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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1905)
THE OREGON -UL. O MIS VOL. XXII. ST. HELENS, OIIKGON, FK1DAY, JUNE 30, 1903. NX). 29. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form tor Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A R.uma o' Lm lnl,rn Not Le Svnl f )! Paet Week. U.i.l Curn lu realgn Id vice royalty f India. (lertneny Iim eumeJ a mora lce. ul Urn toward France. Tli Jnee rt eahj to U engaged In greet turning movement. (Moral l.lnlevlU U and Kuropalkln ij.pretr cunlltiu. fighting. A heavy "utaklrtaot ' yurk wrecked several building under coiittrmtioh. A foreign diplomat at WaahliigUm Hv. Herman? .Iratrra Ruaele to rou tlnu the rr Eastern war. X-relary Tlt aaya trial by jury In llie Philippine tnll ol l wisely adopted at the preaeiil time. A training rhounrr and Ilrttlah erhiamer coill.Iedl I"' Copen hmftm. The cadet ahlp uuk ami car ried cadet Willi i. The president haa I en Informed thai M. Nelidnff, Kuaaian aml.aiNiw.loe at Pan., ami Haroo Itoawn, the wwly appointed ambaaaador al Weahlnglon, will he two tl Kuaala'a peace plenlpo- Unlinrira. Ilm.rt ol atrike anl demonstration ifainal the government pur In lfm all over lttii. Red Ham fly (mm barricade In the lrrt of Waraaw and (..MNt. lt. and police charge the riowde, killing ami wuuuuln:. War h-vrr in Hwlm may overturn Hi iripnt ministry. Agitation liaa wiiimdwI IW a sep aration l Hungary frum Aualria. Kxl'reei.lent Alexander, of th Kull. abla. ha returned I'.' to tha com pany. Ovama'a advance la making the Hue- ii. n p-n.ul.ui untenable, ami uimh of Ulr will he Ut. Tim iiilntim town of Oi.hlr. near Au burn, Calihunla, liaa be entirely wiped out by tiro. He will then Invc-tiiiale lli twain Hwlhwl ol tlio vailtt diplomatic peat ul Dm t nlted Wia'e to Europe. The lllncaa ul fount Ijiiii.IoiII, Rua- in mliilMtr ol lorelau aflaira, liaa brought H-a.e negotiation to aland till. Colombia I trying U U tli tiU m l.laii.U Ui llio t'nitwl Bute. financial .illllfulttra are in aa the rraiaiii. TIim on t.i..l tu Wamaw. ami otlirr rltlea Hiin.lrixU ol limn, women, and children hlv.hwll k Ul Tlio wuunJtd will numlier over 2,tHH). AaiUul JWretar ol Slate Uoroll liaa MiUl l..r Kurow. Il will art aa aiMN-lal amlNiiliir ol tli United Htate ami loimally reifilv from the rrenrli r'vuniinniil the remalna ol Paul Jone 1'rmi.lmit llonaevelt liaa amall hn ol wTiiring an aruiUtioe In lime to atoi the geueral engagemwnt now imminent The ("ellng aronae.1 ty King Oa-r'a tiroiMMitlon to rerognlt the tntlepeim en. ol Norway la eauaing mueli uneaa- inni In the Hwedieh capital. The latt rerU from Oyama ahow that he will oon have the entire Kna lan arm anrroiinded. rkiveral email eiigagtmviit have proven vlotorlotif for the JaiH, I'aul Morton, ihalrman ol the ICpilt ahle 1.1 lo Anuiame wlty. Il prepar tng U make thnee who have aruimulet- ed mllllona from the em'lely In lew yearn, digorge. Krance'a reply to (iermany'e Mortico la nmuttlalantory aim negoua llmia are axnln deadlocked. A t'ai-e-fill aolutlon ol the ditllculty wem ff- ther off than before. Caatro haa oreate.1 aeveral new cue torn hoiimi porta In Veneauela In order to dodge hie credlUita, who are to re ceive !)) per rent of the recelpta of the rcgiilur porta of entry. Tim t-zar lma aluilli.he.1 Ollleea In the Far Kaatern territory, Tha torpedo boat deatroyer Perry, at Porllwiid, lma eatHhliehed a new rtcord laat time on the Columbia, having made 11 mile In In mlnutea. Tbla u at the rate ol 41 mill an hour. Kooaovelt will renew lila efforta for an armlatico. The ITnited Btatea liaa been ofllolally notinol of TJorway'a aeparation from Hwrnlon. Oyama'a army la enveloping the llimalHiia and they nitiat retreat or lie urrouniled. A Rio Grande train wna wrecked near Pinto, Colorado. No one waa killed, lint 21) pniiaongvra received painful In Jiirlua. John Parmelee, of Chicago, left hl entire entato of 1400,000 In truHt for the purchase of fuel for the poor out of the income. The wreck of the Twontelth Century Limited on the Luke 8hore road coat 19 Uvea. A iHiy la aimpected of having canned the diaaNtur. PAIR TREATMENT, Will Baa That CourtMv It Shown Chln.ia Exampl Clan.. W'ahliigtu, Jinn. 27 liv dlructton of Preal.lmit HMM.vell ai tloii ha lawn Ukim hy the adinliilntrnlloii which not only fecllllatra the Inmliiig In thia country of ChintNW of the m.