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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
nn im OREGON M ' ' ' ST- HELENS. OUEUON, Fill DAY, JANUARY sFlOO-j - at if. n , II Illlllllllliniin,. ........ "" . ' ' ''" mm' I I lt I i"f 1 I 1 1 'f un i: I Mill ii i 1 1 ii I I PIIOFICSSWNAL NOKIIV I'll I!. CllNVKVAHCINO J. B.GODFREY. 4TT0HXK Y-AT-LA IK Real Estate and Timber Lands Sol AllrtTIUUTH MAIIKl FT. ll.'t.I'.NH, . . OKKUON S. II. (iRUHl'K. atwuxey-at-uw. tlti.- with K K, tpilik, Will git Wi iwrwuml annulou io all lags! Hiallera nil. .1 Hill l.liiill.o In nil ...v .,.,., .,,, i. mitral main .-uuiis. ? Y II. POWHLL, ATTOUXE Y-AT-LAW. iici-i rr MKiitu r .riiiiiMi:r. T. HKI.KNH, t : liltKiiotf. Orm a Nhumimi IU.b k Not ruauo W. .!. Fisclii-r, ATTOIiXi: Y-AT-LAW. ItAIMKlt, j s O.U-...ON. K. I', liiuiuu. T. J. Ci.r.Mi.!.. !. Mi.iium liiilliling, IVriUu.1 urcgon. I ..luuibu i.'uhi.I) Imuiiiom will invlia prompt niH'iiiii.ii. i. w ! n. nii.r.Aiii) IHI.I.AI.IU 1AY, ATTOHXEYS-AT-UW tKRci m' t .tir t. ("'Miritiuiine, iifutft prnrUi in ( lutriK of Ou'it or Wnh' lni'Mi Aiifttmt'U iittwltj Kl.rtn.Oy rm cowuijf Dr. K(lvin Kos?,, , Physician and Surgeon. sr. IIKI.KN8, Oi'KtH'N. Dr. II. U. Ciiir, Physician and Surgeon. m. iir.i.r.Af, uiu.ut.t.v Oregon Dully Journal, only 14 a year by mull, la riu' alx miiiitlin; hVml-Week.y Jowniil, tM uriil Wevkly Journal II p.., y-m: Tin, Jnuriml In B ip,.,i,.n, liMiiornilK! newspaper, working In lli.i In. tMi-HlK or Km grout seel Ion when roll llie I r.Koii. Hind In ym)r aubairlplloii. MM rillili fiiiili-M fii.e. .,,,.. ft ..... . .. ,, ..... " .f ..,11. III, I'. U I lux nil, Portland, (ir. The Steamer SARAH DIXON J.-nvH Portland Monday and Tluirs- III V Itiiiriiilna al ll ,'UI . ... f. ... !... . " , ......... H. ,,,, ,,,, L imn. ""I'l"' t HI. Ilt'l.-im mid wmv Imi'linirit. I'urtlntitl liitiiiiiiK m ), mrt'i't uliitif. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Uavrt I'uiIIhikI mi TuiokIhv, Tlnirmlny u. ni HrlnV Ml 7 n It. I..r SI. Heln$, Kalama, Carroll i Point, Rainitr ana utito, Arrlvlniinl i'nrllaiiil M.inil.y, ,.,. Iiomlii) unit Frlilny ii 1 1 m. Steamer NORTHWEST l.i-livic I'nrll I Miimliiv U'.l. m.,1.. n-l I' l i.hiy niKliU lit t lo'ii. in,, r Hit, 'HUH) iulli ii I, .mi H,l Ti- 'itllli. Irn.'liini llill lnll..r i.l....u ..I 111 ....... n m ii. iii, nn iln luliiiH mif iliiv. HiMiiriiinit, liu Imiit ten v l.ilclo lit iiimn, ii ml 'im'li' kiu k hi .'i ."ji im ii... ..ri.. ......... I'lii'i-diuyt, Tliuriluya bii.I hu ttiln vm'. It'lll-illif l'..rll.t.i.l aiiilo i.. ll... -..:. liil l.i i, tinluiun nt II. IIUI.MAN. Am-iit. fVWffWPPMWl mm mm-m tun i-iiuii. tnu. utii.t. hm 'TCAMtR- uAmerica,? Willaniett Slough Route r I'iivh St. lli'li'li tir'ld ,1 M Arrive lit I'url Iniifl . Ill ;it 1 A M Ia-hxv 1'iirllniiil a.:i'M Arriv.,. tit ,t. Mi Inm t ;(KJ I' M KHTAIIMHMKD JOHN A. IiliCK KKAI KIl M Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY.... Itcimiriiij; a SiMjcialtv. Uurrliuiii Ml. ISat. Kruul t flrt. POKTLANU FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk, Matter. KAII.HOAI) TIMK. minipr ny (.cil Hiinlr)lor Port-l-iiil, iii 6 A. M.. ilt.riliiii (mm t. IIvIimi. m n 11 I'ltik 1-.... l. - ... .. ... .. I II I i f ...rimii.i m i tu r PasseDiers and Fast Freilt. l'OKTl.AM. LANDIMi, TAYIX)K 8T. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVFR ... ... . XI ' RAILROAD COMPANY. OKI czlliilllJISM Will furry Nnllilnir Iml I'nwvn. Hrr riu rl r i rti.l. I DAILY. I i V 1 4 HI. i. nn I. M . I . . I. ! 7 uu ll mi U1 US i 21) j l 41 111 ,',VJ '! V Ml W i a til uu ti: .t i I u hi lu mi: v la lo at ii ,-.' S7 10 S T 7 ! 1 10 UU 10 Mt 6 i Ii) w Ii mi.-A M Ji ll i uvi ! m wj i ii ,i 2 fvr.TIOM .0 l.v 1'iirllniiil Ar :ti a t ;..i.i.. .'. It.inii.r .' ! .6 I .. fvraml.l. .. May nr. . . . Qilillcy .. , 'lNlkMil MMr.tilaiut )irt.. . .. riifiiiii . . . . K mt)ff . . . hiifit.iti.. ..Jdtltl link w Ar A.n.rta .1. All trjilli. In . k . l,urt ...... . V . . ........ . ui'ii. m I.CIIil'f allh Si.ftliiii I'antlo tialn. i., nM. iroin the w-mM. auu fMiuiia IM.IIim. II liiPtlaii.I ..11. .11 ,Jl"!.lr","" t'"1"" dlwt. At A.I.nia Willi I. ! .t.o ik.i ami tall line mid ii,.i,i.t ii w i . i.-'H. i.xa. auuiurui Hi-arh iMiluta. ir.iT... "ii ... . ." rr.T jr""" "'" ... ........... .M fl )(M In,.. HiliKfir. i.H m ll.iu'li'ii Inn ...iiili.K (riiru mIuu nv.i hi iiuuii'. s, t . 71 M V a . Hfll. Tax. Alll., A.lorla. Or UlAIi I'P DAILY. . . ;'." II lu v i: ' "f . , v w i ai HA llll . W 7 ir. 17 7 M . . OH 7 ,vi tOt 7 . , a : 7 17 S3 7 OS , IIS t i it7 a i.' 7 v ai v 7 4.1 6 10 Dr. ..,. Hull, riiysivittn and Surgeon, t'I..T-KAMi:. OKKUON. ..'.,-.. . ' .. ; ..." , . , Dr.C. 1. HatlloIJ, , I'hy.sicittn anil Surgeon, V'-UNl-NlA, ORKtiON. Watts fc Price, it. ,t i-.r u i.t Flcar and Feed Choke Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions J 1 1 K I.IMIU, .Via J. Jl. J. . l44y BO YEARS' Ks V EXPERIENCE 5 xffrc73 1 J pr JLtJ AJt'sl Anrnne HHidttia m RttMfti and rfawvinfi.. tnrttlnn i i.Klrma'.le. limatm't.i Htlt'IenttMl. lfnnllMMliiii faiMii Vf-(W mrftfT, wlthtmi rtmrwd. m .uiti Mum) a tw. rmlT pimh miMi, wimtmi ciinma. in in Scientific Jlmcrican. rtiUu m of any n.u0'1 Journal, tormi, M ' u mini vjaji new f r i f.Mir tiui iMUNN I "i'"iii uyaii TiaiiMMiitira. ' Pf! S1BrMa Moui Vftrlf Mrauci nmo eat r NU Waahiuaiuo. Ut, j ItlllUIIT'H IIISKAMK. ! Tim Urinal mini over Bid for a pre inTiptiou chHin-fil lunula in san KiHn rimii. Antfiial SO, IIKH, Tli trHimtor in iiivi.hf.IJin rum bihI lo-k I12,.'.W0() mill w pni.l l.y ll party of liitiiit.ra' men for ai-wllle for llrighfi Diwiihc mill Dittta-U'S, litiluTto iiicuralile tliti-raai'-, Thrv rniiiiinnriHl th ..rum. in. VPtiitioii o( the HH-ilc Novfiulx-r IS I11O0. Tliyv ilil.rviau.l ......... ..f . 1. ' cunil mill irii j it out on iu merit l.y miiihiK urcr mr.i' (lown mma on the Inalnifiit aid HnU'hiiiK tlwin. Tlii-v aim) pit pliyiii'iHin to nmiie cliroiii.-, in cnrubln i-iiwa, ni)d M.iiiiiiir.ti-r,-,l it mo iii,vairiniiB n,r iilia. lip i,, ju guat a5, 7 n r c-tit id lln teat el, wrre i-itlii r wull nr prourf paing (nvora j'lv. TlnreUiiitt Imt 13 pi-r ii-iit. of iHllliri.a tllM littrliM. .urn ..i!di!,.l I .. . " v . v. -ntiRiiL'.i ji rliwil llie trHiiMtctiuii. The piowd- kooi uw iiiveaiigmint; ciiiiniiltU'c Rriil tilt rlillirill intuirla ..f iI.n t.t piiblmlicd and mil bv mailett fioeon p lilii'atiori. AililriHta 1 1 . t .. , i. .-(iidfii (i)nipHiiy, 41), Moiitgoiiipry Btieet, Sun t'ranciNNi, Calif. try ' "i 1 Ii I W ki" 1 How About Your Title? Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed FrM n thai b ADVERTISING MAN fl v any Ivupuuviuio uOUIC. Emm vmim 0 Hhn?.Kn !'."! " " " '!ha that It I. tt rV ' ' K" "' "tii. ll la our I.u.Iik.. u. arar. li tlm 111 Ira. If , liuvli.K land or luaiilim monry ou ri-al' .Mair Miirlly, lak,. m, man . word, bin lii.l.l ,," kii.mlii, what lilt- muni h..w,lli,K u iie. All Aluiract l a. ndilia a. .......... .'i ,! . . r.wiiy rwuwi aim nallalarlloo . ,,, llnl. ,n,H,nr in iiitiirt,xivv iia a call. ?' "- iirr iiif.iiran.DI-llll.lll,., Ml lt lol , , ( linvi' ir..iri) Inr.iiUi Ui It with u and villi Hud a buyer. E. E. QUICK- & CO.. aVohi 5tr0t st ufi etir noennu niAirrr.-i viijn....,i .ix I...... ...a. , jiu liuiiru.; Tbo foil of Hi'iitvinlMT waa apiroin.-hiiiR, nil tlii-y wirt. ilt-lnitliiK In thoir liniipy ... i ...i. ...i...,i i. . . .. . . .outm murilH-r 11 WOUItl IKf ITtliri ai'llUni- fl t (to on to Ilulr nr to return lionif, word i.i.rin-io.iiiK nn Himl clmrui for Imth now, when llo-lr iiioypuii ntM ; ih'oidrd by a IcIIit from Mra. IJIraiiu-rc: "Sly lieiir Tom I have IliU mornlna; Nif lvl iicwa of the d.