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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
ORK-UON MIST Kntered t the lVstnftire at H. Helena,: Oreyon, as at'cond-china umil matter, j county official paper. Isto-rn Kvkrv Kwiuv MokNiN". I.v KKEI.KIt II. UABWKRT, KlllTOR AMI IVll'RIKTOR. Sl'BsOKIPTIOS I'RUR: I belle ) One copy one year, in advance tl.00 R Sesseman, relief for Humphrey Six months. .. &0; family JANUARY 30, Ithtt. Thia paper la kept on file at the Ore - (fori Press Association Kooni 0. Hnmil- too building, Portland. Urogon. ssrs""""-- - .- - . - The senatorial situation at Salem is pttcUcally unhanged. Vednesday,s VOU stood as follows: Fulton, 33; (jeer, 1: Wood. 17: scatterina. 20: absent. 4: total, 90. At Olympia, Ankeny has re ceived the Republican caucus nominu ' t ion for senator, and his election is as sured. The St. Helens Mist is twelve year old. It is a very creditable local paper. The pretended republican,' who slyly sen tout the impression to the outside precincts that The Mist was an ita last legs, because he could not dictate its policy, was discovered in the scheme, and the Mist man h.u the last laugh. tJalem Capital Journal. Protection of boat pullers, fishermen and laborers engaged in the fishing bus iness is the purpose of a bill introduced in the Oregon legislature by Represnta- tivn ttrtlin nt Milntv Tli l.itl .. r ' provides that every person who catches or transports nsn lias a lien on tne prou uct. The measure has extended tiro" viaionsaa to the method bv which a " person may eniorce His claim. California and Texas are learning from the Pucitic Northwest how to BetjoiT-k settlers. California has had touris s iu abundance, but the sottlerj, the homo-1 builders, the tillers of the soil, have lavored the Xorthwrest. The Southwest , , , , has been rather sleepy unttl recently, cum is waKiug up, ana tne at. l.ou,s gateway opening directly into country, is getting large numbers of i.u- migrants into Texas and Many are also going througii 'uw Or leans. Oregon will iut gjt its snare of the immigration of tiu IVen without entering into active competition tor it. Oregon must make itself known in a way that will the cm:iJem.e j of hoaiejeekers.-Ji-egoum... j THE MIST ILIB RATES. Subscribe now and get the uiid-wiu- terediuou. ' . ..... ... , , . lino pnjjr anu n. e iieeiy ureg.- lllau 2 uer uni.uui. . This paper and the Young 'People's j eeaiy, t per anuuiu. ; . ' Ihis paper and the Weekly Capital Journal, ot Nia-iu, 1 50 per allium ; 1 iix Uioiitlis, 75 ceute. Tiiis paper and the Portland Weekly Journal, ,UeUioc:atic, Tl oy per ull". : .u-u. I This paper and the X. Y. Thrice-a Wetk i una per yeui 1 su; c,x moiillis, W0 The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and ; tiau ptptr one year lie 1 50. I This paper and the Eveuing Tele-' grain three ujontl.a wr $1 25. ; This paper and Cunxey's Ma"aziue ! one jcai loi fl 26. i Aii,.ii. . ,, I All rluu subscriptions ure invanubly I in advance. I Estray Taken l p. oouce is iiereoy given, tliat on the I ioth day of January 1W3, I took up a re.l ueifer, at my iilace.six miles west of ' Reuben, Coumy of Co.umbia, Slate of ' Oregon; descnOed as follows: lied, ! aooutone ana one hull eurs old, no - mark or brand. 