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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
E OREGON VOL. XXIV. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907. Pin MIST. ' ' icrr- m Proposed Oregon Tax Law ( from hut wwk) (Appeal from action of board, ) Hectlon 'i'i. Any cron or corpora tlou whonhnll have in'titioiu'd lor tlii re (lui'tlun or I'lange hi apiMirtiiuiinctit, of a particular aem-anuiiiit, or whae a. essincut ha Imh'ii Increased by the, an id stale IniukI ol tus t-'Jiiim inj-ioiutrit, all. ting fur itiirixwfa of review, who ulutll lie aggrieved ly tint action of Kiii'h board, limy nplH'Hl therefrom to tint circuit court. In lhraeof Individual rcidcht III thin atato the appeal ahull I laken I'i the circuit court of the rtiuiiiy where thn individual reside; II (iil i'n hy mi individual who In it iiod rcaidcnl lit (hit Mala it shall m taken to the circuit court of thn eoniily hi whiih Ihn cututul of the state in situat ed; if taken by a corporation it shall be taken to thn circuit court of the county in which the trlnciml pluce of hoalftei-a, If a domeMie corration, or residence of thn managing agent or at torney In fuel if foreign c.irK. ration, nmv l, Thn nHal ahall I taken ami perfected in the following manner ml not otherwise; 1. Thn irty dtwiring to appeal from thn m t Ion of such Imard may cu notice, to le (igtted hy himself, itself, or attorney, to be filed with thn secre tary of mill hrnrd within 11 vo day, ex cluding Sunday, from thn I line thn re view of tho Mlit acmerit roll it com pleted, 2. Within ten tiny of the giving of uh notice thn until trty, to lie kliowu a Um apwllatit, ulin 1 1 file with tlio rlrrk of Ihn t'irruit court for thn irowr county a tmiiMrit of the iietittoii fur reduction of aiieautnl, or o much of tlm rword of the Mhl board as may I Ivo member thereof a secretary, who Itlim, and hull enter the sutne In the assessment roll which hit boon uimlu by tha county asMcimor and equalised hy tlm County board 0f iimiiuiti,,,, ,) returned to the clerk. Taxes mIihII lie levied and collected itxii tlm asse incnt mo innilu in thn aunie manner oIIut taxes urn Ii.vIihJ Hud coltnvUil, niid nl iho Buiuu time unJ by tlm Mtm tillkvni. (U'liHth of linn In uilnor uMivlnloni to lie rejiorUd to county clerk.) H.M-limi 24. To UMivt thn 1'lt.rk in )i,ttloiilng tlm uid wnf innnt, !.! ecu IhiiMtvtiriil iiiiinli'lpalilli-i or taxltix MMiftifitu or dintrliti in hi county, hit in nuUioriii'd to rciiiirn, mid II U heridiy nmdit the duty of the eever hI tftmi or corporation liuhle to iwiiuiit undi r tlm iroviHloni of thl m t, to rclKirt to Ihn county clerk, under 'mill, thn length of ninlii nd brunch line in r-h city, town, whool dUtrict, road dUlrlcl, port or other municipal taxing agency or district In audi county. ( liccoid Quorum" Temporary afllccr.) Kwtinn 25. A record of the proceed ing of aui li tMxrd ahall m kcot at the cnpltol own to the iimpectlon of the iml.llci a majority of the board ahull coniitituU a quorum to do bunine, but a mr mimlier may meet and ad journ from time to lime. In thn al- nencn of either ll.n chairman or the wretaiy, thn lrd thall appoiul a teniHrary chairman or wwreUry. ( Appointment and dutie of acretary I lerhiil aiwli.tatn-0.) H-vtlon 2tl. Kaid Umrd iall, at It flrat nmrting, by a majority vote of all mn nieniiier, elect one ol the appoint mvo.-nry to ililelligcnlly prcwi-nt the qilration to b dncidoi by the circuit iHiurt, t.igi-ther with a copy of thn imb-r or ai-linn luken by ihn antd lr.l, thn nolicn of bikiiI, and thn retird of Ihn filing tJiPteof ; thereafter tho eaid cir cuit court nhttll have jori lirtiin of thn nialU'r, but imt otbcrwin, Thn pnl hall Ixi hi-arl and dn terminit) by hn circuit durt in iuiu mary manner, and .hull m dcterminnd a. an mpiiiabln caoan. Either thn ap wllarit or any county U which any por ti.iu i. the n.mwii compiained of ia or may m aprtUinml a apHtle ulinll lm ent Itlwl to thn cuiupiilMiry Htl.-ci.liini of witnemw, and to thn production of tik and paper. If, upon thn hir ing, thn ciiiirt find thn amount at which thn prorty u dually amcNUol by thn aaid mri i ita a tunl full mah vahtn, and thn .