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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1904)
' I 9 w . ; I EuuACANmufcMfcKAcr until regular summer . schedule, U. luuu-.l County 1 grass, and Jutt at present It is ... ? ftttimiTU HATDI $ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT V Invite patronage ol the (Inirrnl Public anil (.luruiilir Clrunliium mill OihmI IIhiiip Cooking. t MHS. A. T. LAWS f SON Mr. Israel Hjiriicer, of Veriionla, wai gurated, the regular ' A- ' R- visitor iii the county Mat on Monday . R. arriving at Astoria at 11.30 A. M. will '' mil through to Seaside direct instead of Comity Clerk Henderson went to via Vo rrivliijj at Seaside at rorllund on Sunday lunt for the trornose I a M- nlng leave Seaside ut ol visiting William McDonald, o( May- ' P- '",t,,d ot P' M- "low" 'ger, who is quite seriously tidk at the Ing four hours st the beach, j hospilal in that city. I There are nohoe mode that are better I The Mist has just closed a contract tlle Ktllson line, curried by 1'erry it j Willi an I'.astern advertising firm at 'Graham. lilly per nl higher ratr than the same j Magnolia, Canadian Cluh, Old Govern- .firm pays any other jwr in Columbia mcnt Whiskies and Gordon's Iry Oin at tenuity. 1 hi shows the estimation In the Owl Saloon. which thin paper is held by advertisers ' Ixittled in bond Kye Whiskey. The dance given by the Houlton Lodge Mr; uik: 9iJwtoP.M&K Amirv , i ... .... !,. M rj . ' fir stump will he the basis of a great In- TC) ADVKRTISK THIS SECTION. in need of a good soaking rain.' The pflil- Wis. accompanied by runge 1 crowded with cattle, and out- 8taney, arrived in Oregon on the 11 till aide ol the swales the Iced is rapidly di- . ttJ-min w,mc time in this place, i appearing, Ourilcas, also, are in need w)iere he haf )arle tim))e). interest, j of moisture. ' The school In District No. 20 gave a I If the country at large knew of the ad- The run of fish seems to be improving , , . , . , ... . ... I vantages otfered by tlna section, the de- Jnewhat CUren -e Garrison reprt baskt m" ,ai 1 da"Ceat R.C,J Me"S n.and for land an farm, here would be somewnat. Liaren-e ujmj4 . . utrrls.v even nj for the lien- . . I.;., 1,er Asa "' fr.ll- , , fl:, ,. ...,: . .1.1. .! rjl nffrm rill fn ine iii'imi. wn raised lor the benefit hi the library. catch of fifteen aalmon in one ing jutt opposite Hiicldun'a wharf.'' We are plea-te 1 to le irn thit Comini aiouer Colvin has decided to retain his office until the close ol the term for which means to this end, p) are offered in IM piiea, the first of which is fllW in casn, ii iiit.iiipnt of not to exceed I Mr. and Mrs, Van Dusen returned on i rju) wrrt. i,t answer to the question. the ith from their trip East. They re ixj rt a successful trip, though Mrs. Van who undrrHtniid their htisiness. The Royal Chiiuxik kaliniin is ths best " . . . .1 H'l.U ui. I'1 Old Crow Whiskey I ne " " .' . Iusen was unfortuate in contracting a .111 t of ereat assisUnce to Ju.lge Hat- heavy cold whech marrM to some extent fish that swims. ui..l chin.w.b of United Artisans on Friday last is re the tiest sIiiks on the market. They are 1 ported to have lieen a grand financial and made of the verv Wst muirrl..l u,l r 1 ocial success. The attendance was large, and everybody tuorouguiy enjoyea meiu- is r ', a I 1 Kill HARNESS GOODSSrj All Kinds and Grades FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT OarqeRt locli (o ett-cl Qrm - and Low c s t P I sure to give Mtisfaction. llailey a Uriim, . lloiilton's reliable dealers in general mer ' ehaudise, keeptliem lor sale at from 1.50 J Mr. C. It. OIs. ii, road supervisor of',cle t District No. . was altemliiii Cnuntv office. Monday hist. Mr. Olsen re work on the Cariro Valley pressing nicely and that it will be in good condition to withstand llienext rainy season. sel ves. Mr. O. M. Mcllride. chairman of the Astoria Regatta Committee, was in St. Thursday and called at l.this Mr. John Sturm, ol Haulton, died of consumption