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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
4 if-:. u. General Debility aUjhijr In end flay ont there Is that feeling ' that make, a burden ol lUelt ' strengthen, in. -d to bear, what tbe ebb, and .elated , doea$U aa, a a good plan ake a name for man once who ested for for- ONE DAY vl'IKINI Tablet! . fails to cure. K. W h box. c. Cna't Smell. Pure "wulte animals," said a pet t it would appear that he was formulat took dealer,' "have no sense or smell. ng a scheme for revenge. Anyway Hence tbey are continually eating the tllirj nght he released all the mon things that disagree with them, and in key. iB tbc U0ld and for two days tbe eight cases out of ten poison them- Sjmtans made life miserable for the selves and die. Pure white pigs should : Mjiorg. They bit and scratched anil sever be allowed to run loose In the fougnt and It was only after a number fields and woods. For, without the pro-'. ....,. na(j a flung overheard that tectlon of a sense of smell, such pig-the balance could be raptured 'and se when they get out, eat all sorts of poi- j cnTf$. And in all the forays aud fierce aonous roots and berries and die off rapidly. In Africa the white rhino ceros poisons itself by eating the eu phorbia, and pure white sheep are diffi cult to rear because they are continu ally munrtilbg shrubs and grasses that don't agree with them." TORTURED WITH GRAVEL. Since Using Ooan's Kidney Pills Not Single tone Has Formed, Capt. S. L. Crute, Adjt. Win. Watts camp, U. C. V., Koanoke, a., says: 1 suffered a long, long time with my back, and felt drug gy and listless and tired all the time. had to get up often at night. I had headaches and diz zy spells also, but .hit worst suffering was from renal reojic After I began using Dona's Kid- ney Pills I passed a gravel stone as big as a bean, bince then 1 have never : . had an attack of gravel, and have pick ,. & ed np to my former health and weight. J am a well man and give Doan's Kid ney Pills credit for it." Sold by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, X. Y. Rat Exeladlaa- America Staaata. The authorities of the University of Berlin say that statements published abroad to the effect that tbe stringent regulations concerning the admission of students are designed to exclude Liany Americans altogether are untrue. Any graduate of an American college who presents a passport and the diplo ma of bachelor of arts or any other equivalent degree will be admitted without any questions. It is true that the diplomats of some of tbe smallest Institutions bearing tbe name of col leges are omitted from tbe list of those recognized. Tbe new regulations are directed against Russians not having sufficient means of support or who are academically unqualified. Motheri win find Mrs. WintWa Soothing Syrup tbe but remedy to use tor their cbildro J aunuf mo teeuu&f period. Worth iBTcatlsatlac. Saplelgb A little learning is a dan gerous thing, they say. Miss Caustique Well, why don't you get a little and find out for yourself? Aaother Viewpoint. "There is at least one thing to be said In favor of boarding houses," said Wedderly. "What's that?" queried Singleton. "The man who boards usually get what he kicks for," explained Wedder ly, "but in his own home be kicks in rain." nanaae pajjodui! sjw taijajujta jo ipnnod rx)fr'G2 'qj tnojj pjsv p'P Pus ubuoai 'aval qj jo; pta Saiaq epanod BAD B1LOOB TOE SOURCE OF ALL DISEASE Every part of the body la dependent on the Wood for nourishment and Strength. When this life stream is flowing through the system in a 6tate of purity and richness we are assured of perfect and uninterrupted health ; because pure blood is nature's safe-guard against disease. When, however, the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections chow that the blood is ia a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much acid or the presence of 6ome irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are ,all deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains. These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood ia various ways. Often a 6luggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood ia sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis ease, aud until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to Buffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulatioa and removes any and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely PURELY VEGETABLE slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class p.Tig stores. Boole on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write. -iJMC SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm SIMIAN LOVE AND REVENGE. Fccallar Conduct of Monkey Canaea gallon Hml Troabte. A curious story of lo,ve nud roveng) comes to tie from the far cast and the fact that It Is the love aud revetiffj jf a Javanese monkey doesn't abate ; the human Interest lu the narrative. SNor should the further fact that the tale comes to, us via the crew of I ! tramp steamer abate all confidence In . Its truth. It appears that the sailors who manned this steamer had collected ' In Java a number of monkeys for spe , ulative purposes aud these were con fined In the hold. Among them were two unusually In telligent simians who. were released during the voyage and permitted the freedom of the ship. Unhappily a sudden storm came up and one of the playful creatures was washed over board. The remaining one, who had not seen his comrade's sudden taking off, searched the ship fqr hours and finally betook himself to the rigging, where he remained three days, refus ing food and avoiding all efforts to cap ture him. No doubt he held the sailors respon- Uihia for the death of his partner an! charges the revengeful monkey was In the van. Whatever may be contended concern ing the reasoning powers of the brute creation, there have been many m stances recorded of their remembrance of past Injuries. And this fact wou'.d seem to give the story of monkey ve geance some semblance of truth. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Storr of a Flirtation. "She wasn't one bit like the girls who indulge In public flirtations; she was so tall and cold and stately," began the car conductor who observes things. "When she got In at 35th street I saw her catch bis eye Immediately. "He seemed Indifferent and turned I lost from mv usu- his hMd """J- she "H"11 lat tllf al weight, 225, to 8021 next to Dlm an1 he became ab 170. Urinary pas- ' rbed in looking out of the window, sages were too fre- I "She went to all sorts of trouble to ouent and I have 'attract his sttention, that girl. I saw ner myseir. t manj sue jangieu uer chatelaine loudly and looked at him alluringly from beneath ber long lashed : eyes. "Then he turned and gazed at ber questloningty. She smiled, a bright ; unabashed smile, with the whole car looking at ber. "Something In that smile warned him, and" here the conductor paused Impressively and tried to hide the twin kle In his eye "be reached out two pink, chubby little bands to grasp her dangling chatelaine. "Well, sir, she kissed one of those chubby little hands and pinched his , tfaen agked tbe woman who held him a question. Guess It was bis mother and she asked how old he was." New Tork Sun. "Orlarta" of Mahogany. The origin of the use of mahogany Is said to have been as follows: A West Indian trader brought home sev eral logs of mahogany as ballast for bis ship. Tbe trader's brother, a London physician, happened to be building a house, and bis brother suggested that the logs would serve for ceiling beams. Acting on the proposal, the doctor gave orders to his workmen accordingly, but their tools were not able to make an Im pression on the hard wood. The doctor ordered fresh tool") to be made, and at length succeeded in finding Implements which would cut tbe timber. Delighted with his discovery he ordered a bureau to be made, and so beautiful was it that It attracted general attention. New Tork Tribune. Bratalltjr. Here the far western orator waxed fer vent. "Fellow citizens," he exclaimed, "ordi narily I pay no attention to campaign