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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1904)
OREGON VOL. XXI. ST. IIXLINB, OREGON, TXUDjLT JUNE 10, 1904. NO. 26. MIST. EVENTS OF THE DAY QATIir.KI'O 1'ROM ALL PARTS OP TttE TWO WnMISFIinRES. Comltrak"!" Review of the Import ant HPP"I"I th Peat Wnk, Presented In CamlWMi IWm, Moat Likely to Prove latereetlng to Our Many Reader. Tim I'orl Arthur channel I again 0Htl. Mr. Haniuol Clemen (Mark Twain) id deed It 11 mk i Irani rising Klimt the caar II 1'ort Arthur falll. Vice Admiral Togo haa beet pro moted ti I admiral. TI10 Jananeea have found Tallenwan by completely mined and must delay landing. Fire nrar Hlchmond, Va., dretmyed 4,(KH),(KiO pound ol tolierco. I am, lilOO.OIHJ, Ucport have Iwa eont out thai hoth Japan ana Kosal liava lost elilp In 1 tin lit at I'orl Arthur. Kri.nlnr Mlli hrll (alia to find any. thins In report to warrant the rvnwv al ul I'uaUtiaaUii ileitcrull at I'urttaiid. Two riot In Vlrtor, Ola., following the I. In lug up ul nonunion miner, mutted lii twu miner being killed and 1 niiinU r InJuriHl. Thirteen non-union minora war Ullcl al V i tor, Cloo, wlilla wailing lor a train. Three hundred bound ol dynamite a as placrtl under Uia depot platform and tired Uy aln trkaJty by on- Itnown prranti. iroop liava liven uflcrrl to Ilia -eno. A I'arl rrpnrt eay (ienaral Kurokl haa Im-n rapllllod. Tim Colorado military continue to (rMirt striking mi ner a. Kuniant are making Important move inriita toward Kal ling. lis in has era) In lyna and th flnmle am now expert! to recede, ('iiiiuniilralloii with Tort Arthur li maintained l.y lha ua ol carrier pId grHJtl. Lieutenant (leiwral Zabotkin, row nmn.lcr of a Coaaark division, hs lwl killed. lUn.lite arr looming bolder In Mn Ctiaang and resident leal warship will I needed. An allotment of $18,000 haa hen made for dredging tha Colubmia a no Willamette heiow Portland. An rxphwlon at lha rinola, Cl., powder worka killed threw men and de troypd I'.MI.OOO worth ol property. An etplnalnn w tacked Ilia great ro otle, III., distillery and tea man r huriir.) in tha lain. Fit broke out and the luae la placed at 11,000,000. Tha Kansa flood already cover a Urge area and many atrratna are illll rising. The Kuaslan lnrcn above Klnrhou realiui they can do little and are likely to retreat. , Nina people- war killed and many injured In a roillalon ol train near ilarllu City, Mo, ChaileaH. IVneen ha heen nomi nated foi governor of Illinoii by the K puliluana on tha "Will ballot. One-third of New Yotk'a street weeper dm tract romumptlon, pre nmahly from germ Id the street. Kriiator Ilurtou, of Kanaaa, haa (lied an apeal. Tha annwtor Indicted for liriUry thlnka the lower court erred, Crook comity, Oregon, town r booming with tha arrival ol many would lie anttler who are attracted by the Irrigation project. Itunala haa no gionnd fur supposing (h'lmany la In a poUUn to help her either diplomatically or materially, aa no treaties eilt between tha two countries. Tim caar and a council ol war hav decided to advlae Kuropatkln to en dravor to roliere I'orl Aillior. t. Ituaala ha diapatched tha flint of elulit aiiliiiiariue boaU to Vladivoalok by rail. Tha JapnniNH) ara landing a aecond army at 'Jakuahan. Hiierlnlandent Potttir, of thi Che mawa Indian arhool, may be train larre.1 aa a result ol tlie ehargea agatiiHt him. ' Urge forces of Chlneaa bandit ara collecting In tha hill northeast of tha l.tao river and ara preparing to cut the railway north of Mukden. , A now atrlke of what pronilan to bo rich oro ha been made about 13 tnllea from Cripple Creek. Ovor a thotiaaud clainn hay already beo atakad out. TraiiHpnrta loaded with troopa con tinue to leave Weatorn Japanao IMirta daily for the theater of war. A large proportion of thoaa dlripatohed during the paat week wara to raluloiva Uuueral Oku. The pronldont haa ordered f attorney to Alnaka to Inveatlgata tha ofllcoa ol governor and Judgea. A aevere battle la reported to have occurred all niltea from Port Arthur. Tha Ituaalana cannot hold tha aeoond Una of defiuiaea and muat fall back to l'ort Arthur, -r4 . An Alaskan hermit hai dim! dttclar Inn ho la Tatcott, tha long aotight Chi cago murderer. tXHBCT