on Tuesday last. Mr. Sturm had residedin Union precinct for jljout ten years. The Mist was the first pacr in Colum- A Set ol Dishes Free I am giving away bia County to publish the complete offi- ' . i. r .i :..: tan in any plan the latter may projiose i P-c for tax reduction consistent with the best II. I,ynun li.i l a pleasant surprise interests of the couuty. ',a vuitiiig him in the way of a Itfight new All the local and war news in the Mist baby girl wuo beat hitn home by a few and Oregonian. Only $i a year. days. . The bills audited at the recent turn of Mr. William Sweeney, of Columbia County Court will be published in the City, spent San lay wish friends nere. Mist next week. Senium e tuem care- Mrs. S.W. Crallcy and daughter left fully and if you have any legitimate here Wcdnes lay for Vancouver, Wash., kick coming the .MUt will I ylcaed to tot , two weeks visit with friends. P""' I Mrs. D. A, Wise and Miss Nellie Wise County Court was in se won Monday ,cft hcre (or a two months visit with and Tuesday last for the purpose ol au- h-KD at hqoJ River. Miss Annie Lindsay and Mrs. M. Wasciewiez visited Portland Wednesday. Charles F.nglish, of Deer Island, What are the advantages, also the dis advantages, of this section? The offer is made by the great agricultural weeaiy ui the west, Orange Judd Farmerof Chicago. It is ojien to all and should have gen erous response. Should a large number of replies be forwarded from this region, Orange Judd Farmer may end its land commissioner to make a special report upon this country. The projiosition is part of a far-reaching plan inaugurated by the journal re ferred to. to enable the agricultural, finan- ' cial and other interests of this section to ! ..mta ... . 1 nil , a,lw9tltflirf,S better known. rices ( nil un kre tif j.mI IWmr ttuyhif, ir Write lor (ataloue ( I ) 1. 1. f N S t'K 1; S I ) Wl LSI ) CO. Cor. 2nd Taylor Sis., Portland. , jmtil 'jbI uf "jbI jmi 'jaet jTl4Z'ij&1j&iMiJ& illtlirs to my cash customers. You gel a cnuxm with each cash purchase of ten cents and over, and yon can exchange these coux.ns for all varieties of the lst class ol China ware. Goods on exhibition at my store. Crest inducements that it will pay you well to investigate. If. MOKOl'S.St. Helens. Miss Alice Mack lord, of Clatskauie, who bus been visiting Miss Nelly, ol this city, returned home on Sunday last. Those who think that there is nothing but roi ks in the St, Helens townsite diting the bills of the recent election and attending to other work. The grist of bills was very large and those who are i, rnmitv hnvincr anv monev i on deposit in the banks will I pleased ' vited Reuben Tuesday. materially reduced, and considerable of . Coble schools will hold a union picnic at the money heretofore hoarded in the the school grounds in West Reuben next t,.i UmI. (, returner! to the Dock- Saturday. All are invited to attend and eU of the people. ' have fine time with the children. Mrs. Marv I. Tompkins and son paid j Peter Mailer received a new mower the Mist office a pleasant visit on Wed- from Portland Tuesday. i nesday last. Capt. J. McKenie has returned from THRF.HIIIS0 OUTFIT FOB SALE. A J. I. Case, twenty-four inch cylinder, eight horsa-power. Cash sale, or lumber and shingles taken. FOR SALE. THK IMG STORK DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- I llcriviir' NVw K'wA Www in tin' Week X X THE MUCKLE STORE H A3 A REPU A- n .n. eittl retnins nf everv tirecinct tn the county on State, county, and district to learn that the surplus has been very The Nees City, and the Reuben and officers. No other county paper gave the returns In such complete form. It will always tie found at the head of the procession in the matter of news. A large stock of novels just received at the St. Helens 1'hannncy. Horn To the wife of J. W. Rench, of Vemonia. on Sunday last, a son. J. Dtipont & Sons, of the Valley shingle " Le' K,ver where bt orgn' , Washington held June 0th the following mMI !il r1el!e .liimrles to customers "u officers were elected lor we next term: at St. Helens. Houlton, Columbia City, i" ' the canyons. He is now re6tting Q D Hunteri prudent; O. J. Link Warren and neighborhood. They rnann- " !