-wpt clan, but will alwi vlimitiaU) frum tin. liinnl gration bureau amh adiniiiixtmlive featur.'! aa have hwn the mililn t ol crltlclain by (.'hlneae. It la the de clared Intention of the prmi.leut to ww that ( hineae merchant, traveler!, itu- deuta and othera ol the cininpt ckmea nail nave me aatnn timrt.oy ilmwii them by olllcera of the Immigration bu reau aa la accorded to citlw-na ol the moat lavoml nation. have Imn iiiadn to the preaident that In view of alleged haruli treatment accirilml Ut many hlnea aeeking a landing In the t'niled Hlatea, the commercial guild ol hlna have determined to limtitnle a boyootl on iiianiilactiirerr. The repreaeittatlotia, bw kel by the u- thoritv ul the Amerli-an Aaial c enrietv ana romiherclal IxHlie thrnoghiiut the country, induced the pr.vldwiil to make an liivertigatiutt of the aituatioii with a view Ui remedying the evila minplaiiiHl of, If they were Imiml to rxi.t. The auhject waa dlih-UMiH Uinroughly with HecreUry MeU-atf, of the department ol Commerce and tabor, who ha imper vi.lnn nf the Immigration bureau. Aa the reault ol the imiitiry onlen haveh een iueil to the diphiinalic and CiiiiiiUr repreeenlativee of tha I'nlted Htatea In China by the iireei.lent him elf that they mil.t liH.k clM-ly to thr iwrformanre of their duliea umler tl.e eacltt.loii law and tee to it that mem ber of the eaempt cla.- coming t thia country are provide.1 w ild proper rartill.atra. Theae ctwlilloatea will I accepted at any port ol the t'nitcl Hlale and will guarantee tlie Iwarei agwinat any harnh or diwonrtcon treat ment. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST BIO FIRE AT NASHVILLE. Department Store I Dettroyed, with Adjoining Building, Nahvllle, Tenn., June 27. Fire In the retail ebopuiiig diMr.ct cauiml damage mtimatcd at letwHn ."rtHl.t'KHi and liWO.OOO. The tlame were l.ratcd in the I'ala.-e, a big department tore on the wmthwwit corner "f r ifth avenue and Cnlon atreel. The lire epread nip idlv and when it wa at laat under con trul the following damagw Lad be'ii doner Tl. Palace, orriiiur. hr Sl'irri Rroa.. wholeMle and lelail iiiilliuery, and Hr.ei., ownwl by .Ni.rman Wi,W,,,.i. burned. The Mauix, huildinit. oc-ui11 by aliville rv tiood cr.mpany, ownci ny ........ Kirkman; burnwl. To il.rtw-atorr building being ni i, n l.,r Kreaa A ( .. owne.1 ny tlrowne heira: wreckwl by tailing wan and burned. Other who attained I.m.ih are U'ritfbt ltr.ia.. ileroMtora: .r i,,n. K. . lurtier, t (taking Powder company pye work. omlirrland Altrwl Kt.m DATE IS PROPOSED. Early A FAIR WITNESS. Judge Tanner Hidea No Fact Favor- ing Senator Mitchell. Portland, June 25. Senator Mitchell BLOW TO MITCHELL! TANNER A STRONG WITNESS Paaca Meeting. Will Take Place In Aogu.t. i fvieraburu. June 27. Ncgolia tlona lor the Mce ronierence e taken an Important icp lowani, " .is,l lor the dale ol the meeting ol i.. nlMilnotenliariea at WimhiiigUin I... lM.n aubmlttetl to lltiaxia and i ,lr niiiahleration. The '' date proieel h "t been aactrtaine.l, but there la reaeon 10 anv ... la nine time during the rt week or ten day of Augiwl, which I alnnit the earliwl perlwl at which tne r" repnenlativea rould Ihi- eipwiwi ... reach Vahlngtn, allowing reaaonahle time for the acceptance ol the proal . i . . t ... ..f ,1,M ..iiti.intlnliH ami toe imnni. of plentpotentiailc. The emimrtir' anawer I not cxhh-II for a day r two aa the diplomatic mill ofKula grind lowly, and the foreign otllce, a one of the ccretrle put it, "i not iiimhI to dualling Amert can methml." 't it i tliought the date will 1 aatinfiu tory. a it will give ample lime, for Nelid.-ff. the Km. Sian at Pari, or o her Ruaalan negotiator b reach Wwhing ton, and there will l little prelimi nary work for them to do. Valuable Fur from Alaka. Beallle, June 27.