage thereof. The ald board hall thereupon deduct the total amount no axcertulned a the value ot branch Illicit from the total value of the prop erty ol the mid companie amwnable under the provlalon of thia act o a curtained aforeaaid; and uliall there umiii aeertaln tlie value per mile of main line of rail, pipe,or wire by divid ing the remainder, after deducting the value of ald branch line from the to tal value In tliia state, by the numlier of mile of inch main rail, pipe, or w ire line in thl Mate, and tho quotient ob tained a aforenald uliall be Uueuicq anil held to bo the value per mile of wild branch ami wain line respectively. (Apportionment of aJuHinent to coun- tits according to mileage.) Section 14. For the piirpneo of de termining what amount of the anneim- iiivnt mndo under the provmiong of thi act ahull be npiiortioned to the everul cotuitie in thi atate in, through, aero, Into, or over which the line of aid companie extend, the ald atate board of lax coiiinilwdoncr ahall multi ply the value per milo a above axeer tn i lied of the xeveral main and branch line by the tiubmer of mile of Hindi main and branch line in each of the cotintic aforexnid. a reported in the statement made by tho ail companie, or a otherwise ascertained and determ ined by tho said board. (Notice of lilting of board to review asicxNmont and apportionment I'roof.) Hectlon IS. Tho said board shall ulve three weeks' public notice in newspaper printed at the state capital, selling forth that on the first Monday in Octboer it will attend at the Capitol and publicly exuimno the assessment roll by it made, and review the um, and correct all error in valuation, do- acrintlon. (liiuntities. or finalities of property by it assessable and in appor tioiiment of assessments madu by Hi and it shall be tho duty of Iho persons and corporation interested to appeur at tho time and place appointed. Proof ad Huill, . Mr. nibmu Tour automobile rn over a babr wagon? Ilorroral What happened? Mr. Hliowfcr Just what llwij bap- poi whenever I do that, l.'rok the bottle end cut th tire. , Their Inspiration. "They my that aotiie autlio"" write most of their atorlc in bed." "Well, the liublt of lying la aaid to be a great help to a romance." Detroit free I'reu. ot ueh notice may be made by affidavit us by law provided, filed with tho eCr rotary of said boara, on or oeiore um first Monday In Outolicr in the year when iiich notice la printed. (Hoard to meet annually aa tatod In notice.) Section 10. The wild board iball meet at the cnpltol of the lat ott the flrat Midday of Oetolicr In eah year, aaalated lu the notlca preacrineii in the preciiling cctlon hereof, and shall then have la-fore It the assement roll mailo by It a preacrlbvtl In thl act. (Hovlew and correction of assessment roll and apportionment Omltlea property assessiil). Km'ilon 17. It shall then ba the dntv of uch Isianl to review, examine, and correct the assessment rou ny n made, and to increase or reduce tho valuation of the property therein a eased, o that the iniiia "hall be the full cash value thereof, and to assess omitted taxable property by It asses- able In tho maimer hereinafter provm ed. and to correct error In apportion menl ol assessment therein. If it shall ap(xar to such Writ that there is any real or personal property w iiu n by law It I permitted to asses which tin liecn by it assessed twice, or Incor rectly assessed aa to description, quan tity, or quality, or axsesaed In the name ot a neraon or corixiratlon not the owner, losce, or occupant thereof, or asaesnd under or beyond tlie actual full cuxh value thereof, or which I not assessable by said board, but which has been assessed by it, ald board may maVa proper correction 't the lame. li it ahall annear to laid board that any real or peraotial