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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
r E ORECorOI I A rm Vio VOL. XX. ST. IIJ2LKNH, OH KG ON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, jHW. NO. 7. M PROFJCSST()XAL. N.U'.tllV I'l III.IC. ('iiNVtVAKt'lNO J.B.GODFREY, ITTOllXKY-A'i'-lAW. Ecal Estate and Timber Lands Sold A I IH'l'lt AC.'TM MAIlKi FT. HKIKNS, - OKKUO.N S. II. (iKUBKlv, " attohxey-at.iaw. nun-,, with k. i:. quick. HT. I IK I. KM, : i OH ROUS. Wlltttlv Ik1 I HirniiMl Mifemlnii to alt Iftfrn) ti':turi ,) mi1iI li lutv W ill )tH((l(0 111 atl mu Piatp att'i i im ci nuun nuriH, V. 11. l'OWKLL, .rrr()h'.Y:y-,rr-Liu Kfci'i'tv 1'ihtiiu r .viiiiiini.y. NT. IIKI KN. : ! (iHKiiON. Orni l Ntiipx Hum a, N'Hv ru 01,1c V. ('. FisrlHT, ' .trmi:xi:Y-.rr-U ItAIMI.Il, : : OHI'.c.oN. I!. I'. (iu.uitM. T, J, ('i.rrruM. Allt)rnt').sat-I.av. 7"' Manpiaui liiill'imii. I'milan-l Ori-gnn. uuj Imumicm t (It rreidia prompt 1, ntti'iit!"), Oregon Imlly J 1 1 1 1 ri 11 1, only M a 1 n r by "". Kir mx inuullia; Heinl. Wcr-H.y Journal, II. DO iiimI Weekly Join mil fl pel yrur, 'i'lin Journal 1 im 1 1 iJ 1 km nl In riinciiiilc newspaper, working In lh In- Ii iinIw uf ilii- kii'hI section where rolla Ihn llrcgon. Hi-nil In ynur silljscllpllon Humple copl. f r . Address The Jouiniil, I'. . Ilox 121, Portland, Dr. The Steamer SARAH DIXON Leaves I'urt lit tft Monday hikI TIuiis iliiy mornings ill tl;:H) a. in, for Clitts kiinle, Mopping nt HI. Ili-li-ns ami mhv landings. I'iiiiIhihI landing nt Ouk sin-el a lir.rl, - Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Lftiv,' l'oitliiii'1 on Tiifulitv, Ttnirwlnx tlx I Hat iiMity Ml 7 u. in. for St. Hehm, Kalama, Carrotf'i Point, Ramitr and K9I90, Aff MltHt I'orlUiht Mmiflity, n ri hi'k'irtj ttlol Klltlrt) ttl I J ill. Steamer NORTHWEST . I. nwa I'nilliind Monday. Wednesday itml I' 1 1J11 y nights 11 1 hi 10 11. 111., (nr I In. wiiiim points nn-iif nmcd iiIhivh hiiiI Tie li'tln, teaching 1 In. hitter place t 0 11. 111, 'in Ilii Iiillim ing iliiv. Kcliiriilhg, Ilii' leaves Toledo nt iHXiii. and ii'Iii Uuck ill .V.'Kt ill the nllcritooii. I'm-ilmya, TliuiMliiyn it ml Huixlnvn, leaving. 1'i.rllninl imiiIv in 1 In. morning. l.-.l .l Salmon at. II Hill. MAN, Agent. KHTA III.IHIIfcl) 1H72 VY. II, HM.I.AKII MI.LU.IU lAY, jrroi;x:vs-,rr-Ln M MI I-IvS1. l)IU .lN, (iriirlnl pntrlltT HI rurU nl OliC-tli tf Wall- Ir. Kd win Hdss, rhtjsicimi niil Surgeon. S". IIiaKN.S, OKKUO.N. Dr. II. U.CIili; I'liisiriun Klid Surgeon. h't. HKI.KNS, OltKliON. Dr. .1. M. Hall. Physician tul Surgeon. ii t-u.vmi:. OUKOON. Ir.r. I. HallicM, Physician and Surgeon. YiatNo.MA. OltKiiO.N. Watts & Price, -lit: U.Ms 4 is- Flour and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions X JOHN A. I3KCK DKAI.KIl IN Watches, Diamonds, Silverware ...JEWELRY.... Iti'liairing a Specialty. Miirrluiii HI. Hot. Kn.iit A flrl, F0HTI.AN1). FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . Hooghkirk, Mailir. KAII.HOAI) TIMK. I.KVmi Klliiir iUIIv fcii'i.iit HiihiImi tfnr I'nrt. Imi'l, l It A. M.. lr.arlili frum HI. Mel mil 'I l-Hii-K, Kl lirill IV. HW l'urllllil Ml l.M Y M., arriving at hi. t ... Passengers and Fast Freiht. I'Oltmxi) UMilNII, TAYMJll HT. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER l RAILROAD COMPANY. naAiiiumM 1 : TA1 llM , DAILY. 4 i H " America Scainiooso, Oregon. W1 oil I'Ollll.tMi, litu.v. f M! 1 WHIanutt Slough Route r - 1-rlV.. St. 1 1 1 Arrh nt 1'iniliiinl l.l'IIVI I'lHtltHI'l Arrivr nt St, llrlcnx a :io a M HI ..'III A M i :m v m tl .iKi I' M I nil: on (I l . F J Will l arrr Snll.inir Init I'M'li n r aihI Knl Kinlit. 4 Jinn iiM, n ir. iVV V VV VVVVVaVJ r. n. : 7 tm ' 11 j I II M : a M : a II a ,'ai ' a .--j w : IV ; 7 1 IU HI i 10 II" i Hi X ! lu m i AH.' I a uti u v u6 xi I m v ; ." ;.i .1 m m v : Ml Ml! IU U) 3 , IU III HI I 10 II II i 10 M 7 7 III .'.7 or, (l : 11 (1 Wl II la .