BATTLB AT LI AO YANU. Hutalana Halltva Imoortant Develop m.nn are Impaaeirtf, Hi I'..i.ui t . ''nun, rfiine 1. inn run rl public ut tho Ruaalun cupllul la iiimufu with t, belief that Import am military ilvvolopmnnta ara Itn Piling at I.lao Yung, and that a Kua nun oiiKKRitnimit biitwocn Kuropat aiua arm -miiral Kurokl'a armlca li .Hiioimuii. Although tho authorltlM are iIoIuk nothing lo dlacouraxa tho Idea, tho boat -Informed clrcloa at tha war omco do not anticipate a dncla Iva battle Immndlntuly, unlnaa brought on worn or Ima unipectetiy by aa ..i.uiiiiuii coiiwiou ootwono atrong commit, aa often happen In war- far. , , Tha war offlco'a luforaiatlon doe not tiulliato that tho Japanese haw concentrated for an attack on Gener al Kuropatkln, ami It la aipected they ara not yet ready to aaiutue the of rnlve. NeverUieleaa, It la knows that difference of opinion exlat at the Riusian bcadquartera aa lo the ad vlaabllltr of takln the aaarotalv and It la believed thi matter wa tha aubjurt of conference between the oninniamlnr In chlef and the Viceroy at Mukden Tuesday. Kuropatkln bouillon ta becomlna very funnlilahla, both In the number and charactor of troopa at bla dlapo al. The condition of some of tha flt- liertan reai-rvea when callnd to the color waa not aallafactorr and aueed Kuropatkln inlsalvlms, but It a now reported that thev bare been I rilled Into a date of efflcleurr. More Important, however, ara the lari; relnforcementa of field artll lerr. In which the Itusalnn army wai tiecliilly weak. Tbeae bava now ar rived. Nnvertlielosa. Kuropatkln does not consider himself atront enough to risk the possibility of a defeat which mlaht ha Irretrievable and ra- ult In dlaaster nr at least rear of campaigning. Ilia friends praise hit steady conservatism, caution and re fusal to listen to tho counael of the hotspura. MLSSU CANNOT BliLIIiVB IT. Japaa Nctat to Have No Right to Oflsr T.rrltorjr to Cblaa. 81. IVteratiurg, Juno 7. The Itua- Ian authorltlea have not been ad- Iih by M. Ieisar. the Rtiaslan Mis Ister to China, of the proposition al leged to hav bea made to China by Japan to hand over the towna captur ed ty tho Japatmss In Manchuria to the Chinese civil administration, or ven of tho rcftisnl of tho Pekln gov ernment to assign the administration to a noutrat power. The foreign office cannot believe such a proposition waa aubmltted, pointing out that while tha war la In progress the fact that certain terri tory la occupied hr tho Japanese doe not necessarily mean It will remain In heir handa. Aa a belllgerant. Russia ould, of course, refuse to racognlio n BKrccmcm wnicn migni unmpn her military operations, aud aho doe not believe the powera would consid er ererl for moment a proposition of this character. At the conclusion of the war, If It la considered span la viriorioue, hat she heraclf Is under pledge not undertake, even temporarily. ,,1B civil administration of Manchuria. MOtlAMMt!DINJ ARB F-XCITUD. Praaaac el AoHrica Ships, Howaver, U Having Salutary , Washington. Juno 7 Admiral Chadwlik today cabled to me navy department that the presence or me American fleet at Tangier haa had a anlutary Influence, but the commun ity la In a atato of great roligloua ex cltement Admiral CbadWlcK a telegram is -Inrstood to bo In reply to certain erlt- clsms, mainly rrom nritian aoun-, man tho wladom of aendlng American warships to Morocco at thla Juncture. ti. riiL-lniis excitement mention ed aa prevailing among tha M00 believed hero to Do incineni pnimni? ona of the annual Monamnimmu pllsrluiagea occurrlug at a season. t!ndonbtedly. however, tho presence of tho seven American warahlpa at Tangier, with a promlao of rein fofcemont If necesaary by another aiiundnm. I tHsgardcd a threatening medarl religion, and ha contributed to tha ecltoment. Relief for Port. rseis Juno 7.