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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1903)
t i i V THE BIG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- I Rttclving Now Iowls i THE MUCKLE 3TORE HAS A REPUTA ti"ti of Lonif Hliiiiillnii (or Oiilv lliu Eest In GKNKRAL MERCIIAMS12- Dart & 1st. HoIVim, a1 ST. HELENS PHARMACY Patronize u iliug store w hen you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, lite. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Tine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, lite. Direct from Publisher - Regular 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents -COLLINS AND GRAY--: THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Carry a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON V A. A A A A A V A aft. A A A A TOOTHACHE DROPS. I 4 Oil Chive, Creowito and Chloroform, will ioii rinv eue nf bait hat he timaeil the wnv to ettre it, is to have tit J I MCW MICT1IOU. Dr. KNODER, Dentist, t"iP l?l OrtliX Hotaa. I O I Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Iloonis ;0 and 61, Wahington Bid., S utheat 0011151 Wash, and 4th St PORTLAND, F.levator to Fifth Fhair. Take ft RlMLIITh I a -'gJFbr Homo, Storo ''1;.f,ar Tha Neaiv.t Approach to ARC ILLUSfl.KATCRS il year saaraa llgtil aa day. A Hardware no wra aa a. Iim r nrc Inripa an arflexw aea laurefag alafifa alM eaannrartora TA III R CUANUKLIEH, riIC.T fcAMrn, '. - araan Uoun 11NB I'KNT. No wwk 1. No Smolta. No owe. k,i.,ii. -j TilKV HKI.I. A!' HlOli'C. Biuleatv tar. riuirrtogood-saou. irwmtofMaaAaiauaaadtieoa. CHICAOO SOLAR UOtiT CO. Every day in the Week, jl 3 s Muckle, ;1; Oregon . -Q 1 1 i-4el part n cotton; from an rxpo'cd nerve this hut tl flllej hy int. KSODKUH 317 Failing Portland, Oregon tonic le. , Itoon 4M Front U7 'I'itoMia OREGON. and SLreet. SAialight and Alaioat a.i lliaap. IW ca.rmoqar.. LAMiy. M f.t MBT. CHICA0O. 1 fi IT lRia LOCAL I AND PERSONAL OJ Iftf T. (J. Wikatroiii will In Portland Wed I utility, I I. K. C'lliie, of Yankton, ru in (own Monthly. J. B, Mote was county mmt visitor Monday. Itn BerklnMil, of Mint n in town Tuexdny, Cuntifil good At re mil or wholesale at Col I inn it Uray'a. J. K. Monhaiu.of Cathlametlo, Wash, was in low n Wednesday. J. K. Morrla, o( line helor Flat, wan 8t. Helen visitor Monday. Joseph row em, of (Julncey wai in town Wedmnlay, on business I.. 1. Ilitftii'll and iluiililcr wire county aest visitors', Wednesday, Aliinut anything you want in tlia gro cery lino can b liad at Cullin A (iray'a. William li. lioluiau, of tliia city, rendered at the Imperial hotol, I'ort iand, Wednesday. Mr. Mary 8. Heed of, I, Center, Washington, la iillng her brother, A. T. Lias, and family. Do not forget the Warren lirass Bund iiiiiiicul concert and dance In thia city neat Friday awning, Feb. l:t. Taken up ty the undersigned; one browu horse, with white atar in forehead, and while atrip on hi nose. Apply to 0, I.. Smith, Deer Hand. For a bad late in tin mo-nli take a few doses of t'hamherhiin'a Plouiadi and Liver Tablet. Warranted to cure. I'rh-e 2'i rents. For into by Dr. Kdwin Itos. The W. O. W. will alve a dunce and wipp T at their 'hull in llonlton tomorrow evening, Feb. Tth with Clay ' Clark and (ieorgi) Kelley a managers. A good limn U surd. He. Tugzsrt delivered an able rer inon at the Congregational rhurrh lnt j Sunday evening. There w ill le servirrs I again on the third Sunday, the ! Inst., at the uual hour. 16th I : ul Si.ou.l. who hnabeen working I at J. ....... .... II. Veoir lodging emiip at Kmiiler i 1 (or some time pa.. returned to C.Uh- :iau.ettat week and will remain here Uhi winter.