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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1904)
3 f3 "J ' 1 14 i Entered at the rostofhVe at St. Helens, Oregon, as sccrnd-cla mail matter. AID FOR ROADS. ISMKO IvVKStY 1'KlllAV Bv E It. I-LACO, KltlTOM and I'KomitiToa. One copy, one year, in advance . $1 iV "(Six month .". AO l.cgl noli.-es 2.". cents per tine. An Address Delivered by Judge Scott of Marion County. ; people want them to do. j went la your, and every dollar in th treasury belong to you, an ther l no ' way that yon ran expend It and bring a greater benetlt to all lb. people than to build good pnbllw highway hroghout this country. If w would thoroairlily ! organls and ttirough our organisation demand our delegation In Cpnjrcss to nifirested by tli work and oU (or nt.u.r( aid lor xoad ! rnit gofero ...... It,i. and il.e eawinlrlea til Stat all mi Hrat farmer ot New Jereev, Ttio mvrwin ; improvement, every on of them would j l.-iw lor il establishment arte passed i lo all l their poar to rnarl lucb a , tlnoH-h the nmilniicd .'IT iris of the ! measure. However, we ana fortunate at jicarti of American aliecluie.t and tlit th present tiui to delegation In 1 farmer' org.inii-tin. Since then oilier ! iVmgrena who are in favor of iuch a WiVIlt ...... l.-va na,le.t ainiit. Lata all nt ineaanr Rut w pan r.nt ta.ll a. hen mm election held ia this ewmty, ca-t 5H0 i ..... ...... ..., ...;.,'...;. , .., ...... .i,... i n., V.iryli.iul lii jiit j-iin-il the litif ita'r tn'i who would not look apon nch a ikin under the tntc .il.l plan, its uuo ia a friendly way, to it lo lrii!tire lu ap:r.ri. te I OV.OOO to! hoove u to tend men to our national aid she counties of th Mate in I m pro v- lopalative hall who will vote for and FRIDAY. JINK 17. THK RECKNT VOTE. The I 'tnocratii! trty, at the votea, thsfl-tttlitM 14". Mu i! iory!itTlrwtit- l.'tU, aul tin- lit j nl.'ii ;ti jSM.V.liliflti'piibliewii" I.avi'.pa m j.iin f?wVpver all other trt'ir, r...:iih- standing th vole puiltd it'.' ,i,. tne ivtr.u.... a u e , l.,ltIl.ll., j, ,a U ,..,, llon t... ' provemer.t. ut,1Wfro.v..,.r, .r .... .1:,. i, aiao! The conWMt O come ia ine p v.tTiKMi i niost rem.nkji !o f. -n i e i t.'i t.ul 1 voteril :or t.u it n.-vmiu- n.oi.mi to' t'ougicsj. N.i h.!i; s id . If -gainst I, a th. .-an 1: I -..-v ..; Mr Hattan an I M-. lifts 1 tm ttcrunt : iiiiC ll.-ir r..!?. The d:sti'.hr.ti. n among work lor national aid for highway im- tit ui rd u.i!tee. M.(r).ind isi also i The conteat for nomination to Con ihe iiit tiatv to oi.avne "fl mad girM betaeen Lieutenant Hohenn, the the Jay st-'ectcd lxirg April loth, hero of tha alteuipt to bottle up Ceve- h rl;ite aid law differ Kmehi in,r'f'eet at Santiago, and Reprernta the ttatct that now have it, but j live Bankhead of Aalaa, attracteil in the main it i as f..H : The ttf ! wide attention, but it i not generally p.iv ontr lil' the coot of improvii g all ' knoaa that the quetion of national aid nw ?iie r.inntv in a hh ' tn roaj IminrArvmeiita ala nna nl th f t'.eir ny it m..-t lU.v tw u,rJ (v, , pan, the Irving i.ue of th "campaign.. Lie.. b,,Vn , ,v"kvr,i!"". " to.nsh.p or rvwi district irt a part, tenant Hobaou .troogly opxa.l th tolun.b) I ottnty las d:ul.i M. J, . .. cntrtou to the rvd ' Bjovement a not demo. rat. c and uncon This if tv l-e r .-rvt;e.l. o u .-an,! , ,-au,- j pir, . n ut ,iie pf ,n,itnct j,,,,, j .titnlional. lie taike.1 in laror of great ja;gu to tv a.v.1 uih.i ; -v.. ..I t-.a- j T! , , narticolir ai.iv..i.... u!anDroi:aiicaa for thw wave. Mr Rank. : to p.iy i a o.a'ter to l dn.-i.kvi bj il.e i hea.l, on the other hand, argued that to people of eacn aiaie o.v iegi:tire enact meiit. I i !.u i- '11$ o( ! i : tract-I i aarty ! r p'taent : : instead nf np n t'.ic lwi. ( pie. H il.tlii-lislrtl I1:; ll:t- s iHjtnoiralic (urvuts ti:il iiotithi,; ; ire in ihet rrt-l of t.xt iv's Iviu and are t xr.:-: to the l;,-.ul.:i-ai: a tue only orauiution th progtv '.! ;,r..-. nty. The rte .!ctuii:ri,- tvit the poll licit I li"hili'tiooi.