'Die owner of the de- kcribMl animal can obtain ponesaion uf the same by furnishing sutlicient pr(JJf of ownership, aud paying all expenses and costs. ' G Race . ' ' Mail subscribers received at this of-1 Bee for the Fvening Telegram, Oregon's Itreatest evening paper. 8 V A Farmer, His Son or a townsman will be hired by at $60 '"""""J "o expenses, or 30 per cent commission to take orders for our Farm heeds, Fruits and Flnwnra Wo .ii grades of frnitf, eo any competition can be met. Our stock is warranted. Yov do not deliver or collect. Can devote ail bre part time. We pay vou each we..-lt. Ujjod chance to earn monev this winter. Write for free outtit at once. X'errr Xnrserr Com nan v. ,.wi n i We are still f.,ri.i.i., .1.0 vc... u... i Oregonian and Mist together for a year only $2.00. Subscribe now. Croup. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to tne mothers of cronpy children. Xo time ...ou u oe lost in tne treatment of it, and .. . purpose no meuicine has re- ft I Jtil I l..eii i n I i t ri u , approval in.'iii l.hainberlaiii's Cough Remedy. I) n..t I waste valuable time in exneriinentinir withnntned remedies, no matter how ilghly they may be recommended, but' give this niedicineas directed and al , symptoms of croup will rjuieklv dinap-! fttt. For sale by Edwin Ross.' COUNTY COURT. ; Regular January Term, 1903. (Continued from last week.) " : lid llaaon, cut tintl wood (or If- I 75 45 3 50 15 00 It S Hattan, ex. of taking M Humphrey to Veruonia. Ktlio Yanhlxricom, support of. . ; St Vincent's hospital, board of W, Kellv L Magniiemi, IAI of John Uun- derson II 00 K Kistncr, sup. for county dig. . St Mmtv'm ImsnirnL mrrt K.HtxtHi 42 70 10 00 j illtt0ll'liui( care M,a Makin, j ter . . . . ; 1 en-v SH ,or l''" Hailey A Kritui, sup. for Isabella 2 03 J I. Lamhei'son, wit ctrct, Suttt vs Achieve Making Jury List for Auburn Precinct. S P Ballard Win Pringle Wm Wilson 3 00 2 1H1 . Making Jury List For Union Precinct. H P Watkins a .t o w J H Sheldon 2 00 W W lilakeslcy 2 00 State of Oregon vs K Bryant, et al. O W Barnes, Justice 11 8o j j W K Jones, constable 1140j ;j 15 Jones, witness 2 10 Albert Jones . Beecher Jones C P Syverson 2 10 o i.i - 10 2 10 Win Duggins ... 2 10 Mrs K A Lillich 2 10 Daisv Lillich. 2 10 ' .. . ' . . I I Cl.ipman a 1U j T X Nelson, juror 1 00 iJ Larson, juiur w t r Orwi- ' ' ' IRS Payne Joe Powers. . C II Jones. . . X Merrill . . . E S Brvant. . 1 00 1 00 y W Waters F I) Murphy ', W Card I W U-rnM- ht v Jilrvt,.v-- I Edwin Ross, stationery j j Copeltind, p.istagej etc I 00 1 lA 5 So i R s Hattan, postage 40 00 j Edwin Ross, stationery for clerk and sheriff S3 Oregon Mirt, rtalionery for as sessor and treasurer '. 12 50 R H Mitchell, stationery for clerk and sheriff ' 15 00 H Henderson, postage 20 00 C H Crocker A Co, steel furnitnr for vault 87 15 il Henderson, frt on same 10 40 Joe Hall, cleaning closet r W nnt ri s' r d No' 1 TE Urewell 2 5 00 12 00 24 00 10 00 34 00 i Herman Scl.mitt 4, ! R X Lovelace 0 Reddick J ' Graham 10. 11 13. 4-S 00 Oil Wilson. 33 00 10 00 n ... ., , C -ie. eilinger 14. Jurors Circuit Court. T , , , John . . t . '' . .. . ' ' -1:,llc -McK-a' O U Garrison G.'o W Grant 5 00 4 50 4 40 6 ou 5 80 3 25 4 30 ! i W Perry : T B Lou 4 00 I. Tjrbell. 