-K"iiiriit waa umdn fnif y and In good fitith, it nbalt p prrtvn uch tMininti but if it find that thn aMrcwiuent wa nunln at a greater or ten aunt than tho actual full audi value of Ihn proierty, or If thn Minn wa not fairly or in good faith made, it ahull ant aunldn audi awmonuent and di-tvrmine nch value, and a certi fied copy of the order or judgment of the circuit court hall tm auliicieut war rant fr thn apHirtimme(it, levying, and nilleiUing of Ultra agulnut audi pn.MT ty and itnm anch valuation i determ ined. No proceed lng fur thn apNr-: tioiiment, levying, or collect ion ol tuxea wtrainnt any prwrty ahall im atayml by r.n of Ui Inking or petidncy of any M'al Iroui Hie mtUI wrl; but In event the axmuMment t tlri reacl by thn court mi apptml, thn tax colhwtor ot the i'url c.iirillni Him 1 1 refund to thn p-mon or rorHrntion jmylng auid (mm on auch priiwrly any cioive amount of inxe colUx-tiid, and amh tux collector "lull I tm ri'iiulHinml therefor by Uie wveral municipalitiea to wlilch he nmy have dmlmrwil any awli cin ive oidlet'tlona, ami in event thn nnrnw ment i liii-rcaBMi by tlto court on ap l the proierty ehall bo liable for the tliillcli'iiey on tho amount of auch in rmaaml vnlimtiou. In event any reap Hirliounieiit a N'tweeu count ica la iiiikIo by thn court on iiichI, corre oiiding H'l j list iiiii tri mIihII Iki md by tlm lax collator of thn couiiUch affect rd. Tho prnvlainn of law governing foxl and dinburHciiient on aiiiHat alml! : l appllcwbtn hereto. I'livim-nt of taxc wlille iipiM'iil 1 pending hiII not oper In a a waiver of thn uppml or tlio riKht to a refunding of tuxou found to he exctvixlvely n.Mciwcd. (AMmwMinnnt final wlien reviewed Cer- tilii to county clerk Apportion ment and collection.) Reclion 2:1. After the auld roll biui liecn rovleweil by the auid atute board of ux coniuilaNloneni thn asHciwmcula therein Hhiill be dcemul complote. Mind lMrd ahull thereupon certify b Ilm county clerk of tho auvernl conn lie in, into, through, aero, or over Miii'li ti) 1 1 lu of auid (Miniuniin run Ihn nuuilmr of milca of main and branch line of tha auid companies, nd thn renpectlva value thorcof apjKir tinnwl to each of audi oountlca; and the anveral county clurk ahull there upon apportion Ilm amount curtilled to their ruMpcctlva couutUn among the citiea, town, achool ditrictH, roud dltricU, porta ami other municipal taxing ugencie and dlntricta in propor tion to thn length of auch main and branch linen In each of auch nmnici imlille, multiplying tho value per nilla a aliovo HCurUinel of Riich niitln nd branch line by tha length thereof In ouch of auch municlpnlitiea, and ap portioning tlio remilt to auch municipal- ahall aervn a uch for two yeata. and until hi auctwaur I appointed and qualified. Ilia ucctMor (hall b eloetrd by a tika votn. Thn accrctary abail keep record of the proceeding, of thn board, which ahall Irs certified by thn chatritiau and aecretary, ., kept In thn oilicn of tha aid board at thn utn capitol, mid thall perform auch other dutii a may ba rev u I red by law or by aatd board. Tha other appointive member ahall perform auch dutica a may bn aiwially required by the hoaid. Hiu h Urd may appoint and remove at pleanur aucb other clerk a may b nnmwiary, not exceed ing two in taiiiiU-r, at a aalary not to nxcl Td ir month ch. (Comwnfation of appointive member ana clerk Traveling vtpemic,) Ketiou 27. The member of aaid hoard, eicept the governor, aecretary of .into and alate tmumrer, alutll rwetve a conieniilion for their (ervicea the following amouma, to wit, thn turn of dollar per annum, payable quarter-annually, aa the talarie of oth er amte officer are paid. Kach of th member of aaid board ahall bn entitled to receive hi nectwuary traveling ex while traveling away from tho capital on thn bolnc of the hoard, w hich expnin hall be Itrmljrd by thn pern'in incurring tho name, and whn the ww 1 approved by the cliairman ahall be paid upon warrant drawn by the necretary of ntul upon the Uln tri uniiri-r out of any fund not otherwiva ecillcatly appropriated by lw. Ing ofllcere aulllclcnl.) Hmrtlon 81, Jn cuhu a vacancy ahull occur by reuaon duath, rcignuttion, or removal of cither of the appointive mumliera of aaid bourd, the governor, aecretary of it ate, and alula treuiurer, acung juiiuiy, it,ui appoint luccenor to lill out the unexpired term of the member whoa, ollice li tlm mad va cant, and In muking itich app jlutmtmt thuy ahull not appoint prrauii from