-ts ,.! very lea in touiuU-r, ca-t;!:r 17 votes Iris t:n.i (ht Sociii!:4. wl.o 3i.jif-.if to t j-tratiiir gaiuiiii;." Of courii there r. vi- ,m:1-, Kepnhii.ana who favor p '!,;": rfou, l.u; they .to not t-.:rA it neci.y t their purtr i:i J, r to .to so. V. i.i i. th matter fuci'fi up for vtih m-nt a s di rect issue it i I r.velve tl.ctr v.t-, and we predict that i'a ?t.-e!:g!li a i! U- a -ur-prise to uiauv. ' Tue tliir. for tt to lrsrn first j ome ! thing aiiit the tern-fit that iai aristf j from having a law. II. I. Budd, iSut C..imiii;tur of I'ublic Road, Tn'nton, Xew Jcitoy, 'The farm er? were at first upicioui of the law, for f it would iairtaurally increaee tiieir iaxi . They have found by expe ' neii.-v that it sit but lightly upon that, and is a email expense compared with " the aving by more eay pngeof their prudiiv! to D-artrt, and by the induce ment it offer to the city people to be ceil U aboat one third of lhi amount. However, the Increaae in the price of hauling actually done ia bp no mean the only Ion reanltiug from bad rxd. The lore of perishable product Jkom waul of actee to market, th fajlae to racb market when price are good, and the failure to raie prvxlucu that would be i marketable if market were always ac cessible, add many millions to the cost of tied road. it (ia .been estimated that it coat nine hundred and fifty million dollar annually to transport goods and pro ducts over our roads. We can reduce this ripen more than on hall by building good road. The tax of bad road ill become con stantly harder to bear, a lb people of this country are brought into cloaer coin pe;ition wilh cheap labor and piodm tions of the now legated agricultural conn trie by the comUntly improving transportation facilities both by aalrt nd rail. The various department of gricu ture tea. h the farmer how to iucrea-e his product, and how to care for it o th beet advantage, hut the qaeetioa that financially latere! him tooat i how to dispoee of hi product, it i naelro for htm (o ra anything beyond supplying hi faat-ily, nolea hcan Gad t mark! for it that he cau reach at th proper time. T.. i -i .. r . r .. - . . . . , . , .. a re vnaujuvi ... Villi maoa v m. aid the atate in making the roads wou d I e. ... v . . , . . . . .. , . , . .! State of ew lork ha aaid : "Taking be a better and wiser ue of the national i . . . . .. . . ,. " .... . ... : Uiif countrva a a hole it la handicapped revenue. Ibis argument took w:th the i . . . ... ,. , . . ; . J A in all the market of the world bv an voters, and won th nomination. I . . . . . . vnii mum mmwww lanur .u wiv pi.iua eot of traaaportaiion of our product. " The National 3oard of Trad ha said Do not nn.terstand that I would hav I the general government build all the roads throughout this coantry. 1 d contend, however, that Urge appropria tions Muld be made by our generil government for road improvement in the niSAMAmROFHCAIlH 0 POWDER Absolutely Pur WERE IS fiQ SUBSTITUTE I.STAKI iaao JOHN A. BECK pkai m tn Watcnes, Diamonds, Sllicnare, ....JEWELRY.... Kojviirinsa Sporialty. arrta at. M. fi.ul A mi, fORTUND Dr. Ethvin Uohh, -Plmsiciim ami Siii'&on. HT. IIKLKNH, OKK00N. Dr. U.K. Cliff, rhum'Uin and Surgeon, KT.IIKI.KNM'HKtlON. that this country is poverty stricken in the midst of It riches by reason of it bad read. This queatioo i being agi tated by the leader of many of our . .. ... . ....... i i . i -. ... ... i iin'u, M.n ia nit uuhM. a iiarv is no i , . . , , nation now has good, permanent r ' . . . . .. ., . ,. . . . . the rarinu state of the I" moo. It is conntructeil cigowaas that ha not had ,, , , ... , . . , . - ,' . rapidly growing in favor with all clauei aid froia its general government. , ,. . " , , .. . ... . , 'and will in time he solvetl, though it " " J - mm . m. jn... u , iui u J" if I . I- i m. ,n mm mmm tl Ma a ,1 I vUitor aud locator upon their! better public highway a it 1 for us to j like to have It. We ought not to become NOTICK TO CKKDITOKS. Notice is herrbv Kiu that the "'" aigncd hat Iwn, l.v the Hon J- l"i. Juileof the Counlv Court ol ol Oregon for tlw County ol Columhia. ap pointnl adminiatrator ol Ihc citale id IHiar V. r-'err. ilecraaed. Anv and all prraons having claims mi1 ciuir arc hcrehv rcjuircd to tuvmit the aaine at the Uw oflice ot W. II IWclt. at St Helena, Oregon, dulv vcnlied mvonling to law. within six month Irom the dtr hereof. Dated this Uth Uv id June, I'.sH. K H t-AKK. V. II. Powell, attorney Ui adin'r. cou.e I fl i. uaic oa-ier water vav ana more ran-. . . . , v n ... . . t . . , dicouragd. Kipcrience leaches u that I Coontr nd staie tax '!" aMessed wv. There have been about rive hnn-1 ... DOTICI Of IMTtMTIO TO tFHT FOR UQUOH UCtHtt. riv) MX. Y niaoNf" ? ' ami I aai'h ol l"M ' " " ""..