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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
f 1 hi t i ) i ! i ' ! ) a .' , - - ' -"- 'J nu.,, I uitu r vuu ll III K'ATIOS. I av. - y OREGON MIST Entered the roslortic t St. Helens, OrrKon. as scconrlla mail matter. Issued Kvkhv FmirtAV Bv K. H. FI.AGG. Editor and I'RorKiKTOR. SlBSCRII'TION RVTM One year.. " Si months - '" A(!vertiitit rate made knon "U j iH catton Uifal notice 2-'i cents j-r line. January II, CRIMINOMKJY. Allrt Oli-roan aiHr t. I th een ter of attrarlion in tl.e IVrllan.l jail, ami has bwnviaile.1 .ytiteriniiml.iW. piicholiiU, pliren', nJ all other ologist who pnf- to 1 W " tell by the lormaiion of an ear, the elr of an evo, or the nhape o( a bnmp the eiait c'hara.-ter of the U.v, iiu-ln.hntf those of liis pare itf, hit prenatal nr wifwIiBBft, tl'e possibility or mi wibilitv o hiebeeominj; a professional murJeier or a useful eitiwn. Kverv one of them is iure bio diaifnoM is the eoi reel one, and yet they liff.-r materially The eritninoloiM. iu wlii'h clacs is inrlmletl the lete tives ho never de tect) agree that he ii suffering from what Miss Row KliralsMli Cleveland achievet fame bv calling a "perverse protunri of obliquity," though they gave nt no cine as lo the ratine of tl.e lieer.e, except that kia ears are off fhape ami kia eye are al le to state a risr sign Indian ont of montenanee. All this very interesting reaiiing and very val uable information. What a world of tiTHible eonld be averted if it was gen erally diafcMiiinated and pnt to a prac tical B"e. Let (is have diagram made of the criminal ear and the criminal ye, ami, if there ia mi ll a theory, the criminal nose and the criminal it-onth. lt criminology be taught in the' pnhlir achool. ami in a few years there will lie no necessity for any one to lie im posed npon by the latent criminal. It must be an exact science, or these Port law! ol tgist. sroiiM not le h absolute in their deiloctions. There ap-r to' I no doubt in their mind? that Allx-rt Oleman ia a criminal jiervert, ami their reasoning it all based upon the charar-terhttii-a of hit eyes and ear. Sheriff While draws some deduction from the boy conduct shortly after the inurd, r. He tielieves he is void of feeling la-cause nnder the moat trying circumstances he waa perfectly cool ami eirmtioiile-s. In a room aith the ilesil buly of the wom an, the officer of the lm and neigh bor. Oleman was the cbolcxt of ali. He gated opon the corpse w ith an absolute Onconcern. He walkeI arnnd thelvNly aeveraf times as carelessly as though it had iieen a log, and finally he rrmlesseil the crime with aa little avitation as thongb be were telling the story uf a fiahiiig trip r a frolic with, hi yonth fnl mates, lint Sheriff Wfiite's deduc tii)li, though of interest in this particu lar ease, are of no gat va'ne to hn uianity. They will n-.t protect Ititnre generations aguiioil criininal perverts. We are sorry our sheriff is not in the same class with the-e great crioiin'l gists, though hecould hardly alf..rd -ili li luxuries at his preeent salary. When a criminal is lo be arrested he gets him, and he has shown considerable a'.iiity in a hniuhle way; but we can't help u gretting that the Portland ex,-r(s J i-l not meet young Oleman lielore the psy chological moment .'or the development of Ilia inborn cii'tednesa. Tiiry woultl, as soon as Ihev faw hi clublied ear and cro'jack eve have Ijeeu le to warn people ai'aiii't him. In a citv like I'ort land such