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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1905)
MjWf''?. . ' yjf vr'v ' 5 LOCAL M J5& .dwolw'11' "w "M I Mouitajf " .....u. Willi, who wm cm .ibt. Hr."" . ...I liv aiilnillHUK"1' ,w " to lhw ,,tne wuiuiuBlly, . , i)).t Mt1y elgnl Mtenmntwi out . ,i. ..,..,u mors mwiw iivm. T a. wl'' ' 11,8 Ww "k '!' L'l... lie Inform u that " ,. recovered from hi recent In retained oil llic ilMUi" Uacatln , Utort tit" "K1- 1 i..- atrmrv to !" approved ndBUW-wMV-... ,,,,.0VKU., St. Helens, Oregon .. ru.i.i itavi. ol Portland. WM III wcjl,tl.l.wk.rlltiH ,,er nnu' u.urfMrt.R.t'"' Dn.jMMiCui ' timlttr. of Rt- .j. u' Vl.lllliK reumn hi paw," lkHCIIU'l'wk' Uuoff"- l l 1' nnnure. jlr. Kuiitu. u i:llt Telrgram mia tbU r w(uUwIMrtc tlll"K P the ,.. k bit ml'. "'! SalurLy'e TcIp- pHuill contain tin; reult of liU work. u. t.. the count aaacsaot, u ..ti.'.ih. rrno i in M. Helen till iuwlil Co. ! waking pe lulftfiirllobnild "P rrraui route In rUmUi county. riw them II yoo Ml W lwtwl llietit In your llglibr Hi mil Mr. W. !', Iiolroan arrived m Si. llrlrn Tuesday ) weal to iut iiiii t" ''"rt "W fH,p' jlqlin lvrrli0iii(yit nf tint att& Ctmw Co. (of thd t". H. CMIII Bofneowioiiilil ta eiinitr, UiiulU IUi.lnn-1 I'xoplr, utcnlluii' Lm Fi.Iv l1lrr Cm to iIHM Hi j.tii In bur no-l iK'H i km tVir thiriit th ttlKlit ue bloW I"'" Uir Uf I t, J tltil kUmt JaVwirlWol tin Rih1'. itirill Willi WW. II. t'uwrll. the t!cjwly ill.lrut 4;mc, cnt iiH4:ie Ut KunJsr iJ IotkJ llir i.1 in cmhj.Ic t iil NxiUlmi;. TUc jT.t.'.'if r wm Mll.ficl to Liit hit K'""- lu V !'! tlicrv wan no noil jjiua mi , lua m.illnr imlirti!n'iij:t. Tli !! I'xl t'fvnui t ,I I'orlUiul, w., li oiit nl tint Imir .itit-il ill the imU. Ti(0 lli Utfil i lo r tr)- iitto lli;J op emiti h'ilU' i llirvrjjlt im iiilii.i. II )ou tli iik cf-fii iwUmull Im a pl tiling fur jrir ,ii'.U'ili.i1. ri(d llirtn. .SutUnllirll V.ili'.,iii nl 1-1 i'io t', S. I'fvflin K'n- I'M, Cm Instil ii On- r.ijxuH;jn U li'nfi . Mr. I.. I'. yit.k, of lUit tlly, l up a lnulirt Ukrt lull ol Uer facantl !al rutr !iu!i iiiinyri) tlie hol 'thiUt.. II mtyoiir rl flwr tlwry !wit4 like In it ti jtw4 ut, MrcM itaB tn H, J. M..H, Sro. IS. Aifr. 111.1, I. i C I mr ;r nm l, I'lirliatiil, t)r. Wf. T. A. t"!uiiiii;tr ml cliiMicn lire tuning it .wnw thit rtk. ni'i,l l.otirr a higher lie bnuM'i- ut Itiomlniitv. Tlil CHnt- 'iflJuli Hip Una plant am! iri Mill In tli iiuniifai tnre. II yoa nt n Up rrmia ili.i la nmdo Into Hie ll(h( n!ml ImllPr. Mi U Haml- N.itiru ihrlr aiUnrllwiimnl l ttt',8 Oiiin g, i,rU.r. lliMhr have Uncy work Utf 'iibtlion at llir J,et ,na Clrk I'alr n 'Uf to rwf.J It to Mr. W. T. Wli, Sci.Kwe, W(re u,e 2tU ol the 'k II vit,!e. Any tiling aenl In llf thai ,tic lm,t u, uLln-wiJ to K. II. hKK, 4?,,umhn County Huhllilt, Afiieiiltitra! lltilUlinK, Purtlnna, Or. Srmpol White I'ine anil Tr. the oM llM cough remeay, 1'or mIo ly A J. Ucminir, drawsUi. W. II Towel! ol thin city. a 'lW r.mml Martha at the Oraml Chap '".0. 