-tirrett ltuacli, ,,ontr In the fur trad., ol the Lower Vukon,l.brewlth2B,000 worth of akin he ha brought out from Al"k. Hunch went to Nulato on a propect ug tour In 187, but went into the fur trade Instead. Ho built hi cabin whllmawed lumber made by himael on the present aite of Nulato and waited .... .V. in.ii...a to vialt him. Hi pro- tnulod lor the nr.tfiir.t.Kkandtho lur trade grew alowly until ha now practically con troUlt. Nulato ian Important pot. RUma the British Newapaper. Werlln. Je 27 .-Chancellor Von n..ln re.-eived M. Hilumr.l, the rrench ....i.a....lor. t.Hlay. Tl.e newpaera continue to diecuna the altuta on be- a ivo.w.o unit lliirnmnv wiin The -North (ierman l.Hctte that "In Premier nouvicr republic adopts no iiecu.c.. . . ..... ' warn a ....- TAX LAND IN RESERVATION. On Hundred Thoutand Acre In Kla math Subject to Ruling. Halcm The right of Klamath coun ty to tax 10(1,000 acre of land owned hy the Caiilorul A Oregon land com pany Inalde the Klamath Indian reser vation ha been euatalned In an opinion rendered hy AtUirney (ieneral Craw- lord. The land In question wa form erly owned hy the Oregon Central Mil iary wagon Itoad company, having been acquired by that company through a Federal grant to the .tale of Oregon for aid In building a military road. The owner of the land objected lo hav ing it aaeeaned and taxed, giving a a rvaaon (or their position that the land is in the poaaeasinn of the Indians and theiehy of the United HtaUM, and Is thereby exempt from taxation. la hi opinion AtUirney t.erwral Crawford .piotea from two decision, ol the 1 lilted Bute Huprenie court In case Involving title to this land. In each case the government wa trying to Meat the company's title, hut in both aaea the company won. The Wupreme court held that the company' title is ncifcct and beyond challenge. Author ities are also cited to show that private uropeity inaide an Indian reservation iaiubiect to the iurisdtctlon the state lor the serving of process and for taxation. In view ol these adjudica tion uiii tha itihlect, the atUirney general hold that the conclusion I ir resistible that the lands are subject to taxation the same a any other private ririerty. The opinion waa rendered in repone to a requeet from County Judge Italdwin, ol Klamath county. HOOD RIVER CHERRY CROP. Shipment Will Reich Between 6,000 and 7,000 Boxe. Hood Hiver The Hood River cherry .... . . .. i cmp, which is now ueing gainurwu shipped, will amount lo oeiween o.uuv and 7.000 Iwxea. The crop is of good piaiity. The greater part ol tne crop ha Inren bought up liy a t auiornia buyer, who ia paying 6c a pounu ior the fruit. He ia putting up a strictly fancy pack, and is making shipment fnr ilia New York market. The lrry crop is neanng the nnai l..,l ..... Ovai 100.000 case were hiniMHl Irom Hood River this sam returning to the grower t40,000 Tl.e yield exceeded the early estimates l.v at least 40 per cent, it ia by the ahlpping association that as ma-k mniiev would have been realised with a crop ol only 76,000 cases. City File on Water. v.n.i. A committee from the city council diove to Vida, 20 milea up the McKensie river last week to flle on me water of that river for power to ojier ai- . tn.inicioal electric light plant .l.eritv election in April, 1H04, the volera decided that the city should ow its electric light and water plant, an the council ia now preparing U secure a site for the light plant, inenaii ..i.i l H, Ina County Electiie com pany, which now supplies the city with in its. expires in biwhi i. when the city will entei the Held LAND FRAUD CASES IN MARION. I fl.L.. TaIIa Iff ir M Vtnmtt fit had bis day In the trial before Judge nUUCHSUII I BUS MUll 4IUIJ Ul HV:":"! Land Fraud Trial. Jury Lilt Ha Been Drawn, Compod waa turned over to the defense late aa.i r r- I iv-i iii..,.,i waa i o Iran in iiani enosny or r.rm.r.. . '- . - wl Tfl fflUUIT DFDIIIVY Salem The lurvmen who will serve by Judge Bennett, juunng tue y ajftj AdlVLU lUtUflllllll lliwum the July term ol the circuit court i hours lie was bombarueu uy queauoi.s this county, when the land fraud (.. ,. .ttornev several admissions pwwwy favorable to the mnator were brought Sanatoria Former Secretary Tad tha ulver. and Clerk Kowlana. me - " 1 uoun na mi mr. r.. panel is composed chiefly of farmers, gleam ol satisfaction In the aged aen- :oinparatively lew busluesa men oeing If tor's eyca. There were thote present l on the list No arrests have yet been made In the and fraud cases, nor have the names the indicted men been made puhllc. is undersUiod, however, that the men irgd witli complicity in the state rmiuiiiic in Jirttnt niiu ks"i .t.