-. i a.T.iil. .1. 1 fall... Ila'k a III. in. Ilialm .la) i, j'mI,ImiI api'l. . I'" com in i '''! "I foltim 1,1, 1'i.ainv. i.Ula iire..n. Inr a llaeliaa l.i set' .l.lrllitiMia, a .i.ooa an.l mall lliMira and haul .'War in quanllllaa law lliB .ma salt"" a ioliwl ill ! mi'iiin.. i ..ia ,ii.k -vmi 1.1. ml In Prrr I.Uml I' ra" IKI. r.illoii'ila .oi. I, ltrsn.hl h aM ll."allill 1M Iw larw llf ..u Iha lll"l fltl'l HUM In Ilia .moil, i moii'l Hi aiai i.Hre. Iu ruliimiiia. i.'in.v, Inlhr M.oar li A fl-" '(. I.. Nmuh au.l I aim I li l-r a I. ..n-a ! all .(.itiitiiMtt i.taii i'i .i.M.ii llM'H.ra Irimrnl.-.! .1.1' III iiuaullllia laa ..lia aail.ili lulhallmi l omti I'iimtI nl ihe rmluit ..I ri.linutaa an. I aiaia '. o.r'i . lk Hiutar la.iril. Iviiat ..Kara ami .rlli'lll. il l.o Ulau.1 -iv.-ln. l II. t'liiuiHlila . t.ui.l , aiia ! ilrrson. ami ah.. h.a a.'luN. ra..ia-l In .aio -a lnal Iht'iv lUMI'il'il Ixllia oitlli all. I liloif otlMIS il iii.ii ....! 1 ir.H-. Hull. iili..oi i .qi ll.oi 1.hI. -I hr .nil. iron . tbp al.l . I .1111 rtouiiir.Kl.ia .'li tl-aaill ila ol .lull . 1111. In li hrl.l In Ilia r.ol h.o.-a In Ilia . tiv nt M Hrlri... Ii. aahl nl. n.i.l lata llal a lirrnw .! K'anla.1 Ir, l'fia.1... I. rallWau.t lala.i I 'art (i. all poll"1'...-. I.tvoia au.l a-aK I .l ion ai..l l. ruo-iio-l In .mnOI'laa U-aa II .il ,.i,rfli,.i In Ivrl I '.."'I I'lrilntl It. Ilia V lllajia "I lira! l.lainl. In .t I 1'naii 1. f.iir i.l .i at-.o". a.t.l ll.i .'n l. Mrai.w a Ukllnl In .I'l 1 liarlta I. a.nllli ami I'alfM I la.S I..r a irO.I .-I all in. ouli. In.tM id,, kill ,1a. ..I Jul. iui. all ol abwl. )"" -allll.'.nl alii a... ia. J . .in.n T l.o.kln T A !. I ai.lraa.Mi. I ln ni'Iiii.ii l lii 'ji1. I tii.ia M j t'al' !l... . O I I r.-.n-. Il-a fc ii. ia T'l.. Ha.ip Stijafl, r.lnar n.a'l HU hi S.K.I H.M la.. il.. .1 W ft .. I I'of '.m n iir-ii .liii!.'t.lIU Hiriooi -.tiitou o Ji iit... n. w 1-lti. khr. .1 I'.r. an o -ll aa. W m. tri 1 -nail. I.I Mil N Aa.l.-ea I II -lin aoa. H H -ml III llnr.l la. .Ir.a J In. lui. b, !' ra a. i fullr. i 1 I'.i ..a r .!. ...-..'rr M..ii Ii,k. Mta , t ill- nl.vfl. h lljtiri Ua'll i Jai., n. '.. I il." i.iliHM.a.l. latirt Ha-.-., r-at.a S...1.H l.m.a I..HOM lrtlll..i. ala f la i.l. a. Tun. m Ihara.- .H I . .Lin, . .n...n,...a l . lialtl .ii J n.i Imili .... I ,!..!. H II llutl. la;ni. I'a'.rrt . a a nvwt mM .. I. V THll,.l sar. located mlt,,"n1? al th county sef . 1 . S m..ketat hJ. p,";,T,i oi, neirns. ir,K,,, U All If I'lllVioi ... Ili.lti fat r..,,,,M,, c' fAlTsf Inilt; hoiiae ,! Zl! inery, bada; grwlr. Ki v.l..(i. e, MBt, ,t,)r. " uniiaiv aMrauii, i- .. : r, Cultuiil.Li Coutuv.'i L'J mmmm, , Foil 4 Il 1 I 11 V L i . acre located ,.n W .m J UJ .ii.,ii..n..,.. i... :"'"" N1H (u . ... , ,. I I tal. 1 1 . "" dally Uini, W,I.HK, rare Helens, Oregon the 11 known a,,,! ,' .'i',.,, UirZ!a snort, at u i ployers. "! W ken In I'.rilan u, 2 Tl.a Kmplra H.-jUiirsni. I, Htreet. three d,, h,.,(U ".' '1 ire. Meal. Ir,,,,, dV anil lliuht. Ilvateia I. T. ' Win. Ilohlan.ler !... l " "VH lloyi.1. l.ia.,.lMadi;;,;.'",'l' KKK ( II AN. K-To U, tZ My lann ., ,M, Iflmlly In llover ami ht;, i.l Irmt , new la.go house in,) aloe, Innn inat luuerii, iut tou avl.m.ta, riuiici,, K, elation and sl.irai, t i ft.iiMir.iiatv i.Ha'rinn ffiia ttanrn. twiambiaiv STocKrOltSAIK-lh.,,,,,, of Hue iiillrti i-o l..r aal, j,,, Will, loiihg raliea, Ihe UIsm,! Kit luilher InlornisliiinralludtJ lour in hca In n. Vanki.., f,; i ..iii.ij. tin ruia.mig AJ h.a.I of voocg rani. yeill.wj ...... inn., in aan