-Tha 8L Potcraburg corrcspondont of tho Matin aaya ha learn from truatwortny aource that tho advanoa guard of H.000 mon un.ler Oenoral Btakalherg. aent by Oeneml Kuropatkln to tl. relief of Port Arthur, hm n - , . entrance to tno i.iao iio.a a d tha hulk of the army la r"01ln: correapoudent of 'the Matin 1 Chwantt connrnis " - p that Important movc.m-.m. alna troopa are proceeding to tno Southward" of TaohUhao toward Kal Ping. . , it. lis Psrlv Fall. Pnrla. t-Tho leatMnil n.llh .... ...twitla here t-tpect tho early fa I of Port Arthur, aud v ew thla a i moat aorloua, If not an rreprabl. blow to HiiHHlo, tho present cond tlon o Port Arthur bel.m ,mP?'n" n tl at Oonoral Kuropatkln la ma ?ut J?, -o. ,e tliA nilstako in regard "Br'; thtir". ..Hilary b I Ity to roalal ; tlml the French made m con nooilon with Mot. si p.vlna forSuppH ' ,7" j, n0 7.-Morchant SS,.h-mPM thoy did 1. tho oar- Jr huv i of. tb? ;S anltT ,r0 oven nj-"-' Tw0 rhlnose &V weVo executed hero today. REPUBLICANS WIN ENTIRE STATE TICKET ELECTED BY A Bid MAJORITY. Oamocrata Successful In a Number of Coaatlca on the Legislative and Coaaty Tlckata Local Optloa WUI Be Closei Cltlra Defeat M.asura, but Coualry Prtclncts favor It. In the election yoaterday the re turn Indicate that tho republican atata ticket Is oloctod by a plurality of 20,000. In tha Kirat Congressional dlatrlct (linger Hermann baa beon re-elected by 7000 to KOo plurality. In many counties ha haa run ahead of hi ticket. The same la true of Repre sentative Williamson shn wilt he n. turned to couisrea by a plurality of 1S.UVU. food and Dairy Commlasloncr J. W. Bailey, candidate for ro-oloctlon, made a atrong run, and his plurality will full little abort of Bunrcmo Judge uoorc'g. The return ara too meager to lndl cate the euceae or defeat of the lo cal option law, and It will take the complete count to determine the re sult. The cltlea bava voted against the moaaure, and tho country districts In ita favor. The direct primary law haa been ratified by a largo majority. 1 bo vo!o polled waa large and will not fall abort of tho total registration. Clackamas County. Oregon City. Juna 7. With no of ficial returns at hand the election of tho entlro republican ticket la aa sured. About 85 per cent of the reg- stored vote waa cast. Hermann will carry tho county by probably 250 majority. Tho republican atate and Judti-lnl ticket will be elected by at u-ast 1000 majority. Waste County. Tho Dalle. Juno 7. Thus far no complete retuma have been received from any precinct In thla county. Aa far aa ran be estimated from the meager reports tho atato officer and representative Williamson will carry tho county by lnrgo pluralities. Yamhill Coaaty. McMlnnvilln, Juno 7. In McMlnn- vllle precincts Hermann had a good margin over eVatch. and for supremo Judgo, Mooro waa In the lead. Clatsop County. Astoria, Juno 7. Incomplete re- 1 urns from tho city preclncta In the county glvo Williamson, for representative, 3jft. Hlmona 190, Mooro 357; supremo Justice, O'Day 190; food and dairy commissioner, llatley HI, Douglaa 141. Mirioe County. Salem. June 7. The election In Marlon county haa been a landslide for tho republican ticket and with the cturna yet fnr from complete 11 ia spparent that every republican candi date haa carried the county. Jacksoa County. Ashland. Juno 7. TUo Jackaon county returns are coming In alowly. ; At 1 A. M. Irtdlcatlona are that tbe republican stato and congresalonal tickets will have aubatantlal major ity. Hermann' plurality Is now esti mated at SOt. Washington County. trin-Ks..-.. l.m. 7 -Thn rniint In Waahlngtorl county ia coming in very sluw. Hlllsboro'a two preclncta give Hermann 1!0 to 76 for Vcatch, with the atato ticket about tho same. Out of 222 votca cast In thoee two pre clncta, tho local option measure gets 10!1 "yoa" to 113 "no." lndlentlona are that Hermann will carry mo county by at least 600, and perhapa 700. Ualon County. iTi,,n .Time 7. Onion county gooa .n.i),it.n hv a Inrco majority. The republican stato ticket, from returns received, win do oiociwi vj -.,...,1, !,,,!, 1 nrnr 9 to 1. TllO VOtO on local option la cloe, with email majority probauiy iovorauiu. Benton County, c .in. T..n 7 The malorltv for VOI .Mill., ' - t.o..n ti,bnt In eMflmnted at reuuuiiceo .."fcw ... ... i. iiumiiimi Dom.. haa car ried the county by a plurality of 60 to 7. Tho democrat oioci vuo irt urcr. . Wheeler County. , Foeall. Juno 7 In Wheeler county, . ... ,.M.,f tituttco. and Wllllam- son for congress, will receive major Uioioatlmatedat about 200. Thla ma- rltv Will hold good lor uie i-iimo stato ticket. Tha republloana oloct II on tho legiaiauvoucKci. ,'-,v k Polk CouBtv." r.: Tuna 7 FV6 OreClnCtS ,.,..'