-.llL- Utrain ir,fcn Pl. MUHtlC Hint' vin-j vu v latnu; -' - i . at UnJv when wanted. Some of them Judge Tanner finished hi redirect ex have indicated their willingness to lamination ex-Kenator Thurston moved come to Oregon whenever called upon to jiaTe bl( tegtimony atricken out U do so, but it may be necessary to iiwue rcon s t ion Paper In order to bring others to the Jurisdiction of the Oregon courts. The Jury at this term will also try Wright and Monte on the charge ol panning rifles over the prison walls in 11102 for the aid of Tracy anu jnerrin in making their escae. . MERLIN PEACH YIELD. Crop Both Heavy and Early, Reporta Balmont Group Reported Sold s1..,,..ter It la reported that tiilkey .nd Kershaw, owners of the Belmont n . I. liiwenhorn district, have ...l.l .I.-!.. i,rmrtv at a Snllg SU1I1 ti. .mnnnt aaid to le teaiixed is 30 000. with a holding still in the group on a Shan' proposition. iw ililkey nor Mr. Kershaw couW be seen therefore the reimrt could not lie von fled by them. This Is the same prop ... f h such phenomenal clean Ulm have been made during the past three months. Columbia Timber Purchase ci ii..!...,. Kills Jennings, whore' .i.i n.ur Ht. Helens, na " heat declares note the stand to An attempt is lie- .1.. ... .i.irt. thn ruipoiiHiluiiiy tor to a tides In the iiiv ro.-ui v i llritlah prgwa. - Vesielt are Railed. Rome, June 27. -A Port Arthur li- patch, received irom an iuuii." '- ... win. l wntfnffed in the harbor there, .i. i. ir.melada have been Bjtya i.i-v -- I relloated. company of capitalista ot Alabama, 280 lands located ..!.... and nne-uau u...r Tanner After Decision. who hail anticipated a rough journey for ex-Judge Tanner, but tbey were doomed to disappointment. Judge Burnett handled the former famines partner of his client with a velvety and only once or with the witness. Portland. June 27. Harry C. Rob- ertann. former Drivate secretary to Henator Mitchell, hae told ins story Tha acene in the United States con it room veaterdav morning when Kobert- twice was ,, ti. stand waa dramatic. Not When ex- a word told by the witness miweil the ear of the defendant and the auditor preaent. Judge Tanner' testimony a. a blow to Senator Mitchell. The testimony of Robertson waa even heav ier, for in many details it corroborate on mg- This waf denied. Kx-Judge Tanner passed through the what Judge Tanner has already told ordeal better than hi friend antici- the jury. The witness declared witb iin ... litil ihnrt nf a nerfect out reservation that he had been asked witneea, apparently holding nothing to commit perjury so that Senator back. His testimony favorable to the Mitchell and Judge Tanner might evade defendant was given in tl e same dis- the necessity of appearing in court. i nn.;i; th.t slven Ha told of the stormy interview with Villi. MHU r-VLI'V ............ - - B- . . , , 1 by bim under direct examination, the defendant when the latter found u......i tin.u. 1...1 amul.t in I that ha would not be a tool and of hi 1 I Bl lll.HO VUWK W.""" . B I " . . lead the w itness, and once or twice the own fear ol meesing juoge -nner ..... i.,. a- J..r,m.. hi. nam I hia return to Portland from wash ingenious interpretation of some of the ton because he thought that he would Arthur Hutiev. . I anawew given unuer ine questioning ui i uw imw n e- ; r I if. c-,.,.1, !. ...T.,rl Tan. I at tern nt a to eet him to commit perin'T, Orants Pass Arthur Huasey, ol ... ... . . . . .,, ,:,naa ttl that he delaved hi . . .1 , . ner coriecteu ihb hmi i, i i .. . ..... - Merlin, reports the peach crop in tlmt twice, when Juda-e Bennett be- visit to the senator's law partner for icinity