the unit imlllieal pnrty a the remain- lug appointive Member. Whenever In i making apiiointiiieut provided In tbl act, the governor, aecretary of itate and nam ircaaurer are required to act Joint ly, the a tion or vote of a majority ol them ahall be luflldcnt if they are not unuiiimoua, (Allowance of witnmfccs and mileage.) hertlon 32. vVllmanei tcatlfylng be. foro the auid Ixjard, or any member Uiereof, almll be allowed the me feel or -r diem and mlleagn ai allowed in civil cauma in the circuit court, and the aiimo ahall be paid by warrant of the aecretary ol atute uiou the itate treoi' urer upon the certificate of any member of auid bourd. No tender of witncM feca or mileage in advance ahall be neceaaury. (Sheriff to aerve procera, etc.) Section 3,1. It ahall be the duty of the aheriffa of the aeveral countiea to aerve all proce, paper and aubpoena required by aid board or any mem ler thereof, and to inuk return of the umu to the ald board. (Regular ineetingf of the board Claim audited.) Hei-tion 34. The auid board ahall meet on the neCond and fourth Wednes day of each month to pan upon all mutter properly coming befur tii board for coiiaidcrution. All neccaaery co t and cxpenue of uld board iball lie audited, upon proper voudiera, and, upon order of the board, be paid out 01 me vtute treasury upon warrant drawn by the ccrctury of tte. (County aarerior to file oath a to full rah value ajwettKmetit by him.) Section 35. For the purpose of aa aiating the aaid board in auperviaing tlie aieineiita made In the aeveral countim, and that all aawimmeot of property la thia atate be umde accord ing to law, every county asaenaor in thia atate, at the time of the return by him of hi amen ment roll, iball take and auljm-ribe to an oath in luhatan- tially the folluwinir lamtuuite and form. which oath ihall be forthwith filed by him with the aaid itate board of tax rommiotiittiicm, namely: Cumy si NEWS OF THE WEEK RtbUMES WORK. Ia a Condensed Form lor Busy Readers. Oar a. 1. toinf (He lon Where held To he furniah 1 with ollice, printing and aupplic.) Sii t iuii 2H. The xald board vlmll hold II regular i!ion at the tul Ciipltul, and dlinli lm fornlidied by the atvretury of rlutn with an oilicn at the utiito capitol, and uw'iwary aupplle and priuliug, in Iho auiuo manner a other tte officer. 8nld Ixiurd may hold aesiiilon at any duc In thi ntate w hen deemed new unary U) fucilttata the diiK-harge of it bunine. Hooka and I'arilnalHr. Delilah bad cut off Huiu.ou' long hair. "If a trlflo eoarn," ab aaid, "but 1 can ue It for a awltch." When It waa too late, however, aha re flected that the could bare utlllaed Sam on to much better advantage by exhibit ing him In a ahop window a an advor tlemut of a hair tonle. The nl(lan are creat p'geon breed er, and on of the cholceit turd of thia kind I the true Antwerp carrier, which la comparatively rare. (Kxaminiition of witncanci' pu'r Penally.) Hection 21). The auid board, or any ntomlier therimf, in conformity to the resolution or rule of the board, "hull have tho power to- auhpoena and ex- Hiiiinn witneMM, to administer oath, and ehull havo accvaa to and the power to order thn production of any book or (nipt'in In tlio bund of any person, company, or corporation whenever nrcemmrv In the proewution of any in quiries deemed neccaaary or proper in their ollii lu! citpidty. Any peraon who ahall disobey any nuhKeim or luhpoenu duiH'H tecum of tho aaid lioard, or any membor thereof, or retime to tontify when required no to do by laid board, or any mnmher thereof, ahull tie deemed guilty of a miadcmcuiior, and upon con viction thereof ahull lie punhthed aa provided by law therefor. (Falno ntutciucnU or tcitimony Ir jury.) HiH'lion 30. Any peraon who ahall wilfully present or furniali to the aaid bourd, or any member thereof, any atutenient required under thia act, or which may lot required by liuit board, or any inumber thereof, under the powers In thia act contained, wlilcii siulemeia mIiuII be ' Iho or fraudulent, or shall give testimony before said bourd, or any member thereof, which shall bn fulxo or fraudulent, snail be (loemca guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof ahull be punished aa by law otherwise provided for such crime. (Filling vacancy Majority of appolnt- ( of Mtrttof ), jit ..pointed, qu.lthcti and act- . at toe atwiv. n.inrii counlr. urn ulcfttnlr R..r tb.