- ,n w ,u'"" u" , vice president; T. E. Watts, chaplain; should take a look at the gardens heiug ,.. i,. fine. irraite of cedar contracts. lennie Kine. escort: Rae Bineham as- ralsed liy Slcstrs. Lox. Hlakeslcy, iws. .,,:, .j their prices to be largest siw- vj - j " sistant escort; W. V. Satterlee, sentinel: urauaui . Alfred Hunter, iruarti: fliaraoei rowier. Lage high grade Guernsey cow, soon fresh, great milker; express spring wagon with pole; 2U0 cedar fenceposts; nearly new washing machine. C. W. ADAMS, Warren. At the regular meeting of the Mt. Vernon Union, No. 77, of the Order of of Ixojl Mnii'ln t I n ""I) the tUt in (HNF.KAI- .MKKCHADISK Dart 6c Mticlvle, M. Ill'Sl ilh, CUT THIS OUT Aii-i sTlt 1 l.l llitvt' Your '1'fttli l' .1 without li:uiiui -rin At ! .llii'il KlT.V ln in . Harris, a ud others. No finer truck i patches can lie seen any where in Ore I K"ti, and the yards are lull of fruits and i flowers. I Mr. James Muckle was a St. Helens I visitor last Saturday, having just return- le.l fr.m the t aiiIJiiim Purt'hase Kxno- sitiun at St. Louis. He reports that the big fair is far beyond bis power of de srriition, and that it would take three mouths hard work to see all that is to lie seen there. All that can l hoped for in a visit of a wrek or two is to see a very small part of the Kxposition. Mr Joe lnixnt returned Monday from a business trip to Portland, where he suc- ceeded in selling two carlosdsol shingles, j which will be shipped io the metropolis at once. Joe says it is no trouble to sell good shingles, and that is the kind the Duponts make. Do you know uKiut Jersey cattle? We oiler a Irw choice bred yearling bulls from our famous Hael Fern Jersey Herd, at civially red urea prices, to make room lor net crop of yomigsters. We will uivc vou valuable pointers on Jersey stock, better write us today for prices on bulls, and state tbe kiud of animal you desire. Address V. E. McF.Idowuey. .Supt. l.a Id s Farm, !' Milwaukee Av rnm I'ort'and, Or. All Wl'l k (illiUMU-j Mr. mil Mas. J. II. Godfrey, Mr. Jos. llaybiirn, Mrs. D. W. Richardson and daiiuiucr Kuth. and the editor of the (trefoil . ' as low as shingles of the sauie grade can be procured elsewhere. " The Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. has been in session in Portland during t le past week, as also have been the Scottish Rite Masons and the FJistern Star. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Powcil are in attendance. We buy our shoes direct from the man ufacturer and can save you the middle man's profit. mint. i 0. rn , ir 4 W 1'r.K.rci at vwwjsot. Ray Watts, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G: Watts, of Scappoose, died yesterday morning of pneumonia, following a case ol measles. Ray was their only son and the sympathy of the community will be with the parents in their great sorrow. I Alfred Hunter, guard; The Porcelain Baths at Houlton are all j captaln of team; I. V. Litk, mlsician ready for customers. It you want a re freshing bath or a nrstclasa shave or nair rrewell Tarty. cut patronire the Mouiton oaroer snop. Satisfaction guaranteed. Weinhard'a beer on tap at the Owl saloon. CLAT8KANIE CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Carl A. Heiinple, wife and three children, left Wednesday morning to- The members of the Warren irave a verv pleasant party at (.o!l Killing l- 0 I '.S I 1 I How About Your Title? e UK "l 't :K II ! -4 KKi "Iii' 'l' 's C ,-..ot sii.l K" 1 tf ...i, ,..i.l. ti 'sit t,- oU . ! I' ' 1' ' l. :..; Iyls ishsn'O''' H .p. it.sHt on l.s '. 'i: Im l'e ftm n i-,t rtr, 1 hat.-itwii) irsllll "' fisl,i .m..-t-T llxt It ! ' .. .... i i.i .