ll.r m-j C I- MXA ,ld. A2VIW-1 Of cours- we will now have a rcw courthouse: Mr. Hattan ha pledged hlmseif to baild :t: the fraud jury very strongly recooinicude.i it, and tiie argu ment in favor of t:.e remoalof the couq- iu the tity a well a! in the Country ac-' dred miilioo dollar appropriate.1 by our !?ordirg to the value of property owned, 'grtieralg.jTernment for IheimprOTrment inelu-ting the yeil'f.r lercbaiits, man-. of rivers and ha.lxirs. Why? Became niactu!rs, ana insurance compauiea trie people wno wanted such improve mot of the weahu of the rtnte being i mi nt a.aue their influence felt. Is there found in the cilieour tysiera succes ( sny rea.aon w hy the people w ho are in- i to bring atuul any great reiorm or pub lic improvement takes uiueu time sn.l a great deal of hard woi k on tjie part of few individual. While w are working at tue financial problem, trying to get government aid, we caa, through ocr or- , fully provide or the construction of im (proved rotji?, without lean'r; iru.-l; t.f1 thai a ntmr . i r f Kmi mrmm r , . -' . - . . -ea far the i koine of tl." ! sl, OP" f. mer. not rwjtiTr- Bjbiie records. Thecoaatr ia out of ,D lh,m w contribute within an equi-; accimplish deb!, and the new jitdje is g -itig to re '. wbi" ih'r"jt t!i expert according v; raise revenue for road building throoa-h duce the runci:ieexiiei,se of tue conutv ,ht "e',h of ctl individual Uxpayer. : o ir general government to defray a pirt ten-sted in baring good roada can not unite iu one great orgariixsticn that ill : have ufSneat u'wer cad iu!lunc to ' thi covetcl detre. We ran To Alt IVraona .Vr.' irtllil 1 j You anj aa.-h ..f )nu will ! tn.llral that Jraae Hrr.,lrl. ka kill. ut. the tin I .lav of July, ism, i i 1 1 10 ilia r.iioiiri I null o( 1'uluiilMa l uioily, DUla of l'l j f on, ror a lirenaa lo atorll 10 i. ln. I oua and malt Minora and liaril t .-lT. In qUJIRIir.aa leaj. lhan oi'.a x.)u..i t'.r nrlilliiini d.i aiarli in L.l 1I..1 I ratlot ' au montlia. In Iha HI jrOTio or xvTimo to rrtt roa uqvob uciiu. Ihe New CI F LI M C KAT At i) 1.1 the fxt In the Market w.t til lm Tear Xotci? j THC tMCOICAr v Ct-OTMIglt J Au.l e r'mni -j f.y 0 1 1 AT J In tksUiM Shapes si loulti. wilt be of material Ivneot to the tau.e We mast Uke hold of this inalt. r our j cive. sad orewnite our lon-a. an.) kro i "' Count j t'ourt of h si ita uf , . j fim. fur Columbia 'oo. is this nterpri ol road ia.proteii.aut in ma Xlatiar or Iha A;;ui .u. utiiti'. tnin I'ra. In.-t Coonlr. lron. wh. 'i' a. n bar u ukii tha ,-iltoia.ra I'KTII U'N '1 , fa at least oce-liiird, and this !oce ill par for the bjildin oia hiai)ie :o:ie court hour ins; Je ! ?ix rear. ' The fsrnier' income are imai! eouipared .oi cch expense better lliao we cau ab.vaat aith other great enlerpiiara of ourrouiilrr. It bus hewn raid that th. counbii rorsTv rows. Heappame Dairies Tlsitd by 0. t4et.i. C. The studenti. of the Oregon Agricultu st College, throuj tie generoaitT of fciutor R. A. i:i-J:, r. -ently made a trmr of tnspar-.:cn of the -stock aa 1 dairy farms of the S't.-. Jze supervision nf their a! !c tatm.-.. LrJame Wjth jtabe. Their vii: to C iumbia County is ;'nus dcs-r'ie i b;. te krral Sprit: Tbrviav was very pr..-5: ibly spent with the trio'" who ii til in clowcom uiunion an.1 neighbor'.-lc;c in the vicin ity of Scappxij, eai 3v.5cating and rtpeentin? a ditferrr.t ':-eed, bet all wortin ii.girtaer in oi dojrain the with thoe of otl er purauits ; therefore any otlMr way that I know of, al-fir-t they heka;e to subacribe to the boiiding of theae improved higbaays. But we have deuiua-trated by building naxerou storte bignaays under the state aid law that we caa have good road without overload:!! them with tax??. They are now fi.idiug it as easy to get frun the ontitrr huiue to the church, as it is for the peopie to pass from their borne iu the citr to the same place; tbu-i they have U the delights of rural ex:tenc and the advantajv , cliief characteristic of the a;c in ahic 1 m ru,w f I1T i IK. .I...l..n......l an I a.. u po"e for an example that we hsve , - . , .. . ' y , , r , , . phcatio.of lh prmciplus of o-iiaiiixj- ln roui,l iiuoibtrt an lurie-j valuation : ... . . , , , . . .... . ,, tion an I tin uiau:ivm-nt of isre huai in this coontT of eiihl cuil i.'