projierty which l asm-ssulile by It ha not been assesl Umhi ald assessmeiit roll, said boattl shall assess the Mine at tna iuii cui value thereof. (Notice of Increase or change in appor lionineiit Petition to be written and verified Time of filing.) Section 18. Hnld board hall not chatiite the apportionment of any eminent or Increase the valuation ol any prowriy on such ssessmcnt roll a provided in the preceding twrtlon with out giving to the company or person In whose name it is assessed at leaat i dy written notice to appear and how cause, It any there be, why tht apportionment ot such assessment shall not be changed, or the valuation ol the s.ssabla tirofwrlv of ueh Company or peraon, or aotii part thereof, to be specified In ueh notice, ahall not be increascil; Provided, that ueh notice ball not be necessary if the person or company pear voluntarily before ald rsmpl, and 1 there notified by a mem ber thereof that the property of auch person or corixiration, or soma axeilieu jrt thereof, l, in the opinion ot th board, asxwotd below it actual value, or that auch apixirtionment Is, In tht opinion ot the board. Incorrect. Pell- lion or application lor mo reuuciion or change of apixirtionment of a partic ular assessment shall be made In writ ing, verified by tho oath of ilia appli cant, lt president, secretary, managing agent, or attorney in fact, and ba filed with the board during the first week It la by law required to be In scwlon, and any petition or application notao made, verified, and flleU shall noi no coiwiuer ed or acted ujsin by the board. (Hoard to complete review in on month, lttiiig continuously.) Hectlon 19. The said Ixiard, ittlng for the nurposo of reviewing the said roll a alxive prtivitlttt, snan conunus it session from tlay to day, exclusive f Sundays and legal holidays, until the examination, review, correction, and equaliuttloti ol tho saltl rolls snail tie completed; but it shall complete said xnniiniition, review, corrcciion, ami equalization within one month from the tune It 1 Py law required in mee, , ..... i .i. - ami, unless sooner couipieieo, at itm pirotlon of one month from the time tlie Iwiaril is Herein reqinreti w the examination, review, correttiion, nd eomiliiation of the said assessment roll shall be doomed to be complete. (Uncord ot action of Wrd) NEWS OF THE WEEK la a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers, HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Raaum ef th Laa Important but Not Laaa I nt era tint; Evnf of tha Past Week. Oret Itrllain wanta tioligo aunexetl by Ikdglum. llimliiexs throuiihoul the I'iiIUhI Statea for lHOtl broke all former records. Kivo tramlxt were klllt-t in a freight wreck on the 8. P. near Truckee, I at. Wholesale fraud bus Isnwi tllscoveroil m the management of an Alabama rail rd. Ilnvi.otea denounce Voliva. Iho Ken , ... ,M... .1... oral pvereeer oi .ion v it;, nm devil. me x-rsoii was killed and many In xl by a runaway electric car at t'ln WRECK ON IN I EH URBAN. At lua lleeevtlua. Maude Mr. HuKglna lookl unusual l hnntiv till evening. EHloy,ij ho proposed to uie les limn an hour 020. Maude Ab, 1 nee and you refused blui. Infantile Ilsalpatlon. Wllllo (lee I Do tbey let you go to wiill oar Hi's? Oracle 11 of 'sin. I'm gutting o- clcter and socletcr every day. One Inrw niiati. A Son Kranclacn Japaneae lialier ad vis-ate tho assassiimlion ol rrcsiuotii Hixisevelt and Uie mikado. Tho Ittiaslan iroverlilncnt ha sup. prcased Oeneml Kuropatkin't book on the nivnt war with Juii The ixiiwt exnreewis a tltxtire for mar lyrdoni In the cause of the church and - . . . i . .i k. urgi trench clergy io resiai mo luw K.very blue law remaining on the statute Ixxiks of Maxsaehusett i l'lg enforce.1 by the lloston jiolice commis sion. The Columbia Jetty I almost cei