.m n'f Eiiaono. In Lane county, glvo Hermann MO, Voatch 111. Moore 199, O Iny B2. namiuon ceno tho republlcana are gaining rap idly. Douiocrata will elect tho aherlff. Lane County. T.,n 7 Tha republican ...... ...'.i .Hpti-iet tickets are aafoly clotted. Hermnnn will have at iea 200 plurality, ununa icon '""'ftr riamneratlo majorities. Ical option la running well with aafe in only, i n0 comi-ni ui J." ....iiw rloso with Laughery. tho jcpubllcan norulueo, BUghlly lead ing. , ' . . . . Ill Cnll nt- " idleton, June T. WilllnmBon will Pen carry th 8 county ay a "'"J""1" .. .... --j i...i.1.tlva ntrteera. AS W 111 is running inr ' ThJ county ticket will bo I n li n n il nf Wllllnntaon his ticket. mixed. ' u.k. Countv. 4 . . . . . Thn etiirna of Ttaker ,ctlon In thla county are ver y In ,te. Indl?fttlonat are that ; tha lean" 8..ata and eongresslonnl tha elect .complete ropuun tlcKeta county nave m suu" -: - Simmons, the democratic oongrcMalonal candidate, la running be hind bla ticket, many domocrata not voting lor congressman, una 1 trlct ntUirneyahlp In tbia county doubtful. dia ls Qllllman County. Arlington, June 7. Ollllam county will give Williamson, Hop., for repre aontutive to congreaa, a majority of about 200. Mcoie, tor chief Justice, la running ahead of hla ticket, and his majority wll; probably reach 250. Morrow County. Hnppnor, June 7. Returns from seven preclncta In Morrow county In dicate a very large majority for tha stato ticket, with Williamson, Rep fur con grots, running a Bead of bla coueaguea. Klamath County. Klamath, June 7. Incomplete re tuma give Hermann and Moore good rrujoiltlea. Don son and Hnnna, for cl-ctilt judges, and Laycock, for ten- ator, are aure of election. Moore, IX-m., will probably have a majority for dlBtrlct attorney. For Joint rep- reaontatlve, Btelncr, Rep., and Grif fith, Dem., will receive majorltle. Crook County. I'rlnctlllo, June 7. The entire re publican state ticket baa a plurality In Crook county, ranging from 1C0 to 300. Tho vote on the county ticket la cloae and divided. On the local op tion law a light vote waa polled, and the measure will be defeated by 150 In thla county. The direct primary law will have a majority of 200. Coos County. Marahflcld, June 7. The entire re publican ticket In Coos county la elocted. Returns from Curry are very Indefinite. Dinger Hermann will bare tho largest plurality ever given in Coo county. Indications are that Coke, Hep., for joint senator of Coos and Curry, ia elected. Lino County. Albany, June 7. The county Is pro ceeding very slowly, the split up tick eta making the work difficult Re tuma from tha Albany preclncta at midnight ehow: Hermann 78, Veatch 33, Moore 73, O'Day 36. McNary 73, Whitney 67. Burnett 83, Eddy 67, Uolsu 35, Calloway 54. Columbia Coaaty. St. Helena. Juna 7. Returns Indi cate that Mayger, republican, ia un doubtedly elected repreaentatlve. The cntmtv liulire nnrt rnnntv clerk era In danger, but it la thought the republl cana win pun tnrougn. me congres sional and district tickets are over whelmingly republican. . Sherman County. Moro, June 7. All Indication point to the election of the entire republi can ticket by a plurality of 300 votea. It la estimated that Williamson for representative haa carried the county by 350. Joaapklo Coaaty. Grants Paaa, June 7. Josephine county Indicatea a republican victory, except for representative and treaaur ar. Hermann haa a good lead and the republican atate ticket also. Douglaa County. Roecbure. June 7. In four Roae- burg preclncta 1138 votea were cast, against 1000 two yeara ago. Hermann carries the county by over 400, and Judge Mamllton, democratic, by 500. The republican atate ticket ia elected by over 500. Multnomah Coaaty. Portland. June 7. The republlcana carried tho county by an unprecedent ed majority on the state and congrea alonal tickets, and by a very heavy vote on tho legislative. Judicial and county tickets, with the exception of three. The democrata nave eiectea the Bhorlff and dlatrlct attorney and one Independent republican atate aen- ator ia elected. Williamson a plural allty will be 7.500. Local option will tie