slanders, but the candidate on the other ticket has lied about me so persistently and malicionsly that lorbearance has ceased to he a virtue and I am going to handle him without gaovee!" "You can't!" hoarsely bellowed a man with short hair, a thick neck, and a bull dog face. "Why not?" demanded the orator. "'Cause it's agin the rules. Anywheres in this State you've got to have gloves weighin' at least two ounces !" ana permanently cures blood diseases ol every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., and does not leave the OFFER HIGHER PAY Secretary Hltcticock Proposes a Plan to Keep Employes. GOVERNMENT SALARIES TOO LOW Scores of Postal Clerks Resign and Efficiency of Service Wilt Be Jeopardized, . Waohinitton, Pee. 31. Failure at this time to Increase materially the eotupeiWHtimt of iKwtotliw employes, thus keeping pace with the advancing wages in other lines of employment, will seriously jeoptirtlixe the efficiency of the service. This statement wa taken from the an mm I report of First Assistant Postmaster UeJiersl Hitch cock, made public today. The need of new legislation to make the postal eer-vii-d iin.L.r the circuiuatiiiicce more at tractive in order to retain present em ployes aim as an incentive loriroou in to enter the service is treated exten sively by Mr. Hitchcock, who present plan for the consideration of congress. Resignations from the service have increased at an alarming rate and the st:iiiiUird of men going into the service lias greatly deteriorated in the last fis cal year." Mr. Hitchcock's report shows that in the first and second class ollices th,ire were approximately 20,000 clerks in the grades ranging from $"00 to $1,000 ami of these clerks 2,340 or about 12.3 per ront resigned during the year. Of 2:1,000 letter carries at tached to these ollices, 601 or about 2. per cent voluntarily left the service. Mr. Hitchcock recommends establish ing for both cleks and oirriee six grade of compensation, the annual salary to be (i00 for the initial grade, $S00 for the second grade and for the four sue feeding grades i!K0, l,00O, 1,100 and $1,200 respectively, and providing for the advancement ot clerk and car riers in first class ollices from t00 ini tial gmde to $.S00 after one year's ser vice, to !00 after two years' service, to $1,000 after three years' service ami for the advancement of clerks and car riers in second class ollices to JS00 af ter one year's service and to OO0 after two vetirs' service. FOG CAUSES WHECK. Thirty-five Killed and Mary Irjjred in Suburb of Washington. Washington, Dec. 31. An appalling disaster resulting in the death of about 35 persons and injuries, as far as can lie learned, to aliout 50 persons, occur red almut 6:30 o'clock last night on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad at Terra t'otta, a suburb of Washington. The Frederick City, Md., local No. 66, on the point of pulling out from the sta tion, was run into ly a train made up entirely of eight empty dutches bound from the West for Washington. . The engineer could not see the block on account of the heavy fog and plung ed ahead on hist mission of death. A dense fog and drizzling rain prevailed during the day and the night and to the inability of the engineer of the rear train to see the signal showing that another was in the block is attributed the accident. The grade at the place where the accident occurred is down ward and the tracks were s!ipery. The wrecked train was composed of an engine, smoking car and two day coaches. The two rear coaches weie reduced to kindling wool, and the rear of the smoker was telescoped. So great was the impact that Hie local train wa scattered along the track for a consid erable distance. Fortunately the wreck age did riot take fire. Traffic was delayed by the accident, and it was after midnight before the lxlies of the dead could tie brought to the city. There was an entire absence of any attempts at theft. As soon as possible the bodies were covered and laid aside to await the coming of the train sent troin the city. From tiie appearance of the