tain to gel l.tMHI.tltK) from the pnwelit ctHinre and the t'elilo canal JtM),0OO cash and authority lor aa much more. The governor of Akmolinsk province, Kttxeia, luia been assnaslnated. J-jwtern oil lege profeaaora aay they find the majority ot athlete do not study enough. Iltyari tut tacitly admitted bia candi dacy for president. Another munlre by a negro soldier at Kl Heno, OkUt., atlrrtxl up the cltl- len of that town. The Jowa Htatn Teacher' convention xlopuxl nwoluttotia favoring simplifica tion of Kngllsh ixdling. All nation represented at the Alge- clraa oinvnetlon reganllng Monxwn re forms have ratified tho trty. The administration fira there will be a revolution In t'ulai befora the Jan- uury electlona and men and hip are Udng held In readiness to rush to the scene, Commissioner of Ilxir Nelll I try Ing to settle the strike of railway fire men, but find many olsiUiclea. The grand Jury Investigating the New V..r! l.ifn Insurance roliHMiiy ba tt tutmxl indictment aiilitt tleorgo W. Perkins, lormorly vice prosldent of the coinuiy, and Charli-s H. Falrchild, a member of tho finance committee. A grand nephew of tho Pullman car nuiKiiiitti ha been found iu tho New York tenement district ixxr and hun gry, lie is heir to a fortune. POR I LAND MARKETS. Domestic Fruits Apples, coinmon to cholcti, filKn.Tric xr Ixixi choice to fancy, Ce2.n(l; (xnrs, l( l.M); cran berries, 11.6tKel2 xr Uirrelj ht aiiuiiioiis, $1.50 -r Ixix. Vegeluble Turnlpa, uixt i per sack; carrots, lM)W.i l per sack; lxet. It ,'-'W.i 1 .50 ixir sack : horseradish, dt 10c iicr jxiiindi Tcoma-8ttl Paitangar and Work Tralni Meat on Curv. Tocoma, Wash., lko. 27. Intcrur- ban train 'o. 8, bound from Seattle to Tacoina, and a work train consisting of motor and llvo Ihilcara, collided head- on In a cut alxiut a mile east of Milton Wednesday morning. Two person were klllwl, one probably fatally hurt, and 14 more or less lxidly hurt. The first coach of tha liitrurbnn passenger was telescoped, and two of the llaUura pllixl on top ol It. There were alxiut 20 passenger In the telescoped itioker, oino of whom strangely eciiod wllh only slight In- Juries. Tho car wti entirely iiemoi lulled, and some of the isisstuiger were hurltKl 20 feet In the flying wreckage. Train No. a from Senllle was nuo mid had order to lthtmck at hdge- wtxxl to let No. 11, the passenger ror Seattle, pass. The work train was given orders at Milton to follow .No. I) U Kdgowood. I;. H. r, a nraaeman on tlie work train, wa seui u rwv wixxl on No. 6 with ordera lo Hag fo. 3 and hold it on the sidetrack until the work train cleared. Ho elUier failed to place the flag or there wa a misua demanding of orders. Fos disap peared and cannot Ixj found. No. 3 pulled out on the main track as txin a No. 0 passed and being late, storied down the grade at a gxxl sxed. Half a mile this side of F.lgcwood on a curve that run through a deep cut, It met the work train. The curve I o short tluil It was Impoesible for the crew of either train to the other until tixi Into to ntop. The train came together with a crasii FEAR INSURRECTION New Elections In Cubb May Not Settle Troubles. WHAT MAY MEAN ANNEXATION Further Intervention Would Bring On Ina vttabta Annaaallon Wanted by Few Paopla. Washington, Deo. 211. fcoalonal rumbling or rumors ol little sideshow Insurrection popping up In. certain province of Cuba are tending to keep tho United Htate from forgetting the problem it ha to deal with dow n there. there are some auKiee in no iiroon-m EDUCATION IN PHIUPPINE. Director 8aya Schools and Pupil Constantly Inorease. Waahlngton, Dec. 2fl. The lxtb an nual rcprtrt of the director ot education In the Philippines concerning the activ ities of the educational work in the Island for the year ending ffV 30, 1006, allows that there are nowJ9,16 