defeated by 2.0C0. Brake Falla on Mill. Burlington, Iowa, June 8. A well- filled atroet car rushed down Valley Hill atroet today and waa wrecked against a tree. Many of the passen gers were Injured. Mrs. Joseph Kehn was killed and 16 were badly injured. Several suffered broken arm and logs, and many were badly cut about tho head and shoulders. The break beam on the open electric car broke Just as tho car began the descent Tho car dashed down the long Incline at a frightful speed and the injured word strewn on both aides or the track down fie entire length of the hill. Anxiety Felt In Spain. Madrid. June 8. The newspapera are anxiously illscuBslng the Morocco question. The Epoch thinks the pre cipitation in sending a neei to me Morocco coast gives rorce 10 me re i.ort that the United States had asked tho Sultan of Morocco for a port on tho west coast. La Correspondence do Sspana gives a rumor that an ex change of notes Is taking place among tho Euronean chancellorlea with a view to obtaining assurance that Amorlcan action will be confined strictly to measurea for securing the liberation of the captives. Fourteen Known to Be Dead. Til Tnno S Instead of nine o Ant r'annrtAri it la now known that 14 men lost their Uvea In the fire and explosion at the Corning distillery Sat urday. Eigbt bodies were recoverea frrvm the Tllln. tn.lllV. fOIIF of Which were Identified. Of the eight bodiee i,.v..n fmm thn ruins, four. were re cognised immediately uy means or nni-tiete. nf pWhlno. ItnlvAa. and other pieoea of metal. The aearch ia being continued, tne ore naving neen extin guished and the workmen being able to. handle tno aeons. . , ; . Repelled With Losb., ' London. June 8. The Dally Tele- aranh'a Tientsin correspondent wires: "Four - thousand Rnsslane- belonging to General Stakelberg'a brigade May 31. engaged 1500 Japanese, five miles aouth ct Wafang Tien. The Russtana were reDulsed. losing 200 killed and 400 wounded. ; Tha Japanese lost mora than 100 killed." HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON PROMISB OF A Bid CROP. Umatilla Wheat Flelda are In a nourish ing Condition. PENDLETON. Based on reports from the varloua aections of the coun try, the wheat crop, conservatively es timated, will amount to more than COCO, 000 bushels. The condition of growing grain at the present time ia considered moat satisfactory and an less the weather within the next three weeka prove unfavorable, farmer say this year , crop will reach 1,600, 000 buabel In excess of last year. The wheat In the vicinity of Pen dleton ia quite far advanced, having headed out several daya ago. The sec tion of the county between Pendleton and Athena, which la owned by the Umatilla Indiana, la an Immense ex panse of waving grain. Tbouaanda of acres In this locality are rented by the Indiana to the large farmer at a nominal figure, and comprise the rich est farming land In the country. The average annual yield ia from 30 to 35 bushels an acre, and accordingly the profit to the farmer la very large. In reality, the profits realized by the farmers by renting these landa are greater than they would be If owned by the farmera themselves, since a comparatively email working capital ia required. The reservation wheat land will, thla year, produce the larg est portion of the crop of the county, provided the grain escapes injury from any trlcka of the weather during the critical period. Grain In that part of the county northwest of the city Is also reported to be in a very healthy condition. It haa headed and reached the stage for baying. The land in that locality la lighter and of course the yield Is never as large aa that of the reserva tion lands, yet anything approaching a partial failure haa never been known there. In the Helix country wheat la look ing good and an average crop ia in prospect. The early frosts did aome damage to grain in that locality, but by the recent heavy rains the affected grain will make a satisfactory yield. Out of 1000 acres owned by Christian Breeding less than 40 acres were dam aged. Other stands suffered In a less degree. Farmers living south and south east of the city also give most favor able reports of growing grain and feel assured that they will harvest