-. I A. H. I.r 1'orilMiid Ar II lu ! i.l.l. . . Halnifr . . . PyraiiiM. . . .. Miiiarr . . (Jlllllry ... . . CULkatil.. Mar.tilaritl la I'.ljx.rt .. . , . , I 'lllliiii , . . Kna..a .. . , Ht'tllill., -John liny. II w vt Ar. A.mrla 10 Ob I . . i zi I t 17 i i t OH ' ' V! . : a ; : an i a 07 : lU ; 7 4 1 A. II .' 1 . a '.M a 011 7 , 7 M 7 .la 7 7 17 7 01 a Ai t 10 Alt trnliti innki cI'mki roiiiHvtloiin at liohli. with Nnfthfiit I'Mrlnc iHln- lo him! In.m Hit Kl ami KutiittJ kiIiii. Al i'urilaml wuh all traltm Iraviuir t'liioii !ri-.l. At Attmta with 1. H.A X.I'u i Umi atitl tall Hue an t rt'miuT X. J r.tdrr to nii'l (r.m ilttuco antl'Vurilt Itt'N('l) Mi)ltt. l'nMiii:tra tttr Ant'iria or way hiiii 01111 Mng tnttun rI HiMilh. I mi tn will io lo let iu.. ftniiKfiK lt HiHi'tmi hrn ctiititiiK (rum point ttitoffiitlf. J. ', Tla.), (n. 'iu. Att.. A Gloria, Or ItllKillT'K IMHKAHK. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 tvtitia n,1iti a kl Traoc Mahhs ' Dcaions CotVMIOHT Ac tiMltr an mmuiiifat (toiia llilii Ijr rnnn.U'fttlnJ. HnlHltMaftl M1 I tot. La tout ruw, tn.iiMf iu:mii-r I"' mtrttm twittoi. )'Aiiia tatton iht'iittfi. Muim A t o, rota ftihli itAttM without ciiwryu, u tba Scientific Jlmcrican. A hnrtfimilf tUttafratiwI WMtklr. fjirri rtr rtittin uf aitr r(niiji ).-urnkl, fur mm, M a r.ttr niKfiiba, u od by ail nfirmtraiin 38IB,,,NpW Tljrk lliauck lllMiv. (Ut r HI.. WaatilMtun, U. C. Tli liiraVHt mini evr pniil for pre n r:iliuii vhanituil liamla in Sin Fihii- cim'o, Angiiat IH, J1KH . The trHiiaiiT in liivlml,in colli Hiul iitM'k 11 2,.,! ml hi anil u iiill liy n party of liiiaiueaa iik'ii fur 11 ifHiiiii: fur liriiflifa Iiikpiiih. ami liinU'LT), In ili.-rto iiicumlile ilia-(Bt-. Tliey coiiiinnirisl (lie at rium in- VHtiKHtmn of the HH-cillc Noveinlx'r IS, llJ. Thi-y inlcrvipwej cori'a if the iMiml ikI tried it out on ita inpiiu lv piiltuiK over Hir e iIiku.ii cawa on the trratnif ul mil wiitchinx thi'in. Thry lo pit plijairimn to imiue clininir, in riirnhli. i'H.ix, mid Milininiati'ri-d it with tin' phycii'imia fur jiulr-r. Cp to Au irnat :'f,' K7 r cut of thf tvat cae wi're I'ithi-r wpll or proitn-axing fav.ira lilv. TIkto Muff but Kt ht rent, of fiillun'B tlm purtit'it wt'rv i-alislinl ami rloM-iI lln' trmixMi-tion. The p o-tvil-intta of tlm inveatiyaiiiiK coiiiiniitec nd the climml ieMirta uf the textrnxfa were piihliahcd and w ill lie uiniletl free on up plirutlon. Addrexathe John J. Kullun rniiinuny, 420, Montgomery Htrcet, Sun i'rmiiiaeo, t'nlif. V ' S V V f y . f i How About Your Title? Ct II y VIM' HI'liK It la j KKltiKllllmlai.wri i ri'ruriU aii'l nlmw wl Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN fit anv rpfir.nn.ttMn hntit. Rv "" 13 15 S rJT l illlorlullr tinrlrxa. 4'onalatenily lli piibllrnu. Ni'Wi from nil tlio world Wall wrilli'ti, oriuimil Htorioii An- wvr lo ipierloB Art,!rli' on lli'iillli, tlio llmiio, New Itooks, mid on Work A limit tlio i'orm mid (iurdcii. The Weekly Inter Ocean Im a iiii-iii I i r of thu Axmwltitctl I'rexH, Hit. only W'lmlorn iNuwii-piipi-r ri'ft'i vliift tliB entire tela Ciiipliio Hewn Horvii'a of the Now Vnrk Kim mid ii in-in I cable of the Nuw York World iluily re poiln from over 2,IH)0 xpoolnl t'Drii'ttpniKli'iitH throughout the cou ul ry. YEAR Q M E DOLLAR HiiIimtIImi (or Tile OIIKWOn MIST lid I lie iVneklf Inlet Ocean Uullt uire lor 11.50. N S Mam $tr0t all rltiht Itrniemlwr Omt it I the rn. It ii our htititiir-it to M-arvh thr WllMl IttPV ClltltHllI III r.ilMtI.111 l.t tattl.l uut'. 