1!. S., which met In 1'ortUiul lo.t Mr. II, M'.mn iuid inn l'ril mure lat, hm tla prinliiiK dn t lliU office. I'rre Mrthmliala r tm-tuiriiiif In la cniiip meeting beginning toilny. Irriilay) lltllc Krove i)clmn s ncu.t W'l Hmiltim. Akiicj Muckle U rliltlni relnllvw "ill cily, Mia (irm p0W(.u wh) Um Jjm Rl. c"',in "h"ol here thit term, returne.1 kr home in VitUburg oil I'rltlny limt. Mr.ClimMu kle wanIi!iU pa Ht lo, Vorlhml Tue..hy lt, Wr. K, (). lUacn, Mr. Win. Cooper ,w.Mm. J;. i!lCf)1 Wrren. vUltcl n Helen, the first of the week. ' IIeluiiaii,l Rulnier phiyed hall at p!wc oi, 8II(irtv la,, The WHy tllc n'"e atnrte.! Wll, aonielhlntt to lie Imiiieil ol. oii. ,1,1 ,., i "'I'ly ly kiKKking the ball Into the St. Wcni ,y, huiiil, ,ul ,ctthllJ tem "w It away or ml. It, utaile ix mn. ""wiitiimtatoiimkethem until nlfer 16 th ImiliiB, when the hoy. enme to " ""I pliiyed bii B uttle. It wua then "y lainmeil the lull am! piled tip run, "'""K up the acore little. Hut they '" U lilc too lute, .mrt theK1iiue en.led In n ? '" ,ilv"ro' ,!"ll!r. Milt, pitched ii'ii 1; r ec"" rrc,ty work' " iht. Hvlen .cconit bmi iiiuii, inmle 'e lir plyH of tneKniiie. llert McKIU who pitL.lcll ,or tli 1a.ej . H the way thronKli, uml If he had 'y"ip)rt In the firnt pnrt ol the gume :w! omW have been dllfercnt. The hill, for h celehrnllim ut Hiilnkr on urn fourth Imve arrived hero. Mr., II, U. Cliff and dmiKhter Ilildit taiiil IMI week viiliing I'ohIiiihI. Hlteen 6iinreatotlm pound, I'oiir iiiwrta lo the ui.ll,,n. NcwrlfM thnn twtlvo to the (UiM'ii. And no kkhI tlmt reiilr a premium U umke thi'in aril. M.C. (iltAV.Ht. llidem Mr.. II. i'vM and dnuiihlrr, Mi niorritou vl.lteil IVrtlaud on Momliiv laat, Mr J, II. Godfrey wa im lrnliUtMnneii- ger lor rortlaml Monday, wr, nneuer uitt or. Often', new and orrct method of makina m rioiai ittn. piattf are mid by thlt method to fit accurals. j? Mohavuk building, Portland. Mr. 8. Tryoa of Victor, Colorado, at nn time a resident of thit county, wm. iu St. Jlilcna yr.lrrday, reiicwitiK Ida ac- qilaililauce Willi our vople, I'rrry (klirahaiii ktve. you money by (noting you 3'.' IU tiood Rice .ii.. I hmken) .. II () 1J Ihe Iieaua Jl IX Spku'ttfoda ., 15 J k(' lt Corn Starvb . 1 r 20 . 25 3 one lh pki;' lkl Cunaiita . , , S otic lh k'a Ikvt Kaitiu . . , 0 Intra Htar Kuap .1 three lh I'kK'i Cold l'ut or I-w lrop , . ., All the me abaolulrly Crt chua Howlt. NATAL M. S'cel li returned (loin a visit lo Mia. Kuddiutait who mu!i iu l'l-nUud. Miwt 1U and Johanna Johnvin re- tmncl (font their yiail lo the I'alr and report a K""-! "me and a lair worth k-c- Mr. I'm Kay ia j-rejiarilij! to jnitil hit holijc. Mr. Ilciuy Rttddi:nan and family re- urncd to tiic.r liuuic fr the aiitmucr. Mr. t.-o. Jouri had hit hand badly cut a mi:ii; and at a rcu!t will .me lhrc fincrt. The Stitt and N.tal nhla have had a iletamt and t-rtGuMc time over i!th- uietie uiati'hea tint tjirtlix. Tw treki go NaUl ailrn Ird an tnlrttjiuiiiriit at Mitt alter h they eteedet ill win- iiK the h. Sal unity re iuj the people allended I entc"laiii:in-iil at the '.fan;r lull an I he tiipllt from Mit tarried o the mott, alter which every body Cahed. k them what they fithed for. Natal'a organ ia paid for and ready lo OIL part toward, the I'ourlit ol jmy rtlebration wltkh will be held t the OrttilKer'. hall ud picnic K""""' tuttead ol at Mit. lilwer lltalt and Vxtrxe 1'ii.her have returned Iroin Ihe aciiiieit! Rroundt. Mm. Hurt ta reporteJ very kk. Mim Alice I'eteraon ia much better. Rue lll K'e between Mud and Ver ii.uiia. at the Nat4l ball irround the I'liurth . 