men m ist I; iuli'iensthle. The possibilities fur the iletelupment of this ecience along the line of eves, linw. ef, and bump", i alrtolutelr nnliniited. TR.UIE AT IIOHK. An application of Monlgomery Ward & Co., the great Clorago mail order bouse for an injunction to restrain the South Dakota Ketail Merchants' arid Ihalera' Association from maintaining afsjjcot against the firm ciime np,for bearing in the Federal Court at Sioux Falls a few days ngo, ami tli'e result will be awaited with widespread in'erest. We are of I lie opinion that nne times out of ten people who semi their money to eastern mail order houses for what they can buy at home get hear, and ought to get beat, and do. of conre, ' home merchants ought to 1 r'' t nh'e : in their prices; but all things b iiig ! equal, or approximately so, it is the part ! of loyalty to trade at home, to spend j your money with jour home merchants. ' They help to keep up your streets, j conntv roads and bridges, your schisils and churches, to care for the unfortun ate and indigent, and bv every reason that can I brought lo bear noon the subject are entitled to t' e trade of their fellow citizens. Montgomery Ward A Co., nor any other of them, w ill trust yon for a dollar if you need it ever so badly ; they will not contribute a dollar to any public matter in vonr coimnunitv ; they have no inlereft in anything thai you are interested in. .Signal. KEAL KM f ATE. Fullowingrnre the real eslnte trannfers In this couniy for the week ending Jan. H. HH'7: C E Ashmen to (1 Kwanson, w hf of se or and se qr of se (ir, lot 0, ec22,fl, ft f j A C Allot! to A J William, c hf of ne ir, sec 14, 7, .'l.excent rieht of way J A and M Beetle lo A li Swift, ten acres in l.'t, 4, 2 C and N A florquist to M J Kinney, se qr of se qr. w hf of se qr, se qr ot s or her 7, r; r O Jand M J Bryant to W W Itol len, 1 ami in North Cl.iiskauie. N A and A Cahiiberg to tl.e Neliai- lrwo i . . . . ... 1 1 ri' m .nvFr. i nwini wn . i tr www fill lnvclincm in, mius-i ol-wav. in IX. 0, 5 F and I Converse to J and C Muck- i le, nw qr sec i, 4, 2 .. E T and S Conrad to O H. G I'., and W, se qr ol nw qr, sec 1. 5.2 ! A and II P Crou! to I) H rope, j correction, part of A Ilroylca ! die .VU'V.y i V A and S Kdgerton to h T M- gcrton. land in Clatskanie ... 1 A and C Krickson to the llenson I. & I. Co, liuiU-r in wr qr sec 25.7. , 1 Arthur Foster to the lvtroil 1ru-t Co, e h( of sw qr, and lot 4, sec IS. and lot I mi- ttl, tt. ft . . 10 K K and I K UarrniM J and C j Mu. kle. quitclaim, parts of see 15.4. 2 10 It V liillm r to I.ucinda M Caples, lot 1 and ri. blk l!, Colum- I ld Citv '. J K and F K CsKrev to H Morgns, .,ts Iand 14, Mk 10, St. Hel ens 1 J ll:iVin t. bv heiitt to W A Wood. S Hawrkin die. 15 82 (i M HowaHonto Hand K K Short -li.lge, lot 4. blk 5. Bryant lt adil to r.ryantsville near Clata- kanie . HO t, T and II F. Ingelts ct al to J and C Muckle, land in sec 15. 4, 2 0 A A Mead to Ralph Uoger, 2 acr in 2S, 4. 4 l-lmcr Miller Marv K Shepprnl, part of S C Achilles die W ti F and M ( Moeck to H McKirl. lot I2blk:f.', Moeck' add lo Rainier 34) S IVrvelull to C K Ahinan, coriec tion, sr qr ol se qr. wr bl of se " qr. and lot o. sic it, li. 5 . . . . 1 M Pic tier to K and 1. A Rogers, n hf of se qr, sec 4, 4 1 S, JN.audFT l"urvine to J and and C Muckle, quitclaim, land in 15, 4.2 V K Scilcrstroin to K Wieit, lot 8 blk ii, Scappoose W Cora Shook, nee lilake. and I I Shook to the llenson I, & C Co e hf of se qr sec 25, 5, 4 10 G W Shorlrv to J and C Muckle, n hf ol nw qr sec 10. 