-uth of injor Tom Ncvll. Of lit. b. .1.1 fv. TI.. .1.....1, i. . u U-cn n tprriblv to (oor H(r Tboiima that It la fi-an-d he will not rwiivi'r from it. lit' ittta tulii-n Into a atntc of aimthy from whl.b uotliluir mn rtniitf him. and any day hi. may die. I'ndiT the circHiuiataiiren, you Iwiiw the next hir, do yon not think yon otiKht to return to KnitlaiiU Poor Tom lime two liule girU, and I hare aaeertiiined that there in no X-otation of an heir. Vou w ill, I know, fi-l tery murh for poor .Mra. Xevil. 1 think you aliould nrne 10 ner; or counw it ia rather a deli cate ponltion fur you. but I am aure you Will do the ,-lul.t fl.l.. I .1...II ... I... . . nun,, f,.,i li able to receive yon on your return unleaa you panieularly deairi? It, as I think young eople are liet left to theuiaelr.-a juat at tirat. Hive my kindest love to dear June, and lielieve me 'Your olTeeliotiato mother, ."VIOI.KT KI.I.ESMKRE." " hia uewa eniiMtxl Tt,, il. H,u...... cern. No tlioiHiht of the bem-iit likely to a-i-rne to himaelf from the ml.for June of hia kiuafolk entered hia l.rnin aa he reud the letter; all he felt waa sheer orrow. And June. II. ..)..... i,....i .... ....... aiTHiit-ij ereatiire in the world, cried for pity of the iioor bereaved wife wboae aiiEulah ahe waa now fully 8i,ie to comprehend. What could they do for her? They laid heir l,,..r . .i .....i.. , , , ,n,(- no wina Of plana hy wtilvb ultimately her urief f H IU IM' lIL'llllin.ul ..... ! I ...... them, they wrote her the kindeat letter that two aymiiatliiiing yng hcarta could devote. And o they retrneel their atepa slowly homeward. In 1'aria they rxivil the -ir i nomas ueatli. The n.j..i,-iiiKa and honnra that had Ixi-n planned for the young cou,.le'B re turn were, by Tom a esianitil rivpi.wt, f..reitoe. He d.part.,1 at oneo for the orth, to attend Kir -l l,. v....:,-- ... neral. and June cried all the eveiiing and oe mKm, no heart-broken waa ahe a Uduit !. veil of her lord; and. like an tender, fooli.h women who love, ahe ormented hcraclf w i.u fMf, fr hi, ty. aud wrote him f.,..- ... covered imncipally by expresalona of en dearment which miKht have seemed mo iiotonoua to another person, but wen heavenly sweet to the recipient. On Tom's '""" Mariied at a, callwl Sir Tim inns. .ii'i. rn";,'r ,M,wil'"li1ff to her 'to think of herself aa Lady Xevil. It is , often that a person bears three names in less than six weeks. In that time she ..,, .miss jiivem Mrs. Ellesmerc ail.. .evil. Tom was tolerably indifferent to social I,.,.., in iiMt, i,t it p,.ai,ed hi,,, nllKl1,. to hear bis darling called "my lady." W ara It vou Idllnrlull t t'rnrlraa. oiiaiaiitiuiy lloimiiiirnn. Newt from nil tlm world Well written, original atorlea An wori lo qnoriea Articlea on llenltli, (lie llonm, Now Uuokn, mid on Work Alxiut tlio l'ttrm and (iniilcii. Weekly Inter Ocean I a iiii'inlicr of tlio Aswiciiitt'd "'reus, the only Woslern Nuwu pnper reteiviii( tbo ontiro teln-K'- 1 li iu niv.vH Biu vii-o of the Now i oi k hun niul special cnlilo of tlio New York World daily re ports from over .2,000 apeciitl correapondeiitB tlirungliout the country. Greatest Clubbing Combina- tlOll.:.: TWO WKKK1.Y l'AI'KUH FOR TIIK OK OXK-OUKATKST UAUUAIN IN GOOD KKADING. liv . ' . .iv v iiiiinaii hik v'KKUON illT ami HIE WKKKI.Y CAI'lTAL JOUHNAL at tl. following club liiiiR pilco for both papers: tor line Vrar In Advance. -t I. no S'Awf.1. ...... ... . . 1 he Weekly Journal, of Salem, Ore., prints most Inslilu new al-ont our ut,ili, I,,,,...,,.,....,.. .....1 ,1... ..n i , .. " in mm mo tun icgisiauvB prococuiiigs, what yon want tor tlio coming session. The Journal ia a eight pnit" I'Hpcr full of telegraphic news of tho whole world, pie copy furnished free Uion hi(tiiry at Ibis olflce. Just large Sum- For $1 WE OFFER YOU - ,25 12 moot-ia' aubscrlptloo to THE OREGON MIST. suoe year tubwriptloa to Conkcy'i Home JoaroaL One year'a membcnhlp ia American Musical Atuwclalloa. vtJWKEY a HOME JOURNAL ... .....wt .... (in is ut'YDit'ti in aitAi'i'i WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Practical lessona In Ince and einhroidery-makinif. ?. : : , ... .....nn niitiiiit-i v. rHCOH lessons .in interior decoiallon. yearQ SJ E dollar aubarrlbn tr 1'he Olll t.OI iriMT nod llie Weekly Inter Ocean Uaib piipera lor I.S0. a ",l'"-'V auinicaooiis ior nonin dresainaklni. .l,lr-!.waisV,a;uj',luV,,;;;a VlrVlc'i:: oi'nu?,'":" ' " cctume,. i.t,uiilt'iiT IlHIieru Uenai'llllent. Irn... u.l.i..) , , hi.jim'r.t.hi .howlnii;;; towt lh. table:"" V""B"" may 0racrc', ins'i'wnoid'b'o'1 imeirt ,he "foroiU that i necessary to the wuiii-iii wuu wouiii do lin lo-date, .