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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1905)
Buy Hair at Auction? At ny rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-el" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checksfallinghair.and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years. M J klT OatM ! M lort'T I MWty iMl 11. I had koanl ""irk T,rt. H'I vurot lUiouiihl I would fl It trial. I did an "an II cm.plWlJ oppd th. Illl.. mJ m.d my ltr ro ntj raBldly." Hill H. ViaLD, NorthdcUl, Hut, i by J. 0. Ayr Co.., lu Alaa MiMiin of SUSArABLUL was. chkit pecrotAU ! GOOD, - J ;i Short Q. lories i fjid h i .k j h h f 1 1 In Chicago. Mat Melba received characterise letter from an American I supports of the Intervening torli r golden and the finished chandeliers are von tine. In the first torv I the tapestry rvom. The hoiu reaelw lip two stories and Is suhorblv decorated ly lieay eurvinir mid mituttim tvv .Vessel. This room Is seen to best advantage by day. when th light falls through the mom- me SST ej' ' er-of-nearl Klass windows upou ltaiiun walnut of the room, on me .wwwww .!.,... inwrtMl between the marble I Friend Is the duke IC. C. D.t Ft' achnnlhor "flense send long ticket .,,,,,,,,..,. .i,., ,i,1n,..t.,y elided celt-thar-ln-law Dunno: I found hlui C . -i-L.ltMMi.1 "Trtf I r . . ..... I . . . .. tor your concert to-uigui. --- in The rest or tne nuinniig is o, u. rw or aiau. I have heard you on the gramophone. lu),wortl), foP lt, artistic features, all 8h Look, dear! Papa'e check will and want to know If you can really get . m M simply treated. How- f wedding trip. Tb Duk In all those trills' Doy i ver, throughout the whole structure But wUtt ar, w j0 00 after- one Is always coming upou little o''- ward t Life. care effects, leaded glass work with . ... h WM uimulrrled, fruit and flower decorations. ham- . ,, .. .ht she la a divorcee." mered metal work and Inlaying. A -Well, lin't a divorcee unmarried" wealth of art has been exuenueu Houston Post grlllwork. balustrades or .ia.r.y., . ,u ,h dvorcil coverings Mr .team radiator, ana ,.... ..No. hli ..-vers did all that man owier iiiumr h'." A Balanced Accowat. "A fair exchange is no robbery." So the textbook have taught us. and now another Instance, quoted by the New York Tribune, arises to Illustrate the proverb anew. An American, well known for hi. wealth, receives Innu merable letter, asking aim to sub scribe to charitiea, and often, when the credentials of the project seem du bious, he ha. to refuse. Not long ago he had a letter from London, signed by an unfamiliar nam. "Knowing a. 1 do jour gener osity." the stranger wrote. "I have put you down for a two-hundred-dollar sub scription to our miners' widows' fund. Christmas Is approaching, and we pro pose to give a fowl and a Christmas pudding to each miner' widow, on Christmas eve." The millionaire replied: "Though I know nothing of you or your fund. I respond gladly to the call you make upon me. I, too. am Interested In a charity similar to your.. It U an American charity, and since It stands In need of funds for a Christmas treat I bave not hesitated to put you down for a aubscrlpt'wn of two hundred dol Urs. Thus no money need pass be tween us." The Effect Wa Lasting. Dentist Thst confounded tramp per suaded ni to give him laughing gas and extract four teeth. Friend Well? ' Dentist Well, when I told him that that would cost him four dollars he gave me ths merry ha-ha. Soiuervill Jour- aL Choklns Hint Off. "Speaking of trusts," bejan the seedy Individual with a three days' irron-rti of stubble on his chin, as he leaned up against the bar. "I " "Never mind the trusts." interrupt ed the man behind .the white apron. "We do a strictly cash