-ColumlMa Uiver Kuti. i ' r. ii. .Hniemnn oi nou.ion, repreeenv-. ling the ( ini'iinutl Mampihg Co., will i onn begin ranvaa-ing Columbia rouuty j for the tale of the Kec.iriiy S,.fe, a : , noureiiow arti. i.. ol vxvepi.onai merit. , A bad m-i-lilr nt oecured at the Kalama puhlic n'hool I tat r'rilav afternen. ieorgi Modrow, a 1 1 year n Uy, while w reet'ing with aoine other !oy, f, l from t!ie veranda, breaking hit rigiil leg be tween the knee and ankle. i 1 1 rand Matron, Alice, K. Towncend, of Iljllat, Oregon, piid an otTirial visit nf inafM-ction to Miapah Chapter, No. SO, ,). K. S. bt Friday evening, After . exemplirt''tiou of the ritnalietic work, refrealitnenU were served. homenllhe bride paient, Mr. and J. C. Kilby, Huuday. Keh. UHi3, Mr W1U011 Iiwnian anJ Mi Alice V. Kilhy, County Jtide J. R. I to 11 nfflciattng. The couple t-atk the evening ( South bound tiain for short wed.linj trip. i A Mother' Reeommedatloii. ' I I have iiwil Cha.iilvihiin Cough , 1 Remedy for a number of year and have ' no heitettcy in saying that it i the best i 1 roincdv for cough, cold and croup I ; have ever uel iu my iamily. I have not word to express my ftmfloYiit-e) in this n-inedy. Mr. J A. Mnore, North tlai, Mich. Kor a'e by Kdwin Itos. Fresh fih in season every Ft i.lav, and special f'miday dinner at the St. Helens Hotel. 81 II 00 1. liEl'OltT. I ld pi.rt i f llie primary depattintnt of district ;ftt, for the iiioulli of Januirv. , No. enrolled 27 ' fo. absent, 11 So. lardy, 8 I wpil neither abunt nor tiirily dur ing month ; Hairy roeJi.y, F.Mhcr Copeland, I.ola llraddock, Ktta l'opejoy, Finest Kelley, Dale Terry, Rov Terry, Nellio Dunn, Frank Silviu, Hnttiu Siuillt, David Woodard. . ta Low i, Ttneher. Tr nd"nry of the T rue. Tlie tendenry of medical is toward preventive measures. The best thought of toe w did ia lieitig given to the sub l,i.l II ta oakii.r to iirsceoii than lo cure. Ilhas been fully demonMiated ! that pneumonia, cno of thu iu.)t I dangeroiia diseases tliat liiedieal men ' ' have to contend with, can be prevented , ibv the 10 of Cliamlierlaiirs Cough j Remedy. Tuenniotila nlways results ' jfrom a cold or an altnck of intluenta ! (grip), audit has been observed that , luinciiy counteracts any tendency ol these diseases toward pneumonia. This lias lawn fully proven In many thouiiaiitlMvf cases iu which this remedy Iips lieen used din ing the great preva- lenee of itilds and grip in teeciit year, ; j and call he relied upon with implicit contideiiiv. Tneiin hi often results fi'oiii a slight cold when no danger is appi-eliended until il is suddenly dis covered that theieiaa (ever and dull 1 enlty iu breathing and pains in the cheat ' then it i nnniiuiiced that, the ration! has pneumonia. He 011 the Mifo side and take ChnniU'ilnin' Cough Remedy as soon a the cold ia conlraeteit. Ii aIwhv ruit'a. For ftte by Ktlwin Kust. , TUOl'OLE IX TEXAD. liovornnr Ijirilistn would admit to hi inaugural bull only those Hearing I full evening dreaa. New Item.) j Tlu re la trouble dow n liiTcsa and Ge henna ia to pay ; There' excitement down in ituaumont, where the gushing gusher play; There's an awful agiiution in the 1'uint