( I bav. dilitrriHlv an t. iNf ll of nr .ti!il aiM.ietl .11 ptuprnv ia Mid cutinty. whii'tt bp liw I .tn prdiitr4 to Mi, .1 tbe (nil ch tbervof; Ib.t t biv nut tifu)lr and knowiir vmittrd to iMru anjr perwjn or proprttr, or ar.acl ovrr or under the lull cth tbrtrof anjr aiupcrtyi(or cla. of pfupertj wbalrver. (Sigtiatur. of arwor). SubaiiWd and .worn to brfor ai. thia iir ' I (Siruiturt and titkt of oftWr). lOflicial oral ) (Penalty tor omiaion to file oath or aw property.) Section 3(1. Any afwessor who shall fail, neglect, or refiiMe to make and suhxeribe to an oath as aforesaid, or hlmll fail, neglect, or refuse to file the same with the said state board of tax utn rn inoiiiiitTM, or idi ul I wilfully and knowingly omit to assess any peraon or proj-crty by him assessable, or shall )ea under or o'er the full cfh value thereof any projerty or clui of proj erty whatever, hlmll be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The judgment of conviction of any such assmaor for a violation of the proviion of thia sec tion ahall of Itself work a forfeiture of hi ollice. (Members of board not to accept pass or gratuity.) Section 37. It shall be unlawful for any member of suid board, directly or indirectly, to accept any free pus, j frank, or gratuity whatever, from auy . person or corporation liuble to assess ment under tlie provision 01 mis act. A Both Housea of Conicreii Down Budnsas After Holidaya Wellington, Jan. 3. Defense of tho discharge of the three companies of the Twenty-fifth infantry, members which vera guilty of the Brownsville shooting, waa made In the senate today by Culberson, of Texas, who thus pre sented the unusual ipec-Utcle of a Bouth ern DoimxTutlo senabjr aa clutmpiou of a Republican president. Foruker be gan a reply, but waa not able to finish it on accoun of a sore throat and se cured an adjournment until Monday of the debate on his resolution instructing the milibifv eomrnifiitfi tn InnuirA Info A.!..t W f . 1 t l - Mr.xaoa, ia in w.e nanua 01 a tll6 pjaonfa order. Lodge offerel an ftinri(lment lirnitintf the Iruitiirr tn Tf a r., lit i . t. . I . . ... . . ikev. ueiiry w. jm:nui win 00 inauir- the conduct of the troona. thua avo il uraieu governor 01 iAiorauo in acnurcu. ing ftny queation aa to the president John I). Itnckefeller will ilvn ha auUionty to uiscnarge them pension fund for Chicago university Culberson saia great injuatioe had HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of tha Laae Important but Not Laaa Interesting Evanp of tha Past Weak. professors. Tlio Inb-rstate Commerce commission I ba told Hill to relieve the fuel famine in his territory. Many town in Washington, Idaho I been done the people of Brownsville Tlie conduct of the negro soldier liad been very irritating, lie related that on AuKunt 4, the day before the "shoot ing up" of the town, a criminal axsault bod been committed by one of thn and Oregon are almost entiiely out of aoldiers on tho wife of a reputable cit mfuol of all kinds. lizon. No arresta bad beed made for ,, , , . I this crime. Culberson defended Cap- aqana. aitMi "" tain McDonald, of the Texas Kangera, lered upon hia aewtul term as chief ex- to wh ForakM taemA ecuuveor Wyoming. , XfaI as a man who was "so brave that he payment made on the purchase of the would not hesitate to charge hell with Panama canal are legal. la bucket of water." A British Company with three steam- . 1"Ta "T . VlU ,0 ers has decided to make Portland the I f , ., wnlcn loading point for a new Oriental line. "V" . 1 7 1 , A corporal in tlie neirro rcKiment re- ernment domain until auch denoaita ceniiy uisuanuea oy me presiaeni, nas nave been exhausted. Provision ii been arrested aa the cause of all tlie made for leasing for terms not exceed trouble. I ing one y-ar for the ourooae of havimr V. 11. Reck man. een.tarv of tl. P- them explored. Persona making ex clflc Coat Lumlrmen'l association. l i'?n na aiacoyenea are to be mv tl, Nortl-m P,.ifl r.ff..,.t L.iiwx 8'ven the preference tn the right to in tinn n, er .hfirt.M .iti..r, 'co nd work the deposit. I . 