business here. Beer Fully OuahO d. The Merchant So you are looking for a job. eh? What kind of work can you The Applicant I har.lly know. sir. My last employment was that of instructor in a boxiHK school. The Merchant Oh, I can nse yon, all right. Come around in the morning ready for work. I m going to mail a lot ol cir eolars. and von can lick the stamna. Dear Frlenda. K.iiiiriut did von sax when he sroDosed last evening? Rrtha How do yon know he pro- nosed? vlli Ton were so !sd to see me, von know. Yon felt so good you wanted me to feel bad. Boston Trsnscript. free passes in certain home where the .fork recently visited there Is a six-year-old son of Inquiring mind When he was first taken In to see the new arrival he exclaimed: "Oh, mamma It hasnt any teeth! Oh, mamma. It hasn t any halrP Then, clasping -Is hand. In despair, he cried: "Somebody has done us! It's an old baby" Two Htle girls became Involved In a quarrel the other day. which cul minated In Physical violence One of the mothers took her little daughter to t..k verv severely Wishing to em phasise the enormity of ber offense, the mother raid: "It's the devil who tells you to do such naughty thing. The llttte girl replied between sobs: He imv have told me to pull ner nair, h.. i h.Mi.-ht r nii-kins ner in u shins all by myself." An Ensllshman had occasion for a doctor while staying In Teklu. "Sing rw irVatest doctor." said his servaui be savee my lifee once. neaiij i queried the Englishman. ies. me telllble awful," was the repiy; callee In another doctor. U glvee me medicine; me velly, velly bad. Me callee In another doctor. He com ana give me more medldn, mak me vlly, velly badder. Me callee in eing imv. He no com. He savee my life." In the suburb, of Baltimore there I. an ancient glue factory tnai i um IS BEST RUSSIAN DANCER for him. He .Imply paid the bills. Yonkers Herald. 8h No. I can never marry you. All our family la opposed to you. He But If you are not She I saw oods the surrounding .ceuery with an TlluUhlng of rive professional dan- ture? Th Man (with Infinite rellefv- a.1,,. .miimi and far from sweet. A street railway line runs past the Duua lng, and oue day last summer, wuen the place was indulging In a wild out burst of inglorious incense, an open car passed, in one of the seats or wniun snt an Irish laborer and a middle-aged ladv. The Irishman's features ex pressed unutterable things and the lady entered for the contest, first devoted flT, hundred dollara a year?" "Ob, SADIE BOBIXSOX. Pretty Girl Suffered From Nervousness and Pelvic Catarrh Found Quick F " i', ,i - " J - l - ' j , ' " & ' NEKVOUSNESS AtiU WEAKNESS CURED BY PE-RU-NA Oeors lwhkoir Holds th Record for Knduraiic. George IVschkoff, who, with com- all our family. Rx. pany of four Husslan women, gives an Rue How do you Ilk my new exhibition thl. week of th dances of I coat? Th Friend Do you want an that nation, says the Kansas City Jour- honest opinion? She Of cours not nal, claims to have the best developed Fllegend Blaetter. legs lu the world. For twenty year r BJones How wonderfully Mrs he has devoted hours each day to ma.- ROUnson carries ber age. Mrs terlng the various Russian dance. Bsmlth (sweetly! Yes. considering Many of the stunts he performs require how much ther Is of It. Ex. not only superhuman strengtn in tue ,.h wuator .. wrot, English nether limbs, but considerable skin as blt nsnilnatlon paper, well, and he declares that he worked - tnna eerie lion running 'round five year, ou a single one uci Uk. of earth." Ex, felt proficient lu It. All this shows In the wonderful mus cular development of hie legs, where little muscles, unheard of ouulde of a medical dictionary, stand out with the prominence of biceps. The women also are