-i do lars. . . , , , ' , ...... nert enterprise, ti.e uiergiig of the In- Let o tax our people one mill, which , ;J- , . . ,, . , , i divwoal luto a rvsiem, eoiicenlratioii oi , , . i bra;ns and nionai uirec'.t i let n go to uie state ana gel cigr.i ti.oo jaad niore. then to our government r.J g-t fI6.CC;), making iZ2.CM ia all, to he great nerpries nf thia Pacific Noiih I west, and thereby op u i.ew aicnu.-s ot enterpriseao l industry thit would cause I to be developed our mane r-.i.. i :nv. iK.t are Bow lying dorm int aulwid ren...iu a fivru pnrjHe. Si. all we take np the wj: in ' a apirit that i i)uislent to its ituport- . . , ,. '.I..., .uw iiiu, taiuii nil ii.ii mil uiiici t-hn..I house, market, lecture room aud spent iu th, coaittv in bund in; a piece: . . ......... of road in a permanent way. TVhnae road would it be a hen coaipb-ted? It is your road. Who does the woik upon ir.siroa i. i ra uj. l w ra, cr ixt i l . rj r 1 fx- il.t tnmnm . i I n...ll. . - 1 ' . w , T U . U . . . irmnr..,.,,h. m,, V V. '. Li . '..raav..,. o until tbi proble.u .had besa;..!..- . , ... ..... - -.-w tori!. t)mitii u r:i 3 irma U.VI.l .HOC ICITOI lOrVUUearC . !D I H I WO 11 3J". I 'l.S WOQltl pUl J.,' learning that by this method they can CX) in circulation in this county, and th obtain tneee fahsiantial improveaient j Uhorii.g csa wrmld da the work and wi.h..nt InKniil'inif ... at, an,., ,. I . r ,n. .-. k... 1... A I - ivi MC., VUl IIUUU lo ! w jrk out nd enjoy. ret a ith the i nie of thi t-ute and ujl.oo, au I with Iheui alone, to y whfther or no! svh dev. I opmeutshai. uk Ja. iiu or whether Th question of keeping the present sreu- ! expend with the bosine -, men. and mer- coaiiaon cause eration on the farm by giving them bet- ehanu, who would also Ik beceCted sera aa ; rer'.actne it ter a.-il aJraniaini ti-.rruih f .j ,i....l I .. . .. . : - . . , . - . r " . nrsisnj ruetnren- 'aaanication will probably be I This snhjeet it an Interesting one from ! A case came to light that for triten' oncyu Brc.' Kelvin Crove Farm. solved by thi. new method." ; ,be standpoint of the farmer, .h, mer-! cmnverciful torture ha. perb.p, Kver mansie-a by ir. Co.-jai. is nsa:n- Pennsylvania na. aruler the tte aid ' chant, the bicr.-!it. the. wntAn.ntiiat ! t -.i-i-i. -ir....... , . i ... . , - - , - - - . . -, . . v . . j v. uviumia ut coiuw t"-" -v , ia, appropriate., six miuiea dollar in : the eda itire catt.c inlae 07n--e-t. and m ev UV.i-hia this her! aa-I :n.-Jucicg the t.c-i 5-j tjwir as a ua.r;. oreett ia san- eieht of ita coontis ai l nr.dir the la "For 1 rear I endured .-a'.or, the physie;n. the lawyer, 'calif., writes. tnree Tears. ew loik has appropri- the preacher, the laborer. atedtao million dollars, and seventy-; roads w inid lie a benefit to every lajdy. ' nothing relieved me thoueh 1 tried ev. u'"nlu"- J'-k J tit Of Ita COUntiS have artnli,! fi.r i arlia.lar il ha,, ..a r.!a.L...M . . .u: . ... ' i-.ikio. "... ' It is now trying to! or pc-a--e. I W04U like to ask who it is ! Bitten and its tie neatest metiriie on enact laws providiug for an appropria ; that would cot lend a helping hand to 1 earth for that trouble, A few bottles of tionof fifty million dollars, to b oed j cause wHicb, if properly carried out, 'it cotnpletelv reHeved and cure! me " ; in Eve year under the state aid plan. ; would benefit everybody, and would ijustasgood lor Liverand Kidney trouh'.ea Masachue'.'s!,aay,netruete.leig(ithun-; help keep up tiie bonor and dignity of mad general debility. Only SJc. Sii drei mile, of road a food a- ny in Eo-j thi great Ute of hour, that i to full action guarateed by St. Helen I'harniaiy. ror, under the r.ate aid law. j of promise and that w are so proud of. i . I: shall not be ror pnrpo-e toenterinto' If the pnblic roads of tb's country ars to ! !. a was 111 Gradaate. adetaile-ldisca-aiouof tbuphaseof the ; I made goryl during the lifetime of the j Columbia county ia atill one of the roa.i -,net:o!i ft this time, r,otwithund-: present generation it is high time that s greateit log sad lumber producing sec- .ni . nave c en reqnestei to oo ao. Mr we unite 10 eopport ot a few gene-al ; tioos of orexon. However, a dozen vear. '" reason ts I thick it would tend toeonfuw, prineiple and go to wjrk upon eome:go or more, before the farming'and ua ajueiUai alio oiverr our attainiion cenera man. i.; j . , . , . - - : 1 uair.iax iDiiumn am oeieiOtJCil. Collins home, riiich the three rre-V- 1 ......!.. n ... j , . 