1 1 imi ffiuiiMiipiNir iitiyiim uni or antiiir ntnncy on rral wriifltv, inkc iim man mohI, but tnUi iitmn knowing what the rit-ortt houn rraanlliiic Ihrtltlo. An AbMrnci it, as exi.iia! aa a .lrr.1. InsUioit lia.lnic tt. We havt thu only m-I of atwtrart lmik tn the iritni. All wt.rk imiii(tl nwutrtt and xatlftnclloa huh run (ttd. If mt tin vp miH)rty u Iiimm kI una rail. We are Htfi'iiln (.r lh lM l(n iiiiirnl)t-ft(-tilHtftHl(tu Hip unrM. If vo littvi- rt.iK-rij (or phIp lUt tt nlth u iol n uill flini a huur. E. E. QUICK & CO I I ST. HUMS. OREGON & C HAITKU XIV-(Cntliiued.) Tt la not act 1 1 ii. thouirh nxxl deal of It la teniiHT; alie would utyr bririg In that xui red uame for the fmkf of (ji-ttiiif her own way. Hut tbe effei-t la iniiKiial on Tom; rt'inorxe atlra liia heart; he re rulla all the tender hijiiHotioua of that dead mother about ber ilarlinit, and hi will la broken like a reed at the remem brance. It ia true he I all abe lias; he la her defender, ber umii. her ahield acainat trouble and aorrow; it la not for him to thwart and crier ber. Hhe ia dearer than ever, thmiich ber lorer'a Brat paaalon may hare worn off; alie aball be happy, cuxt what it niayl lie kueela ln-l.le ber. he rxxira out erery endeariiif word be know ion her, he eorera her hair, ber throat-f.r ber face i arcrtil from him with kiawa, be iirom- Im-a her that be will ro and fetch little Tom to-morrow, and in due coiiroe Juue, half-triiimpbaiitly, but e-retly a good deal aahameil of beraelf, la lyina; w ith ber head on Tom'a breaxt, hia arma about her, and all hia kind, houeat heart lient on reatoriiiK her to naee of mind and bnppi- ui-xa. In the morning, when bar maid brought her tea and lettera, abe eagerly opened the one from her lord. Hariug fiuiahed it. ahe laid it dowu. and a cold chill eauie over her. She atared blankly into apare for a minute or two, then took it up aud re-read: "Iiarling Wifej.I got down here all right, and found the hoy all right except a little bit fluahed, and" (here two lettera eaaily deciphertl to be "Ag" were aerati-hed out "we thought be might hare nut her tooth coining, but, anyhow. we thought it better to wait a day and ce. Hou't he frightened, darling; he ia in capital apirita, an I I hoe to bring him up to-morrow, though I tf hate the idea of I-oiiiJon for him. I lume the dinner w ill go off all right. Of eonrxe you will xay aud do the right thiig alamt me, and t dare aay aa long aa tfaer get yon they'll tie very happy to dinwiiae with my company. You cun't think bow hrenly It ia down here after Loudon, I'tc g.4 on an old ahooting-cont, and I fii-I aa hhppy aa a king; nt letiat I ahoiild, rinrling, if I had yon here. "I had to break off here to xee Jnnea. ! and he tella me there are two or thrive thinga I ought to xcc to to-morrow. ! Should yon mind if w e don't cmie up till j KrldnyV It will give the l.y another j day'a ri-i1e, and you i-au go alxnit and : aee your frienda and ainuae j-oiiralf for that little time longer, can't you, dearest wifey ? "Alw nya your nioxt loving and d. voted hiialianil, T. X." When ahe had rend that affectionate if not well-cxpreaaed eiitle. all plcuaure and hniitiiieaa tiwk (light from June'x heart. She nna nothing to loin; he could dia- pciiae ierfiH-tly with her aoeiety, aa long he had the haby, mid thi country, and hia old ahmiting cont, and with a tierce apaxni Agnea. June glanced at the clock; the hands w ere juxt on the hour of niue-iniHisilile to cnlcli the ten train; hut there wax an ile went out oB the lawn, where Agnea waa playing with Tom junior and exhib iting increased fervor and devotion to ward him. "I'oor. darling June," aaya Agnea, xweetly. "How unlucky! But what made her come? AVaa it becanae ahe waa ao anxJou about thia treasure? Oh, Tom, I begged you to be careful not to frighten her." Tom haa taken hia heir from her arms and ia proceeding toward the houae. JJIU. haa recovered beraelf. She baa lunched, baa bad ber aay out and now fei-ia beraelf quite capable of behaving with the dignity and aweetneaa on wbieb ahe baa reaolved in the train. To the immeiiae relief of Bir Tbouiaa, who haa tx-en longing but not daring to beg an audience for hia couxin, abe aaka in quite an amiable tone if Ague ia atill there, aud volunteera to go dow n and aee her. Sir Thoma and Ijidy Xevil have dined, and are aitting at the open window in her ladyxhip'a boudoir. June ia on hia knee, with one arm round hia neck, and a little w hite band priaooer lu hia. "Kiwi me, darling," ahe aaya, and he, nothing