most proficient In the various dances and bave been tralued in them for year. One of the feats to which reschkotr points with considerable pride I. the "You don't agre then that "seeing Is hollaring?" "Not much! I see Mine people very day that I never could bllr." Philadelphia Lodger. Clementine Arabella, would you run after a man? Arabella lea. would: If a man's worth having he li worth running after. Brooklyn Life. Th Woman (looking at a hideous SDeclmem Oh. what a dreadful crea cers at tourney held lu ran sev- -n yuu ii. iw. - ... oral ream aco. This waa the big event 1 among performers of various kinds I'ompous waiter tiave you omtr who claim Russia a the land or their ed, miss? Timid Little uin ii" nativity. Rivalry Is keen among the her Ont meal at a restaurant) N-no. Russian daucers. and tbey determined sir; but I'v requested. Chicago Trlb- on a trial or tneir sum, sirengiu aim uu. endurance. The dancers, of whom six I . "Can a man marry comfortably on sniffed diligently at a bottle of smelling salts. The car tame to a .top. tbe glue rioted worse than ever, and tb son or Erin could stand it no longer. Ex cuse me. mum," be said, humbly, as he doffed his hat, "but might I ask ye to put the stopper In that there bottler Judxe Spencer R. Atkinson, former Justice of the Supreme Court, tens tnat early in his career he took a case for a Southern client The amount in volved being less than $100, the trial came off in a Justice's court. The Jury disagreed, .0 a new on waa called. with th same result Thl. went on until .even Juries had disagreed. Then, Just before the eighth trial, Mr. At kinson received the following note from the lustlce of the peace: "I write this to let you know the case of Beck ham agin Lyles cannot b tried no more In this court. You hav used up all the Jurle In the district, and lt won't be ioss!ble to get no more Jurle until some grows np, or some new folks move. In. I have wrote tbe same five minutes each to the various Rus sian dances. Peschkoff won this on points. But the real test was the toherkess, the hardest, most Intricate and exhausting of any of the dances. The dancers had each taken a half yes. But he can't stay married cum forUblv on any uch .urn." Cleve land Leader. SUmson Willie, they tll m you hav th reputation of being the worst boy la school. Willie Yes, father, and hour to recuperate, and came to the 1 j c, ,,n ,oa j didn't get It without stag fresh from .newer oauis. i est-u- , struggle. Life. kotf let th others be the pacemakers la It little lrl? Mttl Th dance consists of sitting on tll cirl Mamma sent me for a lamp toes with one leg lengthened to the chlmny. and she ay sh hope front and cnanging posiuou aa rnymij as possible. It was three-quarter, of an hour before the first of the aix gave ud and retired to watch the other.. One after another the other, dropped oue until only Peschkoff and on other huge specimen of the steppes were left on th (tage. Peschkoff himself was somewhat winded, but be determined to win. for to be acclaimed the greatest Rus sian dancer to bim meant more than being President to an American-born youth. He won, but the other did not give up until be was so exhausted mat It 111 be as strong as that last butter you ent n. Plck-Me-lp. Mamma Here's th man for that clock to b repaired. Get lt for him, Tommy Where 1 lt? Mamma Up stairs, of course. Tommy Oh! thought lt had run down. Ex.. Wigwag Why do you Insist upon earrvlna rour shirt bom from th lanndrr instead of having; lt sent Harduppe So that folks will kno that I hav two. Philadelphia uec- ord. Bllitirina DUt great deal ' "Yes," a . i.. .1.. ,.,!.! n the urcsstlc Drson; ne woraa n-u vc . - -- . .1. K. 1...