4. 2 State of Oregon to Hammond Co. ne qr of nw qr sec 25. 7, '.I 50 S Stevens to F T llcrrv, s hf of sw qr. ec:tl, 4. 5 m St Helens Lodge No 1 19. I O t) F, to D II l'opr. lot No 150, I O O F cenietciT 1 A B Swift lo J A and M A lleegle, 10 acres in 1:1. 4, 2 1 The I'resbvterian Church of Clats kanie,' Or. to O J and M J Bry ant, land in North Clatskanie 1 The Benson L & L, Co to W W Bol- len. hf acre in 8. 7. 4 1 Alliert Thievierge to Nchalem In vestment Co. se qr of sw qr, and w hf of sw hf. sec 35, 4, 4 K M Watts 10 Inllv M I'errv, lots 1 . : 3. 4, 5. li. 7. H. blk 4 Creen- wuodadd to Scappoose 1 V T and SI Watts to W K I'urdv, pnrt of B M Watts d 1 c 4 J and K WainituertoIk-tn itTrast Co. s hf of se qr sec IK, n hf of of ne qrsec Xi, 4, 4. 100 acres 1) C. S. patents w ere issued to G. T. Day wait, NelsLarwjn, Tht. J. Adams, Coar Blake, S. C. Davis and F. II. Kelley. Cared OT I.aug Troahle. "It is now eleven years since I bail a narrow escape from conUlupton,,' writes C. O. Floyd, a leading bu-ines-. man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run loan in weight to 1.15 pound, and couching wa constant, both bv day and by night. Finallv 1 l-gan taking Dr. King's Nctv IHteoVery, and continued this for a Unit six momhs, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone nml I wa restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands ol persons are healed every year. Guar anteed at nil druggists. 50c and $1 Trial Isittle free. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER li RAILROAD COMPANY. r. . a.m. I A W. I Lr Portland Ar:t w! a. 4 4! 4 I, a . s oo 7 4 7 44 7 it 1 1 17 7 m 1 u a 394 4A.1 S3.S . Ml Sii M 71 J 77 Mt u0.:t . 4 SUr,! 9 WS li t IA 9 40 ho IS Ull 10 10 10 Jl 10 M 10 17 11 W 11 IS 11 30 .... Oobls 10 OS , JO S s I 44 a u I be Of I 19 10 DC Hi fB JU iii m I... K.mlcr ... I .. Prmit. . . j ... Miitt.... i.. tnric'7 . . cutkan.c. . j . . Msrklilsnd. . . HlH,,t.... i.... 'Ilium.... ... ... Hvenvri... . t U 27 17 OS 01 M 1 S3 8 IS t 07 4.' n Si 6 10 John usjr. 7 5 Ar. Auorla .I.rl 7 t All trains maks elfjaa eonneedona at r;ohl It h Noiihsrn Haeino Irah.. to ami from Itif tCaiiaud .Suund (kjIhu. Al Ponlaud wits all train leavinr t'nlon flepfrf. at Astnrla with I K. 4 N. Co. 'a lyoat anil rail lln a&4 ritaamet f. J. Potter to sad Irua llwaco and Norlli P.arb (Kiiota. Paaaengeri for Astoria or war points must flat traini, at HuiiltuD. Train will atop to lat pai, M,nKrra nil at Hou!l"o when coming from poia aal uf Ovble. i. C. Mmy; Oca. Paaa. Att.. Astoria Of nWOMEN1 Itobertlne itlvea what every woman moat dfcslrfis a perfect complexion. It brlnK that soft, smooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheek that denotes youthfulneas. It will bring beauty lo those who lack It: It will retain It for those who already possess It; It will enalilo you to successfully combat th ravage. at weather and time. Don't doubt-lon't aricue. Just try KoUrtlne. Your drunitlst will Blve you a free sample. All drug (rials keep Robertlne. ;. n-riiKK, ATTO RN K Y-AT-L A W. OKKHON jyt. II. K. t'Ll KK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HT IIEI.KNU OKKUON. jyi. KOWIS K0.HH, niY.srcr.x & suRorn- HI. ill LKNH. 