loath, obeya. "I waa naughty to-day," ahe proceeda, with a charniitig. contrite little air, "and now I am aorry." Kir Thomaa givea a aqueexe to her alim waist to intimate that whatever abe baa done ia condoned, aud that no more need be aaid abont it. "Io yon think I have a bad temper?" eoaxingiy. ".No. my pet, certainly not. But." .liffl deutly. fancying, good, houeat will, that he ia apenking a werd in aeaaon. when he ia doing exactly the reverse, "I think you were a little hard on poor Aggie. . June aita Ixilt upright In a moment, Oon t mention her name!'' abe aava, in a tone of exaapcration. Then, cheek ing heraelf. and aiukiug back on hia ahoulder, " ua forget that ahe or any oooy eiae exiaia in tne worm but our aelre. ' "Kxrept the boy," amenda Tom. "Kicopt tbe boy, of eourae." aaya June, amiliiig. "Let ua go and look at him ahall we; And aa. a minute later. Tom atanda with hia arm round hi beautiful wife. looking at the cherub fa.-e of their child aweetly naleep, he offera up a reverent thnnksgiviiiB, and aomething for the mo- ment preventa hia aecuig tlml lovely pie lure quite clearly. If there were only no auch place Indou! he waa holding ber reaponsible for thia awful calamity. When ahe waa alone for a moment with the doctor ahe aoked him in Imploring tonea whether London waa the eatixe of the olilld'a illneaa, and he anawered dis tinctly In the negative. It might have happened anywhere. Hut June did not dure even to aay thia to Tom; ahe knew It would tie waxte of time and energy to attempt to convince turn, ao tirmly wna hia niind fixed on thia one idea. Oh, pleaae Owl, they ahoiild get the hoy over thia, anil never, never again ahoiild he net foot in the accuraed city! i oting Tom got over the crisia, and, with hia father and mother, returned to the Hall on tbe fifth day after hia at tack. Though moat of Hie aerranta were left behind in Karon Square it waa alinoat an understood thing that neither Sir Thomaa nor her ladyahip would go back there. Hir 'Jliomaa waa perfectly certain ; that he would not, and her loilyahio did I not feet a though, after the iniaery of inoae lew naya, ahe ahoiild ever care to aee London again. It waa only by Mra. Klleamere'a perauaxion that they decided not to give up the houae and move the whole eatabliahmeut back at onee t the Hall. In a week'a time Tom junior wna re stored to hia usual robnat health, and Tom senior to happiness and hia wonted level spirits. He felt like a prisoner let loose; it waa. a linoat worth while to have suf fered the discomfort to enjoy tais blt-saed freedom, June, her mind being reassured about her child, began to feel somewhat dull, and to think with a certain regret of the pleasant thing she bad left la-hind; and a for Madge, her eye were red with crying, and ahe wore a woeuego.u look quite Unusual to.hcr lirlfht race. . "1 know I am very silly and very .self ish," he said to June one dily, "but it haa been such an awful disappointment to me.' And with this she burat into tears, Tom came in at the same moment. "Why, Mndgy!" he cried, with sincere concern, "what's the matter, my dear?" "Poor child," answered June, "she is ao disappointed about her visit to London." The aame evening at dinner Sir Thomas observed to her Indyahip: "I've been thinking it over, .Tuny, and It scenis rather a shame to disappoint S ' other at eleven, which stopped at a ataliou u' six miles from the Hull. She rang the ImII, aent for a form and wrote' tele gram desiring that a carriage might m.vt her nt I. , dispatched a line to ber mother-in-law, mid, with a mixture of triumph, defiance and auger In her breast, set out on her journey to bring hack the truant. Greatest Clubbiwr Combina- TWO WKKKI.Y I'ACKUS FOlt TIIK OK ONK-tiUKATKST HAK0A1N IN (l(K)P BKADIXO. llv it special nrrniitfoineiit we are nble to furnish Tug Ohkuhn Mist itml TIIK WKKKI.Y CA11TAI. J017HNAI. at Hie following club bing price for botb pitpers: t or One lenr lu Adv a ncetl.ftO or Kit Manilla