-n It iltl.l Ol frt." .. ...t ... l.rik.t.iif n.itirv on rrdl . but lu.i-s uH.hkiml" sr is lietllle AO AlKlrsil I"!'"'"" "i.. h... Ih. OMl, srl -I Itirt .k , IK nreuw.1 sl 'l llsrii ii .., m-h a. Wssrs u. ilsill udsbu)r. Hah Slntt V T! OTTICK & CO., jr. HtllHS. ORESON y.y..i..'"'' t.r.t i ,r.w; Minn I ) Waw Houlton, ()ieiin. Wcinhanl's Hecr kept on t:ip. The Pool Table in Columbia County. boticn or iTi;mo to ap. TO Z.IQVO WCBJtlS. i T. All ivrmn i '"'r'':11 uk, nml.-e' The fruit .H..I erii i . (ii ( ,ay , : , nn,l thc price of r ' l:r:W- ! reliable grocer.. nrr, it" . vllhiUO Ol llooio. oi . f one e ir, l i th ; 1 ,.,',,, Ore-1 The escursion ol the ... .mn ni t:iiiii . 100a a irio w side on Sun lay la. The weather was Iswitifnl, the crowd large but orderly, and there is uu abundance ol rational entertainment for all. No one need take lies trios, as there are I j plenty ol hotels and refreshment stands. j One feature of the day was a baseball ! game between the Dressers, of Astoria, jji i and the Seaside nine. The trip on the i.H c. R. R. is well worth the cost, to i? ' sav nothiui! ol the sight of the grand old y fine noticeable feature is the J ! c... ,;,... that hive been erect- UlUU; WMV .V ...v.... ed by the prosperous citiiens ol Columbia County within the past few years. Assessor Laws and deputy, Martin White, started for the Nehalcra country on Monday last to finish up the assess ment. Mr. Laws takihg the lower precinct and Mr. White the upper. We are going the best assessment this year ever made of Columbia Couuty. --i. canning season is aoiir.. ..- sugar is sure to go sekeeiier should order Brinn, Houlton s 4th of July racket for sale at M. C. Gravs. Hats for ev erybody lfc St up. Shoes that make the homliest feet look neat. Suits that make the men refined, and children nlwavsijuick to mind. Shirts in stvle. and neck wear too, and under wear to keep you cool. M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. i.. dsn coimiy Marine Engineers Benevolent Association on Sunday last was a success in regard to numliers not iu anv other respect but was a Mr. Walter Blakcsley started yesterday lor a risit to the Louisiana Purchase Ex position. Enroute he will visit relatives in lows. He expects to be absent sev' eral months, and, as he will be in St Louis during the hot season, when the natives sleep in the cold storage plants and the little nigger babies run all over Christy avenue, he will be mighty glad to cct back to old Webfoot. He won't need to take any money along In order to have a hot time. Our suits, from 13.50 up to 12.S0, are better value than vou can get in Portland. PERRY & GRAHAM. June 14th was what is known as "Flag Day," set apart for the display of the Americau flag. In Portland the day was observed to tome extent and flags were the ''lh"'"1.f.,r,Vi,OI,: l oan "1 Hi. Slate or i-r- resrect. There Taeirwb of about nine hundred people for j floatinR (rom au tne public buildings. The r aiut i whom no preparation nau ueen rou, is than: ., , ,,.!..-,..- heinir a irame ol leinienleil eiui .jnf oin; tiuv;" o-o f""" '. . iv Court of l,etvtll bctween the ficappoose anu su. cmmly I'ouil ami Hiu t, w iiv V. II. I'M.UI I DILI AUI l JAY, .trronxtiYS-.iT-Mv ufli,.,. .et i't 1" i:iirtliousf. HI HKI.KSMIUH.O'.. In 1 'J II i ' v' .".. ... I.i.i.lnel. Ol " Hlain oreK.i. islly r.'sliteii million, wuulit ' . i'"" ion your Ho" of Or- ii inniv oi ... ,ulleii. leKal vol .,-,'t ' rertileni .',',, lila t 'aunty iiiiriv tp". itinm of in '' '.-'. I'".r - oemlav. Ilia ! " I ' " in the Hody I "1'" ., ' . olv Omrl ,.r .imIv. i of HI. '" court In aali Will piucll' iu nny cnul. irnl. Mate or I'ed .."-'. ".' Kl V"nUr sell aplrltuou . r.uiie.l to. -." iinnora and formsnlait ;'"'"". ""'LTi La ens than on. a I lou . tier i" i v. ....... ' in llolile r a si 1 Owl saloon I Until. nf o sueit of in 1 110 . "Hie .... , v "Stalo in aaht license ha la- I r.f OinKi'"."11" :i iiuniar for a P"rlod itniKN ni..m.K...H, I'fioritiKTons - only ths l"t Liprs and Citars Kept in Steele CYRUS NOBLE alien t" :.'' .'.'. i.e ih day of July, f one yea'' " "ar ootliloiiera will nu " " l!V"y'. i, Oooiaa Trim. C. . U .'":-' SJ....r. llMI-II r""' .if A i .ir. (1. B. Koa- i.. A H iiinne. v :...,i iv. Hrad- ;; w. k.. iii.'