5 00 13 20 10 00 4 30 00 6 00 C V Fuiersjn M Fresh t" H Lemont R Hyde J- Bonnev Witnesses Circuit Court. Lester Spinner...-. 2 40 1 I.-- , -;..:.. ... K uini a Vivian . tO jit Christian .. ! E McVev 2 40 j ij j 2 40 ' , . I - " I V P Maclav. Mrs W A Bumgarduer .. H P Watkins C G Caples A J Ueming 2 00 w j 2 00 KUwinRoss 2 00 II ft Cliff 9ml i r , ... ,, ,, ! on l "known Man at Goble. . E ,,alton coroner 10 20 i E W Fowler, constable 2 00 I K W Chan vrelt, jaror 1 00 i F G Prickett oo F W James 1 00 ! Walter Huuter . .1 i.i, n . . 0 U Humcr 1 00 j U Stehinan 1 m j Joe Murphy, wilussa 1 w i 11 K Cliff, wilness a ho 1 II R Clitf, medical examiner 10 t0 of Burying John .Sullwun. h V 1 0B Ie' "P lilUr j C C Fowler, pall bearer MJ Uutler ,.M yowRr , ' .'. O towler, dig grave jAXeer. lot 4 8o 1 00 1 00 1 00 A 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 Id 75 3 00 A Xeer, hu hauling buly II M Fowler, telephoning Onon Wood Co., woo-1 fore h. M Peter, sawing waod II Morgus, oil for court house . . . H J Waters, hauiing wood A T Laws, work in asji.-s. ollice. . C W Ulakesley, assess, oflico. . . . AT Laws, official bind K if Gabbert, printing deliu- 1 00 j 4 ijO f 00, 2(1 00 ( qoi.-iit lax lid 115 80 m t : 77 &5 M, L Morgan, clerk's office Ke. - lei A Co. him. r d o K S Hattan, ln,r,e fr H rev io Veruoiiia iimph- 3 60 It H ilallan. del W SutliMrhind, aid lor Jan and ! el'., m 20 00 Fred Tiow, sup for Jordan 14 10 J iJoiiu, sup for Kellv ... , l N F B.tker, sup for .Southeiland. 30 19j SI -id 00 Oregon U.mhI R isda AaVn Matter ot TiX Levy .'or Vear State WiW- School . .00 U.w.l . 01 Sailors and Sol.l. .UtKH County OltfSrt Totui 0;u Being total of 33 ml.U on nil usse.wt. hie property in the county. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. K. ..!.... ! l,...-..l,v nit-nil Hint tli .1111 lit ! :stiperiuten.letit of Columbia County wil hoht the regular examination of appli- Helens, as follows: For Statu Pai-sks. Cotnmenciuif Wednesdav, February 00, 11, at nine o'clock, . n... and coutim. i, Ulll S:itui-da'-, February 14, nt four Wednesday remunwshin, history, tlwngt Kelra, reading, school la. I Tliiir.liv Written Arithmetic, tho- ,oryof teaching, grammar, hook-keeping, physics, civil government Friday Physiology, geography, men . :.: I. ...I tai arunmeiic, coaiiiusiiiou, ii.i nou . ' geography. , . , , Saturlay Botanv, plunc geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. Fob Cot STV Pathhs. Comuiencing Wednesday rebruary i n Ht n tie o'c ivk, a. in., and contmu- i. -, w . , ,., . , dig until Friday, February 13, ut four o'clock. 1 First, Second and Third Grade CertiH- catvs. Wednesday Penmanship, 1 01.,luv,rlinv" KtvUxe. history, j V D Cusfl, coimuliMlolier. . . . . no j llmrwlay 1 nt'en Arithmetic, mo l 00 i or.v ' teaching, gramni tr, school law. 1 W j Friday Geography, mental aritliuie ' 00 tic, pliysiol.nrv, civil government. 