'I I , OUEO( OAILV. !j 4P 0 5 jjvrATIOajt DAH.Y. ill yra STATE BANK OF RAINIER RAINIER, 0 C CAPITAL $J3.oo Four per rent interest, paid on saving deposits. Interest compounded semi-annually, Man-li I and S-ptemUT I. W. 1). LOTTMAN, Casuik Collection Made : Draft Issued H. HORQUS ST. nri.i-NS Car. ies a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crocker Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everything usually kept in a firs class General Merchandise Store. M prices will l found aa rcasonab'e as an store in Columbia Couniy. Vour trade solicited. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Iii the Conntv IVtitrl of the St! of Ortf". (r ibt i siaiiiv o rolttinhi. Iu th tnadt-r of (Heeiatruf Chnrlc Fiwhef. Nt4irv t hcrvl'T Eifn that lhvlhlit iUt fili-f! mi Hital swnmiit. a aVinlui"lrur f the cUiV-f ('hrU Ktht?r. 1-u.m-1, ni fvtl- Uuitei thecuHrt ltr;i initr rv test! it mir,ii iit txtiirUnifO frim further oUieatifii 1 mtnioirat'ir nf itte, tnl ihml elitwUr. Ute ilnt ttr if Jammrv. IC.att IU o'rUk k a. m . f uti.l liaiv at liierooil htiiie in hk1 county jtnl 4jiieT ha ieeo attiitik-l tiv unM rxmn the time for (he tilrmettttf ii final mv nunl. it wliifh limr ithl Hmvdt Ixtmiii (mere.! in Mi)l eti tn aii-r ami tile ht- ot-t hn. ftnI (! raijM, ti ant. hrait (rter hl4 ti.H tMT nate allow line Mti nuai aoe-mtat, ni rvtfMX'tir ntToelf mx1 tDfsnrcn Intm further otiiiCHtttui iu kuM eUte. Aiimttiutrator, NQ7ICE OF WML STTLEKET. In the Couotv Cmirt if th? Siate of Orrf n, f'olnmUla t'fmntv. In the matter tW ihtr eutef .uIrvw Bencbon. Nntu-e I- hereh riven that f'.nnt A. fjirnn. the alminitrat4r nf the eUte nf Atotrrw rW-rv'"n. -da. renlemt ami I'rehtfH tor aef f lentent. attM) litnl In Mid C-rt hi final rfiiMint of ti.a a4mnitratti f estate. tti'1 tliat Sftiiinlav, the Jikh Uf of Januarr, iytr, at thn'e n fUm k in the fternKvn. al the Mirt rMm in ttie itmrt htti r, in the -ity of St. HcW tw, ( tiinilt 4.tinty. Oreeun. haa Iteett -tl-priii(e1 hi the Jmlff tif aa ii eoiituy rutin tur the Mrttleinetit tt iuiit aecount, at or tie which t tun any heir, ere!it'r. or atrwft .fiu iit4) in nu ifute iimj a(pear anI file hjetirt tnftauf a-iMint or any itotn thereof. rhi-niieeia (nliliii'il hr tinier of the Hon. H. f. Haitaii, eotiiMy jittict? of rourty, trliieh nlrr l-tar .iate I Mr, Jl, I'jtjfi. ami the tin.1 pabtieathru hereof ia KrUav. iter. I'JUL Ailmiiiii4rto H07ICE OF ADOPTION OF IN0. hi the Ci wrote rnrt of the mate of Crretrnn f.r the County f I Vttttinhia. ,In the mutter of the a-!..i.iii.n of Arnnbl t au)iliell, a minor. FKTHIOX To the flotiorahle County Court of the State if rei;ofi for the onnty of Columbia t The i--' r.I Mri-n U-nue aiol Orieli R Itriiiir. ht wife rftreWiillT h,tiw: That yonr rn'tit'oio-r are ant for manr ream 't oarf have tn-en hiltaioi ainl wtff. ami Ihal Iher are now ami for manv mouth lal 11 have lace 11 reirt. ni an.t luhnbjrafi&a of the County of Colo rnhi Stiite of ttrtmtm: T'lnt A'uoht r.-tmirtwIliH a tnimir of the age of ftiiflit rnonltu: That l. I. (Hie Cnmfl the mother of -aul minor an that he in not now in or a rei-)-rit of f he ofte of Oreifori; that in April )ih1 in -hUIi. relate of V anhmirloii. -mil yonr titiout-rn r jtirortncl anl heheie iht "he I iM-w wiihin the 'late of Wanhltiifton That tlie father of oiil chil-i fa Camp iVU. who" flrt nuine is tinkuown to your Mtitlonrft; that father U not ikiw a rel If-nt of xu i not now within the state of Or -ron. hot your Mtitiotier are tuforinefi anil setii-Vf Itott he liven aoine where 111 the Mate of WMihiiitrton: him on a -mi 's, rr,. ine Mi'I minor u orue(t. ant on (hit 'Iky wni urrfTilerel ir it mothpr lo I he a-h Injrtn hiilren n Hume .Miy or ihf n;.uoi