- 1.1. .nrV notice to the other side." As no notice blood spurted from his nostnu. rescn- " " "I. has yet been received that a that occasion and bold, lt above all I other of hla possessions. in has crown ud. tbe case la still unsettled. IN BERLIN DEPARTMENT STORE. TRAINED 8TEER 18 A JUMPER. Physicians Recommend Castoria iASTOMA has mot with pronouncod faw on thy part of physicians, phormi. G rtiXlTand modioli authorities. It Is usod by physicians with JJTti nso of Castoria Is unquestionably the TOuta most grating. that lt is harmless: rt&aH, nobody SavsVtLS alns and ouiots the nerves, but assknl ate ftff d "3. 1 I ogreoabloW perfect substitute for Castor OiL IH lb Ju oly safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other nareotio and doornot LTofy. It Is unlike Soothing Syrups, Batoman's Drops, Oodfre,', Jr aZ J, Thl. Is. a coed deal for a Mod cal Journal to say. Our duty, how-vtuxp- nd record the means of advancing alth Ihe day poisoning Innocent children through greed i or 1 h knowlodco, Uastoria 13 a rouiouv mw r - -j our inowu8, - - . . m roador8 m enUUod to tho information. iaW' Journal ofllealih. tetters from Pronlant Physicians Addrassed to CMrtit n. Relchcr. eftia lur Ulauia durlm 1 " w "'t"I' .,. . .i.. i OhU. rsi "Tsur t'stmrls stanAa lrs I ,,. ,5i wl!l K S b" ' M All4 UM mSM .Veortablr PrfoaMlionlof As- simUatlng uv Food dtuJKf aula ling the Siomntba and boawu of Protnofcs PiiesHort.rhMtful r5$ nd Rf sl.ContalM ndttw Optutn.Morphin if Not Narcotic. rW- A perfect Remedy rorCorwUp lion. Sour 5 to h. Diarrhoea Worms jCotivulsions.fevcnsh ivrst and Loss iOTSUEP. facsimile Sinlur I NEW "YOnK. IXACTCO-YOr WA"f. 8 It a r"7 "r . ' , - - - . u . U M uaA. HI aM hImmJ a akMfe a , ... wM f. n....iaiia ar nsaaia. n " . - . - 7 I fur II s an IkVra, ai a. wlll '" ""'n!' W- I MTsis. f 0a. Kafc, ..! "As (be fl ''" r . . vJaT.itilu alxal r . a"'!. ' ttoa. mt a " . . w alii. ...tru it and Miiata IK u HWK.I rvtaadr" I, aa, " 7' ZT ...a J.. .i... i,.ua it lUui.u.nii .suu.i t I. k cfcUdraa. fcua In a .real I.M I ' " ' .V,. .k. ...... ... .buuilmia an taararoia 4ll-ull .a. Aa totallt, I aiJf It t' il- I rw t . .... . - . .a a.Maa a.S. aaa mmwm jy. w .oDlaait4 Ilia al of 4i'-l iMalaa, vl fir Ckaaaln I ....til ar ft aad at aW' IHI taual ailaUlrallaa. Wjt U War el Ktaaas Clt. Via, aatst "PVslela arllf it sat ar. UJ , JiMul lu isatai a lo aiil I fr GENUINK CASTORIA ALWAYS tb Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Us For Over 30 Years. TBI a.a.aoa h.mii, tt w. Miss Sadie Eoblnson, 4 Rand street, Maiden, Mass., writes: "Peruna waa recommended to me about a year ago as an excellent remedy for the troubles peculiar to oar sex, and as I found that all that was said ol this medicine waa true, I am pleased to endorse it. "I began to use it about seven months go for weakness and nervousness, caused from overwork and sleeplessness, and found that in a few day. I began to grow atrong, my appetite increased and I began to sleep better, consequently my nervous, new passed away and the weakness in the pelvic organs soon disappdared anp I hav ha... wll and atrona- ever since." Address Dr. 6. Jl. Hartman, Presi dent of the Hartman Sanitarium, Co lumbus, 0., for fre medical advice, All correspondence strictly confidential, tg ! Cuuak Sirup, aaua Uood. yaa f J In lima. Suld br dnuraUU. tzl - Anlndid New Btrncture la Marvel ot Beauty Inalda ana usi. Deutsche Kunst und DekoraOon ha. an Interesting arucie oj ur. inu Wolff on the great Werthelm atore of Berlin, which represent. new depar tur in both art and the department store line. Th new store I situated In one of the busiest portion of tbe German capital, on tb Lelpxlger strasse, at the Lelpziger plate, soys the San Francisco Chronicle. It la sur rounded by stately structure, all of which are