1 00 j Q i I Piimnry Cei tidcutes. Wednesday Penmanship, ' rapliy, reading, arithmetic. orthog- Thursday Art i f Qstestionini,-. theory of tmchintC hit'th'.., pl)-stialiy. T If ('t 1HT." t I V T County School Miperinlcii.lenl. Dated at lloulton, Oregon, J in. 30, lW'i Scliool Kcpoit. Report of district, No. 21, I'ittshmg, Oregon, for the month beginning Dec. S. 1!2, and ending Jan. 1(1, l'.Htt ; Xo. days taught 20. Whole Xo. days attendance 2h5 No. Days absence, 5 Xo. limes tardy 0 Those neither ab-ent nor truly during month were: Laura !a!lan, l.uraCa-e Gladys Xickerson, Walter Parker Vergil Powell, Johny, Ri-ta Pringle, Ms.U-1 Pringle, Willie Prfngle. Visitor-:Mr. and Mrs, I'nwell, Mrs K'-ast-y, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Parker, Louise and Fred iruniier. Jk.vnie Fi HfKn, Teacher. Fresh fish in seuson every Friday, and special Sunday dinner at the St. Helens Hotel. Only Ona Tronot. After tho yonng man had criticised the conree of the prosecuting attorney at some length and had euded np t-yln- forming him what ho should have done the latter grasped him wanuly by the hand and remarked: "It is evldeut that you have given this case considerable thought, Mr. lirowu, und the arguments you advance I i" soppr;rt of your position convince me tin it 1 . ,.Ze. ,l vuij .jiio ii.hwju 111 ,un wor'' by you should not even now be aa succtHiiful a lawyer as L " l .. .1 ...1.... 1.. ......Oil I 1 .1 tuu wuui is iiiui.- uniicu iuu young man. "Ton don't know ni much. " As the young man slowly picked bin way along the street ho ormldn't help wonderine to himself whether it was i really worth whilo to givo so much val- j time w otjjer j,.,, iu,. Chicago Post. Wanetd a tkcstwoktiiv oentlfmak or lady in each cou ,ty to ti.annge bus! ness for an old estabilshed hou-e on lolid financial Htamling. A straight, : bona fide weekly sahirv of ilK isi Tmhl by check every Wednesday with allex- P'-nses direct 'rom headrma.'ter. Monev "''vance-l for exp.-nses. Manager, 340 X'axton Vtx., Chicago. Job printing of all kinds promptly ex ecuted at this nflice. Now is the time to get your letter heads, billheads and statements printed. llislocaied Her Khoultler. Mrs. J.diamifl Hodei hol.n, of Fergus Falls Mum., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very liiilch. Her son nieiitiniied that he had : tceu C'hailila-riaili'a l-uin l!..lm h.I.i.h. tistd fur sprains and soreiie-s, mid she .(;(,,! 1,1,,, tlJ )lly 1(,r H )0t)(, (jf j( which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she tin i inn u-ini; several nays, i he son was so much .leased wbh the relief it ave his inotiicr that he has since receni merided it to many others. For sale by Fdwiu Ross. The St. Helens Hotel takn the lea l under the iu mae ineiit of G. A. and M. ISrinn. . SuLscribe for Ta M,sx. AN OLD FRIND. . ke wm nil oM fitnn.l (rum the ml, He etood IxmIiU my ilaak (Ami puntied hit ttnaeie thruititU Ida hair la E UlttUllt.F Ut0tUI't)"U. tn aai-ly dawn of laiornliii llnia II waa thai ba apneau-tKl, And I donated cash to mow hU throa weak' growth ot beard. , Ha wna an old friend frmii Uia weal, al leaat he antd ha witit, ; ''' l'"'oll"t tow " llawiWL Ami tol.t about tha Nollle M., a mtna I tuail to And how Judge DiiaMitt hiU aklpivail out to distant parts unknown. Da waa an old friend from Uia weal, Al nine j o'clock onoo niura I Da oauia and apok-j iedllvlj of tha laya ol V I - . . WMjr-tour. ,udirt