aa heavier than It lias been lor arnd.r.;.,nnt th. witneaa he- this reason It was this delay that re- niimlier ol yeara past, ana says seve- ...... . ,iavin , .nited In placing in the hands ol the ral of the larger growers have had men I reJ ql,eetion, in the manner put to government that particularly damaging employei im .eveia. u. the crop. The Merlin district is a very f.vnr.xl locality for peai'hes. frost sel dom catching them, and the soil being of a very productive nature. The larg est peach growers of that district are C. Kord and I harlo irey, aunongu lenrv E. Booth has a splendid orchard cumins into lwaring this year. The ..." ... WDt ear v spring all througn tue oouuiern j,M . - . h.half. Oregon country maaes mo cr ceedingly early one this year, ana air. IhiHsey reports that the i-.ariy i raw- lords will he ready for market about August 1 this year. of the larger growers have had men , .,.. , monnBr ploye.1 for everat day thinning out him or u,e defense. "burn thia letter" document of riena .cron. The Merlin district is a very ,l, u ij Ur Mitnkll a letter which waa given rest his case on Monday. Ex-Senator to Robertson by Max Pracht to deliver Thurston stated after the court waa ad- to Tanner. iourned that he expected that the de fense would be through by Tuesday evening. While nothing has been aaid by counseffor the defense, it i almost assured that Senator Mitchell will take DISAGREES WITH BOARD. FRANCE HAS WAR FEVER. Cottage Grova Crop. r..ttire (irove The crop around . ! i2 .n am. atitnA if griln will outeTa. mostU Pbe is In the throe, of th. war fever heretofore made. Much of the fruit Whether it will result in anything aen- was damaged by the late frosts, now- ou. depends on t.ermany'a response to ever, and in some cases ei.nreijr m...7u. Cherries are scarce. Strawberries Chief Engineer of Panama Canal ia Forced to Rengn. New York. June 27. John F. Wal lace, chief engineer for the fanama Canal commission, has resigned hi po sition under pressure from President Roosevelt and Secretary of War Taft. Thia statement was made here today by Theodore P. Shonts, chairman o: the commission. Mr. Shonts declared that he waa not at liberty to talk, and that the an nouncement would have to come Irom Preaident Roosevelt direct. He de- i 1 i ii..t K fnariaxil MtitwrnAnr. . . r .... iciareu smbu iua iuo iuiv. tV.v.v-. tue rrenen noieon .iiorocco, u..v ""u- . .- .n.j in no waT Despite Minister's Denial, People Ex pect to Fight Germany. Paris, June 2o. For the first time since the Faehoda incident the French Telia About Mitchell's Effort to Have Booka Deitroyad. Portland, June 23. The session of yesterday morning ojiened with ex Judge Tanner upon the stand, where he remained until the evening adjourn ment, and waa t'.ien not much mora than half through with hi testimony. At the beginning of his examination, the witneea stated that ha had mad another agreement with Kriba on Feb ruary 13, 1902, in regard to anotner list of land to be expedited. He also identified the entry in the books relat ing to th. first payment of $600 aa a cash retainer for the aervicee ot tha firm. Thia entry bad been changed, however, about the time of the Puter trial to read "Cash retainer in second l'eu list," instead of "Cash retainer in S. A. D. Puter list," aa it had form erly been. Ha had done thia because he waa afraid that harm mignt com from the entriea if they happened to bo found. The witneaa also stated that the re ceipt for the montb of February had been divided between nimseu anu Mitchell, and demonstrated from tha book how Mitchell had received his half of the 1600 check. The prosecution now began th. in troduction of the correspondence which bad paased between the senator and Mr. Tanner during all of thia time, . which correspondence treated of the Kriba matter and referred to the feea to be received, and contained request, and directions to the senator aa to hie procedure in Washington in expediting tha claims, lists of which had been aen to him. One letter told of a promised fee of $1,000, and related to the fee to bo paid tb. senator for assisting in a