primary schoole In the islands, with an i average of 375,664 pupils. Seven hun dred American and 6,224 Filipino teacher are employed. All of the school division, the report says, con ducted teachers' institutes, varying from four to six weeks in the different provinces. The Instruction given, wa -divided between the common branches of tho intermedial course and special topic of instruction, such a chool gardening, domestic sclonce, primary induatriul work and methods of teaching-There are 2,464 primary sclool build ings lu the Island owned by the mo- Unit have received little attention as far nU jpniitie and, In addition, a number a Uio public I concerned, hut wmi'ii of bulldl nits belomtltiK to the provinces hnve ixvupled and are now omipying jut iM,i constructed originally tor school inn h attention on Uio partof high gov ' minxste are uiR-d. Private inatruction, ..rnini.iit olllcinl and adinlnistrution , ii, renort snv. nlavs a larire part in advisors among the iiicmtMir oi con the Intellectual condition of the island. Many of these schools are eupported by trrrx It 1 a fact not generally known that , the Catholic church, with a history our government entertains grave fear nMc,ing lck several decade. Some regarding wliat limy happen following '( institutions teach Kngllsh, al Ihe Culmil ehx-tioiu in January. A ' though in practically all of litem Span great many have Isdievod that inter- ia, the Wis of instruction. The veutlon by the United Mate will liave Filipino teacher, Dr. Harrow says, accomplished it purixwe as wxm a a continue to gain In reliability, atrength new government lias uwn ennsen uy mo 0f cliaracter ana moral puipow, Culmn people; tlmt our force woulil withdraw after Inaugurating this new ' uiwtrtiiiuint with traiKiuility eio- ihnt was heanl half a mile. The two iui,,,! That is the listv view oi the forward ram of the work train wont L(mtjlin ! everything would Ixj lovely if our high olhcials wore ure ii would work out Just that way. lint they are not sure. Ptesident Ihxixovelt, It i undembxxl, ha grave doubts about the effect of the coming election on the defeated parly. If we be form! to do any more inter SENT TO DUNGEON. over the platform of the first cur of the nasseniter. trlkliiK ll ai an anaie on m- count ol tho curve. To this tact alone is due the escaie from death of every passenger in the car. THEY ALL "C(UCH" UNCLE SAM. Railroads Qst Thre Prices for Car rying Malta. Chicago, !. 2". Htatisllc com nllnt hv the renrtxiciiUttives of the Culled fyixithetae ol Amerita and the American Weekly Publishers' associa tion, organisations which are vigor ously fighting the movement to increase the postage for ecoiid-ctn mail mut ter, shew that in governineiii is (str ing the railways three times a much on the average for the transportation ol mall matter a the express eompaule pay the lailroads for like aeivlce.J On the Iwsls ol the postmaster gen eral') latlstlea, the publisher awn that the government during the llseai year ended Juno 30, 1007, will pay tho Many Russlsn Officer Receive Pen alty of Surrender. St. Petersburg, Dec. 26. The court martial which luia been trying Bear Admiral Nebogatoff and 78 officers of ibis squadtou for surrendering to the Japanese in the battle ot the Sea ot veiling there will lie an effort by a cor- j,, handed In its decisions tonight, lain element to force annexation, which Ajmimi jcbogatoff, Commander stialion recajiiixes the emlsirassing the ctst defenee s hip A. lmlra Benl si huttion tb.ti.iay confront itand, after , vien, and Lieutenant Bm rnofj, who STl Lit llnuaevelt's marniiw to Cu-' oewlrf to the comnmnd of the battle- I,.. to "Is, g-xxl" in the future or take hip Mc-olat, were " " " ito'ivnxe.pien.tho question l. Just VJTTZ I'I'fl K1IU iiiu I"" H " v.. . " less careers of thee