k kiuiur him. hut hy luft wllk flftf uatlte i of mtiia ; EJ Mn, ul00' ""1 Ha waa an old friend frua Uia al. llv aal down to ivlitta tha atrauira tlitntia tliallukt oonia m paMiinoa Utah w-a a ntiit. ,TbJs waa Uia thmt ealL 11a tiauia In al hU - i. SSZJSihML and h. would lik. anoug-h to ty fr Uiam. Qa waa an oM frf -nd from tha -!. Ho rums agtun al flro And anld lia'd mwd a plana to alwip till mono) could arri. Axid thon b tuU thai Arthur Urown was Mutator no mora, ; And Edward, haium aliol hlnuwlf, had wnahl I Qa waa an old fiu-o.l from tha waat. ttlt i uioriiiiu wlttn 1 ciuuo n.b I r.,1,1,.1 ii ..ui hit iLmV & ni.fn IIikI b.ii.1 ii- nauiu. ! Twaa not hotul or ohaok or banaa drall or trunk I mJ. -pumwi coma and ball ma out j Thejr'TO not ma in as drunk." fl. . ln tM f.-um Urn waal. Out whoro tim bri.iownll la today tlmra aliinei a ccuniwuuica which, aad to jr. ta tua. Tha flno & fifty Udlara, and aach day ha I wnwaioma Hopay tha wiua for old h-tenda1 mtk and thereby awt him fr fa waa an o!d friend from tha wmt. Qa knew tha tinllw M.. I And rowera, Jn.-ki.on, Ik lliy Clina and all tha , rt of tht-ia. j And, oh, how lucky, to n-.y mln.l. thuaa oiliaf j omu Ajnwur Too ara ao ouuifortauly thdra wltila J am md if hiiro. Chl'-ftgo Uocord. Cowboya nud the Me-tr. Tvro Texas oowlmy nfontly hml the uuvcl cxperiiicp ot traveling by mil ovor tho Mi.wmvi, Kutimis nii.l Tt'xitH road. Hut they Mi-tttol t feci uiic.wifuiUl.h' from thotiii)i tho train imll.Ml nut frvm the jmint tlxit tlit'v trot ou mt in th" brush. When tlu.V Rot iu tho Wtifttler lwjr, otio of thi'tn tiitnl to the ot ht: "Bill, you'll have to t .'.o ynur i tipurs cfiVni ymtf hm . .t ym w ft ti put Ikx.Is on the tt.p. f that -ut." i Dill d'-d ao and thru wvuutl (miiif! and !ii;i-pn.-'. when the .ri.-r told tim that : :;(rs weio tint vx- j teutod to put tm ir fis-t on tho jdtwh j covered f.-ats. Ho tuytd with his j pun until iIk; 2.o! !('r tvuivd. X.'.ieut ho lolled n ciKiiletto und lit it. ; :nL i tho )iitl'.tctor showiil him w Ihto the j j smoking ree.i'p'ui h.' of tho vi-i-tihuli-d j j ti-iiu was, iio im.viiiciI uiinoycl. j At mijip'T tinif. vvln-ii nil of Use i i iRHswtigiTsi-!! the ImtTi t gnvo their j I orders and Uso two cowboys g,ivt j thcij-s, tftilin' tao .orti.T to bni,-r j thuni "all there was on tin- pro I gramme Mai l.i n'.ro tu hnng tictn ; ! jilciity of n.nli:i.'s," tin y hand. .1 the ! jporti-raij bill :mi.1 ito nui-pri-. d j wbou ho us!;, i thctn f ir 1.1 c.tK'i! moro Both of thntn vatil : "That t-.thaj it. If ray ia this In ro roii-ttm, j that nigger viil liav i thv wlio'.n roll i la-fort! we get to tho I::-.Vf. station ! I No Wot.iler the j;:u'lg la.M UJ tht- j U'uiiis, but I am Kurj.n.v 1 e.t 'cm i.'i.ip ! oftor tlio mail win-ii tln-y vvotihl have .' Bui:h a Kofi fi'ap with liiH -o a 1 in tho ' high toned t mrnl. If ever I whs to j go into th-; train rol-bi ry tnisim-Mi, I j would go i-uon huhtiti first mid get tho black scoundrel that w.ttiii-d four bits for tilickiu tip our IxkjIi." Tlu-y (jmt tho train nt tho next ti..,,.ui.t.. Lt..i;.... !...,... i' ( ,. ' ' - THE WHEAT AND THE CHAFP fhre lal.i old tal of lltit c'''lcn a -s .lava, When liiu ituda Kith iji.,i j-nrliryed and more.!. That a critic who ileail '.. iiliieie ami no praias ; was ouee ny Apoim ri-yriv,.j. , TU"l haiaM Mk to tiw erl.h-al f-il 1 A haartful of u.