1 - - i.-oiu u.rt. it-ri mai rc now more impor ; ii ins naiionai gooo roads nnnvenient all joined in furnishing. After luncheon ' tant for dj to consider than the plan of ever get started nothing wi'l stop it. It all repaired to feunnybank Fann and in- state aid. I blieve it would be better will sweeo verrthiu before it. It will for ns to efct a better organization ' require earnest and persistent effort op- . thronghout onr county, and let thepeo-,!oa the part of tha good roa Is lvocate ' f. pie stuoy out toese oetans Uiemseivea. ' to get it trtel. bat it is coming just a prevailing industry. We should o-ganiie gd road league in j ure a we are here to-lay. It i- a mat-! More than one' in4ihWl ,...t llof the principal road district through- ' ter of supreme importance to every man, ! from the saarmill into a political carer oui ui cjuniv. ar.u zi trie nonia ' woman sou cm.u iivinr wittiin tina oraai aa. a.. i .1 1 & tS',-J lJ . -J . . . ' . m " - UTC UKWC .a..,. .:-,. i uijiiraa 01 itaoy the problem that is now before n. ada and the Eastern as well as ia Scotland, the Kelvin Grove people have shown commendable enterprise by secur ing some, of the very Wt of the breed. Viola Errummond. Gladys and Rose were Jtned np for tie b-ys to ju le, and it is a question if any oticr herd can lead on; three such cows of this breed. They were almost unanimous in plating Viola Drum mon.l, the champion cow of America, first. After a most careful inspection of h stock and ot the farm and dairy a most bounteous lunch was served at the spected Mr. West s handsome herd of Jerseys. It was a great class of cows Mr. West led out for inspection, including Casila. the cow that has fx-en winning the dairy test at Salem for two years. Golden Fern's Rose Fern and Favorite Gertie, f Jal0 tlT.-riri.-ka for a 1 1 uota, malt or vlnuua it- i.,r an.l fi Wrrl.J rijrr In MUrill'.llU-a iraa II. 1' ore ii.llon, lo Uie Hon. County l..rl of l'..-Crtu.-tl of .-..lumtila ar:J Ml; nf .Or. jn: We, iha under.. I . rt.rria.i.a an a.-l'il malollty of tiia ali.i'r i-.ur twr of laal volar .if l ?llon I'talm 1 1 C' loiiiily, rraf.?n. Iirirb ,k !f'.-;:l e ho.iorahla rnurl l.t grai.l r- Mtfi.Urlraa a ll.aiaa l.i r.ri! p-1 r.l -uoua. mll ai,J Mnoua liuura a: tr. tnr-lted ,-i.lrr. fonircorlv a. haul! rlitrf. In t-.iantll ira aa l.ia.i tn.r K.ii.ia at Haollnn. In l iil'in I'ra. lji. I. i.,-ri.. bla Coui-ty, lrr.,n ..r 11, a cr .H ,.r m .ur -et.Uuiiri w!U a.-rr c. .- i J. 1L!. k. rtiru ,...!m. J Irrlnif Jurriono. 11 li liaaaini. I...f,-r:r lllira. J Krutfrr. (' J W'rl.l, V, Keitev. i ! ttonnei. U ISrlwr . I.a K tan. W W l!l..a.-.r ll.or. ITiiwii , Jot. 1. .' A-tama. . '. J- r :n. W Hatial j via. Aucuai l.ota llenry 1.1.1. ra. Wm j Wi-lit, Joaeph 1U1I. 1 r.!i h.-.l. A I. lirl:l. A .-U.arvrln. .I..., A H.M ' fc!irnj..n ff.slnn. .' Sali..a i" H tas!. .'Iirut Jai.-rn. ham 1 ...1. . 1 ii. le:r.o;il,!-. llartia Jwi. VYHIU.!, Joint I'rTUic I'U. l: ll-ir.a. ..r.ll.e I'a. on. Jo:.u Wl;i.-r. J.Oit. I '.-M.' J l l.lfH!l, V i.l 11 .r.ti ar ..-.. I'rawforu. It M l-rml A J Kallrt, J N Ui.n. .' K In..., .) W Uarer Aru.ur HuJ.iti. C J Wjilia J,,,,, Wal.xai. 1. A fiuil. i W loir. H a , ora it h. J.i.i. t'U...ul. It T S!ai...1 It II Rolarraoii. ti V J I . ,, l, n trln VV J. KuHrr. r" (!a liunUrr-.jii, jAi.iaa I'm. J,i,'ra l-nitlr-' i i. 1 ..i.:i. A I' : ,...r 1 ( ' VVIrkalrnm. V J li.ivrr J K tfiiUr H j-arieii a. li ia.atrMi K I- I' J K. U maton. J.atiei K jitiiltli. Itrn Wliile A J Van l-iiih M.riu, . !.,, f". I Witiianis. Hivha:4 Ttrn-i- Kr.11 i ffc.. ... ,, t l.aa.rje. i-.i..irl 1 It.i'al'i.w in fact, g-wd ; insufferable psun fron rbeumausm and K a Ki..r...ii. c y lo a.,,,! wiih' I.aln. W Mallmxrr. rala Par.....