1 MONKY I." KO tSIIIKbl) TOliCII.T The Mitnlry will otarerve from tho promptneta and lha aovrrlty of the pnniahinent which ha been !uipted on Frank tl. HIelow, tho defaulting Milwaukee- hanker, thai wealth 18 utlal fiiemta can not cheat Ju.thfi. Ulgelow l .810,01)0 and ro rajlytfd a aentenee of Urn '' U tho penltentinry f-r It. II ha already tarted on hi prlaou aervlco. Tim trial and peualty fol!owc4 with remarkablo ee-l the dlaeorttrv of the crlmf. Almrwl Ih-Iow tho senoral public had time to nallo that tho trlnl had licgun thaerlmlnal wa. behind the prlaon bar. On tho .nrfaeo of thing the aentence aooni Inadequate to tho amount of money Involved In tho crime. Tin cn tenco, however, wa tho minimum 1 lowe.1 by tho law. If twenty year m tenets had been provided fr in U italule It nudoubUHlly hvo been In flicted. Thli " of 1,19 CMe however, If tho cunt uf the dy wero truo. inwhlchnoptmiiihinent could bo imp-Mcd. ltlolton mid thai man who stoal Urgo wonnt and who Hat .eakliv and Innuonlhtl friend will eeeapo piinl.hment. Huch a man I.I-I... Ilia theft wnit among large.t ever commlU.d. Ilo conf.awd tho theft nd tho excited a certain rt of .ympalhy. Many rich friend, clung to him to tho lwt. lint In tbeeo day In which liign of all aorta commntid rwpoct, rt'gnrdle of It character and ol tho rton who Huiida behind It, thU blageat of the trmiMclloiM, lit the flnncUI omokod neMofreciint lime.n.eoU prompt ml .over punishment tho courts. If theralnyiowerdoturront In iwllt and draallo ohiutlsomeut by tho .Uto, ll,o lllgelow ca.e ought '"'",li't. !J i vory largo ii.cnsuro. Many thing l" thli In.Uiico wore calculated to mitigate tho pm.i.huio't. Tho offender wa. ol. . ho hud lod en exemplary life until recently, he honovolont end person ally popular, and nieaaiirod by the ordi nary t...t. ho wm od cltlsen. ot thio claim were wt'pt ula W ,l,e court ninl the culprit got tho maximum penally pewcrlbed for in crimo. The Uiglow co la it trlklng n Illustration u. legul animltl effd, of tho truth that wenlth nnd poverty, pron.l neneo end obonrlty, ro on n proclso eiiimltyln the eye ot Au.oi icaii hiw. (ikibo Dc'inoeret. wa tho Over 6000 Have Visit ed Oar Booth. SEND YOUR PRODUCTS Aid In dm flood Work uf Developing Oar County-Atlcnllou of ( npltitl Atlrncledbj Iron Ore, Which Ther uy la or Kxrtlleut (jaullty EmUllilt In Iin protlng Dully. j UAINIEIt w , AUiut five huuilred people have .iimed their imuie. to the regitter kept in Columbia County', booth at the l.ewit ami v.inr (.i-meiiuiiti, anil, n. not more lliail one iu U-u of our vititor. reglnler it ia nil- to my that more than 8,0iJ(l peo ple vitflcd our booth up lo lust Monday evening, the date ol thli writing. Thetc viniiortarr nearly nil from not ol the Miawuiri pointaand iiiniuly of the (arm ing data. They arc of Hie beat quality ol citiciiahip ami many of them are ttcking liouir. in Orrgon. They lake great interval in every thing tlutl ia.hown them and a-k many iiietunit almut the jiialitv ol the il, price of landa, Iran.- iruiinti f.icililita. etc., iu Columbia louttlv, and a number have emrcuicd Iheir intention ol viaiting our county be fore returning h miuc. There ia another cl im anuller in uiiin- hcr but even more important- that ia thowing a decided inierett in our exhibit of iron and tinrl. Ttiete men know a great deal more than theeditor alwut the quality ol the ore, which thcJjronoutice excrllnit, and thtir cjucric. are aa lo the ijtiantity, location, etc. They repretint lapilal. and ihry cxre the opinion thai there will be muncthiiig doing in Ihe way of developing our mineral re aoiircct in the near future. These in uuirica are referred lo Mr. Giltner, aecrc taiy of Ihe Chamlier of Commerce, a ho it a native of ourcnuuty and hit father and