-va. . mo muspnfe? Purchase .he., THE OREGON MIST rilAPTI.'!! vnr The months rolled on "and Sir Thomas ...ti umy .evn were as happy as united lovers u, 8 story book. June is quite a vr-ctu l.i .1.. ....... a I ...... .., ,,, Rllu l)v Iu) ,11I1H jI1(lif. fen-tit to the fact that she is so, although she bears her honors iu the most modest mi unassuming way. Agnes had gone with a friend to Italy for the winter, ex- ... -im-i, timuKiiii to escape from the sight of the happiness which was gall and wormwood to her. Tom deserved to lie happy, and he was happy. When, in September, the bells rang and the aiinoimeomeiit was made im.. mere was an neir to the houses of Kllesmero and Xevil, his happiness seeni ed almost too much for him. After Christinas they wore to have a erics of guests at the Hall. Dallas was io come ior a couple of dnvs. for Tom would have lunched ttt Mi -fir ii fri.. tt...i...i.. vi in-inK jrnnms or any nvuijf nutii imw, Mrn. Tn'Vtuiion uiut ln.r mwi i..... i of seventeen, were expected, and two or uin-e oiner young peotde for .Madge's es pecial benefit. Madge adored June more than ever, and June had nromised that ir ii...- ...... - . . , - i,H,a a house for the season lu town, Madge ...wum no io iiieui ror a whole month Tom made a terribly wry face over the house in town, but he had no idea of uiwiiriii ir June u-nn uh, r.iK... i .... on It. and only stipulated that he should oe mere on anil oil, and that the buby should not lie Ink,... I., I., ti.l , , , , .....i.-tuoiiiiun. Her ladyship wanted the whole family to iiisiitit', nuo me nrsi tune tnere had ever been the shadow of a tiff between them was v. hen Tom offered serious opposition. m ll r w milt's oil IUIS SllirC. i 0111 W'OUld not have that precious life endangered by the pestilential atmosphere of Loudon. June waa not used to hearing him say would and would not. And, as the young Kir Thomas was as robust as any infant in the world, she was rather incensed at what she chose to consider her husbaud's foolishness. So she slll'd smile Innra ,,f mlv..1 pain and humiliation, and said, being "verr like ll ivniimn " that Ii,. .11.1 ...... whether she was injured by going to Lou don; to which he, after kissing away her tears, replied with sound good sense that it was not by his wish she w as going, and he would (vl,,,!!.. ,,. .!.. ... "', i". .,.,! UIC utuuireu pounds there and then if she would reliu guish the idea. Uut this uer ladyship waa not dispos ed to do. Her mother-lu-lnw had told her that this step was due to her position, and June, being young and keenly dis posed for plensure aud enjoymeut, had rather set her heart on a London Reason. Turn gave iu to everything she wished, except alsjut the baby. If he had known ; " oos.inacy waa being fosterM by Agnes, she would probably have act very vigorously to work to counterbal ance that amiable young lady's influence. AK'ica afflectcd an unbounded devotion to loin a son and l,i.. ....- ..i . . .. I, ... . " l--.iu, autr It'll ! She Ingratiated bersclf with the nurse waylaid her when she walked abroad, paid eonaiant visits to the nur "ry at such times as June was likely to be out driviiiu Tbl. I..,,,..,!., i.... i... . pieiit contaii with Sir Thomas, and he became quite grateful for her devotion to hia child a,,d entirely forgave jiud forgot the bad turn she had done btm in trying jo delay hia marriage. She made little Innuendoes, accentuated by sighs or notes of exclamation. How could June leave that darlinir'' Il.m- ., r""n!k',i 'r'anch blessings, with such a ; " iiosoanu, want to quit them for a life such as people led in London IieartleKS. relHah ii.,.,.,ior..l.... v !