-, a'p..l. . l-.lpklU. IL.' VJ . i . . . ... ... ; - .v,ur' . 1 . .r.,i,r. II. R fuwie.. V. W. Mi.ertnan. M Ha-k A f lli.r-'a-.l r.ait-. C M Kn-a. K M.-. Vay. J st. Krr tir. iloi,!,.,.;,,,, 1, lua... l liaa Traalar C H I Vklc II II. linlglit I T Mrtonli C.oira.l II HnfTman Ji,ti,.a Raarr. II la p t.allfean. w H 1 .11 u..n. f J hmlih Uo!y Krlli llntkaiitria. I. K Krlck. o C rri.-k. H 11 ylllm, Tour , Henry vVoolwaril J f Van doiar. vardstrm. U Thompa.,,,. K I r!tanol. J T'-.,na. A llainlar. ' K A Klulipeelwrr. 1. w. (, tirf.n Mtteneil Kay. A Kero.iakl. H A l.yrca J. Melmnal.1. K II. Hurt, in. IVIrr rira Joe Vandoiah. Krak 11 Imihar, " Hanry. frt Walktna. Marlln Iv.rn.. r Connor. lull Um...u l ranan. K h Uraham. K K dr.; L Ji'-k ''r!- "''oert ) Morrill i John King C. K. Abbott, j j ci,,,,,. ' lan T W Kohir.aori. H J dim.! wall. W Krd fly, Jaob (la.!,w.l, Jaaae Hendrlcka. W Ii iniiar4. Auaua ; w'"i!,wJ.K- Cha" lira"."! Marry B f lift Harry liuishoa. H T S,Lk.U' B, "''r.y. Hi Wrua. Ji i H ilneldnn. Ixuia liirn.ll. o a l-'ull.r ; o r. Urnlth. Waalav M I'o.i 11..-.. J r.meiwin. New and Handsome Styles At $.7o. $12.n0, $nf $18, $20, and sL'.El)- NHW SPRING SHIRTS fl -ft r . . VI u i i.2:;.,ur. nai lllllll n v r BCfV SHOES : .... Inw tl la ll Hi I'r 'li.H lfri, It la a l..'r, HI, tall I lei at f V a r - 4 . PORTLAND, OREGON l ) I s HE ST. HELENS RIACY l'atri.r.iyc :t storr whrti y !i w;ii:l I'inc. It rvh am! -ic Drugs and Patent Mcdicf .Vifumcry, Toilet Articles. Ivtc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOMS A I'iiic Line u Writing Suj'!ips. Plain ami Dcioiatcd Crcpc YdKX, Dtc. Direct from Publisher--Regular 25 cent Novels utilj Htd lo(- lumbering and shingle making the three irreat industries The ! county officials were all sawmill men or ; loggers, with the aaception of a posaihle few, who also were connected with the 1st and OrMonian $21 Frtd HcmJrick. Augtut Bum.H, S Caclr, m . . , , , , - t r ; 4M& n.m aiwrc, woo wu re- ; The rote of thee ass placed Every friend of the cause .hoald mak. country th.l i. of any is. port i de- elected chief Justice of the OreKon su- I) w nrst an! Gasila wnnil . : . . : . .... I . : . i . i , . I ' 1 ounnyViank. cow u wsila second, , himself a U,;onary to support thi ; mandia! that w have better roa-f. lne coclOT P'aee,i l" cow, cause, and make a special fT.rt to inter- Golden Fern's Rose Fern first from a eM his neighbor in thi. the most im show nng standpoint. The Golden Fern portant queeti m in inv Judgment that il Ijd bull, Fern s Prize, was highly com- , now la-fore the Am-ricn peotje for merited on by the professor and held up consideration. When th rr.abritv of as almost a perfect specimen of toe brwJ state. Every enterprise throughout thi ir,,.. Frank A. Moore, who prom- was TSTJfT preme court at the recent election, was The question ol road improvement i ' Ute ettatQr. A few rears ore-nous he not a fad ; it is a matter of cheapeniag bad arrived from Michigan, a graduate of me transportation iroin ouriarm l our ; Ann Arbor Uw school, and importuned ! 0-ela Ih, diu Bl-. eomiorcil center, where w can di-! Muckle of the St. Helen aawmill i - DH. I). a.STl'ART KAIKIKR. OKKIJOM -r.ajrity of P" of our prodncU. Owing W O'tr lira- tot work. Mr. Muckle was nilinv al.n. tht peopi of the Kate of Oregon when iled borne market we ar compelled to In the mill yard at the time, and told ihe majority of Ihe peopls of eviry city, ' enter into competition with ether states '. Mr. Moore that he could hae bia fob. esi n;:.ic recori an.1 wore the largest smile despite the fact that the h.ith water ha.i driven him out of house and home and he was temporarily domiciled at bis high water ranci.. A little incon venience like that does n ,-t dtsturb Mr. Frake as long as his co v i :j t tluri)' cents apiece in the ntilk J.-jcktt every d,iy. Four i .ws were lined up f r the judging contest and th-y lli-i Ske Ttr-U'.k.