In Advance, 1 The Weekly Jouriuil, of Snlein, Ore,, prints most inside news alxuit our sliite i;oveiiiineiit nud the full Icgixltitive procecilins. Just M 1 1 nt yuii wmit for tlm coiiiing session. The Journal ia a large ciKlit piijru paper full of telegraphic, news of the whole world. Sam ple copy furnished free Ukmi Inquiry at this olDce. WE OFFER YOU rA, .25 2 nonlh.' (ubKrlptloa to THE OREGON MIST. rUl 0 1 0n year's subscription to Conkey't Home JoaniaL V One year' membership In American. Musical Assoclatloo. CONKEY S HOME JOURNAL la a literary and musical monthly family nunratlne which should be In every home. Its cover ili.amn la always In colors, it is iirlnicd-on itood paper, and mechanically ever ssuela a tribiili. to the printer s art. Conkey'a Home Journal ia really two maiaiinrs n one, for the hist luilt is devoted to special illiislrali-d articles on suhiects prominently before (he pub ic. and short and j.-i Inl aioriea. The second half is dovotod lu the inter vals ol Iho mother and dauiMitcr, It also contains WITHOUT EXTRA. CHARGE I Practical lessons In lace and embroldcry-inaklng. 'iitfllciil lessons in homo millinery. . , 'i iirilciil lessons in Interior decoration,' 'radical augitt-Hlious for home dressmaking. A complete tnshioii ileparlment showimi the newest dciisns In halt and costumes. Shit t waisis and the smaller articles ol feminine wear losiumas, . A complete, pattern dcarlmeni. from which pallorns may be ordered. rhntimrnplia showing how to act the table. Kecilicsand '"I'iiIiIh TiiIUh" u-hli-li lim-.rl ll.M lnr..r....lnn .1... I. .1.. woin in who would im "up-to-date" I hebiresoiug is supplemented by a department of music which contains each month ! a copyright song, two step or wults, a lesson on Vocal Training and a lesson on Piano i laying by eminent teachers, Hoys' Pets" is the subject of a series of articles for the bovs. These articles are thoroughly practical and lull how all kinds of puts may be raised both (or pleasure and itiuuev. I Trie Amarlcitkn Mualoevl Aaaoolavtlon enables Its members to purchase sheet ' 11111.11. mm tin iiinaii, uiiut-a ni iimcouiiia ranging iruill 10 W per Cent, .Sample copy of Conkey'a Home Journawl mailed la any address on request. Address ull cuiiimuiiicatioiia and remittances to THE OREGON MIST I rilAI'TKit XV. June haa a nne spirit, and it wna now roused to the uttermost. During her journey lu the traiu she made a great ef fort to conquer the auger that waa seeth ing and bubbling up ill her heartanger partly excited by Tom, but chietly by Agnea. Wheu they reached the house Ijidy Nevll slgued to the driver to let her out In-fore be rang the bell. The hall door waa ajar and ahe ran first into the morning-room. A pleasing sight greeted ber through the window. Tom waa sitting on a garden-chair, with the boy in his arms. Ague waa kneeling at their feet, dangling something lu front of the baby's eyes. It waa too much for poor June. She had just time to aay to the footman, who came rushing In great surprise through the ball, "Tell Sir Thoma I have goue to oiy room, and ahe flew upstairs, locked the door to keep her uinld or any in truder but Tom out, and burst Into a passion of tears. She was thoroughly up aet; ahe felt that ahe had made a fool of heraelf, nud that ahe would appear In the Tory worst possible light before the eyes of the man sue loved. She heard Tom flying up tbe stairs, and had just time to unlock the door when he hurst In with au astoulshed hut ben in ing face. Then that happens to her which fre quently happens to high-spirited, impul sive people; ahe does the very thing agulnst which ahe has cautioned herself which she haa reaolved most positively that she will not do. She reproaches Tom for leaving her, for his letter, for his In difference In having remained awny from her, for his untruthfulness in pretending the child was ailing, and, last and crown ing folly, for which ahe is furious with herself even while she Is committing