11IA1 lies iwuaj iuuwultu Bk Ulli no rjfiiiipers ana rrouueers conven- autbor 11 nir the anno ntment of in ac tion, held at Albany, drew up a drastic I, lit ional iudire for tho Ninth ludicial measure for presentation to the Oiegon district, another authorising the p- legisiaiure w cure uie car mortage evn. pointment of an additional customs ap- Hairlmanl a aeriouslv ill at hi houia prater for Puget Bound and a third ex wiiuioa uie urivuerea 01 unmeuutie traneportation on dutiable goods at Port Townsend. He also offered an amendment to tlie pending child labor bill. The acniite then went into executive In Xew York. It seem likely that Senator Bailey, of Texas, will notb a re-elected. tr. Uulseppe Pet ace I baa been ap pointed the pope's private physician. ... , . , session ana a. x:os p. m. aaiournea an The pope may order thaFrtnch clergy -ii r at election. It look a if Congressman Dixon, of Montana, will be chosen aa Clark's suc cessor In the aeuato. Waahington, Jan. 3. Representative Morrell, of Pennsylvania, introduced resolution today for an investigation by congreca ot recent railroad wrecks Tbe resolution abiton t.hRt. fhat vrM-ki Raisull, tlie Moroccan bandit is re- are auDuoaed to be due to overwork of ported to have been beaten in battle employee, and authorise the speaker to auu is uow a lugvuve. 1 name a conunittee of five conurceamen The cold snan throughout thn North. ho aluill have full power to subpoena west ia causing suffering in those com- witnesses and require corporations ito furnish desired. recorda and all information Friday, January 4. Washington, Jan. 4. The "omnibus claims bill," carrying an appropriation for claims under the Bowman and munitie which aie short of fuel. A man refused a loan by a Philadel phia bank blew up the bank with the cashier and himself and wounded six others. The Interstate Commerce commis sion is inquiring into the cause of the Tucker acts, was befiw the house today recent railroad wreck in the suburb of n was discussed toi nve hour. Washington, D. C tspeaker cannon announced the ap- . . , , A. 1 pointment ot Kepresentattve tnirel iiiie uunuiuKs were wrevaeu aim me 1 K:i,( r.i;..;. . titeliinArv In a tuina ut I.-u.'all A ri I ' 1 . fl.M.rr..vA.I tv in nvnmuinn ,tf flunBmita I . - in w uowuur uouee. cevvrai yersous iti. BM.u. i . - i .id uofrv, ,uia av.iini uu vile were uijureu. tfmnnd that Mr. Williamann hut fibvt thus far to attend a single session of the 69th congress. He has been con victed of participation in land frauds in Oregon PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, flfc: bluostem, 67c: valley, tiltc; red, 6.1c. fOiita .o. 1 white, f2526; gray, LM. 50 25. Hurley Feed, $21.60(3'.22 per ton; brewing, 122.511; rolled, 123(24, Kye l.401.45 per cwt. Corn Whole, $20; cracked, $27 per ton, Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $1314 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. Japaneie Reds Cannot Long Maintain Anarchist Papar. San Francisco, Jan. 4. The case of T. Takeuchi, of Berkeley, publisher of SHIP MAY BE LOST LET COURTS TAKE CHARGE. Car Shortage Convention Sara Has Not Fvlfiilsd Duty. i,nicago, jiui. 7. According to Hill Life Rails Washed Ashore From mad today .t u. Nti.nai Ktsciprocal Demurrage conventloa ay Uiy Ol Panama. Ur If. Beckman, secretary of taa Pacific Coast Lumbermen's association, j the lumbermen of the Northwest pro pose to apply for receivers for tha BAD STORMS HAVE BEEN RAGING N ?,'ern Puc f nl reat "' ". un.n nnuutu railways, on the ground that they have I failed to perform their duty aa pualla carriers, and will then bring damage Vassal Sailed From San Francisco on mitli by wholesale, which may exre4 fio.uuu in tne aigrrgate. The conven- tion also-appointed a committee to calr jon President Hoosevelt and request hire to send a special message to congreea t ur8'"if the patwage of a reciprocal de murrage law. It waa charged by Mr. Beckman that tne ao ft rn Fscinc and Great North ern had b -en guilty of "disciplining" December 31 for An con, on lathmui ot f'anama. San Francisco, Cal., January 6. A dispatch to the Call from Santa Crus says that a message received late hut night from Waddcll Beach, on the coast shippers who were active in the agita- 40 miles north of here, says that the t,on ,or reciprocal demurrage, and lha Pacific Mail steamship City of Panama I" "l ?aee8 t,hee rfds ld volun ha. been wrecked and that moat of the lbfc'L' - ' P5" M"-l.t, "IUI H1C aTJ- 118 persons on board are believed