."""'' " ',:,,,K'.rietsHy k. u to Smith, i,i v, nana i " . ": ii M. Fowior. I'l""l' .. V.l.,,.!orv, KTr MoCiVrnilck,. W. J. Kinder W A. llwnlo". 7" van 1 l-oula Mrown. i;. wienea, 1 linvoraux. J-i"' 0. V I Kll'" ' Ami oilier imiiilar brnmls nlS)s lu Mink. f hlsklea HI irowlor, . . ii.n.iier. iii.ii.j . C. I mover. v. -a tne. v. r.. mo- Fred Wimlhani. J.- O . j mvKrA, frmi !T. CI": i p Hut iiai land, C. Maf.n... 0 V r-JZi. ArchTh....: .. ,' II i wm. 1 1 Lamrachsr, t..i... iitiiii .'i,..,rllr. Alna niter Hunter; lilnek, O. W. Jordan, WEINHARD'S BEER on drauylil. "Tom Benton" Cigars. J. M. Allen I'll ouna .....1 Miher nor.- A..t.,e...e..j:.,..J;r-;; l-auavii,. ...i. H. HiintieK. hi- """ . Kenney. ELW.L'- An5S5. C M.;Fr . nd. s?.r. Win". 1-rit. niiMker y. v. ton Helens nines, in which tne lauer victorious. The visitors wandered about the town and neigh borhood and held in dividual picnics ol their own all over the surrounding country. All the saloons were running and were frequented by I men, women, ana cniiurcn, in ! - Hon of the law. In this respect, at least, St. Helens is quite metropolitan. Bailey it Brinn's store is headquarters for general merchandise, Houlton, Ore eon. Good goods a specialty. Quality, quantity and price guaranteed. Polk county is to have the largest hop v,.ro in the world. The Krebt Hop Co. have set out 4(X) acres of vines on tht old Henderson Murphy farm near Buetu Vista and arc putting the yard in a fine state of cultivation. Three quarters of a million feet of lumber will be used In the erection of dry houses, dance hall, restaurant, grocery store, bakery and iimraer garden. The camp grounds and hoildimrs will be lighted by electricity, It is estimated bat 44 car wjll be re- ( ooired to haul the pickers to anu irum the yard each year. Tho yard will be the largest single hop yasd in the world, there being nothiug in England or Ger many to compare wilh tt.T-Dallaa Cb-server. law was probably passed In the interest of the bunting companies. The Fourth of July is all the flag day necessary in this country. Goods delivered without charge, willingly and cheerfully. Order freely. M. C. GRAY St. Helena Or. Mr. C. W. Johns visited Portland Tucs- on Masonic business, as master of gt. Helens Lodge. Me and Mrs. W. B. Dillard and chil dren and Mrs. C. H. Johu w!9 Portland visitors by the ItstdU Wednesday. The delegates to the Grand Lodge A-O, U. W. are galhet ing In Poatand, and they all appear to be opposed to the Supreme ledge's n.w assessment plan. The only way for the A. O. U. W. to do In Oregon Is to go back to the old flat assessment plan, cut loose, from the Supreme boage. and establish an Oregon order. T. A. Wood, who was convicted of con spiracy to defraud the government in con nection with the claims of the Indian Wsr veterans, wa fined $1,000 by Judge Bellinger of the United States District Court on Tuesday lasf. wood's son, Hoaea, was fined IWO. I, is. thought the caw will he appealed to the Supreme Ccmrt of the Uulted States. Fresh fish in season every Friday, and special Sunday dinner a,t la Orieuta,! (Hot.tdi visit in Kansas and elsewhere; will also Uke in the Worlds Fair at St. Louis be fore returning home. Max Pracht, a special agent of the In terior Department, visited this city Mon day looking after the Government land in this part of the country. John Lease and family, of Sin Diego, California, are visiting in this city this week. Mr. H. McKiel, a prominent merchant of this city, will soon visit in Syria, his native country; will take in Germany, Russia Turkey and other countries be fore returning to this, his adopted country. Messrs. Derrick & Co. have several crews in the woods in this part of the country peeling chittim bark for the mar kets. The business has grown to won derful proportions the past year. It seems ' as if it would be a profitable crop for farmers to raise in this part of the country for