It, he twits him with preferring the society of Ague to her own. Tom stands overwhelmed mil silent, not because he ia convinced of guilt, but be cause he ia allocked at this outburst from his wife. I Tom went gloomily out and doTuatnira, I not forgetting tirat to order luncJieoii to be aent up Immediately. Poor Utile girl! no I doubt she wax overdone; hut Oat did not I quite account for and exctiai the bitter aud unjust things she had ai)d to hlui. rilAITEK XVI. The Ncvil family have lieen established in l.onilun for the space of a fortnight torn junior is in the most robust health and spirits, aud seems vastly amused and interested with all he scee. He is nearly nine mourns old. aud Is not only a beanti fill and good-tempered infant, but has the most Intelligent face In the world. He is. to Tom's intense deligbt, the living image or nis motner: nay, Tom Is almost allrouted If anyone pretends for civility': sake that hia heir resembles himself. Dallas, who is a frequent guest in Katon Square, mischievously asks June if she thinks loin is making love to the nurse, irom wnom tie seems inseparable, and declares to Tom himself that no doubt he is taken for a Life-guardsman in plain clothes. Diillns and June are the best of triends; they have both completely for- ."'n .. .-.i!wie iiiot ji-arii ago. I' or Dallas is alworbed in his hopeless passion for Lady Jane Wyldrooe, daughter of the Earl of Sweethrier; hopeles. not aa far aa the young lady herself is concerned but only aa regards her parents. It wanted two days to the 15th of June when Madge was to join her cousins in Loudon. lJidy evil came in from her drive in radiant spirits; she had spout a delightful day, and waa looking forward to oue of the balls of the season, to be given that uignt. tier maid met her in the ball with a seared face. "Oh, my lady, dim t be alarmed," she said, while her look and manner were enough to terrify nervous and imagina tive person to death, "but Master Tom has been taken 111. Sir Thomaa and the doctor are with him now." Junes heart etood still, her knees knocked together. In one instant the thought traversed her brain that her own selfishness was the cause of thia awful calamity, that the child would die, that she would never forgive herself, that Tom would never forgive her. Then, without waiting for another word, she flew stnlrs to the nursery. Tom stood by the bedside with an agon led face. The doctor was bending over the child, wno waa waxen pale and with closed eye. A sort of paralysis crept over June. Tom did not move forward to greet her; hia eyea, having met hers aa she cutere.1, returned to their agonised watch. She went mechanically toward him. "What Is it?" she whispered. "I knew It from the first,' he muttered. "I always said ao. 1 knew Imdon would be the death of him." A sense of guilt and despair stole over June. Ten minutes ago there had scarce ly tieen happier womau living than she, and now terror and misery ingulfed her, every pleasant thing lu life seemed Irre trievably gone from her forever. All night she and Tom watched by the child's cot. Not satisfied with one opin ion, Tom aent for the first physician lu London. He, too, looked grave, but spoke reassuringly and hoped the boy might take a favorable turn. Once during that long and miserable night June went and put her arms ruuud her hushaud'a neck and leaned on bis breast with stilled sobs, aud he clasied ber kindly, but she felt instinctively that up Madge, poor little girt Why should not you go back to town with her for a fort night or three weeks'; The servants and horses are there doing nothing, and we shall have to pay for the house all the same. And," looking at ber, "you enjoy it so much yourself, it seems a pity you should be done out of it. "I do red fi-el as if I should care for it now," June answered. Tom, however, broached tbe subject to Madge; implored and entreated so earn estly l hat her ladyship yielded. It is un derstood that Tom will not