to suit that the men thua "shown" had have perished. The mesnaice atatea been forced to ao absolutely withrmt tliat four life rafts have been washed einlPnent. ashore fully provisioned. L. "l" uTll! The City of Panama left San Fran- months, and some of oornerml. ar. cisco on December 31 for Ancon, on ing out of business not voluntarily, the isthmus of Panama. but by aid of the sheriff. We ask for. Two of the life rafta were found at receiver for these road on lh amnml Waddell beach and two a few mi lea that they have not fulfilled their dntiai further south. All were plainly as public carriers." marked "City of Panama." They con-1 Mr. Beckman will show Praaidan tained stores such aa are thrust into Roosevelt 1,000 photograpbi which ba boats which put off from wrecked has taken all over the Pacific Xnrlh- ships. One of the rafta contained a west illustrative of the car fhortase. box of crackers and a cask of water. In He will show lumber niles in th r.fc the boats were alao found oars and of Washington aggregating 800,000,000 hoathooks. Two of the rafta were feet, awaiting transportation- nhotn- laslied together with ropee. graphs of 116 sawmills and shingle lemhc storm have been razing and mills, which he declares closed down it is deemed impossible that any rafta and are facing bankruptcy became ol which may be afloat can survive the inability to secure cars. , storm. The impression prevails that' i ' i every one of the 60 passengers and 66 members of the crew who left San Francisco has perished. It ia believed that the City of Pana ma encountered a aevere storm shortly after leaving San Francisco and that she put out to sea. to shore to continue her trip to tha south, she met with another atorm. which rendered her helpless. Whether she waa torn to pieces by the it ale or driven on the rocks is not known. Below Waddell beach wreckage arming ashore in vast Ranchers are patrolling watching for bodies which may drift upon the beach NEGROtS GO TO ISLANDS. All Black imnte Will Soi la an Duty In Philippines. W&ehinirton. Jan. 7 Th Kinth ,nJ Returning closer Tenth cavalry and the Twenty-fifth in- laniry, including all the negro eoldiara in the regular army in thia country, have been ordered to prepare fur survive in the Phtpippines, and will t-ail at . different times between March a aud i June 5 of thia year." The onlv atliar quantities, regiment composed of negroes ta the ahore, Twentv-fourth service in the Philippine. OtW tronna nrrlprswt tn tKo phii;nn;nu - San Francisco local marinars refuse the Sixth cavalry and the Eiirhtewvih to believe that the City of Panama has Twenty-sixth, Twenty-ninth and Thir been wrecked. They believe she is in fifth inf-ntr tv. -ki..v. :n istress in the storm and that her life be relieved bv the sending of these new ' leiiupuiB win oe tne rourtn, eevanin and Eighth cavalry and the Ninth, Government Will Appeal. Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Waahington, Jan. 6 Tha recent de- Nineteenth infantry. ' cisions by Judge Evans in the Federal f ' was stated by Major General Ball, court at Louisville and by Judge Mo- -'ef of staff, that tha negro regiments Call in the Federal court at Memphis, '"K n' to tlte Philippines be declaring unconstitutional the employ- 18,186 ' ' their turn to go and not be ers' liability act passed at the la-t ses- caU!,e ot any desire to get them out of lion of congress, were brought to Freei- tne United States at this time, dent Roosevelt's attention today, and the announcement was made at the 1MrillMC , ,-A,, White House that the president will' INDIANS TELL OF FRAUD. irect that an appeal be taken. The president ia greatly interested in thia act and earnest I v recommended to con gress that it be paased. REMODEL INSURANCE LAW, the Revolution, will be reported to the uy member ul said board violating trie (.jjlO; clover, 8gM.6U; cheat, $7.6U( government at Tokio by Japanese Cou- nrovisioni ot tin section snau oe 8.ot; grain n iv, ii.0UW8.UD: alfalfa, ..i n.. it deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and f 11.50; ve-0 i buy, f8.50. I , , ' t tlie Judgment of conviction tnereoi snail Butter Fancy creamery, 3235e . V . "V m .. w ' ..I ttK n-ork frl tura of tha o i ' ner nniin.l. aeutlil JlieiueiUTO ioaio, SUlUPecre- held bv such member. Butter Fut First grade cream. S3 Wc lT uyama, onne Japanese consulate " . I . ..." I Vital t tt ti It. V (Comnunies liable to assessment to 1 pound ; second grade cream, i'c less '.""