Kock aocial act, And at Eden and Laredo there' an awful time, I bet. O'er the I .a no Kstocado balmy breezes bear the tale That will atartle Deaf Smith county, and . make Texline people pale; j Han Antone and Texarkana have their' gun strapped firmly on, i And the little town of Higgina ia ex hibiting her brawn; F-aglo Flat, MoU-etle, I;aky, r-haftcr, Wild florae and Content, Cottle, Albiene, and Arno are blood and trouble Ix iit, 0, there'a aurely aouielhing doing in the aword and piatol line, And you could'nt guea the reaaon in a decade, t opine. Forth from Auatin went the edict that the men at Lanhaai's ball Muni put on their blnxu fueed clothing or they'd Jiot get ia at all ; They iduh weur home collar weakita, add their awallow eaded coat, Or be rat to outer darkneaa, on the left with all the goat; Not a dozen leilatoia 'mid tho maver- ieka down there Ever wore the rt of clothing that nm ken city people awrar; Ho they're longing and they're eighing for the good old day of Ifogg, When they wore the clothes that made them feel like bump UKn a hg. They are planning thing for Iinhaiu that will do the nian no good, And they'l. paa thing o'er hi veto just lo rlmw Idm that they could ; They will alwaya hold nguinnl him whervau'er the fellow goe, iThat 'twa lie whoe order made them ear a tuil of apikc-Uil clothe. ltailiuiore Aiueric&n. Thi niiaht be styled the (lory of a lovely young matron who became! T,e ,od companie. are doing a good homoroii and repented; write V illie kaaille., ,DlCT. Ieaiborii in the Inter Ocean. lou d kno lcr if I told you who ah was, but I would not do that fop the world. Anyway, finding her If a gnet at a lu.l.inii.l.l u knllll...,! Ullll ..111. . .. . . "ef wmooi.ia.v lur com-, ! Pr. ,ier hu.lwud l-ing a good many jlhou - aud mile away-earnli.g money, i goo.1 fellow that he i, for the hotel bill- ,,, ,,,,, ,lrrw., in , ,inita ur (il Vfrhiuil. AllOllilT fflli-t t lilt rattle f ,olei a. i-eruinr Sentor who had knuw IruU, c.tltmnoaea a.idwbocuo- sjj,.rt llit du(T to ,;U, hrt niii,Uj Ml 'every opMttunity." Ihe nw-vetiiy ' tome effective mean of retaliation. for '"I" the guyiug KM. ohvit-UJ, . The (natron and the maid held a conaullatiou and decided lhat ihe oiilv fit ling puuitli ! uient fur the famtioiia rl -fauinau was to put a live o.ati in his lad. Ihe chef of Ihe hotel supplied the crab. The fitir conrpil-ator look the chief uleik iu- to their confidence, and he having a I grudge of his own againstthe ex-Senator , , a coiiti meil kii-kur, anpiliel then.) ! w ith a pa key. The conpira-y might j havo woiked Hildiiraldy if the uontpir-; a tors had not, futility enough, entered! the wrong room. Toward uiididght, long Iwfore the ea stine-Miuni had tiuith ,, j,,, ,1.rllPe ,,, hpr, a Menu; ,,n , pinvuiilinous in frt.ntal i!evel vmeiit, aawl llibrrniunbv descent: rtirhed fianlmtlly out imo the hull, j t,i i .i,.,i. ..;, ,i1Bi uiie.1 m.nn- ccwl Ihe crab, that was hanging, with the tenacity of 1 Inicli that only a crab tan exert in an emergency, tu hi hip. "show me," yelled the virtiui aa he Hindu his mad race wi t the carpet, "show me that w humdedondiedy lizzie do dee son of a cattish" I regret that !iia exact wonla are unprintable; they were, iudeed, so sweetly cxprentsiee 11. 1... .1.... 11.I.......I ..... I IIIKI llll lliai L'lllUl.t-0 tllVO I II U!T Ult ; ) ni NoUkly showed him a jniu' h a t'tut, but the clerk came op, conHidoratelv, with a pair of shears ui.d '..I... I .1,. .. .0 I.'