future markets. We noticed the genial countenances of John H. Wilson, Anton Pederson, frank Peterson, and many other prosperous Ne ualem farmers in the city this week. Their owners were buying goods and do ing various kinds of business with our citizens. Mr. James 0. Kelson, of the Upper Clatskanie, was in the city Tuesday, at tending to some legal business, and while here took in the sights of the city. j The hoys say that there is war and ru mors of war on Deep Creek. They say that some dude from Clatskanie went over to that part of the country and slung on gall to beat the band, and finally used some verv had language to one of the na tive young men of that place, when the young man landed him one on the nose, which caused him to drop clear down on the sawdust pile and wipe the blood from his face, nearly spoiling his good clothes; then jumped onto him, and would have been pounding him yet If John Lane had not interfered and pulled him off. They say that John advised him to go home and behave himself, and not make him self so conspicuous; that the young men of the Kchalem were not fools, as Mr. Dude would have them think. It is said here that the fellow has s big mouth, and likes to make himself heard on all occasions. The Pittsburg Mill, Lumber and Shin gle Company are briuging to this market thousands of shingles daily. Mr. P. S. Malcolm, who lost several millions of shingles by fire in the Neha- lem reeentlv. is un and hard at work again, making more shingles, and is haul ing them to this maaketby the thousands every da.y, Fred is a hustler and de serves to succeed in his business. It is said by those who claim to know that C. E. Conyers and wife will soon leave for the tnouutains, where they will search for health and wealth, John M. Blackford and Phil Pophain, the newly elected justice of the peace and constable of this precinct, have filed their bonds and will iu due time take the oath, of office. Band Bacons hall last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Minnie E. Grace, who has past fin' ished her third term as primary teacher !of the Warren School. About eighty persons were present. J. MACKENZIE. General Contractor Bit IDG KB, MILL., AND PILE HHIYIN0 A sjpEClAsVTI ESTIMATES FURNISHED R6tf bT. HELENS, OK. K ota by rvatao . rrica fcswsnsis Bloc. W. C. Fischer, ATTORXE Y- AT-LA W. RAINIER. : : OKEGOS. pleasing features of the evening was number of musical selections which were beautifully rendred by the Band and were greatly snjoyed by all. The re mainder of the time was occupied with games, social converse and the serving of ! refreshments which consisted of ice cream and cake. The Band boy are fine en tertainers and all went home enthusiastic in their praise. Miss Grace left by the train Monbay morning for her home at Ciarks, Clack amas Connty. She has made many friends here at Warren and will be greatly missed. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received t the office of the School Clerk, District No 20, Reuben. Columbia County, Ore gon, for the construction of a brick and stone foundation under the . .. .1. . Alt hl.l - I icnooinousc at iau r One of the most must accompanied by the deposit of a certified checK oi niteen per . of the amount of the bid. The build ing is thirty-eight by fifty-six feet in dimension. Bids will be opened June 25, 1904. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Clerk. ANTONE WISE, G. W. JORDAN, THOMAS PAWSEN, . . Board of Directors, Attest - T C. WATTS, Cerk. $3.50 Values for 1.95 Also a better grade of boys' suits, regu lar & values for $3.50 and f. Besides, we give a ball and bat with every suit. We save you about $5 on Men's suits. You can save from 50c to $1 on a pair of shoes, pants, hats, shirts or underwear. Special cut on trunks and valises. John Dellar, corner First and Yamhill. School Report. Following is the report of School Dis- I trict No. 24 for firit month, ending June j fc ro POBTLISID. BAaXY . io. i t 4 No. days taught - 18 j 1 J 