-'' per jKiuiui. niulntain ollice In ttate.) Section 38, Every railroad company, union station and depot company, and electric railway compuny doiug business as such within this state, and every heat, light, power, water, gas, and electric company doing business as such, as one system, partly within this ntnto and purtly without, or so doiug business in more than one county of the state, shall establish and maintain at some fixed point within the Mute a principal ollice, and shall maintain thereat a secretary or managing agent. (Term person, company, corporation, how construed.) V e cau take no action in the matter here. It is in the hands of Testify Thav Filed on Land Becauaa The Got onay For It Omaha, Jan. 7.-The most important evidence brought out at the land trial today waa that of Harry A. Cloud, a foil ! blood Ogalalla Indian, a graduate of 'Oartisle Tnrlinn Brhnnl and rrA California Legislature WHI go to Work nephew of the famous Sioux chief, Red eii una on ine raianer. cloud. His evidence waa to the affect San Francisco, Jan. 5. Immediately tnat ne nal- been solicited to make a after the leinulature convenes next filing by W. C. Smoot, and that he Monday tlie first sten will he taken to made the filing for the Modisettea at remodel the insurance laws of Califor- Rushville, in consideration of $25. nia. The other six witnesses today were One feature ot the new insurance Indians. Their testimony was of a laws will be a provision compelling 1,11111 lar character, and in effect that tha foreign insurance companiea to main- on,y reason they made the filings was tain very substantial deposit! in Cali- ,n consideration of the $25 which was fortiia banks as a guarantee of their promised and paid them and which good faith in dealing with policy hold- th7 understood waa given them from ers. The attempt to paa such a law tne Modiaettei. will meet with strong opposition and a small army of insurance lobbyists ii expected in baeramcnto. Dakota Town Crlaa for Coal Washington, Jan. T. A telegram re- An effort will alao be made to re- eeived nr. rh Tnt.ntata n.,mm - 4"ir a'1 insurance companies doing minion today (mm Granville, S. D., business in California to make full indicate, r.lmr. tho fnol e,i;H. Kan Oregon ranch. 80O32W0 per autuorities, put we win report wium iwaruw tney BPe serious because of lack of cars. The d0Z(,, we matter w our government and send " remro uiai wiey purcnaae commission has communicated with Poultry Average old hons, per pound; mixed chickens spring, 14(n)15c; old,rooters, dre-ifed chickens, HMloc; turkeys, live. 17(31Sc; turkeys, dressed, choice, 20(22c; gecso, live, 10 12c; duck, 1415c. Veal Dressed, 60c per pound. Beef Dressed bulls, 1 2c pet pound ; cows, 45c; country steers, 65 t,c, Mutton Dressed, fancy, si)c per pound; ordinary, 6(3 7e. Pork Dressed, 6('c per pound. FruiU Apples, common to choice. s, 1415c f Py tbe volution to 1 S 13("l4c- there will be no seconc ' lOfellc' 6 publication. It is a pu ,' t.,r.0..a, that must cost some money to Tokio. I second issue of publication money to get out, and the half doien or so young men who are associated with Takeuchi in first -cla?s securities. Section 30. The term! peraon, com- 60 75o tier box; choice to fancy. $1(4 pany, corporation, or association, 2.60; pears, $11.60; cranberries, whenever used in this act, ahall apply $11.60(312 per barrel; persimmons, to and be construed to refer respective- $1.50 per box. ly to liny person, firm, joint stock com-, Vegetables Turni President Hill of the Great Northern. asking if relief could not be afforded. No Church Separaiion in Italy It is said at the commission that , Rome, Jan. 4. The French smbas- "int tne action taken several weeka sador, M. Barrere, received the mem- sao asking the raflroads to afford all tura nf thn Fmih vatarAa., Possible aid to the cornmnnitiea nuvt. the publication cannot be very fluh of He delivered an address, in which he conditions have materially fr;u.ioi. ; improved and further relief la Piruwtl United States Commissioner of Im- Ttal and Franr hn . nuuu nn oiii;i migration Ilart H- North ha been ... fmlin Bvi.riih -ith V ir. Haarinat In