other relative, have larj-e property Otero U here. Thchinglc exhibit, of the Oregon I.umlicr Couimy and the S. Han piiiue Couiuny, an.l the V ceiling of the West Oregon Lumber Company receive the highest praite from thotc who deal In auch prrKlucU, and are urc to prove a good invfttmeut. We cxjiect to duv (Tuewlav) to receive a .upply of Swita chetf. made at Gohlc ami to give way wmple of it to our vititor. It ia furnithed by the LaCrande Creamery Co., who pronounces it to 1 an excellent article. The Rainier Mineral Satp, of which we have given away hundred of aaniple. hat receive ! the highest praite from those who have ud It. and I getting an ad vertining that could not I aeeured with out Immeusecoat in anyotherway. There will be a good Inquiry for it wheu It is placed on ihe market. Trim what we have seen of the pro duel exhibited here Columbia County ha. everything to gain and nothing to lose by competition. Our Hurlwnk rio taloe.. from Mr. Omar Drvaut. at Clats kanic, can not be beaten in the building. Neither can the apple, furnished by Mr. Au Hottaday nor the grain and grassc. Kilt up by Mr, N. O. Peterson of Mist; nor ihe beutiful cherry currants grown by Mn, G. W. Jordon of Reubcu. But wc have plenty of room for more product, and surely everyone interested in the development of our county it in dirty bound to do hi lest to help in this matter. The editor of this pair K'v ing hi. time to this work. The compen .ation of t! lr dy will no pay more than actual expense, and in addition he inuat employ extra help in ln.ouice. Think it over and ee if it I not your duty to do something to assist. WWW WW While irivlni? tiinnli ni v..,.... i,.a gln camp, l'rank I'urchcr wa. injured alwut the head Saturday after noon, He did not notice a huge tree pulled by the donkey engine corning hi. way and w .truck on the head by it, a deep gnah being cut, Mr.. Grace Reed spent a weok in Port land visiting friend.. Mis. Reed who wn. visiting her father Hen Reed, of this city for the past few week., itit Kamier Sunday. Mr. O. W. Hockey ha. purchased a fine new logging locomotive, the last of IU kind. R. II. Mitchell and family, of Iloulton, licnt Saturday mid Sunday in Ralnicron luminous. Rainier will have a celebration. Of course that means on July 4th, We are all looking firth to the best time ever, and ought too under the management of the committee consisting of Dean lilan churd, chairman j Wm Dictz, Fred Trow, W. C. Kllby, A. P. McLaren; Dr. I). B. Stuart, Secretary; J. J, Ilraim, Treasurer of the executive committee. The com mittee of arrangmeuU i formed by E. A. James, chairman; I). I. Avery, Robert Vomit, Arthur Bryant and Dr. D. B. Stuart. Something unusual Is expected by the w ay the above and aforesaid mem- lrs are knocking their heads together, and the way the band is getting to l a band. You know what that means when it comes to dancing. Rainier has iu its soap factory some thing to lie proud of, and svill some day make Rainier famous. As a cleanser, disinfectant, the Rainier Mineral Soap is without competition. Great quantities are being ordered by the ICastern houses, and the hand, are kept busy. R. B. White, formerly editor of tl.e Rainier Gazette, is at present working in Po tland. The Gazette, by the way, was bought by R. II. Mitchell and W. K. Newaom. Al I,ce is now one of the proprictortof the fxg Cabin Saloon, Avery & Abby having sold out Hi. partner's name we have been unable as yet