separated from tbe street by grass plat and row of trees, and In designing the building it was neces sary to conform to lu neighbors in height and in general appearance. The boilding Is four stories high and present, a very effective architectural appearance, being liberally provided with pillars, .tataes, etc. ir one goes a little to the !de, the whole surface of tbe building seems solid stone. Tbe read might seem heavy were lt not for the wealth of carving pillar.. arches, etc. with which the architect has enriched every portion of lt The decoration of tbe arcade 1. an Impor tant addition to the public art of Ber lin, and the writer expresses the" belief that portions of the Werthelm arcade are as dear now to the people or Ber lin ss this or that detail of certain building, to citizen, of other cities. The carving with which tbe exterior of the building is enriched 1. only slightly in relief; the figures appear everywhere skimming over the stone and enlivening the surface witn mani fold movements. Then above tb ar cade comes the stately row of columns. th whole crowned by a dark, broad roof. Artistic tendencies are evident In tbe Interior of the building, softening tbe harshness of constructive necessities. All of the rooms are neutral In treat ment, except two great ball, known a. the "great court" and tbe "tapestry room." According to lit. Wolff, by concentrating everything In these two portion, of tbe building "the effect ob tained 1. ten time. a. impressive a. would be the case if the whole build lng were elaborately treated. In thl latter case the rooms would neutralize each other. As it Is, however, every thing In the building gradually lead, up to tbe great halls as the center of the harmonious whole." Th court, which Is reached directly from th arcade, 1. lighted from above, and 1. surrounded by marble pillars, ut)on which, as a frame, th architect has constructed a complicated series of detail which In nowise injur tb gen ral effect. All of the different .tories of tb building open on thl court, which Is th converging point of th whole building. Dull gray, red and whit marble hav been used for tb broad work of th wall, and pillar, whll tb Inlaying Is In black and whit and variegated marble. Tb French Nobleman May Tnra Ont New Brad of Btecplcchaas Animal. No longer la tbe steer to b regard ed merely as so much potential roaat TrtMerlpt cumbersome vehicles, says tb Farla correspondent of tb Kansas City Bur. Ingenious Gallic sportsmen hav discovered a new mission and a new dignity for him. He la to be ridden like a horse and to participate In racing, steeplechaslng and fox bunting. beast, heretofore credited with a bund ance of Innate "eussedneas," but lit tle Intelligence, Is capable of all these things when properly trained. Hev eral race bave been organized to test their capacities, with result, that am ply Justify the experiment, now nrnk- minutes and then tblnka about It for an hour and a quarter." ashlngton Bur. Katie Tell m, Edith, what did you say wbea Charley proposed T Edltb Ut Ob, tbr was no occaslou for me to say anything. Charley bad said all that waa necessary. Boston Church-worker Would you assist us, good sir, to sena a missionary io th cannibals? Mr. Gotrox Not much I'm a vegetarian but I'll assist you to send them some easily digested ce real 1 Puck. "Haven't yoo any ambition to work Tbe, hav proved that thl. lu. youth; "If I wer to work what would bar been th us of father working? Washington Star. W can't hsve everything tn- thl. life," .aid the philosopher. ".o," an swered Duatln Btax; "the Ideal but in. . ,i,a tVonr-hinen concerned imnos.lD corooinauou is a uuunm have taken the matter up seriously. lire menu witn a u.