-!.. could ciimpeimnte for home joys. For her part, it was utterly incomprehensible to her. Tom defended his wife said she waa young and beamiful and fond of pleasure: w hat more natural than that sbe should like to go into society? Besides, it w as chiefly bis mother's doing, who had liersuadod her. Hut Agnes' words cer tainly stabbed him in a tender spot, "But for both of run in . j leave that darling:" cried Agues, with a tear iu her eve 's,,i,n.. i... -i i. .. , -i'i-.- uwr .uuiiiu ot- iw iied with convulsion., or something were to happen to him? Servants are never of any use in an emergency." "Oh," said Tom, not without a sense of alarm at her words, "I shall be here most of the time." "June wilt tir.1 !t ...... t?i. - .... ..... , ... ,.vu. fiur will not atay in Umduu without you. I wonder It uu,-. uo, oeeur to tier now dreadful it is to leave that angel to hirelings!" "June wauts to take him with us- she is most auxious not to be parted from him." "But it would be madness to take him to London. He imrwt milk from your own cows, and I have heard that hundreds and thousands of babies die in Loridou of typhoid fever frimi impure milk." Tolll. Olllv liu, r.,.,t .! j . iT e aiarm, row- ... . , - ,M .a? euu&nger- ed by a visit to the metropolis '"ne thing." said Agnes, with fervor, lZJVVJ?,1'?! day to thin. UI 0nl muk an-r- thing will escape my eye. I suppose" hesitating, "Juue will not consider mc too oflicioiis, will she?" "t Ittlcioiis!" r...,li...i -r v :n i . --i .vra, uearuiy; "stie w ill be tremendously grateful to vou " And-and w hen you are in town, shall 1 write vou about l,i. i . .. a thousand particulars about your dar ling Hint sorvnntH u.i.i.i i. ...... - . . And writincr in mif..!!., . thm.M v " reai eU(rt to 'Will Vmi?" .r--'... T .., - .-v.... a..Iiru iuiu, Xliat H-lII lit awfully good of you." iu'a W'rie t0J"'n Pr'i Agnes, iu a low- voice. "I suppose Jue will no mind. A e are cousins, you know." CIIAI'TEH XIV June had got her own way in coming o London but it did not make her very happy. She felt a sens,. f Hon ana nst Tom r. ..... i,.-.. "'"a and she was v..;.-! wi. 1 "? W.Xao o obstinate nlsiut the baby. VMii ,," Hhe had not believe,! him capable of offer ilig IK-rs stent nni.iairi... ... . "r hers. And his scruples were ff,"sur.r The house was nrire a...l i. -.'ne flUZ ,T":.",t,5r WM w hth ti'," , .. ., ivoaftliy, the child was thoromrhlv r.,bi,.(. i, i. . ' . "ul ,i, ' ue were nere lorn would never be able to tear himself away from the ,,ir of then., and she would not have the irriti.ti.m of seeing Agnes daily bulletins, which frequently were not but et na l...i i . '. . nurse it her aunt had written, she would have teen dellirhte,!' I,.,t .1... i .. , .. "M at mot of dislike and distrust toward her cousin which, after all. was a i-erfcetU-true and correct one. Jst as. in their younger days, Agnes had alwavs tried to appear additionally amiable by the hate ful knnek or shim-in.. us.',... .... . ,. , T " aim cousin to disadvantage, so now June felt that all una riiiisivenesa over the baby was put .... ... ,, iiUi wuiuing in a moth er'a devotion. Sir Thomas ami T.a.f. v,..-.-! i. , v . . , - .ll IllOl OIX'II in town hve days; this evening they were uimiiir ii i iiiniit. aitttii, .... , . , UIHISIlllliy KusuiiiK icuer nail arrived that morning. ii uiiii given me most evident pleas ure to Tom ami bn.l a,..,.....) t .- , . , " Klines ire. All day long it had been smoldering; she into inline up ner minit to assert herself thnt ilk-lit Stli,. ., ... i,.i,it.r, ner niinu was master of Tom s, even though she could no longer quite turn him round her timrer bv a fcoivt, n, . ..... .... a.. omen nays, cue was not quite sure what would be the 1.kI tr., .i... 1.9... . . , ,KC. lluUj ul she would certainly begin by coaxing, even uniiigii 11 uau raueu once or twice tiefore n ncu ineu on mat particular subject. After dinner, when th,,v ..i j ,,v,,i t.fmirs, she Unshed him aroiitlv loin . i- . -- . r.