Chinese case. Other lettera urged the aenator to take np the Kriba matter personally with Hermann, and hurry them through, aa the payment of the feea due depended upon the haste witn which the patents were iasaea. Telegrams showing the activity ox the senator at Washington were alao introduced and read to the jury, which related to actions done by the senator and to the conclusions reached by the department, presumably as a result of the influence be bad orougni xo ue. pon the commissioner. During the day the courtroom waa crowded with many members of tne local bar. Many of them shook nande with Senator Mitchell when court ad journed both at noon and in the after noon. A . nUUlliei VI .11. uvumnv - friends were present and he waa con gratulated on his birthday During the morning session, Judge Webster aat near the senator. Mayor Williama came in just aa Judge Tanner wa com ing to the most important part ol nia testimony. lTt: the out considering the exact statiu iof the (Mr? shouts') position with market There will lie a good crop of diplomatic negotiations a considerable the canal board, nor would it lead to a pears and apples on the uplands, hut element of the public and press seri the vallev fruit here is almost ruineu. OUHiv di-us the possibilities ol re- The warm weather has brought garden arn). Army cin.,M Me stun to a nne growiu. w corn in town ia three feet high. reorganisation of the board. On the other hand, the rumor is strong that there w ill be a reorganixation ol tne board at an early date. The resignation of Mr. W allace came after aeveral stormy sessions of the Sawmill and Electric Drill. c..m..uv k m. nf men ia now en D"'"l"" , .,., . .u. :.i i .1 tha Standard mine on me i leao.-rs aevui me o. u "iv- IrZ-t ion of a sawmill recently shipped ulative element haa been quick to aeiws T, Inatallutinn ol the eiecinc me opponui.ii y w r.u riravu i. . i ,.,u immediately, which showed a fall of 1 franc and 8 c. ..!... i in lie a heavy centimes within a week. The official ularly active, and at the military clubs the nfTieera are mainly ene-aired in mak- ing comparisons of the forces of France canal board, and alter .several conier and Germany. While the financial encea between the president, the chief engineer and mr. cuouia. ment was entirely over the policy to be pursued in the construction of t-le eanal. It was found after Mr. Wallace left for Panama that there waa a seri nna difference between bis ideas and lll'IV ta aa'gt g- i - . . I . -,. P..l are now In pretty good Shape uanger or a cr.-.a .; .,! the result la that ahipmenta of relations. This is the government "-- . - . . .,.:.:. 1 are constantly being ruaue iu vu.a man Shonts of the commission. for The St. Helen, on niuton cree, t- 500, the highest prl.-e ever paid .!........ i.n.ia I,, this vicinity. .i........ la m.viii veiiow nr . lll.iw. i - j . ...... T.... .......i.aaera exiHwt to erect a large sawmill on the pn.Hrty. Other large deal are now being negouaw. .v. Cut Fir Whan Line I Finished. lalla-The lallaa Oak mills are now running on full time, ine i... ;- ill continue to cut oaa ''""""". ' at IV.llne .O Mlklfal the extension on me iw' ...... ...n....l ia finished, when It IS miderstood tha mill will .,BIf and will out fir on a large scale. This mill Is on the Falls City road and is already supplied with switching facil- Hies and yard accom """ -50,000-Ioot mill. Suaanville'a Good Crop Prospect. Busanvllle - rrospeeU lor a good n.ia var lu the Immediate vi cinity were never better and farmers l"" '.. .i ...linm hr 111 tin- are all niBKing prelum. - usually big yieUl ot ""f. ,n All the stock on the ranges i doli.g ,,ely and Irom pre.ent out there ,m i. enouirh Bras to last till far in the winter. It has rained coimtantly here since early lu March. Coal Find Near Cottage Grove. Cottage Orovo-Cottage Grove men have discovered a good vein of coal wmewhere near town, but are very backward about telling the lathm The specimens they brought in will burn with the best, and have the ap pearance of coking coal. A .null per cent of the specimens brought in are alate, hut not enough to