accompany them, or even go up to l.onili n for a sin gle day, and this iu June's eyes deprives the prospect of aiiy pleasure. Oin-c there, however, Madge is so wild ly pleased and happy that her spirits are infevti'it:, and Juue, if half tbe gilt is stripped from her gingerbread, still man ages to 1 tolerably happy aud amused. June and Madge were particularly fond nt the nlnr Due eroiiintr f1.,!,....,) 1 ll,..,l Mrs. tJllcsuiere's brother, and Dallas were to dine with them and take them to see a popular piece. Just before dinner a note came by hansom for Lady Nevil. "Will yon excuse me from dining?" said. "I will join you at the play. I am so very sorry, and hoje I am not putting you to inconvenience. Thia was from Dallas, The niece had begun nmc time before he nude his appearance, and June was startled to see how white and unlike him self he looked. Ar" you ill?" she whispered, as he sat down by her. by did you come, if you don t feel up to it ; 1 am all right," be answered in the same key. "At least. I hope so. I hav had rather a facer. Don't, like au ange ask me any questions. Certainly he was not nt all himself, nor did he exhibit his usual spirits during the whole evening. He sat gunwiuc; the end of Ins mustache aud looking intensely preoccupied, and June, who had a good deal of tact where ber affections were not imaged, left him to himself, and be tween the acts tulked chiefly to her other companions. hat a bore yon must have found me;" Dnllas whispered, as he put her into her Imoughaui. "I am aw fully sorry. If I confd tell yon, 1 know you would feel for me. Nothing atsuit Lady June." I hope?"' she said in the same key. for he had con fided in her occasionally on the subject of his last love. No," he answered, "nothing to do with her; at least. I hope not. (To be continued.) NEWS OF OREGON ITFMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. A Shoplifter' Skirt. Did you ever see a shoplifter's skirt? asked a detective who Is em ployed lu a large department store of an acquaintance, nml then produced a singular looking garment which had been takeu off a shoplifter. "Tbe worn an w no nan una sku-i mis kick, ns they call It on liail 48 differeut articles In her possession, stolen from this store, She was walking lu the street about two blocks away when we overtook her. Here la a list of the things she had managed to secrete: Nine pairs of kid gloves, 6 poeketbooks, 5 pairs of uilts, 0 pairs of stockings, pins, 1 ptilly for a wash line, a lin k, 3 knife rests, 2 plaies, 4 bells, 2 pairs of scissors, 1 can opener, 1 glass pitcher, earrings, 1 small basket, 1 small clock, 1 mouse trap and oil burners; Jltl worth lu all." The skirt was simply a black calico walking skirt, with a double lining fast ened firmly to the outside nt the bot tom nud secured at the waist with two strong belts. There were capacious openings at convenient points, and the skirt was worn beneath the outside skirt, which had a long slit In the full pleats to correspond with the opeulug lu the garment beneath. Matrimonial Progress. Did you ever," asked the young hus band, "have your wife look you In the eye wheu you came home and ask you If you had not forgotten something'" 'Many a time, my boy," answered tlif old married muu. "She does yt. the early days it used to vena w kiss, but now It is usually a reference to will ing niy shoes." Rich Shipment from Oregon Mine-Placer Oround Pans Out Well Portland fir, boat Bill Passed "One Mile Limit" Sheep Orazing 1)111 Killed -Larceny al Bicycle Same as Horse Stealing. IN THE LEGISLATURE. A bill providing for creation of the office of state inspector of hops, and to fix tbe rate of tare on hops, has been introduced by Mnlkey in tbe senate. and La Kollett in the Donee. Carnaban, of Clatsop, is In favor of doirg away with the poll tax law no , on tbe code of Oregon. The poll tax, us now provided, ia fl,- which is as- sestet on every citiifn in the state be-' . twetn the ages of 21 and 60. Carna