. .In., a ll...r..l... rclwlng tho bitten hip. Tiie bite w tienteu w ith arnica wua tne roneptrato e-capid dcluctiou. Thu rx 8ttesui;.n i Mill at lutc. "The nicest and pleaeautest medicii e j I have used for indigestion and consti pillion is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Talletn," say Melnrd F. Craig, of Middh-jrrove, N. Y." "They wink like a cliurnt and do 11 t gripe or have an nil pleasant ell'tct." Fur le by Edwin Ross. DEEP CREEK! (Too late for laat issue.) Wonder hnw tho dance came off at Mi"r- "y j In answer to last week' Mist items,: would ny the m id i deep enough but ' think the writer ia rather shallow in , mind to write o much foolihnc. The, git la were not fooled but were afraid to I i" through town on accountr of the j Clogs iitnl irnp seen VERNONIA. A 11m it Woods went to Wtuilton lust we - k. l a, Xilirrtt waa taken quite sick Saturday niglit. Mrs. Staples and on Bert, left for Missouri Thursday. John Morri", of Bachelor Flat, has been vi.-iting liii sister, Mrs. Raker. There was a dance at Anoha ln-1 Ftidav evening. There was a latg- crowd out, mid ail report having a good tituc MIST. The ground hog failed to tee liii (hadow. Caper Little went to 1'ortland repair for Ida mill. I.. Maguuaeou' daughter were home on a week' vacation, Carl Muluibcrg and Bill fioae were Aafiria vlaitoi laat week, Dout forget the grand dance that l to be given on bt. Valentine eve, at Mer rill Hall. Mr. A. Aronaon, and w ife from Port Ian, viaited their relative, Mr. Deed aim lainily, ol Ueep Creek. Mr. F. and l-eI e Hyatt conteniplHte organizing a ISible claon next Salibnth at the airhool hoiie; let all attend and help them along in their good work. Dippold & Horn, cut one million m. hingle in 61 and one half day. On the ttrengiti of thealwve auid cut, Frank MalmlMtig brought in a keg of beer. air, injr.i turner wa teuoerueu a mirprife party hint Saturday evening. Old and young enjoyed theinaeivt't trip ping the light fantastic until tho wee ma hour. Would uy to the Fih Ifswk corre apondent, that Oliver i like the latent ong out, "ile'a the right man, but not the right man in hi place." Our ClaUkanie Mt. road would yet be with out ft corduroy, had he not received punch in the rib from St. Helens. .Nothing like eaking the truth, and nothing but the truth. NEER CITY ,, . , ,. . Mr. Oeorga ronler I on tho tck list thia week r.i.lAr ue havA fivn new awkl oler .-eer nave nve new wooa choonera. , 1 1 Mr. Henrv Stehnian spent last week! in Heattle. Kd Fowler, of Raiuier spent Sunday in Kaiuier. fiain Foitie I hack to Cioble, from hi timber claim. Mra Voigt. of Cioble, was a Kalama visitor la-it Saturday. Mrs. II. R. Neer, entertained' Mr. Frank Wolf and Mr. William Adam at -- Win. Metehcm, Mia Myrtle Tawson ! and M.aa IV1I Neer, wnt to Banner to attend the dance hint Saturday niiclit. The Nncklty Bros, have put in a Bttx-k tt urivri in tirv avwU fttrirw at ' ,,is place. Mr. Woodam ia aupplying ;t hem with butter. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Adam have re- i turned fmni two month trio through ! Ik. tVill.,.....ti. .ullu .,,! . Ill ruo.uin in Goblu uiwulU, then they will return to San Fraueieco. j - We eaw that the correspomlent of 1 Houllon was sick Inst week. We feel j nrry for him for a party need good health to rnstie news, and f think he i a trifle alow or he would give the idu walk builder a dig for not putting up a railing at the ends of the bridee. Anla la Slam. M. Charles Meissen, a French ex plorer. Iu travellnc through Slam ob aorvcxl a aM-clea of auiall pras ant Tfhlcb were new to liini. These ants were much e:iKR?d in truvellnij;. Tncy nved iu damp place aud went In troops. To his surprise be noticed mng thciu from time to time an oc- 1 caalonul nut nh ch was much larger ! than the others and moved at a unicb i awifter pace, and each of these larger 11 nls M. Meissen saw always carried one of the jjntj? nut on its back. While the main body of gray ants were al ways on foot, they were accompanied by at least one of their own sort mounted 0:1 one of those larirer ants. It mounted and detached Itself now and then from the line, rode rapidly to the bead, came swiftly back to tbe rear and seemed to be the commander of the expedition. Tbe cxplcrtr wras satisfied that thia species of ant em- ploys a larger ant. possibly a drone of the anuie species. Just ns we employ horses to ride upon, though ecarcely wore than one utit in eacn colony seeiua to be provided with a mount Href tiarte. In nn article of reinlnlsooncea Mary j Stnni t Jloyd says that Brt Uarte nev- j er obtruded his personality. He also ; had a dread of pwple regarding him ' for his work only, uot for himself. ' "Why dldu't yon tell me It was Bret; Harte who wit next me nt dinner last : night?" walled one of aclety'a aiuart- J est yon tin matrons In a uote to her hostess the moruing after a large diu- J ner party. "I have always longed ta , meet btuf and' I would have bevu to j different had I only knowu who my neighbor was." "Now. why can't a wo. j mau realise that tbla sort of thing Is luHiilllug?" queried the author, to whom the hostess had forwarded ht , friend's letter. "If Mrs. talked with uie and found me uninteresting I na a uiuti. bow could she expect to find me Interesting because I was au J thorV A Ftualea) Bett. j A Bombay man has constructed ' beils'.end prlml at 10.000 rupee. It la 1 ! thus described: "It has at its four cor- j hers four full sized, gaudily dressed ! dams'la-tUose at the head holding banjo, while those ou tbe right ; mid left hold funs. Beneath the cot Is j a musical box which extends the whole f length of the cot uud la cr.pnble of playing twelve charniins n'rs. 1 ne music begins the niotneut ihe least pres sure lias bceu brought to bear from the top. which Is created by one keeping or sittbiK. and ceases the moment the Individual rUes. While the music is Iu progress the lady ImiiJoiKts at the bend manipulate tbe stritiK with their tlu-U-;r and move their lieails. while the two tintian tiainwis at me iiotioiu ran 1 1- the ftltvpor to Bit i. lor If PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER THE ONLY PERFECT WRITING MACIIINF MADE I H A It- ,- vn...imt etVin -) S,rfin ' "i1.1 "V t a frA - u in -- I "? tb i A The Pittsburg Writing Machine Company 203 Wood Street, Roller For Publication. tXptrtmrnt of the Iiilerlor, Iuil offlc at oitfMn C'iiv. Ore .m. January tl. I'MI, N OTICE ia hereby given that the fol-i lowing tlamcl wtiler bu died notice of! mi mwunon iv mae nni proof In ntpport of hi Clrtlni. and IhHl kAid ttniOi will h mAm i fore lh Kai'imerinrl Kecrirer u Oro4 til.. ' Oramin. on iirrh Iwia vtw I IDA UKNoai HEK, I H. E. Xo. 13273, for the of . 