tsdies it is believed that nearly all of the vic tims were killed outright or died with in a few minutes after the accident. Report Filed on Townsite Fraud. Washington, Dec. 31. The report of William liiifllev Foulke. Kent to the In dian Territory by President Koosevelt to report on the townsite fraud, has lieen rweiveil hv Seerptarv Ilitehcorlf and by him turned over to the law offi ceis of the Interior department. Its riulilinif inn will nnt lie nmde for Home 1 - - - weeks, if at all. It covers but one feat ure of affairs in the Indian Territory. and until other reports liearing upon similar matters are received bv the secretary nothing will lie given out in relation to the sulijcl. Russia Delays Fixing Date. Iindon, Dec. 31. For some lime fireat 1'riUiin has lieen trying to iriduee. ItiiHsia to fix a date, for the next Hague peace conference, but thus fur without success. It has been urged that May would tie the most convenient month, hut although this suggestion was made early in the fall, no reply bun been re ceived. The Jiritish delegates prolaibly will include a cabinet minister in ad dition to Jurries I'ryec, the newly ap pointed American aniUufador. How ever, the delegates will not l; announc ed until something is heard from ItiiHsia. Want Japan to Show Spite. Victoria. 15. ('.. Dec. 31. Adviee were received today by steamer Teueer, irom ToKaiioma, that considerable op position is being developed as a result of the anti-American feelimr in .In rum against the proposed visit of a Japanese fleet to the Jamestown exhibition and L'nited Ktutes tKirts. An Influential member of tbe house of ncerx is ouoted as saying the proposed outlay of $400,- uuu to semi the fleet must not tie ap proved. ' i Give Fope Money to Fight France. Koine, Pec. 31 The poije has receiv ed many imtiortarit. donations to help him in the dllliculUeH with France. They include $400,000 from Kinperor rrancis Joseph of Austria and $400,000 from Cardinal Vasiiary, archbishop of Grau, Hungary, EUROPE CRIPPLED. All Communication Stopped and Some Lives Lost by Storm London, Dec. 20. It has been many years since Central Europe generally "baa suffered so severely from an Arctic visitation as it has this week. From France, Uelglum, SwiUerland, Uer many and Austria-Hungary the same tale is repeated of heavy snow storms, interruption of vehicular, telegraphic and railroad communication, loss of life and general discomfort. While Great llritaln tut a rule escape winter weather, she has suffered this year to an almost tin preeedeuted degree. According to reports tonight from northern points, the storm is growing worse. The heavy snowstorms which began several days ago still continue. They are aeeomaniod by violent gale and even thunder storms in some places, and have resulted in a serious railroad accident near Arborath, Scot land, in which bout 50 persons were killed or suffered serious Injury. Railroad trailic in the ninth of Flag land and especially Heotland is lieeom ing completely tied up. Large, towns like Kdinburgh, Dundee and Perth are almost isolate.!. The telegraphic ser vices are disorganized ami would lie completely useless but tor the extension in recent years of the underground wires. The snowstorms continue w ith equal severity in Northern Wales and in Ireland. DREDGES TO DIG CANAL. Commission Calls for Bids for Two With Pipe Lines. Washington, lVe. 2'.). Revised spe cifications have lieeu prepared by the Isthmian Canal commission for two pipeline dredges to le used at lit ltoea and Cristobal. I'nder the original specifications bids were asked for on these dredges delivered in this country. The new specifications ask for proposals delivered ready for work in Panama, one on the Pacitlc side of the isthmus and the other on the Atlantic side. Proposals are also asked on the machin ery kniK'ked down in Panama. These dredges are required for harbor work, as well as for dredging at the ends of the canal. The commission now lias two dipper dredges at work in Panama and a third dredge of this de scription is now building. The coat of these