hsn's bill is to lepoal this section in its entirety. Monday. Tbe vote today etood as follows: Fulton 21, Ueer 13, Wood 14, scatter ing 18, atwent and paired 21, total 1)0. In the Houi-e A concurrent resolu tion was introduced today appointing a committee to endeavor lo have the Washington legislature ruLe it Lewis and Clark appropriation to f 100,000. Murphy, of Cnion, introduced a bill s to establish an industrial eolleee at Union. Other notable bills SDnearinir in tbe house were: By Shelley, of Lane, toexlend the Anetralian ballot to all city elections; By Johnson, of Grant, for a portage railroad above The Dalles; by Bobbins, of Baker, for a mining bureau. In the Senate The senate spent most of its time on what might lie called "legislative grind", or the second reading of bills. A joint memorial was adopted asking congress to call a convention for the purpose of framing an amendment to tbe federal constitution providing for election of (senators by direct vote of tbe pfile. A bill was passed niacins bicycles in tbe same class with horses in the law for the punishment of larceny. House bills authorizing The Dalles to issue water bonds, and authorizing Linn county to maintain a ferry at Marrisburg were pas-ed. . Governor Chamberlain today stened the Portland fireboat bill and the bill for the creation of an irtedu-iblo school fund for Douglas county. The committee on agriculture adopted report tl at the "one-mile-liniit" sheep grazing bill be not passed. This action kills the measure. A shipment of 43,000 pounda of con centrates was made last week from tbe North Pole mine to the Tacoma smelter. The actual value is not stated, but there is no doubt it is on a par with the last shipment, which was appraised t 115,000. The Southern Pacific has pubiif-hed its new. tariff offering reduced rates on pure-bred livestock for breeding pur poses.. This applies to cattle. slieeD. goats and hogs in less than carkad lots. the reduction ts not horizontal, but applies in varying degrees to the differ ent weights. The 0. R. & N" the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern and the Oregon Short Line will put in the same rate in a few days, applying to all points in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. Over $200 in nuggets and coarse gold was picked up off the bedrock of the Dry Diggings in Southern Oregon the past week. The grounds now being worked in these diggings by the Golden Drift mining company are supposed to be the riiheet ever encountered. Tbe two giants have been steadily operated since early in November, and more dirt has already been moved than was washed off during all of last season. The company hxks forward to a large clean-up. PORTLAND MARKETS. 75c; blue- Wheat Walla Walla, stem, 80c; valley, 78c. Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton: brew- ing. 24. flour Best grade, 14.30(94.85; grah am, f3.25(33.65. Millstuffs Bran, 18(19 per tun: middlings, $23 24: shorts. $tl)(3'"0. chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1. 15(31. 17)i : gray. $1.12l01.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, $11(312: clover. $89; cheat, $9(1 10 per ton. Potatoes Best Eurbanks. 60(S75n ner sack; ordinary, 4050c tier cental. growers' prices; Merced sweets, $2iJ z.zo per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed. lUoc: young, ll(312c;hens, 11 12c; turkeys, uve, toujioc; uresseu, is20c; duck, uj.ouper ooxen; geese, $7(u58.50. Cheese Full cream, twins. WKa 17Jsc; Young America, 17W(18 We: factory prices, llc less. Butter Fancy creamery. 30(332 'c per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20(9 S.c; store, 1518c. Eggs 22Jg'25 per dozen. Hops Choice, 2526c per pound. Wool Valley, 12 15c: East Oregon, 8&314s'c; mohair, 2li(028c. Beef Gross, cows, 33ae iwr pound; steers, 4iie; dressed, 73,'c Veal 7j8)4'c. Mutton Gross, 4c dressed, 7ic. Lambs Gross, 4c dressed, 7c. Hogs Gross, 6-ac per- dressed, 737jc. per per pon nil; pound; pound j