N-l. quietly gathering evidence agaiust tmnhW. Tha r h Waahinfftnn. Jan. 1 All fh. Takeuehi. lie will forward the re- made no allusion to this trouble is deem- ber of the Interstate Commerce com mit of his investigations to Washing- significant, as such an allusion mis-ion with the exception of Mr. ton. If arrests are to I be made order mrn,.A h i..tarnKi .,., rekrell will iuuunihl in rh v,;. to the Socialists and Republicans in weea, where several important quel- will be sent to North. Frozen to Daath on Rad- Ogden, Utah, Jan. 4. The body of 0cGi$l per'i'i'iican uiggie, oi tni city, who was Italy to follow France's lead iu separa tion of church and state. tions are assigned for hearing. - Today the commission will hear a complaint involving the question of $2 terminal charges at the stock yards. On Tues day the commission will continue the investigation into the coalition of tha A Bnr low. "I don't believe you lore ma auy more," pouted the favorite wife of the uiiconvertcd cannibal king. On tbe contrary, my dear," ba re torted, smacking till Hp, ominously, "I think you are iweet enough to eat" Baltimore American. Deposit In Gorman sarlo bank laat year ammintrd to no lea thua u'o thou sand million mark, or about $2,000,- Ooa float (To be continued next wek) laHWaTlwwtlow. "Thtrt toe another ot tlio autoraa bllea Oetl How It amellal But wky doesn't It mak th regular chug cbug sound J" "itecaus It run by electricity." "Why ar -o It Uoea." Chlcage Trlb na. A rialwra. Mr. Kawler Hew do you Ilk your nw flrlr Mra. Homer She'a a Jewtl. But ab laa't a dw girl. W' had bar nearly a week. oomina: Saatile Fair nai.y, association, ayuuicate, copars- sack: carrots. UOcMIl tier sack: Iwets. evldontlr rroaen to death, was found , Now York. Jan. B Oovernnr Hn. norshin. or corporation engaged in car- $1.25(41.50 per sack: horseradiali J near the tracks of the Southern Pacific iratt. of Alaaka. terri.rv: Wb,nn r ryingon any business, the property of lOc per pound; sweet potatoes, 2 ,o early this morning by a section man be- Squire, ex-United States aenatir from Darriman railroads wincn i suujeery w utxuiiou unuer jor pound; cabbage, l?42c per pound; : iween loano and Lvbre, near the Neva- Washington; Ira A. Nsdcau, executive this act. " cauliflower, $1.25 tier doaen; celery. 'da-Utah line. Caggie was employed at officer of the Seattle chamber of com- $3.754.25 pr crate; onions, 10 a pumping station west of Toano and merce; Harry White, ex-mayor of mjiO ptr doxen; bell peppers, 8e; had started to walk to Cobre. Before Seattle, and now of Los Angeles; Prof, telegram from Maaatlan, lent to tha pumpkins, 2c per pound; spinach, 4 he could reach his destination be was Edmond 8. Meany, University of Associated Press, the steamer City of 6o pet pound; parsley, 1015c; squash, ovetcome by tlie extreme cold weather Washington, and Arthur B. Carle, of Panama, bound from San Franc iaoo to 2o per pound. . which prevailed in that section. Saettle, are here in the interest of the Panama arrived at that port at 6 p. m. Onions Oregon, $1(311.25 per bun- Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition to be last nieht She experienced a. mnth area. Winers strike for ight-hour Day Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, fancy, ' Grasa Valley, Cal., Jan. 4. Six $101.30; common, 7890o. hnndretl and fifty miners went on Hops ll138c per pound, accord- strike yestenlay. Every union miner, uiKiuMimiiiy. with the exception of 50. who are em- held in Seattle In 1909. Allow No Law Against Japanese. Honolulu, Jan. 5. It is believed here that the Federal government ii City of Panama Safe Mexico City, Jan. 7. According to a trip but sustained only slight damage. aii on board were safe. Japanese Rquadran Delayed- T. .hir. Tor, 7 Tf -.a.j ak.a . ' ......V..HUII .nin. urai, piuyeu in iour oi wie smaller mines, preparing to take steps to prevent the the departure of tlie training squadron 18(Vj,18o per pound, according to shrink- bas gone out They demand an eight- passage by the territorial legislature of cruisers for Honolulu and the Pa age; valley, 20C)23c, acconling to fine- hour day. A peaceful settlement i of any measures to discriminate cific coast will today be officially poet new; mohair, choice, 2028o. probable. against the Japanese. poned for a week or ten daya.