-.... a tiimr, sat on his knee, laced her arms rouud his neck ami nuo ner cneok against his. He re ceived her Rltoiltbms n.itk 11. 1 . .aa t.-.IUlltlCeUl calm of a two-year husband who loves his wife, the complacent calm that is so emi nently provoking and unsatisfactory to wives of June's temperament. "Tom," she says, ceasing to embrace him, and laying her head against the back of his chair, while an involuntary miat comes across her brown eyes, "Tom, I don't feel happy." Tom heaves a deep, deep sigh. "No, my dear," he replies. MI don't see bow anv mm 1. .. 1 .. ...i. ------ . " 'l' J 111 .U1S stifling hole," But this answer la by no mean what .Tune desires, or what at,, t... ..:.. j 1 1 ... cu l.-au up O. "It isn't that," she says, feeling much depreased. "I like London, and should enjoy myself amaningly If I didn't see ...... j,mi ure not nappy." J om heavea a .lilt rloaHu,. .it. "I mnat bear it aa best I can," he ot tera, in a doleful inn. "It makes me feel selfish," says June, " "ye aragged yoti here and that yon are so wretched." Secretly she ; ic on seinan not to try .0 arm nappier. "it takes away all my v..j'.jitriii. Thereupon Tom kisses her kindly. ever mind, dear," he remarks. "1 must niaiiage aa best I can. And," bright- "" 1 " run down and see the boy for a couple of dnys shortly." "My darlingr cries June; "do, do let ns have um no ht.rp, gH 0Ter yo(r ridiculous Ideas sbout Indon hurting him, and thea we should all be quite hap py. 1 here was a time," Jealously, "when . vwU.u ulnae yon nappy, but now it seems 1 am cot enomrh." "lon't say that, chlldT' exclaims Tom, Birm ner sum waist a squeeze. "Why you surely wouldn't have me not lore our "Not more than me," says June, rebei bonsly. "No fear," he answers, heartily. "But Its a different sort of feeling. Why" with an accent of reproach which June fee s keenly, "do you think that if you had him in yonr arms all day, and had hardly even a kiss or a look for me, 1 should feel a bit jealous? Why, I should -.j.,- 11 .m me ngnt and natural thing." Tom is not the planting a dagger in his wife's heart. She does lore her child dearly, but he cannot be an in all to her. She can spare his presence a great deal better than she can i om a; ne wouiii 1 an utterly inadequate consolation to her if anything happened w ii,-. utiaosiui. "A if," ,he pleads, "there were not hundreds and thousands of healthy chil dren in I-ondou, and here it is so airy uice. "AiryT echoes Tom; "why, I feel fit to or sunea mysetr; and think how much """e his tender lungs would suffer." "That is mere prejudice," snawers June a trifle shortly. "But, my dear," says Tom, "only think bow well the little chap Is at home, and bow rosy he looks. And there is Agnes always looking after him." June vacates ber position on Tom's' knee and walks to the window-, on which she drums with her fin ,.. 1. . , -u ans 1 sneu ing rises in her thntt. ir i. . .. 11 . . , -- - ' " .wti uiiuuir oeiore sue can speak. "I do not know what business it is of Agnes'," she observes, presently. "And as she has never had any experience with children, her looking after him can hard ly be of much value." "I. think that is rather nngrateful of you," says Tom, with more warmth than is usual to him, especially wheo address. : IU(a V 11V, 1 This was too much for June. She flings herself into a chair and gives Tent to a passion of sobs and tears. For a wonder Tom does not fly at once to stanch her tears, but sits looking a shade sulky and perturbed. This, naturally makes June "I wish we had never" come to London ai an, sue sobs. Tom echoes that wish most sincerely. ne, nowever, nas the wisdom to remain silent. But silence is always exasperat- ,.s ... , ca.