olfioera, the court will petition the emperor to commute the sentences to 10 years' Imprison ment in a fortress. Four other officer are sentenced to short terms ot im- Bonspsrle lo Consult Dsvlln on Sen prionment in a fortress, while llie Frsnelsco Cs.e. remainder are acquitted. I The trial oi near auiiiitoi ncmn'J" what course sluill 1)0 pursued Cuban don't stay gisxl if the WILL CONFER ON JAPANESE. Washington, lie District Attorney Ittilwrt F i'W. I nite.1 mates . , . hi. anuadron beiran Devlin, of .... tvu..,twr R Thasis . . , iu ri. i civibtoih . ... v . v. road almost fJII.OOO.OOO more than Han Francisco, who wa tai e. i ""-lCUIMH wtre divide.! into three catogar- the express ciiiipalilia woul.l pity iiiein ; inKton Ity Attorney Menen. nu.x..v ,4Wr A,imiral NcbogatofI (or hauling the same tonnage. in mr a conierent n-nnruinK ... Jw printers and publisher compile me or jiiismese pupiis irom ton pni. statistic to show tliat the government, chiads of Sun Franciaco, arr for the purpose of nxlut lug the annual 'night and will be at the department of IKMtofllc deficit, rather should reduce Justice today. Mr. Devlin refusetl to Its outlay for the transjioriainm man iiixcuxs pis niisxion, immu . Increase the rate for second-class mut- niatter is in the hands of the attorney general. "Two weeks ago 1 bad a conference with the San Francisco Ixstrd of educa tion, at the request of Attorney (ieneral MiHsly," he said, "when a statement oi fuels was agreed UKin and forwardcti to the attorney general. A few days later I whs called to Waahlngton anil I do not know olllcially that 1 am here to discuss tho Japanese question." commander of the battleships; lie puiuic .n,, tua oiiiccr. who advocated the .,,; surrender, snd third, the ofllcers who U-r. "One of the chief needs ot the gov ernment Is an cxxrt tnttllc inanBiier," aaid W. D. IWivee, a Chicago publisher. "It Ihcn woulti get as g.xxl rate a the express companies," IT DENIES JURISDICTION. Standard Raises New Technical Point Against Government Suit. St. Iiuis, Dix". 2H Tho Standard Oil company of New Jersey and 00-ixld other corxirations and Individuals al lied with it, a di fondants In the gov ernment's suit t break up tho alleged nil uionoxily, today filed a motion In the vnllotl Mates v ircuii court, time did not endeavor to prevent the surren der. MAY TIE UP HARRIMAN LINES. STOCK TOO LONQ ON JOURNEY Railroads Will Be Prosscutsd Under rhlrty-slx-Hour Lsw. Washington, Doc. 20. Secretary Wilson, of the department of Agricul ture, today transmitted to the depart- Imentof Justice tho nine additional KaiU'l i lit 'n Corrections, add itions to, or changes In tho said rou man oo ac xir xiiuiu ; cuooiiKe, iw re entered iu a column therein headed pnuuil; caiilillower, 1 .-'i x'r tuwen, -ot.iniiiillv "as reviewed." and the'celerv. $:l.75( 4.25 per crate; lettuce, entries in such Column shall lie the rec ord of tho action of such board. The iiiocllmts. sittings, and adjournment of tho said Wrd, sitting for tho of review, shall bo recorded In lis Journal. (Holl kept on fllo a public record.) Section 21. Said roll, when so exam ined. reviewed, corrected, Olid iii'iialix- cl by such Ixiard, shall bo kept on Hlo in tho olllce of the sain suite ooaru ot tux coinmisslonera aa a public record. " .' ' . .."V" ..rimxexofallel violation of what is nriiig in nnnresnioiii iicieiiiHinui "j iv-. - ,in i.,l lu.titlon nir the court to vnmte ""." weet polabies, -'S" i l0 ri(,r , ,,rvl( e Issiuil by Jm Sanlxirn Noveiulx-r In. Alt of the defendant Join in tho mo tion except the Waters-Pierce Oil coin puny, which Is a resident of the eastern division of tho Kitxtern trlct of Missouri, llmiry 8. Priest filed the motion n counsel for all tho )mr (To be continued next week) Ileal Athlntlolsm. An F.ngllHh athletic authority