nuMhtiiL'ton- that there after liurliifr the nu. nth of Mav I'jtu. tlto Mirl oietv i.urri-nten- i-l ehlitt to your etftion era for the ) iiroe of aof tion; that ever i nee -iI' Mute your i-emi. m-m have hai! theex u- ive rarr ani euMoiiy of iutM m nor rh !. am that they desire to Mlot mm id rm nor a their own; thRtthevitcMfre the nam- oftiM mnUi t'nmi- reiioeciaiifr'''iuU)aioi rtoy Arnold lxririK;att(l that your petilloneni have Murhrfeiit ahUity and areat,ie to hrm up -aid minor ehihl and to brown? ami iurniii ntm with Miitahle nurtHre aii'i eiu-atlou. and are in all ri-npeetii fit and nrooer r-r-.ii lo have the tare, runlody md adoption of Mld minor: That mi hi iniimr ha 110 trnanllan or nr-st of in in tnii 'imi;. WHKHKKoKK. yott- litlimem orar for a leerfe of thia lloicir iiili' I'.nrr mukm nii moid CampUdl to all l-:rl iiiii'lilit and fMiroo-!, the 4-hild of w.or (-) tti-tiMTK. ami 'hHiur-iiiif the iihii.h of .ii Id Arnold tlamphHI lo Uov Arii ild (yirintr; f iar f,,- ihlx iirrrMM the uri lin) order tt p"pv of iui jetitioti nnd riJer ttiereiu to be pitfhi'd on e a week lor ihree fuc I uiekn In mieh iieWKaier DTilitet in fhf Count v a th- Court may Hre-t mm) for hiirh other and fiirilii-r order ami de ree aa the- Court mav flerm til. an.l tiweanary hi the preutiKoa. M HIN Y 1IKlNO fHHA K. l,fiklVl UTATK IK fiRKtloN, C il'.NTV tK COIe- j.m mi a ; n I, lliiriou K. toflur, nn t I. O 'elja It, Utrinw. t-iK eeh wvi-rt(ir diHv wo n tU'M and nw Itiat I am our of trie fMdifionera nliove nainiwl in tin for-trofii tMdition nnd am the h o-bHnd and wif- rin.-eitvrlr of ttio other iH-tni'iK-r 10 -itl.l Hfifiou: that' I have re.I the foreKoiiiK pti(fou know tlo' eonb-nta thereof 1 lid the Name beiliK truen I vrilv Udieve. M Ul!'i K, MiHISU OliH.lA It. I.OKIMi PnljarriUii and woni ladore me thla 'AUt day tt liecc'tfiber, l'jjf. s. n, ihms, Nofinry I'uhlie fir f Ircfou; In thf Conntv Court of (te Hi rile of Oregon for the Conntv ol Coltimbi-, In the Milter of l he Adoption of A .'Mold Campiell, a mhi' r. OKhKli In the matter e.niiiiL' on fttr henrintr thin day upon Hie wt tiou of Mirioti Y, liriuir and (jl'lfa it l-oriiite, Iii- wile, liereloffire flh-d lie fh, yrnv'.uif for thf Ndoiii(..ti lv theui of ti nl I Campbell, n minor 0 the aire of eight in nt m, and for the ettaut'e the name of ail minor 'o lha of hoy A'tiold lorlov; n I it arit-ea lir l the e mrt from aatd verl tie! Mtitiou that b.dh the fnUi.-r and the nother of wiid minor are u 01 rc-ddei ta rfthe 'tat of OretMO!. and exutifit Imi found therein, -ttid that eaeh of "Hi! . Hrenit re reside i)n of tod are now wi'hiu lln; etui of Wa-ldnirUiu; ifid that wtld minor ha no KUanliau or neituf afn In thU Mtate ft l therefore tiere1 jrn I red that on thetn1 day of Mareh. I Mr? at 10 "elik in the fotemaifi (hereof, at the Conrtiooin of thin eourt at Kt. Helen". Orevni, be et the time and pi are for henrinv aaid etltiou; th ot aail M;titloji and Ihia ord r te publliited for three aueitetiHlve weekR In -'The Oregon Win." a ttewMiaper of Keneralefreulatioii. printed in the County nf t'oltimbl i, Hbile ofOr t'lfou ; attd fiat a ctpy of fald tiet lion and order lm dep ndted In the powtofiiee, (MmlaKA prepaid, nddreaniMl to "Writ. IJIIie Caniplell. HeNtlle. Wa-h." Done in o eti Court thi Mtb day of iatiuarv, ' . I. il7. K, Y, II ATT A S ; lit v iM-t re FInl pub'f 1 ti inoM -rt 1,17; ia-,t iub ,.aliou KehruH) J i'M7. In tbf Clmttt Conn of the State 4 Or fim, forCotiiMhla Conntv HvttMin UiyuHiir A l.umberiMir