an un usually large crop this year. Coming Bvcnta. Knights of Pythias Convention, ninth district. Fossil, June 15. Commencement University of Oregon. Eugene. June 12-15; Albany College, June 10-15; Pacific Univer sity, Forest Grove, June 10-15. Annual Reunion, Department of Oregon, G. A. R., Hood River, June 15-17. First Oregon Cavalry and Infantry Reunion, Hood River, June 16. Lane County Veterans' Association, June 22-24. Linn County Pioneer Association Reunion, Brownsville, June 22-24. Pioneer Association Reunion, Port land, June 22. Northwest Sportsmen's Tourna ment, Pendleton, June 24-26. Christian Campmeetlng, Turner, June 23-July 3. Federated Fraternal Mardi Gras and Carnival, Portland, June 28-July 9. western Division state Teachers Association, Portland, June 29-July . Eastern Oregon u. A. K. Encamp- ment. La Grande, July 1-4. Soutnern Oregon Chautauqua As sembly, Ashland. July 13-22. American Mining Congreaa, Port land, August 22-27. Rlnchart Clan Will Oatbcr. PENDLETON. A fare and one- third rate Is being granted by the O. R. ft N. for the second annual Rlne- hart family reunion at Summervllle in the Grand Ronde Valley, to which members of the big Rlnehart clan from all over Oregon and Washington are expected to come. The reunion ia to take in the descendants of Louis and Elisabeth Rlnehart, whose Im mense family has blossomed out into other Immense families, until with the fourth generation there is an extraor dinary gathering when all get to gether. It la probably the first time that the O. R. & N. has made a low rate for a family reunion. Orand Reade Fruit Oood. LA GRANDE. The crop prospecta for Union county and most of Eaetern Oregon are very flattering so far thla season. Grand Ronde Valley haa bad a heavy shower last week, just when it waa most needed. Sugar beets never looked better than now, and hundreds of Indians, Japs and many whites are now In the fields thinning them aa rapidly as possible. Only few early strawberries and some cher ries were damaged by the frost. A full crop of all fruits Is assured In the Grand Ronde Valley; the strawberrlea will be on the market in about four weeka Blda are All Too High. ASTORIA. County court opened bids for construction of a reinforced concrete foundation for the new court house. Four bids were received as follows: John Bingham, Portland, $21,857.40; Bingham & Flynn, Port Innd, $21,70; Marshall Bros., Port land, $21,439.65; Ferguson ft Hous ton. $20,987. The lowest bid waa much higher than the court antici pated and about $7000 above the ar chitect's estimate. Final action on bids waa deferred until the architect will be here. Poor Business at Cold Storage. ASTORIA. Up to the present the fishing aeaBon haa been a greater fail ure than last year, especially for the cold-storage people. At this time last year fully 600 tierces of pickled Asa had been put up, while, now not over 150 tiercea have been packed. The pack of the canners ia not -much over 10,000 cans, but those interested are not 'discouraged aa they expect a large late run the same a last year. APPLES BROUdHT HIM HERB. New Yorkar Found Easter Fruit Could Not Compete. HOOD RIVER. The Hood River Fruit Company I a new Hood River corporation. The company la capital ized at )75,000, the stockholders being Burt Van Horn, of Buffalo, N. Y., A. A. Jayne and T. A. Decker; of Hood River. Mr. Van Horn owna a 400-acre apple orchard in New York. Hla ap plea met with competition in big mar kets with the Hood River product, and last November he made a apeclal trip to tbla valley to acquaint himself with conditions here. The result of bis in vestigation Is the recent organization of the Hood River Fruit Company. The company haa been formed sole ly for the purpose of growing com mercial apples. It ia not i specula tive land-dealing scheme, aaya Mr. Van Horn. Mr. Van Horn was for yeara prominently connected wttb the street railway business In the City of Buffalo. He expecta to spend much of his time in Hood River this summer and fall, except when bis other busi ness interest take him out of town. He haa let contracts for clearing the fruit lands he has purchased. Following are the Hood River farm- era who made sales of land to the Hood River Fruit