nya that :i5 Is the maximum uife fur a good Kthlete. Perluip most people hnve no ticed that professional athlete wear themselves out young. Prlr.e tighten, printer and clrcu performers quit In early prime. Hut are these the real athletes? How much more truo an athleto Is tho well preserved farmer, who, at 05, calk pitch as much hay as, bis sou or grandson ! -J, The bext athleticism Is that which holds through tho rlp-o year and ena bles a man to sit hl horse as erectly at HO as lit 20. Cleveland Press. Altnrs Way. "There I always some way to over come every dlllleulty," said Uis fheery cltUeu. yes," answered the sardonic per son. "If you doubt It you can ask ony candidate Just before election." Wash ington Star The I.lmlt. "You iy be Is well educated?" "Yms, h ran talk every known ln gimsn except gulf and bastibull," Hous ton Post. head, 30c per di men: onions, 10(12,4e jxir doxen; Ixill )-pHT, acj pump kins, 2c pur pound; squash, 2o xr pound. Onions -M II jsir liimdieil. PotattM' Oregon lturlsuiks, fancy, flf 1.25; coinmon, 7B(.86tJ. Wheat ('bib, (ir( (Klc; blucMtem, OKc; valley, llfic; red, :lu. data No. 1 white, 25fVij20; gray, 24.5t)fi25. Hurley Feed, 21.o0errt22 iwr ton; brewing, $22.60; rolled, $2.'l(;24. Jtye $l.4t)f1.45 perewt. C.mWholo, $2(1; criicketl, $27 per ton . I lay Timothy, No. 1, $l:t(M4 per ton; Kaatern Oregon timotiiy, ihi'Mii; clover, $H(.ii8.5l); cheat, $7.riOWH.fiO; grain buy, $7.6l)W 8. 50; ulfalla, $11.50; velch hay, fWi ltutter Fancy creamery, iii;ni .wi:. HutUr Fill First gnnlo cream, SS c per pound; second grade cream, 2o loss per Kiund. Ka Oregon ranch, 30(rt).12c per doxen. Poultry Average old hens, I ,!( He per pound; liiixwl chickens, 12(sil3cj spring, HMliii"; oiu roosiers, ixiinocj droMstxl live, 20(21 15f. pound; cows, SdcSc. Mutton DrcMsod, fancy, 8llc por pound; ordinnry, (Hl7t!. J'ork Dcsxod, 0()8o per pound. Hops llfeHc por pound, according to quality. Wool Kaatorn Oregon average host, 13()18opor pound, according to shrink ago; valley, 2()()2.'l(!, according to fine ness; mohair, choice, 2028c, Firemen on Sunset Route Threaten Extreme Measure. Houston, Tex., Dec. 28. The new feature of the striko ot the Southern Pacific firemen wax the assertion made I I... u ...I 1 ll..l K)i,i r( tha I ly cvxniu I mini ...aa.v . ---, - - brotherhood, that nnleas an adjustment of the differences with the men now out on this division is made, the order is to Iw given that the entire Harriman sys tem of lailroads shall lose the services of tho llrotherhtxxj of Firemen, includ ing those engineers who are member, be asserting tbnt 89 per cent ot the switch engineers and a gcxxUy number of the road engineers will end their services on the road. Mr. Shea insists that 625 men on the Texas and Louisiana lines of the sys tem obeved the strike order Sunday, but General Manager Fay, of the road, .Ill-hour law," . . - , .. t.. i Judge which provides mat nuiroau cuiiixuues s inn not tieiniu shx-k on n longer )x-riixl than 28 bout without d,N.!HrWi that not more Own 400 men fixxl and water, except with the consent m,it work, and that practically all of of the owner of the stock, and then no(t),c piRces have been filled. There la Judicial ills- longer than ; nours. no inierierenoe wiin vx-nuu The ixe were one cneii ngainxi me tniins, according to tno Binieinem i t ren I Northern, the Oregon Short Line, M. Fav. but a numlx?r of switch en- e. TlilZuI .l l''l' '"'.'ginosat division point, are reported ott iin'- j i Rum lino uvpii hwimiw x ..I n. ui-.,.lii..l .nint iturl tlliiit n.i kll ll, net it loner are non-rcxi-. ami three against tho Santa Fo. dent of this district. No News Since September. Washington, Dec. 28. Complaint Shouts, Stone Approves Roosevelt's Act. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 20. Senator William Stone believes that Roosevelt did right in discharging the negro aol- ani Pay Canal Workers on Holidays. Washington, Dec. 211. Chairman ,.r ti, ImMiiiidiii commission. bus boon mndo to the Pnstolllce depart- announced today that tho commission diers at tirownsviiio. i am Bm.. to meut that no ucwsimpi-r or magaxino hud din Idod to my tho employe on the have an opportunity to say this, but I mail has Ix-en delivered at Fairbanks, I iMthmus whose onmiienaatioii is fixed wish lo I nmloratoot j "Rht. J Alaska, slnco Septomlar. This Is duo on nn hourly Uisis, for Janunry 1, Fcl chiml hist night. I have not looked h, tho fact that tho mail contractor Is 1 runry 22, May 30. July 4, Labor Day, into tho legal phase ot the matter, obliged to carry 800 pounds of mull on Thanksgiving Day and December 26 I'm not ready to give an opinion on each bi-weekly trip from Vuldex, and , Tho compc.iHiit ion for these employes that. Put as to tho sentiment ""-ern- nract ca v this entire nmiumti is now will no on tno I'tisie oi nn eignt. " uW iv . . - - - - Hindu up of llrsl-cmss, or letter man. any. 1X1 I'll me I'lirur ll,. .,..,. - This will grant pay for tho boll- corned, 1 am in hearty favor of the stop .... ! ' . . - t ' I 1 II .,..,..,.ll .11,1 ClUIKO. Tl. mJornlnout, IX1VS 11.45 Per llOUIld dllVS to llll UlO Bklllo.1 mwhllllio 0111- tllken by 1'rCSIdOlll KoHOVOIl. auu for getting mall to Fairbanks, and ployed on tho ennui sono, who iiunibor lower classes have to wait until there is about 3,000 a shortage of flrxt-cluss mutter. World's Charity Dries Up. Tendon. Den. 211. Nicholns Sliiss- tary Tuft." Strike Broken at San Antonio. San An'onlo, Tex., Dec. 28. Uu koff, who was one of tho trustees of tho n .. . i,t.. ..H1..1..I.. ,i...i i. ' r.i.lA ftiml of Kolirniirv ' Mouinorn riicim:o..icni.n ? un... ic ... ' . :,-..... M..l,iu fVlhe. l Urotherhoixl of Flromcn' striko on this 11101, ha sent 10 in.ion, nccoiiiixuiicu um w . ... ... "" ,.,',' Inhsrltsnce Tx Not Retroactive. Washington, Dec. 20. The Supreme court ot the United States today de cided tho inheritance tax case of Ca in ille Cahen and other legatees under ..1. 1. .!.... ... 11 ir,. ttti-bnva I ""'"""i " v- .--y'. i .. , , , ,, i i,,,,!,,,,. .I,,,. i. ,, ,.i for funds, nn nccount ol xew urieans, ngamsv t.. ""- 17c618c; turkoys, dressed, c h..l.-e, i"'" ' i, teal... ib f.i.i.l. . in HuHsia. "Fifteen years ities of that city. The state law pro le ; goexe, live,'; ducks, , ' ' - " ,. u !,, M. whixskoff. "when the vidinir for a tax on bequests was at- . . . i .. . . . ...?..' h.i,.,w low., f,r Inn wax loss serious, wo bud $4.-. tacked as unconstitutional. The opinion Veal-Dressed, 'pound. Hlr,ullllt ,lrtmllin wlls ftr. ooo.OOO. Hut now, when Ills great- was delivered by Justice McKeima, lf - Drexsod bull, 1 d) 2c por ( '('',', f: . "?.." ...,l IMHl.OtKl." Mr. who allinned the decision of the Sti- tvywi., i promo court of Louiaiana. gineor' cab at tho Southern Pacific st- ShlsHkoff ostlmatns that about ;iu,uuu,- loin. Tho order Issued Monday not to 000 peasants will need axHlxtanco. receive fieight has been roscindiMl. Eager to See Rooevelt. rji f Aijvir nMUitnff nr.... ll., 1i on Thn Vilininn noo- Topcka, Kan., Dec. 28.- llnrrlslon plo are olatod over pros reports hat January o n 7 ""T'l Park nan tho man who (list, brought President Uooxovolt contemplate. . visit, Springl 0 d, Mi ss , lor t o PrPe alfalfa from South America and plant. Ing tho Islands next summer. The lift- ascertaining a d.s.g 1 of ed It, In tho United States, died at live press received tho annouiicoment , or revolver lxxt adnp ed to fulfill the Adopt New Pistol for Army. Washinuton. Dec. 20. Secretary Taft has appointed a board of otllcers to meet Kmporla, Kan., aged 73 years. with enthusiasm. I requirements of the military service.