C cvrpt ration, plaiutill, v, Atidnw KeiiuwWl. lie'rndant. To Andrew Ki'nuwtkl, the atM tmiortl dv (rttdallt: In the nameof the Kta'e nfir M y oil are hereby reootred to aM.Mr and am wer th niw plaint ttleil avaitiat yon lit I he ttbovc etitttletl etMirt and ault, 011 nr befnrv the e miration ol atx weeka frtmt the ttaie i the imblp atiou of thi rtiinmona, to wit, n t iH'Uuethe .Ntd ita) rtf Feh. Ii7.and If om fall o to auer, for want thereiif, the platuitrl HI apd to the eourt for the relief nite1 for In tta ro.uplaint ihw oa tile herein, whi it tvliel pnvl fr If a tul lo , to wit That son he nrHiulwl to atumer hwln wiihla the lime peiwrili t hv Ian. and to Mrt forth lolly the Mature, ehararter and extent of the iniereM iw claim had or aNertod h VM Ihe tnetj nl latwt ttetw rilHI In wttd cotneboot. to it the ae of aei SJU T A S K t W. MM; that Mtd rtichl ma? be fOil-t-t lo mvettiftil"n bv -til isoirt, ami that tip-tn Ibt- hariiitt ot thl ranM that jro.11 t-edeeh-e! nol to hve any rivht, title. itu-tvat or entate ioniti iniHin", or etiiy jmii r imie I thereof, aod thai the plrtlnittl lirrrill di-enni to Iw ttte o tier in f-e of il on now atel the luiie ltieieM and it t"ie here to h-tiireve- quoMod. ami thai t-laiultft have jwi nieut axaitiM you Uh it- ioaIs and dir-toirfaotvitoa he ret 11. 1hiMLlummona fa ymblUhM l.v ohlef of the lion K Italian Jtire t the Cutinit cntirt ol Coin m Mm t oooty. Klute ol O eeui. w ho b nrter a made and dateit Uiv a da ( Jan. l-vT, and the dale ul the tint puldte itiyu id thi Uiu tnoii t the Dili day ol Jan I?. 1 iH.iV KRI A sTAri.KTON Attoine) for lla.iili1- NOTICE TO CREDITORS KtlTICK t hereby Rlen that the in-lerienel hav Ufa appoiuled admiutrtiiv of the v Ule of Hftiry J. Mattvr. dnval, h ihe M u. K. Haitaii. Judm id the 011111$ t .out of the "tale nf Hrettu. lor the Ciaiut of 1 ol ititMa Aev and all prrnoUK ham tUtm avaliiv wii'l eatate art heretiy retnreil to prrrlH tl.e ttame ti me, eitiiel aoiriinif l law at my nidrmi at lileu. Oiefiou, within fct Mo.iiiloi f rtui the itate hefts f. IhitvJ Ui.'a th day of -r.. iav AKMIK vt ATTrKi. W. II. Powell. Attorney iur A4it.toiiit.aini. ritvt pub. Nov h. Ll uU. tK-c. 7ih. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, fTlnhrr limt. Art June X KM I'nitetl tf'aiea Laiel iflie, i'ort laud , Oei-tfi. leif taitwr la, SotH-e la hereby alien 1h.1t in coniptianee with the brmisbma of the art ,.f i -rt June 1. eulttttil "ah tu t for ,o jiie of I nutter lauUK id the iaieo( Citifrtiu tirnron. Nevada- and W aahtutfton Territory." a e temtcd t4 all the I'libiw. lrt.l iniit iv mi t Autial 4, W. Charity U Urfy, of l'.riUihl, CoObt of Mniiiiomah. Itle -f tivcon, h thtada HUM li, Uii ot! ee ho. nworti tnt.fmnM So, 71 ii. her the porch e of the W rSc. . and.N W f ol Nr.',. Simm No.?, Township No. t North. Raate No. & Url arei w ill offer proof Co hiw thuttbelatwl M.UttM ta more ralnalde for it limU-r nr ii-rtf limn lor acru-uliural ait to tubtioh ho elaini to aul land 1 fore the Ki-srtlr aut H eeiver. at Cortland. Onncon.oti Holiday th tltt itay of Mareh, rai.. He immpi an fiitie Htlla. of Ktawv. (If : Jthi I'nfiu ! ait Vvrmutla, or.; J. K. M-rea, of I'ort land. Or: K. r. 1 01. 01 roitiami. r. Any ami allperoiia el aim inter adwrvi-lr the above dewnljnl ianU are ri(M-tiNt Ui liie th-.r rlatrna tn thiaolhce on ur U-fore aid Ith 1U1 of Mirth, liJT. AU.KKN'lN A. IiKKKH. livu'r V7t-,33-aiX. I GEVURTZ & SONS 173-175 KIHHT HTItKK SIU--JU7 VAJIIIII.I. SI Kl tT f 2 TRAINS DAILY a TO IM'l.rTH-.MISNKAI'OI.lS ST. I'ACI- iKSVKIl I.ISl ill.N. ovt til '.. 