dredges varies from $ltl,tH)0 and $102,500, and it is believed that the cost of the pipeline dredges w ill lie about the same. The commission also has two sea-going dredges building near llaltimore. Kach of these is 300 feet long and is tillable of going to sea under its own steam at a speed of eight or ten knots an hour. .One of these will be usedjon tbe IV-illc side of the zone and the other on the Atlantic. HILL WILL RETIRE. His Son to Assume Active Control of Great Northern, St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 29. President James J. Hill, of the Oreat Northern railroad, the empire builder of the Northwest, will retire fn m the active natnageinent of his mammoth enter prises July 1, DI07. The announce ment is credited to Mr. Hill himself in a conference lield with Twin City busi ness men. Mr. Hill's successor will lie Louis W, Hill, vice president of the Orent North ern, who in reality lias been in active charge of the wm for the past three years. L. W. Hill possesses to a con siderable extent the remarkable genius of his father, a lias lieen demonstrated on inure than one occasion. He has also been carefully trained iin the ways of his parent, and besides powessing natural ability, is thoroughly posted as to the Hill methods and policies. Humors have been current at the lie ginning of the past few years that Mr. Hill would retire, but the magnate has kept as hard at work as ever. Despite his 67 years he is as strong intellectual ly as 2l years ago, but he feels that the is entitli'.l to a rest from his hard la bors. In a public speech delivered some time ago he said that he wus pre jmring to lift some of the burden from his back. He suid he hoped that he would devote considerable time to read ing, a pleasure which he lias not been able to pursue as much as he would like. ' Severe With Race Rioters. Atlanta, (ia., Dec. 20. Tbe citizens' committee appointed after the Scplcn -ber riots made its report today. Tl e report shows that 12 persons were kill ed and 70 wounded. Of the dead, two were whites and ten colored; two were females and ten males. Of the wound d ten were whites and 60 negroes. As a result of the riots, the report says, got d citizens have been driven away. Con cluding, the report says: "Asa num ber took jxirt in each assault it is clear that, several hundred murderers or would-be murderers are at large." Raituli Prepares for War. Tangier, Morocco, Dec. 20. Accord ing to the best information obtainable, Hailsuli has refused to resign his gov ernorship, and has sent his harem to the mountains under the protection of a detachment, of Kabyles, and is prepar ing to meet the forces of War Minister (iahbas at Zinat. The war minister entered the city in state today and went to the grand mosque, where ho sol inert ly read a letter from the sultan dis missing I'.uisuli from bis governor ship for causing injury to the coun try. Hurrying Settlers to Siberia. fit. Petersburg, Dec. 2!). Taking ad vantage of the increasing famine in Russia, the government is trvimr to stimulate immigration to fiiltera on a scale hitherto never attained. Minister of Finance Kokovsoff has decided to place $3,000,0(10 at the disposal of the colonization oflice. This office, has 2IX),IKl0 homestead lots ready for set tlers. These lots are situated along the Amur river, where the government is eager to strengthen its hold. Transports May Take Food to Chins, Washington, Dec. 2(1. (iuurter rnaster General Humphrey tuts notified 8ecrctary Taft that he has available two transports in which supplies for the Chinese famine sufferers may be sent. These are the litiford and the Warren, uoth at Han Francisco. Hecre- tary Taft, upon the reconvening of con gress, will ask for authority to use one of these vem-ls for the relief mission. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish It; jive It something to live on. Then It will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer'sHatr Vigor Is the only hair-rood you can buy. For 60 years It has been doing just what we claim It will do. It will not disappoint you. Th'. . . win '' ;i 'ri1' Culonulu Siitlnst. Clio- MlatT J.O. jrCo..lKlwll, MM AIM numfeulur" t 9 SAKIO'AKIlU. iers tllUKV PC.CT0S.Al. i w if ki n 1 fLi nil ! wmn jubwiw only, by company tho front Louis v f RUIT TREK, VINtS, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, SHORTHORN CATTLE, Revered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACiriC NURStRY CO. Catalotu fr. Tnfnt. Offo Wrom Tim ot Vmr. PaniK-ngi-r -I miiiow you knoir, Sim, that your bofwm, am cutting a melon. bwn't It mak your mouth watrr? Pullman I'orter No. nub. 1 done Ion' my Intprrnt In mi-lonn fur dia yeah. Hit would ba diff'unt, 0' co'ac, If dry wui cahvin' a 'po-num, iub. How'l TblaT We oWtt One lluiidrtd UotUn Ttewent fijt u;iaalinirth Uet cauual be oureil by uell 1 ,irrn 1 urr. r. i. CHKNKY & CO.. Prone., Toledo, O. We, tbe un-ler,lm-'l, hv known K. J. Chi-uey lor the lui l! yrert. mill Uilieve blra tierfectly honnrel.le In nil buinM trantfto llon, nd fluencidly 10 carry out uy uo liKailoim niKde by tbulr nrm. Wir A 'I i-ax. Wbollo liriiHlnta, Toledo, O. WtLDINO, Kikkam A Mahvin, ft tiuleule iru( gl.n. Tol-rto, O. HaII's 1 rrh Cure In teken lnUirnllr, li ln(dlrei:ilv upon tbe bluo.1 end mun mi Ia. ei ol the ijitein. I'Mie i,c. bolU. old br ell briifiilate. Teiilmonltli (roe. ilU lunily i'llle ere tbe ben. A arrlled C role. "Kemembcr," R.-1I1I the iiiHodrntiintlc man, "there are thing la thii life tb-tt money cannot buy." "Yea," aimwcrcd tho linpccunloiia person, we.-irlly, "hut 1 had enough of thrm long ago. What I want now It a chanEe." WaHhlnutoH Star. riTA HI. Vitiu' tlenre and Ail Ni-rvou r)lA.A-4M ll I 0 p-nnlly -uri.l hr tr. KliriA'N ttrt Nrrva Hmmr-r. fnt tot HIKK 2lrlAl h..lll And IreAtlw. Dr. H. IJ. Kllo, lA.,til Arcti ML, l-bllA-.l-b All KTldvnce of Value. "I lujiiKixe you can remember when a lot of tlil I11111I could have been bought for a KongV" "Yen," answered Farmer Corntowiol. "But after Bccln' how much my daugh ter's, alnglu' leaaonii cimt that ducau't cem ao cheap." WiiHlilngton Star. A Great Outside Remedy. Mont palim am of local origin a "crli-k" in Dm buck, u twiriKe ol 11 nini nnaall ovur iiriMinit from 11 cold are 11 I cured by out nl e a))ilieiiliori. The ijniek et nifcui, and nioft ei rtulii method All- i cock' rinMt.iT. known tlio world over n utiivermil remedy forpiiin, They never lull, tbi!yaetiromii fy they mei l 11 11 iidchmip. You can iforii?ht ahead wl h your worn While tbe lies lug process j,eM n, Hilly yearn' use ban given them a gnat reputation Ilollrr'A flair. Feb. 21, J8IJ0, Cenenil lii-rijiiuiln V. Butler prcaentcd to congreKH the llrat genuine American flag, 11111 le of Aiuerl can matcrlaU hy Anierlciin labor, ev 'r coriHtructed In tills country, l'lror to that time all American mivorimw.i flag had beii mado of KngllHli bunt-1 lug. Blue then all our ollhbii hu have beeu tho product ojrliiHlvely of ainericun material ana lulmr. Tln-re ' were twenty-nU tun In the fw m Selmnl mUI. "Ton would tu surprised." H teacher, "could you hut k,lmv 0W, large s part I ho k'H lM ' re life. In these days It I the woman who smiles! 'Once tti"ti time It wn the wom an who frowned: ami there were (lerloils, In the June F.yre days, when to wear mi lmsflou expression the real thing. Hut that was long Hgi. In those days It U the girl with laugh. . . . . "Kven uucen laugh. In the Inhul ,.i..i r t)umii Amelia of Portugal 1 Hint royal lady wears a smile so deep that It will not come "ft, while queen ' Alexandra has been caught by the 1 camera smiling. I 'There Is a distinct art In smiling. I The eyes must audio nud tho whole fai-e must light up." I'rifl Tkro. The naril-fucB stupid, arnetit minded Janitor. I 'ive him one of my ivom to mull and Instead of dropping It In the mall l'X the corner be dropped It lu the wale paper box. Miss Taliasco Hut why do you coll him stupid? X TheWinningStroke If more than orJinary skill in playing brings tho honors of tho game to the winning player, so exceptional merit In a remedy ensures the commendation of the well Informed, and oa a reason able amount of outdoor life oiul recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It Is all-Important, however, In selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality nnd excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured hy tho California Pig Syrup Co., a laxative w hich sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the Internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature, As the plants w hich are combined w ith the figs in the manu facture f Syrup of Figs are known to physkuns to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRUP OP FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have A bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Flease to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs Is for sale In bottles of one sire all reputable druggists and that full name of the California Fig Syrup Co., Is plainly printed on of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. ufqrnia Rg Syrup Smn rrtiiio. Cl. innr All the braeev I IKI-ir l MnMIMv. Lri'iUk Yawn etwk e fcW ENGLISH ftl Ail iiuida. I'orrm l.iltlene INillrllnl. All.lA. II..II AUArAII' BEHKSHIRES gL. RUBBER STAMPS BZZZzf We do not ! ntdere end fvddleonr Rubtier itAmi. n-ak, fcie. We mantiiecttue) our own cooda. mr uiti"t iiiiiei l end U'.t iet'ir reu buy. W rite wdey lur out "ItUbbvC BIAUip I aiaU.uc.h TIIE IRWIN-KODSON CO, Portland, Oreson BIG MONEY Knr fttn In NEVADA 'coSpVr4 MINES A w flurilrrt C. A. MOCK TON. Orokrr rtiRitiiy invented Y rl to l utUy. 22A lumber tu hmnf I'OHTIAND, OHtOON CROPS NEVER FAIL in h I .pr Hiitikw Vnllr. I'litlin, whro .h,'i Mini him p VhIM-v It tPM-ni'i-lu r nr ftl- - .(y all II HWUlf 1 It 1 Mi'lrld'P t li-li al m..,t .. .. ....... I vitll")' In tit wirli. Vhh- c hniiir , rn fi till j IrriinnMHTni mtr vrn, nlfitlU mm nr )n..u. (po lnvt'(tt-il in oiitc r l 0 orii-n. Xt it, it it.Mr Hltm to S m lowatMiu. ntirk u.n im , t n f hie. .nr. VMh .,r vntt ftifur. V.V. MOOItK HI Al t.N'l A TKI IM1 1 A N V HI, Alllhonx um I AoIiIiiii, IiIhIm. HOLD UP! nnd consider risk fUMMEL. UKt ALL f... . r CLOTHING. . iJmadtoflhr fcrst I ml-ri.Uinl.L.rl.,v.llAU, f )ully!oaMnldWicfd bv rrlldllf Mm wwtirrr sioHofTHensHCi SJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. LUMBAGO AND SCIATICA ST. JACOBS OIL Penetrates to the Spot Right on the dot. 1 . 1 f - titSlrrJ r,IJ p GAS0UNC ENGINES wf lutly iiabU.1. tIA All alAM A4 lea at Ioatmi iica. n rise lor oaiaIu. RtttRSOM MACtllNCRV COMPANY Petticoat Orel NO PLATES I ILY DENTAL CO. "ffi" rtfi 1 hint ff ri'dnUr irlr fir Imn tlm. If. II, A. Hintvvmui , I'lriiicrly nl Tttw l'Hrf ml tr K. A H-Hl-f ..fMirljf of A rllntjlttn, rr uli , Ttir will im ul tu niMi ihtr Third mnd Couth Sir(t, PortUml, OrtgiMi, klH alMM Ilia la.. ... . ami are nil lu llir If a. I, 1 hrlr Alwoluia earlalnly of growth, llielr uncommool larite yll.l. of Ocluloiiavrsrial.ini aud brauiUiil Huw-ra, niAhe I lie m the moal ffliiMitie aod Die nioat popular every. W4 Annual free oa tequeel. 0. H. FtRRT a CO., Oalrall, Mlek, MAKB MORE MONEY ON FRUIT CROPS x nlti, tr hi Iin Imn y pmU h or m ifUHlri. biitild b l. JUStiHM. MlaVMOUK I Utfiiiniil nmirNvliifli In Amiriv uhl'h U dmrnM i' itini-! ii win ntrtti aw intuwwni- rruil, Hurtil.dUH'i illiioiiNiniiMn' T-IUalH.lH.i.-riTill -rnii kirt'lav ml ixrlhlfiv lit (mil how iimrh't. Iiw to tmt'k. .hIiIvnI. nvtmf. ITima, Iimw l(i M A K W. mm. MONKY Ttom Mhtlauaoli iilietfi-llA-.c m-.lM i-h,nMiiil (IlldOf ' 4. JiiliHlItMii Km It Hufikav-ltiH kaft In natjrMfltw- Three Months Free wii,inrotirtt1inl thm TrtM iimwir will jiImm, icnahil In fniil, till Ihiiii noli I ti C.iHM.i hviof. W rrr('nh rrltmi f..r uw mtbt't lMtitrlli t-rtmr tli'tilnrn, Wi tl.i'lil'I' Fnill-f irowcr Co., I to M, Ht. Jimh nh. Mo. 1 X-tl..!,! ..!.- lllb a..a.l.aa' 1 Ilk. I (.fttr. Al "M t tin iiKfttlliai I wltlcMlinr tr fT cr'i wrljiilixi it In Piiin twr'i'f. In ttrnr f" Uiroilolw No cUitf-for lit UtrM tmmiM UL Hm9 -,, 1 I, 1 1 Ktmitor C 0. Hot Hutnlmr- I'h P. N. U No. 1-07 met. 0 Price 83o and fe fl ftooooonoooooooooooooooonj t i- 'ft L. Ti,-; 5 1111 "''' iw II KM writ In v totMlvrMirplMM that Ume. j