lo find out, but it will appear in the next issue of the Oregon Mist. Mr. Rolierts and Mrs. Pasicy and daughters, of Maygcr, sfient Monday In Rainier. Mr. T. Young who has been running the Rainier Grand Restanrant, is now working at Seaside. The restaurant is ctotcd at present. Another hot day like Tuesday and the creameries will run ont of ice cream. Mrs. Welland, nee Johnson, who has been living in Portland for a few months Is now living in Rainier, her former home- Both Mr. and Mrs. Welland found living in Portland to high. Miss Ruby Jackson, who has been teach ing school at Iloulton, is spending her vacation with her mother, in this city. Gil!.rt Franklin Campbell IMsgill, alius Happy Hooligan, spent two weeks oking the Portlanders. Kir res from I be Hessian Census. KEUBKN Mr. M. Link and wile, Mrs. M. D. Link, H.M. I'owlcr, Mrs. M. Wnsciewiti and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wutts were in Tort laud last week taking in the eights. Mr. Ann Lindsay was visiting friend, in Kalama last week. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Doherly. of Rainier was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira Withrow Sunday. Mrs. Ray Hovcn visited her sister at Scappoose Saturday nnd Sunday. At the annua! school meeting held iu Dist. No. 20. S. C. llcadley was elected director tor three years and T. C. Watt, was re elected clerk. Tho Hunter is visiting at Seaside this week. The I'arr Bros., of Ncer City, received the machinery for their new sawmill last week, and are now setting It up on their place alxmt n mile and a hulf North-west of Ncer City. The Columbia. River Tie nnd Lumber Association reports g"d inquiry for tics. The association will hold moot ing on July 3, when the company will bo reorganised nnd incorporated with a capital stock of (50,000. Tho association ,l..r its credent form of incorporation doe not permit it to branch out in eomo line where it interests ucniano. Figures taken from the latest official census of Russia, which have been tent to the State department recently through the consular sen-ice, show the population of the Czar's domains to be 125,040,021. This total comprises 27 tribes and nation alities. The Russianscomprisetwothirds of the population of the empire, bat in some outlaying districts are in the minority. In the Caucasus there are only 31 per cent Russians; among the tribes of Armenians, Tarter, Georgians, Imeretian and Minegrals there are SO per cent of Russisns; in Central Asia, 8.9. The smallest per centage of Russians is found in the government of the Vistula (Poland), where there are but 6.7 per cent Russians. The total number of inhabitants classi fied as Russians is 8.1,033.(307. The re maining population is divided into nationalities and tribes varying in size from 7,000,000 Tolcs down to a very few hundreds of other nationalities. Further information concerning the people of Russia, as gleaned from the census, has oeen sent to the State Depart ment by Consul General Gucnlhcr at Frankfort, In his communication he says: "ut inc Russians, au.u per ceni of the males and 0.3 per cent of the females can read aud write. The num- lr of adherents to the principal religious denominations is as follows; Orthodox, 87,124,1101; old faith and dissenters from orthodoxy, 2,204.590 ; Roman Catholic, 11,600,800; rrotestaiits, 3,702,750; Ar menian Georgians, 1,170,200; Mohamme dans, 13,000,072. SWETT ABOUT IT P A N T $1.50 MEN'S