cauaa much trouble. ' . , place from the outlying mines. Tabo Trade Stampa. Eugene Eighty-two business firms have signed an agreement not to adopt the trading stamp system, which is at present offered by a stamp firm which haa located here. In a resolution adopted by the Merchants' Protective association, it declares the system det .in.nt.ial to B.xxl business methods. Five firms the stamps. these are try cancel Ml. Motorist Need Llcenaaa. Salem A number ol ownera of mo tor cycles and probably several owners of automobiles are liable to a fine of t . for failure to take out state li censes, as required by the act of 105 view, and naturally presents tne mosi favorable aspect of the controversy. However, the ambassadors of the lead ing powers express impartial opinioi a fuly sustaining the view of the govern ment. It is pointed out in diplomatic quar ters that the worst aspect of the Mo roccan question doe not present a casus belli. An analysis of the contro versy shows that the sultan of Morocco invited the powers to a conference. ANXIOUS TO FIGHT. l.-. .... i.i..;..n have already colea .or ef Rouvier.. , but it is aaid hat some of . i w,,Unw, 0, ,g to have their con conJere if Ger. many explains her purposes, but, even should France decline to accept these. refusal of the invitation doe not con stitute a causee for war. Race Suicide Dying in New York. New Yotk, June 20. Births In this .orrlar hllea. etc. Thus far licenses have been uies . revu.ueu u, i- - ".'ii... o ...r.nfsute Dunbar to merit for the past weea, during wnicn .am-u u, Ta ii nerio,! 2.011 were reported. It waa 111 UWIiviv vi "w - I " J lii nvnori tor cycles. Of the 1 1 motor cycles nve are owned in Salem and five in Rose-bt:tg- Ooan New Timber Tract. Rainier George Rockey has built a railroad to his camp, about one and a half miles from Raiuier, and his en gine has arrived. Mr. Roc-key will open about 800 acrea of choice timber laud. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 8385o per bushel; bluestem, 0ttlc; valley, 85c. Oats No. 1 white, feed, $30 per ton; gray, Hay Timothy, 14lo per ton; clover, 1112; grain, U 1 2; cheat, tll12. Eggs Oregon ranch, 20c per down. Hiitter Fancy creamery, 17$ 2H40 per pound. Strawberries 1.502. 25 per crate. App'es Table, 1.602.60 per box. Potatoes Oregon fancy, old, $1(8 1.20; Oregon, new, fl oO announced at The department that the birth rate of New ork ha now risen to about 31 per 1,000, and is higher than any other city in the United States. Five or six years ago, when there was so much talk about race sui cide, the birth rate here waa only 26 nor 1.000. Last vear the rate was 80 per 1,000. ' Iowa Farmere May Lose Land. Sioux City, Ia., June 26. Proceed ing which mav throw open to settle ment 11.000.000 worth of Iowa's rich est land have been started In O'Brien nn.intv bv the irovernment. Of the 822.000 acres in Iowa, lncmuea in tue old land grant to the Sioux Uity l Paul railroad, about 12.000 acre are still In the hands of those who pur chased from the railroad. These farm era have been in possession of the land for the huit 15 or 20 years, Throw Out the Miner. Lawton. Okla., June 26. The Inter ior department has instructed the cua todians of the government forest re-.rv-a in Rnnihweat Oklahoma to pre- L0; i rego , . ,,,. , I ,,t further trespassing of miner and Hops v..., , r-"r-.nM-nnlxMWn&. and to eject those now conducing mining operations there. This win aneci min ing interest In the Wichita mountains Linievitch Appears to Regret that End of War is Near. ttnnohn Pass. June 27. Many die natchea reaching here through the offi rial niiwr. which is edited lor the r- .. - army, make the conditions unuer wh eh the nroDosed peace is 10 oe reached very indifferently understood In consequence of events at Washing ton a military initiative for an armis tice has been expected, but although Generals Linievitch and Kuropatkin exnresa the conviction that Russia ia diifting toward peace, no action iooa- ina to an armistice has yet been taaen On the contrary the commander ap pear to regret that at the time when the armv has reached its maximum