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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1904)
Economy Is a strong point with Hood's Sarsaparilla. A bottle lasts longer and does more good than any other. It is the only medicine of which can truly be said 1 00 DOSES ONE DOLLAR A Born Diplomat. Be Mis DeJonea, Clara, I never loved any on but you. Will yon be my mitt She But I've been told that you pro posed to (our other girla within a month. Ha True, darling; but I did it merely for practice, to I wouldn't blunder in proposing to yon. TrlRESHINfJ COMPANIES. Tbe Bit Asrlcaltaral and Saw MID Ma. Chine ry Houaet Centered In Portland a Headquarter (or the Northweet. There ia nothing of which Portland ia more proud than tlie gieat agricul tural implement bouses that make their headquarteis for the Northwest In this city. Among the first of these is the Advance Thresher Company, which bas bnilt fine warehouse and offices on the East tide at Second and Belmont streets. Mr. J. O. Humphrey is the manager in charge of tbe com pany's splendid business in this sec tion, and be is now in the thick of spring activity at his commodious quarters. The threshermen are just now look ing sharply after new equipment and necessary repairs and renovations for t!e coming season, and no one omits calling at the Advance establishment if he seeks to inform himself fully as to the market and advantages of the various threshing outfits. In fact visit to the agricultural and saw mill machinery manufacturers houses on tbe East side is a liberal education to any one who wants to get a fair idea of the vast farmer interests of this part of America. Immense capital is invested in thee concerns. They sell largely on credit, ana wnen times are prosperous an enormous amount of machinery is sold and paid for. They are the thermome ter of the advancement and prosperity of the great Northwest. The factory and principal-place of business of the Advance Threshing Company ia at Bat tle Creek, Michigan. Two years ago uey came into Portland, and now they are doing business with the most ac tive and influential people in theit lilies. THE OLD CHtSTNUT TRIS. Ayers To be sure, you ire growing old. But why let everybody see It, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will Hair Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. t am now star as taars oM, and t have a thtok. t to? or hn hslr which la a artmilar to tvtrt on who som It. And Mot a gray hair In It, all dua to Avar', lUtr Visor Mu. U. R. Dm via, Utctaa. alias. l m a bottla, A II rtrtltfil'.TI. for i. e. avaa oo . I ,!'. Ms White Hair A Guide to the Height or Heels. There are four different heights, with as many different names, of tbe military heel alone. As a guide to those who want to be right on the sub ject of heels, remember the following: Cp to one and one-quarter Inches heel Is a military, up to one one aud flve-elghtha It Is a Cuban, above that It Is a Spanish heel. When It goes above two Inches It is a Cantlllian. The French heels range from one and one-quarter to two Inches usually and are called Louis XV. The Da Barry heel runs from two Inches and quite a few women wear It Shoe Be-tsiler. There la more Catarrh In this section of th country than all other diseases put together and until the laat few years was supposed to bi incurable For a many vtars doctors prt nouneed It a local disease, and prescribed loraJ remedies, and by constantly tailing to curs with local treatment, pronounced ltlncurable Science haa proten catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires cousittu tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by f. I. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, Ohio, 1 we oniy constitutional cure on tnemarset. it Is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to taaspoonnii. it acts airecuy on tne otooa ana mucous surtaxes 01 tne rtiem. -j ner oner o.s V . I A J 1 . ., Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, K.J. CHESS 4 CO., Toledo, O Hall's Family Fills are the beat. Lore for Iwwalllar Thing of Kara re how Cwltwr of the Oenalae Sort. A woman whoM busy life Is lived In a large city returned to bar old horn the other day for a visit All the old time neighbor came to see ber, and tha week were crowded with the pleasure of revived memories. Of one of these memories the wrote afterward to a friend: "But the pleasantest appointment I kept was with the big old chestnut tree on the path to school. The leave were deep on the ground underneath, and I pushed about through them just as we used to do twenty years ago, and thought, of the many boys and girls who had got nuts there on the way to and from school. I picked up my hatful of big glossy nuta myself, and managed to rub two hole through the patent leather tip of my second best shoes. But tne nuts were worth It I don't know when I've been so happy. "I came away with new purpose to live for. I'm going to own that tree! It won't coat much, for the land there isn't worth enything, and what Joy It will be to me In my city days to think that I have saved the old tree so that other boys and girls, so long as It Uvea, can scuffle through the leaves and pick up the nuta under Its branch es, and gather dreams and memories also from It as I used to do so many years ago." The letter strikes a note which Is far less common than it should be. City "opportunities" seem to eager young people all over the country to offer tue one open door to education, and that most rare and elusive Ideal, culture. But culture la a quality of the soul, not an amount greater or less, of knowledge put Into the mind. It Is won, not by effort, but by the love that unconsciously ripens into "dreams and memories." Reader of Lowell's letters will re call his life-long love for the trees of tlmwood, and Longfellow never liked to leave Cambridge while bis lilacs were In bloom. Men of wide scholar ship that tbey were, much of their treasure was gathered not from the rare folios on their library shelves, but from the common things of their own dooryarda. There are opportunities mat tne city does not control, and to one who love tnem. prairie and dls-! tant hills, the meadow brook and the maple beside the door offer a culture,! Mothers will and Mrs. Winslows'i Soothing that no book ran .h .'rrupthe to us. for their child ran as- v The tests of turbine engines st Elber frlil, Germany, show a steam consump tion equivalent to about eleven pounds to indicated horse-power, au uuuaral- Irletl performance in evouomy. For coughs and colds there Is no bettst medicine tbaii 1'iso's Cur for Consump tion. Price 25 cant. He Has It Removed. They say," remarked the youth, "thst a wise man never stumbles over tbs same stone twice." "That's right," rejoined ths sage. "When he passes that way again it Isn't there." CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kin, You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature Indication. Burgins I sea some genius has in vented revolving rubber heels for shoes. Juggsou Ah! Another revolutionary movement on foot, eh? The letter o! Miss Mcrkley, whose picture is printed above, proves beyond question that thousands of cases of inflamma tion of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Diab Mrs. PrjiKHAaf t Gradual loaa of strength and nerve force told me something- waa radically wrong with me. I hud severe shoutinir palus through the pelvic organs, crumps and extreme Irritation compiled me tq seek medical advice. The doctor said that I had ovarian troublo and ulcera tion, and advised an operation. I atrongly objected to tlila and decided to try Lydia K. l'iiikliaiu's Vcrc table) Compound. I soon found that my judgment waa correct, and that all the good thing aaid about this medi cine were true, and day by day I felt lea pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healed, and tha other complications disappeared, and in eleven weeks I waa once more strong and vigoroua and perfectly well. My heartiest thanlce are sent to yon for the great good you have done me." Sincerely vours, Miss Maroahit Mcbsxbt, 175 Third St., Milwaukee, Wis. fSOOO fWttt If ar'eM af asoas totter DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION PE-RU-NA MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY 2 SCARED HIM INTO PREACHING. " t during the teething period.. Bone with the People Off. Two little fellows of 7 and 8 years heard older people speaking of skele