PANTS Big Selection. $1.50 to $5.00 per Pair. Worth More. w A I S s 65 C. SHIRT WAISTS 65C, 95C, $1.50, $1.95, $2.35, and up to $5.85. MILLINERY SHOES, OXFORDS, SLIPPERS U I T s MEN'S SUITS $9.75, $11.00, $12.50, with a saving of $3 to $5.00. BOYS' SUITS From $1.75 to $5.50. S K I R T S 95 C- DRESS SKIRTS 95 cents up to $12.75 NECKWEAR HOSE L. SWETT. RAINIER, 'OREGON. " Reduced Kates on Sir. 1 raids. On and after June 22nd, 1003 tbe, fare I on tbe Str. Irakis will lie as follows. good to Oct. IS, V.m, Coble ami Kalama, 75c one way , $1 .25 round trip. Hoffman. Martins. Council, Copies, (MIC one way. f 1 .00 round trip. Columbia City, 60c oneway, Hflc round trip. St. Helens, 00c one way, -c rounu trip. rOM FOBThAKD. DAILY, ft li "America" li Willamett Slough Route I Leave St. Helens. . .. 6:80 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland g:S0PM Arrive at St. Helens. 8:00 P H rtiE ao Will Carry Hothlrifbut Paf grs and rut r reigns, jsaci eooo, mautsw. K M H H OTA" LISA ED Wit. JOHN A. BECK DBAUKIX Watcbes, Diamonds, Silieri are, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. XorrlfABBt. Bss.rr.ol first. fOBTLAJD. Ty 11. rOWEIA, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. DxrOTY DIITBICT ATTOSMIY. 8T. nKLHSS, : : OREGON'. j. w. DAT. w. a. JjlLLAuD DAY, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. Will practice In any foiiM, or Federal. OIBce next door to Courthouse. ST. HELENS, OREGON. J-JR.U.R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. HELENS, OREGON. J-jn. EDWIN ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. HELENS, OREO0 We dont sell all the good Pianos, but we sell s'jvcnout of every ten in Oregon, and all our Pianos are good. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351 Washington Street, Cor. Park, PORTLAND, OR. The home of Chiclcering, Weber, Kimball, Hazelton, Ho. bart M, Cabel, Lester, Crown Orchestral, Story & Clark. Haddorff, Krell-French, and many other highest grade Pianos. Remember, we shall feel disappointed if our friends and patrons do not call upon us while they are in the city visiting the Fair, MEN S FIRST-CLASS SUITS J r $10.00 The Best you have ever seen. FABRICS in Worsteds,' Cheviots antfCassi meres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand Padded Collars, sewm with silk Others saj$15for Equal QnaJItj. Come Earl; and Get tbe Pick WHEN YOU SEE IT I N OUR AD IT'S SO. Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. . E. E. QUICK A. M. HOLTON, ProprietotS WHEN YOU COME TO PORTLAND 'Moke yonr plans to stop at a home-liVe hostelry: place where you will be shown every courtesy and treated as yon would be in your own home, town or city. THE FORESTRY INN Is such a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition Entrance, on 25th Street, facing Upshnr. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style: furnishings, cuisine, and management conform thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on bread, cool verandas, with electric lights: hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the Exposition Gronnds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all paits of the city. European plan. Din ing a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city. PRICE OF ROOMS, 81, 1.50 Special rates to parties of two or more. S MEALS A LA CARTE j TH E FORESTRY INN, Inc., Address P. C. MATTOX, Manager, orH. M. FANCHER, O rf 1, flnrl TTnc1,tl- Cfo T...1 ,3 "