1 1 1 v r. mi 4 Till? KAST The Regular Yellowstone I'ark Route Via Livingston anil Car liner Catcwuv, the (ioverumrnt Olficiul I'jitrnncv to the I'ark, SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. ski: i:uuoiio II' YOU V1M HIT SKIS AMFJMCA STAKT KIC.HT. Slili r:iOLovsrrox : i a i i ic NATCH US fiRHATKST W'ONDI-RI.ANI) l'.UTI('ri,.MlH AT2.V. A. D. CHARLTON Assislanl Ccncral Portland Wr-irc itSligftl: 1907! We owe our success in business to the neonlc of Co- JS lumbia County who have favored us with their patron- g age during the past year. Wc have tried to deserve 3 i their friendship and during 1907 will put forth greater a ciioris 10 convince you tnat you can save money by SK ffl purchasing of us. We carry nearly everything. Try fS us and you will change your mind about that trip to fe! $ Portland. It don't pay to take money out of Columbia !; 5 County when you caii do as well, and iu many cases 1 letter, right at home. ft; I Bailey ct Hon I ton ivtmrtmrnl or (he Interior. Udd Ottueat I'ortlwnd. theo. 7? Vti I'fCK l IIKKK HY til V KN fit A I IN lOH A' uHaitcewith the pmihI " ut the CotiKrtNadJuieA, !:, entitled "An wt hr the -ah of limher lanl In the Mat of mn, t altioriiia. la ami Wa-liim toii Teff . aiMded u all Ihr ublie land uie m act of AtisfUM ffth. iwb uoPiar Adolf hoU. Vnt ad Conillvof Janltmimah, wale ol tre fpie, haa Ihfadav lllwl tn Ihla nnV ht twitrh -lAO'ment No, ;ill tor the pun haw l the l-i iitl MxiloiiNi) ., Iii TowuMilp N. wrth Kanre No. 1 W el al will orTct pnaif to him that ihe land Mttiftht la mure valuable for H tlnilier or alone than lr auiteultMrai trawr and la etatit-h hla claim l aaul Uim l'ore Urn K. a liter and KtH-tvcrat rortUud, Or., oil MomU the it at .lay of Jatiuart,, henamea aa wltuca: CaMl J. Hew. t Alariteen. Wh- t ail m hlacB. l IvrtUnd, or:Krtilt: Ueritna. ul I'oiiiaud. or. William tll...i.ot r.irllar.l. tr. Am ami aM ii'mxin clalmlinr advenu-ly lh toM .tiwrdait Inmti are rv.pietel to Hie their cllm In ihiaotluT 011 or helorv aald -IM da ul January, I tar?. A U. I KS' N . HKKKR, KntUler In the Circuit tlonrt of the ittate of 1 1 rem mi, for the l oiiu'v ol Columbia UoUrt l lU.-o. I'laiulttl, va. Mar llaxeti, leelitaut To Wat A Uareii, Ihe alavv name! Hcfcioi ant - In ihe name of thi Htat of Orvon, yow are hcrel.v m(tiirel l' a'ar and auwer the com pUfut hid aimlnai o in th atniUel null on or Ulore the etptratlon of U weekf fnon ami a'ter the Srl piihlli-a-imi of thi mm motu to wit jiAh day of January, I 'AC, and If vui (ail tu ao appear 'ami auwer with 1 11 aaid lime, for want ihcrvol the pialutttT dl appii Ui Ihe Cort o- the relief de..iandel In the eomplalot, lo wit (or a derrve ol staid eourt mrctci diM.otihnf the U'o ia of matrimony mm ami liervtopov eiHiot tteiaeci. plalutin and di teiMlaui, and for ovli o(hr further ami dil1e eul reh f a the Court niy vm ttieet and equitable. I hli limmotio la published by oef of the lloit. ThM. A M. iii.-lc. Jmlire of I lie Circuit Court of ol the 'late of Dretion, lor Colnttihta Conuti , ma-b ami cuicrcil iw the th bv of tN'tvmlH'r. I', and which aaid ortlei dtrceu that )mi aptr and anwer abt rimplatui autiiu n wivfcft from the ft'W tMitdteatioii of thi kHmmoita, The ilaU' ol liirfir! potillcallou ol itHa raiuwutti t Ihe 4th da ol iKi'einher, 1 rKtNK MiTTrtR. . Atturuc) for f laiulllt dissolution notice- To all whom it may coiK-rrn: This is j to certify tliat I, l. II. I'"!, siM my in- lrr ill 1111' nrsiern nrm l lliiny, or lloullnn. Or.. In-rllllirr SJ. I!SI, to j Junic Svnoe, lloiillon. Or., audi jy t no ilcl'ts ronlrartnl ly thul or any oilier ; meat coiiiviny or market after tli it dale. ! U. II. I'Ol'K. j hot icc to en canons. , S"TI'I I. hrr" tlv.n thai h Ulxtenlsn : el haa ttilr,! s,liiil.