tons. Tbe 7-year-old boy listened pa tlently to the conversation, when tbe older boy, with an air of superior knowledge, said abruptly: "You don't know what a skeleton is, nd I do." "So do I," replied the younger. "I do know." "Well, what Is itr "It's bone with the people off." Pathfinder. NEW PENSION LAWS 8E.NT FREE Apply to NATHAN BICKFORD, 914 F St., Washlnfton, D. C. Mh N. H. Vols., lSil-46. OPPORTUNITY WE WANT AGENTS 150 and up per month to ener getic represen tatives in every city and town town in Oreiron Washington and Idaho. Dignified, hon orable, permanent and immensely profit able employment at home or on the road; something new; send stamp or call at office for details. SQUARE DEAL BROKERAGE CO. 129 Seventh Street, Portland, Oregon I OIN CHAMP In the early days of Methodism In the West a "circuit rider," if he bad large Held to cover, was sometimes permitted to have a "colleague," wb was frequently a young minuter, Just beginning to preach. The Rev. John Thompson wa a circuit rider In a somewhat thinly settled portion of cen tral Illinois more than fifty years ago. The colleague aaslimi to him ... Brother James Smith, an eieelleut young man. but with very little experi ence as a p rescuer. One 8unday Mr. Thompson had an appointment at a small meetina-bouse m tne country, but baring a severe cold he asked hi young assistant to go along with blm and preach the ser mon, and the latter, as In duty bound. obeyed orders. Brother Smith had never undertaken lo preach In the presence of hi more experienced colaborer, and when, after the opening services, be rose and gave out his text he was visibly embar rassed. He stammered through a few sen tences, hesitated, mads another at tempt, and came to a dead stop. "What's the use, brethren?" he said, sitting down. "I can't preachr Brother Thompson saw that the casa was one in which heroic measures were necessary. "Young man," he whispered sternly In his ear, "you get up again and preach that sermon, or I'll take yoa out In the grove, after this meeting Is over, and give you a hard spanking, as sure as your name Is 8mitbf" An electric shock could not have operated quicker. Brother Smith ros3 to hi feet again, bis hesitation all gone, and in ringing tones be preached a sermon that 1 still remembered by aged survivor of that old-time con gregation as the most fervid and elo quent discourse they ever beard so young a man deliver. Anything bat Greea. Wiggles Mifggins mads his moaey In groceries. Miggles Indeed! Wss hs a green grocer? Wiggles I should say not. lis did a strictly cash business. IMPORTANT TO THRESHERMEN. Aa Account and Not Book el 25 Pages Scot Free to Aay Address. The A. II. Averill Machinery Co., of Portland, Ore., whose advertisement is to be found elsewhere in this publica tion, have prepared for distiibution among threshermen a thresherman't ac count and note book of 25 pages. This book will le mailed to threshermen (reel of charge, by addressing the above named company. Nothing Doln. "Just oue kiss, dear, before I go," pleaded tbe young physician. "None of that for me, thank you," re joined the fair maid, "I don't like ths idea of having a doctor's bill thrust un der my nose." (Keeley uouoRHSofwiNC-ToaAccol I 1 rr habits rrtwANrxTiv aiarnl " ' roe ruu SHATKUIAKI "SUTtLrrtaSTTlMTt.- OWTLAWO.Oatg The largest cave is tbs Mammoth. It is over ten miles long and has s navi gable stream flowing through its chambers. Always Ijeap Year. In one part of "all the Hussies," the province of Vkrnlne. It Is always leap year aa far as the female privilege of proposing Is concerned. It Is said to be customnry there, when a young woman falls In love with a man, for ber to go to bis father's house, and in the most tender nnd pathetic manner plead with the young man to take ber as bis wife. She promises the most submissive obedience to Ills will If he will but accept ber. If the young man says: "I beg that you will excuse me from this." she tells blm Hint she Is resolved not to depart until he shall promise to take her for better or worse. She accordingly takes up uer abode there snd remains until be Is wooed "Are you the waiter who took my order for that cbopr "Yesslr." "Wins me, how you hare grown!" "She says she Is