Company: Boyd Sproat, Warren Wells, August Paasch, C. H. Stauffer, G. R. Castner, W. V. Johnson. Foaad With Stole Horses. LA GRANDE. Word baa reached here from Wallowa county that Bill Cottlngham, more familiarly known as Coyote Bill, who was wanted in tne atate of Washington for stealing hors es, and who took French leave, was captured near Wallowa last week in camp, in company with his wife. He was hunted down by some of his bondsmen. He apparently thought he was perfectly safe when he waa caught He had horse In the camp, also, that were atolen. Cottlngham was Immediately taken back to Wash ington. Wire to B Strang to Imraaha. LA GRANDE. The stockholders of the Imnaha. Joseph ft Eureka Tele phone company In Wallowa county have elected officer to act during the ensuing year, aa follows: President, F. D. McCully; vice president. Prank Reman; secretary and treasurer, J. P. Rusk. All the stock haa been sub scribed, and the contracts let for the construction of the line from Joseph to Buckhorn Springs, and in the near future will be built on to Imnaha and Frulta. New Hatchery SIU oa Sin slaw. ASTORIA. Master Fish Warden Van Dusen haa returned from a trip to the Stuaiaw river, where be select ed a new site for the state salmon hatchery. Considerable trouble haa been experienced in the paat by the floods, which rise rapidly, and several times a vast amount of damage has been done. A location has now been selected where this difficulty la ex pected to be obviated. Build a Hotel at Hot Lake. PENDLETON. A fine new hotel ic under construction at Hot Lake, where State Senator W. M. Pierce, of Pendle ton, ia one of the proprietors. The structure will be three stories high, brick, equipped with modern conven lencea and 100 feet long with two L'a, each 120 by 45 feet It will cost 875,000. PORTLAND MARKETS. WHEAT Walla Walla. 72c: blue- stem, 80c; Valley, 81c. BARLEY Feed. $23 per ton; roll ed, $24.50$25. FLOUR Valley. $3.90 $4.05 per barrel; hard wheat straights, $4 $4.25; clears, $3.85$4.10; hard wheat patenta, $4.40$4.70; graham, $3.50 $4; whole wheat, $4'$4.25; rye flour, $4.50. OATS No. 1. white, $1.25; gray, $1.20 per cental MILLSTUFFS Bran, $19$20 per ton; middlings, $25.50$27; shorts. $20$21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19. HAY Timothy. $15S$16 per ton; clover. $8$9; grain, $11$12; cheat infill. VEGETABLES Turnips, 80c per sack; carrots, 80c; beets, $1; pars nips, $1; cabbage, 22V&c; red cab bage, 2c; lettuce, head, 2540c per dos; parsley, per dot., 25c; cauliflow er, $1.75'$2 per dozen; celery, 75 90c per dozen; cucumbers, $1.25 $1.60 per dozen; asparagus, 60c; peas, 5c per pound; rhubarb, 3c per pound; beans, green, 15c; wax, 15c; squash, $1 per box. HONEY $3 $3.50 per case. POTATOES Fancy, 75c$l per cental, growers' price; new potatoes, 34c per pound. FRUITS Strawberrlea. $1.75$3 per crate; cherries, 75c$1.2o per box; gooseberries, 6c per pound; ap ples, fancy Baldwins and Spltzen bergs, $1.60 $2.50 per box; choice, SIU? $1.60; cooking, 75c$l. EGGS Oregon ranch, 1717Hc per dozen. POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 13 13tfc per pound; spring, small, 20 22 Vic; hens, 1313Vc; turkeya. live, 1617c per pound; dressed, 18 20c; ducks, $7$8 per dozen; geese", live, 7 8c per pound. CHEESE Full cream, twins, new stock, 12H13c; old Btock, 10c; Young America, 14c. HOPS 1903 crop, 2325V4c per pound. WOOL Valley, 1920o W pound; Eastern Oregon, ll16c; mohair, 30c per pound for choice. BEEF Dressed, 57c per pound. MUTTON Dressed, 4 6c per pound; lambs, 8o. ' VEAL Dressed, 66o per pound. : PORK Dressed, 67c. HAM 1416e. FLOOD IN HOJTB3. Cloudbursts Compel Six Hundred Kaaaa Families to Fie. Topeka, Kan., June 4. Kansas streams are rapidly riaing tonight. Cloudbursts are reported from Emporia, Newton, Strong City, Florence, Man hattan, St. John and Salina. At Lin coln Center more than four inches ol water fell in three hours. Heavy rains are reported from np atream in the Ksw valley, but moat of the high water trouble is being experi enced in the botom lands between Em poria and Newton. At Emporia tha Neoaho and Cottonwood rivera are re ported as rising a loot an hour. At Florence, the Santa Fe track ara washed out in several