(ralr ( Hi . lal. t,l Marah , r. ,lrtTav,l. Uy lha Hon K. s. Itatt.,11 ,.f the i'tmilF I uim ,rf II,, Malr , irrvo,H. 4, r Hi IVimli l I ,,luft,l,la Atay an,l all .nw liatlhs rlalm. aaaIHa alii ; e.lau- arr bt'r, l rvmiulnHt lo iri-wi ibr mm, ; l, ir al ri.rt,r at Warren, tlrrrn. alllitti .is minitr,. Irt,m Iho brr.-.,f l'il.-l Hi I. lib U ( Jamiar, a. II. I " ' I. AYKra I W. l'"rll. tlturtir. (, ...linlnluratur. Royal Oak Dresser. No. !W. When you see this Ihewr you will have alnitulaiit an.l u-rr lariKible eviilenec of the fact that e seli funiittire at lower riles lltnti an other firm in the ctty. Thesieof this ilrrsser top :l inches, with oyul Isryel tilale mirror HUil inches. It is msAe of royal oak with larautiltil quarter Kr;mr, top anil fnml. There are ilrawers, tup tlrawrra having swell fronts, just like Hie illustra tion, ami all are fitted Willi cast lirnss pulls ami locks ami kevs. A )erv neat ami attrai tive ileaisn ami one tint cannot f,nl to iileaw. A rul prir is only SKi.OO PAY S3 CASH. $1.50 MONTHLY afaC"S riil for our romplete furnl t V ralnlni;.iiliiwiiii; the fine araefurnit rewr st-ll on llieinstal. Jtair ii. cut plan. We Jsiy freight PORTLAND, OREGON MOKKIWI.V STIIKKT Punscngcr Ajjctit Oregon t? r onnn &: k Oregon a i I I ' JOB PRINTING j 18 OUR WK liuvo tlio h'st ami mimt fully rqiiiMl.!ol IViiit-iiiL'Ollln'iiiloliiiiiliiiH'oiinly , lml nr hit prrmml to tin fill hinds of J'rintiii'J 011 .short, notice ami nt most ret 1 son a I tie jirices TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON MIST . va r, v- u. n. 0UICK Tun Columbia County j ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. 1 TlTLKS H.XAMINKD Non-Rksidknt Taxks Paid v s Real, Kstatk ti? Loans, ktc 5 SECURE FUTURE By Investing in GOOD RK AL KSTATK St. Johns Realty i.s the est Invest now while you can get in on the ground floor; Tomorrow may bo to late. Correspondence solicited from those seeking investment and promptly answered. 5 H. HENDERSON I io8i Jersey St. pr oTrrmTorroTvyrroTrrj SOROSIS S0LACK TO TKNDICU VEET 3 Hosiery that is gtHnl for men, women and children. Sorosis has no wjiial for the money. KNIGHT C 3rd and Washington Walkover and Sorosis Store The largest specialty store in the Northwest UllAAXWOJLiiliA8JtlJaXlA illXJLt.AAASJLASLiAi) THE BIG STORE! D0WV BY THE t ivv,iv ii ij nun III I li! IIIK MUGKL12 HXOieiil lima Hi'iniltitliiri ol Uhik Blamllng (or Only tin- IVst In General Merchandise! Dart & Muckle. g St. Helens, - ()r(..r(), aiiiiiiiuiuiaiiiiuiaiaiuiaiu iuiuiuiujiijiiiuiiiiiuiiiai; MiiUMltAUAUaaa. - . WESTERN MEAT MARKET, i UAiwtit SPENCE, PROP. f k II 11. . i e i 9 l naiiuius oniy iresn, home killed meats i i No c,,ld storage meats used. Wc have added to our l 0 Nchalem baud a hunch of Sauvies Island cattle, the 4 5 best in the land. Watch for our showing of meats for 1 Uiristinas. Jvggs and produce taken iu trade. 2 J luwn rs l,'lkl" for lTSc il,ld fliickciw. jIOUKUU . . . CRKGON DU8INE88 va'i A. M. H0LT0N Ahstracts Mauk r'''t'''t r-, --- INDEPENDENCE St. Johns, Oregon 18 rinrrv'vrrrv r Shoes lor Women and Children SHOE CO. Portland, Oregon 3 BIG SAWMILL "3 uin;u. larVLIJ Week. 3