very fond of mu sic." "Instruiuentair "Well, It's in strumental In making the neighbors wear when she gets at the plsiw." Exchange, Jluklns How Is your son gettlug long In his literary laborer Jorklts Oh, famouslyl You should see how gracefully he carries bis pen behind Ills ear. Boston Transcript Tousorlal Artist Your hair seems to be coming out freshman Yes, It la. Tousorlal Artist-Tried our hair tonic? Freshman Yes, but that dldut do It though. Yale Hecurd, How hollow It sounds!" said a pa tient under the movement cure, as the physician was rigorously pounding his chest "Oh, that's nothing!" said the doctor; "wait till we get to the head." Alice (sued 6) Mamma, my appe tite says It's time for dinner. Mother Well, dear, go and see what ths Mrs. Ev Ilartho, 133 East 12th St., Y..iV f 'li v. N. Y.. writes: "I suffered for three years with Itmeorrlii' and ulceratlou of the womb. The dixtor advocated an oratlon which I dreaded very much, and , 1 t . 1 . . 1 I. V..M strongly oiijecieu to go miner 1 mi a t'luiitucd woman. lVnina cured me; It took nine bottles, but I felt so much Improved I kept taking II, si l i leaded an niierntlon so much. 1 ) loilav In perfect health and have not felt so well for illleeu years." Mil Kv l'urtlio. Mrs. Senator IToach. of l.arlmore, N. D.ik.i Mrs. Senator Warren, of t-hevennn. Wvo.t llrlv t.ot'kwOOd and Mr. (Icnersl l.ongstreet, of Washington, II, C, are among the prominent ladies who endorse I'eruna. Miss Helen liolof, Kaiikauna, Wis., writes: "Several limes during Hit past two ytr or more my system lis been greatly in need of a tonic, and at those tunes IVruii lias been of great help In building up llie svslnn, restoring my appetite and securing restful sleep." Helen liulof, Miss Muriel Ariintane, !ltl lireeewood Ave., I M mil, Mich., I'iatrlct Organis er of tlie lioyal Templars of Temper alien, writes as follows: "I suffered for live years with uter ine iireguUritles, alilili brought on clock says. Alio (some seconds later! ; ,Vsteri and made m physical The clock says my appetite Is ten j w'rvk . J tried dia lors from the differ minutes fast! enl schools of medicine, but without Ilusbsud What! A hundred dol- any perceptible change In my Cn- lars for an opera cloak f Why. It Isjditlou. In my despair I called on an perfectly ridiculous, my desr. Wife- Yes, I know It Is: but you said you couldn't afford an expensive oue. Chi cago I'ally News. Ttacuer Johnny, writ on ths blackboard the sentence "Two heads are better than oue." Now, Johnny, ! do you believe that? Johnny Yes'tu. ; 'Cause then you kin get a Job In a dime museum aud make lots it' money. "At what age do you consider wom en tbe most charming?" asked the In quisitive female of more or leas un certain sge. "At the age of the wom an who asks the question," answered tbe man, who waa a diplomat New Yorker. Howes IVm't like this cold weath- old muse, nlio advised tns to try I'eru us, ami promised good results If I would persist and Ink It regularly. 1 kept tM up for sis months, and stead ily gained stieiigth and health, and alien I bad used fifteen bottles I con sidered myself entirely cuted. I am a grateful, happy woman today" Miss Muriel Ariiutage, I Miss I.ucy M. Itiley. 3:1 !aveupoil I St., Cleveland, Ohio, arltes: j "I w ish lo add my endorsement to thousands of other women who have !fa Iff MIN llVA ItAKtMO been cured through the use of I'srtina, I suffered for live years with sstsrs backache, and when weary or worried In the hast 1 bad prolonged headache, I am now In perfnt health, enjoy m, and have neither an si lie r pals thanks to IVitin." I.iny M. Hilry, ' It la tin longer a iiietinn a t whether I'eriina ran I relied na t cure all such raw, lliiriug lb man. years In which Prion has been put test In all forms and stages of arala and chronic catarrh no one year has pal this remedy to grwatnr es than lh past year. If all the Women who ara snfWlnt with any form of female Wnskhsst would writ to Ir. Ilartman. Colanu bus, Ohio, and give him a romp! description nf their symptoms ami th peculiarities of their troubles, hs will Immediately reply with complels dl. rerlions for treatment, tree of rliarfs, Address I'r, llartiimn, I'lesldenl of The llaitiiian Nsiiitarium, Cutuiutms, Ohio. In xIoh.Is tlireu hours a waek si Sinn to nred!eura; lu Nw York ach! hut oiis. Vou Can Utt Alice's loot-IIasa I III a . .. . . , . . .. i n roa A urn ' !im,iKi. I a pT . n. I , m were complaining of the heat. Karnes Not of the beat Itself, but rather bo cause of Its unttmellneas. It would I all right If reserved for such weather as this. Boston Trsnscrlpt. "You may turn up your nose at me, Martha Ann Bllllwlnk, but I want you to rememlier It's leap year, and Kit Garllnghorn Is trying to get me away I Allan s !..