-.wini-OMt.l trrn.ii. Enid ho: "Lcavu llio w h'f, as over ymi ruJ; Yon may Iiavo all the rhaff fur your ;mitvu" Now, this gni.lo t- our clinics is siitfit-tiva lo- ' '1"T, i TIioiikIi tol'i fif . fiiijiitous tiliifl, j T'i any aa.l all wim I s ii-iu-Mnjji, o!sy In every or cllr...j. j 7or ti.e wlteat am! tli ehulT ar nilxi-d for let , still, As tl.ey wtirs In tl.iyie ii.jlhi'-al crnlrii; Jirii if w c-iifw.-o llfav to im-ij ou.y lnu ili, A'a iiltail lii. .any that for oiir pAtiml tM pat.liv.nvft nr. cluK kertU. (timy Bhivltiw.i iii.l iilk'l.t Altern-ite with the sun's rher!:nt rny. Our ayes crow u" .ltloim d to ilurknaiia or light AS wk in ui.i;, e-mier our j;.w. I Aral we can bA eli-iir i-eil, or wticuli lie laiuil, j As each on tin viiofi w. trains, l If lieiioss thtt thtrlc, eiM-.i li womli-r to llial I . liu oin so uotliinif bright for hi- iJiUrci? i From Ilia noi-on.e awamp sea tiio marsh 1 1 1 t lilt ' Ita d.-licate. itiieenly blue li- a'l; I From water mal a!i and iliiiik earth it will ' The nutrlni'-ut liest f ir ita nceil. Puianna lark l.f. .liinua. It ,nl(l draw I evii rheueo A well as the ersid that It trnliia. fthail it cliooi --. theu, ll.oau nuxioua element i whenea Hurt and death will proceed for Ita i-alnif? In our ellnw men are Ilia elementa mlxad; Forever gom! mlnlea wli h sin. On tln-lr error, fauils, -hull we keep our irnsco fixi:d. OVrlookliiK divine sparks a Ithhif Alii a lessin In J.Khflng our frail lirirthrii, tlien. We may learn from th'-wi falitilons Kraina. ' we Krh Im; the chaff, can nu fairly icrlave when tVn rec. !ve only for our piihn? - Emily Canipliell Ailnms hi New York Sun. rlrCHER POOR. If I eotild onlD h r aolden hair, Or pawn h-r hrinht lijia' mhles rara, Or sell one tirleeloHa amlln, I'd like to tike her to tbe tilay And nft.-r that at some cafa A np;)r wsratxl in stylo. If I d tin- dbraon-l that Ilea Cir.lsdo.-d iu hr li.nfhlroi aea, I'd liav it ael with "-.ra; And 111. u I'd ila ti n yelbv baasl I'lsai h.-r dainty little hand And lean ll sijialtitf timra. If I wera rkh but thro, yon know, Perhaps at e wouldn't love um ao, I'm not so very anroj But If thta wealth should mena to jrl, To loao tno lova of her dear hou-t, I think I'm richer p.r. Pearson 'a Weekly. I Needed In Every Homo JQ THEHCW If wiu-vtiHs I a Km r.Nf.AfACF.D iHtIIHAtliV.y tin iiiitf.uu F.DITION OF WEBSTCR'S iNTERHATiONAL Dictionary A Dlcllimary af r.Nr.l 1SII, Blnsraphr, Oorauli. r IcIUii. alo Now 1'lale.i Tliroughoul 25.000 New Words l'h : anil Uaflnlllona Ptepiiii'il iinilel' lint iliivet Mipei ti.i.Hl nf W. I'. IIAHNIS. 'l' l-. l.l.-H.. I'nile.l Slalet t'liniiiii-ioinr of I'd'i I'lilinn, ni! I .'.I l? n l:ii'i;e i -orpsuf (-.nil-peli'iil, Havialils and tidilmi, Rlolinindli.lia al4 Qiiarla raa SdUU llluatralloiia ti! T; J liilernnlii'Hi'l inn.tirfl Mfnu'irf 111 .S':'i, (tlil'.Ti'llH; I ll ( llilfl'l.l;i'l(. 7'Ait .Wic inirl .'ii.'iir;,'.' I ihtuxt of In httenmttoiwl inM hmu'iI fl OcUwi: 1:hh. ll, t I'm I ilfl nn ' b:t. -, ;,,,, iil Wabalar'a ColleiUla lMillonarr ivHlitll.WNiii vt f l:i Vei.iimd I'lii-iiMm IliX) I'tv. Ili-O .Etin.ilM.k htwT ItfilMWbK Tlr .it .