-uuu f"". Most successful In developing their Waahlngton Star, latent capacities Is a French noble- "1 reckon Bill must have ueen cut man. who In sporting circles Is known ant for on o' tbea geniuses that as "Le Baron Cb. C." His favorite write, for th magazine.," .aid th mount b an ox that can assume vrl- old Georgia farmer, because n can i .... .... 1 ... u ..V. .n I, m a. r. hla kal. oiis iralts. KUIlon swirtiy over nai mane cau " and leap nimbly over obstacle. It cut, and would rutner waicn a star obeys the rein or the rowel as readily than dig a well!" Atlanta t-onstltu aa a horse. The bridle and saddle Hon, used wltb these riding steer, are aim- "Suppose," said be, feeling bis way, liar In general design to those used "your father should ask me what my with horses, but the bit Is exception-1 expectations are in tins oirec- ally powerful. For obvious reasons it tion. What ahall I ay l upeak tue bas been found desirable to atDx rub- truth," replied tne sweex gin; uni ber nada to the ends of tbelr long him you don't know." Philadelphia horns. In one reptt the steer is Ledger. possessed of agility superior to tnat "Ah," said Mrs. Oldcastle; "so of a borse. lie can tuia sharp at right yoara reading Mrs. Blnkletou's new angles when going at full speed. story? Don't you thluk ber style Is In a scuilwlld state on tn west- .imot too Idiomatic?" "I hadn't no ern plains tbe steer i capable of a tlced It," replied ber hostess, "but I good turn of speed, ai d at round up wouldn't be surprised If It was. You often leads cowboys mounted on fleet I know lt run. In tbelr family. Kb ponies a long chase. How far tbl. had a nlc that was only half-wit- THE LESSON OF 1612, Need or Fled I'oarful Knonak ta 1'reveat Caaat lllutkadt-a. In reading a criticism In today's Times of "lllstiirlan Itnosrvelt's" re mark concerning the soldiers of 1813 It struck me that you uilisbt well hav taken exception also to hla comments on the navul situation In that war, says a writer In the New York Times. Ills protest Bitalnst our unfortunate ustom of tenctilng Inaccurate Hla tory and his plea to have us liii ac- uowlcdce past humiliations and draw profitable leaxons from them la most commendable. In tho same si-errli. however, the President 1. reported to ave said that "wo won on la sea" In 1M2 because of our previous prepa ration for naval war. la not lliut an exumple of exactly what wo are warned against? It I true that In duels between light armed ililps viz., frigates our navy cover- l Itself with glory, but these coin at bad little effect beyond showing bat our nuvy bad no superior where orces were eUul. The really dedal feature of the naval war was thai KiiKlaud. by reason of the lack of fighting units 1. e., "Hhlp of the line" In our nary, was abl to block ado our coast, to "bottle up" practical ly all the ships of our small navy, tn bring our criinmerce to a standstill ami to direct as she pleased raids sIoiik our seacoast, such as that on Wash Ington. Tbe only naval victories that bad decisive results wer tlioe on Lakes Erie and ('Iniiiipluln, where the fleets on each side were Improvised. On tho sea, where the real naval stretiKlh was tested, we were overwhelmed no lesi than on the lutiil, IIiuiikIi the afore in Id preparations did prevent the dls graceful features of til land warfare, which were due mainly to our lack of regular troops. The truly Important lesson to be drawn from the naval war Is the necessity of a powerful fleet of fighting ships, whl.