- too''- w....i,iips. Carlo'. U .VWkerk Gcrbin 'vas r h;V., Wi.i. !fpe t!ierl. I J f; Vm oe J.adyOiirl. I'r. Wiirf. c,a:-i- jT-nnitnccd Carlo: U the Itst !!o:v.l;;i h-.t ia t':e .. '.e. ti ie co mis tir anvi'iin it cer- a -irvti !. for he is without doubt .,cst bu.l of any breed in tie fUtc. Last but not least came Mr. Frakes' tioisteins. r;e Has ttie lamest cows, the r i!i-,. 1.....1... - . ...At 1 ..iu .... .. . . ... ' ,..,.,. .j, . . , , , "lu cvoMi.ic. ... imir. mat wa , Alter worsting around the aasnnill for a ia-i,ei duii, uie tartest l:er., trie .arz- what well ojnraetil nnnti. Mh. : tune fi f iH a intrk.t fur nor r.n n a. ' . ; . u w . . . 1 . . .,, . . 1 -r - - . .- - - - t - wi. .1. , i-ic iu k iit uie Tiiiaife scnrKil. wars will mean to them from an educa- Many of th foreign countri with which and later began the practice of law, then tional, s.--?ia!, and commercial point of we rompeta are much mora active ia the 1 started into a successful political career, view, they will toon provide funds for ' boiiding of public roada than we are in ! Tbecountv indue and aheri t.a i. their construction. Our V. H. Senator tVit country. They have expended vast ' employed in the aawmill where Judge j mi, , K jiurt,,,,.,,-! 1B ounjn'M agaw num. hi nau tuioirutiiuu 11 onwr mai jioore ma'le his start. The entire list of a soon vote for an appropriation for j their fanner might uior; profitably county olDciala, with the exception ol one road improvement as they would for an ; market their product. Batata is build j or two school teachers, were the products appropristion for ri.trs and harbors, or : in om o! the 5 nest road in the world ; of the sawmill and logging camp, tor a euUidy for railaaye, provided they ! in her wheat districts. Our producer j George W. McBride, who. wwa later elect kuoia liiey will bar the approval of the . of wheat, who grow many million of ; d United States senator was not exactly insjorily of their corutituents. They are ' boehela each year, hav to compete with j a sawmill man, but be had been closely terv wp-1 plea.-! with the position that these nation that now bar good toad .'connected with the businee ami it ... you naic a-sr, oi to Honor tnem with, i lvouia not good road t to oar advan- the eotea of tbe tnrdv loceera that ear nil 11... .:il'k..aa.l.l . -t Ua 1 .1 1.1. ..1 . ' . . ' " " ..j n 1 .miyi ,hji ut Ul- . iu wiuyvilMf wuu uiuer oauooi m fend you in any way, so when yen want J the world' market? , theintodo ViUie canicular thin? Ton la to whether mane of An, inln.tri.. itdy to .mistake to pace f.-ade Or- .houhl get together and let tlietu know ! woold live or diet in close competition ii lx-i.o! ever Clo'.liilde .Sir in defiuite term what vou want, and ' will deund nnon th. rt ,.l t.jc juat as soon a they know that the ma-' transportation from oar farm to our i. "I had a terrible case of Pile j-'rity of ih? pe-pie want tbat thing tbey; shipping point. The Department of censing 24 tumor. When all tailed ' will be very tare tc eive it U, them. Yorl ' Aarricaltare ha aacertainad that iha mat Bucklena Arnica salve cured me. Rouatl. t.aCrj ilorc:grt-o for. quarter at, can get your delegation In Congre to! of moving farm prodocU and wjp plies ! good for Burn and all aches and pains. ASTORIA 4 COLUMBIA RIVER fl. RAILROAD COMPANY. 0 In ladies' ShoK SOROSIS ried him into prbminence. fo Pity Hhowa. "Pot years fate sra afur me continu ously" write P. A, Callcdge, Verbena, Jr'prj v''5. Owi talooo. , do bever the xiaforit-y of tb who ' ha averaged on all our load 25. ct. per Only 25c at St. Helens Pbrmacy. aaaaaowa jpTATIOl A1Li I :SJs8f&S&- I Hi S KS2I ::::iit0.-:: H 2 ii?jL!!iivrV;ri;, ; s s trains IsaeiD Vaion danot .. . V . irt4 KortU Omm C . . I"' . 77, . , V".' ''" "t In Leather Goods America W a i-oaas the World. Loads Am"08 37 STYLES FOR $3.50. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GOOD SfORV. KNlMlTCnnupn Fifth-wasii. '"Hum uuvu UU. sts., lort!anC Opposite the Pcrkina Hotel. THE NEW YORK STORE O.ieul Merchandise, Clothing, l-ry Coeds, Cruccries, Kruitii, IVovisiaus, Furniture, Stovcn, l!u Lowest - Prices.: '-oopcr Jluildinff, Main si,