1.1. twp. 4 n, I r w. ' Me n1" the lnllnwin witnee to prore ' hiiuoullnuou reildcive npin and culllr ill..n I u' ,tI: fhillp filalin. K. P. Ballard, Jonn R,(ben, ,otf Hnrv lil4hn- M Ver: noul. Oregon. t' . WfxiRKA. IX. O l . n NOTICK TO C It EDI TORS. N TOTICK i hereby given that the un- llnan. of the County Coijrt of the ut of ' j Oregon lor the t'ottntv of rolambla. app-rintad i eeeutrix of tretuleof Krauk M. n.i jdecedaet. Any and all pwraon: having eld ra ( ai;aint naid anlal are hereby rei4ired lo ra. , ( aent the frame to me. verlnad aceor-itig lo law. ' at my rel etiea ai JH'apTio.iae, cireaon, or to uiy atturuev. W. U. Powell, at . Helen.. Orefo., wilhtu nix inoutbi mm tha diti heMvi. MAKY JANE TOMPKIN4. Exeeiilrix ol the etate of Frank il Thotnp- I klna, dewad. w. il l' mti L. Attarner for Kxacutrlx. Dated, februarr 6, 1903. . ihe anle ol tlimtr land in the ota'ea of tallfor- j Dia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrl NOTICK OP FIX Ati 8KTTI.KJIriSTj'"f " extended to all ihe riblie Land eiaie TfYTffK" im ha. 1.. ,i,., , . ,, ,T'M it. r. I hereby eacn tiint the tin - dcrsigned aa ailminiatrator of tbe etafe of EUira Ann lleiraa. deccu-e I. h Hle.1 hi bnnl counto(bl. a.imlni.traiiono( thc aMleaie. , hr tkatthe land wught i. more valuable iu iheui ic- ol the Connie Cwrk ol roloinl.l ; for il timlwror alone ihan lor agrlcnllural pur County in ihe aUle of Ore.-on, and the County j p,,, ,nil u.wlbilb her. lain to aaid land be luurt of iditiiiiT ha. Ilxed the ,ih day of i fore the Reglner and Receiver of thl oltlce at March. l'.O.. at the hourol leu oe oek a. m.. ol , uron t:it. Oregon, on .-atimlaT, the 14tk day jai.l day, at the Cj iniy Court ilo.iae lu wild ; ol March. IWB. tin name aa f'tnee: K K, County, aa the time and place lor Hie hetnng . The .o. H. L. Redmond. Aaenn chnlepl.l and of ob,limi to uch Bu J account the aet. y. . Mker, all of Kaaaev. Oregon, tleiuent tbcreol. J. t. HALL. An and all penaVn claiming ad- Adminutrato of the eslate of fclvir Ann veraely Ibe ah.,vi-.1e-ribed laud are Beaiw, dceeaaed rcqiwled to Ale Ibelr claim. In this OKAHAM CLECTON, orhceonor before aaid 14th da of Man k, 104. rml Attorney, for Adttinlalnato.-. JvmiS CHAo. b JIOOKES. Register. Estrty Takei I p. notice l hereto given that on the O.,.. 1 I . I Ti I . . 1 ... .1 il itoi uiiy ih teveilioer, llfoj, toeresirHyeo to my place about two imi-i etof tio - tile, County of i'olutnbis, Stnteof Ore-: Hon, a black eon with light si rem along : hick, criniipliHl horn, and is about j three yearn oU. II email ralf. j The owner oi the altove-j desci ilil aiiintal can obtain po-eesUu . f Ihe saioe hi furnishing Mtfiieietit ! ' pnx' of ownership ami paying ail ex-' pens- and costs. j ; JAY P. AUCHIRAf.K. ' FOR SA l.E OH TRADE-Two BlYnet ; me iOO-litt'iotu lii-incli inesh ; one 75- lalhoHi 7-ineh mesh, itoth nets in punt I eoiiditi in. Will Hade for wok or sell' for cash at a ha'gain. Apply to N. J. DtroHT, Valley, Ure. i i GEOKGE A. HALL j ATTORXEY- AT- LAW ST. HELENS OREGON. 1 " 11 - 1 , : Cf- TT"1l11C TTrkTol l --V,ltIl Under the Management of Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. His Lsaiin Hoise.- IleatilajMorirra for Mlllmen, I Vers. QaarrysirB iau Cam. atereial Travelers. Board uud Lodgiuir, J20 per month. iriiitHient, $1 per day. Barn and Feed for Horses. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache AU dlBeasn of Kidneys, CURE Biaaaer, urinary organ a. IL.. DtiaHm.Flam U eP Iche HeariDUease 6ravel. Dropay, reuiMe Trouble. Don' be com dlcourafe4. Thare if a cure lor you. Jf nvcvn,rj write Ir, Kuuner. lie hiia Swnt a life time curing Jutt auth cajtoaiuioui-a Ail couaultatioua Free. MElght months In bed, heavy backache, pain aud aonmesa across kidue ya. alv rheu iiiHtism. Other remedies tailed. Dr. Fen uer'i Kidney aud Backache Cure cured aa completely. U. WATEKS, Hamlet, IS. Y." Itruvrfflsta, 90c.. fl. Ak for Cook Book-Frey. Ol VI I WO UANUCreuDec FredouiaM.r r naif ty Luiuiii o: Vnay M, . ,t'ten ;m!mo Bailey A Brinn, grnrrttt utr ' rliuuU at Uoulton. The writing ia In plain view of the operator all the time aimpleat and atrongest con- r truction, rapid action, eaiy touch adapted to alt kind of work bett for tahulating and invoice work univeraal key board removable type action j inatantly cleaned. Treble the life of any other ( machine for good clean Pittsburg, Pa. vet Timber Ijtni. Art Jane . 17. HOT ICC F0H PUBUCtTIOH. ("HiTn HTiTu t.nOrnca, Orr-uUl.llt.Orn .H, Uec.Bitur U.1W2. N'otickihherebvoivkntaat Is com Dlliince with lli lirovlnloua e( tba Acl of . Coiiitre-iof Juna, 187. niiilcJ 'Adm for the ! 'e ol llmoar laud In the iee of .l'loroltt. 1 (rt ffoll. vaila and Waahlnirton Terrilorv." I aelenr!ed lo all lh htitjli.: Land eeala bf ! 1 Auaunt 4. llWi Nancy V.. Hacker, of I Krax-r. ivuniyof ('n.imhta. stata of Oreron, ' 'h' djr Blel 111 lht olllca her nworn iltUr men! So. IMO. fur the . .-i h of Hie WH of I "' nd lot 4 of w tion No. 5. In . i, i,hl. No. 4 , ranye n... i. vm and will offer proof m how thai iha land aouaht I mwiw , TmI iali fur It tinOu.P li,lid lk. In. mirri. ; eulmral pnrpoaeii, and bt eMabllah ber claim lo I aaid land before Ih ftegiur and Keceiverof Uiia orheeat Oregon City, Oregon, on nararday, Ucl4:buar of Man-b, Ivu3. nhe name a ultue-aea: K. it. Tbroop. lMrtjalaa Jta- gill and H. L. l:eiSraoml, el Keiver. Orego , and ( hartea Mcl'aiiley, of M. UelL-na, Oregon. Any and all peron ciaitnlog adversely the atiote deribetl lands are reqnevled to ttle their cUimain thl ulnouur balsie aald lilh day of March. 19U1 j'JuiU cd tllLEi B. M KIRia. BiUr. limber Land, Art .'one . IS7S. HOT Id FOR PUtUCATIOH. I'aiTgD STaTgs Laud Orrica, Oregon i'ttv, tregon, Ieenlier39. 1902. NOTICK I H KKKIlY UIVKN THAI I.N COM pliaoce wlih the p-vliona of the act ol Conaeeas ol June 3, 1SS. enillled "An act fof bv act of A'lgii't 4 lfti Martha A. Maxlll. of Kea-ev, onnitr of I olun.bla. Stale of Oregon, ha tl) la day IIIhI ih tbla oS'Ca ber ivorn lale- ! ,, , N aun. i..r n ,.;.mh. ...i o, nuo - i ..t ..,1 . a. ..i.-......, 1... . ' .?.ia v.. ..4niJ. VT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Hei-artmem -i the ijtud Ollic at Oregon City. Oregon. I OTICE 18 HEPKBY liFVES January a, tw-f. THA I AT THB 1 i lot lowingiunnedm-ttler. have tiled uoliie.f their intention to mn&e final proof in auppott of ineir 'imirik. anu trial .-at.i prom win oa iitana j betomlhe Keuiate; and Keeeiverat Oregon. City, : oieoi. on KcbrMtin 16. Is , via: NANCY 11.41 K IK, 1 II E. tin. mm for the t'. of nw. n; of I -ei and 01 oi aeeiii'U i:, tp a, r w. Auu ; WILLIAM II HAi'KIR. f ; B y. No. 12.1JI ior the u, of and wS j III of M-eitou 'J. tp S n, r 5 west. iiiey n.ihe the liillowtiig witueaaes to prove , ttleir contihuoun ie.iiieree U.mand culllvat.ou : ol .aid iuiid, viz: liouala.. Maiill, oa-ley L. - Heiltnond and Ed P. Tnroop. ot ke;tey. Oi-e : gon. aud Churle'. Mcl'aulev of Sr. Helena, Ora -I gnu, CH.VKL&S U. atUOKKtS Rsglaler. SQTICS FOR PUBLICATION Deprti.U't of the Interior, Lauc Oiticti at Oregon Citv, Oregon . JnnnrrY 3, vf VT T ! K IS 1IFRKBY GIVE. THAT 'I MIS pettier ban tiled u lit ot bit IntfDtUiu to ink iiiti.t pro t in support nf hi rlMHTi. ttid tuaM Auid tlttHl jtruof wui be niMiiv Lrvioie iht HojtUitr uutJ Krceiver ur Kont'ilt, O eou, u KeDruary 24, lUuS, vU: II !