15, H Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG LeTs Portland on Taesdsf, Thursday and la. rosy at 7 a. m. tor St. Hiltni. Kalama. Camir Paint. Hoiaht and flo. Arrlvlnrat Portland Monday, Beadsr aad Friday at 3 p. as. Steamer NORTHWEST Leaves Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at st 10 p. m., for tho fame points mentioned above and To ledo, reaching the latter place at 10 a. ni. on the following day. Returning, the boot leaves Toledo at noon, and Cas'.lrt Rock at 5:30 in the afternoon, Tueedajys, Thursdays and Sundays, leaving Portland earlyin the morning. Whsit foot ol Salmon 8t H. HOLM AH. Altai. Holidays .. hj .rv ram ennuicu " No. days attendance IC No. days absence 0 I 9sQ No. times tardy r4 Those neither absent nor taray ounus the month: Elvin and Mable Mills, James, Samuel, Jackson, and Nigarah Ray, Mabel, Rita, John, and Willie Pringle, Ira and Inei Peterson. Mj' M M i Night Was Bar Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexan dria, Ind., "and could hardly get any j sleep. I had consumption so bad that if ( I walked a block I would cough mgni fullv and spit blood, but, when all other I medicines failed, three Jl.00 bottles of Dr. Kings New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 5 pounds." It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy. TIAMllt "America" Willamett Slougb Route Leave St. Helens. ... 6:90 A M seeiv. .t Portland. .10:90 A M Leave Portland 2 :30 P M Arriva at St. Helens. 6:00 PM a. a 4 JAXEtt COOD, matter. Wi PROFESSIONAL. FABE aO CENTS). Will Carry Nothln but r as san er ri and I ast r reigns. Fir Bttumps Projective. It t now believed that fir stumps will become a source of productive value, and the owner of logged off timber land will in time be enabled to prepare the soil for other crops at a diminished cost. The fir stnmp and its long roots are rich iu resinous gums, and the staple prjV.u-ts of pitoh, tar, and turpentinj can be easi ly distilled from the greatest obstacle to timber lands. The much despised fir stumo bids fair to become alnpjt as iai. portant in commerce as the body of the big ree itself. Persons Interested In timber have long discussed the probability that fir stumps would become valuable forthjircooi at rial products. In addition t t'o staple KoTAItr Pl'BLIC. CoSTIYAKCWa. J.B.GODFREY. ATTORNEY-LAW. Real Estate ail Tii-sr Lands Soli ABSTRACTS MADK: 6T. HELENS, - - OKEUOS S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY- AT '-L1W. off oc with 8. K. Quick. ST. HBI.K.NB. : t ORKGOS. wiilelv best paraonal attention toaUlSf m:,rl enifuSePlo .... Will pr.cUc. la H tiie .-i-i i"l United Waios i.'ouris. W. II. POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. t-T. UK ..KM TV Dlb'FKlCT ATTOftNRY? W.bU Vlavlit anil Dir. The busiest and mightiest thing tint products aoove mnu .. uw. a. ever was in tde is Dr. Kings Now Life eral by-products of a more tec.iiuc il na Pills. These pills change weakness Into ture that c m be distille I from the stump, strength, listlessness Into energy, brain-1 A Plant has been established on Lunu.ii fag into mental power. They're wonder- j island, Bellingharn Bay, Wash., for the ful in building up the health. Only 25c purpose ol extracting thce products from per box at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Wood Opportunity. Two-year-old Durham heifer for sale. Will h fresh this month. Gentle. ; Squire of F. M. TIJQRP, St. Helens, the plant, 6r stumps by means of super-heate.l steam. Although the enterprise was started as an experiment, it has proven successful, and the promoters have al ready planned to enlarge the capacity of If the plan coutiV.!?s ., sUC- FOR PORTLAKO DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . Htoghkirk. Matter. RAILROAD TIME. Leaves luiuler dally (eicopl 8umlaT)lorPots. and, si t A. M.. di'wrtlDi Irotn St Helena al l o'vloi k. KeturnluK, leaves I'ortlaad si 2 r M., arriving at at Ueleiis at 4:4. Passsnsers and Fast FretfkL POKTLANP LANDING, TAYLOR BT.