( s. It iwrallutf. hM .w.'Oan, a.-hlttf It tnasaa ana or Us'll ! rT A -Ma!D rura lot rorns. ltirowotf lali ami lunort AIMruf sun wIlll IwtTI areael ant saMtltui. I,rs 7 p'r rent of the power used j in nuiiufii' tiirnig plaiita In I lie L Hi tail Slates is ttei ltu-. VII Orllllntf Michln Ua 'a i aiol I.K hart -net lflllltS Ai ealu Slut ilHtH ta enia, ttfiitf t,., .t,ati.l raiaiutal ait?ifcits In ths iua.-Mii f lii. Wl II HM)N MACIIIM.HY CO. Post Tt. AM OUM00M and won or until he ends the siege by from yu-H "Well. I'll Just show the fleeing to parts unknown. freckle faced thing she can't do that - George dear!" Chicago Tribune. "Father," said Katble, "how much doea a quite small bottle of Ink cost'i' "You can get one for a penny," au. swered father. "A penny!" exclaimed FITS PrmanBUr itirsa. wo Btaot aarroataass after Srstdar'auai.ofDr.Kllna'sOraaiNw Eatorr. Mnd fur rrrs Tfs'tr-Uianrl irasllaa iJr. K. H. Kline. Ltd .as: Arch St.. rhlladalpaia, fa. Old Soldier's Storv. Sonoma, Mich., June 13. That even in actual warfare disease is mine ter rible thsn bullets is the exjMTienre ol neios uuutiins oi tins place. Mr. j Kathle. In grest disgust. "And mum Hutchins as a Union Soldier saw three roie made an awful fuss when I upset years of service under Butler Barke in .h littlest bottle In the cuiilH.rd:" "Aren't you ssliained of your Indo lence " "Indeed. 1 am," answered of shape and how he suffered only a I ln""' r'" , . , , du... ni i ' i to do something for It." "What?" I've been tnkln' de faith cure. I've tiuln' make lielleve winhI m-ii' ery, men one lucay nav n is tlruggist . ., ... advised him touse Oodd's Ki.lnev 1'ills. ! ,n ,u'K"ry shlngton Star. Of the result Mr. Hutcbins sayM Newltt Well, there's one thing "The first two buin did not iep bout the weather. It's alwaye a safe me much but I got two more and before ' ,nPlc of conversation. Itorrotighs-I I got them used up I was a great deal thought It was today when I met better, I kept on taking them and Indham, but when I started lo apeak now my pains are all gone and I feel : f 't be said, "Yes, It's unsettled, and better than I have in years. I know ! bH reminds me of that account of Dodd's Kidney Pills will cute Iiheuma-! Jour." tbe Louisiana swamps snd as a result! got crippled with Kheiiimttisui so that! his bands and feet got all twisted out : uneumatic win ever know. PVtr I arontl'.fl i va pa I l w . ! . mv than nna ti,.kti 1. - -I-.. :s : " ABSOLUTE I SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of l acSlatll Wraspar Bataw. I BUY I 'MOM YOL'H DIUUUR turn. MOWERS Draw Cut, no push. Added Power, cuts whers others won't. ITlcei rlfht. when you buy. Buy ths Best. Buy the Champion Mowers, Bakes, anil Hinders, MITCHELL, LEWIS & COMPANY STAVER First and Taylor Sts. PORTLAND, ORE A Bast Cuaah Sruu. Tan to Uaoa. Us ff J la time. Sold br druaalata Mf HE FOUND THE TROUBLE. Bonrk Cock ran 'a Btorr of the Bor Whose Father Kept Ilia Word. In an address that be recently de livered on the labor question, W. Bourke Cochran told a story of his boyhood, says the New York Tribune. "I was born In Ireland.'' he said, and In Ireland I obtained a part of my education. I remember we l tbe school I sttended and I remember well a school fellow of mine named Michael, lad wbo waa always talking1 about trouble and always looking for It We are on tbe question of trouble now and therefore In Michael's experience It msy be that there 1 something to profit us. 