-"KM.N J. HttHM N(i, II . K. Na. Ul 1 tor Tbe $ of se' ul ?etiou 50, uml eS f ' -tiitu '29. tp A b. r 5 w. He uain8 lti folU-wmg Hhuese to pptir bl ctumnuou reU.ence tiioi aud cultttHiiou ot said I mid, viw: TIioiuha rcUijoha, uf Verno ui-t, trieiititi; U. H. i'ittM, . K. ttchman a&d K. H. LiuLuui), ol Kettty, Oregon. j'JH C'HARLKS B. MOOKEi. Keffiitter ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XJOTICK Is HEKtin TiiAT tK UNDKR inttetlbit beea, b the Hon. J. B Ootnx Jude ( tbe tVuiti t'l.urfcol tha Htte ot Or' Kt for Cotumin Coumy, appointed admlnta tntmr of Ihe Ksttue of Jtfreiatab vlvin, deeaett. Any ud all eneoa bviutf clrthit! Niruiiim suiit eMHieure hereby refiturej lo prsfsriti the aame (o me, riulv verttted accord ing to Uw, at the I'Tfl. e of W. H. tvwwell. al 1. Heicus. Ortf.uii, Ml tit tit mix uionthii trvm the ditte lieretr JOHN' Do LAV, A'lminis!rtor of the Kxjata of JercmUh Ual- vln, defefed. ' . W. il, 4ToKtL. Aaomyfor AOaiiuii.rator. Dated DccemUr Vith, ldtfj. NOTICE QF FINAL SETTLEMENT V0tH'K I HKKEUY GIVBS THAT THK HUiUTMigiic-d ha i(l:iii!iitrator ot the fttMt ol' Michtu'l J. Cunty, iievaMrUbaa tibai hit hutl Mccuotii ol ht- idiii ul. tr.tiii-n ti the said estate., 'n Mu- otio"f lue J"Untt- Oleilt ol 1'ohmibm L'out. in tiie dtrtte ot Um'ieou, uud th County '.'nun ol Mii toiioiy h tixed the M day of Mitn h, A. 1)., 1J03 kt tlx hour of one o'clock la the t.i ttTnuou if uibvi duy. at the Uouuty C'url Mouite fu sNit Cotiiity. a tb tiitie and luce tr tbe bran re of ohjt ciioma to such account uud the setttait.enl (hereof. I). J. 8 WITTS R, AdiuinlMralor t the tiuie of Miuhaet J. Cauiy, (teccnaed. i. H. GRl'BER, 2X-tQ AttouiPy for tha Adoiipl.lratnr. T1u:bor Land, Act June 3, nome F0 PUBLICATION I' Nit ki ST.iitv. laud Orrtct, Uim" - ny, Oieyun, Junuary 12, 1MM. VOTICK Is HKRKBY IVK.N TH ' T IS i" c. ntpliHin e tbh the pro i.iuuii of the acl oi Conmfii ei June 8, IKtfl. eutitletl Au net for tiie ittiie f titnlf r laiifia in tha tMntee of Call tortna. OittLoii, Nev-da and VVahitirton Terri tory," as exit ntJtd to hii the Fubiie Ud1 HitUee bv act of AtKUt 4 Boetlkofer, oi Poitland comity of Multnomah, (Mate ol Ore-a-i.n h 'thitdttT tile I in tbia office hta tworn .ttemaiit. o. i ix)7. for the purch of ihe aa f nw w1 of aw. er. I, urS m of 2 in T.twtiKiiip No. 4 ii. Km ft No. 4 w, -ud will offer priori to 'bow that the ImimI aouktht ta more val' uabk- for its timber or ptti tin ur atrvicul tuml ptirjoeit, and to elub)i)h hie claim ta shi1 Iiind before tbe UelMer and ftei.'elter of tiiu otAve at Uri-goii City, OreKun ou 1 hurwdaf', the Uin day ui March. II. fa. He bwniea aa t ncv-; A. N. frl( W. f. Hurt. iMvid Karly, of Veriioola, Oregon, and C.tiaoet-vluol Uoul ton, Orearon, Any uini all pera-m vlnimina; adveraely tha above ie rr il.wi Unda are requested to lite tht-IV claiuiHin this o. lice on or be Jo re aaid 'Jkb day ot Vnff i, ItniS, jia. m CHAM. B. VQOUm. ktUtr I