-li ran prevent the command of our seacoast by an I'neiny. Tbe speech of the President Is In r freiiblng contrast to the sprend eagli- oratory bubltiiiil to our Congressmen but hi! does not avoid the pllfii against which lie warns us and full to draw from the war of 1M12 what U perhaps Its most salutary lesson. may be Improved by Jndicloue breed ing remain, to be seen. The borne In It present state Is tlie result or cen turies of evolution directed by numan ngencle. It Is quite possible, rrencn az-ientlats declare, that tne ox is ca- ted." Chicago Record Herald. "Jabet," growled old man Ilardfyst "what In tarnation are you carry In tbet thermometer outdoors an' buck so often fer?" "Jest want to see tb difference In tbe temperature, pa," ex pable of similar development and Im- plamei jaoea. ""Well, you let It alono. nrovement, and that the result wouia k,d tbe mercury runnln' up an' down be something vastly the present breed. different from In thet tube an' first thing we know th thermometer 'II be wore out, an' there'll be 23 cent, throwed away." Judge. Lorraln and Nature By tbe great Italian master land scape, bad been used almost entirely a a background for the figures. Claude Lorrnln went a stop further, making his figure of comparatively little Importance and concentrating hi effort upon the Ideal or heroic chnr- Not Paylag for It. acter of the landscape, Into which he "You say you got tired for nothing?" incorporated the beauty of arcliltec wa SSK avmuaiUVUCHliy Ul uun. nun I Tiira, jia WHS n l-iu iiiiib vi i,u ha lost bi Job. ture. sketched and painted 111 the ope air. and filled bis skies wltu sunshine. But the us that be made of nature was unnatural. St. Nicholas. A Prank Admission. l aiinnose you are used to flat tery. Ml. Goldier "Isn't there a distinction Between flattery and the truth?" "Of course." Then I must admit I have never Wn flattered." Cieveiana nam Dealer. "Sura." he replies. "Do you think I'd pay them for giving m th g. b.T, Taooma Dally New. A Hough lload. Fsrtn.r Wsybark t.tirtlag boms from tb slsttoD) I'lrsas, us'sai, do ;u wssr fllas tralh? Fair Husnlar (for tha .ummeri Ki? Firmer Wsjback Oh, I iluii't mean to ba cur vua. Only tali roiJ Is li In rough, d. if your taoth ain't i"d an I fail you d batter put m In your pot-tal. PImi'i Cur I. a auod mush aiadlelna. It has cured rtiiiahi and colds (of lurty yean. At drusi.ta. ' caiita. l.oaa aad Maori at It. It ws 2 a. m. when Its tried to steal softly up tb stairs. Hut his wlf wss "When you went out after suppar," she said, reproachfully, "you said you wouldn't b gon long." "Well," be answered wearily, a b rattled lb key In bis pukt, "1 cam back abort, snyway." Tha lafaal Terror. Mrs. Uejenks (lo a rssusl rsller) Why, bow do you do It's such pity you didn't com lltti larller; we'v Just finished luncheon. Tommy HeJenks (reproachfully) Oh. MALLEABLE IRON STl'MP PLUIK a tb imOn. It II,m a,ili..Mw W m twf artit. . I-m pU. .. . . ,--.f Wlllilso-"! MAIIISI'IIV tO, I mmt ml Hmttm Klraal Vttm, Otaias Mill Ha, -tH It f II KM wHilaf Saadvarllaarsyl V f MMila taw iwiMr. I'awliliM lu Arbitral. Tha ruk iffeara in In I an III buui-r. What' th niallar? Wlfa4lli. bad s fw wards Ilk iurmii. Hli. tbrvalsnad to lasrt k. rioaa w hava a-i murk ramuaay, m4 1 in dlackarg kar fr lb MM rail. Pnval Car Lin.. Tb railroad m very willinft lisv lb prlvsl rar line nr-iujU un lr lb jutlollrtion ol tb Interaul t'oinuierr rominlaaion. A rilroa4 reUlent I. uthorlljr for tb tUUm that line ar paid milrag, withoat discrimination, and tb tiueaiion ol reaalv cliarar I a matter fur tb bla ptr to ettl with lb car line, so loaf ma. ain't w, !' to sny more? , , , b,jr nim. g I.. ,!..' V. .1 W I ..... t. -.. at.