strength it ia likely to be deprived of victory. Big Gun ia Too txpensive. New York, June 27. The ordnance experta of the United States army are said to have practically decided that ha IB-inch aun. from which so niucn u-aa eineeted. is not practicable as weanon. and a decision of the War de- oartment to abandon the type is antici pated. Only one of these guns haa been made so lar, ana ma one is now at Sandv Hook. The experiments while showing that the guns could do what was expected in one way, have nevertheless convinced the experts mat as a weapon it ia too costly. Russia Apologizes to England Ijwidon. June 27 .Questioned in the house of commons today regarding the destruction of British vessels by Rus sian auxiliary cruisers, Premier Bal four said he was glad to be able to In form the house that the British govern ment had been assured that the -Rus sian government disapproved of the ac tions of their cruisers ana mat oruers had been transmitted to the Dnieper at Jibutil, rendering quite impossible any repetition of the acta.,,l . Wool Eastern Oregon, best, 19 23c- valley, 2027o per pound; mo hair, choice, 3132o per pound. CALL HAS BEEN ISSUED. Trana-Miasiaaippi Congreia Soon to Gather In Portland. Portland, June 23. The call haa enne out lor me Dixieenm auuua. Trana-Miseiseippi congress to take place in Portland. August 18, 17, 18 ana iw. The executive committee has aent out word to governors of states and terri tories, mayors of cities, boards of coun ty commissioners, chambers ot com merce and trade organizations to ap point their delegates and send them to take part. And this they will surely do, for the Trans-Mississipi congresa, being, aa ita name implies, of peculiar interest to those states this side oi tne Mississippi river, has become an event of particular significance. Moreover, there are certain matters oi nign im portance to come before the body. The racinc trade win oe xne cm-i topic of conference, as the official call points out. Though this haa come be fore the congrees previously, me o w of it haa never been brought out aa it will here on account of the contiguity of Portland to the Orient. Trade rela tions with the Far East will be exploit ed to the end that the best me'hoda may be adopted to secure the Oriental commerce to the trans-Mississippi states.' The executive committee also point out the increasing demand for a Depart ment of Minea and Mining, with ita head a member of the president' cab inet. An effort will be made to secure action from the national congresa to ward the establishment of auch a department. More Official Resign. New York June 23. Chairman Morton announced that he bad accepted today the resignations of several of the employee of the Equitable society, among them that of Charles Francis Williamson, who was secretary to lorm er Vice Preaident Hyde, with headquar ter at the latter's residence. It is un derstood that a number of the high sal aried subordinate will tender their res ignation and that many dismissals of minor employes here and at all the leading agenciea are contemplated in the near future. Pure Water for lathmua. Panama, June 27, The system of aqueducts which will give the isthmus a supply of pure water was inaugurated today. It will be olticiaiiy inaugurates on the Fourth of July, when there will be great rejoicing all over Panama. Senator Arrive. With Alaska Gold Seattle, Wash., June 23. The steamer Senator, first of the Nome fleet to return to this port, arrived here to night. She brought $400,000 in gold. H. Kuster died en route, from paralys is. His home is in Plattsville, Wis. Captain Lloyd states that the winter cleanup will amount to f 2,500,000. The Ohio, Oregon and Victoria are due to arrive within 48 hour. Each of them is said to have a large amount of gold aboard. : Puta Ban on Chines Boycott. Tientsin, June 23. Viceroy Yuan has prohibited students from holding meetings in reference to the boycotting nf American manufactured good and i i . i . .,v.n . ntnoUmttinn nas aiso iaau j cw againat merchants interfering with affairs in the hands of the government. raaaMBawMEtWftiBSSS