-u nomau. "lt us give up the house and go back nome. sons ner ladyship, who is In a considerable temner "If r ,.i . . made miserable nere, I wish I had nevei come; He does nut speak, and June's wrath increases, erne pulls her handkerchief from her face an,4 InL i. n . . ... . , ,w..a,M at mm witn eyes flashing through her tears, she cries: in- cuuu is hi miica mine as yours' much more mine! What right have you to separate him from me or to decide what he shall do or not do?" This is the first time that Tom has ever seen june in a passion; he is a good deal shocked and a little frightened. He rises from his chair and comes to- waru ner, nut sne starts up to evade him auu cries: "Do not come near me! do not touch me! You do not love me! Ob, my dar- iiieE. limine. 11 you were only alive now.1" And June, hai-ina- trnrlr 1 1. . o -' u ut-rseu l mto a imroxj-sm of anguish, flings herself uou auu u ones uer neau in the sofa cushions and sobs as If her heart would urea a. (To be continued. LAST SAD RITES An Irnmense Throng Gathers at Tongue's Funeral HILLSB0R0 WAS ALMOST TOO SMALL Floral Offerings Completely Covered the coflln-SocMJes to Which Ha B. longed Paid a Last Tribute. Coal n't 1) ci ive th Mllh He was a tired-looking young man as he leaned up against a shade tree, and the patrolman who came along and uuneu 10 iook mm over flnallr f,..-i.,.i. . ' .' '."I . 11 u . 'W ell, what are you doing here?" More or less t-tight." was the an 8wer. "What's that imper you have got lu your uauur "You can have It." "Bank check, eh?" said lWniHn tie scanned It under the light "Have you iieen trying to work a confidence gntne?" "Oli, no." replied the young man as he yawned sleepily. "That was a little racket ou my ow n account." "How- do vou meant" "Why. I'm going with a girl who loves me for myself, but her mother looks at the cash side of the question." "Aud you filled out this check to de ceive ncrr "That's what I dlil t i,r,..i k-. thnt I had $3,000 lu the bank, but what ma sue do but post right down there ami nnu out that I didn't have a cent ou deposit. "And what?" "Why, that's how I came tn mt tihr She showed me the the way she closed It behind me that me syuuicuie was ousted, auu so I went to rum at the nearest saloon!" Terrible. 'Mr grandfather." said tho ah boarder, "ouce kuew an obi man -h insisted that the ghosts came aud tuilk- eu nis cows every night." 'Sort of mllklu' stiecters. eh?" men ted the cheerful Idiot. Calolued seed pearls are rnimi,!,,..,! a medicine of great potency by the Chluese, and beautiful art work In mother-of-nearl has lorn? been oTu......i ..Lvuini both tn China and Jiiimn in ti,a Ipplnes windows are made of mother-of-Dearl. and In Onshioero it i. for Inlaying lnscriptlous on tombstonea. Hilleboro. Jan. 19. Thoma. w Tongue went to hia grave yesterday with all the honor that hia statu mM give him. Neraly all Oregon attended nie mneiai at Hillsboro. and at th.t... impressive services, the preacher said moat fittinslv: "It j. moorning today, for it ia Oregon that has lost a n." A mmmiii 1 w II will congress, made op of men who repre sented every part of the nation, waa present, but the fnnarai - wfuniu waa Oregon's own tribute to the dead. Hillsboro in comfort all twho wanted to attend Mr. Tongne'a obseHuies. A fpeci.i train from Portland carried down a multitude, and bundreda pomud into the town from all parta of the atate .Nearly all the atate omVi.l. . ' .! .-.I . , " .uu BB B majonty ol the legis lature. And from others whe could not attend, came a wealth of floral offerings that were piled mountain high over the alter of the little Hillsboro Methodist church. The coffin was fair ly buried in flowers, and they, too. came from ail parte of Oregon. . Committees representing the various societies to which Mr. Tongue belonged were at the dermt in m, ti. ' and they acted as an escort when the remains were tair.n in ik. . 