- 1 . ( ar mlleag paying baa lan ilwidi m I aa legal a tb payment of rental Id property. I hadn't bad half enough when ths doorbell rang an' you all Jumped Cleveland Leader. Uotb.r. will IU4 Hra. Wlnalow'i Haothtn flyruplha kaal raamly tooaaM ihalr skildraa durliif la laalhlot a'lol. lacaaibraacas. Tb following dlalugu was over beard on aaody rosd In southern Maryland: "Good mawuln', IUiom." "Good niawuUi', Ham. Why, yo" seems to be lu a powerful good bumor dls niawnlu'," "Kho' I Is. Hurricane du blew de rojf olf uisb cabin, lleco oaedlu' new ou foh tan yha." "Dat ll?" "No, sah. Sol' uab mill wld d lam leg. Been nedlu' aaw mill fob flfteen yeahs." "No wondab y' laffla'. Anything else'" "Yep, mab wlf run off wld a min strel man. Been ndln' a new wife fob tweuly yeah. Man glttln' rid ob an ilcm Incumbrancta lo on ought to laff. lis, lis, ba!" day IWiuitciwn' Ninaalar Power Prf. Hicly By simply boldlog a Wlalii ol.jwt ifore a ieia't ' llv minute. I can hyptnilli bba, l niaka him do aurililn I Iliiuitowit Thai's noihing. Ky ! lng s bfliilit ohject bvfor realiorial wiiier'a mil for llirae uuariers of a und, I ran mak litm my alava. FITS rfaiaanlly I'orM. Wlaaf araa flit) arur am u. a in. f lr aiine'atiiaai'" lii,rf . anii -rea ihmi iMMii.a omims In. tt. II. kllaa, Ud .WI ankBl., yunaartakla, r A a Oulnlnn Kaearvad. "Do you believe In government o" eralilnV "That ilepend." answered Ih tru magnate, "on wbetbr you mean Ut the government ougbt to own U w ought lo own lb government"" Wssbliigtou Hlsr. A mau sutfgeats that lllll Uti vaaaliua b applied un a door r wial lo tha part which rubs and iraTU opening. Maternal Cnrlmlly, "Tommy," askiil Mrs. Tucker, "1 don't see Mrs. Carston'a old cat In our back yard any more. Whut lias be come of It?" "I don't know where It Is now loinmy. "l.nst time I saw tb It was goln' towards Michigan "loward Michigan? Ou a train?" "Nome, '('rust the lake." "In a bout?" "Nome. It kind o' Jumped Into the water." "Where?" "Off tho flsliln' pier." "You don't menu to sny It wn. try ing to swim In the Inke?" "Nome. I guess It couldn't have swum much, any way, 'causa there was a rock tied say, It seems to me you're gcttln' awful eiirloug about that old cat, all at once!" RI A Alt IIATC ATOrS The dlaeM that baa don mora '"-fas? than any other to wreck, ruin an,i HAH'S ' GREATEST ENEMY i lum i 'lf U,e.' U, Contagion. Ulood Poiaon. Sorrow, shame and auflering f ." ' i .. i. i. 4 w..h tu.'- enemy' D(i mn m 'wy b,iieA Bnd ,oug . "'t cat hM 110 thr diie' 11 th moat powerful ol all poiaon.; no mt; . la . . , : . hjwdi wwciiuj vi nu iiuiBwai, i - lr. Hi? 5 b,0?d.IU5, ! wu0 " v'r" cn'". tu nlire clrcuW'og alTvThr rd id ,U clJ4io of borribl ymptoma begin to show. Utf i. .i t ii . i,"": i ",u"" m"n or u'cer, not at all alarming in appraTni Ta f h '? b!ln,t. aturt wUh the deadly poison, aud soon the luotiUt b?e.V. f'l.10 l!,Cf,e the hir n1 eyebrow drop out, a red cruptioj annearano! . a X C01Ptrtrl aplotche and Bore make thll tlLP n. Pdfth Po on even work, down into tbe bone and attaeM Mwntfi in i"! y i the di,Me hwlitary, beln,r tranamlttcd hn wnsUtutlon. l,V',M,0rm 0,'u. weak eyca. aoft bonca, weak. puT been ru lijS A Y, M hlfbly -Btagloug that many a lite hJ one Infected with the pohion. To cure this bliKlitinB, deadly curse tb uiwju muBt be purified, and tiotuiuif win " quickly and aurely as S. S. 8, It roc down to tM very bottom of the trouble, drives out every partlcia of the poison and makes the blood clean and atf"1': Th best wny to elenn l,ra.a la !. t,... . .." do'a not hide or cover tin anvthintf, but from in oil ani.lic.1 with a ,ft g. 0y S q ai. T, ' PUon "' uild up and atrcnutlien the ytei. in extreme n.cessiiy .i,i,i nny ,llrl, ' l(?ttrantc1 Ply vefetable.. We offer a reward of .0'f substance b .iseri. s. this seratehes. In Jl".' ""talng a particle of mineral of any kind. Book on the I'M h ?7"" h?,U ttwt,Ml powll"'', ew '""tcUoaa for home treatment, and any advice deaired, without bath bruk i. .sciLuu charge. THC SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATIANTA. 0