'Michael boasted constantly that the master was afraid to flog him. WbvT Oh, because bis father had said that if a hand wss ever laid upon the boy there would be trouble. But one day Michael misbehaved and tbe flogging due was not long In coming. "Tbe boy went home Indescribably enraged. He sought out bis father. "'Father,' be aald, 'didn't yon say that If tbe schoolmaster ever licked me there would be troubler " 1 did,' the father answered. " 'Well, I was licked to-day, and only for throwing paper pellets about the room.' "The father frowned. " 'I never fall, my boy, to keep a promise,' be said. There la going to be trouble. Fetch tbe strap.'" Her "Bwtist." Mrs. Rubberton Why did you with draw your application for divorce? Mrs. Gayboy Because I found that I wouldn't be able to get enough ali mony to support another husband. Vial tor Tommy, wouldn't you like to have some distant relatives? Tommy Yep, if they lived In Bt Loula. Harbin, Man. hnrla, 1 only three years old, but It Is one of the great est cities of Asia, and has tbe larg est European population of any Asiatic city, containing 00,000 Rus-dans, ha sides tbe soldiers and -ICMjOO Chinese, It will be tbe great flour milling city of that region. Flight ot liig Hlrils. Of birds now In existence, probably the one with the greatest expanse of wing In proportion to the Imdy and with tbe greatest power of flight Is the frigate or man-o'-war bird. This bird apparently flies more by skill than by strength, for it bas not great carry ing powers. The wandering albatross, tbe largest of all sealjln l, Is also one of our strongest flyers. One bird was known to fly at least 3,1."X) miles In twelve dsys. AN INVISIBLE ENEMY TO HEALTH I I 7 7 Tyvjev t Malaria is a slow poison, but the most tubborn and deeply rooted when it take possession of the sys tem. We breathe into the lungs the polluted, germ tainted air; the little microbes then enter into the sys tem, and feeding upon the red corpuscle of the blood suuii icuulc una vital, tue-bUBiaining nuia to such a weak, watery state that the patient become listless i j jjaic suu aus:ioit aim men tally and physically de- Amory, Miss., Jan. 28, 1009. Dressed Malaria mav hr. T0"! tlfteen rears aa-o I Buffered with boll pressea. wsiana may De- d took ooara of 8. S. 8., whloh built ma up gin With slight rigors or entirely eurd ma of tbe bolls. Three yeare chilly sensations followed by fever and thirst; but mined to try it again. I am glad to say that tha gradually all part, of the rtakV8rS10.anHr:Vr,d- Bino then - J , "., r! ir pint moat or the time liver becomes torpid, and onXonblbe bottom having timber out. dark or yellow splotche. a. E. dalbttiuplb. appear upon the skin ; the stomach fails to properly digest the food and there are frequent headaches, dizziness, bad taste in the mouth, constipation and a general worn-out, tired feeling that only a sufferer from Malaria can describe. Other and more dangerous symptoms are apt to follow where this disease is neglected, such as nervous pros tration, palpitation, sleeplessness, enlarged liver, weak kidneys boils and risings and dangerous-looking sores and abscesses. Malaria 'is all the more dangerous because of its insidious and stealthy nature. It is an invisible atmospheric poison, and the germs and microbes that are lodged m the blood are propagating and increasing in number all the while, clogging Jhe circulation and gradually wrecking the health t...-v ,m ureucu in inaiuriai irouDICS IS a blood purifier and tonic. S. S. S. purifies the germ-infected blood, tones up the stom ach, improves the appetite and invigorates the entire system. It stimulates the torpid, sluggish organs of the body, enabling them to pronerlv nerform their fimimn. -., carry off the poisonous secretions and health-destroying matter that have been polluting the blood and clogging the circulation. S. S. S con tains no strong minerals, but is strictly a verretable purifier without an equal, and the greatest of all tonics. If you hava any symptoms of Malaria, write us, and medical advice will be fur nished without cost, lr MWHT Btxrr.irtn en m-n, . . - - w. -w vi ttlanniA fault) "Dear," said the politician's wife, ! "there's a handsome big policeman j whose beat embraces Mrs. tiwcllmnu's ' bouse. Csn't you gel him transferred ; to this neighborhood?" "What for'f" j demanded her husband. "Mrs. Swell. ! man bas sn excellent cook and 1 w aut ! her." Philadelphia Cress. Tbe officers of a Hritlsh maiio'-war were