1 , n uoose at Hillbsoro. At the COD it hnnaa .1, ;v. l.j i draped in mourning from tower to base, ment, the coffin was placed in the main corridor, and all yesterday morning a ... tvfji.o wliU aocovered beads passed by it. The special train trnm d..i. , ...... ' " "' . ji .laiiu reached Hillshnm at 9 il. .- . . w "ui in ice afternoon. It brought the commiltee of congressmen appointed by Speaker Henderson to attend the funeral. Six cars were needed to contain the others who went down from Pr,.n....i . - ..u,. ou uie same mission. The guests were nwit k. Kn 1 , . , - 'JJ WW UJOUl beta of the Knighta of Pythias in loll uniform. The k'nioht. r...,.j , ... , .v.. uiou a ime with drawn swords, through which the iiamvu irom tne street into the coort honse, ud acted as unhera during the ceremonies thn Tk.. : charge of Mr. Totgue'e body while it lay in sUte, and they mounted a strict military guard which , - - , -...yuscu UIUUU totheircpretaiveneeeof the day'e wr- They surrendered th Kwl. 1. Odd Fellows, who took it to the church, where Mr. Tongue and hia family have worshipped for years. The distinenisbed aaaonki.n. .: i c i iii in y packed the church anditorinm until it impoimioie tor anybody in the aud ience to lie ten tn lh. . - ....iii'jiiin jo comfort. The escort of Kniobi. the aisles open until th 11.1.1 tn.- carried the coffin in, bot after that every man Btruggled for the beet place he eonld get. The services in thecbureh were short. The pastor intro.hnwl rir n p i-k u - - - ' J AllllS to make the opening prayer, and there were many damp eyes in the audience when Dr. Kilnn onn.-iii.ia,! . . c nas ior a great manv veara th. .1.. - j - -" ,'Dv..a ul loo congregation to which KepresenUtive """uavaj, uu nis prayer took a wider range than iansnal for thi. ro.. son. His eloauent anneal ... u. bans, the beat cerh.i i.ii., ' . . Mr. Tongue linrinu lb. A, ti - o -r- iiioa passage of scripture was read by Rev. R. H. Kenned, of th. nni.u.. r. gregational church, and Rev. Dr. h. E Rockwell, nrnaid dist church in Northern Oregon, then fa aAa nsl 4 f I SArvieaa Ik. Tl..t I i - --- luiuonu quartet sang a number of hymns, and special advantage in the beautiful ''Lead, . Kindly Light." W heil tba nhnmh concluded the body waa turned oTer to the Hillsboro Maannin lwul .I,l.i. corted it to the cemetery and interred .. own picturesque ritual, V OrSOlnful Rranii o..iu. Tc n Butcher condnetino. fb. a.,...: " - B-witaw. vrver the grave Mr. Unti l,.. .:.i 1 H fmu una last eloquent tribnte to Mr. Tongue's mem orr, and the whole ecmetery waa filled with those who listened to him. The COnfirresamnal rlol..liA 111 ,.f . . a ' "- win re- turn to Washington at once, and Mr. vv.j ,asi evening, to resume hia work there. Pm. ihn 1 . r,mii .in n 111 uo Oregon 1 sole member of the national "wiiao wi rvprwetnatlves. Asotber New Trust BUI. Washington, Jan. 20. A bill haa been introduced by Representative Bell, of Colorado, nrnvidino tk.. . , B auy pro. duiw, dealer, transporter, agent or Tt T, u ""y 'erritory of the United States who ahn n:. .m. - j". w.ku any other person or iwrmm (. 11,. ' -. - 1 "u iuiuuae ot raising the price of any article ol food or fuel, or its carriage or handling, shall be guiltv nf eitr..ti., 1 . mnm penalty of a $5,000 line or imprie onment for one year is provided. Castro Must Pay First. Berlin. Jan. 90 tn h. ' -- -" .ua utiKuiwillDI which are ahont in . ur 11... ' 'ft "a. a. ,, .nil 111,7 tOJJ ureat Britain am) .1 .ua.7, aa wie re. ault ol further correspondence, are quite determined that the irreducible condi. tion of arbitration ia that President Castro K.l I nana,. .1... 11.. w. B,,a i-uiiaiorai se ennty for the same alieady speciried. The powers will not consent to raising the blockade until Venesuela complies With this nnaltarahla nnnlilln. fri. , u. allleS nlaCA tba VABnAn.iklll.- t at . . ."iraniBIIIIJ ior 101 the- delav upon Veneauela.