place. Six hundred people were forced to leave their home in Newton, and res cue parties will be at work all night aaving people irom the flood. The town of Elmdale, eight mile from Cottonwood Fa is, ia reported as being under three feet of water. A eeveie wind accompanied the rain, greatly damaging fruit and growing eropa. Tornado Injur Twenty. Omaha, Jnne 4. Additional reports from Tekamab, which waa struck last night by a tornado, indicate that about 20 person were injured, aome of them seriously hurt. There were no fatal Itiea. The storm wrecked moat of the build ing in it path, which was a block in width and aeveral blocks long. Tha opera bouse, two general stores, a blacksmith shop and several residences were destroyed. A high school com mencement rehearsal waa in proa res in the opera house when the storm struck the building, carrying away tha oof and partially wrecking the walla. A number ol pupila were injured. The people of the town had little warn ing of the coming storm, and many bad narrow escape. The property loaa ia heavy. JAPANESE MINES EXPLODED. RoMlaaa Continue to Clear the Port Arthur Roadstead. Bt. Petersburg, Jane 4. The follow ing dispatch from Viceroy Alexieff to the emperor haa been received here: "Rear Admiral Wtttsoeft and Grig orovitch report that np to May 28 nu merous Japanese mines had been die covered and exploded in the roadstead of Port Arthur. The Japanese evident ly have replaced the fireahipa which they formerly nsed, by mines sown by merchant steamers in their service." The emperor has received the follow ing dispatch from General Kuropatkln: "All ia qniet in the direction of Feng Wang Cheng. Sin Yen baa not been occupied by Japanese detach ments. "On Hay 30 two cam pa ol Japanese Infantry and 30 dragoons advanced along the Taknahan road towards Ona lassi for the purpose of turning th left flank of our outposts. Our scouta dis covered the movement and firing en sued, in the course of which one Cos sack waa wounded and one horse killed. "The Japanese detachment, which our cavalry successfully engaged May 30, is now atationed lour vereta from Vafangow, fortifying ita position. "There have been further Japanese advances Irom Eaimatza toward Feng Chow Ling Paaa on the Liao Yang road." MEET AT FULL SPEED. Electric Car la Ohm Collide and Six Persons an Killed. Norwalk, O., June 4. Six person were killed and a dozen or more hurt thi afternoon aa a result of the collis ion on the Lake Shore Electric railway between an east bound fast electric pas senger car and a westbound "package freight" car at Wells Corners, a few miles eaat of thia city. The acident occurred at a point quite diatant from any immediate mean of communication, and assistance waa sent from Norwalk, where every phy sician and nurses in the city waa hur ried to the place. All those killed were in the smoking compartment ol the passenger car. The cars were su burban electric cars of the largest type, and were smashed to pieces. They met in collision at full speed. One Squadron Annihilated. St. Petersburg, June 4. General SakaroS haa telegraphed as follows, under today's date, to the general staff: "According to reports, the Japanese commander in the action of May 30 near Vafangow had three battalions of infantry in reserve. Our losses were 17 men killed and 23 men wonnded and Lieutenant Meyer and another offi cer, whose name has not been ascer tained, wounded. The Japanese loose were very considerable. One squadron ol the Thirteenth Japanese cavalry waa annihilated." Russians Find Food Scarce. Seoul, June 4. The Russian band scattered throughout Ham Heung pro vince are encountering commissariat difficulties. The countryside is illy supplied with food and' forage, owing to the bad crops of the past two yeara. Since the first Russian raid there has been no trade at Yensan and Bong in, and consequently no importation of foodstuffs. The Russian movement in Corea caused widespread starvation, Reports Battleship Aground. Bt, Petersburg, June 4. An uncon firmed rumor baa reached here from Mukden that the Japanese battleship Fuji ia aground on a reef off the Miao Tao ialanda, between the Kwan Tung and Shan Tung . promontories, whera aha la being guarded by torpedo boat.