entertaining their friends with a grana luncn ana in aurndunre were i some typical Hritlsh tars. A young lady, wanting a piece of bread looked behind her chair at one of the sailors in waiting, and asked blm to bring her what she wsnted. Hut bo drew him self up, stiff sud stern, sud, to her amaiement, replied, "Can't do it, miss; I'm told off for taturs." An Up-to-Iiate Village. "Do yqu have a good lecture course here durlnir tbe Winter?" was ssked of tlie iiiaiiug..r of the Hlgglnsvllle Lyceum, "indeed we do," he answered; "and next season we expect to outdo all previous records. So far we have booked one riuiwimd missionary, one reformed gitinliler, one troupe of trained animals, one convert ed heathen, one moving picture ma chine and one profeaaloiial personntor. W'e may take on a college professor who wants to spesk about the tendency of modern literary thought, but 1 don't know. It's pretty hard to keep the course on the same high plane of thought throughout." Judge. The Other Hide of the Htory: Hlu gleton What's the trouble, old man; you loolt sll broke up. Wederly Yuti would doubtless look broke up, too, If you bad a mother-in-law like inlne, and sbe Hlngleton Ha! The old' old story; she's coming to spend n few weeks with you, I suppose. Wederly (sadly) No; on tbe contrary, she hut been with us two mouths, nnd to day she wa compelled to return home. Nhe nursed my wife through a bad case of fever, took care of the bnby, attended to the household duties, mended my clothes, and loaned mo Ave dollars on three different occasions. Oh, i tell you, that woman Is in earthly iin.j If there ever was one. Ex. V, sasall aa4 aa ey t Ulu asawfaa, oAKlLr.aroR oiuinms. rod iiuoumu. FOR TORPID UVIR. FOR CONSTIPATION. rOR tAUOW SKIM. rORTNCCOMPUXIOR " Saftr aUSvaS. urvlr Vaf.ala.t4tfci-W CllTTLE jw I IS CtsM Dr. CGcc Wo w-ONDKHFUi. MOM 8 THKATMKNT Imi l) tbtua (b ust mm Vot ! tW -- Met ia d v II mih tb'isM ti4teirfii I Iti,. Maw attftliat. rune, it-l. (' m4 Ifctk nljfw.y it ftMa rttealv st ! T1 la l fS'ktft thM tsAtstl f II. e lata) (li t) ffc ." m, Itt BV t.-m O.' svaf kjrt 4oatt rWMS Mtlsaa. Will: l k Sl,'rannll)P BUMS l dtw f 't,aviaRaB) tn rif r4tftx tsttly Htsk, lnif, tl'i, t be m ft 14. tt, H mi ssaav Monte h, Hst, i'ft, Jr , haa haB)4rslsl m leunttHi t Umtf mriv, I l4 tUtn t'tttatSM trol sf fat tHf 9M M b'slrtk ftrtil r.fvij tWitd ,'.-is lUMtlf UHtl.1 jFltlklw IItalV. Ihc C Gc Wo Chinese Mt Mdu Ca. ewiia-ta. Ofsisa. 1(1 AUaf St., - H 1.11. taint. . N. U. Sla. .'-10. CURE eiCK HEADACHE. j ynM wrlilt.K i 4.r,rtlrt pirn If HMilon iiiii itr. RUSSEIX IJ.Ntll.NlJM "CYCL.OINL5" I iui ;mih;ivh 'i-i it, wr' 'or Catalogue and Prices I MI; A. II. AVMRUX AlACHIMiUY CO. I'ORTUND, OKiidON. DO YOUR JAWS ACHE? l'.i-l.,M fss I'lai. lr,ult. niT.V,""''';,1'. ",ra"l"n thins, an.l llmrr ." 'h i e'"l rlV ma le. I.m o;;,.u.r,H.M;.vi:i.."' "! mil t.,u ll.a causa ul iruui,". ri'.'A''.' 'rVh h"llT Hh"i t-aln sat Enonuh to Hold Htm for Awhile. "The aversge weight of men's brsins," ventured Mr. Ilcnpeck, "Is about Ave ounce grentor than woman's." "And the sverage brick." hi. darling, "weigh a good IohI more than a uooa 01 real poetry." Countless. Bara Just think of the number of American girls wbo go tuft-huutlng abroad! They who return as countesses are so few! Jack And those who dou't are countless. Princeton Tliror. aa M . : .-.-mmM " , a. in.,,. w,s,i?.,i2.Dcntlsts ,0S"JU ,'u,nt .itiiri ' "'",,.u,U orrgoe, Main ,U .11 ..k . . , wnollT wiihuiil i.a ..... ,. ,uwar ln, r.,,,,,,,1,1, ,,,, or brlrtges am A N I M P O R T A IN T T & IJ .a ,',-ACINCI YOUR 0RUI;R I OR A I HRISHINQ OUTFIT InvestlgaUi tli Advanco lino of thresh ers and engines. Thuy cost loss to op erate, reijiiim fewer repairs and do mr sud bntU'r work In all kinds ol grain tlian any other I'nuko. fitraw or wood d coul burning engliiea, Also tu Hue of single and double Portable 8s Mills. THRESHERS ami 13 rvr nvT T3 1 t,.ll,.l.t. ..... . . LilUlilU" cmiHtriicti,,,,. KatlM,0,nm "'"'.'". t,,n n,urM- ','! t:,cl,n,ut. I,rp J ' P rath . Ml M,,,, H.a. kers, llnggers and Ilrnnch II1.11 mcintsireui, l'0rl iMA W ADVANCE relii.l.t ....1 traveling man m ,.nll. Alr """M "mil Hill cull. land, 0r;? h ' W"!t'u".,4N. rnlghl Dl, H Hpokane. MO M-