-ln.i I't itmil'tir, miihI t't.litjMl." h(-.i.-iim-il t.u;i-m env of lMMh N. Ii.h.i I i ii ivi'lVutinii. fJ ;0.dC.MERRIAMCO.wmi" Pul'llahars, iiky SprlneflolJ, Mais. V liM akilf nlhiiit irilv leel lung; painted dark giccn I oak nl; keel limit ihrmigh the huttoin. liewar.l cll.-r.-.l. Leave or aend inf. rmaiioii to Tim Ontd.iN Mior nlllee, St. Helena. For Saik The c rdttoml tluiher mi Hit) lie lea of hind, ('ail on or addiraa G. W. PF.KUY,, Or. I Can't Afford SUIT. This it .1 eoiniii ei reinurk, b it w cully, f. ' w e ha v.- Iioielred ( tin, -I ii-ii1 half their or-inul pnee. Tiiesc ae llw-m.-h-m; th - ',i, nn- tea Ihvv-t and ealled lor. I on nii mi. I Ovt-c iit.t madf f..r ir..Vl Son. mi I te.. .irt!s in id.- f a "WiSniK a it, I IK er.-.tit in.idn f-r We nl-.ii luivoa li-io of lr.iti-r in 2 .V up. Sel.d f-T s.1':-p!e, (.r!,;l- illi I i 11 t iirili-rs fl-it-I.e -l ,i,ii -I (it' Tne uiain'.g- iii.-i, i ha- )nt i i.ialu .1 a Inn- iii of G.-nl,' Furnl-tti'iga extreii.e'v low i ic -s, Farnswortli -Herald TAILORING COMPANY "JtS VAIII(iT() stlCCt NEAR Third. PORTLAND. OR EG. Classified Advertiseiaeiits l U v Villi H;mi Tni; i- It M in- c I., A V n It.-iir V Ul 1. ten, 11 u r k 11 ' , 1 . ling bull, it.:i'k-.l, la all o. I 1 I,, -i,.. ---lir a r.-led on il..- I. It I I. "I. A" m o k.-i lli crop und i-iit In llw l.-'l e.-r tn,i hole ill I he 1 1 1- f. t . A tiv I of .ui-nt . 11 wilt lie el ii-Hy r.-ieivi.l ,v ('. .. .ju-, t V iinkti'ii, w lei ill p.iy reA.dd. 0RIHNTA1, IIOTIil.. I'l.der the iiiMiicgt-ii-.t'tit ol IViRS. FRED ERICCS, Has tin- Pet A. eotlitirnl.itlotis. UOAK!) and i.oi:;!Ni;, $,.s I'HK M )MiI. Transient. $i IV r Day. I:cc(l Bam in Connec tion. ST. HELENS, Or. BLACKDRAUGHTI THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE! A sallow complexion, dizziness.' bllloiisncsa nod u ..,f..a i are comnioit indinitionj nf liver ami Kinney Uisoaia's. Hiomncli ami hriwid trr.iiltli.B u ..a..-it ....... 0.:,,;IU U, ,,R.y jjp give immediate warning by pnit ..... ...nn itminy irillllilen, though less painful at the atari, are iniieii iiaroer io cure. 1 lieu lord a Iiliuik-Ilraiiyht never fails to bene fitdisenHi.'il liver iiml weakened kid reys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw ofl the erms of fever and at'ue. It is a certain pri-venlivn of cholera and Hriiht's di.n -aw of run Kidneys. Will, kiilncv r( inforred by Tlicdford's llltuk llrauthtth lusaml tof pi-rsons liaro dwelt iminono in tinmidst of yel low fever. Many fnmilins live in perfis.-t health and have no oilier doclor than Tlii-dford's l'.hi. It I'raiiglit. It isalwayaon hand for ii.i in an muergi-ncy un.l uves muny expensive mils f ad.s:l.or, Mullliu, S C, Mirrh 10, ))0I. I have mcd ri.4'il..rj'i BUk.U.-aiiijht for three yrari anil have not hid to go to .i dorior iln.e I hive been Uliina'lt. II il the be it in. tii. lie fe.r n;t th.:'t is on the m-irket lot livei and 4 i.e.- i j.. y wuuniri nn., uynjiepsts an! ctlisf . (omplainu. nev. A. U. ILV.'IY f Si HAT built to fit its ktlMMI'l human foot The lesson taught us by experience is that a woman once perfectly fitted in Sorosis never changes. She is more than satisfied; in fact has practically her own private last Soroiii foret: Srm Yotk. fWdtlyn. Phil.nt r;,U. bntg, V j liiiigton, (tallimur. Si. Imn. t'l . I' nv, i v,B Fi ,iui io cic l-otr K i h i : l.ond.n, fhihlm, it-iw, I , ,(,, Uiruumihaiit. I'ana, lit ihn. 1 1 ititliiinr. I rjiiikh'ttn ih, M.iiii,ic. "Tlve Sho TKtt Sells Ike World Aroani." lippaall IViklna let rllMMd. OrrfWM. A Tailor-Made ah y el ( ( . o'n I i'i l!i-t luii-ir in i.l . -int -i I .r . s-iita in i lo nt -eif d-d' i-.i.t for various 1.10111 Iumi u t J'.'". f.. 7 '0 :'. i!.. Hi i' a.: I (-, le. !'. .5 tin' nenC't an I bn' patlr-iii tlli't i'MH i-T .-( an':ll r ale lit , .lim it 1 at !ornJ b.'oil Mad S TUMP WO A I) 170. M.I.IIsen Mtttl, I THE NEW H is jot I ri ct t iWinter Goods, Shoes, Dry ('Odds, (irocei i il. MOKCiUH. 4 : Cooper I'.iiiMinjr, Main Sfnrt. St. Ilclcns On oii. rawiicmsri -on To Til K- (latskanic Drug Store --yoa TIIKIU ?fi Drills ami jfl Medicines Tiilet Articles and Perfumery Or, J, E. HALL, Proprwtor if Owl Saloon i tin i n uvtnniiS, PHOI'MkTOIIS 9 Only the Isist oi. S Lienors anJCizars Kent In Mock J CYRUS NOBLE j And otlmr i.i.,.i)Vr l,r..n.e of a hi H, . - "Uainii n,. U. WHIM HARD'S BEER 4 on .iiiHiit. t "Ten. Benta.," Cigars. All the l.e.t new.,,-,,.,.,,,,,,, ,., , . ul.ti i.i.,. ........ i . ' ' V, i Sorosisj Lssi c is a fit in an ordi- nary shoo is not a fit ill Sorosis; they do not stretch. The shoe is counterpart in the Till-KNIGHT SIIOI! Co. 8 KM J VKiORIT POWDHRCO. Mnnufocturers of IMi'KOYI.l) l;i.ASIIN(i lO'Viiei WOU'K AN I) MIX" i N ( ; . - p..rll.nid, iio-f YORK STORE I i-.l a liit,e ir voice i.( ies, Hoots, Shoes, lite. COLLAR LINE 11 n a n t i i nr. -i nMiTr NiflllANU-AMUKIA HUUIC. V-TR. "BAILEY OATZEHT. l-atl)' Hoiiii'l Trltts epe.t tlaleMv, TIMC CARD. I Pine -orln. ., 7 M. ai.,rm ' : I', g. Ilnm-Bii I'ottlmi.l .-miiieeilnn Mill si..oe' N.ilU'ulU lloln Him.-,, und lieu. It si:iti. W'li:;e Co. In, ,in Tit-krla ttiiriphaucM. l ' II. .V S. Co, -net V T.t.'o.. The Dalies-Portland RuS. StM. 'Taliomit" k Mrtlnko" bally Tilp Ki.-i-pl Hmtiluy. MrtaHaa 1 alir,-4." l enve P.irllnn.l Tia-v, Ihll.s., ll " I- V. ls-.H0 1 lit! ll,il. Mi., v,i L.l'il .. A M. Kiatur.ii .viiiuiiii," '' !'rilaiiil,liieiPiv, rinti ..'n' . Hat,. . 7 A M. i.v. .iii-. M, iv..,!,,,,,.,,.,,, K,i,,.f j ,t.M. I.MM1 ANi uf ll I.; !'' nt A I lp- tin ct, li,,li 'Me-naa Main Ml. I 'HU I, t J.I., ,l;tt i, i,N. .'. W. I Mlei, roM .... The Pnllei.. . . l.iv.-r. Or. s. reuuirii ,. i.l.i ...... , IV, , M llv uui,.i.,ii, ' I'- 'I .N ... . ran ., , A. J l A-i ij .H lilli. rl.,lui..ll. " 1 also... , rt.p.i na-.l .,,.1,,. , .. A-lulia, i. V.. W, ( incur, n) I'Milliind, Or. t i $ C Kstriiy I p. Nnll,.,. ia 1.. I.f. ..1...... il... nI. iha Kith, lay of I i.i-, in!,,-,-, mil.., inoU ni i.-d steer, u, ,,v ,,,.M i, ii r liol.h'i ( oiiniy ..( C ..(,!!,-hit) , Ulule of (lie.m, 'I... cub, .1 ,, (,iw; Hi.,( with while xi"! in llimli ; no murk ,- b.-an.l; i 1,1 1 lvo y. ,ir- old ;,I,.,H'V ill"'"' the i,a,.. 'I',,,. ,i , ii,,,. ,,f tii nli-iv,. ih" s. i il'i d M i r I ei.n i,l tub, , m.n., II --I I Uf siimi- I.v linnubii,,. iii' :-i, i t . :'"' of o-vi.t., ,,. .pn-,i,y tv.i,' -i fi ti in I i-,, J. r. AMiitinAfi'. n 3 -ll IV, .ah tt-sh